Spelling suggestions: "subject:"boa"" "subject:"boas""
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Konflikten bakom vildsvinsproblematiken ur ett "Crop-raiding"-perspektiv : med fokus på svenska lantbrukareTörnqvist Igelström, Cecilia January 2014 (has links)
Vildsvinstammen har ökat snabbt i södra och centrala Sverige sedan några individer rymde ifrån fångenskap på 1970-talet. Vildsvin har aptit för jordbruksgrödor vilket resulterar i en konkurrens om dessa grödor mellan arterna människan och vildsvin i en s.k. interspecifik konkurrens. Detta utgör i sin tur en konflikt mellan jordbrukare och vildsvin. Denna konflikt verkar även förvärras av jägares förvaltningsmetoder som, enligt lantbrukare, innefattar ett bristande jakttryck och utfodring i för stor skala. Mina resultat kunde visa en konflikt mellan jägare och lantbrukare som även verkar förvärras på organisationsnivå, d.v.s. Jägareförbundet respektive Lantbrukarnas riksförbund (LRF). Vildsvin anses som oönskade av flera respondenter och samtliga tycker att jakt är viktigt. Det finns olika sätt att öka lantbrukares toleransnivå för vildsvin i lantbruk vilket i sin tur kan minska konflikten mellan lantbrukare och vildsvin. Icke-dödliga förvaltningsmetoder bör vara anpassade för vildsvinens fysiska förutsättningar för att minska skador på lantbruk. Dödliga förvaltningsmetoder som jakt bör innefatta en snabb död för vildsvinet, vilket kräver god kommunikation mellan jägare samt tränade hundar i syfte att leta reda på det skjutna vildsvinet ifall det första skottet inte var dödligt. / Wild boar population has increased rapidly in the south and central parts of Sweden since some individuals escaped from captivity in the 1970s. Wild boars have an appetite for agricultural crops resulting in a competition for these crops between the species man and wild boar, in a so-called interspecific competition. This in turn represents a conflict between farmers and wild boar. Management practices by hunters seem to enlarge the conflict, according to farmers there is a lack of hunting pressure and too much feeding. My results could show a conflict between hunters and farmers, which seems to worsen at an organizational level, Association of Hunters and the Federation of Farmers. Wild boar is considered as undesirable by several respondents and all of them agree that hunting is important. There are various ways to increase farmers' tolerance for wild boar in agriculture, which in turn can reduce the conflict between farmers and wild boar. To have an effect, nonlethal control should be appropriate for the physical conditions of wild boar. Lethal control should include a quick death for the wild boar, which requires good communication between hunters and trained dogs in order to locate the shot wild boar in case the first shot was not fatal.
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Alaria alata (Goeze, 1782) (Platyhelminthes, Trematoda) : étude des différents acteurs du cycle, épidémiosurveillance et développement d’outils de diagnostic » / "Alaria alata : study of the different actors of the cycle, surveillance and development of diagnostic tools"Portier, Julien 23 November 2012 (has links)
Le parasite Alaria alata (Goeze, 1782) est un trématode qui nécessite trois hôtes obligatoire et qui présente la particularité de pouvoir infester un grand nombre d'espèces animales (oiseaux, reptiles, mammifères) au stade mésocercaire..Depuis que la recherche de trichine par des méthodes de digestion a été rendu obligatoire chez les sangliers chassés dans l'ensemble des pays de l'union européenne, elle a permis également la détection des mésocercaires dans les muscles de ces animaux. L'étude de la répartition des déclarations de sangliers porteurs montre que les cas se situent majoritairement dans l'Est de la France. Le nombre de déclarations en augmentation entre 2007 et 2010 est probablement lié à la sensibilisation des laboratoires à la présence d'A. alata plutôt qu'une réelle émergence. A partir d'une base de données de déclaration dans le Bas-Rhin montre que la répartition spatiale des sangliers porteurs du parasite se limite à la vallée du Rhin bornée par le massif des Vosges soulignant ainsi l'importance des zones humides pour la maintien du parasite. Une relation significative existe entre le portage du parasite et les saisons printemps-été ainsi qu'une émergence réelle du parasite entre 2007 et 2010. Par une approche moléculaire le rôle de Planorbis planorbis et Anisus vortex comme premier hôte intermédiaire a été confirmée in natura lors de l'examen de mollusques. La nature des biotopes des mollusques a été abordée ainsi que leur périodes d'émission des cercaires d'A. alata ce qui explique partiellement la saisonnalité des cas observée chez les sangliers du Bas-Rhin..Des prélèvements de muscles sur 6 sangliers chassés dans des zones de forte circulation du parasite, soumis à une méthode de Baermann modifiée, ont permis de mettre en évidence des taux d'infestation de plus de 1000 mésocercaires pour 100 gr. La distribution des mésocercaires chez le sanglier est très large avec toutefois des localisations ciblées vers les tissus antérieurs au diaphragme. Nous avons également mis en évidence une sensibilité du parasite à la congélation et une longue persistance dans les viandes en décomposition.. A partir de mésocercaires isolées sur sanglier, des infestations sur souris ainsi que des tests de survie in vitro ont été effectués :. Chez les souris, chez certains amphibiens et in vitro, une encapsulation active des mésocercaires a été observée ce qui tend à montrer que