Spelling suggestions: "subject:"vildsvin"" "subject:"vildsvins""
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Vildsvinet från skogen till krogen : Enligt svenska jägare och krögareHansson, Philip, Hjertman, Clara January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Är den starkt växande vildsvinspopulationen ett hot mot tjäderns reden?Svensson, Jonas January 2009 (has links)
<p>This case study is based on a previous documented method of manufacturing artificial nest containing pre-colored hen eggs. This method is going to be used to find, if the wild boar population, which is growing in number, is a threat to the capercaillie population. In comparison to the wild boar population, the capercaillie population is diminishing in different parts of Sweden. In order to find out if they are affect by each other, the case study was carried out during the months of April to May 2009. 100 artificial nests were placed out on various locations on the Södertuna estate just in the outskirts of Gnesta. The unique aspect of this study is that a fenced environment to keep out wild animals is used to conduct this study, which has been previously known to be free from wild boar, but the area outside has sittings of wild boar. So to fully understand how this affects the capercaillie population, 50 of the nests were placed outside the fence area, while the other 50 nests were placed inside the fenced area. The sites were visited on two separate occasions, and were noted of the changes inside and outside the fenced compounds. The result of these visits show that many of the nests inside the fenced environment has been consume by birds. It was not possible to prove that nests have been predated by wild boar, even the wild boar populations could be found outside of the fenced area. The statistical analysis has been carried out to determine the perdition rate on the nests and which of the two main groups the culprits belonged to. The significant difference came to a P <0.05. The predations on the artificial nests inside the fence were greater than the nest placed outside the fence. The total came to a 20 %, i.e. 20 of the 100 nests which were predated on, in total. 32%, i.e. 16 of the nests were attacked that were placed inside the fence and 8 %, i.e. 4 were attacked inside the fence. To observe closer at the species that targeted the nests inside the fence were crows/eurasian jay 18 % (9), badgers/fox 14 % (7) and wild boar 0 %. Outside the fence, the results were divided into division on crows/eurasian jay 2 % (1), badgers/fox 6 % (3) and wild boar 0 %. This study shows the wild boar population does not the pose a threat to the swindling population of the capercaillies population. But this case study demonstrates that there are other species that create a threat to the simulated nests, which is of an utter most importance to research into this particular subject into the future on reproduced artificial nests to investigate the perdition rates of capercaillies.</p>
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Är den starkt växande vildsvinspopulationen ett hot mot tjäderns reden?Svensson, Jonas January 2009 (has links)
This case study is based on a previous documented method of manufacturing artificial nest containing pre-colored hen eggs. This method is going to be used to find, if the wild boar population, which is growing in number, is a threat to the capercaillie population. In comparison to the wild boar population, the capercaillie population is diminishing in different parts of Sweden. In order to find out if they are affect by each other, the case study was carried out during the months of April to May 2009. 100 artificial nests were placed out on various locations on the Södertuna estate just in the outskirts of Gnesta. The unique aspect of this study is that a fenced environment to keep out wild animals is used to conduct this study, which has been previously known to be free from wild boar, but the area outside has sittings of wild boar. So to fully understand how this affects the capercaillie population, 50 of the nests were placed outside the fence area, while the other 50 nests were placed inside the fenced area. The sites were visited on two separate occasions, and were noted of the changes inside and outside the fenced compounds. The result of these visits show that many of the nests inside the fenced environment has been consume by birds. It was not possible to prove that nests have been predated by wild boar, even the wild boar populations could be found outside of the fenced area. The statistical analysis has been carried out to determine the perdition rate on the nests and which of the two main groups the culprits belonged to. The significant difference came to a P <0.05. The predations on the artificial nests inside the fence were greater than the nest placed outside the fence. The total came to a 20 %, i.e. 20 of the 100 nests which were predated on, in total. 32%, i.e. 16 of the nests were attacked that were placed inside the fence and 8 %, i.e. 4 were attacked inside the fence. To observe closer at the species that targeted the nests inside the fence were crows/eurasian jay 18 % (9), badgers/fox 14 % (7) and wild boar 0 %. Outside the fence, the results were divided into division on crows/eurasian jay 2 % (1), badgers/fox 6 % (3) and wild boar 0 %. This study shows the wild boar population does not the pose a threat to the swindling population of the capercaillies population. But this case study demonstrates that there are other species that create a threat to the simulated nests, which is of an utter most importance to research into this particular subject into the future on reproduced artificial nests to investigate the perdition rates of capercaillies.
