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Co-branding och dess effekter på Brand Equity : En fallstudie på samarbetet mellan Prada och LGAsk, Marie-Michélle, Robertson, Frida January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation is a case study on the Co-branding between Prada and LG, ”The Prada phone by LG”. The purpose of the study is to broaden the understanding of Co-branding and the effects this type of collaboration can have on a company’s brand. The research questions are: “What effects can a Co-branding have on a company’s Brand Equity?” and “How can these effects be measured?”. The study has been made using questioners, which have been exposed in diagrams. The sampling frame used is the target group for “The Prada phone by LG”. We decided to construct the questioners by using the four parts of Aakers theory of how to measure Brand Equity. The parts that were relevant for the study were brand loyalty, brand knowledge, perceived quality and brand associations. Through this study we have developed a tool to measure Brand Equity and we have established a, for this study, relevant way to measure the effects of a Co-branding. The result of the study showed that the Co-branding ”The Prada phone by LG” has given positive effects on all four parts of Brand Equity on LG: s brand. / Denna uppsats är en fallstudie på Co-brandingen mellan Prada och LG, ”The Prada phone by LG”. Syftet med uppsatsen är att närma oss fenomenet Co-branding och de effekter ett sådant samarbete kan få på ett varumärke. Frågeställningarna är följande; ”Vilka effekter kan Co-branding ge på ett företags Brand Equity?” och ”Hur kan dessa effekter mätas?”. Data har insamlats via frågeformulär och redovisats i diagram. Urvalsramen är målgruppen för ”The Prada phone by LG”. Vid utformandet av frågeformulären har vi utgått ifrån Aakers teori om hur man mäter de fyra delarna av Brand Equity som är relevanta för studien, nämligen varumärkeslojalitet, varumärkeskännedom, kundupplevd kvalitet och varumärkesassociationer. Genom denna studie har vi utvecklat ett mätverktyg för att kunna mäta Brand Equity, dessutom har vi fastställt ett, för denna studie, relevant tillvägagångssätt att mäta effekterna av en Co-branding. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att Co-brandingen ”The Prada phone by LG” har gett positiva effekter på alla de fyra delarna av LGs Brand Equity.
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Varumärkeskapital : Skapande av varumärkeskapital för företag verksamma inom en marknad för snabbrörliga konsumentvarorPettersson, Daniel, Olsson, Anders January 2012 (has links)
Varumärkeskapital är det mervärde som ett varumärke ger en produkt i förhållande till om varumärket inte funnits på produkten. Konsumentbaserat varumärkeskapital innebär vidare att det är i konsumentens medvetande som varumärkeskapitalet existerar. Snabbrörliga konsumentvaror kännetecknas av att de köps ofta och att deras kontakt med konsumenten är begränsad, vidare är de ofta lätta att byta ut. Den här studien undersöker genom kvalitativa intervjuer hur företag bygger varumärkeskapital inom en marknad för snabbrörliga konsumentvaror. Åtta varumärkesansvariga på företag verksamma inom en marknad för snabbrörliga konsumentvaror har intervjuats för att få reda på deras syn på byggande av varumärkeskapital inom nämnda kontexten. Hela studien utgår i grunden från fem dimensioner av varumärkeskapital nämligen varumärkesassociationer, varumärkeskännedom, varumärkeslojalitet, upplevt värde samt andra varumärkestillgångar. Intervjuerna har sedan analyserats utifrån dessa dimensioner stött av andra relevanta teorier inom ämnet, analysen har också sin grund i det valda syftet. Resultaten av denna studie påvisar hur varumärkeskapital skapas för snabbrörliga konsumentvaror inom de fem dimensionerna av varumärkeskapital. Den bekräftar också att alla dimensioner är viktiga att jobba med för att bygga varumärkeskapital. Inom varumärkesassociationer så är trovärdighet och unicitet viktiga aspekter. Det är extra viktigt att jobba med varumärkeskännedom då konsumenter ofta spenderar kort tid då ett köpbeslut tas för snabbrörliga konsumentvaror. Att öka konsumenters involvering i varumärket är viktigt för att skapa varumärkeslojalitet. För upplevd kvalitet är det avgörande att arbeta med de sensoriska delarna då en produkt med dålig kvalitet inte blir långvarig, speciellt, inom en marknad för snabbrörliga konsumentvaror. Att ha fungerande distributionskanaler är viktigt för snabbrörliga konsumentvaror då dessa bidrar till exponering av varumärket. Studien visar att de fem använda dimensionerna är av högsta vikt för byggande av varumärkeskapital inom en marknad för snabbrörliga konsumentvaror. Vidare finner studien att en aspekt av andra varumärkestillgångar, nämligen distribution, istället kan tillhöra varumärkeskännedom i denna kontext. Studien visar också indikationer på att dimensionen upplevd kvalitet är den viktigaste för snabbrörliga konsumentvaror inom varumärkeskapital Dessa är tre viktiga teoretiska bidrag som studien gett. Vidare är studien av praktiskt värde då den ger rekommendationer hur företag inom denna kontext kan arbeta för att bygga varumärkeskapital utifrån de fem använda dimensionerna.
