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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Going into uncharted waters": Two case studies of the social responsibility of trade unions in Australia

Mallory, Greg Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

"Going into uncharted waters": Two case studies of the social responsibility of trade unions in Australia

Mallory, Greg Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

"Going into uncharted waters": Two case studies of the social responsibility of trade unions in Australia

Mallory, Greg Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Arquitetura e cidade: obras particulares em São Paulo, 1906-1915 / Architecture and city: private works in São Paulo, 1906-1915

Jorge Lody 14 May 2015 (has links)
Este é um estudo sobre as transformações arquitetônicas e urbanísticas em São Paulo nos tempos da afirmação da República até o início da Primeira Guerra Mundial, fundamentado no registro oficial das solicitações para permissão de construir encami-­- nhadas aos órgãos públicos municipais por profissionais que atuaram no período de 1906 a 1915. Esse contingente de arquitetos, engenheiros e construtores participou ati-­- vamente da produção material que transformou a cidade provinciana colonial numa me-­- trópole eclética. A maior parte deles esteve ligada ao Escritório Técnico de Ramos de Azevedo e se envolveu nas questões do ensino e da organização profissional. A pesquisa se fundamenta no tratamento das informações constantes na Série Obras Particulares, conjunto documental que se encontra no Arquivo Histórico de São Paulo*, e busca trazer elementos de análise e avaliações de uma produção arquitetônica única que coincide com nosso Patrimônio Cultural, da qual poucos exemplares restaram na metrópole atual. Essa cidade de tijolos e alinhada à estética do Ecletismo, que iniciou mudanças e trans-­- formações impostas pelo novo regime político, permaneceu por poucas décadas, logo cedendo lugar a outra mais espalhada e verticalizada e de concreto armado que compõe a macro metrópole que conhecemos hoje. / This is a study on the architectural and urban transformations in São Paulo du-­- ring the years of consolidation of the Republic up to the beginning of World War I, based on the official record of building application permits addressed to the local government entities by professionals who were active during the 1906 to 1915 period. This contingent of architects, engineers and builders, actively participated in pro-­- ducing material that transformed a colonial provincial town into an eclectic metropolis. Most of them were linked to the Escritório Técnico de Ramos de Azevedo and be-­- came involved in issues of education and professional organisation. The research is founded on processing the information contained in the Série Obras Particulares, a set of documents found in the Arquivo Histórico de São Paulo, and seeks to convey analytical and assessment elements of a unique architectural produc-­- tion, which coincides with our Cultural Heritage, of which little remains in the current metropolis. This town made of bricks and aligned to the aesthetics of Eclecticism, which be-­- gan changes and transformations imposed by the new political regime, lasted a few de-­- cades only, quickly giving way to a more widespread and vertical and made of reinforced concrete which constitutes the macro-­-metropolis we know today.

Responsabilité civile et assurance des constructeurs au Maroc : limites et carences de la législation marocaine / Civil liability and builders insurance in morocco : limits and moroccan law making slackness

Bennouna, Mohamed Jamal 21 April 2017 (has links)
Du fait de son rôle moteur de l’économie marocaine, le secteur de la construction agit comme véritable levier de croissance. Passé la consolidation actuelle, il devrait continuer son développement dans les années à venir, du fait de la conjonction de plusieurs facteurs endogènes.Toutes les études juridiques menées à ce jour au Maroc n’ont traité que de la responsabilité contractuelle des constructeurs sans jamais pour autant aborder leur responsabilité extracontractuelle et encore moins son assurance. La présente thèse essaie d’analyser la responsabilité extra contractuelle des constructeurs dans le cadre de législation marocaine tout en la comparant son traitement par d’autres législations européennes (France, Grande Bretagne, Allemagne et Espagne) ou africaines (Algérie, Tunisie et Sénégal). Ce choix est d'abord motivé par l'existence actuelle d'un important contentieux entre les constructeurs et les maitres d’ouvrage de nature extra contractuelle. Il repose également sur l'objectif de rechercher les explications objectives de ce contentieux dans le cadre du jeu des règles de la responsabilité des constructeurs tracées par la législation marocaine.En matière d’assurance construction, le Maroc s’est mis tardivement à l’instauration d’une obligation d’assurance à travers la loi 59-13 promulguée par Dahir 1.16.129 du 25 Aout 2016 modifiant et complétant la loi 17-99 portant code des assurances - B.O 6506 du 6-10-2016. Or, ce système d’assurance obligatoire mis en place actuellement ne pourrait être efficace et répondre aux aspirations des professionnels que s’il satisfasse à des conditions tirées des expériences passées d’autres pays tels la Tunisie et la France. / Thanks to its driving force in the Moroccan economy, the building sector acts as an effective impetus growth .Apart from the current consolidation ,it should further its development in the following years .Through a combination of several endogenous factors. All legal studies undertaken in MOROCCO up to now have just dealt with manufacturers contractual liability without considering their contractual liability not to mention its insurance. The present thesis tries to analyse the extra contractual liability within MOROCCAN LAW while comparing it with European legislations such as FRANCE, GREAT BRITAIN, GERMANY and SPAIN or African legislations ALGERIA TUNISIA and SENEGAL. This choice is primarily motivated by the current existence of significant conflicts between builders and the extra contractual property owners. One of its main objectives is to find out sound explanations to these conflicts in the game rules of builders liability set by Moroccan legislation. In terms of construction insurance, MOROCCO has finally elaborated the introduction of a compulsory insurance through the 59-13 law promulgated by Dahir 1.16.129 of 25th august 2016 amending and supplementing law 17.99 insurance code in B.O 6506 of 6th October 2016. Now this compulsory insurance system currently operational could be effective and satisfy the professionals aspirations if it draws lessons from previous experiences of other countries such as TUNISIA and FRANCE.

