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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Risk management for build, operate and transfer projects within Kuwait

Al-Azemi, Khalid January 2012 (has links)
Infrastructure projects, based on the Build-Operate-Transfer, (BOT), method, have been of interest to governments of developed and developing countries for some time, resulting in their worldwide use. Using the BOT method enables governments to reallocate risks and rewards to the private sector for larger infrastructure projects throughout the projects' operating life. In order to implement a BOT infrastructure project successfully, one of the essential requirements is to carry out a thorough analysis of risks relating to the project including the social, economic, environmental, political, legal, and the financial aspects. Due to the fact that the type of risk study required for large-scale projects is so sophisticated, and therefore expensive and time consuming, the government, due to lack of expertise and time, often obtains a project viability study from the private sector. This can cause problems in that the private sector may incur financial losses or even bankruptcy, unless the host government guarantees compensation to the losers of the bid. Because all parties have different targets which they wish to achieve from the project, a may conflict arise and cause lengthy negotiations, sometimes lasting for years which often result in the death of the project. The greatest opportunity for a successful outcome for a BOT project is obtained when the extensive efforts and costs involved in the risk study process are shared by all parties. The responsibility of the decision maker is to identify, understand and analyze the many risk factors both, qualitative, (linguistic in nature) and quantitative, that will affect funding, procurement, developing, construction and operation, before proceeding with the build stage of the project. Firstly, it is necessary to evaluate the quantitative Risk Factors subjectively, and list them in order of importance. Secondly, conduct an evaluation of the qualitative factors and since the consideration of qualitative factors is subjective, the decision maker will often limit the number of factors being evaluated possibly resulting in inconsistent results. This study proposes a decision framework, which would be useful in determining the influence of the qualitative Risk Factors on the project management of BOT infrastructure projects. A methodology is provided to enable the identification of interrelationships between the Risk Factors and their influence on the project. Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) techniques, which model the relationships between the Risk Factors, a validation of this approach will be sought using a decomposed evaluation method and also information obtained from three existing case studies, (the Channel Tunnel, Sulaibiya Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation Plant and Marsa Allam Airport). The results of the decomposed approach were compared to experts' holistic evaluations for the same case studies mentioned above. The findings indicate that the decomposed approach showed a strong correlation to the holistic approach. An evaluation of the risks for the Sulaibiya Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation Plant study is provided and suggestions made to highlight risks attached to such a project before it is actually undertaken. Using the decomposed approach enables the decision maker to see the contribution of each risk compared to all of the risks in the total project and will help to determine and subsequently minimize or preventing any risk factors and so considerably improving the risk management of the project.


黃成斐 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 BOT最重要的精神在於有效運用民間資源,突破政府財力限制,加速公共建設的推動;基於此原則,本文在沒有任何機關研究經費補助之下,嘗試利用政大宿舍興建案這樣一個規模較小、卻涉及上千名學子權益的案例,研究由民間投資參與公共建設,是否為全民福祉往上提升的利器。 政大若在指南山莊以BOT模式興建學生宿舍,則興建成本估算為4億8千萬元,特許期間25年,權利金分三年收取,每年400萬元。經過財務試算,得知政府著重的自償率SLR、民間特許公司重視的NPV與IRR、有些營建業者常用的ROI以及銀行授信所必須檢視的DSCR等財務數字,均可接受,具財務可行性。 本案完成後,可以增加學生宿舍1,750床位,又可減輕學校興建、維修、管理、水電等支出成本,學生也可以低於市價的付費享受高品質的住宿服務。


黃錦齡 Unknown Date (has links)
政府近年來推動「健康台灣」及「提升學生游泳能力中程計畫」,且經研究調查顯示,國內各級學校的游泳池普遍不足,再加上公共造產的泳池普遍經營不善,在上述背景之下,本文以游泳池為案例,探討「公共造產」模式或促參「BOT」模式何者較具有財務可行性。 本研究以國立大里高中游泳池為例,首先將它修正為BOT模式及公共造產模式,特許期間30年。經由試算,BOT模式的財務指標NPV、IRR、SLR及DSCR皆無法滿足評估準則;而公共造產模式初步財務結果NPV、IRR、SLR皆可滿足評估準則,僅DSCR小於1,故財務仍不可行。我們遂進行財務調整,改以調整權利金及校園安全清潔管理費的收取方式,在還款期間不收權利金及校園安全清潔管理費,在還款期之後則加徵1.5倍,再重行試算,求得廠商、政府及銀行都可接受的結果,而使公共造產可以順利進行。 本案公共造產模式財務結果為什麼可以接受,BOT模式則無法接受,蓋因當時公共造產的相關法令在現金補助、資金成本及租稅節省上多較BOT模式優惠所致。