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Consumers' perceptions when evaluating brand extensions in relation to the original brandChuma Diniso January 2008 (has links)
<p>This study examines how consumers perceive the overall quality and similarity/fit of the brand extensions (Nike camera, Nike socks, and Nike golf balls) in relation to the original brand (Nike athletic shoes) and how these perceptions influence their attitudes towards the extensions. The researcher proposes that the perceived overall quality of the brand extensions will be congruent to that of the original brand and that the attitude towards the brand extensions will be favourable only when there is a perceived similarity/fit between the brand extensions and the original brand. In order to get these insights, the study surveyed 147 undergraduate and postgraduate students from the University of the Western Cape across all faculties. A non-probability convenience sampling method was used to access respondents. To collect data, qualitative and quantitative methods were employed using a questionnaire which consisted of open-ended and closed-ended questions in the form of free associations technique and 5-point Likert scales. The data gathered was analysed by means of descriptive statistics and Spearman correlation coefficient. The findings indicate two things. (1) respondents only perceived Nike socks&rsquo / overall quality to be congruent to the original brand, Nike athletic shoes. (2) respondents only perceived Nike socks to be strongly similar to the original brand, Nike athletic shoes.</p>
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An investigation into the residual effects of a change in sponsorship of a sports event on consumer perceptions of, and attitudes towards the original sponsor and the event itselfCochetel, Fabrice January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Marketing)-Dept. of Marketing, Durban University of Technology, 2007
xiv, 129 [19] leaves / This study examined brand awareness after a change in sponsor and audience perceptions about the sponsors and the event before and after the change.
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品牌形象、品牌忠誠度、顧客滿意度與個人涉入— UNIQLO個案研究 / A study of brand image, brand loyalty, customer satisfaction and personal involvement, a case of UNIQLO林筱涵, Hsiao-Han, Lin January 1900 (has links)
本研究採用量化研究方法,以找出品牌形象、品牌忠誠度、顧客滿意度與個人涉入之間的利害關係。研究結果顯示品牌形象與顧客滿意度呈現正相關,品牌形象與顧客滿意度皆會影響到品牌忠誠度,而個人涉入會影響到品牌形象、顧客滿意度與品牌忠誠度之間的關係。 / Recent surveys have regarded customer satisfaction, brand loyalty, brand image and personal involvement as fundamental issues. The previous research has been focused on investigating the case study of UNIQLO and the comparison between other apparel brands. However, brand image, brand loyalty, customer satisfaction and personal involvement have not been extensively studied yet. Therefore, the research purpose is to examine the relationships among brand image, brand loyalty, customer satisfaction and personal involvement that could affect UNIQLO’s profitability.