le parasite dispose de moyens d'éviter la réaction de l'hôte. Si le parasite (au stade cercaires et mésocercaires) est fortement inféodé aux milieux humides, il est capable de phénomène de transfuge à une grande variété d'hôtes paraténiques qui ainsi participent très largement à son maintien et à sa dispersion. / The parasite Alaria alata (Goeze, 1782) is a flatworm which needs three obligatory hosts for its development but its particularity lies in that it can infect a wide number of hosts (birds, reptiles, mammals) at the mesocercarial stage. Since the search of trichinella by pepsinic digestion in the muscles of hunted wild boars has become mandatory in the European union, this analysis has also lead to the detection of Alaria alata in the muscles of these animals. The study of case distributions shows that most of the cases have occurred in the East of France. The number of infected wild boars has increased between 2007 and 2010 which is probably more due to the awareness of laboratories to the presence of A. alata mesocercaria than to a true emergence. Using database for the Bas-Rhin département, we were able to show a geographical cluster of positive wild boars around the Rhine Valley and bordered by the Vosges Mountains, hence showing the importance of wetland areas for the sustenance of the parasite. A significant association between A. alata positivity and the spring and summer seasons was noted as well as a true emergence of the parasite between 2007 and 2010. We then sought to identify the first intermediate snail hosts using molecular tools on snail and cercaria collected in infected areas which lead us to identify two Planorbid species: Planorbis planorbis and Anisus vortex. Search of these two species on different biotopes showed that specific environmental conditions were needed for these species, and therefore the parasite, to be present. We proceeded to test different muscular samples from 6 wild boars using a test derived from the Baermann method. Tests showed the highest parasite burdens ever observed in the literature with several samples over 1000 mesocercaria/100g. Distribution within the carcass is very wide though it appears to be oriented to the tissues anterior to the diaphragm. We also showed that the parasite was sensitive to freezing but long persisting in decaying meat. From the mesocercaria collected on the wild boars, experimental infections were performed on mice and survival tests were done in vitro. In mice, but also in amphibians and in vitro, mesocercaria actively formed an inert capsule which would tend to prove the existence of equipments to evade the host's reactions. The works presented here show two important aspects of A. alata's life cycle: the importance of wetlands for its sustenance and also the parasite's ability to persist in a wide variety of paratenic hosts which participate in its sustainance and dispersal.
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Influência do resveratrol na qualidade e na fertilidade do espermatozoide suíno refrigerado entre 15-17°C por 72 horas para inseminação artificial intrauterina / Influence of resveratrol on quality and fertility of cooled boar spermatozoa at 15-17ºC for 72 hours to intrauterine inseminationRigo, Victor Henrique Bittar 16 December 2016 (has links)
A preservação do sêmen suíno refrigerado para fins de inseminação artificial é a forma mais utilizada no mundo. Para tal, os espermatozoides são diluídos em meios que forneçam substratos para nutrir e proteger estas células. Porém, a faixa de temperatura de armazenamento do sêmen suíno refrigerado não é capaz de cessar completamente os mecanismos metabólicos dos espermatozoides, que em ambiente aeróbico da dose inseminante, produzem e liberam continuamente produtos do metabolismo do oxigênio. A ação das espécies reativas de oxigênio sobre o espermatozoide é uma das razões do declínio na população de células espermaticas estrutural e funcionalmente aptas à fertilizarem os gametas femininos. Portanto, a adição de um composto antioxidante ao meio diluidor poderia melhorar ou manter constante o número de espermatozoides viáveis ao longo do período de conservação da dose inseminante. Neste contexto, este trabalho objetivou verificar se a adição do antioxidante resveratrol geraria modificações positivas em parâmetros celulares relacionados à qualidade do sêmen suíno refrigerado à 15-17°C avaliados por sistema computadorizado da motilidade espermática e citometria de fluxo (experimento in vitro), e se este antioxidante melhoraria os índices de fertilidade na inseminação artificial intrauterina (IAIU) através da recuperação, contagem e identificação dos embriões (experimento in vivo). As concentrações testadas no experimento in vitro não superaram os resultados do tratamento controle (p<0,05), sendo a concentração de 1,0 mM prejudicial ao espermatozoide suíno (p<0,05). A utilização da concentração de 0,01 mM de resveratrol para inseminação das fêmeas suínas no experimento in vivo não apresentou efeito positivo nos índices de taxa de prenhez e fertilidade ajustada total (p>0,05), além de ter resultado em uma baixa taxa de embriões viáveis (p<0,05), quando comparados ao tratamento controle. Deste modo, pode concluir que não é indicado a adição do antioxidante resveratrol ao meio diluidor para inseminação artificial, uma vez que compromete a qualidade das células espermáticas do reprodutor suíno e impacta negativamente na fertilidade das fêmeas. / The preservation of chilled boar semen for artificial insemination is the most performed worldwide. For this, the sperm are extended