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Social Media Marketing: La relación de las Motivaciones de Uso (UyG) con la participación activa y/o pasiva de los consumidores en línea relacionada con las marcas de las pymes de ropa de mujer en el Perú / Social Media Marketing: The relationship of the Motivations for the use of different social networks (UyG) with the active and / or passive participation of online consumers related to the brands of women's clothing SMEs in PeruPipoli Drago, Valeria, Purizaga Sunción, Mercedes Cristina 03 December 2020 (has links)
Actualmente las redes sociales son parte de la vida de la mayoría de personas. Es así, que las empresas han visto esencial la digitalización de sus marcas. Debido a esto, es importante conocer qué es lo que genera un impulso positivo o negativo respecto al engagement que obtienen de los consumidores, por lo que el presente trabajo de investigación busca determinar si hay una correlación entre las Motivaciones de uso de las redes sociales y el engagement, específicamente de pymes pertenecientes a la categoría de ropa del mercado peruano.
Para fines de esta investigación, se revisó bibliografía adecuada y actualizada respecto a Marketing digital y Social Media, así como información de la categoría de venta de ropa en el Perú. Además, se han utilizado a distintos autores como la mayor fuente de la información. / Currently social media is part of most people life's. The companies have seen the digitization of their brands. Because of this, it is important to know what generates a positive or negative impulse with regard to the engagement they obtain from consumers. This research work seeks to decide if there is a correlation between motivations for the use of social media and engagement, specifically of SMEs belonging to the clothes category of the Peruvian market.
For purposes of this research, an adequate and updated bibliography regarding digital marketing and social media was reviewed, as well as information on the category of clothes sales in Peru. Furthermore, different authors have been used as the main source of information. / Trabajo de investigación
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Gamificación y consumer - brand engagement en relación con el brand loyaltyDuffoó Quintos, Sebastián Orlando, Palacios Beraún, Laura Daniela 03 March 2021 (has links)
La gamificación es un proceso de uso del pensamiento y la mecánica del juego en contextos ajenos al juego para aumentar auto contribuciones de los usuarios. Es por ello que, está ganando atención por parte de profesionales e investigadores. En la actualidad, en el ámbito del marketing, la gamificación ha sido utilizada por muchas empresas para mejorar el rendimiento publicitario, atraer clientes, mejorar el valor percibido de la marca y para incrementar el conocimiento de la marca, la actitud y lealtad de marca de los consumidores. Sin embargo, existen pocos estudios que hablen y/o refuercen este fenómeno. En esta investigación se evalúa el impacto que tiene la gamificación con respecto al consumer brand engagement (CBE) en relación con el brand loyalty (BL), por lo que se aplicarán 400 encuestas, de acuerdo a los lineamientos de nuestro público objetivo, usando la escala de Likert y los resultados serán evaluados utilizando el tipo de análisis bivariado con un estadístico de correlaciones como también, análisis multivariado con un estadístico de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM). / Gamification is a process of using game thinking and mechanics in non-game contexts to increase self-contributions from users. That is the reason why it is gaining attention from professionals and researchers. Today, in the marketing area, gamification has been used by many companies to improve advertising performance, attract customers, improve perceived brand value, and increase brand awareness, attitude, and brand loyalty. the consumers. However, there are few studies that speak or reinforce this phenomenon. This research evaluates the impact of gamification with respect to consumer brand engagement (CBE) in relation to brand loyalty (BL), for which 400 surveys will be applied, according to the guidelines of our target audience, using the scale Likert and the results will be evaluated using the type of bivariate analysis with a correlation statistic as well as multivariate analysis with a structural equation statistic (SEM). / Trabajo de investigación
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Customer Brand engagement y Brand trust en relación al Brand loyalty en MOOC´sCrocco Donayre, Giancarlo Erasmo, Janampa Rivas, Soleil Yolanda 08 July 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación busca analizar las relaciones entre las variables Customer Brand engagement, Brand trust y Brand loyalty dentro de la categoría de MOOC’s, donde las variables son relevantes para conocer el comportamiento de los estudiantes. Un MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) es un curso remoto, accesible a través de Internet la cual cualquier persona puede registrarse a través de diversas plataformas. El customer brand engagement se deriva del comportamiento y la interacción de los usuarios con el nivel de motivación de la marca. Asimismo, el brand trust significa que la marca se posiciona en la mente del consumidor, donde los competidores ocupan un segundo plano. De igual modo, el brand loyalty se establece a partir de una conexión a largo plazo con el consumidor y no solo durante el tiempo de estudio. La metodología a utilizar en la cuantificación de las hipótesis se desarrollará a través de técnicas estadísticas de correlación