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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Systèmes coopératifs décentralisés de détection et de contre-mesures des incidents et attaques sur les réseaux IP / Collaborative and decentralized detection and mitigation of network attacks

Guerid, Hachem 06 December 2014 (has links)
La problématique des botnets, réseaux de machines infectées par des logiciels malveillants permettant de les contrôler à distance, constitue une préoccupation majeure du fait du nombre de machines infectées et des menaces associées: attaque par déni de service distribué (DDoS), spam, vol de données bancaires. Les solutions de lutte contre les botnets proposées présentent des limitations majeures dans le contexte d'un opérateur réseau (contraintes de volumétrie et de passage à l'échelle, respect de la confidentialité et de la vie privée des utilisateurs). Cette thèse propose quatre contributions orientées réseau de lutte contre les botnets. Chaque contribution traite d'une étape complémentaire dans la problématique des botnets: la première contribution permet de remonter à la source d'attaques par déni de service, et ainsi d'identifier un groupe de machines infectées à l'origine de ces attaques. La deuxième contribution concerne la détection des communications entre les machines infectées et leurs serveurs de contrôle et commande dans un réseau à large échelle, et offre ainsi l'opportunité de bloquer ces serveurs pour limiter le risque de nouvelles attaques. La troisième contribution permet une détection collaborative de botnets dans un contexte inter-domaine et inter-opérateur, permettant ainsi de lutter contre l'aspect hautement distribué de ces botnets. Enfin, la dernière contribution proposée permet de remédier aux botnets en ralentissant les communications entre les machines infectées et leur serveur de contrôle, offrant par ce biais une contre-mesure aux stratégies d'évasions développées par les cybercriminels afin de rendre leurs botnets plus résilients. / The problem of botnets, networks of infected hosts controlled remotely by attackers, is a major concern because of the number of infected hosts and associated threats, like distributed denial of service (DDoS), spams, and data theft. State of the art solutions to fight against botnets have major limitations in a context of a network operator (scalability of the solution, confidentiality and privacy of users). In this thesis, we propose four network-based contributions to fight against botnets. Each solution address a different and complementary issue in this area: the first contribution tracebacks the source of denial of service attacks which threaten the network availability, allowing by that way to identify infected devices used to perpetrate these attacks. The second contribution detects the communications between infected computers and their command and control server (C&C) in a large scale network and offers the opportunity to block these servers to minimize the risk of future attacks. The third contribution enables collaborative detection of botnets in an inter-domain and inter-operator context in order to fight against the highly distributed aspect of these botnets. Finally, the last contribution mitigates botnets by slowing down the communication between infected hosts and their C&C server, providing a countermeasure against evasion techniques developed by cybercriminals to make their botnets more resilient

Krävs det mer än kunskap för att bli revisor? : en undersökning av hur väl revisorsprovet mäter tentandernas kunskap och förståelse

Cicek, Sabine, Åkesson, Malin January 2007 (has links)
<p>Revisorsnämnden har till uppgift att examinera, granska och tillgodose samhället med kompetenta revisorer. Det ställs höga krav på dem som vill bli revisorer inte minst vad gäller det professionella omdömet. Det finns två olika prov för att examinera revisorer. Provet för revisorsexamen vilket leder till titeln godkänd revisor och provet för högre revisorsexamen som leder till titeln auktoriserad revisor. När Revisorsnämnden skapar proven vill man testa det professionella omdömet. Ett led i detta är att man har satt upp normer för de olika proven vad gäller kunskaps‐ respektive förståelseinriktade frågor. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka frågorna i revisorsprovet med utgångspunkt ur Blooms Taxonomi. Genom en jämförelse med revisorsnämnden normer vill vi vidare belysa i vilken grad Revisorsnämnden testar det man har för avsikt att testa genom examinationen. Vi har genom denna uppsats kommit fram till att proven i högre utsträckning än vad normerna antyder består av förståelseinriktade frågor.</p>