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Bioackumulering av tungmetaller i vildsvin (Sus scrofa) : -analys av biotillgängligheten av bly och kadmium i vildsvinsleverAxelsson, Helena, Spångberg, Annica January 2018 (has links)
As the wild boar population increases, so does the consuming of wild boar meat. Often with the belief that this is much healthier than conventional meat. International studies have shown that wild boar meat is more likely to contain higher concentrations of soil pollutions than other game meat. The aim of this study was therefore to analyze the concentrations of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) in the liver of free living wild boars (Sus scrofa), located in the south of Sweden. Samples were taken from 10 wild boars during the hunting season of spring, 2018. The lead and cadmium concentrations in wild boar livers were determined by AAS- atomic absorption spectroscopy. Our result shows a higher uptake for cadmium than lead. Cadmium also seem to increase with age in wild boars due to bioaccumulation. However, 7 out of 10 livers exceeded the maximum limit for food safety standards regarding lead (0,10 mg/kg) and 2 out of 10 for cadmium (0,50 mg/kg). Therefore, the consumer should practice vigilance, especially for wild boar meat originating from areas known to be contaminated.
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Konflikten bakom vildsvinsproblematiken ur ett "Crop-raiding"-perspektiv : med fokus på svenska lantbrukareTörnqvist Igelström, Cecilia January 2014 (has links)
Vildsvinstammen har ökat snabbt i södra och centrala Sverige sedan några individer rymde ifrån fångenskap på 1970-talet. Vildsvin har aptit för jordbruksgrödor vilket resulterar i en konkurrens om dessa grödor mellan arterna människan och vildsvin i en s.k. interspecifik konkurrens. Detta utgör i sin tur en konflikt mellan jordbrukare och vildsvin. Denna konflikt verkar även förvärras av jägares förvaltningsmetoder som, enligt lantbrukare, innefattar ett bristande jakttryck och utfodring i för stor skala. Mina resultat kunde visa en konflikt mellan jägare och lantbrukare som även verkar förvärras på organisationsnivå, d.v.s. Jägareförbundet respektive Lantbrukarnas riksförbund (LRF). Vildsvin anses som oönskade av flera respondenter och samtliga tycker att jakt är viktigt. Det finns olika sätt att öka lantbrukares toleransnivå för vildsvin i lantbruk vilket i sin tur kan minska konflikten mellan lantbrukare och vildsvin. Icke-dödliga förvaltningsmetoder bör vara anpassade för vildsvinens fysiska förutsättningar för att minska skador på lantbruk. Dödliga förvaltningsmetoder som jakt bör innefatta en snabb död för vildsvinet, vilket kräver god kommunikation mellan jägare samt tränade hundar i syfte att leta reda på det skjutna vildsvinet ifall det första skottet inte var dödligt. / Wild boar population has increased rapidly in the south and central parts of Sweden since some individuals escaped from captivity in the 1970s. Wild boars have an appetite for agricultural crops resulting in a competition for these crops between the species man and wild boar, in a so-called interspecific competition. This in turn represents a conflict between farmers and wild boar. Management practices by hunters seem to enlarge the conflict, according to farmers there is a lack of hunting pressure and too much feeding. My results could show a conflict between hunters and farmers, which seems to worsen at an organizational level, Association of Hunters and the Federation of Farmers. Wild boar is considered as undesirable by several respondents and all of them agree that hunting is important. There are various ways to increase farmers' tolerance for wild boar in agriculture, which in turn can reduce the conflict between farmers and wild boar. To have an effect, nonlethal control should be appropriate for the physical conditions of wild boar. Lethal control should include a quick death for the wild boar, which requires good communication between hunters and trained dogs in order to locate the shot wild boar in case the first shot was not fatal.
