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Whee da-dum bee-dum : Melodisk kontur hos ljudlogotyper och dess påverkan på varumärkesuppfattning / Whee da-dum bee-dum : Melodic contour of audio logos and its effects on brand perceptionvon Malmborg, Solvej, Martinsson, Tony January 2020 (has links)
En ljudlogotyp är en ljudkomposition som används för att särskilja ett varumärke. Ljudlogotypen ingår i varumärkens strategiska arbete för att skapa sig en bild i konsumenters medvetande. Denna bild kallas varumärkesuppfattning. Syftet med denna studie var att utöka kunskapen om hur musik kan användas i kommunikativt syfte i allmänhet och om hur melodin påverkar uppfattningen av varumärken i synnerhet. En webbenkät genomfördes för att studera om olika typer av melodisk kontur hos en ljudlogotyp kan ge olika effekter på hur ett fiktivt varumärke uppfattas ifråga om varumärkespersonlighet. Deltagare rekryterades via sociala medier. Till undersökningen utformades åtta videoklipp innehållande en ljudlogotyp och en grafisk logotyp. Videoklippen var identiska förutom att den melodiska konturen skilde dem åt. Deltagarna skattade i vilken grad de uppfattade fem olika personlighetsdrag hos den ljudlogotyp de fick höra. Resultaten analyserades statistiskt. Genom undersökningen genererades inget stöd för att typ av melodisk kontur skulle ha någon påverkan på uppfattningen av de fem personlighetsdragen. Lämpliga metoder för undersökningar om ljudlogotyper och varumärkesuppfattning diskuteras. För framtida studier inom området föreslås kvalitativa studier samt studier som undersöker andra musikaliska parametrar. Vidare efterfrågas mer forskning om melodisk kontur. / An audio logo, also called sonic logo or sound logo, is a sound composition utilized to differentiate a brand. A sonic logo is part of a brand’s strategy to create an image in the awareness of consumers. This image is called brand perception. The objective of this study was to expand general knowledge about music’s applicability for communicative purposes and moreover to specifically look at how melody affects brand perception. A web survey was conducted to investigate if different types of melodic contour in an audio logo can have different effects on the perception of brand identity for a fictional brand. Participants were recruited using social media. Eight videos consisting of an audio logo and a graphic logo were designed. The videos were identical apart from their melodic contours. Participants rated the degree to which they perceived five different personality traits for the audio logo they heard. The results were analyzed statistically. Through the survey, no support was generated for an impact from the type of melodic contour on the perception of the five personality traits. Appropriate methods for investigating audio logos and brand perception are discussed. For future research within the field qualitative design is suggested, as well asinvestigations into other musical parameters. Furthermore, additional research into melodic contour is proposed.
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Srovnání vnímání osobnostních značek lídrů stran ODS a TOP 09 / Comparison of personal brands perception - the case of party leaders ODS and TOP 09Kolder, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
This master's thesis focuses on the concept of branding in politics. The main aim of this piece of work is comparison of perception of brand personality. In this case, the party leader Petr Fiala by ODS and Karel Schwarzenberg by TOP 09, have been chosen for this research. The brand value was assessed by procedures which were suggested by K. L. Keller. The OCEAN concept, created by Gerard Saucier, was used for brand personality research, which is the main pillar of this thesis. The sample of 212 students of political science and economics took part in the above mentioned research.
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Belief Transfers in Co-branding and Brand Extension and the Roles of Perceptual FitRoswinanto, Widyarso 05 1900 (has links)
Existing co-branding and brand extension research generally coalesces around two important constructs: perceptual fit and attitude toward the brand. Studies in co-branding and brand extension to date have generally emphasized the transference of affective elements of attitude from parent brand to the extension. Researchers and practitioners clearly need to learn more about the transfer of belief, the cognitive elements of attitude. Too little is currently known about whether and how beliefs are actually transferred in co-branding and brand extension applications, particularly in terms of perceptual fit. This dissertation investigates belief transfer and the effect of perceptual fit on belief transfer in co-branding and brand extension scenarios and develops answers to the following research questions: 1.Are different categories of beliefs transferable from parent brand to theextension? 2.How do various sub-dimensions of perceptual fit affect belief transfers fromparent brands to the extension? 3.How do different categories of beliefs affect consumers’ intentions to purchasethe extension products? Categorization Theory was used as the fundamental theory to build the hypotheses. This dissertation involved qualitative studies, belief scale development, and experimental design studies. The results revealed that aesthetic and functional beliefs are positively transferred from parent brand to the extension. The transfer of aesthetic beliefs is affected by the level of brand fit while the transfer of functional beliefs is independent upon the level of any perceptual fit construct. Finally, cognitive structure based on the strength of extension beliefs is more predictive upon the purchase intention. Findings will extend the co-branding and brand extension literature, especially in terms of the pattern of belief transfers that unfold subject to the influence of various perceptual fit constructs. The results will also provide additional insights about the role that perceptual fit plays in influencing categories of consumer beliefs as those beliefs are also influenced by the specific perceptual fits that are presumably transferred to the extension.
