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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ladok Browser Extension : An Evaluation of Browser Extension API:s

Rahman, Mukti Flora January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka ifall det är möjligt att utveckla ett användargränssnitt i form av ett webbläsartillägg för Ladok som är ett resultatsystem för universitet och högskolor i Sverige. En del av studien har också varit att kunna utvärdera minst ett sätt att skapa webbläsartillägg. Enkätundersökningar samt intervjuer gjordes för att kunna förstå vilka typer av funktioner som skulle kunna vara till nytta för studenter samt lärare i ett sådant användargränssnitt. Det gjordes även GUI prototyper i designverktyget Figma som det gjordes användartester på. Den största utmaningen under arbetet har varit att kunna dra en slutsats om det är möjligt att kunna få tillgång till data från Ladok med hjälp av webbskrapning och API-förfrågningar. Datat på Ladok är sekretessbelagt eftersom Ladok innehåller konfidentiell information. Det har därför varit svårt att få tillgång till data under projektets gång. Olika typer av metoder testades under projektets gång för att se om det skulle kunna gå att få tillgång till data för att kunna utveckla ett användargränssnitt för Ladok. Slutsatsen som kan dras för detta projekt är det krävs mer forskning och tid samt att det inte finns någon lösning på detta än. Framtida arbete som är värt att nämna är kunna implementera användarskript som endast körs när studenter är inloggade på Ladok. Ett exempel på ett verktyg som kan användas för detta ändamål är TamperMonkey som är kompatibelt med Google Chrome. GreaseMonkey är motsvarar TamperMonkey, men är kompatibelt med Mozilla Firefox. / The objective of this study has been to examine if it is possible to develop a user interface as a browser extension for Ladok which is a result system that is used by higher education institutions such as colleges and universities in Sweden. A part of the study has also been to be able to evaluate at least one method of developing browser extensions. Interviews and surveys were conducted in order to understand what types of functions that would be beneficial for both students and teachers in such a user interface. GUI mockups were created in the design tool Figma and were later measured through usability tests. The main challenge during the study has been to be able to determine if it is possible to access data from Ladok through web scraping and API requests. As Ladok consists of confidential information about students, the data is private. Due to this it has been very difficult to be able to gather data. Different types of methods and approaches were used in order to determine if it would be possible to develop a user interface for Ladok. The conclusion that can be drawn is that more research and time are needed and that there is no clear solution for this yet. Future work could be to develop user scripts that would only run when Ladok would be used. An example of a tool for user scripts is TamperMonkey, which is compatible with Google Chrome. GreaseMonkey is equivalent to TamperMonkey, but is compatible with Mozilla Firefox.

”När jag använder TOR blir jag en helt annan person” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om motiven bakom användningen av Tor Browser och The Dark Web / ”When I go on TOR, I am a completely different person” : A qualitative interview study about the motives behind the usage of Tor Browser and The Dark Web

Dahlberg, Nadia, Bryskhe, Jonathan January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie har som mål att ge en inblick i varför och hur Internetanvändare nyttjar Tor Browser och The Dark Web. Nätverket och webbläsaren förknippas ofta med illegal verksamhet, men även med yttrandefrihet och anonymitet. Vi vill undersöka hur användandet av dessa ser ut och skapa en förståelse kring varför individer väljer att vända sig dit. Detta görs med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med sammanlagt nio personer som använder sig av nätverket och webbläsaren. Intervjuerna har genomförts på forumen Flashback Forum, Quora och Reddit genom sajternas privata chattfunktioner. Materialet har sedan analyserats med hjälp av det teoretiska perspektivet Uses and Gratification för att synliggöra vilka sociala och psykologiska behov som tillgodoses genom användandet. Studiens resultat visade att merparten av de intervjuade vände sig till Tor Browser och The Dark Web eftersom att de, i förstahand, var intresserade av illegal verksamhet och använde nätverket samt webbläsaren för att få tillgång till materialet, men även för att göra det svårare för myndigheter att spåra deras aktivitet online. Användandet grundade sig, i andrahand, i ett intresse för yttrandefrihet och anonymitet och det var även dessa ämnen som gjorde att användarna fortsatte att återvända till Tor Browser och The Dark Web.