Míra vztahu mezi úrovní endomorfie a neuromotorickým věkem u vybraných hráčů fotbalové kategorie U12 z nejvyšší soutěže v ČR / Degree of the relationship between the level endomorfie and neuromotor age for selected soccer players U12 category of the highest competition in the Czech Republic

Šlitr, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
Bibliographical identification Title of Diplom work: Degree of the relationship between the level endomorfie and neuromotor age for selected soccer players U12 category of the highest competition in the Czech Republic Place of work: UK FTVS Author: Jakub Šlitr Field of study: Physical education and sport Head of work: Mgr. Jakub Kokštejn Ph.D. Defence year: 2016 Generalization Title: Degree of the relationship between the level endomorfie and neuromotor age for selected soccer players U12 category of the highest competition in the Czech Republic Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to find differences in body composition parameters selected and neuromotor development at two football teams in the U12 age category. At the same time the aim of the thesis to determine possible relationships between the studied indicators of body composition and psychomotor development Methods: To detect psychomotor development we used a battery of tests BOT-2, we used the short form of the test battery BOT-second Anthropometric data were obtained using the method to determine the somatotype Health-Carter. Values were measured using anthropometric instruments: weight, caliper, measuring tape, caliper and stadiometer. Results: Among the teams of Slavia and Sparta were found factually or statistically significant differences in...

Míra vztahu mezi úrovní endomorfie a neuromotorickým věkem u vybraných hráčů fotbalové kategorie U12 z nejvyšší soutěže v ČR / Degree of the relationship between the level endomorfie and neuromotor age for selected soccer players U12 category of the highest competition in the Czech Republic

Šlitr, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
Bibliographical identification Title of Diplom work: Degree of the relationship between the level endomorfie and neuromotor age for selected soccer players U12 category of the highest competition in the Czech Republic Place of work: UK FTVS Author: Jakub Šlitr Field of study: Physical education and sport Head of work: Mgr. Jakub Kokštejn Ph.D. Defence year: 2015 Generalization Title: Degree of the relationship between the level endomorfie and neuromotor age for selected soccer players U12 category of the highest competition in the Czech Republic Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to find differences in body composition parameters selected and neuromotor development at two football teams in the U12 age category. At the same time the aim of the thesis to determine possible relationships between the studied indicators of body composition and psychomotor development Methods: To detect psychomotor development we used a battery of tests BOT-2, we used the short form of the test battery BOT-second Anthropometric data were obtained using the method to determine the somatotype Health-Carter. Values were measured using anthropometric instruments: weight, caliper, measuring tape, caliper and stadiometer. Results: Among the teams of Slavia and Sparta were found factually or statistically significant differences in...

BOT契約履約監督與促進-以ETC案為例 / The contractual arrangements and promotion of BOT projects - in electronic toll collection project

簡正銓, Chien, Cheng Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
政府藉由民間投資興建公共建設,引進企業經營理念,以改善公共服務品質,為當前重要施政方向,其中,BOT契約模式為最常採用辦理之模式,契約履行期間之監督管理機制是整體公共建設計畫執行之成功關鍵,故本文探討BOT契約中行政機關之履約監督與促進作為。 本文透過我國促參法履約監督與促進之相關條文,及國外促參法(包含聯合國國際貿易法委員會之法律指南與示範立法條文、日本之藉由民間資金活用以促進整備公共建設法、韓國之民間參與公共建設法)相關條文比較;並藉由擔保國家理論、擔保行政法及公私協力法制,探究BOT契約所訂監督管理機制正當性及必要性;後輔以我國實際執行之ETC電子收費BOT案為例,瞭解實際的履約監督與促進的實例及履約期間爭議。 投資契約雖定性為民事契約,惟其契約訂定須兼顧鼓勵民間參與維護公共利益,觀諸ETC契約所訂之契約條文,不論是履約監督管理、工作範圍變更、法令變更等條文,均具高度公共利益考量之色彩,惟有透過從擔保行政的理解,方能周延的訂定促參案公共建設之投資契約,以符合BOT計畫專業性、多樣性的需求。 高速公路電子收費ETC案,自民國(以下同)92年正式辦理招商至102年底完成全電子計程收費止迄今,契約執行期間已逾十餘年,契約履行期間,由ETC具體個案,了解行政機關於建置及營運期間實際履約監督管理的機制與執行過程,為成功經驗參考;另,甲乙雙方已多起案件於訴訟繫屬中,包括平信通知費用、超商補繳之手續費、服務區衍生增建收費區等費用歸屬之工作範圍變更,及收費員轉置違約爭議等。本文藉由實際訴訟案之探討,歸納整理目前法院之見解及本文之看法。

