Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bodymassindex"" "subject:"kroppsmasseindex""
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Dietary and Physical Activity Acculturation and Weight Status in Chinese College StudentsZhang, Yanni 09 August 2016 (has links)
This cross-sectional study examined the relationships between length of residence in the United States (U.S.) and dietary and physical activity acculturation, and the relationships between dietary and physical activity acculturation and weight status in 55 Chinese college students. Length of residence in the U.S. was positively associated with larger portion size, greater amount of physical activity, and change in BMI in male participants. Adoption of a Western diet was associated with weight gain. Portion size change was positively associated with BMI change. Lunch size change was positively correlated with BMI change in males while negatively correlated with BMI change in females. And dinner size change was positively correlated with BMI change in males. This study suggests that dietary acculturation is positively associated with weight gain in Chinese college students. Future interventions focusing on multi-dimensional aspects of dietary behavior change--especially portion size and meal size changes--while emphasizing the importance of changes in physical activity are needed. Such interventions may help maintain healthy weight status and prevent individuals in this population from becoming overweight or obese.
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Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and changes in body composition, physical fitness and cardiovascular risk factors during military serviceMikkola, I. (Ilona) 08 November 2011 (has links)
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a cluster of obesity-related cardiometabolic risk factors. It predicts the development of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, which are major public health concerns. Visceral obesity and insulin resistance are the predominant underlying factors of MetS, other diagnostic components being elevated blood pressure, high triglycerides, and low HDL-cholesterol. The most important treatment of MetS is through lifestyle changes.
There are limited data concerning the prevalence of MetS among young populations. Furthermore, even though the effects of physical activity on MetS components are well established at an individual basis and in some subpopulations, large population-based data about associations of young men’s fitness and MetS-related cardiometabolic risk factor changes are warranted.
In Finland, military service is compulsory for males. In 2005, 1,160 young men (mean age 19.2 years, range 18–28 years) were followed throughout their military service (6–12 months) in the Sodankylä Jaeger Brigade. The military service period includes high amounts of physical exercise, but no dietary restrictions. Physical fitness, anthropometrics, body composition, and cardiometabolic risk factors were assessed at the beginning and at the end of military service.
Among the entire study population, the prevalence of MetS was 3.5–6.8 %, depending on the definition used, and increased in parallel with an increasing body mass index. On the average, the military training period resulted in a decrease in body weight and amount of fat tissue, especially visceral fat, and improved physical fitness. Body composition and fitness improvements were more pronounced in overweight and obese service men. Beneficial changes in body composition and related cardiovascular risk factor improvements were associated with increased physical fitness, especially aerobic fitness.
This study indicates that an improvement in physical fitness is related to improvements in body fat distribution and cardiovascular health at population level in young men. This is an age when co-morbidities are usually as yet non-existing, but might be most efficiently prevented by lifestyle changes, such as becoming physically active. / Tiivistelmä
Metabolinen oireyhtymä on tyypin 2 diabeteksen ja valtimosairauksien riskitekijäryväs. Sen osatekijöitä vyötärölihavuuden lisäksi ovat kohonnut verenpaine, insuliiniresistenssi, korkea veren triglyseridipitoisuus ja HDL-kolesterolin pitoisuus. Viime vuosina metabolinen oireyhtymä on yleistynyt lihavuuden lisääntymisen myötä. Lihavuuden ja sen liitännäissairauksien tärkeimpiä hoitokeinoja ovat laihtumiseen tähtäävät elintapamuutokset.
Liikunnan tiedetään johtavan edullisiin kehonkoostumusmuutoksiin sekä kardiovaskulaaririskitekijöiden parantumiseen. Laajat väestötason tutkimukset nuorten aikuisten kunnon ja varhaisten valtimosairausriskitekijöitten muutosten välisistä yhteyksistä kuitenkin puuttuvat.