Cybercrimes / Delitos Informáticos

Villavicencio Terreros, Felipe A. 12 April 2018 (has links)
In recent times, due to the development of information technology,a new form of crime called informational crimes has developed. in relation to this new type of crime, a special criminal law was issued, whose purpose is to prevent and punish illegal activities that affect computer systems and datas, secret communications, and other legal goods that are affected withthis type of crime, such as equity, public faith and sexual freedom. / En los últimos tiempos, producto del desarrollo de las tecnologías informáticas se ha ido desarrollando una nueva forma de criminalidad denominada delitos informativos. en relación a esta nueva forma delictiva, se ha emitido una Ley penal especial cuya finalidad es prevenir y sancionar las conductas ilícitas que afectan los sistemas y datos informáticos, así como el secreto de las comunicaciones, y los demás bienes jurídicos que resulten afectados con esta modalidad delictiva, como son el patrimonio, la fe pública y la libertad sexual.

Detekce podezřelých síťových požadavků webových stránek / Detection of Suspicious Requests Made by Web Pages

Pohner, Pavel January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to prevent websites located in public internet from accessing user's internal network through web browser. Acquired knowdledge about modern browser's security mechanism - same-origin policy and options of implementing the web browser extensions using WebExtensions, was used in the solution. Proposed solution is based on WebRequest API, which intercepts and modifies HTTP requests, and extends functionality of existing browser extension JavaScript Restrictor with the ability to detect and prevent the browser to be abused as a proxy for scanning and accessing user's internal network. The implemented solution was tested and accepted as a part of JavaScript Restrictor. The main benefit of this thesis is the protection from possible abusement of a web browser as a proxy, which is not present in existing extensions.

Expanding KTH's Canvas ecosystem to support additional automated services : Automating the injection of theses and their metadata into a digital archive / Utöka KTHs Canvas-ekosystem för att stödja ytterligare automatiserade tjänster : Automatisera injektionen av avhandlingar och deras metadata i ett digitalt arkiv

Fallahian, Shayan, Zioris, Konstantinos January 2020 (has links)
Whenever a student submits their final version of their thesis, a series of processes is triggered to finalize and archive the report. These processes are often handled in a less than efficient way which results in excessive manual labor and costs that can be prevent if automated. This report describes a solution that automates the series of processes that occur following a final thesis report submission. By utilizing the available information in a Canvas course and the content in the submitted thesis much of the manual cut-and-paste effort is avoided. Entering this data into DiVA is done by automated interaction via a browser, as DiVA does not have an application programming interface that could be used. The conclusion is that it is possible to automate this process through a headless browser. However, the automated parsing of the PDF version of the thesis proven to be inconsistent which results in the extracted data being inconsistent. With some improvements to the parsing module, the entire process could be fully automated. / Varje gång en student skickar in sin slutgiltiga version av sitt examensarbete, utlöses en serie av processer för att slutföra och arkivera examensarbetet. Dessa processer hanteras ofta på ett mindre än effektivt sätt vilket resulterar i extra mycket manuellt arbete och kostnader som kan förhindras ifall de automatiseras. Denna uppsats beskriver en lösning som automatiserar serien av processer som inträffar efter att ett slutgiltigt examensarbete har godkänts. Genom att använda tillgänglig information i en Canvas-kurs och innehållet i det inlämnade examensarbetet undviks mycket av den manuella ”klipp-och-klistra”-insatsen. Inmatning av den relevanta data från examensarbetet måste göras via automatiserad interaktion via en webbläsare i DiVA, eftersom DiVA inte hade ett API som kunde användas. Slutsatsen är att det är möjligt att automatisera detta genom en huvudlös webbläsare, även om modulen som behandlar PDF har visat sig vara inkonsekvent vilket i sin tur har resulterat i att den automatiska interaktionen är inkonsekvent. Med några optimeringar i analysmodulen kan hela processen automatiseras.

