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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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論BOT及其關鍵要素─企業的組織文化及執行力 / Research on BOT and its Adhering Fundamentals –

羅基偉 Unknown Date (has links)
公共建設的先期投資龐大、暴露在大環境風險的機率高、而且回收期長,在國內的國家基礎建設長期以來都是政府以編列國家預算在執行。 然而,政府在投入公共建設時,通常是以國家長短期的發展、國家競爭力及現代化,並須顧及民生經濟以為國家基礎建設的基本政策,以致於在執行過程中,必須兼顧多元目標,而非以建設的專案績效為考量,因此囿於基本政策及僵固官僚體系的掣肘,公共建設的執行效率始終有其受侷限的因素而未能盡情展現。 公共工程具有創造外部效益與社會公益的特性,各國政府皆以為長期發展計畫的工具,而有其存在的必要性,然而各國政府長年於財政上的收支拮据,也因而陷入進退維谷的窘境。在國外行之有年的民間參與公共建設(PPI, Private Participation in Infrastructure)的概念(劉憶如、王文宇、黃玉霖,2000)近二十年間遂在國內逐漸萌芽,將國家基礎建設經由BOT模式交民間企業興建及營運,以政府與民間合作及分工的機制,為國家整體資源的最適配置,一則為政府財務上的考量,就國家預算做最有效率的分配,同時以公權力及公部門的協調機制,提供參與的民間企業合理合宜的經營環境;再則以民間企業務實、專業、追求效率及績效的執行力,在建設時程以及執行品質的控制上獲致最佳效果。 BOT是Build-Operate-Transfer,在將國家基礎建設委託民間企業執行的過程,依時序分為「興建─營運─移轉」三個階段,是以民間企業在國家基礎建設的自初期規劃、施工構築,並在建設完成後一段期間的營運管理,到特許期限截止時的移轉給政府經營。由於營運期間才是先期龐大投資的回收期,在長期暴露於不確定性與風險的大環境下,政府為鼓勵並提高民間企業投資的意願,必須提供具有高度投資誘因與低風險的獎勵辦法,以為民間企業參與BOT的特許權,包括特許期、長期資金融資、租稅優惠、專屬經營權、競爭的排除、風險的分攤、立特別法等,其目的消極地在減少投資障礙,積極地則在提高投資的意願。 BOT雖是將國家建設開放民間企業參與,與政府編列預算的執行模式其實大相逕庭,政府的心態、社會大眾的觀點常會左右計畫的運作過程,而影響計畫的推動,政府的堅持承諾與積極支持的作為,將是計畫成功與否的關鍵,BOT案的命運是繫於政府的態度。 觀察國際間已有的BOT案例,不論是成功的穩定獲利的個案,或是失敗黯然結束收場的個案,都有其相關的關鍵因素,或者是財務的操作、或有政府承諾的支持及保證、或在於嚴謹的專案計畫管理,或前瞻的風險管理規劃,最終仍繫於企業本身的體質,也就是回歸企業的本質─經營管理的課題。在最好的環境也有經營不善的企業,在最壞的環境也有表現出色的企業,關鍵就在於企業是否徹底落實它的執行力,也就是競爭優勢的來源。 沒有執行力,那有競爭力!(Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan, 2003)。 策略,為企業就有限資源集中在最具發揮效益的地方;營運,則在踐行策略的步驟,打造堅實的路徑以銜接每一個階段,因此策略和營運必須有效並且緊密地連結。而不論是策略的凝聚過程,或者營運的落實在每一個環節,均有賴於高素質人力資源的投入,塑造具有競爭力的人力資源,並且組成具有執行力的團隊,因此而成為企業競爭力的先期指標。執行力,是在將企業的人員流程、策略流程、營運流程互相鏈結在一起,而構成企業的競爭力。 經營全世界最大且最複雜的BOT案,在當時社會環境對BOT的認知剛在起步之時,計畫推動的過程舉步維艱,其所以能一路披荊斬棘走出困境,必然有其關鍵成功因素(KSF),企業領導者的理念及意志力、組織成員的承諾、組織的紀律、有效的執行力,以及深植於人心的企業文化,組合成企業獨特的競爭力,將計畫一步一步的實現,原始股東的理想以及築夢的策略,經由執行力的打造走進我們的生活。 興建期以前的BOT公司,有一段備標期以及得標後的興建前期,是BOT案的關鍵時期。凡事豫則立,備標期對企業使命的承諾以及願景的描繪,以凝聚參與投資者的焦點及目標;興建前期在於企業文化的形塑、策略及方向的擬訂、執行步驟的分工及整合;興建後期進入實質執行面,則在於各分工體系的執行細節與各體系之間的連結,也就是嚴謹的結構及控制系統,整體架構下的各個系統及其每一個作為,能在適當的時機出現在適當的位置。 備標期的使命與願景、興建前期的策略與方向、興建後期的執行架構與控制系統,以及邁向營運期的組織結構,在本文所舉的大型交通工程BOT案中,處處可見執行力深刻的斧鑿痕跡。 「執行不只是工作是否完成的問題,而是一組特定的行為與方法,企業唯有確實掌握執行之道,方能取得競爭優勢。執行本身就是一種紀律」。 使命與願景、策略與方向、結構與系統,其形成以及決策的過程,不外乎是執行力的外顯效果,對應於執行力的人員流程、策略流程與營運流程,它是企業依其人員流程孕育出來的成員所制訂的獨特策略,並且在每日的營運過程中逐步壘實,因此而形成特定行為及行事方法的企業文化。 蛻變的企業文化又再造企業的人員流程,執行力在企業體內的循環流程漸進形成並且深化為企業的執行力及競爭優勢。 「執行力」一書所啟示的,在本個案中表現無遺,「Execution - The discipline of getting things done」,執行力是深植於企業員工內心的一種做事的紀律及態度。

