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Desenvolvimento de tijolos com incorporação de cinzas de carvão e lodo provenientes de estação de tratamento de água / Development of bricks with incorporation of coal ash and sludge from water treatment plantMauro Valério da Silva 07 November 2011 (has links)
Os lodos provenientes de estação de tratamento de água brasileira são, frequentemente, dispostos e lançados diretamente nos corpos d\'água, causando um impacto negativo no meio ambiente. Também, cinzas de carvão são produzidas pela queima de carvão em usinas termelétricas e é o resíduo sólido industrial mais gerado no sul do Brasil: cerca de 4 milhões ton/ano. A disposição eficiente das cinzas de carvão é um problema devido ao seu volume maciço e aos riscos nocivos para o ambiente. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a viabilidade da incorporação desses dois resíduos industriais em uma massa utilizada na fabricação de tijolos ecológicos. As amostras de cinzas leve do filtro ciclone da usina termelétrica localizada no Município de Figueira, Estado do Paraná, Brasil e o lodo de estação de tratamento de água localizada no município de Terra Preta, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, foram utilizados no estudo. Tijolos de cinzas leve-lodo e cinzas leve-lodo-solo-cimento foram moldados e testados de acordo com padrões brasileiros. Os materiais foram caracterizados por análises físico-químicas, difração de raios X, análise térmica, análise morfológica, espectroscopia no infravermelho com transformada de Fourier e análise granulométrica. Os resultados indicaram que o lodo de estação de tratamento de água e as cinzas de carvão podem ser usados na manufatura de tijolos prensados solo-cimento de acordo com a Norma Brasileira NBR 10836/94. / Sludge from treatment water Brazilian plant station are, frequently, disposed and launched directly in the water bodies, causing a negative impact in the environment. Also, coal ashes is produced by burning of coal in coal-fired power stations and is the industrial solid waste most generated in southern Brazil: approximately 4 million tons/y. The efficient disposal of coal ashes is an issue due to its massive volume and harmful risks to the environment. The aim of this work was study the feasibility of incorporating these two industrial wastes in a mass used in the manufacture of ecological bricks. Samples of fly ashes from a cyclone filter from a coal-fired power plant located at Figueira County in Paraná State, Brazil and waterworks sludge of Terra Preta County in São Paulo State, Brazil, were used in the study. Fly ash-sludge and fly ash-sludge-soil-cement bricks were molded and tested, according to the Brazilians Standards. The materials were characterized by physical-chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction, thermal analysis, morphological analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and granulometric analysis. The results indicate that the waterworks sludge and coal ashes have potential to be used on manufacturing soil-cement pressed bricks according to the of Brazilians Standards NBR 10836/94.
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The effect of material property variations on the failure probability of an AGR moderator brick subject to irradiation induced self stressPreston, Stephen David January 1989 (has links)
The failure of graphite moderator bricks in an Advanced Gas cooled Reactor (AGR) is potentially a serious problem. This thesis describes the generation of self stress in the moderator brick during irradiation and the derivation of a simple analytical model to predict the magnitude of this stress. The magnitude of the self stress in the brick is affected by the variations in the material properties of the graphite used for the brick and this is also examined, developing a statistical approach to the analysis. Property variations between bricks are considered but no allowance has been made for material property variations within a brick. Finally, the thesis compares the self stress in one of the critical peak rated moderator bricks to the strength of the irradiated oxidised material on a statistical basis and predicts the failure probability of a brick due to self stress to be extremely low at 25.5 full power years (FPY). However, the failure probability rises steeply and for the peak rated bricks at 29 FPY it approaches 100%.
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Improvement of physical, mechanical and strength behavior of cohesive soils with natural pozzolana and brick dustChang, E., Chang, E., Villalta, J., Fernandez, C., Duran, G. 28 February 2020 (has links)
This research project seeks to improve soil properties through experimentation with geotechnical purposes. For this, will be used natural volcanic pozzolana in 5%, 10%, 15% and brick dust in 10% giving it a second reuse. The soil improvement will be analyzed with the proposed additions and its influence on the results. It is concluded that the addition improves the behavior of the soil by decreasing its plasticity index, increases the compaction index and improves the geotechnical parameters.
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Možnosti eliminace vzniku redukčního jádra jeho vliv na vlastnosti cihlářského střepu / The effect of reduction cores on the properties of brick bodyKučera, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with creation of reduction core problem mainly in fired roofing tiles. With those is the emphasis on the impermeability and frost resistance. Black reduction core is reducing frost resistance but depends on firing temperature. At 1060 °C the reduction in frost resistance is not as unfavorable as at 900 °C. This thesis includes overview of research conducted on reduction core topic. There is enough literature focusing on frost resistance, experimental part is focused mainly on the impact of reduction core on impermeability and compares two types of production mixtures used in Czech Republic (calcium-containing type from Hranice and non-calcium type from Stod). It includes comparison of mixtures with fluidized fly ash and dust from grinding masonry elements. It opens discussion if those mixtures can be used for reduction core elimination.