Varusmiespalvelus tarjoaa ainutlaatuisen mahdollisuuden tarkastella nuoria miehiä laajassa, lähes valikoitumattomassa väestöotoksessa, sillä Suomessa varusmiespalvelus on pakollinen kaikille miehille. Vuonna 2005 1160 miestä (keski-ikä 19,2 vuotta, vaihteluväli 18–28 vuotta) astui palvelukseen Sodankylän jääkäriprikaatissa. Kehonkoostumus, fyysinen kunto, antropometria sekä veren rasva-arvot mitattiin varusmiespalveluksen (6–12 kk) alussa ja lopussa.
Metabolisen oireyhtymän vallitsevuus oli 3,5–6,8 % käytetystä määritelmästä riippuen. Se oli yleisempi korkeimmissa painoindeksiluokissa. Keskimäärin koko aineistossa varusmiesten paino laski, kehon rasvan määrä väheni ja kunto parani palvelusaikana. Edulliset muutokset fyysisessä kunnossa ja kehon koostumuksessa korostuivat ylipainoisilla ja lihavilla varusmiehillä. Nämä muutokset, erityisesti painon ja sisälmysrasvan väheneminen, olivat yhteydessä kestävyyskunnon paranemiseen. Vastaavasti kardiovaskulaaririskitekijöiden edulliset muutokset olivat yhteydessä erityisesti kestävyyskunnon paranemiseen ja vyötärölihavuuden vähenemiseen.
Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että nuorten miesten valtimosairauksien riskitekijöiden muutos on yhteydessä fyysisen kunnon nousuun. Nuoret miehet tulee saada lisäämään vapaa-ajan liikuntaa myös siviilielämässä. Keski-iässä yleistyvät valtimosairaudet ja diabetes voisivat olla huomattavissa määrin torjuttavissa vaikuttamalla nuorten miesten liikuntatottumuksiin.
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Should Sweden impose excise tax on sugar-sweetened beverages in order to improve public health?Edfeldt, Johan, Petersson Edfeldt, Linn January 2017 (has links)
In recent time, several reports have been published about a more and more unhealthy population world wide, with increasing Body Mass Index (BMI) in welfare countries, such as Sweden. Diseases, such as obesity and diabetes, which is strongly connected to a high BMI, have increased and together with them also the medical expenses for society/state. Several initiatives have been started, in different countries, to tackle these problems and some have introduced a “sugar tax” on unhealthy products, like candy and soda, which has become a well- debated subject also in Sweden today. In this MBA master thesis, a literature study has been conducted with the goal of evaluating if an excise tax should be introduced in an efficient way on unhealthy sugar-sweetened beverages in Sweden. This case study is built on secondary data where reports and official statistics, from governments and health authorities/organizations, have been studied both for Sweden as well as from other countries. There has been a particular focus on Sweden's neighbouring countries Denmark and Finland, who has both experiences in the implementation of a “sugar tax”. Our theory is that introducing an excise tax on sugar-sweetened beverages will reduce the demand and consumption of these products, which will reduce welfare disease such as obesity and diabetes and yield a tax income for the state. However it is important to have in mind that the reduced consumption also will result in less tax income from the no longer sold goods, fewer personnel employed in the producing industries etc. The results showed that the overall sugar consumption actually has decreased in Sweden, as well as the overall consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages. However during the same time period the average calorie consumption and BMI has continued to increase resulting in a more unhealthy population that results in increased medical expenses. In conclusion an excise tax on sugar-sweetened beverages will not solve the welfare disease problems but may positively influence health. However it comes with a price also for the state from both gains and loss in tax incomes and increased administrations costs for managing the new tax. Finally it should be noted that since sugar-sweetened beverages are unhealthy products, which do not contribute to any positive health effects, sugar taxation might still be considered.