y un tipo de medición multidimensional mediante el software SPSS. / The present research work seeks to analyze the relationships between the variables Customer Brand engagement, Brand trust and Brand loyalty within the MOOC's category, where the variables are relevant to know the behavior of students. A MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) is a remote course, accessible through the Internet, which anyone can register through various platforms. Customer brand engagement is derived from the behavior and interaction of users with the level of brand motivation. Brand trust also means that the brand is positioned in the consumer's mind, where competitors take a back seat. Similarly, brand loyalty is established from a long-term connection with the consumer and not only during the time of the study. The methodology to be used in the quantification of the hypotheses will be developed through statistical correlation techniques and a type of multidimensional measurement using SPSS software. / Trabajo de investigación
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Brand communities, social support, brand engagement en relación al brand loyalty en la categoría de clothing retail / Brand communities, social support, brand commitment in relation to brand loyalty in the clothing retail categoryDecheco Castro, Maria Claudia, Soto Montes, Beatriz Isabel 03 December 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la categoría de clothing retail en el contexto peruano. Actualmente, el consumidor tiene más en cuenta el performance de una marca, no en cuántos canales está presente, ya que lo más resaltante son las estrategias que utilizan en la relación al cliente, siendo el tipo de contenido el que puede inducir a realizar compras a través del canal online u offline, migrando entre estos canales durante el proceso de compra.
Diferentes marcas han podido reconocer la importancia del Social Commerce, siendo este un nuevo desarrollo del comercio electrónico generado por el uso de las redes sociales para empoderar clientes para interactuar en Internet. De esta manera, se han identificado diferentes variables que permitirán conocer la efectividad de la comunicación de las marcas en las redes sociales. Por ello, esta investigación tomará en cuenta el estudio de cuatro variables, Brand Communities, Brand engagement, Social Support y Brand loyalty.
Este estudio se ha basado en diversas investigaciones que han utilizado una metodología cuantitativa. Es así que, a través del aporte de diferentes autores, se realizó un contraste de definiciones y relaciones con las variables mencionadas.
Finalmente, en este trabajo se espera evidenciar la base teórica que sí existe una relación entre el social support y las brand communities y, si esta suele implicar el desarrollo del brand engagement y el brand loyalty. / The present research is aimed to analyze the category of clothing retail in the Peruvian context. Currently, the consumer takes more account of the performance of a brand, not on how many channels it is present because the most important things are the strategies they use in the customer relationship. Thanks to the type of content that can induce purchases through the online or offline channel, migrating between these channels, during the purchase process.
Different brands have been able to recognize the importance of Social Commerce, this being a new development of e-commerce generated by the use of social networks to empower customers to interact on the Internet. In this way, the different identified variables will allow knowing the effectiveness of the communication of brands on social networks. Therefore, this research will take into account the study of four variables, Brand Communities, Brand engagement, Social Support, and Brand loyalty.
This study is based on various researches that have used a quantitative methodology. Thus, the input of different authors had been contrasted and related to the selected variables.
Finally, this work is expected to show the theoretical basis if there is a relationship between social support and brand communities and, if this usually implies the development of brand commitment and brand loyalty. / Trabajo de investigación
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En studie om fansens syn och påverkan av fotbollsprofilers kommunikation via InstagramBerglund, Fanny, Eklund, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Social media is a topic that is discussed extensively and is today a platform used by a number of companies and organizations to enable individuals to communicate and create stronger relationships with their various stakeholders. Instagram, which is a social image and videoplatform, has become an easy way to market your company, organization or oneself. The purpose of this study was to map fans 'views and influence on football profiles'communication via Instagram. To answer the study's purpose, both deductive and inductive approaches have been used in the form of a questionnaire survey and a focus group interview. This with the help of theories about brand capital, brand commitment, brand relationships and brand attitudes. The conclusions drawn based on the analyzes were that fans 'views and influence on football profiles' communication via Instagram are reflected in their brand capital and the associations, attitudes and connections that fans can link to the football profile as a brand.The better these are, the more commitment is created, which further leads to a stronger relationship between fans and football profile, which in turn contributes to a more positive impact and image of the football profile.