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[pt] Frente à acirrada competição entre cidades, é tarefa dos gestores proporcionar
um ambiente de atração para visitantes e investimentos, além de manter os
residentes satisfeitos. Portanto, o desenvolvimento local vai além das políticas
públicas e se torna um desafio de mercado. Ademais, há um reconhecimento
crescente por parte dos gestores e outros agentes de que uma cena musical dinâmica
impulsiona a economia ao criar empregos, atrair turistas e fortalecer a marca da
cidade. Diante desse contexto, este estudo investiga como a indústria da música ao
vivo afeta o processo de construção da marca de uma cidade, analisa os
componentes e dimensões dessa indústria e também mostra como uma cidade pode
articulá-los para fomentar o desenvolvimento e fortalecer sua marca. A pesquisa foi
realizada através de um estudo de caso múltiplo realizado no Rio de Janeiro e em
Montreal, cidades com forte tradição de música ao vivo. Como resultado, foi
desenvolvido um modelo teórico que propõe a divisão da infraestrutura de música
ao vivo em duas partes: uma voltada para grandes eventos e outra voltada para o
que acontece durante todo o ano, fora dos grandes eventos. A pesquisa aponta que
os grandes eventos têm uma forte influência na marca da cidade. No entanto, é o
que acontece ao longo do ano que nutre a identidade cultural de uma cidade, que
por sua vez tem uma forte influência na marca da cidade. Os resultados destacam
que: (a) as cenas musicais de uma cidade podem ser um argumento turístico porque
são um elemento de diferenciação; (b) as cidades devem proteger seus espaços de
pequeno e médio porte, pois eles tornam os eventos musicais mais acessíveis e
relevantes para a população de diferentes territórios; (c) a proteção da indústria de
música ao vivo de uma cidade está conectada com a preservação de seu patrimônio
musical. A herança musical influencia a composição, produção, consumo e outros
aspectos envolvidos nas cenas musicais de uma cidade; (d) é fundamental garantir
a continuidade das políticas públicas de cultura e estabelecer um processo mais
inclusivo que considere a diversidade do público; e (e) considerando a escassez de
recursos, o financiamento público deve priorizar o apoio à educação musical, aos
eventos musicais ao longo do ano e à preservação do patrimônio da cidade. O estudo
também mostra que as Secretarias de Turismo e Cultura devem trabalhar juntas
para manter a autenticidade da marca da cidade, pois o que não está exclusivamente
ligado a um lugar pode ser replicado por outra cidade e, portanto, não pode ser
considerado um elemento de diferenciação. Este estudo pretende fornecer
informações para acadêmicos, profissionais da indústria musical, gestores públicos
envolvidos no desenvolvimento econômico e cultural, e profissionais de turismo
que procuram maneiras de impulsionar as economias locais por meio da cultura. / [en] With the increasingly fierce competition among cities, place managers must
provide an environment capable of not only attracting visitors and investments but also keeping residents satisfied. Therefore, local development goes beyond public policy and becomes a market challenge. Furthermore, there is a growing recognition among governments and other stakeholders that a dynamic music scene boosts a city s economy by creating jobs, attracting tourists, and strengthening the city s brand. Within this context, the present study investigates how the live music
industry affects the process of building a city s brand. The project analyzes the
components and dimensions of the live music industry and also shows how a city
can articulate them in order to foster the development of its live music industry and strengthen its brand. This analysis was based on a multiple-case study conducted in Rio de Janeiro and in Montreal, cities with strong and long-standing traditions of live music. A theoretical model was developed as a result of this inquiry. It proposes
the breakdown of the city cultural infrastructure into two parts: a live music infrastructure geared towards major events, and a live music infrastructure geared towards what happens year-round, outside of major events. The findings show that major events have a strong influence on city branding. Yet the research also shows that it is what happens throughout the year that nourishes a city s cultural identity,
which in turn has a strong influence on the city s brand. The results highlight
that: (a) strong music scenes can be a tourism argument because they are an element of differentiation; (b) cities must protect their small and medium-sized venues because these spaces can make music events more accessible and relevant to the population of different territories; (c) the protection of the live music industry of a city and the preservation of its musical heritage go hand in hand. Musical heritage
influences music composition, consumption and other aspects involved in a city s
music scenes; (d) ensuring the continuity of public policies for culture and
establishing a more inclusive process that considers the diversity of the audience is key; and (e) considering the scarcity of resources, public funding should prioritize support for music education, year-round live music events, and the preservation of the city s heritage. The study also emphasizes that the Tourism Office and Bureau
of Cultural Affairs should work together to keep city branding authentic, since what is not uniquely linked to a place can easily replicated, and therefore can t be considered an element of differentiation. This study intends to provide information for academics, music industry professionals, political leaders and government officials involved in economic and/or cultural development, and tourism and business leaders looking for ways to boost local economies through culture.