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Accuracy of Self-Reported Height, Weight, and Calculated BMI and Resulting FITNESSGRAM® Healthy Fitness Zone ClassificationRowell, Chelsie Joyce 05 1900 (has links)
The determination of adiposity in adolescents is often assessed with calculations of body mass indices (BMI). Researchers often obtain these measurements from self-reported (SR) values. The purpose of this study was to determine the accuracy of SR height, weight, and calculated BMI (from height and weight). SR and actual measured (ME) BMI values were compared with standards from the FITNESSGRAM® Healthy Fitness Zone (HFZ) classifications. SR height and calculated BMI were found to be accurate while SR weight was, on average, underreported by 4.77 lbs. Because of these errors in SR height and weight, accuracy of classification into the FITNESSGRAM® HFZ was compromised. Consequently, it is important that researchers ascertain actual values of height and weight when measuring adolescents rather than use those from self-reports.
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Excesso de peso e sua relação com condições socioeconômicas da área de moradia de crianças assistidas por escolas públicas de educação infantil de Porto AlegreKrause, Annelise Barreto January 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O presente estudo justifica-se, inicialmente, pela elevada prevalência de excesso de peso na infância em nosso país e por suas consequências a curto e longo prazo. Porto Alegre possui 34 escolas infantis com cerca de 4.000 crianças, que permanecem na instituição em turno integral. A grande maioria dessas escolas situa-se em locais de grande vulnerabilidade social e praticamente a totalidade das crianças reside próximo às escolas. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a associação entre a prevalência de excesso de peso em pré-escolares de escolas públicas e condições socioeconômicas da região de localização das escolas. MÉTODOS: As medidas de peso e altura foram provenientes de avaliação antropométrica realizada em todas as crianças matriculadas em escolas públicas de educação infantil de Porto Alegre em 2011. O excesso de peso foi definido como índice de massa corporal para idade > 1 escore z das curvas de crescimento da Organização Mundial de Saúde (WHO, 2006). Os dados socioeconômicos da região de moradia (alfabetização e renda mensal) foram coletados do Censo IBGE 2010, definidos a partir do setor censitário onde se localiza a escola e todos os setores que o circundam. Análise multinível foi utilizada para verificar as associações entre o desfecho e as variáveis de exposição. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliadas 3.756 crianças, com média de idade de 51,6 meses (dp = 16,4). A prevalência de excesso de peso foi de 35,5%. Em nível individual, maior idade esteve associada a um efeito protetor, uma vez que a cada incremento de 12 meses de vida, as chances de IMC-para-idade acima do adequado foram 7% menores (RC ajustada = 0,93; IC 95% 0,89-0,98). Em relação à região de moradia, o incremento de ¼ de salário mínimo na renda per capita média da região esteve associado a um aumento de 7% nas chances de excesso de peso (RC ajustada = 1,07; IC 95% 1,03-1,11). CONCLUSÕES: O presente estudo apresenta elevada prevalência de excesso de peso na população de crianças atendidas em escolas municipais de educação infantil, particularmente naquelas mais jovens e com maior renda. Assim, percebe-se a necessidade de planejamento de políticas públicas de educação alimentar infantil e familiar, promoção de aleitamento materno e alimentação complementar saudável considerando aspectos socioeconômicos do território. / INTRODUCTION: This study is justified due to the high prevalence of overweight in children in our country and its consequences in short and long term. Porto Alegre has 34 elementary schools with about 4,000 children, who remain in the institution fulltime. The vast majority of these schools are located in neighborhood of high social vulnerability and almost all children live near the school. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the association between socioeconomic conditions of the region of location of schools and the prevalence of overweight among preschool children in public schools. METHODS: Measurements of weight and height are from anthropometric measurements performed in all children enrolled in public child care centers in Porto Alegre in 2011. Overweight was defined as body mass index for age > 1 z score of the growth curves of the World Health Organization. The socioeconomic data of the region of residence (literacy and monthly income) were collected from the IBGE Census 2010, defined as the census tract where the school is located and the all the census tracts that surround it. Multilevel analysis was used to determine associations between the outcome and exposure variables. RESULTS: There were evaluated 3,756 children with an average age 31,6 months (SD 16.4). The prevalence of overweight was 35.5%. At the individual level, higher age was associated with a protective effect, once for each 12 months, 7% lower were the chances of being above appropriate BMI-for-age (adjusted OR = 0.93, 95% CI 0.89 to 0.98). With regard to region of residence, the increment of 1/4 of minimum wage in average per capita income in the region was associated with a 7% increase in the odds of overweight (adjusted OR = 1.07, 95% CI 1.03 -1.11). CONCLUSIONS: This study shows a high prevalence of overweight in children enrolled in public schools in early childhood education, particularly those younger and with higher income. These results show the necessity of planning specific actions as public education policies for infant and family feeding, promotion of breastfeeding and healthy complementary feeding.