Ρομποτικά εκπαιδευτικά περιβάλλοντα : μελέτη της διαδικασίας προγραμματισμού

Μπόκος, Αλέξανδρος 13 January 2015 (has links)
Η διδασκαλία των γενικών αρχών του προγραμματισμού, ειδικά όταν αφορά ηλικίες της πρώτης βαθμίδας εκπαίδευσης, συγκεντρώνει όλο και περισσότερο το ενδιαφέρον της ερευνητικής κοινότητας. Η εργασία αυτή έχει σαν σκοπό να παρουσιάσει μια πρόταση διδασκαλίας της έννοιας της διαδικασίας σε μαθητές πέμπτης και έκτης δημοτικού. Η προτεινόμενη διδακτική παρέμβαση αξιοποιεί το προγραμματιζόμενο ρομπότ δαπέδου Pro-Bot και προσπαθεί να διερευνήσει το βαθμό εξοικείωσης των μαθητών με την έννοια της διαδικασίας στον προγραμματισμό και να ανιχνεύσει τυχόν διδακτικά προβλήματα που προκύπτουν κατά τη διδασκαλία της. Αφού γίνει μια εισαγωγή στην έννοια της ρομποτικής και στα οφέλη που προκύπτουν από την ένταξή της στη μαθησιακή διαδικασία, περιγράφονται διάφορα διαθέσιμα πακέτα και γίνεται εκτενής αναφορά στο προγραμματιζόμενο ρομπότ Pro-Bot. Στη συνέχεια, παρουσιάζεται η έννοια και το περιβάλλον χρήσης της διαδικασίας, ενώ ερευνάται η βιβλιογραφία που σχετίζεται με την εφαρμογή της ρομποτικής στη διδασκαλία των διαδικασιών στην εκπαίδευση. Ακολουθεί η περιγραφή των στόχων και της μεθοδολογίας της έρευνας και παρουσιάζονται αναλυτικά οι δραστηριότητες, συνοδευόμενες από παρατηρήσεις και φωτογραφικό υλικό από την πορεία της διδασκαλίας. Τέλος, μέσα από την αξιολόγηση των φύλλων εργασίας και του υπόλοιπου υλικού, εξάγονται χρήσιμα συμπεράσματα. / Teaching the general principles of programming, especially to primary education students, becomes more and more interesting to the research community. This thesis aims to present a teaching proposal of the concept of procedure to fifth and sixth graders. The proposed approach utilizes the programmable floor robot Pro-Bot and tries to explore the extent to which students get familiar with the concept of procedure in programming and to detect any problems that may arise when teaching. Once introducing the concept of robotics and the arising benefits of its integration into the learning process, various robotic packages available are described followed by a detailed reference to the programmable robot, Pro-Bot. Furthermore, procedure concept and usage environment is introduced, succeeded by literature research related to the application of robotics in teaching procedures, description of the research objectives and methodology and presentation of teaching activities, together with observations and photos of the course of instruction. Finally, through the evaluation of worksheets and the rest of the material, useful conclusions are made.