in medium that provides substrates to nourish and protect these cells. However, the storage temperature range of chilled semen is not able to completely stop the metabolic mechanisms of sperm, which keeps producting and releasing oxygen reactive products in aerobic environment of insemination doses. The action of reactive oxygen species on the sperm is one of the reasons for decreasing sperm population with structural and functional capacity to fertilize the female gamete. Therefore, the addition of antioxidant compound to the extender medium could improve or maintain the number of viable spermatozoa throughout the conservation time of insemination doses. In this context, this work aimed to determine whether addition of antioxidant resveratrol would generate positive changes in cell parameters related to the quality of boar semen cooled to 15-17 °C assessed by computered analysis of sperm motility and flow citometry (in vitro experiment) and whether this antioxidant would improve fertility rates using intrauterine insemination (IUI) by the recovery, counting and embryos identification (in vivo experiment). The concentrations tested in vitro experiment have not exceed control treatment results (p <0.05), with the concentration of 1.0 mM being detrimental to the boar spermatozoa (p <0.05). The concentration of 0.01 mM of resveratrol used for gilts insemination in experiment in vivo has not shown positive effect on pregnancy rate and the total adjusted fertility (p> 0.05) and have resulted in a low rate viable embryos (p <0.05) compared to control. Thus, we conclued that the addition of resveratrol antioxidant in boar extender medium is not suitable for artificial insemination, once it compromises the quality of boar sperm cells and impairs on female fertility.
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Características morfológicas estruturais e ultraestruturais da língua do javali (Sus scrofa) / Morphological structural characteristics and ultrastructural the tongue of wild boar (Sus scrofa)Reginato, Gabriela de Souza 15 December 2015 (has links)
Os Javalis da espécie Sus scrofa são mamíferos, omnívoros, não ruminantes, da ordem Artiodáctilos e da família Suidae. A língua possui um sistema altamente diferenciado de papilas, que apresentam amplas variações com influência direta das espécies. O objetivo do presente estudo consiste em descrever as características morfológicas estruturais e ultraestruturais do tecido lingual do Javali (Sus scrofa). As técnicas utilizadas foram microscopia de luz, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão possibilitando a aquisição de dados quantitativos e qualitativos. Quatro tipos de papilas foram encontrados na superfície dorsal da língua: filiforme, fungiforme, foliada e valada, sendo que as papilas filiformes estavam distribuídas por toda a superfície rostral da língua. Após a remoção epitelial as papilas conjuntivas filiformes revelaram-se cônicas. As papilas fungiformes foram encontradas na região medial e latero-caudal, assim como as papilas foliadas que possuem de três a quatro sulcos irregulares. Após a remoção epitelial as papilas conjuntivas fungiforme e foliada apresentaram projeções lineares em sua superfície. A papila valada foi encontrada na região caudal da superfície dorsal da língua, possui um formato oval e é rodeada por um sulco completo e após a remoção do tecido epitelial foi possível observar alguns ductos nas paredes do sulco. Os componentes ultraestruturais do epitélio dorsal da língua são: camadas epiteliais queratinizada, córnea, granular, espinhosa e basal, uma grande quantidade de colágeno foi encontrado na lâmina própria, assim como vários desmossomos e grânulos que queratohialina na camada granular. Conclui-se que as características morfológicas das papilas linguais do Javali assemelham-se com a de outros mamíferos / The boar of the species Sus scrofa are omnivorous, non-ruminant mammal of the order Artiodactyla and family Suidae. The language has a highly differentiated system of taste, which feature large variations with direct influence of species. The objective of the present study is to describe the structural and ultrastructural morphological characteristics of lingual tissue of wild boar (Sus scrofa). The techniques used were light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy, enabling the acquisition of quantitative and qualitative data. Four types of papillae were found on the dorsal surface of the tongue: fungiform, filiform, foliate and vallate, the filiform papillae were distributed over the entire surface rostral of the tongue, which after removing the epithelial surface revealed conical connective tissue core. The fungiform papillae were found in the middle and latero-medial region, as well as the foliate papillae which have three or four irregular grooves. After removing the epithelial surface, the connective tissue core of the fungiform papillae and foliate papillae presented linear projections on their surface. The vallate papillae were found in the caudal region of the dorsal surface of the tongue, have an oval shape and are surrounded by a full groove and after removing the epithelial tissue it was possible to observe some ducts in the walls of the groove. The ultrastructural components of dorsal epithelium of the tongue are: keratinized epithelial layers, containing cornea, granular, and basal cells, as well as a large amount of collagen found in the lamina propria, and various desmosomes and gap junctions and keratohyaline beads on granular layer. We conclude that the morphological characteristics of the Boar lingual papillae are similar to that of other mammals