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Construindo relacionamentos com a marca: qual é o papel da experiência de marca, da individualidade do consumidor e da categoria de produto nesse processo? / Building brand relationships: what is the role of the brand experience, consumer individuality and product category in this process?Silva, Matheus Alberto Rodrigues 19 August 2016 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo é identificar os efeitos de diferenças individuais dos consumidores sobre a experiência de marca e a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca para produtos de consumo público (roupas) e privado (eletrodomésticos de linha branca). Para alcançar esse objetivo, foi concebido um modelo teórico para ser testado empiricamente. A partir de uma revisão de literatura acerca de experiência de marca e qualidade do relacionamento com a marca, percebeu-se o potencial do emprego de experiências de marca para construir relacionamentos com marca. Observou-se também que as variáveis de diferenças individuais têm sido negligenciadas em pesquisas sobre relacionamentos com a marca. Além disso, há divergências de resultados de pesquisas envolvendo distintas categorias de produto. Tais constatações possibilitaram a elaboração de um conjunto de hipóteses, as quais permitiram observar as relações entre constructos que definem as características individuais dos consumidores, a experiência de marca e a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca. Assim, foi realizada uma pesquisa empírica utilizando um questionário auto administrado. Neste levantamento de campo, foram entrevistados 660 consumidores a partir de uma amostragem não probabilística. As técnicas de análise incluem análise fatorial exploratória e modelagem de equações estruturais PLS. A análise exploratória demonstrou que os constructos experiência de marca e qualidade do relacionamento com a marca apresentam inconsistências em sua operacionalização. Os resultados indicam também que há um efeito significativo da experiência de marca sobre a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca. O engajamento da marca no autoconceito mostrou ser um importante preditor da experiência de marca e da qualidade do relacionamento com a marca. O envolvimento com a categoria de produto apresentou um efeito significativo sobre a experiência de marca. Curiosamente, o envolvimento com a categoria produziu um efeito significativo sobre a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca somente na categoria roupas. A propensão ao relacionamento apresentou um efeito significativo sobre a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca somente na categoria roupas. O envolvimento com a categoria de produto não apresentou efeitos de moderação significativos na relação entre a experiência de marca e a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca em ambas categorias. A propensão ao relacionamento produziu efeitos de moderação significativos na relação entre a experiência de marca e a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca em ambas categorias. O valor dessa pesquisa está em: a) evidenciar a experiência de marca como um antecedente da qualidade do relacionamento com a marca; b) Chamar atenção para a necessidade de discussão acerca da operacionalização dos constructos experiência de marca e qualidade do relacionamento com a marca; c) Discutir o papel das variáveis de diferenças individuais como antecedentes ou moderadoras da experiência de marca e da qualidade do relacionamento com a marca; d) Discutir a natureza dos relacionamentos com marca no contexto de produtos de consumo público e privado, apresentando similaridades e dissimilaridades e; por fim, explicitar, por meio de um modelo de gestão de marcas, como as experiências de marca podem ser um importante mecanismo para a construção de relacionamentos com a marca / The objective of the present study is to identify the effects of the individual differences of the consumers over brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality to products of public (clothing) and private (household appliances) consumption. To achieve the objective, a theoretical model was conceived to be empirically tested. From a literature\'s revision regarding the brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality the potential employment of brand experience to build brand relationships was perceived. Was also observed that the variables of individual differences have been neglected in the researches about brand relationships. Furthermore, there are divergences in the researches\' results involving distinct products\' categories. Such findings enabled the elaboration of a group of hypothesis, which enabled to observe the constructs\' relations that define individual characteristic of the consumers, brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality. Thereby, an empirical research was realized utilizing a self-administered questionnaire. In this field survey, 660 consumers were interviewed from a non-probabilistic sample. The analysis techniques includes exploratory factorial analysis and structural equation modeling PLS. An exploratory analysis demonstrated that the constructs brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality outlines inconsistence on its operationalization. The results also indicate that there is a significant brand experience effect. Brand engagement in self-concept presented to be an important predictor of brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality. Curiously, category involvement produced a significant effect over the consumer-brand relationship quality solely in the clothing category. Relationship proneness presented a significant effect over the consumer-brand relationship quality solely in the clothing category. Involvement with the products\' category did not present significant moderation effects in the relationship between brand experience and the consumer-brand relationship quality in both categories. Relationship proneness produced significant moderation effects in the relation between brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality in both categories. The value of the present research is to evidence brand experience as consumer-brand relationship quality antecedent. Draws attention to the necessity of discussion regarding the operationalization of the constructs, brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality. Inserts variables of individual differences as antecedents and brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality moderators. Discusses the nature of the brand relationships in the context of public and private consumption products, presenting similarities and dissimilarities. The study evidences, through a brand management model, how brand experiences can be an important mechanism to build brand relationships