Universalus programuojamas internetinių robotų kūrimo įrankis / Universal programable tool for Web robots

Paškevičius, Marijus 27 May 2005 (has links)
Actually, a whole new class of web user is developing. These users are computer programs that have the ability to access the Web in much the same way as a human user with a browser does. There are many names for these kinds of programs, and these names reflect many of the specialized tasks assigned to them. Spiders, bots, and aggregators are all so-called intelligent agents, which execute tasks on the Web without the intervention of a human being. In this research we will examine the differences between them and study possibilities to create user friendly programming toll which would be able to generate such kind of programs.


陳瀅宇 Unknown Date (has links)
BOT:興建、營運、移轉,為英文Build-Operate-Transfer的縮寫,係民間參與公共建設模式之一。要旨為:集合民間發起人力量,在特許期間內負責籌資、規劃、興建、營運、維護一公共建設專案,俟特許期間屆滿,專案所有權自民間公司移轉至當地政府。 由於BOT之標的,涉及基礎建設之興建營運,所需資金龐大,因此,需要有別於傳統融資之方式,而專案融資之特性正符合BOT計畫之需要。所謂專案融資,係指爲一個特定經濟實體所安排,其貸款人滿足於該經濟實體之現金流量和收益作爲償還貸款之資金來源,並以該經濟實體之資産作爲貸款之保障的融資方式。專案融資具有高財務槓桿特性,融資機構承擔專案大部分風險,因此風險之識別及管理為專案成功關鍵。專案公司及融資機構應掌握風險分擔原則,以契約方式將權利義務明確劃分給各參與者。 接著探討於BOT計畫下,主要當事人間之法律關係。專案發起人負責成立專案公司,為專案公司之當然股東。其主要任務,除以原始出資外,係在技術、經營管理方面支持協助專案公司,並依據特許契約之約定,在專案興建營運期間,維持對專案公司一定之出資比例。專案公司具有獨立法人格,為專案興建營運核心,負責管理運作整個專案計畫,並與政府簽訂特許契約,其亦為專案融資之借款人,與融資機構簽訂專案融資契約。 由於融資機構承擔專案成敗風險,因此其債權之保全措施值得探究。專案融資亦為授信種類之一,因此融資機構在進行專案融資時,一般授信原則亦運用於專案融資,以評估專案是否可行。決定給予融資後,融資機構除了要求以專案資產作為擔保外,需透過融資契約約定,要求專案公司設立及維持特定帳戶、讓與擔保、出具反面承諾及專案發起人資金必須即時到位等措施,以掌握專案之進行。且若在專案公司發生重大異常情事時,由最有利害關係之融資機構介入改正異常情形,以避免專案計畫因而中斷甚至特許權被撤銷。

Aseptic necrosis of bone following a successful kidney transplantation

Boven, Willem-Paul Leonard van. January 1980 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Rijksuniversiteit te Groningen.

Arquitetura distribuída e automatizada para mitigação de botnet baseada em análise dinâmica de malwares / An automated and distributed architecture for botnet mitigation based in dynamic malware analysis