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Influência do plasma seminal oriundo da fração rica do ejaculado sobre as características estruturais e na cinética do espermatozoide suíno conservado sob refrigeração a 17°C por 72 horas / Influence of seminal plasma derived from the rich fraction of the ejaculate on the structural characteristics and the kinetics of the swine sperm stored under refrigeration at 17°C for 72 hoursLeal, Diego Feitosa 12 February 2016 (has links)
O plasma seminal é o constituintes não celular do sêmen suíno e contém uma série de componentes orgânicos e inorgânico que desempenham ações variadas tanto no trato reprodutivo masculino como no feminino. No entanto, este fluido de constituição complexa, exerce ações ambiguas sobre os espermatozoides suínos, pois pode atuar ao mesmo tempo de forma benéfica ou deletéria sobre a viabilidade destas células. Nesse sentido, alguns estudos sugerem que este não é o melhor meio para a conservação de espermatozoides. Desta forma o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do plasma seminal sobre a integridade das membranas plasmática e acrossomal e o potencial de membrana mitocondrial do espermatozoide suíno armazenado sob refrigeração a 17°C por 72 horas. Para tanto, foram obtidos 4 ejaculados de 6 cachaços. Em seguida o sêmen in natura foi avaliado quanto às características da motilidade pelo sistema computadorizado de análise do sêmen, morfologia espermática por contraste de interferência diferencial e concentração espermática. Após essa primeira avaliação, os ejaculados foram acondicionados em tubos cônicos de 50 mL para serem divididos em três tratamentos, a saber: não centrifugado (NC), centrifugado e com o plasma seminal retirado pós-centrifugação (CS) e centrifugado resuspendido (CR). A força de centrifugação utilizada foi de 500xg por 10 minutos. Todos os tratamentos foram submetidos à diluição em meio BTS para que se obtenha uma concentração de 30 x 106 espermatozoides por mililitro (mL). Em seguida, as amostras permaneceram por 90 minutos em temperatura ambiente e protegidas da luz antes de serem armazenadas. As doses com os diferentes tratamentos foram acondicionadas à temperatura de 17°C e foram avaliadas nos intervalos 0 (90 min pós-diluição), 24, 48 e 72 horas para os seguintes parâmetros: características da motilidade (CASA), integridade das membranas plasmática e acrossomal, estabilidade da membrana plasmática e peroxidação das membranas espermáticas (citometria de fluxo). Os tratamentos foram submetidos à análise de variância (PROC GLM), empregando-se o programa SAS (1998). Quando o principal efeito foi significativo, as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey-kramer ao nível de 5% de significância. Os resultados do presente estudo mostram que a ausência do plasma seminal foi deletéria para algumas características de motilidade, o mesmo ocorreu para a integridade das membranas plasmática e acrossomal uma vez que houve diminuição na percentagem de celulás espermáticas com membrana plasmatica integra e acrossomo integro no tratamento sem plasma seminal. A peroxidação lipídica das membranas e a manutenção da estabilidade da membrana plasmática não foram influenciadas pelo tratamento. Assim, conclui-se que a presença do plasma seminal em doses inseminantes refrigeradas por 72 h é importante para a manutenção das características de motilidade e para a integridade das membranas plasmáticas e acrossomal / The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of seminal plasma, from the rich fraction of the ejaculate, on kinetics, plasma and acrosome membrane integrity, lipid peroxidation and capacitation of extended liquid boar semen stored under refrigeration at 17° C for 72 hours. For this purpose, four ejaculates from each of six boars were used. Shortly after collection and raw semen evaluation, ejaculates were extended in BTS medium and then assigned to one of three treatments, as follows: non-washed seminal plasma (NWSP), washed-seminal plasma (WSP) centrifuged with own seminal plasma suspended (CWSSP). All treatments were evaluated for sperm motility parameters by the sperm class analyzer (SCA). Plasma and acrosome membrane integrity, lipid peroxidation and sperm capacitation were evaluated by flow cytometry at 0, 24, 48 and 72 hours post dilution. The mean percentage of sperm motility (total and progressive) were lower (p<0.05) in the WSP treatment. There was an increase (p<0.05) in the percentage of sperm with damaged acrosome and damage plasma membrane in the WSP treatment. Membrane lipid peroxidation did not differ (p>0.05) irrespective of treatment nor did sperm capacitation, which was similar (p>0.05) among treatments. Our results show that seminal plasma from the sperm rich fraction is important to maintain adequate structural and functional characteristics of extended liquid boar and should be present in seminal doses throughout the period of store
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Ekosystemtjänsterkopplade till vildsvin : Enfallstudie över hur begreppet ekosystemtjänster kan integreras i en nationell förvaltningsplanStigblom, Erica January 2017 (has links)
