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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analys av energianvändningen i kvarteren Carolina och Jenny : en fallstudie

Almberg, Stina, Michel, Gabriella January 2010 (has links)
<p>An energy study has been performed on two blocks in an area called Gävle Strand. The buildings are owned by a tenant-owner’s association called brf Carolina and were built by the company Skanska 2008. The builder as well as brf Carolina are pussled by the fact that electricity use is higher than expected while heating is less. Skanska is also very interested in finding out how much heat recovery from stale exhaust air through a geo-thermal heat pump is contributing to the general heating requirement and energy balance in four out of the ten buildings located on the properties.</p><p>To find possible answers to the higher electricity use a literature survey on user behaviour was conducted. Simulations were executed in the energy simulation program BV2 testing the efficiency of a mechanical ventilation system with fans dispatching the used stale air with heat recovery through the geo-thermal heat pump in comparison to a HRV-system. As BV2 can’t simulate heat pumps its impact was instead calculated manually and added to the result from BV2.</p><p>The result show that there are significant differences in both water and electricity use between households. The mean value in brf Carolina is also higher for both water and electricity use than the typical pattern value most commonly used in energy simulations for new buildings. The simulations and calculations show that a HRV-system is practically equal to the system chosen for these buildings. The geo-thermal heat pump make a substantial contribution to the heating requirements but also increases the electricity use in comparison to the HRV-system.</p><p>The buildings over all have a good energy performance. The chosen heat recovery system is working well. If the source for energy is also valued a HRV-system is still preferable since it requires less electricity.In regards to user behaviour the under floor heating installed in the bathrooms and operated by the occupants is very likely to have a substantial impact on the higher than average electricity use. There are however many other factors that could have an impact on energy use due to behaviour factors. This is also a factor when varations between households are viewed.</p><p>Key words; energy, energy simulation, user behaviour</p>

Analys av energianvändningen i kvarteren Carolina och Jenny : en fallstudie

Almberg, Stina, Michel, Gabriella January 2010 (has links)
An energy study has been performed on two blocks in an area called Gävle Strand. The buildings are owned by a tenant-owner’s association called brf Carolina and were built by the company Skanska 2008. The builder as well as brf Carolina are pussled by the fact that electricity use is higher than expected while heating is less. Skanska is also very interested in finding out how much heat recovery from stale exhaust air through a geo-thermal heat pump is contributing to the general heating requirement and energy balance in four out of the ten buildings located on the properties. To find possible answers to the higher electricity use a literature survey on user behaviour was conducted. Simulations were executed in the energy simulation program BV2 testing the efficiency of a mechanical ventilation system with fans dispatching the used stale air with heat recovery through the geo-thermal heat pump in comparison to a HRV-system. As BV2 can’t simulate heat pumps its impact was instead calculated manually and added to the result from BV2. The result show that there are significant differences in both water and electricity use between households. The mean value in brf Carolina is also higher for both water and electricity use than the typical pattern value most commonly used in energy simulations for new buildings. The simulations and calculations show that a HRV-system is practically equal to the system chosen for these buildings. The geo-thermal heat pump make a substantial contribution to the heating requirements but also increases the electricity use in comparison to the HRV-system. The buildings over all have a good energy performance. The chosen heat recovery system is working well. If the source for energy is also valued a HRV-system is still preferable since it requires less electricity.In regards to user behaviour the under floor heating installed in the bathrooms and operated by the occupants is very likely to have a substantial impact on the higher than average electricity use. There are however many other factors that could have an impact on energy use due to behaviour factors. This is also a factor when varations between households are viewed. Key words; energy, energy simulation, user behaviour

Passivhuset i det långa loppet : - hur påverkar brukarens kunskap energiförbrukningen?