Effects of the Algal Toxin Microcystin on Fishes in the James River, Virginia

Haase, Maxwell D 01 January 2015 (has links)
With the global rise in frequency of harmful algal blooms in estuarine environments comes an increase in prevalence of toxic metabolites, such as microcystin (MC), that some of the cyanobacteria involved will produce. At high concentrations, MC may accumulate in consumer tissues and have deleterious effects on organisms; however impacts of the toxin on aquatic living resources at ecologically relevant concentrations have not been widely documented. We analyzed the effects of MC on juveniles of five fish species from the James River, Virginia to determine if MC has the potential to impede growth. Using three separate experimental approaches, it was shown that exposure to concentrations of the toxin currently observed in the James River estuary do not appear to significantly impact the growth or survivorship of tested fish species. Extraneous factors in parts of the study led to an inability to draw clear conclusions on mortality or growth impacts; however it is evident from the experiments that at least some of the fish species have biological mechanisms in place that allow them to effectively eliminate the toxin from their systems. An ability to extricate the toxin suggests the possibility for fishes to withstand MC exposures and sustain few negative health impacts at low MC concentrations.

Caractérisation structurale et fonctionnelle de l’hélicase du syndrome de Bloom et analyse de la toxicité du cadmium sur cette enzyme / Structural and functional characterization of Bloom’s syndrome protein and analysis of cadmium toxicity on this enzyme

Bazeille, Nicolas 12 December 2011 (has links)
La double hélice d’ADN est une structure stable qui assure à la fois la sauvegarde et la transmission de l’information génétique. Pour accéder à cette information, une vaste famille d’enzymes multifonctionnelles appelées hélicases réalise la séparation des bases complémentaires de l’ADN. Certaines de ces hélicases sont associées chez l’homme à des syndromes de prédisposition au cancer. C’est le cas du syndrome de Bloom (BS), une maladie génétique à transmission récessive qui se traduit par une augmentation de l’instabilité génétique mais où aucun phénomène d’haplo-insuffisance ou de dominance négative n’est constaté chez les porteurs hétérozygotes. On reconnait pourtant que la protéine du syndrome de Bloom (BLM) adopte une structure multimérique in vitro mais sans que l’expression chez certains hétérozygotes d’une enzyme inactive ne soit considérée comme un facteur à risque. Pour expliquer ce paradoxe, nous avons étudié la structure de l’enzyme BLM et constater qu’elle fonctionne sous la forme d’un monomère, un résultat nouveau qui justifie mieux pourquoi ces formes inactives n’influence pas le degré de prédisposition au cancer. D’autre part, la toxicité cadmium est susceptible d’avoir un lien direct avec l’inactivation de l’hélicase BLM car les cellules exposées au cadmium présentent des analogies avec celles des patients atteints du syndrome de Bloom. Effectivement, nous avons observé qu’in vitro, de faibles concentrations de cadmium réduisent les activités de cette hélicase en induisant son oligomérisation. Ces travaux apportent des informations nouvelles sur le mécanisme moléculaire de l’hélicase BLM et soulignent son importance dans le maintien de l’intégrité du génome. / The DNA double helix is a stable structure that ensures both the protection and transmission of genetic information. To access this information, a large family of multifunctional enzymes called helicases performs the separation of complementary bases of DNA. Some of these helicases in humans are associated with cancer predisposition syndromes. This is the case of Bloom syndrome (BS), a recessive genetic disease that results in an increase in genetic instability but where no phenomenon of haploinsufficiency or dominant negative is found in carriers heterozygotes. Yet we recognize that the Bloom syndrome protein (BLM) adopts a multimeric structure in vitro, but the expression among some heterozygotes of an inactive enzyme is not considered as a risk factor. To explain this paradox, we studied the structure of the BLM and find that it works as a monomer, a new result which justifies why most inactive forms does not influence the degree of cancer predisposition. On the other hand, cadmium toxicity is potentially linked to the inactivation of the BLM helicase as cells exposed to cadmium present analogies with those of patients with Bloom syndrome. Indeed, we observed in vitro, that low concentrations of cadmium reduce helicase activity by promoting its oligomerization. These studies provide new information on the molecular mechanism of the BLM helicase and emphasize its importance in maintaining genome integrity.