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Avaliação da associação de variáveis cardíacas estruturais e funcionais com variáveis antropométricas, metabólicas e com rigidez arterial em hipertensos graves / Evaluation of the association of structural and functional cardiac parameters with anthropometric and metabolic variables, and with the arterial stiffness in severe hypertensive patientsElias Cesar Hauy Marum 29 September 2008 (has links)
A hipertensão arterial freqüentemente está associada com obesidade, alterações metabólicas e cardiovasculares. Embora haja estudos mostrando a correlação dessas alterações com alterações cardíacas estruturais e funcionais, não há dados nesse sentido em pacientes hipertensos graves. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar, em pacientes hipertensos graves, variáveis cardíacas estruturais e funcionais e se há associação entre elas e variáveis metabólicas, antropométricas e com a rigidez arterial. Foram avaliados 41 pacientes com hipertensão arterial grave recebendo o mesmo tipo de tratamento anti-hipertensivo durante 30 dias. O ecocardiograma foi usado para avaliar a estrutura e função do coração. A determinação da distensibilidade da aorta foi obtida pela velocidade de onda de pulso. Amostras de sangue venoso foram coletadas em jejum de 12 horas para a avaliação das variáveis bioquímicas. A circunferência de cintura foi obtida com fita métrica flexível de acordo com recomendações internacionais e nacional. Foram realizadas correlações das variáveis ecocardiográficas com as bioquímicas, antropométricas e com a velocidade de onda de pulso. As variáveis bioquímicas que tiveram melhor correlação com dados estruturais e funcionais do coração foram o ácido úrico e triglicérides. O ácido úrico apresentou correlação positiva com massa, índice de massa, diâmetro diastólico do ventrículo esquerdo, espessuras diastólicas do septo e da parede posterior do ventrículo esquerdo, diâmetro da raiz da aorta, e negativa com a variável funcional fração de ejeção. Triglicérides correlacionou-se com as espessuras diastólicas do septo e da parede posterior do ventrículo esquerdo, diâmetros diastólico e sistólico do ventrículo esquerdo, diâmetro da raiz da aorta e do átrio esquerdo, massa e índice de massa do ventrículo esquerdo de forma positiva e velocidade protodiastólica máxima do fluxo mitral e sua razão com a velocidade telediastólica máxima de forma negativa. As correlações persistiram após correção para idade e índice de massa corpórea. A circunferência de cintura e a velocidade da onda de pulso apresentaram correlação com dados estruturais e funcionais do coração. Valores de glicose, HDL-colesterol e LDL-colesterol também foram associados com diferentes variáveis estruturais e funcionais cardíacas. Foi realizado modelo de regressão linear múltipla que considerou como variáveis dependentes os parâmetros do ecocardiograma e como independentes, pressão arterial, os dados bioquímicos, a idade e o índice de massa corpórea. Triglicérides, ácido úrico e índice de massa corpórea tiveram o maior número de associações com as variáveis estruturais cardíacas. O HDL-colesterol e a pressão arterial sistólica mostraram o maior número de associações com as variáveis diastólicas. Outra análise multivariada selecionou idade, pressão arterial sistólica e velocidade da onda de pulso como variáveis independentes e essa última se associou somente com o tempo de relaxamento isovolumétrico. Em pacientes hipertensos graves, os níveis de triglicérides e do ácido úrico apresentaram boa correlação com dados estruturais e funcionais do coração. Glicose, HDLcolesterol e LDLcolesterol também tiveram correlação com dados estruturais e funcionais do coração, porém em menor intensidade. A circunferência de cintura apresentou correlação com alguns dados estruturais e funcionais do coração. A rigidez de grandes artérias teve forte correlação com a idade e com disfunção diastólica de ventrículo esquerdo, independente do fator pressão arterial / Hypertension is frequently associated with obesity, metabolic and cardiovascular abnormalities. Although there are studies correlating these alterations with cardiac structure and function alterations, there is no data regarding this issue in severe hypertensive patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate in severe hypertensive patients structural and functional cardiac variables, and whether there is an association between them and anthropometric, metabolic variables, and pulse wave