Hedkvist, Karin, von Gegerfelt,, Rebecca January 2012 (has links)
The scope of this investigation is to decide how and to what extent the energy consumption of a passive house is affected by the users’ knowledge and habits. To achieve this a literary study has been made and as a complement the planning of a passive house was completed. The result of a primary study of the rules and regulations that effect passive houses in Sweden shows that the user’s influence on passive houses is a completely unregulated area. Even though there is no regulation, a need for some general knowledge of the passive house concept has been expressed. To further investigate how the users’ knowledge and habits affect the energy consumption and if there is a difference between different households’ energy consumption , three main factors have been identified. The factors are as follows:  Indoor-temperature  Hot water consumption  Consumption of electricity for household appliances After the study of factors that influence unwanted user behaviors, different tools that can help to reduce user-related energy consumption has been investigated. As pointed out earlier a need for some knowledge of the passive house concept has been expressed as, if not necessary, at least very useful to the user in a passive house. That knowledge is transferred between builder- buyer, buyer-seller, landlords -tenants during different stages of a passive house’s life. The following means of communication are used:  Meetings  A user’s guide  Interactive – displays  Knowledgeable technicians What concerns the planning of the passive house, the house did not reach the Swedish passive house requirements, but none the less it was an important tool to gain further insight to factors that can affect the energy consumption in a passive house.

ENERGIANVÄNDNING : Beräknad kontra verklig energiförbrukning i enfamiljshus / ENERGY USE : Calculated versus actual energy use in single family homes

Huss, Linda, Berggren, Angelica January 2015 (has links)
Syfte: Idag står bygg- och fastighetsbranschen för stora delar av samhällets totala energianvändning och majoriteten av den energi som byggbranschen förbrukar används under bruksskedet. Då besparingar inom detta område skulle vara av stort ekonomiskt och ekologiskt värde är det viktigt att redan i projekteringsskedet få en rättvis bild av hur en byggnads energianvändning kommer att se ut. Idag utförs beräkningar för att se så att en byggnads specifika energianvändning uppfyller de krav som finns, problemet är att dessa beräkningar allt för sällan stämmer överens med hur den verkliga energiförbrukningen sedan ser ut. Syftet med arbetet är att minska skillnaden mellan beräknad energiförbrukning och verklig energiförbrukning när det gäller enfamiljshus, samt hitta ett effektivt sätt att samla in data kring verklig energiförbrukning från kunder. Målet med arbetet är att utreda varför beräknad energiförbrukning och verklig energiförbrukning skiljer sig åt samt att effektivisera insamlandet av data kring verklig energiförbrukning från kunder. Metod: Metoderna som har använts är huvudsakligen kvantitativa, med inslag av kvalitativa metoder. Fallstudier och litteraturstudier har utförts, samt dokumentstudier, enkäter och beräkningar. Resultat: De boendes vanor spelar stor roll i hur stor den specifika energiförbrukningen blir och ju noggrannare dessa vanor undersöks och används i beräkningarna desto närmare kommer beräkningarna och verkligheten komma varandra. Att följa upp verklig energiförbrukning och kontrollera utförda beräkningar i projekteringsskedet kommer också leda till noggrannare resultat. Denna uppföljning skulle kunna ge underlag som minskar felen som blir i beräkningarna i framtiden. Uppföljningen skulle enkelt kunna genomföras genom de tekniska hjälpmedel som finns på dagens marknad, genom att skicka ut formulär till de boende eller genom att behörig personal åker ut och utför de avläsningar som behövs. Konsekvenser: För att få en tydligare bild från början är följande aspekter viktiga att ta sig an: 1) Undersöka de boendes vanor i större utsträckning och inte enbart använda sig av de schablonvärden som används i beräkningarna idag. 2) Kontrollera de beräkningar som utförs. 3) Följa upp energianvändningen i de hus som projekteras för att jämföra med den energianvändning som beräknats under projekteringen. Dessa åtgärder kräver större resurser än vad som används idag, men då kraven på den specifika energianvändningen kommer att skärpas i framtiden är dessa resurser väl investerade för att de bostäder som produceras ska klara dessa krav. Resursinsatsen kommer även att vara störst i början innan rutiner skapats kring det som ska göras. Begränsningar: Denna rapport inriktar sig enbart mot enbostadshus, för att kunna utföra jämförelser på lika villkor, med ungefär samma storlek samt enbostadshus uppvärmda med frånluftsvärmepump från NIBE. Byggnadens beståndsdelar och dess Uvärden kommer inte att kontrolleras.