Efeitos deletérios de microcistina em matrinxã (Brycon cephalus) e tilápia nilótica (Oreochromis niloticus). / Deleterious effects of microcystin on matrinxã (Bryan cephalus) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

Ribeiro, Maria Angélica Rosa 09 December 2010 (has links)
O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a qualidade de água em viveiro de piscicultura com florescimento de cianobactérias e a toxicidade aguda (DL50-24h) de microcistina nas espécies matrinxã (Brycon cephalus) e tilápia nilótica (Oreochromis niloticus), bem como as alterações histológicas nas brânquias, rins e fígado nos peixes. Foi realizado o monitoramento da qualidade de água de um empreendimento piscícola localizado na cidade de Espírito Santo do Pinhal/SP, Brasil. Foram realizadas, em datas distintas, duas coletas de amostras de água contendo floração de microalgas, para análise da composição fitoplanctônica, determinação de toxinas e bioensaios toxicológicos em laboratório. Foram realizadas medições das variáveis físicas, químicas e biológicas da água, e determinação do estado trófico do viveiro monitorado. O viveiro apresentava-se hipereutrófico, com presença de cianotoxinas representadas por microcistinas com valores variando entre 229,2 e 147,4 µg/g. O florescimento de cianobactérias apresentou-se de composição mista, representado principalmente pelas espécies Anabaena circinalis, A. spiroides, Aphanocapsa sp., Microcystis aeruginosa, M. panniformis, M. viridis, M. cf. wesembergii, Pseudanabaena mucicola, entre outras espécies. Os resultados dos bioensaios com microcistina obtida do extrato bruto de fitoplâncton do florescimento não apresentaram letalidade para os peixes. Contudo, foram verificadas alterações em órgãos dos peixes testados, como a presença de depósitos hepatocelulares intracitoplasmáticos, degeneração vacuolar observada em epitélio tubular renal, e proliferação de epitélio de revestimento (hiperplasia) das brânquias, com casos de fusão total das lamelas secundárias, tanto para matrinxã como para tilápia nilótica. Extratos brutos de cianotoxina, em concentrações a partir de 125 mg/kg de peso corporal, injetados em peixes provocam efeitos deletérios com expressiva alteração nas brânquias, rins e fígado. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the water quality in fish earthpond with blooms of cyanobacterias and acute toxicity (DL50 - 24 hs) of microcystin in species (Brycon cephalus) and tilapia nilotica (Oreochromis niloticus) as well as histological changes in gills, kidney and liver in fish. Water quality monitoring was carryed out in a pisciculture in Espirito Santo do Pinhal city, SP, Brazil. There were two collections of water samples containing bloom of cyanobacteria for analysis of microalgae composition, toxin determination and toxicological bioassay in laboratory. Measurements of physical, chemical and biological variables were done and determination of trophic status of pond water were monitored. The results according to the trophic state index of samples taken showed hipereutrophic state for the pond water. Was evident the presence of cyanobacteria, represented by microcystins with values ranging from 229.2 to 147.4 µg/g. The bloom of cyanobacteria presented mixed composition, represented mainly by species Anabaena circinalis, Anabaena spiroides, Aphanocapsa sp., Microcystis aeruginosa, Microcystis panniformis, Microcystis viridis, Microcystis cf. Wesembergii, Pseudanabaena mucicola among others. The results of tests with crude extract of bloom cyanobacteria did not show mortality of fish. However, there were changes in cellular structures of fish tested as the presence of hepatocellular intracytoplasmatic deposit, vacuolar degeneration observed in renal tubular epithelium, and proliferation of epithelial lining (hyperplasia) of gills, with cases of total fusion of secondary lamellae for both tilapias and for matrinxã. Crude extract of cyanotoxins, in concentrations of 125 mg/kg of body weight, injected in fishes provoke deleterious effect with expressive changes in the gills, kidney and liver.