Ceron, João Marcelo January 2010 (has links)
Atualmente, uma das mais sérias ameaças a segurança da Internet são as botnets. As botnets - rede de máquinas comprometidas e controladas remotamente por um atacante - caracterizam-se por serem muito dinâmicas. Frequentemente novas características são incorporadas as redes dificultando que ferramentas tradicionais tal como sistemas de antivírus e IDS sejam efetivas. Diante disso, faz-se necessário desenvolver novos mecanismos que possam complementar as atuais técnicas de defesa. Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta uma proposta de arquitetura para uma ferramenta de mitigação e detecção de botnets baseada em assinatura de rede de máquinas comprometidas por bots. Essa arquitetura automatiza o processo de geração de assinaturas compilando informações de analisadores de malwares gratuitamente disponibilizados na Web. Além disso, utilizouse de monitoração de fluxos através da solução Netflow para identificar o comportamento de rede similar aos mapeados em arquivos maliciosos analisados. Esse comportamento mapeado sinaliza uma possível infecção de máquinas na rede monitorada. Essa identificação dispara eventos na ferramenta proposta que auxiliará o gerente a mitigar a máquina comprometida. Por fim, avaliou-se a solução proposta no contexto de uma grande rede acadêmica: da própria Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Os resultados alcançados por essa solução permitiram concluir que 1,5% dos controladores ficam por um longo período (52 dias) realizando atividades maliciosas e, também, observouse um pequeno grupo de controladores responsáveis pela administração de uma grande quantidade de máquinas. / Currently, botnets are one of the most serious threats of Internet security. The botnets - network of compromissed machines remotely controlled by an attacker - are being very dynamic threats. Often new features are incorporated into thismalicious networksmaking hard for traditional tools, such as antivirus and IDS, to be effective. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new mechanisms that can complement the current defense techniques. This dissertation presents an architecture for a tool for botnet mitigation and detection. The tool is based in network signature obtained from bot compromissed machine’s. This architecture automates the process of signature generation compiling information from online malwares analyze tools. Furthermore, flows monitoring tools was used to identify similar behavior to those mapped in malware (bot) analyzed by the system. This mapped behavior in flows indicates possible compromissed machines, with this, the system triggers events to help the security manager to mitigate the compromissed machines. Finally, the proposed solution was evaluated in a academic network: in the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. The results achieved by this solution helped to observe that more than 1.5% of the botnet controllers’s remain active for a long period of time (52 days) performing malicious activities. Also, was observed a small group of controllers responsible for the adminstration of a large number of compromissed machines.

Arquitetura distribuída e automatizada para mitigação de botnet baseada em análise dinâmica de malwares / An automated and distributed architecture for botnet mitigation based in dynamic malware analysis

Ceron, João Marcelo January 2010 (has links)
Atualmente, uma das mais sérias ameaças a segurança da Internet são as botnets. As botnets - rede de máquinas comprometidas e controladas remotamente por um atacante - caracterizam-se por serem muito dinâmicas. Frequentemente novas características são incorporadas as redes dificultando que ferramentas tradicionais tal como sistemas de antivírus e IDS sejam efetivas. Diante disso, faz-se necessário desenvolver novos mecanismos que possam complementar as atuais técnicas de defesa. Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta uma proposta de arquitetura para uma ferramenta de mitigação e detecção de botnets baseada em assinatura de rede de máquinas comprometidas por bots. Essa arquitetura automatiza o processo de geração de assinaturas compilando informações de analisadores de malwares gratuitamente disponibilizados na Web. Além disso, utilizouse de monitoração de fluxos através da solução Netflow para identificar o comportamento de rede similar aos mapeados em arquivos maliciosos analisados. Esse comportamento mapeado sinaliza uma possível infecção de máquinas na rede monitorada. Essa identificação dispara eventos na ferramenta proposta que auxiliará o gerente a mitigar a máquina comprometida. Por fim, avaliou-se a solução proposta no contexto de uma grande rede acadêmica: da própria Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Os resultados alcançados por essa solução permitiram concluir que 1,5% dos controladores ficam por um longo período (52 dias) realizando atividades maliciosas e, também, observouse um pequeno grupo de controladores responsáveis pela administração de uma grande quantidade de máquinas. / Currently, botnets are one of the most serious threats of Internet security. The botnets - network of compromissed machines remotely controlled by an attacker - are being very dynamic threats. Often new features are incorporated into thismalicious networksmaking hard for traditional tools, such as antivirus and IDS, to be effective. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new mechanisms that can complement the current defense techniques. This dissertation presents an architecture for a tool for botnet mitigation and detection. The tool is based in network signature obtained from bot compromissed machine’s. This architecture automates the process of signature generation compiling information from online malwares analyze tools. Furthermore, flows monitoring tools was used to identify similar behavior to those mapped in malware (bot) analyzed by the system. This mapped behavior in flows indicates possible compromissed machines, with this, the system triggers events to help the security manager to mitigate the compromissed machines. Finally, the proposed solution was evaluated in a academic network: in the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. The results achieved by this solution helped to observe that more than 1.5% of the botnet controllers’s remain active for a long period of time (52 days) performing malicious activities. Also, was observed a small group of controllers responsible for the adminstration of a large number of compromissed machines.