Innebörden av begreppet ekosystemtjänster och värdet av dessa behöver spridas och förankras i samhället i större utsträckning än vad som görs idag. Det har bland annat uppmärksammas i ett av etappmålen inom de nationella miljökvalitetsmålen. Med anledning av detta har Naturvårdsverket fått i uppdrag av regeringen att genomföra en kommunikationssatsning om ekosystemtjänster, där det övergripande målet är att öka förståelsen för den biologiska mångfaldens och ekosystemtjänsternas värden samt deras betydelse i samhället. Naturvårdsverket har inom ramen för detta regeringsuppdrag tagit fram en vägledning för att integrera ekosystemtjänster i myndigheters verksamhet. Vägledningen, som presenterades i november 2016, är indelad i fem steg och vänder sig främst till centrala och regionala myndigheter men även till kommuner. Med anledning av att vägledningen är ny så finns det få exempel på hur vägledningens 5-stegsmetod kan tillämpas i praktiken. Denna fallstudie är ett första exempel på hur den föreslagna 5-stegsmetoden kan användas inom en nationell myndighet vilket gör fallstudien unik i sitt slag. Fallstudien omfattar vildsvinsförvaltning och tar sin utgångspunkt i Naturvårdsverkets förvaltningsplan för vildsvin. I enlighet med vägledningens metod hölls en workshop på Naturvårdsverket där personer från tre olika enheter medverkade. Under workshopen identifierades och diskuterades möjliga kopplingar mellan vildsvin och ekosystemtjänster, både i form av direkta ekosystemtjänster som vildsvinen tillhandahåller, men även i form av de miljöeffekter som vildsvinen har på ekosystemtjänster av både positiv och negativ karaktär. Vidare diskuterades även förslag på hur detta skulle kunna integreras i en uppdaterad version av nuvarande nationella förvaltningsplan för vildsvin. Workshopen resulterade i en bruttolista på relevanta kopplingar som i ett nästa steg bör verifieras genom att stämma av resultatet med aktuell forskning, något som gjorts i begränsad utsträckning i denna fallstudie på grund av tidsmässiga skäl. Däremot jämfördes den bruttolista med relevanta kopplingar som identifierats i nuvarande nationella förvaltningsplanen för vildsvin. Resultatet visade att 5-stegsmetoden hjälpte till att identifiera tio nya kopplingar mellan vildsvin och ekosystemtjänster, främst inom kategorin kulturella ekosystemtjänster. Dessutom bidrog resultatet till fler infallsvinklar samt en mer nyanserad bild av de kopplingar som redan berörs i den nuvarande nationella förvaltningsplanen för vildsvin. Sammanfattningsvis erbjöd vägledningen ett användbart verktyg för att systematiskt identifiera relevanta ekosystemtjänster samt belysa påverkan på dessa. Det har ett värde inom viltförvaltningsarbetet, både i enlighet med den nationella förvaltningsplanen för vildsvin som är ämnad att revideras i takt med att ny kunskap genereras och nya erfarenheter, och i enlighet med Naturvårdsverkets Strategi för Svensk Viltförvaltning som förespråkar att viltförvaltningen ska vara adaptiv och hela tiden utvecklas genom ny kunskap. Att identifiera relevanta ekosystemtjänster bidrar dessutom till att uppnå ett av etappmålen inom de svenska miljömålen som säger att ”senast år 2018 ska betydelsen av biologisk mångfald och värdet av ekosystemtjänster vara allmänt kända och integreras i ekonomiska ställningstaganden, politiska avväganden och andra beslut i samhället där så är relevant och skäligt”. / The meaning of the concept ecosystem services and their values needs to be disseminated and established to a greater extent than it is today which, for instance, are acknowledged in one of the milestone targets among the Swedish Environmental Objectives. With that in mind, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has been given a mandate from the Government which comprises communication efforts regarding ecosystem services where the overall objective is to increase the understanding of biodiversity and the values of ecosystem services, including their importance to society. As a result, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has developed guidance in order to integrate ecosystem services in authorities’ activities. The guidance, which was presented in November 2016, is divided into five steps and is primarily to be used by central authorities, as well as county administrative boards or municipalities. However, there are currently few examples available regarding how to practically apply this 5-step method. Thus, the purpose of this case study is to present the first example of how the 5-step method can be used within a central authority, which makes this case study unique of its kind. The case study focuses on wild boar management and Sweden’s national management plan for wild boar. A workshop was held at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency in accordance with the 5-step method and people from three different units participated. Possible connections between wild boar and ecosystem services were identified and discussed during the workshop, both in terms of direct ecosystem services provided by wild boar, but also in terms of the positive or negative impacts that wild boar has on ecosystem services. Possible ways to integrate these findings into an updated version of the national management plan for wild boar were also discussed. The workshop resulted in a “gross list” of relevant connections, which, as a next step, needs to be verified by adding findings from current research. This has only been done to a smaller extent in this case study due to a limited timeframe. However, the gross list was compared to relevant connections that could be identified in the current national management plan for wild boar. The results showed that the 5-step method helped to identify ten new connections between wild boar and ecosystem services, primarily within the category of cultural ecosystem services. The discussions during the workshop also contributed to a deeper understanding of the