Toxicidade em camundongos devido à exposição prolongada a uma floração de cianobactérias contendo microcistinas: avaliações comportamental, hematológica, bioquímica e anatomopatológica / Toxicity in mice due to prolonged exposure to a cyanobacterial bloom containing microcystins: behavioral, hematological, biochemical and anatomopathological evaluations

Moreira, Camila Queiroz 28 September 2007 (has links)
As cianobactérias (algas azuis) são organismos procariontes, fotossintéticos, encontrados em praticamente todo tipo de habitat líquido e que podem formar grandes massas superficiais de cor verde intensa denominadas florações. O aparecimento de florações na superfície da água ocorre com uma incidência cada vez mais elevada e é considerado um risco potencial à saúde, devido à natureza tóxica de algumas algas. As cianobactérias podem produzir hepatotoxinas, neurotoxinas e dermatotoxinas, que já causaram reações adversas e morte de animais e seres humanos. A maioria das hepatotoxinas são microcistinas (MCs), uma família de toxinas produzidas por espécies de cianobactérias de água doce. A MC-LR foi a primeira a ser identificada é a mais estudada, pois tem sido associada à maioria dos casos de intoxicação envolvendo cianotoxinas. O presente trabalho visou avaliar a toxicidade causada em camundongos pela exposição prolongada ao extrato aquoso de uma floração de cianobactérias contendo microcistinas. Para tanto, camundongos machos Swiss receberam o extrato (300 ou 900 mg/kg) por quatro semanas, sendo avaliados: ganho de peso, consumo de ração e água, comportamento no campo aberto (CA) e no labirinto em cruz elevado (LCE), hemograma, bioquímica sanguínea, achados anatomopatológicos e presença de MC no plasma e fígado. Além disso, quantificou-se as MCs presentes no extrato e avaliou-se in vitro a morte celular de leucócitos expostos a esse extrato e à MC-LR. A análise química do extrato mostrou que este possui, além das MCs, anabaenopeptinas; dentre as MCs foram encontradas a MC-LR, MC-RR, MC-YR e [D-Asp3] MC-LR. A exposição prolongada ao extrato por 28 dias não alterou o ganho de peso e o peso relativo de órgãos. Na necropsia também não foram observadas alterações macroscópicas, contudo alterações histopatológicas foram encontradas no fígado e no rim. No fígado foram observados focos discretos de necrose lítica hepatocelular associada a infiltrado de neutrófilos e células mononucleares. No rim, o tratamento com o extrato aumentou significativamente a intensidade de nefrose tubular, sendo esta mais acentuada nos animais tratados com a maior dose. O tratamento prolongado com o extrato em ambas doses causou efeitos comportamentais dosedependentes no CA: aumento significativo da distância percorrida, do número de entradas, do tempo em movimento e do número de levantamentos no centro do CA, além de um aumento do tempo de permanência no centro, com conseqüente diminuição deste parâmetro na periferia. No entanto, nenhum dos parâmetros avaliados no LCE foi alterado. A exposição prolongada ao extrato causou alterações sutis em parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos, caracterizadas por tendência de diminuição de leucócitos e de aumento dos níveis de creatinina sérica nos animais tratados com a maior dose do extrato. O tratamento prolongado com o extrato permitiu a detecção de MC apenas no fígado. Tanto a MC-LR como o extrato promoveram aumento das taxas de apoptose em leucócitos de camundongo in vitro. Finalizando, observou-se que a exposição prolongada a uma floração contendo MCs causou baixa toxicidade e efeitos comportamentais dose-dependentes, mostrando que o comportamento animal é bastante útil para avaliar efeitos mais sutis de agentes tóxicos sobre o sistema nervoso central. / Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) are prokaryotic and photosynthetic organisms found in practically every type of liquid habitat and that can form great superficial masses of intense green color called blooms. The development of algal blooms on water surface occurs with a higher incidence and is recognised as being a potential health hazard due to the toxic nature of some algae. Cyanobacteria can produce hepatotoxins, neurotoxins and dermatotoxins, which already caused adverse effects and death of animals and human beings. Most of the hepatotoxins are microcystins (MCs), a family of toxins produced by species of freshwater cyanobacteria. MC-LR was the first to be identified and is the more studied, therefore, it has been associated to most of the cases of intoxication involving cyanotoxins. The present study was performed to evaluate the toxicity in mice after prolonged exposure to a cyanobacteria bloom extract containing microcystins. For this, male Swiss mice were treated with the extract (300 or 900 mg/kg) for four weeks and was evaluated: weight gain, food and water consumption, behavior in the open field (OF) and in the elevated plus-maze (EPM), blood count, clinical biochemistry, anatomopathological findings and presence of MC in the plasma and liver. Besides, the MCs present in the extract were quantified and the cellular death of leukocytes exposed in vitro to MC and to the extract was evaluated. The chemical analysis of the extract showed that it presented, besides MCs, anabaenopeptins; the MCs found were MC-LR, MC-RR, MC-YR and [D-Asp3] MC-LR. The prolonged exposure to the extract for 28 days did not alter the weight gain and the relative weight of organs. At necropsy, macroscopic alterations were not observed, however, histopathological alterations were found in the liver and in the kidney. In the liver, discreet necrosis focuses associated with neutrophils and mononuclear cells were found. In the kidney, the treatment with the extract increased significantly the intensity of tubular nephrosis, and this was more accentuated in the animals treated with the largest dose. The prolonged treatment with both doses caused dose-dependent behavioral effects in the OF: significant increase of moved distance, number of entries, time moving and rearing in the center of the OF, besides an increase of time spent in the center, with consequent decrease of this parameter in the periphery. None of the parameters evaluated in EPM were altered. The prolonged exposure to the extract caused subtle alterations in hematological and biochemical parameters, characterized by tendency for leukocyte decrease and increase of the levels of serum creatinine in the animals treated with the largest dose of the extract. The prolonged treatment with the extract allowed the detection of MC just in the liver. As much MC-LR as the extract promoted increase of the apoptosis levels in mouse leukocytes in vitro. Concluding, it was observed that the prolonged exposure to the cyanobacteria bloom containing MCs caused low toxicity and dose-dependent behavioral effects, showing that animal behavior is useful to evaluate subtler effects of toxic agents on the central nervous system.