Protection against malicious JavaScript using hybrid flow-sensitive information flow monitoring

Sayed, Bassam 02 March 2016 (has links)
Modern web applications use several third-party JavaScript libraries to achieve higher levels of engagement. The third-party libraries range from utility libraries such as jQuery to libraries that provide services such as Google Analytics and context- sensitive advertisement. These third-party libraries have access to most (if not all) the elements of the displayed webpage. This allows malicious third-party libraries to perform attacks that steal information from the end-user or perform an action without the end-user consent. These types of attacks are the stealthiest and the hardest to defend against, because they are agnostic to the browser type and platform of the end-user and at the same time they rely on web standards when performing the attacks. Such kind of attacks can perform actions using the victim’s browser without her permission. The nature of such actions can range from posting an embarrassing message on the victim’s behalf over her social network account, to performing online biding using the victim’s account. This poses the need to develop effective mechanisms for protecting against client-side web attacks that mainly target the end-user. In the proposed research, we address the above challenges from information flow monitoring perspective by developing a framework that restricts the flow of information on the client-side to legitimate channels. The proposed model tracks sensitive information flow in the JavaScript code and prevents information leakage from happening. The main component of the framework is a hybrid flow-sensitive security monitor that controls, at runtime, the dissemination of information flow and its inlining. The security monitor is hybrid as it combines both static analysis and runtime monitoring of the running JavaScript program. We provide the soundness proof of the model with respect to termination-insensitive non-interference security policy and develop a new security benchmark to establish experimentally its effectiveness in detecting and preventing illicit information flow. When applied to the context of client-side web-based attacks, the proposed model provides a more secure browsing environment for the end-user. / Graduate

Applicability of modern graphics libraries in web development : How may current graphics APIs that allow GPU-rendered web content be better inorporated for use in modern web application production?

Nordström, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
This thesis presents an exploration into current web browser technologies for graphicsdevelopment, and offers a framework-like solution to integrate WebGL basedgraphical features into any web application based on those findings. It is builtlargely of the 2017 investigative graduate work done at Explizit Solutions (an ITfirm based in Skellefteå, Sweden), where the goal was to discover how 3D graphicstechnology in web browsers could be incorporated into and improve the front-endof their booking system services. A refined version of the solution produced in thatwork is presented, discussed and evaluated in this dissertation along with the investigativework done to produce it.

Ledsagande av seniorer i samband med webben : Identifiering av tillvägagångssätt att bistå seniorer i utförandet av uppgifter på webben

Lindahl, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Webben kan användas i många syften och kan skapa ett mervärde både i arbetslivet och det privata livet för människor. Idag förekommer användande av datorer, webben och IT generellt i ett flertal branscher. IT har också blivit en del av det svenska utbildningssystemet där det händer att skolan förser eleverna med en dator och tillhörande program att utföra studier med. De flesta av svenskarna får idag någon form av datorvana genom antingen jobb eller studier, något som vissa seniorer har gått miste om. Personer över 75 år är med marginal den åldersgrupp (räknat från tolv år och äldre) som i Sverige använder internet mest sällan. När frågan ställs om varför är svaret ”det är för krångligt” vanligt förekommande. Denna studie syftar att ta reda på hur användande av webben kan underlättas för seniorer (definierat till personer 75 år och äldre i denna studie). Till en början gick studien ut på att ta reda på vad seniorer kan få ut av att använda internet och webben. Det gjordes genom en litteratursökning och genom ett antal intervjuer. Det framkom att seniorer som faktiskt använder webben på ett eller annat sätt nyttjar exempelvis internetbank, mail och nyheter genom såväl dator som smartphone och surfplatta. Dessa tre områden (mail, internetbank och nyheter) användes i studien som centra för testen som skulle undersöka hur seniorers interaktion med webben kan underlättas. Ett webbläsartillägg utformades anpassat till ovan tre beskrivna områden. Kort beskrivet är ett webbläsartillägg ett lokalt program/tillägg som går att installera i sin webbläsare för att personligen ha tillgång till extern funktionalitet, exempelvis att blockera reklam. Webbläsartillägget som skapades i denna studie gav användarens webbläsare grafiska element som var tänkta att hjälpa användaren att lösa ett antal fördefinierade uppgifter. Tre olika koncept testades under studien. Med koncept syftas här hur den grafiska hjälpen utformas. Användartester utfördes med och utan webbläsartillägg som hjälp för att kunna se om det var någon skillnad på resultaten. När tester utfördes med webbläsartillägget roterades koncepten beskrivna ovan så att alla tre koncept testades under likvärdiga förutsättningar. Testpersonerna som utförde tester med webbläsartillägget fick även möjlighet att ge anonym respons på koncepten genom att fylla i enkäter. Enligt resultaten av denna studie lyckas seniorer bättre (större andel lyckade försök) och snabbare att utföra vardagliga uppgifter när det fanns tillgång till en lista med hur uppgiften ska utföras eller genom att viktiga rubriker och knappar för uppgiften är markerade. / The web can be used in multiple purposes and can create a value both at work and in the personal life of people. Today computers, internet and IT in general are commonly used in multiple professions. IT has also become a part of the Swedish educational system where it happens that the schools provides the students with a computer with including programs to conduct their studies. Most swedes today gets some kind of computer habit from either work or education, something that certain seniors have missed out on. People above the age of 75 is by margin the age-group (taking in to account twelve years and older) that most seldom uses internet in Sweden. When asked why a common answer is “it is too hard”. This study aims to find out in what ways the use of the web can be made easier for seniors (in this study defined as 75 years of age and older). For starters the study focused on finding out what seniors can get out of using internet and the web. That was done by literature searching and a number of interviews. It showed that seniors who actually uses the web one way or the other uses for example internet banking, mail and news by computer, smartphone and/or tablet. These three areas (internet banking, mail and news) was used as a Centre in the user tests who was conducted in order to find out how seniors can be assisted in their interaction with the web. A browser extension was formed suited to the three areas mentioned above. Browser extensions is a sort of a local program/extension to install in your browser to personally have access to external functionality, such as blocking advertisement. The browser extension formed in this study gave the users browser graphic elements with the purpose to help the user solve a number of predetermined tasks. Three concepts was tested in the study. In the context of this study a concept is the way that the graphic assist is formed. User tests was conducted with and without the browser extension as an assist in order to see if there was a difference in the results. When tests was conducted with the browser extension the concepts was rotated so that all three concepts was tested on equal basis. The test persons who conducted the tests with the browser extension also got the opportunity to give anonymous feedback on the concepts through an inquiry that was filled out after conducted test. The result of the user tests and the inquiry indicates that seniors would appreciate a step by step guide for tasks on the web. According to the results of this study seniors conducts everyday tasks both quicker and with more success when there is a step by step list or highlighted headlines and buttons describing said task.