Contribution à l’analyse quantitative, morphologique etfonctionnelle du membre inférieur de l’enfant / contribution to the quantitative, morphological and functional analysis of lower limb in children

Rampal, Virginie 11 December 2017 (has links)
L’examen clinique et les radiographies standard des membres inférieurs et des pieds comportent des biais liés à la reproductibilité et à la projection en 2 dimensions d’unobjet en 3D. La reconstruction en 3D des segments anatomiques à partir d’images biplanes acquises en position debout doit permettre de s’affranchir de ces biais, au prixd’une irradiation modérée. La 1ère partie de ce travail a posé la question de l’utilisationen pratique clinique courante des reconstructions en 3D issues de ce système, et a permis de valider la reproductibilité de celles ci ainsi que de donner des valeurs de référence de ces paramètres mesurés en 3D. La 2ème partie a consisté en l’adaptationd’un modèle de reconstruction de pieds de l’adulte à ceux de l’enfant, a permis devérifier la reproductibilité des données obtenues, ainsi que de rapporter des valeurs préliminaires de paramètres de mesures radiologiques. Enfin, la 3ème partie a étudié l’analyse complète de pieds pathologiques (pied bot varus équin) associant l’examenclinique, la morphologie radiologique (obtenues par EOS®) et la fonction du pied lors d’une analyse de la marche. Nous en concluons que si cette analyse combinée paraîtcapitale, des difficultés persistent, en particulier dans le choix du modèle pour l’analyse de la marche, les modèles les plus complets actuels étant grévés d’une incertitude liée au placement des marqueurs trop importante. / Clinical examination and standard X-rays of the lower limbs and feet have biases related to reproducibility and to 2-dimensional projection of a 3D object. The 3Dreconstruction of the anatomical segments from biplanar images acquired in a standingposition should make possible to get rid of these biases, at the cost of moderate irradiation. The 1st part of this work asked the question of the use in current clinical practice of the reconstructions in 3D resulting from this system, and allowed validationof the reproducibility of these while giving reference values of the measured parameters in 3D. The 2nd part consisted in the adaptation of a model of reconstruction of the feet of the adult to those of the child, and aimed to check the reproducibility of the data obtained, and to report preliminary values of parameters of measurements. Finally, the 3rd part studied the feasibility of a complete analysis of pathological foot (congenital clubfoot) combining clinical examination, radiological morphology (EOS® images) andfoot function with gait analysis. We conclude that while this combined analysis appears to be critical, difficulties remain, particularly in the choice of the model for walkinganalysis, with the current full-scale models being overwhelmed by uncertainty related tothe placement of markers.

Applying a chatbot for assistance in the onboarding process : A process of requirements elicitation and prototype creation / Att applicera en chatbot för hjälp vid onboarding av nyanställda på ett företag

Westberg, Sara January 2019 (has links)
It has previously been shown that the quality of the onboarding process affects the chances of a new hire staying at a company, yet it is common that companies have problems in succeeding to maintain a well-organized onboarding. To aid new hires in their onboarding, and to lower the amount of work for the HR personnel, chatbots can be used. In this project, a chatbot was developed for the onboarding process of a large company. Interviews were held with new hires and HR personnel which were used to create requirements for the chatbot. These were divided into two categories; information and functional requirements. A third category, non-functional requirements, was created based on Microsoft’s guidelines for development of conversational AI. Based on the requirements, a chatbot prototype was built using Microsoft Bot Framework with the use of two cognitive services, LUIS and QnA Maker. Both the requirements and the prototype were created iteratively. The information that the interview participants requested from the chatbot was eitherpractical or personal information, or information about the employer, the internal systems, or other employees. It was revealed that the chatbot mainly needed to answer simple questions and didn’t demand any procedural conversation flow which made the use of QnA Maker appropriate. However, for questions and tasks that would benefit or require a procedural flow QnA Maker’s follow-up prompts could be used in future work to create multi-turn conversations.