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Hur påverkar Gerillamarknadsföring Generation Y? : En studie av Gerillamarknadsföringens påverkan på Generation Y. / How does Guerrilla marketing affect Generation Y? : A study of Guerrilla marketing's impact on Generation Y.Gimdal, Gabriel, Johnson, Max January 2013 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: Hur påverkar Gerillamarknadsföring Generation Y? Ämne/Kurs: Företagsekonomi - Kandidatuppsats Handledare: Lars Haglund Nyckelord: Marknadsföring, Gerillamarknadsföring, Generation Y, Annonsering, Word-of-mouth, Buzz- marknadsföring, varumärkesattityd, varumärkesengagemang, engagemang online, kommunikation. Bakgrund: Marknadsföring handlar om att skapa och utveckla lönsamma kundrelationer. I dagens samhälle så sker marknadsföring runtom omkring oss hela tiden. På grund av detta har Generation Y utvecklat strategier som automatiskt sorterar bort överflödig och onödig information. Genom att använda oss av Gerillamarknadsföring så vill vi studera om det går att skapa en bättre attityd och ett större engagemang hos Generation Y gentemot varumärke. Kunskapen och förståelsen för hur generationens beteende påverkas kan ge möjlighet för företag att utveckla sin marknadsplan och anpassa verksamheten mot den aktuella generationen Y. Problemformulering: Kan den okonventionella Gerillamarknadsföringen visa sig vara mer effektiv och framgångsrik på ungdomar gentemot traditionell annonsering? Syfte: Genom att belysa problemet som dagens marknadsförare har med den reklamkritiska generationen Y så är syftet att undersöka om en modern och udda marknadsföringsmetod kan vara en av lösningarna på problemet. Metod: Uppsatsen är av kvalitativ karaktär och urvalsmetoderna är bekvämlighetsurval och påstana urval. Genomförandet sker till största del enligt en autoetnografisk metod som handlar om att komma till insikt av den sociala verkligheten för att skapa sanningsenliga uttalanden. Primärdata består i huvudsak av tre intervjusituationer med fokusgrupp, Gerillabyrå och på plats vid Gerillaevent. Teorier: I denna uppsats använder vi oss utav teorier inom följande ämnen, Gerillamarknadsföring, Word-of- mouth, Buzz-marknadsföring, Generation Y, Konsumentbeteende inriktat mot attityd och engagemang. Analys: I analysen har vi sökt efter framträdande mönster som uppstår mellan empiri och teori. Vi kan urskilja ett mönster som talar om för oss att vi kan se positiva effekter vid användning av Gerillamarknadsföring mot Generation Y, dock inte som en ensam metod i marknadsföringsmixen. Slutsats: De centrala delarna i uppsatsen visar ett mönster där användning av Gerillamarkandsföring främst påverkar Generation Y utifrån variablerna; attityd och engagemang gentemot varumärke. Vi ser även att Gerillamarknadsföringen har en större funktion som ett externt kompletterande marknadsföringsmedel. / Abstract How does Guerrilla Marketing Affect Generation Y? Subject/Course: Business Administration – Bachelor Thesis Mentors: Lars Haglund Keywords: Marketing, Guerrilla Marketing, Generation Y, Advertising, Word-of-mouth, Buzz-marketing, Brand attitude, Brand engagement, commitment online, communication. Background: Marketing is about creating and developing profitable customer relationships. In today's society marketing and advertising is around us all the time. Because of this, Generation Y has developed strategies that automatically sorts out unneeded and unnecessary information. Through the use of Guerilla Marketing, we want to study whether it is possible to create a better attitude and a greater commitment towards the brand. The understanding of how behavior is influencing the Generation can provide the opportunity as a company to develop a better marketing plan and adapt more towards the Generation Y. Problem: Can the unconventional methods of Guerrilla Marketing prove to be more effective and successful at Generation Y towards traditional advertising? Purpose: By highlighting the issue that today's marketers have with the advertising-critical Generation Y, the purpose is to investigate whether a more modern and quirky marketing method can be one of the solutions to the problem. Method: The thesis is based on a qualitative method and the selection methods are convenience sample and ”on town” selection. The implementation follows an autoethnographic method that is about to come to the knowledge of the social reality, in order to create truthful statements. Primary data consists mainly of three interview situations with focus group, Guerrilla marketing agency, and on-site at the Guerillaevent. Theories: In this report, we use theories from following subjects, Guerrilla Marketing, Word-of-Mouth, Buzz Marketing, Generation Y, Consumer behavior oriented in attitude and commitment. Analysis: In the analysis we looked for distinct patterns that occur between empirical and theoretical framework. We can discern a pattern that tells us that we can see positive effects from the use of Guerrilla marketing to Generation Y, but not as a comprehensive method of the marketing mix. Conclusion: The central parts of the essay shows a pattern in which the use of Guerrilla marketing is affecting Generation Y based on the variables; attitude and commitment towards the brand. We also see that Guerrilla marketing has a major function as an external additional marketing method.