Caravela: um navegador para metagenomas / Caravela: a new metagenomic browser

Silva, Gianluca Major Machado da 12 June 2017 (has links)
Metagenômica é a técnica que permite analisar os genomas de microorganismos que habitam determinados nichos do ambiente sem a necessidade de isolar e cultivar cada um separadamente. Ao conjunto de microorganismos que habita um determinado nicho se dá o nome de microbi- oma. Análises do perfil da diversidade taxonômica e funcional de comunidades microbianas em microbiomas são comuns em estudos de metagenômica. No entanto, atualmente as plata- formas de uso geral (como MG-RAST e IMG/M) tendem a separar as análises baseadas em reads (sequências não montadas) das baseadas em contigs (sequências montadas), isto dificulta as análises destes dados. Motivado por esta separação, desenvolvemos uma plataforma web, batizada de CARAVELA, que facilita a conexão entre os resultados de análises de diversidade taxonômica e funcional baseadas em reads e contigs respectivamente. Uma das principais fun- ções da plataforma CARAVELA é associar a identificação taxonômica de cada read com o contig que este read faz parte e, anotações funcionais do contig, quando existirem. Essa função deve permitir a rápida identificação de contigs potencialmente quiméricos bem como contigs taxonomicamente bem resolvidos. Também é possvel fazer buscas, tais como: listar todos os contigs que tenham um ou mais reads classificados como Pseudoxanthomonas suwonensis em sua composição e ainda, é possvel navegar nos contigs de maneira similar a navegadores de metagenomas tradicionais. Podem ser utilizados como arquivos de entrada a sada de outros programas, desde que o formato atenda certos padrões. A plataforma CARAVELA foi desenvol- vida com Java, HTML, CSS, Javascript e Mysql, e com o fim de testar a ferramenta, utilizamos o conjunto de dados metagnômicos obtidos a partir da operação de compostagem do Parque Zoológico de São Paulo. / The taxonomic diversity analysis (read-based) and functional analysis (contig / gene-based) from metagenomic studies usually generate information that is complementary. However, the tools that produce gene annotations (eg IMG / M) and taxonomic assignments (eg MyTaxa) do not allow easy integration of these results. Motivated by this split, we are develop a web platform called Caravela to facilitate the integration, search and visualization of information provided by read-based analyzes and contig / gene-based analyzes. The tool is able to display the list of contigs and for each contig, it displays annotated genes, reads participating in its composition and rate associated with each read (when such association exists). Such a capability enable manual / automated curation of assembly as well as taxonomic assignments (detection of possible mis-assignments). The platform able to accept output files from a variety of tools, as long as the file formats follow certain standards. The tests was performed on a dataset of metagenomic reads obtained from the composting operation of the São Paulo Zoological Park. The tool was implemented using Java technology, HTML, CSS and Javascript. Information was stored in a MySQL database.