A elaboração de mapas conceituais como uma estratégia de ensino - aprendizagem: uma avaliação / The development of conceptual maps as a teaching-learning strategy: an assessment

Vidal, Lislie Lopes 21 November 2017 (has links)
O mapa conceitual é uma ferramenta gráfica de representação e organização do conhecimento. Seu objetivo é explicitar relações hierárquicas e significativas entre conceitos na forma de proposições. Este trabalho buscou investigar se o ensino de uma disciplina num curso de nível superior, no qual os alunos fossem solicitados a elaborar mapas conceituais, pode se mostrar capaz de levar estudantes universitários a níveis mais elevados de desempenho cognitivo. Os níveis cognitivos são compreendidos à luz da Taxionomia de Bloom, que visa classificar a ação mental esperada do estudante, a saber: lembrar, entender, aplicar, analisar, avaliar e criar. A pesquisa foi realizada durante um ano letivo em uma instituição de ensino superior, particular, do interior paulista com 48 estudantes do curso de Pedagogia. Os dados foram coletados por meio de avaliações escritas aplicadas ao final do primeiro semestre, quando não houve uso do mapa conceitual. E ao fim do segundo, após treinamento e uso do mapa conceitual. O resultado da análise estatística indica que, apenas na categoria lembrar, a diferença encontrada não foi estatisticamente significante entre as duas avaliações, indicando que a utilização do mapa conceitual como recurso de ensino não levou a um desempenho melhor por parte de quem o utilizou. Em todos os demais níveis as diferenças se mostraram altamente significantes, afirmando uma melhoria de desempenho por parte dos sujeitos quando utilizaram o recurso de elaborar individual e coletivamente o mapa conceitual, possibilitando inferir que o uso do mapa conceitual pode favorecer um melhor desempenho cognitivo em problemas que exijam níveis cognitivos mais complexos / The conceptual map is a graphical tool that shows the representation of ones knowledge and the organization of this knowledge. Its purpose is to make explicit hierarchical and meaningful connections among concepts in the form of propositions. This work sought to investigate if the teaching of a subject in a higher education major, in which students were asked to elaborate conceptual maps, is able to lead university students to higher levels of cognitive performance. The cognitive levels are understood in the light of Bloom\'s taxonomy, which aims to classify the expected mental action of the student, namely: to remember, to understand, to apply, to analyze, to evaluate and to create. The research was carried out during a school year in a private higher education institution, in the interior of São Paulo, with the participation of 48 students from the Pedagogy major. The data were collected through written assessments applied at the end of the first semester when there was no use of the conceptual map and also at the end of the second semester after practicing and using the conceptual map. The results of the statistical analysis indicate that the difference found in the remembering category alone was not statistically significant between the two assessments, indicating that the use of the conceptual map as a teaching resource did not lead to a better performance by those who used it. In all other levels, the differences were highly significant, affirming improvement in the performance of the subjects after having used the conceptual mapping feature, individually and collectively, enabling infer that the use of the conceptual map may favor a better cognitive performance in problems that require more complex cognitive levels