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Ekosystemtjänsterkopplade till vildsvin : Enfallstudie över hur begreppet ekosystemtjänster kan integreras i en nationell förvaltningsplanStigblom, Erica January 2017 (has links)
Innebörden av begreppet ekosystemtjänster och värdet av dessa behöver spridas och förankras i samhället i större utsträckning än vad som görs idag. Det har bland annat uppmärksammas i ett av etappmålen inom de nationella miljökvalitetsmålen. Med anledning av detta har Naturvårdsverket fått i uppdrag av regeringen att genomföra en kommunikationssatsning om ekosystemtjänster, där det övergripande målet är att öka förståelsen för den biologiska mångfaldens och ekosystemtjänsternas värden samt deras betydelse i samhället. Naturvårdsverket har inom ramen för detta regeringsuppdrag tagit fram en vägledning för att integrera ekosystemtjänster i myndigheters verksamhet. Vägledningen, som presenterades i november 2016, är indelad i fem steg och vänder sig främst till centrala och regionala myndigheter men även till kommuner. Med anledning av att vägledningen är ny så finns det få exempel på hur vägledningens 5-stegsmetod kan tillämpas i praktiken. Denna fallstudie är ett första exempel på hur den föreslagna 5-stegsmetoden kan användas inom en nationell myndighet vilket gör fallstudien unik i sitt slag. Fallstudien omfattar vildsvinsförvaltning och tar sin utgångspunkt i Naturvårdsverkets förvaltningsplan för vildsvin. I enlighet med vägledningens metod hölls en workshop på Naturvårdsverket där personer från tre olika enheter medverkade. Under workshopen identifierades och diskuterades möjliga kopplingar mellan vildsvin och ekosystemtjänster, både i form av direkta ekosystemtjänster som vildsvinen tillhandahåller, men även i form av de miljöeffekter som vildsvinen har på ekosystemtjänster av både positiv och negativ karaktär. Vidare diskuterades även förslag på hur detta skulle kunna integreras i en uppdaterad version av nuvarande nationella förvaltningsplan för vildsvin. Workshopen resulterade i en bruttolista på relevanta kopplingar som i ett nästa steg bör verifieras genom att stämma av resultatet med aktuell forskning, något som gjorts i begränsad utsträckning i denna fallstudie på grund av tidsmässiga skäl. Däremot jämfördes den bruttolista med relevanta kopplingar som identifierats i nuvarande nationella förvaltningsplanen för vildsvin. Resultatet visade att 5-stegsmetoden hjälpte till att identifiera tio nya kopplingar mellan vildsvin och ekosystemtjänster, främst inom kategorin kulturella ekosystemtjänster. Dessutom bidrog resultatet till fler infallsvinklar samt en mer nyanserad bild av de kopplingar som redan berörs i den nuvarande nationella förvaltningsplanen för vildsvin. Sammanfattningsvis erbjöd vägledningen ett användbart verktyg för att systematiskt identifiera relevanta ekosystemtjänster samt belysa påverkan på dessa. Det har ett värde inom viltförvaltningsarbetet, både i enlighet med den nationella förvaltningsplanen för vildsvin som är ämnad att revideras i takt med att ny kunskap genereras och nya erfarenheter, och i enlighet med Naturvårdsverkets Strategi för Svensk Viltförvaltning som förespråkar att viltförvaltningen ska vara adaptiv och hela tiden utvecklas genom ny kunskap. Att identifiera relevanta ekosystemtjänster bidrar dessutom till att uppnå ett av etappmålen inom de svenska miljömålen som säger att ”senast år 2018 ska betydelsen av biologisk mångfald och värdet av ekosystemtjänster vara allmänt kända och integreras i ekonomiska ställningstaganden, politiska avväganden och andra beslut i samhället där så är relevant och skäligt”. / The meaning of the concept ecosystem services and their values needs to be disseminated and established to a greater extent than it is today which, for instance, are acknowledged in one of the milestone targets among the Swedish Environmental Objectives. With that in mind, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has been given a mandate from the Government which comprises communication efforts regarding ecosystem services where the overall objective is to increase the understanding of biodiversity and the values of ecosystem services, including their importance to society. As a result, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has developed guidance in order to integrate ecosystem services in authorities’ activities. The guidance, which was presented in November 2016, is divided into five steps and is primarily to be used by central authorities, as well as county administrative boards or municipalities. However, there are currently few examples available regarding how to practically apply this 5-step method. Thus, the purpose of this case study is to present the first example of how the 5-step method can be used within a central authority, which makes this case study unique of its kind. The case study focuses on wild boar management and Sweden’s national management plan for wild boar. A workshop was held at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency in accordance with the 5-step method and people from three different units participated. Possible connections between wild boar and ecosystem services were identified and discussed during the workshop, both in terms of direct ecosystem services provided by wild boar, but also in terms of the positive or negative impacts that wild boar has on ecosystem services. Possible ways to integrate these findings into an updated version of the national management plan for wild boar were also discussed. The workshop resulted in a “gross list” of relevant connections, which, as a next step, needs to be verified by adding findings from current research. This has only been done to a smaller extent in this case study due to a limited timeframe. However, the gross list was compared to relevant connections that could be identified in the current national management plan for wild boar. The results showed that the 5-step method helped to identify ten new connections between wild boar and ecosystem services, primarily within the category of cultural ecosystem services. The discussions during the workshop also contributed to a deeper understanding of the connections that had already been identified in the current national management plan for wild boar. In summary, the guidance provided a