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Consumer engagement on social media: analysis of scales and its multiple role in a nomological networkFerreira, Mateus 27 June 2017 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2017-06-27 / Academic research has suggested that social media can improve corporate reputation, sales, return on investment, positive word-of-mouth and create value for consumers. Playing the central role in this relational process, consumer or customer engagement (used interchangeably in this context), emerged as one of the main constructs explaining the success and failure of brands on social media. Considering engagement as a multidimensional construct composed of cognitive, emotional and behavioral dimensions that varies according to the subject (e.g., customer or employee), focal object (e.g., brand, product or advertising), and context (e.g., retail or online), in this dissertation we make a specific field cutting in order to discuss consumer engagement (subject) with brands (object in Article 2 and 3) or brand communities (object in Article 1) on social media (context). As a general aim of the dissertation, we analyze consumer engagement in different nomological networks, prioritizing its antecedents and mediating role (Article 1) or consequences and its relationship with another measure of engagement (Article 3), in addition to perform a comparative analysis of different scales developed to measure it (Article 2). In the Article 1, we show that the Vivek, Beatty, Dalela, and Morgan (2014) consumer engagement scale, originally developed for application in multiple contexts, can also be applied to multiple objects. We validate this scale in a nomological network with perceived homophily and brand involvement as antecedents and corporate reputation as consequence. Our results show that besides having a direct positive effect on corporate reputation, consumer engagement has a strong mediating role. In the Article 2, our goal is to compare some of the main scales developed to measure consumer engagement: Dessart, Veloutsou, and Morgan-Thomas (2016), Hollebeek, Glynn, and Brodie (2014) and Vivek et al. (2014). To do this, we propose a procedure for the comparative analysis of scales that involves i) the selection, ii) standardization and iii) analysis of measures. We replicate three selected scales with the same object (brand) and context (social media), considering that most of the developed scales were applied to the same object and context. Based on the Classical Test Theory (CTT) and Item Response Theory (IRT) analysis, our results show similarities, differences, and advantages of applying each scale. In Article 3 we jointly analyze two streams of consumer engagement studies by considering brand engagement in self-concept (BESC) as a measure of engagement with brands in general (Sprott, Czellar, & Spangenberg, 2009) and consumer engagement with a specific brand Vivek et al., 2014), and how the latter impacts the perceived value of consumers and corporate reputation. By means of the multigroup analysis with samplings carried out in Brazil and the United States, our results showed that in addition to excellent adjustment, both at the model level and at the path level there was no difference between the groups, which indicates the cross-cultural invariance in the structural model. Finally, in Chapter 5 we synthesize the conclusions of the dissertation. / Pesquisa acadêmicas sugerem que as mídias sociais podem melhorar a sua reputação corporativa, vendas, retorno sobre o investimento, boca-a-boca positivo e criar valor para os consumidores. Desempenhando o papel central neste processo relacional, o engajamento do consumidor ou cliente (usados como sinônimos neste contexto), emergiu como um dos principais construtos que explicam o sucesso ou fracasso de marcas nas mídias sociais. Considerando o engajamento como um construto multidimensional composto por dimensões cognitiva, afetiva e comportamental que varia de acordo com o sujeito (ex. consumidor ou empregado), objeto focal (ex. marca, produto ou propaganda) e contexto (ex. varejo ou online), nesta tese nós fazemos um corte mais específico do campo e para discutir o engajamento do consumidor (sujeito) com marcas (objeto no Artigo 2 e 3) ou com a comunidade de marca (objeto no Artigo 1) em mídias sociais (contexto). Como objetivo geral da tese, nós analisamos o engajamento do consumidor em diferentes redes nomológicas, priorizando seus antecedentes e papel mediador (Artigo 1), ou consequentes e sua relação com outra medida de engajamento (Artigo 3), além de realizar uma análise comparativa de diferentes escalas desenvolvidas para medi-lo (Artigo 2). No Artigo 1, nós mostramos que a escala de engajamento do consumidor da Vivek, Beatty, Dalela e Morgan (2014), originalmente desenvolvida para aplicação em múltiplos contextos, também pode ser aplicado a múltiplos objetos. Nós validamos esta escala em uma rede nomológica com homofilia percebida e envolvimento com marca como antecedentes e reputação corporativa como consequente. Nossos