Quantitative research approaches were employed in this study in order to find out the relationships among these factors. Results of this research showed that Brand image is positively related to customer satisfaction, Brand image and Customer satisfaction significantly predicts brand loyalty. Brand image and Customer satisfaction would affect brand loyalty through its effect on personal involvement. / Table of Contexts
Table of Contexts iv
Table vi
Figure vii
1.1Background 1
1.2 Statement of problems 2
1.3 Purpose of the study 3
1.4 Research question 4
1.5 Significance of the study 4
2.1 Brand image 6
2.1.1 Brand Image: Mystery, Sensuality, and Intimacy 8
2.2 Brand loyalty 9
2.2.1 Attitudinal brand loyalty 11
2.2.2 Significance of brand loyalty 13
2.3 Customer satisfaction 14
2.3.1 Significance of customer satisfaction 15
2.4 Personal involvement 16
2.5 The overview of the global apparel industry 18
2.5.1 ZARA 23
2.5.2 H&M 26
2.5.3 GAP 29
2.6 The overview of UNIQLO 32
2.6.1 Background 32
2.6.2 Global market share 35
2.6.3 Business mode 36
3.1 Research frameworks and hypothesis 38
3.2 Research design 40
3.3 Measurement 40
3.3.1 Section I- Demographics 42
3.3.2 Section II – Brand image 42
3.3.3 Section III - Attitudinal Brand loyalty 43
3.3.4 Section IV- Customer satisfaction 45
3.3.5 Section V- Personal involvement 47
3.4 Participant 47
3.5 Data collection 48
3.6 Data analysis 48
4.1 Description of Samples 50
4.2 Factorial Structure of the Questionnaire 52
4.3 Internal Consistency of the Questionnaire 58
4.4 Correlation analysis 59
4.5 Regression Analysis 60
4.5.1 Multiple regression analysis 60
4.5.2 Hierarchical regression analysis 63
4.6 Structural Equation Modeling 69
5.1 Discussion of research results 72
5.2 Implications 77
5.3 Limitations of the study 77
5.4 Recommendations for future research 78
References 79
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Consumers' perceptions when evaluating brand extensions in relation to the original brandDiniso, Chuma January 2008 (has links)
This study examines how consumers perceive the overall quality and similarity/fit of the brand extensions (Nike camera, Nike socks, and Nike golf balls) in relation to the original brand (Nike athletic shoes) and how these perceptions influence their attitudes towards the extensions. The researcher proposes that the perceived overall quality of the brand extensions will be congruent to that of the original brand and that the attitude towards the brand extensions will be favourable only when there is a perceived similarity/fit between the brand extensions and the original brand. In order to get these insights, the study surveyed 147 undergraduate and postgraduate students from the University of the Western Cape across all faculties. A non-probability convenience sampling method was used to access respondents. To collect data, qualitative and quantitative methods were employed using a questionnaire which consisted of open-ended and closed-ended questions in the form of free associations technique and 5-point Likert scales. The data gathered was analysed by means of descriptive statistics and Spearman correlation coefficient. The findings indicate two things. (1) respondents only perceived Nike socks' overall quality to be congruent to the original brand, Nike athletic shoes. (2) respondents only perceived Nike socks to be strongly similar to the original brand, Nike athletic shoes. / Magister Commercii - MCom
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定位性遊戲化機制的設計元素的影響力研究 / An Examination of the Effects of Design Elements on Location-Based Gamification賴郁成, Lai, Yu Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
此研究的目的是為了幫助企業更深入的了解並運用遊戲化機制,來達到提升品牌體驗及品牌忠誠度的目的。首先,此研究定義了定位系統結合遊戲化機制的七個設計元素:逃避、面對、幻想、技能提升、娛樂、競爭、社交、定位性,然後定義了品牌體驗的四個面向,包括:感官、情感、 知性、行為。
企業採用定位系統結合遊戲化機制的方式時,應重視應用程序的設計元素,並了解每一個設計元素對於使用者內心以及行為模式的影響。 / The objective of this study is to help enterprises to better understand the use of location-based gamification to enhance brand experience and brand loyalty. Frist, the study identified the design elements of location-based gamification as: escape, coping, fantasy, skill development, recreation, competition, social and location-base. Then, four dimensions of brand experience were identified, these experiences include: sensory, affective, intellectual and behavioral experiences. Using a quasi-experimental design, this study collected data from 238 participants who join the testing program with pre and post-test of the effects of a designed location-based gamification application.
The results show that 1) the use of location-based gamification can change user perception of the brand, 2) the design elements of Fantasy, Recreation, Social and Location-Base have a strong association with the brand experience and 3) dimensions of affective and intellectual experience are strongly linked with brand loyalty. Organizations adopting location based gamification should pay attention to the design elements of the application and understand its impact on various aspects of user behavior
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企業品牌價值及其評價模式之探討-以宏達電為個案研究 / The study of enterprise brand value and brand valuation:a case of HTC corporation江連賜, Jiang, Ted Unknown Date (has links)