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Det personliga varumärket : En fallstudie i hur IF Skadeförsäkring arbetar med sponsring i podcast för att bygga sitt varumärkeBorgström, Ida January 2015 (has links)
Podcast är ett relativt nytt medium som ständigt ökar. Allt fler företag börjat få upp ögonen för podcast som marknadsföringskanal eftersom de kan nå en viss målgrupp. IF Skadeförsäkring var ett av de första företagen i Sverige att använda podcast som marknadsföringskanal genom ett längre sponsringssamarbete. De har sedan 2013 varit huvudsponsor av Alex och Sigges podcast. Samarbetet mellan IF och journalisterna och författarna Alex Schulman och Sigge Eklund handlar till stor del om att budskapet om IF vävs in i innehållet, med så kallad native advertising, till skillnad från många andra podcaster där sponsorerna nämns som inlägg separata från övriga innehållet. I denna studie studeras hur IF arbetar för att bygga sitt varumärke, vilka kärnvärden och mål de har och hur budskapet om IF kommer till uttryck i Alex och Sigges podcast som drivs av för IF externa aktörer. Metoden som används är en semistrukturerad intervju med IF samt en innehållsanalys av totalt 18 podcastavsnitt som analyseras med hjälp av tematisk analys. Resultatet indikerar att IF arbetar utifrån strategier för integrerad marknadskommunikation där marknadsföring och PR kombineras, där de arbetar med både reklam och publicitet. Målet med varumärkesbyggandet är att skapa en känsla för varumärket hos konsumenter, vilket liknar det som Matteo och Dal Zotto (2015) menar är typiskt för postmodern konsumism. Budskapet om IF i podcasten som förmedlas genom native advertising och storytelling liknar IF:s egna budskap utifrån företagets kärnvärden.
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Brand Identity : Improving event tourism in HelsinkiReinikka, Linda January 2011 (has links)
The tourism industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Destinationcompetitiveness emphasizes the need to link competitiveness to a destination's ability to delivergoods and services better than other destinations on those parts of the tourism experience regardedas being important by tourists. The phenomenon of using events to strategically build andstrengthen a destination's brand identity has received very little attention. This study aims to investigate how the Destination Management Organisations in Helsinki arebuilding a brand identity, and how events may be used strategically in this process. Interviews havebeen undertaken with few organisations of various sizes and characteristics. Two distinct divisionsformed the base of the thesis; the first with a clear focus on how the DMO is working to create abrand identity, while the latter concentrated on the same topic from a focused perspective; how thebrand identity may be created with the use of events. After this, the research phase is entered, whichinvolves gathering the necessary data required for determining the current identity of thedestination. Once the research phase was completed, the process moved into a phase of shaping thebrand identity. Through the interviews the writer was able to get better perceptions of how the cityis merged with views and objectives of where the city wants to be, or where they desire to be in the future.
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Att förmedla en berättelse : Bilden av uppdragsarkeologi på sociala medierHasselqvist, Susanne January 2016 (has links)
Communicating archaeological findings to the public has become increasingly important in contract archeology in recent years and is now a legal requirement. Public contacts earlier meant that it was the experts, the archaeologists, who would communicate the knowledge to the public. Today, social media offers new opportunities to reach new groups and to communicate. Simultaneously the archaeologists, employed by different firms, find themselves in a new competitive situation. It may therefore be important to present the own activities in a way that strengthens the brand and to legitimize the business for the County Administration that shares the commissions, as well as for those providing the funding, the taxpayers. This paper is based on a case study on how archaeologists produce narratives on themselves, their profession and archaeology as a science on a Facebook page and on blog posts, connected to an archaeological project in the county of Östergötland in Sweden. The Facebook posts and snapshots from the blog have been reviewed and classified in an analysis of the narrative the archaeologists mediates. The study shows how building a brand is as prominent a reason for using social media as presenting the scientific findings. It is also evident that as an information source with great potential, social media could be utilized much more structured and focused.