useful tool to systematically identify relevant ecosystem services and to address the impacts on these services. The identified connections has a value for wildlife management work, both in accordance with the national management plan for wild boar which is intended to be updated when new knowledge and new experiences are generated, but also in accordance to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s Strategy for Swedish Wildlife Management which also says that wildlife management should be adaptive and constantly developed through new knowledge. To identify relevant ecosystem services also contributes towards achieving one of the milestone target within the Swedish Environmental Objectives, which says that “the importance of biodiversity and the value of ecosystem services are to be generally known and integrated into economic positions, political considerations and other decisions in society where it is relevant and reasonable to do so”. / <p>2018-07-17</p>
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Effects of wild boar (Sus scrofa) on soil processes and tree growthLundgren, Andreas January 2021 (has links)
Wild boars (Sus scrofa) have increased rapidly in population size and home range since their reintroduction to the Swedish fauna. Through their rooting behaviour, the boars can cause great disturbance to the ecosystem. The consequences of this disturbance have been recorded in many parts of the world but the effects they have on boreal forest ecosystems have been less studied.In this study I examined to what extent wild boars affect (i) the soil microbial community, (ii) the soil respiration, (iii) the soil C and nutrient content, as well as (iv) the growth of trees in a boreal forest in central Sweden. Enclosures that have harboured wild boars for seven years were compared with nearby areas without wild boars in both a pine forest and a spruce forest. Using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analyses, the soil microbial biomass, community, and fungi:bacteria ratio were investigated in the treatments. The soil respiration was measured monthly from June to November. The total soil concentrations of C, N and P were examined as well as the availability of N in the form of NO3-and NH4+. Tree growth was measured by measuring tree ring width and comparisons were made by looking at the relative ring width of tree cores before and after the introduction of wild boars. I found that the soil microbial community did generally not differ between the treatments, except for a higher fungi:bacteria ratio within the enclosures. Soil respiration was consistently lower in the enclosures throughout all months. Soil nutrient levels were similar between the treatments except for a slightly lowertotal P content and NO3-content in the pine forest enclosure. Lastly, the tree growth was severely decreased by the presence of wild boars. In summary my study suggests that anincrease of the wild boar population in boreal forests may have a minor impact on many soil processes, while tree growth can be hampered. However, studies in natural ecosystems are needed to investigate this effect further.
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Var det bara handjur som avbildades? : Frånvaron av det kvinnliga könet i Göbekli Tepe / Did they only find males? : The absence of the female sex at Göbekli TepeViberg, Anna January 2020 (has links)
The study of gender identification in Neolithic iconography is a relatively unexplored area. This study will apply gender theory on the findings of reliefs in Göbekli Tepe to further the information about this area. Contemporary scientists state that there are no females present in Göbekli Tepes iconography, whether they are human or animal. Earlier research has gone from exploring the idea that a female-dominated cult that focused on a goddess with connections to fertility, originating from the discovery of Çatalhöyük, was prominent in the area to a male-dominated cult which has a focus on dominance, aggressiveness and wildness. The cult of the goddess theory came from a focus on artefacts and reliefs that showed the female sex, while ignoring all male findings. The male-centered theory comes not only from the artefacts and reliefs that have been found but also as a response to the female-dominant cults exaggeration of findings of female iconography. In this study there will be a limited analysis of previous research within these two different camps of research, as well as an analysis of six reliefs from Göbekli Tepe. This analysis will be based on gender theory mainly as it has a prominent relevance in the studies of hunter-gatherer societies. Its importance comes as a response to the heteronormative lenses that this time has been viewed through. Because the people that lived in this time period (about 10000 BCE) had an intimate relationship with both the flora and fauna that made up their world. This led to an extensive symbolic relationship between animals and humans which led to the lines between them started to blur, one representing the other symbolically. The research analysis will be limited to cultic and iconographic interpretations that have a connection to Göbekli Tepe. The choice of motifs for further analysis have also been limited because of the small number of published pictures of the T-pillars, those that have been chosen are by what species that they are (foxes and boars, two of each) and if renderings have visible genitalia or not. The other two reliefs have been chosen as a further exploration of the gender-question as it is presented in Göbekli Tepes iconography. The main results of this study are that there is no scientific basis to say that there are no females depicted at Göbekli Tepe. This conclusion is primarily based on evidence that clearly indicates that the artists of the reliefs had such a high ability and knowledge about both the animals and artistic techniques that they fully had the abilities to depict what they wanted. Neither can we be sure that the reliefs that are without male genitalia are male from their depicted biological traits. This leaves a big group of genderless individuals in Göbekli Tepe and the question if gender is at all relevant or if the depicted animals relate more of a spiritual relationship between animals and humans.