Rôle de la protéine BLM dans le maintien de l’intégrité du centromère : implications dans le phénotype cellulaire associé au syndrome de Bloom / Role of the BLM protein in maintaining the integrity of the centromere : implications inthe phenotype associated with Bloom’s syndrome

Rouzeau, Sébastien 16 December 2011 (has links)
Le syndrome de Bloom (BS) est une maladie génétique rare caractérisée par une forte augmentation du taux d’échanges entre chromatides soeurs, des anomalies de ségrégation des chromosomes et une prédisposition au développement de tous types de cancers. Ce syndrome est la conséquence de mutations dans les deux copies du gène BLM, codant pour une 3’-5’ ADN hélicase de type RecQ. La ou les fonctions de la protéine BLM sont encore mal définies mais les données de la littérature convergent vers un rôle de BLM dans des mécanismes de surveillance et/ou maintien de l’intégrité du génome. La protéine BLM serait impliquée dans le redémarrage de fourches de réplication bloquées pendant la phase S et serait nécessaire à la résolution de ponts anaphasiques en mitose, notamment de ponts particuliers appelées « UltraFine anaphase Bridges » (UFBs). Ces UFBs, qui relient les chromatides soeurs entre elles, ne sont pas détectables par les colorants classiques et leur présence ne peut-être révélée que par la détection des protéines PICH (Plk1-Interacting Checkpoint Helicase) ou BLM. A l’état basal, ces UFBs sont essentiellement d’origine centromérique (cUFBs).Tout l’enjeu de mon projet était de déterminer si BLM était également impliquée dans la prévention de la formation de ces cUFBs et donc si BLM jouait un rôle avant l’anaphase. Nous avons montré que BLM est recrutée aux centromères de la phase G2 jusqu’en mitose. BLM, en coopération avec la protéine PICH, est nécessaire (1) à l’organisation structurale de l’ADN centromérique, (2) à la disjonction complète des centromères, indépendamment de la voie des cohésines, suggérant une implication de ces protéines dans le processus de décaténation des centromères et (3) au recrutement de la topoisomérase IIa (Topo IIa) active aux centromères.Nos résultats révèlent ainsi une nouvelle localisation et une nouvelle fonction de la protéine BLM aux centromères et montrent pour la première fois l’implication des protéines BLM et PICH dans la décaténation centromérique avant l’anaphase. Nous proposons que BLM et PICH, par leurs activités respectives hélicase et de remodelage de la chromatine, modifient la structure des centromères pendant la pré-métaphase, rendant ainsi certaines caténations accessibles à la Topo IIa avant l’anaphase. La défaillance de ce mécanisme entraînerait la persistance de caténations centromériques non résolues avant l’anaphase. Ainsi, dans les cellules BS, la fréquence élevée de cUFBs aurait deux origines différentes : une partie correspondrait à des cUFBs formés du fait d’une décaténation défaillante des centromères avant l’anaphase, et l’autre partie correspondrait à des cUFBs « physiologiques » non résolus en anaphase. Afin de distinguer l’origine des cUFBs, nous avons appelé ceux issus de caténations non résolues avant l’anaphase les UFBs centromériques surnuméraires (SC-UFBs pour Supernumerary Centromeric UFBs). / Bloom syndrome (BS) is a rare genetic disease characterized by a sharp increase in the rate of sister chromatid exchanges, chromosome segregation abnormailities and a predisposition to the development of all types of cancers. This syndrome is caused by mutations in both copies of the BLM gene, which encodes BLM, a RecQ 3'-5 DNA helicase. The specific function(s) of BLM remain unclear, but the data from the literature converge towards a role for BLM in mechanisms monitoring and / or maintaining genome integrity. The BLM protein may be involved in restarting stalled replication forks during S phase and necessary to resolve anaphase bridges in mitosis, including particular bridges called "Ultrafine Anaphase Bridges" (UFBs). These UFBs, which link sister chromatids together, are not detectable by conventional stains and their presence can only be revealed by the detection of the proteins PICH (PLK1-interacting checkpoint helicase) or BLM. In untreated cells, UFBs originate mostly from centromeres (cUFBs).The challenge of my project was to determine whether BLM was also involved in preventing the formation of cUFBs and so, if it played a role before anaphase.We showed that BLM is recruited at centromeres from G2 phase to mitosis. BLM, in cooperation with PICH, is required for (1) structural organization of centromeric DNA, (2) completion of centromere disjunction, independently of the cohesin pathway, suggesting an involvement of these proteins in centromere decatenation process, and (3) recruitment of active topoisomerase IIα (Topo IIα) to centromeres. Thus, we report a new localization and a new function of BLM at centromeres, revealing for the first time a new role for BLM and PICH in a previously unknown centromeric decatenation mechanism, crucial for complete centromere disjunction.We propose that the combined action of BLM and PICH promotes, through their helicase and chromatin remodelling activities, respectively, the organization of centromeric chromatin, thereby rendering some centromeric catenates accessible to Topo IIa before the onset of anaphase. The failure of this mechanism may lead to the persistence of some centromeric catenations not resolved before anaphase. Thus, the increase in the frequency of centromeric UFBs in BLMdeficient cells has two different origins: cUFBs arising from catenations not resolved before anaphase and physiological cUFBs not processed at anaphase onset. Two distinguish the two cUFB origins, we defined the former as supernumerary centromeric UFBs (SC-UFBs).