resultados mostram que além de ter efeito positivo direto na reputação corporativa, o engajamento do consumidor tem um forte papel mediador. No Artigo 2, o nosso objetivo é comparar algumas das principais escalas desenvolvidas para medir o engajamento do consumidor: Dessart, Veloutsou e Morgan-Thomas (2016), Hollebeek, Glynn e Brodie (2014) e Vivek et al. (2014). Para fazer isso, nós propomos um procedimento para análise comparativa de escalas que envolve i) a seleção, ii) padronização e iii) análise das medidas. Nós replicamos três escalas selecionadas com um mesmo objeto (marca) e contexto (social media), considerando que a maioria das escalas desenvolvidas foram aplicadas para este mesmo objeto e contexto. Baseado nas análises da Teoria Clássica dos Testes (TCT) e na Teoria de Resposta ao Item (TRI), nossos resultados mostram similaridades, diferenças e vantagens da aplicação de cada escala. No Artigo 3 nós analisamos conjuntamente duas correntes de estudo do engajamento do consumidor ao considerar engajamento com marca no autoconceito (BESC) como uma medida de engajamento com marcas em geral (Sprott, Czellar, & Spangenberg, 2009) e engajamento do consumidor com uma marca específica (Vivek et al., 2014), e como o último impacta no valor percebido dos consumidores e na reputação corporativa. Por meio da análise multigrupo com amostragens realizadas no Brasil e Estados Unidos, nossos resultados mostraram que além de excelente ajuste, tanto no nível do modelo como no nível de caminho não houve diferença entre os grupos, o que indica a invariância intercultural dos grupos no modelo estrutural. Por fim, no Capítulo 5 nós sintetizamos as conclusões da dissertação.
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Construindo relacionamentos com a marca: qual é o papel da experiência de marca, da individualidade do consumidor e da categoria de produto nesse processo? / Building brand relationships: what is the role of the brand experience, consumer individuality and product category in this process?Matheus Alberto Rodrigues Silva 19 August 2016 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo é identificar os efeitos de diferenças individuais dos consumidores sobre a experiência de marca e a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca para produtos de consumo público (roupas) e privado (eletrodomésticos de linha branca). Para alcançar esse objetivo, foi concebido um modelo teórico para ser testado empiricamente. A partir de uma revisão de literatura acerca de experiência de marca e qualidade do relacionamento com a marca, percebeu-se o potencial do emprego de experiências de marca para construir relacionamentos com marca. Observou-se também que as variáveis de diferenças individuais têm sido negligenciadas em pesquisas sobre relacionamentos com a marca. Além disso, há divergências de resultados de pesquisas envolvendo distintas categorias de produto. Tais constatações possibilitaram a elaboração de um conjunto de hipóteses, as quais permitiram observar as relações entre constructos que definem as características individuais dos consumidores, a experiência de marca e a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca. Assim, foi realizada uma pesquisa empírica utilizando um questionário auto administrado. Neste levantamento de campo, foram entrevistados 660 consumidores a partir de uma amostragem não probabilística. As técnicas de análise incluem análise fatorial exploratória e modelagem de equações estruturais PLS. A análise exploratória demonstrou que os constructos experiência de marca e qualidade do relacionamento com a marca apresentam inconsistências em sua operacionalização. Os resultados indicam também que há um efeito significativo da experiência de marca sobre a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca. O engajamento da marca no autoconceito mostrou ser um importante preditor da experiência de marca e da qualidade do relacionamento com a marca. O envolvimento com a categoria de produto apresentou um efeito significativo sobre a experiência de marca. Curiosamente, o envolvimento com a categoria produziu um efeito significativo sobre a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca somente na categoria roupas. A propensão ao relacionamento apresentou um efeito significativo sobre a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca somente na categoria roupas. O envolvimento com a categoria de produto não apresentou efeitos de moderação significativos na relação entre a experiência de marca e a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca em ambas categorias. A propensão ao relacionamento produziu efeitos de moderação significativos na relação entre a experiência de marca e a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca em ambas categorias. O valor dessa pesquisa está em: a) evidenciar a experiência de marca como um antecedente da qualidade do relacionamento com a marca; b) Chamar atenção para a necessidade de discussão acerca da operacionalização dos constructos experiência de marca e qualidade do relacionamento com a marca; c) Discutir