velocity. Forty-one patients with severe hypertension were evaluated after 30 days taking the same anti-hypertensive medication. Cardiac evaluation was performed with the echocardiogram. Aortic distensibility was obtained by pulse wave velocity. Blood sample was drowning after 12-hours fasting for biochemistry variables. Waist circumference was measured with a flexible metric strip according to international and national recommendations. Correlation between echocardiographic parameters, biochemistry variables, waist circumference, and the pulse wave velocity were done. Uric acid and triglycerides showed better correlation with cardiac structural and functional parameters. Uric acid showed a positive correlation with left ventricle mass, left ventricle mass index, left ventricle diastolic diameter, left ventricle septal and posterior wall thickness, aortic root and a negative correlation with ejection fraction. Triglycerides showed a positive correlation between diastolic septal and posterior wall thickness, systolic and diastolic left ventricle diameters, aortic root and left atrium diameter, left ventricle mass and mass index, and also a negative correlation between peak velocity of early diastolic filling of mitral inflow and your ratio with the peak velocity of late diastolic filling. The correlation persisted after correction for age and body mass index. The waist circumference and the pulse wave velocity also showed correlation with cardiac structural and functional data. Glucose, HDL-cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol values also were associated with myocardial structural and functional different parameters. In a linear regression multiple model, considering echocardiogram parameters as dependent variable and blood pressure, biochemistry data, age, and body mass index independent variables was done. Triglycerides, uric acid, and body mass index showed higher number of association with cardiac structural parameters. HDL-cholesterol and systolic blood pressure showed greater number of association with diastolic variables. In another multivariate analyzes, age, blood pressure, and pulse wave velocity were selected as independent variables and the last one showed association with isovolumic relaxation time. In patients with severe hypertension, triglycerides levels and uric acid showed a good correlation with cardiac structural and functional parameters. Glucose, HDL-cholesterol, and LDL-cholesterol also showed correlation with cardiac structural and functional measures, however it was less strong. The waist circumference showed correlation with cardiac structural and functional parameters. The great arteries distensibility showed a strong correlation with age, and left ventricle diastolic dysfunction, independently of the blood pressure
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Comparação entre o tratamento com metformina e orientação dietética associada a exercícios físicos em mulheres com síndrome dos ovários policísticos / Comparison between treatment with metformin and diet associated with exercises in women with polycystic ovary syndromeDaniella de Grande Curi 07 August 2007 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A metformina tem sido amplamente utilizada no tratamento da síndrome dos ovários policísticos (SOP), porém poucos estudos comparam a metformina e a dieta associada a exercícios físicos. O objetivo deste estudo é comparar parâmetros clínicos e laboratoriais de mulheres com SOP em uso de metformina ou através de dieta e exercícios físicos. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas 30 mulheres com SOP, com idades entre 18 a 34 anos, as quais foram divididas em dois grupos: grupo A- tratamento com metformina 1.800mg/dia e grupo B- dieta hipocalórica associada a exercícios físicos. Avaliações clínica e laboratorial foram feitas antes dos tratamentos e a cada três meses, por período de seis meses. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos quanto à regularização do ciclo menstrual (p=0,711), acne (p=0,271), hirsutismo (p=0,146) e índice de massa corpórea (IMC) p=0,328; assim como nas dosagens laboratoriais de LH (p=0,147), FSH (p=0,891), testosterona total (p=0,226) e livre(p=0,455), androstenediona (p=0,066), 17alfa-hidroxiprogesterona (p=0,914), SHBG (p=0,791), colesterol total (p=0,692) e frações, triglicérides (0,291) e nos índices de avaliação de resistência insulínica HOMA-R (p=0,111) e relação glicemia/insulina (p=0,976). Os dois tratamentos apresentaram melhora do ciclo menstrual (76%) e do IMC (p<0,001). A diminuição da circunferência abdominal foi maior no grupo B (p=0,006). CONCLUSÕES: Comparando os dois tratamentos não houve diferença nos parâmetros clínicos e laboratoriais avaliados. Ambos foram eficazes na redução do peso corpóreo e na regularização do ciclo menstrual. / Metformin has been widly used in treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) but only few studies compare metformin with diet and exercises. The aim of this study is to compare clinical and laboratorial parameters of women with PCOS using metformin or under diet and exercises. Methods: Thirty women with PCOS were evaluated with ages between 18- 34 years old, who were divided in two groups: group A- treatment with metformin 1.800mg/day and group B- hypocaloric diet and exercises. Clinical and laboratorial evaluations were done before treatment and each three months during a period of six months. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between treatments for menstrual disturbances (p=0,711), acne (p=0,271), hirsutism (p=0,146) and body mass index (BMI), p=0,328; in laboratorial parameters there were no significant differences for LH (p=0,147); FSH (p=0,891), total testosterone (p=0,226), free testosterone (p=0,455), androstenedione (p=0,066), 17alfa-hidroxiprogesterone (p=0,914), SHBG (p=0,791), total cholesterol (p=0,692) and fractions and indexes for evaluation of insulin resitence HOMA-IR (p=0,111) and glycemia and insulin ratio (p=0,976). Both treatments improved menstrual disturbances (76%) and BMI (p<0,001). The abdominal circunference decreasing was greater in group B (p<0,006). CONCLUSIONS: Comparing both treatments there were no differences in clinical and laboratorial parameters evaluated. Both were efficient in improving body mass index and menstrual disturbances.
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Estado nutricional e disponibilidade de nutrientes e carotenóides para a população brasileira / Nutritional status and availability of nutrients and carotenoids for the Brazilian populationNatalia Moreno Gaino 18 May 2012 (has links)
O trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a disponibilidade domiciliar de energia, nutrientes e carotenóides para as famílias brasileiras residentes nas áreas rurais e urbanas, das Grandes Regiões Geográficas, bem como o estado nutricional dos indivíduos adultos pertencentes a esta população. Utilizou-se como base de dados as informações individuais obtidas por meio da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF 2008-2009) do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Adotou-se preliminarmente um banco de dados criado a partir dos microdados da POF 2002- 2003. Essa planilha revisada e atualizada gerou um novo banco de dados. Utilizouse como parâmetro para a avaliação da participação de macronutrientes no Valor Energético Total (VET) e disponibilidade de vitaminas e minerais os valores preconizados pelo Institute of Medicine (1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004). Para a identificação do conteúdo de carotenóides foram adotadas as informações contidas na tabela Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 23 - United States of Department Agriculture (USDA). A disponibilidade média diária de energia e nutrientes e estado nutricional foram calculados utilizando o programa Statistical Analysis System SAS. Os resultados evidenciam diferenças da disponibilidade de energia e nutrientes para as famílias brasileiras, discriminadas de acordo com as Grandes Regiões e estratos geográficos (rural e urbano). Com relação à disponibilidade de energia, os maiores conteúdos foram identificados para as famílias das áreas rurais. A distribuição dos macronutrientes energéticos no VET revelou expressiva contribuição dos carboidratos para a totalidade das famílias brasileiras residentes no meio rural. Nos domicílios rurais e urbanos das Grandes Regiões, a contribuição de macronutrientes para o VET mostrou-se em conformidade com os valores preconizados. Com relação à vitamina C, vitamina B6, vitamina B12, folato e ácido pantotênico, os resultados indicaram disponibilidade inferior às recomendações. O conteúdo médio observado para as vitaminas A, B1 e B2 atendeu aos valores de referência para a totalidade das famílias. No tocante aos minerais, a disponibilidade de cálcio, magnésio, zinco, potássio e ferro revelou-se reduzida na maioria dos domicílios brasileiros. Os valores médios observados para os minerais sódio e manganês superaram