Caractérisation de la diversité génétique et écophysiologique d' Alexandrium catenella/tamarense au Nord (France) et au Sud Ouest (Algérie) de la Méditerranée / Characterization of the genetic and ecophysiological diversity in the North (France) and in the southwest (Algeria) of the Mediterranean Sea

Hadjadji, Imene 12 December 2013 (has links)
Parmi les genres responsables des efflorescences algales nuisibles, le genre Alexandrium est certainement l'un des plus importants en termes de diversité, de distribution et d'importance d'impacts. Lors de cette thèse nous avons essayé de comprendre les causes d'introduction et les facteurs favorisant l'établissement et la récurrence des blooms d'Alexandrium catenella/tamarense à travers la comparaison des efflorescences de ce complexe sur deux sites contrastés au niveau trophique : la lagune de Thau en France et la baie d'Annaba en Algérie. Afin de mieux comprendre les déterminismes environnementaux favorisant ce phénomène, une étude comparative a été réalisée à partir des données recueillies sur le terrain durant un suivi bi mensuel in situ au cours de l'année 2010-2011 et sur les données disponibles dans la littérature. La comparaison des paramètres physicochimiques entre les deux sites d'études indique que sur une période de 18 ans, le changement commun majeur qui coïncide avec l'apparition d'Alexandrium catenella est la forte diminution des concentrations en phosphore réactif dissous, ce qui peut induire une limitation de croissance des autres organismes et favoriser ainsi le développement de cette espèces. Au cours de ce travail nous avons développé un protocole d'établissement de cultures monoclonales à partir du sédiment, grâce auquel nous avons obtenu pour la première fois une trentaine de souches d'Alexandrium de la baie d'Annaba. Les analyses morphologiques et le ribotypage effectués sur ces souches ont révélé qu'il s'agit d'Alexandrium catenella du groupe IV (clade Asie tempéré). L'analyse toxinique a révélé que les concentrations et la composition en toxine de ces souches sont assez proches de celle d'A. catenella de Thau. Lors de cette thèse nous nous sommes également intéressé au rôle que peut jouer la diversité intraspécifique dans la dynamique des efflorescences au sein du complexe d'Alexandrium catenella/tamarense. Des comparaisons des taux de croissance, de phases de latence, des capacités de croissance sur différents milieux de culture sur plusieurs souches d'Alexandrium tamarense de Thau ont révélé une grande diversité intraspécifique des paramètres testés. Le profile toxinique et la croissance de nombreuses souches d'Alexandrium catenella de la baie d'Annaba ont révélé également une variabilité considérable. Les résultats de notre étude laissent supposer que la diversité intraspécifique joue un rôle fondamental avec certaines conditions environnementales dans la survie aux pressions de sélections et assurent la pérennité des blooms d'Alexandrium et leur propagation dans différents écosystèmes. / Among the genera responsible for harmful algal blooms, the genus Alexandrium is certainly one of the most important in terms of diversity, distribution and significance of impacts. In this thesis we tried to understand the introduction and factors favoring the establishment and recurrence of Alexandrium catenella / tamarense blooms by comparing these events in two contrasting trophic sites: Thau lagoon in France and the Bay of Annaba in Algeria. To better understand the environmental determinism promoting this phenomenon, a comparative study was conducted using data collected in the field during a monthly parallel monitoring during the 2010-2011 year and the data available in the literature. Comparison of physicochemical parameters between the two study sites indicates that over a period of 18 years, the major common change that coincides with the appearance of Alexandrium catenella is the sharp decrease in concentrations of dissolved reactive phosphorus, which can limit growth of other organisms and thus promote the development of this species. In this work we developed a protocol for the establishment of monoclonal cultures from sediments by which we got for the first time thirty Alexandrium strains from Annaba bay. Morphological analysis and ribotyping performed on these strains showed that it is Alexandrium catenella group IV (temperate Asia clade). The analysis revealed that toxin concentrations and toxin composition of these strains are quite similar to that of A. catenella from Thau. In this thesis we also looked at the role that intraspecific diversity can play in the dynamics of blooms within the complex Alexandrium catenella / tamarense. Comparisons of growth rates, lag phases, capacity for growth on different culture media investigated among several strains of Alexandrium tamarense of Thau, revealed a high intraspecific diversity of parameters tested. The toxin profile and the growth of many strains of Alexandrium catenella from Annaba bay also showed considerable variability. The results of our study suggest that intraspecific diversity plays a key role along with certain environmental conditions for the survival against selection pressures and allows the sustainability of Alexandrium blooms and their propagation within different ecosystems.