connections that had already been identified in the current national management plan for wild boar. In summary, the guidance provided a useful tool to systematically identify relevant ecosystem services and to address the impacts on these services. The identified connections has a value for wildlife management work, both in accordance with the national management plan for wild boar which is intended to be updated when new knowledge and new experiences are generated, but also in accordance to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s Strategy for Swedish Wildlife Management which also says that wildlife management should be adaptive and constantly developed through new knowledge. To identify relevant ecosystem services also contributes towards achieving one of the milestone target within the Swedish Environmental Objectives, which says that “the importance of biodiversity and the value of ecosystem services are to be generally known and integrated into economic positions, political considerations and other decisions in society where it is relevant and reasonable to do so”. / <p>2018-07-17</p>
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Influência do resveratrol na qualidade e na fertilidade do espermatozoide suíno refrigerado entre 15-17°C por 72 horas para inseminação artificial intrauterina / Influence of resveratrol on quality and fertility of cooled boar spermatozoa at 15-17ºC for 72 hours to intrauterine inseminationVictor Henrique Bittar Rigo 16 December 2016 (has links)
A preservação do sêmen suíno refrigerado para fins de inseminação artificial é a forma mais utilizada no mundo. Para tal, os espermatozoides são diluídos em meios que forneçam substratos para nutrir e proteger estas células. Porém, a faixa de temperatura de armazenamento do sêmen suíno refrigerado não é capaz de cessar completamente os mecanismos metabólicos dos espermatozoides, que em ambiente aeróbico da dose inseminante, produzem e liberam continuamente produtos do metabolismo do oxigênio. A ação das espécies reativas de oxigênio sobre o espermatozoide é uma das razões do declínio na população de células espermaticas estrutural e funcionalmente aptas à fertilizarem os gametas femininos. Portanto, a adição de um composto antioxidante ao meio diluidor poderia melhorar ou manter constante o número de espermatozoides viáveis ao longo do período de conservação da dose inseminante. Neste contexto, este trabalho objetivou verificar se a adição do antioxidante resveratrol geraria modificações positivas em parâmetros celulares relacionados à qualidade do sêmen suíno refrigerado à 15-17°C avaliados por sistema computadorizado da motilidade espermática e citometria de fluxo (experimento in vitro), e se este antioxidante melhoraria os índices de fertilidade na inseminação artificial intrauterina (IAIU) através da recuperação, contagem e identificação dos embriões (experimento in vivo). As concentrações testadas no experimento in vitro não superaram os resultados do tratamento controle (p<0,05), sendo a concentração de 1,0 mM prejudicial ao espermatozoide suíno (p<0,05). A utilização da concentração de 0,01 mM de resveratrol para inseminação das fêmeas suínas no experimento in vivo não apresentou efeito positivo nos índices de taxa de prenhez e fertilidade ajustada total (p>0,05), além de ter resultado em uma baixa taxa de embriões viáveis (p<0,05), quando comparados ao tratamento controle. Deste modo, pode concluir que não é indicado a adição do antioxidante resveratrol ao meio diluidor para inseminação artificial, uma vez que compromete a qualidade das células espermáticas do reprodutor suíno e impacta negativamente na fertilidade das fêmeas. / The preservation of chilled boar semen for artificial insemination is the most performed worldwide. For this, the sperm are extended in medium that provides substrates to nourish and protect these cells. However, the storage temperature range of chilled semen is not able to completely stop the metabolic mechanisms of sperm, which keeps producting and releasing oxygen reactive products in aerobic environment of insemination doses. The action of reactive oxygen species on the sperm is one of the reasons for decreasing sperm population with structural and functional capacity to fertilize the female gamete. Therefore, the addition of antioxidant compound to the extender medium could improve or maintain the number of viable spermatozoa throughout the conservation time of insemination doses. In this context, this work aimed to determine whether addition of antioxidant resveratrol would generate positive changes in cell parameters related to the quality of boar semen cooled to 15-17 °C assessed by computered analysis of sperm motility and flow citometry (in vitro experiment) and whether this antioxidant would improve fertility rates using intrauterine insemination (IUI) by the recovery, counting and embryos identification (in vivo experiment). The concentrations tested in vitro experiment have not exceed control treatment results (p <0.05), with the concentration of 1.0 mM being detrimental to the boar spermatozoa (p <0.05). The concentration of 0.01 mM of resveratrol used for gilts insemination in experiment in vivo has not shown positive effect on pregnancy rate and the total adjusted fertility (p> 0.05) and have resulted in a low rate viable embryos (p <0.05) compared to control. Thus, we conclued that the addition of resveratrol antioxidant in boar extender medium is not suitable for artificial insemination, once it compromises the quality of boar sperm cells and impairs on female fertility.