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Hur markegenskaper i produktionsskog påverkas av bök från vildsvin (Sus scrofa) i sydvästra SverigePetersson, Linn January 2019 (has links)
A balance between large-scale and small-scale disturbance is important for maintaining species diversity on landscape level. Wild boar rooting contributes to small-scale disturbance when leaving patches bare of soil. Knowledge is scarce regarding their impact on soil properties in managed spruce forests in south-west Sweden. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the effects of wild boar rooting on soil physical and chemical properties, by taking soil samples from the centre, the edge and outside of disturbed patches. Rooting activities significantly increased soil moisture, organic matter, total N and pH but did not affect total P in this study. Areas with high number of disturbed patches had higher soil moisture and organic matter compared to areas with intermediate and few disturbed patches. These new soil characteristics can favour species diversity and ultimately increase productivity in managed forests. The results of this study indicate that wild boar activity contributes to more positive than negative effects in managed spruce forests and focus should therefore lie on preventing wild boar rooting in other areas more sensitive to this disturbance. It is also important to disseminate information and knowledge about the wild boar's positive and negative impact on managed forests in order to better prevent the negative effects and strengthen the positive ones.
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Naturbetesmarker & vildsvin : En kvalitativ studie om vildsvinsskador på naturbetesmark från markägarnas perspektiv / Pasturelands & wild boars : A qualitative study about wild boar damages on pasturelands from the landowners´ perspectiveJohansson, Emil, Ågren, Jeanette January 2021 (has links)
Naturbetesmarker är ett av de artrikaste markslagen vi har, för att hålla dem öppna med betande djur finns ett miljöstöd från landsbygdsprogrammet utformat för att gynna den biologiska mångfalden. Vildsvinen (Sus Scrofa) har under de senaste årtiondena ökat markant, vilket har lett till stora ekonomiska konsekvenser för lantbruket genom skador på jordbruksmark. Av tidigare forskning kan vi se att skadorna inte påverkar den biologiska mångfalden negativt. Biologisk mångfald är en central del i det miljöstöd som lantbrukarna får för att hålla sina naturbetesmarker öppna. Men vad säger markägarna om vildsvinsproblematiken på naturbetesmark och hur ser de på framtiden? Studien utgår från markägarnas perspektiv, där vi undersöker hur markägarna upplever vildsvinsskador på deras naturbetesmarker och hur skadorna påverkar deras skötsel. Vi undersöker även hur markägarna upplever den rådgivning och stöd som de får från berörd myndighet samt vilka förändringar de vill se i vildsvinsförvaltningen. Vi valde i studien att använda oss av kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer, där sex markägare intervjuades. Resultatet i studien visar att markägarna upplever att det största problemet är att skadorna är tidskrävande och kostsamma att rätta till. Det framkom även kritik mot dagens utformning av miljöstödet och att trycket från vildsvinsstammen måste minska för att man ska orka att hålla sina marker öppna i framtiden. Slutsatsen är att det måste till ett större helhetsgrepp kring vildsvinsförvaltningen för att minska skadorna och mer individuell rådgivning för den enskilda markägaren. / Pasturelands is a land with high biodiversity, in order to keep them open with herbivores, there is environmental support from Landsbygdsprogrammet designed to benefit the biological diversity. Wild boars (Sus Scrofa) have increased markedly in recent decades, which has led to major economic consequences for agriculture and it´s land. From previous research, we can see that the damage does not adversely affect biodiversity. Biodiversity is a central part of the environmental support that the farmers receive to keep their pasturelands open. But what does landowners say about the problems with wild boar on pasturelands and how do they look on the future? The study is based on the landowners ‘perspective, we examine how landowners experience wild boar damage to their pasturelands and how the damage affects their management. We also examine how landowners experience the advice and support they receive from the authority and what changes they want to see in wild boar management. In the study, we choose to use qualitative research interviews, in which six landowners were interviewed. The result of the study show that landowners feel that the biggest problem is that the damage is time-consuming and costly to repair. There was also criticism of today´s design of environmental support and the pressure from the wild boar population must be reduced in order to keep their land open in the future. The conclusion is that there must be a greater holistic approach to wild management to reduce the damage and more individual advice for the individual landowner.
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