AnÃlise das provas do exame da OAB e do ENADE dos Cursos de Direito do ano de 2012 Ã luz da taxonomia dos objetivos educacionais de Benjamin Bloom

Antonio ValdenÃsio Bezerra Junior 17 November 2016 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / A aprovaÃÃo no Exame da OAB à exigÃncia legalmente imposta a todos os bacharÃis em direito que almejem exercer a advocacia. Desde a sua imposiÃÃo, ela foi alvo de diversas crÃticas acerca da sua legalidade, necessidade e, atà mesmo, eficÃcia. Enquanto guardià da profissÃo de advogado, a OAB, como jà ocorre em outros paÃses, utiliza uma prova como mecanismo para selecionar apenas os candidatos que demonstram o conhecimento, capacidade e habilidades indispensÃveis ao exercÃcio da advocacia. Por outro lado, a efetiva avaliaÃÃo do ensino superior, em toda a sua totalidade, à tarefa precipuamente executada pelo MEC atravÃs do SINAES, sendo o ENADE o componente utilizado para a avaliaÃÃo dos estudantes. A presente pesquisa analisou as provas do Exame da OAB e do ENADE à luz da taxonomia dos objetivos educacionais de Benjamin Bloom, atravÃs do mapeamento dos objetivos educacionais exigidos nesses testes aplicados no ano de 2012. Os dados obtidos indicaram que os Exames da OAB trabalham no nÃvel da categoria do conhecimento, ao passo que o ENADE explora mais a categoria imediatamente superior, a da compreensÃo. / The approval in the OAB exam is a legal requirement to all law school bachelors that aim to be a lawyer. Since its adoption, it has undergone several critical about its legality, necessity and even effectiveness. Just like in other countries, the OAB, the guardian of the attorneyâs profession, uses a measurement test to select only candidates who demonstrate the essential knowledge, skills and abilities to the practice of law. The effective higher educationâs evaluation is a task performed by the MEC, through SINAES, in which ENADE is the component used to measure the studentâs evaluation. Through Bloomâs educational objectives taxonomy, this research proposes to find the real nature of the OAB exam, in comparison to ENADEâs one, by mapping the educational objectives required in both tests in the years of 2012. Data obtained from the analysis of the instruments shows that the OAB exam worked in the category of knowledge, and the ENADE focused on the next one, the comprehension

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