o recomendado para a totalidade das famílias. A disponibilidade de carotenóides apresentou um aumento importante na última pesquisa (POF 2008-2009) quando em comparação com os valores identificados por meio da POF 2002-2003. Porém, revela-se ainda pouco expressiva nos domicílios brasileiros. Foi observada prevalência de sobrepeso (32,9%) e obesidade (12,5%) entre os adultos. Ressalta-se que os resultados referem-se às estimativas das quantidades de alimentos adquiridos para consumo no domicílio, podendo os mesmos envolver algum grau de subestimação. Os resultados obtidos nesta pesquisa evidenciam diferenças expressivas da disponibilidade de energia e nutrientes para as famílias brasileiras. Maior disponibilidade de carotenóides totais foi observada nos domicílios da Região Sul, com destaque para as famílias residentes nas áreas rurais. O sobrepeso e a obesidade destacaram-se entre os adultos. / The study aimed to analyze the household availability of energy, nutrients and carotenoids to Brazilian families living in rural and urban areas, the Major Geographic Regions, as well as the nutritional status of adults belonging to this population. The individual information from the Household Budget Survey (POF 2008-2009) from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) were used as a database. We adopted a preliminary database created from the POF microdata from 2002 to 2003. This revised and updated spreadsheet generated a new database. The values recommended by the Institute of Medicine (1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004) were used as a parameter to assess the participation of macronutrients in total energy (VET) and availability of vitamins and minerals. The identification and content of carotenoids was based on the information contained in the table Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 23 - United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The average daily availability of energy and nutrients and nutritional status were calculated using the Statistical Analysis System - SAS. The results show differences in the availability of energy and nutrients to Brazilian families, broken down by Major Regions and geographic areas (rural and urban). Regarding the availability of energy, the highest contents were identified for families in rural areas. The energy distribution of macronutrients in the VET revealed significant contribution of carbohydrates to the total of Brazilian families living in rural areas. In rural and urban households of Major Regions, the contribution of macronutrients to the VET proved in accordance with the recommended values. With respect to vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folate, and pantothenic acid, the results indicated lower availability of the recommendations. The mean content observed for vitamins A, B1 and B2 met the benchmarks for all families. With regard to minerals, the availability of calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium and iron proved to be reduced in most Brazilian households. The mean values observed for the minerals sodium and manganese exceeded the recommendations for all families. The availability of carotenoids showed a significant increase in the 2008-2009 survey, when compared with the values of POF 2002-2003, although it continues to be unsatisfactory in Brazilian households. A prevalence of overweightness (32,9%) and obesity (12,5%) was detected among adults. It is emphasized that the results refer to estimates of quantities of food purchased for consumption at home, so they can involve some degree of underestimation. The results obtained in this study show significant differences in the availability of energy and nutrients to Brazilian families. Greater availability of carotenoids was observed in households in the South, especially for families living in rural areas. Overweight and obesity stood out among adults.
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Slow-Twitch Fiber Proportion in Skeletal Muscle Correlates With Insulin ResponsivenessStuart, Charles A., McCurry, Melanie P., Marino, Anna, South, Mark A., Howell, Mary E. A., Layne, Andrew S., Ramsey, Michael W., Stone, Michael H. 01 May 2013 (has links)
Context: The metabolic syndrome, characterized by central obesity with dyslipidemia, hypertension, and hyperglycemia, identifies people at high risk for type 2 diabetes.
Objective: Our objective was to determine how the insulin resistance of the metabolic syndrome is related to muscle fiber composition.