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Bushells and the cultural logic of brandingKhamis, Susie January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Macquarie University, Division of Society, Culture, Media & Philosophy, Dept. of Media, 2007. / Bibliography: leaves 281-305. / Introduction -- Advertising, branding & consumerism: a literature survey -- Methodology: from Barthes to Bushells -- A taste for tea: how tea travelled to and through Australian culture -- Class in a tea cup -- A tale of two brands -- Thrift, sacrifice and the happy housewife -- 'He likes coffee SHE likes tea' -- 'Is it as good?': Bushells beyond Australia -- 'The one thing we all agree on' -- Conclusion. / Since its introduction in 1883, the Bushells brand of tea has become increasingly identified with Australia's national identity. Like Arnott's, QANTAS and Vegemite, Bushells has become a part of the nation's cultural vocabulary, a treasured store of memories and myths. This thesis investigates how Bushells acquired this status, and the transformation by which an otherwise everyday item evolved from the ordinary to the iconic. In short, through Bushells, I will demonstrate the cultural logic of branding. -- Bushells is ideally suited for an historical analysis of branding in Australia. Firstly, tea has been a staple of the Australian diet since the time of the First Fleet. So, it proves a fitting example of consumer processes since the early days of White settlement. From this, I will consider the rise of an environment sensitive to status, and therefore conducive to branding. In the late nineteenth century, Bushells was challenged to appeal to the burgeoning corps of middle class consumers. To this end, the brand integrated those ideals and associations that turned its tea into one that flattered a certain sensibility. Secondly, having established its affinity with a particular market group, the middle class, Bushells was well positioned to track, acknowledge and incorporate some of the most dominant trends of the twentiethcentury; specifically, the rise of a particular suburban ideal in the 1950s, and changing conceptions of gender, labour and technology. Finally, in the last two decades, Bushells has had to concede decisive shifts in fashion and taste; as Australia's population changed, so too did tea's place and prominence in the market. This thesis thus canvasses all these issues, chronologically and thematically. To do this, I will contextualise Bushells' advertisements in terms of the contemporary conditions that both informed their content, and underpinned their appeal. -- Considering the breadth and depth of this analysis, I argue that in the case of Bushells there is a cultural logic to branding. As brands strive for relevance, they become screens off which major societal processes can be identified and examined. As such, I will show that, in its address to consumers, Bushells broached some of the most significant discourses in Australia's cultural history. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / v, 305 leaves ill
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“Det finns inte en silver bullet” : En kvalitativ fallstudie om ett statligt bolags deltagande i sociala medier när förtroendet har raseratsPettersson, Jenny, Hansson, Lisa January 2018 (has links)
I det ständigt förändrade medielandskapet ökar möjligheterna för organisationer att hitta nya vägar att nå ut med sin marknadskommunikation. Detta ställer höga krav på att organisationer ska delta i medieplattformar och ha en fungerande strategi för hur plattformen ska användas. Sociala medier är en relativt ny plattform för organisationer att delta i och bidrar med en möjlighet att föra en interaktion med kunder, till skillnad från traditionella media som är en envägskommunikation. Tidigare studier har adresserat strategier för att organisationer på ett framgångsrikt sätt ska generera förtroende och lojalitet via sina sociala medier. Den kunskapslucka som återfinns är att undersöka om dessa strategier är relevanta och applicerbara även i ett fall där ett utvalt företag befinner sig i en djup förtroendekris. Studiens syfte är att utifrån ett företagsperspektiv kartlägga en pågående förtroendekris och undersöka hur ett deltagande i sociala medier kan bidra till att återfå ett raserat förtroende. Studien är en fallstudie om PostNord som i skrivande stund genomgår en förtroendekris samt använder sig utav en social plattform, Facebook, för att kommunicera med sina kunder. Det teoretiska ramverket som används för studien är Kellers (2001) kundbaserade varumärkeskapital som innefattar nivåer för att generera förtroende. Empirin samlades in genom en kvalitativ ansats och semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med anställda på PostNord. Studien visar att det råder olika uppfattningar gällande vilken roll sociala medier har haft i förtroendekrisen och även hur ett deltagande i sociala medier kan bidra till att öka förtroendet. Författarna av denna studie har sammanställt en modell med en potentiell strategi för att bidra till att öka förtroendet via ett deltagande i sociala medier. / In the ever-changing media landscape, the opportunities for organizations to find new ways to reach out with their market communication are increasing. This poses high demands on organizations to participate in media platforms and to have a successful strategy for the platform. Social media is a relatively new platform for organizations to participate in and provides an opportunity to interact with customers, unlike one-way communication like the traditional media. Studies in the past has found strategies for organizations to apply for generating trust and loyalty through their participation in social media. The knowledge gap that is found is to investigate whether these strategies are relevant and applicable even in a case where a selected company is in a deep trust crisis. The aim of the study is to assess from an enterprise perspective an ongoing trust crisis and the role that social media can play in increasing trust by participating in social media. The study is a case study of PostNord. The organization is currently undergoing a trust crisis and uses a social media platform, Facebook, to communicate with their customers. The theoretical framework used for the study is Keller’s (2001) customer-based brand equity that includes levels for generating trust. Empirical data was collected through a qualitative approach and semi structured interviews were conducted with employees from PostNord. The result of this study shows that there are different perceptions about the role of social media in the trust crisis and how a participation in social media can help increase trust. The authors of this study have compiled a model of a potential strategy to help increase trust through participation in social media.
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