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Employer Branding idag : Attraktivitet genom sociala medierWeiderstål, Daniel, Källqvist, Marcuz January 2016 (has links)
The use of social media has during the last couple of years increased and is now a major part of most of the organizations marketing strategies. But how does this fit with the Employer Branding strategies? And how does this affect the organizational attractiveness as an employer? These were two of the questions we wanted to examine and analyze. In order to answer these questions, we conducted interviews with six different companies divided into 3 subgroups. The intention of this was to get a wider perspective of how the implementation of social media in the Employer Branding could work. And could this change the recruitment process? What we could see afterwards is that more time is spent on taking references online through social media sites. Some say it is more honest than the traditional references that the candidate got to choose. Other conclusions that we could find was that it is important to use social media in todays market but it is crucial to use it in a proper way. Companies must form a strategy based on their Employee Value Proposition in order to reach the wanted receivers using social media. It is also important that the Employee Value Proposition is based on the companies’ corporate values. / Titel: Employer Branding och sociala medier – den moderna tidens ARUBA Författare: Daniel Weiderstål och Marcuz Källqvist Handledare: Mårten Hugosson Examinator: Karl W Sandberg Program: Högskolan Dalarna, Personal- och arbetsliv, vårterminen 2016 Ämne: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen inom Personal- och arbetsliv, 15 hp Nyckelord: Employer Branding, attractiveness, sociala medier, rekrytering, retention, arbetsgivarvarumärke Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur arbetet med att som arbetsgivare skapa attraktivitet genom arbete med Employer Branding och hur det utförs inom utvalda svenska organisationer. Detta speciellt med avseende på hur sociala medier används som verktyg och hur detta påverkar rekryteringsprocesser Metod: Uppsatsen är av kvalitativ karaktär där vi utfört en fallstudie. Sedan har det empiriska materialet analyserats med den utvalda litteraturen Empiri: Den empiriska datainsamlingen har utförts i form av sex semistrukturerade intervjuer där intervjupersonerna representerar sex olika organisationer inom tre olika sektorer; tjänsteproducerande, varuproducerande samt landsting Slutsats: Studiens slutsats är att analyserade svenska organisationer använder sociala medier i sitt arbete med Employer Branding och för att attrahera kompetens. Hur detta utförts skiljer sig dock mellan organisationerna som deltog. Dessutom betonas inledningen och avslutningen av kompetensförsörjningen och att det är viktigt att lägga vikt vid dessa delar för att skapa konkurrensfördelar i arbetet med Employer Branding. Organisationer i Sverige måste också utforma en konkret strategi i sitt arbete med Employer Branding med syfte att kommunikationen via sociala medier når ut till den önskade målgruppen.
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Spraying a New Trend : Exploring Branding Strategies Through the Volvo LifePaint CampaignHansson, Viktoria, Karlsson, Maria, Larsson, Albin January 2016 (has links)
Background: The authors tentatively believe they have identified a new trend within branding, where an established brand launches a new and innovative product that is somehow related to the brand’s core values, interactively through a complementary marketing communication video. Support for the relevance to further investigate the identified trend can be found in academic literature. Due to today’s competitive marketplace, several researchers emphasize the importance to further explore and evaluate creative customer-based brand equity-building strategies. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore the identified trend and whether this identified trend can assist in building customer- based brand equity. The authors of this thesis use the Volvo LifePaint campaign as a case for the study. The research questions concerns what associations consumers make to the launched product when being exposed to its complementary marketing communication video, and whether these associations are transferable to the brand. Method: The method of this research was qualitative and the primary data collection was collected through 10 semi-structured interviews, as well as observations through netnography. Conclusion: Based on the findings from the case study, the authors conclude that the identified trend may serve as a creative branding strategy for an established brand, to assist in building customer-based brand equity. However, the authors noticed that unfavorable associations also may be created and transferred, which potentially can harm the brand.
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Att producera en extern podcast för ett globalt bolag : Från koncept till slutprodukt / To produce an external podcast for a global corporation : From concept to final productLarsson, Felicia January 2016 (has links)
Purpose: This project aims to create and develop an external podcast for IBM Sweden to strengthen the IBM Brand and be an attractive employer on the swedish market. Results: The result of this project is a podcast episode with the focus on careers within IBM, edited in Adobe Audition and published on IBM Box. The concept implements storytelling and the report covers the process from concept development to finished product.
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