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Impacto da diluição isotérmica e bitérmica sobre a qualidade do sêmen suíno / Impact of isothermic and bithermic dilution on quality of chilled boar spermAlmeida, Maria Clara Silva de January 2014 (has links)
O uso de protocolos de diluição bitérmica está aumentando em centros de inseminação artificial e é necessário garantir que as doses de inseminação tenham a mesma qualidade quando comparado com protocolos de diluição isotérmica. Quatro ejaculados de cada 19 reprodutores PIC® foram coletados e distribuídos em split sample em três tratamentos: diluição bitérmica em duas etapas (T1), diluição isotérmica em duas etapas (T2) e diluição isotérmica em uma etapa (T3). A curva de temperatura para os três tratamentos foi feita utilizando um data logger com sensor de temperatura. As doses inseminantes foram preparadas utilizando o diluente BTS e armazenadas a 16ºC e usadas para avaliação dos parâmetros espermáticos através do Sistema CASA e avaliação de morfologia espermática, durante 120 horas. A temperatura das amostras de sêmen submetidas à diluição bitérmica em duas etapas alcançou 24,1ºC durante 120 minutos , enquanto que as amostras submetidas à diluição isotérmica em uma ou duas etapas alcançou 26,8ºC e 27,0ºC, respectivamente. A motilidade total, a progressiva e BCF foram influenciadas (P<0,05) pelo tempo de diluição, mas não pelo protocolo de diluição. A motilidade total e progressiva diminuiu com o tempo de armazenamento (91.0 ± 0.91 para 81.5 ± 1.08 % e 74.0 ± 2.48 para 60.4 ± 2.59% de 24h para 120h, para MOT e PROG, respectivamente) enquanto BCF diferiu entre 24 e 120h (28.6 ± 0.76 e 27.3 ± 0.79 Hz). As seguintes características de motilidade não foram afetadas pelo protocolo de diluição e pelo tempo de armazenamento: DAP, DCL, DSL, VAP, VCL, VSL, STR, LIN, WOB e ALH. Às 72 h de armazenamento, a morfologia espermática não diferiu entre os tratamentos (P>0.05), apresentando uma média geral de 9.2 ± 0.36 defeitos totais. Concluindo, a diluição bitérmica torna o processo de produção de doses inseminantes mais rápido, pois demoraram menos tempo para alcançar a temperatura próxima de armazenamento, sem comprometer a qualidade das doses inseminantes produzidas. / The use of bithermic dilution protocols is increasing in artificial insemination centers, being necessary to guarantee that the quality of insemination doses remain the same when compared to isothermic dilution protocols. Four ejaculates from each one of 19 crossbreed PIC® boars were collected and assigned, in a split sample design, in to three treatments: two step bithermic dilution (T1), two step isothermic dilution (T2) and one step isothermic dilution (T3). Temperature curve for the three treatments was recorded using a temperature sensor data logger. Semen doses prepared with BTS extender were stored at 16°C and were used to evaluate sperm parameters through CASA system and sperm morphology, during 120 h. The temperature in semen samples submitted to a two-step bithermic dilution reached 24.1ºC during 120 min, whereas one or two-step isothermic dilution samples reached 26.8ºC and 27.0ºC, respectively. Total motility, progressive motility and BCF were influenced (P<0.05) by the storage time but not by the dilution procedure. Total and progressive motility reduced throughout the storage time (91.0 ± 0.91 to 81.5 ± 1.08 % and 74.0 ± 2.48 to 60.4 ± 2.59% from 24h to 120h, for MOT and PROG respectively) whereas BCF differed between 24 and 120h (28.6 ± 0.76 and 27.3 ± 0.79 Hz). The following motility traits were neither affected by the dilution procedure nor by the time of storage: DAP, DCL, DSL, VAP, VCL, VSL, STR, LIN, WOB, and ALH. At 72 h of storage, sperm morphology was not different among treatments (P>0.05), showing an overall mean of 9.2 ± 0.36 total defects. In conclusion, the bithermic dilution makes the process of artificial insemination doses production faster by taking less time to reach a temperature close to that of storage, without impairing semen quality.
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Application of selection index theory comprising genomic information to breeding programs of sport horses and pigsHaberland, Anne Marie 03 May 2013 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden drei Modellrechnungen vorgestellt, die auf dem Selektionsindex basieren und mit denen der Nutzen genomischer Zusatzinformation auf aktuelle Selektionsstrategien für Reitpferde und Schweine ermittelt werden soll. In Kapitel eins werden sowohl die klassischen Instrumente der Tierzucht, der Selektionsindex, die ökonomische Modellierung und die Genfluss-Methode, als auch die genomische Selektion dargestellt. Zudem wird die Software ZPlan+, in welcher diese Instrumente miteinander kombiniert sind, kurz vorgestellt.