Design:Thirty-nine sedentary men and women (including 22 with the metabolic syndrome) had insulin responsiveness quantified using euglycemic clamps and underwent biopsies of the vastus lateralis muscle. Expression of insulin receptors, insulin receptor substrate-1, glucose transporter 4, and ATP synthase were quantified with immunoblots and immunohistochemistry.
Participants and Setting: Participants were nondiabetic,metabolic syndrome volunteers and sedentary control subjects studied at an outpatient clinic.
Main Outcome Measures: Insulin responsiveness during an insulin clamp and the fiber composition of a muscle biopsy specimen were evaluated.
Results: There were fewer type I fibers and more mixed (type IIa) fibers in metabolic syndrome subjects.Insulin responsiveness and maximal oxygen uptake correlated with the proportion of type I fibers.Insulin receptor,insulin receptor substrate-1, and glucose transporter 4 expression were not different in whole muscle but all were significantly less in the type I fibers of metabolic syndrome subjects when adjusted for fiber proportion and fiber size.Fat oxidation and muscle mitochondrial expression were not different in the metabolic syndrome subjects.
Conclusion:Lower proportion of type I fibers in metabolic syndrome muscle correlated with the severity of insulin resistance. Even though whole muscle content was normal, key elements of insulin action were consistently less in type I muscle fibers, suggesting their distribution was important in mediating insulin effects
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Asociación entre el número de comidas al día y el IMC en adolescentes y adultos peruanos / Association between the number of meals per day and the body mass index (BMI) in peruvian adolescents and adultsTorres Ramos, Nancy Elisa, Valverde Aguilar, Mariana 15 December 2020 (has links)
Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre el número de comidas durante un día y el IMC (Índice de Masa Corporal) de adolescentes y adultos peruanos del Estudio Latinoamericano de Nutrición y Salud (ELANS).
Material y métodos: Análisis secundario de datos a partir del estudio transversal ELANS. La variable dependiente fue IMC (kg/m2) y la variable de exposición número de comidas al día, medida como frecuencia de comidas al día, promedio de comidas principales, omisión comidas principales, frecuencia de entrecomidas al día, omisión de entrecomidas y consume entrecomidas. Se realizó una regresión lineal cruda y ajustada (por: sexo, edad, región, nivel socioeconómico, estado civil, kilocalorías y nivel de actividad física), para evaluar la asociación entre número de comidas e IMC con un nivel de confianza del 95%.
Resultados: Se analizaron datos de 1092 personas, el promedio de edad fue 34,2 + 13,6 y de IMC fue 26,7 + 4,9. En el modelo ajustado, el IMC disminuyó 0,33, por cada comida adicional (p=0,019), y 1,12 por cada comida principal adicional (p=0,013). Mientras que las personas que omiten comidas principales presentaron 0,74 más de IMC que las que no los omiten (p=0,016).
Conclusiones: Se encontró asociación entre el número de comidas y el IMC. A un mayor número de comidas se encontró menor IMC, principalmente debido a las comidas principales. / Objective: To determine the association between the frequency of meals in the day and the BMI of Peruvian adolescents and adults of the Latin American Nutrition and Health Study (ELANS).
Material and methods: Secondary data analysis from the ELANS cross-sectional study. The dependent variable was BMI (kg / m2) and the exposure variable was number of meals per day, measured as frequency of meals per day, average of main meals, omission of main meals, frequency of meals per day, omission of meals, and consumption of inter-meals. A crude and adjusted linear regression was performed (by: sex, age, region, socioeconomic level, marital status, kilocalories and level of physical activity), to evaluate the association between number of meals and BMI with a confidence level of 95%.
Results: Data from 1092 people were analyzed, the average age was 34,2 + 13,6 and the BMI was 26,7 + 4,9. In the adjusted model, the BMI decreased 0,33 for each additional meal (p=0,019), and 1,12 for each additional main meal (p=0,013). While the people who skipped main meals had 0,74 more BMI than those who did not skip them (p=0,016).
Conclusions: An association was found between the number of meals and the BMI. At a higher number of meals, a lower BMI was found, mainly due to the main meals. / Tesis
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