Avalia??o de eliciadores do metabolismo dos fenilpropan?ides em melissa officinalis L. (Lamiaceae)

Lemos, Siomara Dias da Costa 29 May 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:50:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 380617.pdf: 969476 bytes, checksum: 4cdf248fd7518c7cfd2746e9c890fd0a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-05-29 / Melissa officinalis (melissa) apresenta elevados n?veis de compostos fen?licos com reconhecida a??o biol?gica, sendo utilizada na preven??o de v?rias doen?as, como asma br?nquica, ?lcera, inflama??es, viroses e arteriosclerose. A s?ntese de compostos com atividade biol?gica depende da qualidade da planta, sua origem geogr?fica, condi??es clim?ticas, per?odo de colheita e m?todos de estocagem. Neste trabalho pretendeu-se avaliar o uso de eliciadores em brotos cultivados in vitro e em plantas cultivadas em vaso, na promo??o da s?ntese e ac?mulo de fenilpropan?ides, bem como analisar a atividade das enzimas fenilalanina am?nia-liase e polifenol oxidase. Pretendeu-se, ainda, otimizar a micropropaga??o de M. officinalis, regenerando plantas-clone. Os meios de cultura suplementados com 0,2 mg.L-1 BA, independende da presen?a de ANA, foram mais eficientes na forma??o de m?ltiplas brota??es in vitro, sendo que a maior taxa de alongamento foi obtida no meio com 2 mg.L-1 de BA. A maior taxa de forma??o e crescimento de ra?zes foi obtida utilizando-se 1 mg.L-1 de AIB. O uso do eliciador ?cido salic?lico promoveu o aumento transit?rio dos n?veis dos compostos fen?licos e flavon?ides nas pl?ntulas in vitro, entretanto n?o foi observada a mesma resposta em plantas envasadas. A suplementa??o do meio de cultura com suspens?o de bact?rias fitopatog?nicas mortas, resultou na redu??o dos n?veis dos compostos fen?licos e o espessamento de ra?zes e ramos. Contudo, nas plantas envasadas, a suspens?o bacteriana ocasionou necrose nos bordos das folhas 24h ap?s a aspers?o. Os eliciadores n?o promoveram mudan?as significativas na atividade da fenilalanina am?nia-liase em ambos os experimentos. A atividade da polifenol oxidase teve um aumento transit?rio que coincidiu com a eleva??o dos fen?licos nas plantas eliciadas in vitro, fato este n?o observado nas plantas envasadas.

Avalia??o da a??o antiinflamat?ria e antidislipidemica de capsicum baccatum var. pendulum L. (solanaceae) - pimenta dedo-de-mo?a

Alves, M?rcia Keller 15 December 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:51:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 386734.pdf: 182882 bytes, checksum: 4a2a643c6647c972126c8c7162f5ec24 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-12-15 / A pimenta Capsicum baccatum var. pendulum, conhecida popularmente como pimenta dedo-de-mo?a, ? bastante utilizada na gastronomia brasileira, desde a ?poca do Descobrimento. As pimentas t?m grande import?ncia na economia do pa?s, estando o Estado do Rio Grande do Sul entre os cinco maiores produtores. Estudos mostram que as pimentas do g?nero Capsicum apresentam uma s?rie de efeitos fisiol?gicos ben?ficos, mostrando-se excelente alimento nutrac?utico. Assim, o presente trabalho objetiva avaliar o potencial antiinflamat?rio da esp?cie C. baccatum var. pendulum, atrav?s de diferentes modelos experimentais de inflama??o (pleurisia, peritonite, sepse e les?o vascular por posicionamento de colar), al?m de avaliar a sua a??o antidislipid?mica e antioxidante em animais. Os resultados mostram que a pimenta apresenta intensa a??o hipocolesterol?mica, antiinflamat?ria e antioxidante, e que estes efeitos parecem estar relacionados com a presen?a de capsaicin?ides, vitaminas e polifen?is.

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