Exploring and analyzing omics using bioinformatics tools and techniques

Parida, Mrutyunjaya 01 May 2018 (has links)
During the Human Genome Project the first hundred billion bases were sequenced in four years, however, the second hundred billion bases were sequenced in four months (NHGRI, 2013). As efforts were made to improve every aspect of sequencing in this project, cost became inversely proportional to the speed (NHGRI, 2013). Human Genome Project ended in April 2003 but research in faster and cheaper ways to sequence the DNA is active to date (NHGRI, 2013). On the one hand, these advancements have allowed the convenient and unbiased generation and interrogation of a variety of omics datasets; on the other hand, they have substantially contributed towards the ever-increasing size of biological data. Therefore, informatics techniques are indispensable tools in the field of biology and medicine due to their ability to efficiently store and probe large datasets. Bioinformatics is a specialized domain under informatics that focusses on biological data storage, organization and analysis (NHGRI, 2013). Here, I have applied informatics approaches such as database designing and web development in the context of biological datasets or bioinformatics, to create a novel web-based resource that allows users to explore the comprehensive transcriptome of common aquatic tunicate named Oikopleura dioica (O .dioica), and access their associated annotations across key developmental time points, conveniently. This unique resource will substantially contribute towards studies on development, evolution and genetics of chordates using O. dioica as a model. Mendelian or single-gene disorders such as cystic fibrosis, sickle-cell anemia, Huntington’s disease, and Rett’s syndrome run across generations in families (Chial, 2008). Allelic variations associated with Mendelian disorders primarily reside in the protein-coding regions of the genome, collectively called an exome (Stenson et al., 2009). Therefore, sequencing of exome rather than whole genome is an efficient and practical approach to discover etiologic variants in our genome (Bamshad et al., 2011). Renal agenesis (RA) is a severe form of congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) where children are born with one (unilateral renal agenesis) or no kidneys (bilateral renal agenesis) (Brophy et al., 2017; Yalavarthy & Parikh, 2003). In this study, we have applied exome-sequencing technique to selective human patients in a renal agenesis (RA) pedigree that followed a Mendelian mode of disease transmission. Exome sequencing and molecular techniques combined with my bioinformatics analysis has led to the discovery of a novel RA gene called GREB1L (Brophy et al., 2017). In this study, we have successfully demonstrated the validation of exome sequencing and bioinformatics techniques to narrow down disease-associated mutations in human genome. Additionally, the results from this study has substantially contributed towards understanding the molecular basis of CAKUT. Discovery of novel etiologic variants will enhance our understanding of human diseases and development. High-throughput sequencing technique called RNA-Seq has revolutionized the field of transcriptome analysis (Z. Wang, Gerstein, & Snyder, 2009). Concisely, a library of cDNA is prepared from a RNA sample using an enzyme called reverse transcriptase (Nottingham et al., 2016). Next, the cDNA is fragmented, sequenced using a sequencing platform of choice and mapped to a reference genome, assembled transcriptome, or assembled de novo to generate a transcriptome (Grabherr et al., 2011; Nottingham et al., 2016). Mapping allows detection of high-resolution transcript boundaries, quantification of transcript expression and identification of novel transcripts in the genome. We have applied RNA-Seq to analyze the gene expression patterns in water flea otherwise known as D. pulex to work out the genetic details underlying heavy metal induced stress (unpublished) and predator induced phenotypic plasticity (PIPP) (Rozenberg et al., 2015), independently. My bioinformatics analysis of the RNA-Seq data has facilitated the discovery of key biological processes participating in metal induced stress response and predator induced defense mechanisms in D. pulex. These studies are great additions to the field of ecotoxicogenomics, phenotypic plasticity and have aided us in gaining mechanistic insight into the impact of toxicant and predator exposure on D. pulex at a bimolecular level.

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