Arquitetura distribuída e automatizada para mitigação de botnet baseada em análise dinâmica de malwares / An automated and distributed architecture for botnet mitigation based in dynamic malware analysis

Ceron, João Marcelo January 2010 (has links)
Atualmente, uma das mais sérias ameaças a segurança da Internet são as botnets. As botnets - rede de máquinas comprometidas e controladas remotamente por um atacante - caracterizam-se por serem muito dinâmicas. Frequentemente novas características são incorporadas as redes dificultando que ferramentas tradicionais tal como sistemas de antivírus e IDS sejam efetivas. Diante disso, faz-se necessário desenvolver novos mecanismos que possam complementar as atuais técnicas de defesa. Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta uma proposta de arquitetura para uma ferramenta de mitigação e detecção de botnets baseada em assinatura de rede de máquinas comprometidas por bots. Essa arquitetura automatiza o processo de geração de assinaturas compilando informações de analisadores de malwares gratuitamente disponibilizados na Web. Além disso, utilizouse de monitoração de fluxos através da solução Netflow para identificar o comportamento de rede similar aos mapeados em arquivos maliciosos analisados. Esse comportamento mapeado sinaliza uma possível infecção de máquinas na rede monitorada. Essa identificação dispara eventos na ferramenta proposta que auxiliará o gerente a mitigar a máquina comprometida. Por fim, avaliou-se a solução proposta no contexto de uma grande rede acadêmica: da própria Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Os resultados alcançados por essa solução permitiram concluir que 1,5% dos controladores ficam por um longo período (52 dias) realizando atividades maliciosas e, também, observouse um pequeno grupo de controladores responsáveis pela administração de uma grande quantidade de máquinas. / Currently, botnets are one of the most serious threats of Internet security. The botnets - network of compromissed machines remotely controlled by an attacker - are being very dynamic threats. Often new features are incorporated into thismalicious networksmaking hard for traditional tools, such as antivirus and IDS, to be effective. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new mechanisms that can complement the current defense techniques. This dissertation presents an architecture for a tool for botnet mitigation and detection. The tool is based in network signature obtained from bot compromissed machine’s. This architecture automates the process of signature generation compiling information from online malwares analyze tools. Furthermore, flows monitoring tools was used to identify similar behavior to those mapped in malware (bot) analyzed by the system. This mapped behavior in flows indicates possible compromissed machines, with this, the system triggers events to help the security manager to mitigate the compromissed machines. Finally, the proposed solution was evaluated in a academic network: in the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. The results achieved by this solution helped to observe that more than 1.5% of the botnet controllers’s remain active for a long period of time (52 days) performing malicious activities. Also, was observed a small group of controllers responsible for the adminstration of a large number of compromissed machines.

A method to identify Record and Replay bots on mobile applications using Behaviometrics

Kolluru, Katyayani Kiranmayee January 2017 (has links)
Many banking and commerce mobile applications use two-factor authentication for userauthentication purposes which include both password and behavioral based authenticationsystems. These behavioral based authentication systems use different behavioral parametersrelated to typing behavior of the user and the way user handles the phone while typing. Theydistinguish users and impostors using machine learning techniques (mostly supervised learningtechniques) on these behavioral data. Both password and behavior based systems work well indetecting imposters on mobile applications, but they can suffer from record and replay attackswhere the touch related information of the user actions is recorded and replayedprogrammatically. These are called as Record & Replay (R & R) bots. The effectiveness ofbehavioral authentication systems in identifying such attacks is unexplored. The current thesiswork tries to address this problem by developing a method to identify R & R bots on mobileapplications. In this work, behavioral data from users and corresponding R & R bot is collectedand it is observed that the touch information (location of touch on the screen, touch pressure,area of finger in contact with screen) is exactly replayed by the bot. However, sensorinformation seemed to be different in the case of user and corresponding R & R bot where thephysical touch action misses while replaying user actions on the mobile application. Based onthis observation, a feature set is extracted from the sensor data that can be used to differentiateusers from bots and a dataset is formed which contains the data corresponding to these featuresfrom both users and bots. Two machine learning techniques namely support vector machines(SVM) and logistic regression (LR) are applied on the training dataset (80% of the dataset) tobuild classifiers. The two classifiers built using the training dataset are able to classify user andbot sessions accurately in the test dataset (20% of the dataset) based on the feature set derivedfrom the sensor data.

Aplikace technologie MOLECUBES v robotice / MOLECUBES technology application in robotics

Fabián, Petr January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with modular robotics and self-reconfigurable robotic systems. At the beginning are systems defined and classified, the main emphasis is on Molecubes. After that, similar system is designed with a focus on the actual construction of the modules. In conclusion, several sample assemblies was made.

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