Orsaker till skillnad mellan projekterad och uppmätt specifik energianvändning : En jämförelsestudie för vård- och omsorgsboendet Furugården i Valbo

Källström, Martina, Skoog, Malin January 2015 (has links)
When an energy simulation is performed for buildings it generates in lower energy consumption than what is later measured. This can often be a problem because of the building regulations which have requirements on the specific energy consumption. What distinguishes the newly built care and nursing accommodation Furugården, the building that the study deals with, is that it is differs from the normal case by having a lower measured energy consumption than what was originally planned. This study aims to find out which parts of the building's technical systems and residents' behavior that contributes to the low energy demand by means of the building energy simulation program BV2, a survey and monitored energy consumption. It can be concluded that the users' behavior has a great impact on the building's low energy consumption. Their behaviors were determined by surveys. It is mainly the low hot tap water usage that contributes to the low energy.

Prediction of Energy Use of a Swedish Secondary School Building : Building Energy Simulation, Validation, Occupancy Behaviour and Potential Energy-Efficiency Measures

Steen Englund, Jessika January 2020 (has links)
Residential and public buildings account for about 40% of the annual energy use in Europe. Many buildings are in urgent need of renovation, and reductions in energy demand in the built environment are of high importance in both Europe and Sweden. Building energy simulation (BES) tools are often used to predict building performance. However, it can be a challenge to create a reliable BES model that predicts the real building performance accurately. BES modelling is always associated with uncertainties, and modelling occupancy behaviour is a challenging task. This research presents a case study of a BES model of a school building from the 1960s in Gävle, Sweden, comprising an example of a validation strategy and a study of energy use and potential energy-efficiency measures (EEMs). The results show that collection of input data based on evidence, stepwise validation (for unoccupied and occupied cases), and the use of a backcasting method (which predicts varying occupancy behaviour and airing) is an appropriate strategy to create a reliable BES model of the studied school building. Several field measurements and data logging in the building management system were executed, in order to collect input data and for validation of the predicted results. Through the stepwise validation, the building’s technical and thermal performance was validated during an unoccupied period. The backcasting method demonstrates a strategy on how to predict the effect of the varying occupancy behaviour and airing activities in the school building, based on comparisons of BES model predictions and field measurement data. After applying the backcasting method to the model, it was validated during an occupied period. The annual predicted specific energy use was 73 kWh/m2 for heating of the studied building. The distribution of heat losses indicates that the best potential EEMs are changing to efficient windows, additional insulation of the external walls, improved envelope airtightness and new controls of the mechanical ventilation system. / Byggnadssektorn står för ungefär 40 % av den årliga energianvändningen i Europa. Många byggnader är i stort behov av renovering och en minskning av energibehovet inom den byggda miljön är av stor vikt i både Europa och Sverige. För att undersöka byggnaders energianvändning används ofta simuleringsverktyg, men det kan vara utmanande att skapa pålitliga simuleringsmodeller som tillräckligt noggrant predikterar den verkliga byggnadens energianvändning. Simulering av byggnaders energianvändning är alltid förknippat med osäkerheter och att simulera människors beteendemönster är en stor utmaning. Den här forskningen innefattar en fallstudie med en simuleringsmodell av en skolbyggnad, byggd under 1960 talet och belägen i Gävle, inkluderat ett exempel på en valideringsstrategi och en studie av energianvändning och potentiella energieffektiviseringsåtgärder i byggnaden. Resultaten visar att insamling av indata baserade på evidens, stegvis validering (obemannad och bemannad) och användande av en backcasting-metod (vilket predikterar varierande brukarbeteende och vädring) är en lämplig strategi för att skapa en pålitlig energisimuleringsmodell för den studerade skolbyggnaden. Flertalet fältmätningar genomfördes och data loggades i systemet för fastighetsautomation, för att samla indata och för validering av de predikterade resultaten. Genom den stegvisa valideringen kunde byggnadens tekniska och termiska prestanda valideras för en obemannad period. Backcasting-metoden visar en strategi för hur man kan prediktera varierande brukarbeteende och vädringsaktiviteter i skolbyggnaden, baserat på jämförelser av modellens prediktioner och data från fältmätningar. När backcasting-metoden tillämpats i energisimuleringsmodellen, kunde modellen valideras för en bemannad period. Den årliga predikterade specifika energianvändningen för uppvärmningen är 73 kWh/m2. Fördelningen av värmeförluster i byggnaden indikerar att de bästa potentiella energieffektiviseringsåtgärderna är byte till fönster med bättre U-värde, tilläggsisolering av ytterväggarna, bättre lufttäthet i byggnadsskalet och ny styrning av det mekaniska ventilationssystemet.

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