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Folkets Hus on KrusgårdsbergetTräskbacka, Camilla Teresa Victoria January 2022 (has links)
Folkets Hus on Krusgårdsberget is located in northwest Eskilstuna in Torshälla on Skeppargatan with a driveway entrance from Snäckbergsstigen. From Krusgårdsberget you can see i.a. the church tower and from there it is easy to get over Julinbron, the pedestrian and bicycle bridge, to the other side of Torshällaån, Rådhustorget, Bergströmska gården with the local history museum, the church and the harbor at Storgatan. The land area is limited by the Eskilstuna canal towards Lake Mälaren in the north. Holmenleden, Eskilstunavägen and Hammarbyvägen, which changes its name to Brogatan, connect the eastern part of Torshälla with the surrounding landscape. Previously, there was a community house at Rådhustorget with an assembly hall facing the square and a café and residential area facing Lilla gatan. The assembly hall was used for theater and cinema performances as well as lectures by research travelers. The house also housed the city's library and the café was a gathering place for vacant Torshälla residents. The house was built by Torshälla Allmänna Byggnads AB in 1900 and demolished in 1962. The community house I designed is a slope house with a brick facade and a flat roof on three levels. It houses a theater with 403 seats. Around the light courtyard with the large stairs there is a separate assembly hall. In addition, there are smaller office and meeting rooms, a restaurant and a hotel in the building. North of the parking lot at the main entrance, I have designed a garden that adjoins the wooded hill behind the house. / Folkets Hus på Krusgårdsberget ligger i nordvästra Eskilstuna i Torshälla på Skeppargatan med en infart från Snäckbergsstigen. Från Krusgårdsberget kan man se bl.a. kyrktornet och därifrån är det lätt att ta sig över Julinbron, gång- och cykelbron, till andra sidan Torshällaån, Rådhustorget, Bergströmska gården med hembygdsmuseet, kyrkan och hamnen vid Storgatan. Landområdet begränsas av Eskilstuna kanal mot Mälaren i norr. Holmenleden, Eskilstunavägen och Hammarbyvägen som byter namn till Brogatan förbinder den östra delen av Torshälla med kringliggande landskap. Tidigare har det funnits ett folkets hus vid Rådhustorget med en samlingslokal mot torget och en kafé- och bostadsdel mot Lilla gatan. Samlingslokalen användes till teater- och bioföreställningar samt föredrag av forskningsresande. Huset inrymde även stadens bibliotek och kaféet var en samlingsplats för lediga torshällabor. Huset byggdes av Torshälla Allmänna Byggnads AB år 1900 och revs 1962. Det folkets hus jag ritat är ett suterränghus med tegelfasad och platt tak i tre nivåer. Huset inrymmer en teater med 403 sittplatser. Runt ljusgården med den stora trappan finns det en avskild samlingslokal. Därtill finns det mindre kontors- och mötesrum, restaurang och hotell i byggnaden. Norr om parkeringen vid huvudentrén har jag designat en trädgård som angränsar till det skogsbeklädda berget bakom huset.
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YinYangKarpouzis, Angela January 2019 (has links)
The project represents two new established meeting points in Gnesta, whom connects the citizens with the local arrangements. The aim is to create an inviting atmosphere, as well as a well functioning building for corporates wich will reinforce the community.
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Town Hall in Strängnäs / Stadshall i SträngnäsBjernvinge, Emmie January 2019 (has links)
Mitt förslag till Strängnäs stadshall bottnar i en frågeställning och en undersökning av vad en stadshall är och vem den är till för. Som utgångspunkt har jag undersökt basilikan, vars funktion i staden jag tycker är intressant: som torghall i det antika Rom användes den till allt från rättsliga förhandlingar till handel. Det rum som basilikan var i staden saknar nästan sin motsvarighet idag, där de enda offentliga och tillgängliga platserna som finns är gatorna och torgen utomhus. Stadshallen i Strängnäs är som en tolkning av basilikan: ett inomhustorg som medborgarna i Strängnäs har tillträde till. Stadshallens tomt ligger intill Västervikstorget som sommartid är en knytpunkt för det folk, - och kulturliv som präglar Strängnäs. Hallen blir en förlängning av Västervikstorget och skapar rum för rörelse och liv iområdet året om. / My proposal to the Town Hall in Strängnäs is based on an analysis of what a town hall is - and who it is accessible for. As a starting point I studied the basilica, whose function in the city I find interesting. As a town hall in the antique Rome it was used for many various purposes, such as legal negotiations and trade. The space that the basilica was in the city has almost no equivalent in the city today, where the only public and accessible spaces available are the streets and the squares. The Town Hall in Strängnäs is an interpretation of the basilica: an indoors square accessible to the citizens of Strängnäs. The plot of the Town Hall is next to Västervikstorget, which during the summers functions as a junction point for the social and cultural life of Strängnäs. The Town Hall becomes an extension of Västervikstorget and creates space for the motion and vivacity in the area throughout the year.