o papel das variáveis de diferenças individuais como antecedentes ou moderadoras da experiência de marca e da qualidade do relacionamento com a marca; d) Discutir a natureza dos relacionamentos com marca no contexto de produtos de consumo público e privado, apresentando similaridades e dissimilaridades e; por fim, explicitar, por meio de um modelo de gestão de marcas, como as experiências de marca podem ser um importante mecanismo para a construção de relacionamentos com a marca / The objective of the present study is to identify the effects of the individual differences of the consumers over brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality to products of public (clothing) and private (household appliances) consumption. To achieve the objective, a theoretical model was conceived to be empirically tested. From a literature\'s revision regarding the brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality the potential employment of brand experience to build brand relationships was perceived. Was also observed that the variables of individual differences have been neglected in the researches about brand relationships. Furthermore, there are divergences in the researches\' results involving distinct products\' categories. Such findings enabled the elaboration of a group of hypothesis, which enabled to observe the constructs\' relations that define individual characteristic of the consumers, brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality. Thereby, an empirical research was realized utilizing a self-administered questionnaire. In this field survey, 660 consumers were interviewed from a non-probabilistic sample. The analysis techniques includes exploratory factorial analysis and structural equation modeling PLS. An exploratory analysis demonstrated that the constructs brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality outlines inconsistence on its operationalization. The results also indicate that there is a significant brand experience effect. Brand engagement in self-concept presented to be an important predictor of brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality. Curiously, category involvement produced a significant effect over the consumer-brand relationship quality solely in the clothing category. Relationship proneness presented a significant effect over the consumer-brand relationship quality solely in the clothing category. Involvement with the products\' category did not present significant moderation effects in the relationship between brand experience and the consumer-brand relationship quality in both categories. Relationship proneness produced significant moderation effects in the relation between brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality in both categories. The value of the present research is to evidence brand experience as consumer-brand relationship quality antecedent. Draws attention to the necessity of discussion regarding the operationalization of the constructs, brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality. Inserts variables of individual differences as antecedents and brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality moderators. Discusses the nature of the brand relationships in the context of public and private consumption products, presenting similarities and dissimilarities. The study evidences, through a brand management model, how brand experiences can be an important mechanism to build brand relationships
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台灣電信業消費者品牌參與之實證研究 / An empirical study on consumer brand engagement in the context of mobile service providers in Taiwan葉秋焱, Jendrzejczyk, Michalina Unknown Date (has links)
While the focal point in marketing discussion is moving away from goods and getting closer towards service, highlighting the importance of consumer experience and the significant role of customers as value co-creators, the notion of consumer brand engagement and consumer engagement in general, are receiving attention both among scholars and brand decision makers. However, despite the growing attention, the empirical research on the antecedents and consequences of CBE is limited and provides inadequate proof of the substantial role that CBE plays in building customer brand loyalty. This paper investigates the drivers and outcomes of consumer brand engagement among the consumers of mobile service brands in Taiwan. It explores the influence of satisfaction, trust, commitment, involvement, participation and self-expressive brand on the increase or decrease in loyalty and the mediating role of CBE dimensions, including cognitive processing, affection and activation. By validating existing conceptual framework and proposing a new conceptual model, this paper provides empirical evidence of the CBE impact on brand loyalty. Also, this papers aims to provide a useful managerial insight for marketing professionals seeking to enhance firm’s business performance via establishing strong relationships with their customers.
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