Im zweiten Kapitel der Arbeit wird das Potenzial der genomischen Selektion für die Reitpferdezucht dargestellt. Der Zugewinn an Genauigkeit eines Zuchtwerts durch Hinzunahme genomischer Information wurde für drei praxisnahe Selektionsschritte betrachtet, nämlich für Pferde ohne Eigenleistung, Pferde mit Eigenleistung und Pferde mit Eigen- und Nachkommenleistungen. Die Modellrechnung zeigte, dass sich durch Hinzunahme genomischer Information besonders die Genauigkeit von Zuchtwerten junger Pferde ohne Eigen- oder Nachkommenleistung beträchtlich steigern ließe. Sobald Nachkommenleistungen unterstellt wurden war der Zugewinn an Genauigkeit durch genomische Information jedoch zu vernachlässigen. Für die praktische Pferdezucht ist die genomische Selektion daher vor allem für die Absicherung vorläufiger Zuchtzulassungen für junge Hengste nach der Körung und für leistungsgeprüfte Hengste ohne Nachkommenleistungen empfehlenswert.
Im dritten Kapitel der Arbeit wurde untersucht, wie sich die Art der berücksichtigten Informationsquellen (konventionell oder genomisch) auf die Interaktion der Parameter genetische Korrelation, Heritabilität und ökonomische Gewichtung auswirkte. Als Vergleichsparameter wurde die Standardabweichung des jeweiligen Indexes herangezogen, welche sich direkt proportional zum Zuchtfortschritt verhält. Es wurden drei Indices mit zwei Zuchtzielmerkmalen verglichen, deren Informationsquellen in Anlehnung an die Schweinezucht gewählt wurden. Der erste Index wurde für ein Tier mit Eigenleistung aufgestellt, während im zweiten Index zusätzliche Vollgeschwisterleistungen angenommen wurden. Im dritten Index wurde die Eigenleistung mit genomischer Information für beide Zuchtzielmerkmale kombiniert. Die Genauigkeit der genomischen Zuchtwerte wurde durch Annahme unterschiedlich großer Referenzpopulationen variiert. Je mehr Information im Index berücksichtigt wurde, desto unabhängiger wurde die Standardabweichung des Indexes von den Parametern genetische Korrelation, Heritabilität und ökonomische Gewichtung. Dabei wurden für den Vollgeschwisterindex mit 7 Vollgeschwistern und den genomischen Indexes mit einer Referenzpopulation von 1.000 Tieren vergleichbare Ergebnisse gefunden. Die Anzahl von 1.000 Tieren in der Referenzpopulation kann somit als Mindestmaß für die Schweinezucht angenommen werden. Für geringere Heritabilitäten zeigte sich eine deutliche Überlegenheit des genomischen Indexes über den Vollgeschwisterindex.
Im vierten Kapitel der Arbeit wurde ein Schweinezuchtprogramm optimiert. Dazu wurden verschiedene Zuchtziele und Selektionsstrategien gegen Ebergeruch verglichen. Das Zuchtziel war entweder die Selektion gegen den Gehalt der chemischen Leitkomponenten des Ebergeruchs, Androstenon, Skatol und Indol oder die Selektion gegen den, von Testpersonen bestimmten, Human Nose Score. Innerhalb der Selektion gegen die chemischen Komponenten wurden drei verschiedene Informationsquellen miteinander verglichen, nämlich eine Feldprüfung in Form einer Biopsie am lebenden Eber, genomische Selektion sowie die Kombination beider Informationen. Innerhalb der Selektion gegen den Human Nose Score wurden als Informationsquellen eine Stationsprüfung von Voll- und Halbgeschwistern des Selektionskandidaten sowie genomische Selektion miteinander verglichen. Das komplexe Zuchtprogramm wurde deterministisch mit der Software ZPlan+ modelliert. Bei der Selektion gegen die chemischen Komponenten des Ebergeruchs war der Zuchtfortschritt am höchsten, wenn als Informationsquelle die Eigenleistung in Form einer Biopsie der männlichen Selektionskandidaten genutzt wurde. Aufgrund der hohen Erblichkeit der Ebergeruchskomponenten war der Nutzen genomischer Zuchtwerte deutlich geringer und gleichzeitig teurer. Für die Selektion gegen den geringer erblichen Human Nose Score lieferte die genomische Selektion einen höheren Zuchtfortschritt als die Stationsprüfung der Geschwister des Selektions-kandidaten. Auch wenn der Human Nose Score als Zielmerkmal angesehen wurde, erwies sich eine Selektion gegen die chemischen Komponenten als zielführend, da der (korrelierte) naturale Zuchtfortschritt des Human Nose Scores bei Durchführung einer Biopsie deutlich höher war, als bei direkter Selektion gegen den Human Nose Score.
Im fünften Kapitel wird das Potential der genomischen Selektion für die Reitpferde- und Schweinezucht diskutiert. Dabei wird besonders auf Möglichkeiten für die Vergrößerung der Referenzpopulation und der Kostenreduktion eingegangen. Für die Reitpferdezucht wer-den zusätzlich Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt, wie der Zuchtfortschritt mit konventionellen Methoden gesteigert werden könnte.
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The effect of ACTH during oestrus on the reproduction in the sow : with special reference to duration of oestrus, ovulation, hormonal patterns, gametes and early embryo development /Brandt, Ylva, January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning). Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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