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IRF UTSTÄLLNINGSHALL / IRF EXHIBITION HALLShanks, David January 2020 (has links)
IRF Utställningshall är en utökning av det befintliga IRF Kiruna. IRF - Institutet för rymdfysik - är en anläggning med både forskning och utbildning relaterat till rymden i allmänhet. Funktionen av utökningen är att fungera som en ständigt förändrande utställning som visar aktuella verk och forskning som görs på IRF, samt att tillhandahålla ett arkiv för lagring av dessa arbeten i framtiden. Utställningen ska vara tillgänglig för allmänheten i syfte att engagera fler medborgare i Kiruna i rymdrelaterade ämnen.Ljus och mörker spelar essentiella roller i detta projekt, vilket hjälper skapa starka kontraster och dynamiska rum i hallen. Under dagen är byggnaden upplyst av kontrollerat dagsljus och på natten av konstgjord belysning. Eftersom dagsljusförhållandena i Kiruna varierar dramatiskt under hela året är både naturliga och konstgjorda ljusförhållanden högst viktiga.Syftet med projektet är att förstärka nyfikenhet och vördnad: Nyfikenhet mot rymdrelaterade ämnen - ämnen som kan hjälpa till att utveckla vår förståelse av universum - liksom vördnad mot vetenskap i sig. En är avsedd att fyllas med vördnad när en går in i utställningshallen, både mot vår värld och de människor som forskar på den. Hur kan detta uppnås genom arkitektur? / IRF Exhibition Hall is an extension to the existing IRF Kiruna. IRF - The Institute for Space Physics - is an establishment with both research and education related to space in general. The function of the extension is to act as an ever changing exhibition displaying the current works and research being done at IRF, as well as to supply an archive for storing said works in the future. The exhibition is to be freely accessed by the public, with the aim of engaging more citizens of Kiruna in related subjects.Light and darkness play instrumental roles in this project, creating stark contrasts and dynamic spatialities within the hall. During the day, the building is illuminated by controlled daylight, and by night by artificial illumination. As the daylight conditions in Kiruna vary dramatically throughout the year, both natural and artificial lighting conditions are paramount. The aim of the project is to amplify curiosity and reverence: Curiosity towards space related subjects - subjects that can help progress our understanding of the universe - as well as reverence towards science in itself. One is intended to be filled with awe when entering the exhibition hall, both towards our world and the people researching it. How can this be achieved through architecture?
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Baket / The BakeryHalpin, Jordan January 2023 (has links)
Denna stora, stenladuliknande byggnad står i mitten av ett vetefält. Man anländer via en grusväg som leder genom fälten där man möts av en siluett som påminner om de engelska Country House och ramas in av det som ska bli mjölet som kommer bakas till bröd inuti. Det här projektet utforskar flera olika punkter men centralt för arbetet med gestaltningen var en frågeställning kring vilken effekt en medveten blandning av gamla och nya arkitekturella formspråk skulle producera. Detta ledde till en intressant blandning av olika uttryck. Även om dessa uttryck inte anses ge några fasta slutsatser har processen lagt grund för vidare, liknande undersökningar. Kärnan av uppgiften var att integrera ett komplext program. Projektet tolkar det ena delen av programmet, folketshus, som en öppen, symbolisk samlingsplats och den andra, bageriet, som en professionell produktion av bakade produkter. Viljan har varit att väva in produktionens centrala delar, de vedeldade ugnarna, i rumsligheterna så att de aktivt och uppenbart formar upplevelsen av byggnaden. / This large, barn-like structure stands in the middle of a field wheat. You approach the building on a gravel road leading through the fields and are met by a silhouette reminiscent of and English country house, closely flanked by the produce that will become the flour for the bread baked inside. This project has several focal points. It sets out to find common ground between old and new forms of architectural expression and explore what the effect of this blending would produce. This produced a curious blend of architectural vernaculars with somewhat inconclusive results, though laying good groundwork for similar future enquiries. The core of the assignment is to mix and integrate a complex programme. The project interprets the two seemingly disparate parts of the program as, firstly, the communal and symbolic centre for the public, and secondly, the professional production of baked goods. The project aims to integrate these by putting the production on display and weaving the centrepieces of the bakery, namely the woodfire ovens, into the communal spaces so that their presence is felt in most parts of the building.
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Thinking Through MakingPaquin, Garth William 14 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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