Проблемы цифровизации строительной отрасли в России : магистерская диссертация / Problems of digitalization of the construction industry in Russia

Аль-Махфади, М. А. А., Al-Mahfadi, M. A. A. January 2020 (has links)
В работе на основе изучения исторических и технологических предпосылок формирования цифровой экономики проведен анализ существующих в настоящее время цифровых технологий, систематизированы плюсы и минусы процесса цифровизации экономики, проведен анализ современных достижений цифровизации по отраслям экономики и проанализировано современное состояние цифровизации строительной отрасли в России, рассмотрены теоретические основы средств информационных технологий, применяемых в строительной отрасли (ERP- систем, CRM-систем, BIM-технологии, Интернет вещей), конкретизированы проблемы цифровизации строительной отрасли и перспективные направления её развития. Научная новизна результатов состоит в теоретическом осмыслении и систематизации новых понятий, связанных с процессом цифровизации строительной отрасли с целью создания цифровой среды дистанционного строительного образования и рынка профессионального консультирования для ускоренной подготовки IT-специалистов и строителей всех специальностей, способных совместно разрабатывать компьютерные программы и приложения. Практическая значимость результатов состоит в возможности их использования в процессе вузовской подготовки выпускников для строительной отрасли, а также в рамках междисциплинарного сотрудничества с кафедрами, которые готовят программистов, в ходе которого будущие строители будут постановщиками задач, а будущие программисты будут разработчиками необходимого программного обеспечения, а также сервисов и мобильных приложений для строительной отрасли. / Based on the study of the historical and technological prerequisites for the formation of the digital economy, the analysis of the currently existing digital technologies is carried out, the pros and cons of the process of digitalization of the economy are systematized, the analysis of modern achievements of digitalization by sectors of the economy is carried out and the current state of digitalization of the construction industry in Russia is analyzed, the theoretical foundations are considered. information technology tools used in the construction industry (ERP systems, CRM systems, BIM technologies, Internet of Things), the problems of digitalization of the construction industry and promising directions of its development are concretized. The scientific novelty of the results lies in the theoretical understanding and systematization of new concepts associated with the process of digitalization of the construction industry in order to create a digital environment for distance construction education and a professional consulting market for the accelerated training of IT specialists and builders of all specialties who are able to jointly develop computer programs and applications. The practical significance of the results lies in the possibility of their use in the process of university training of graduates for the construction industry, as well as in the framework of interdisciplinary cooperation with the departments that train programmers, during which future builders will be task directors, and future programmers will be developers of the necessary software, as well as services and mobile applications for the construction industry.

El piano en València (1790-1856): construcción, mercado y uso social

Guaita Gabaldón, José Gabriel 03 January 2024 (has links)
[ES] Este trabajo tiene como propósito principal analizar desde una perspectiva sistémica, global e integradora los distintos procesos técnicos, comerciales, artístico-culturales y sociológicos que propiciaron el arraigo, desarrollo y consolidación del pianoforte y su uso en la ciudad de València durante un lapso temporal que abarca desde 1790 a 1856. Cada parte comprende cuatro áreas sincrónicas de investigación: la construcción de instrumentos (desde el comienzo de producción local en talleres hasta el establecimiento y desarrollo de fábricas); el mercado de compraventa de pianos y su tipología; el mercado de música para piano; y, por último, el uso social que tuvo el piano en València y cuál fue el repertorio utilizado. La primera analiza el proceso de especialización efectuado por carpinteros y guitarreros locales hasta adquirir conocimientos necesarios, inicialmente, para reparar y, finalmente, para construir pianos por sí mismos. Se dan a conocer las características que tuvieron los primeros talleres que se aventuraron a renovarse y se documenta a sus propietarios; también se informa sobre los primeros constructores foráneos llegados a la ciudad que, estableciendo relaciones laborales, comerciales y sociales con la manufactura local, lograron hacer avanzar ese proceso de conversión/especialización de antiguos talleres de construcción de instrumentos musicales autóctonos en las llamadas «primeras fábricas» de pianos valencianas, aparecidas en 1830c; proceso que culminó con el éxito empresarial logrado a partir de 1840 por el fabricante de pianos local Pedro Gómez y otros industriales que habían permanecido en el anonimato hasta la fecha. La segunda área comprende un estudio estadístico de los anuncios de compraventa de pianos en València y, a partir de él, un análisis de la irrupción, afianzamiento e impulso en el mercado del nuevo instrumento, su inserción en el tejido social urbano y la consecuente o coadyuvante caída en desuso de otros instrumentos como el salterio hasta el momento muy utilizado en el entorno de estamentos medio-burgueses y entre las clases pudientes cuya comercialización desapareció prácticamente entre 1790c y 1820c con la llegada del nuevo instrumento. En la segunda parte de este estudio se detallan las líneas de distribución nacional e internacional implantadas en la ciudad, la apertura de negocios exclusivos de venta de pianos locales y a los compradores/as particulares de pianos, resultado del cotejo exhaustivo de anuncios en prensa con los padrones de habitantes de València que han permitido obtener interesantes conclusiones sobre el grupo social valenciano que propició el arraigo del uso del piano en la ciudad. En tercer lugar, se procede a documentar, identificar y clasificar el repertorio literario de música específicamente pianística impresa y manuscrita para este instrumento utilizada y comercializada en València durante el segmento temporal analizado, centrándose en el ámbito secular urbano. Para ello se han estudiado anuncios locales y foráneos de compraventa de literatura musical pianística, catalogando por periodos históricos la información recabada y vinculándola a establecimientos o negocios de distribución. También se recopila información novedosa sobre los primeros almacenes destinados en exclusiva a la venta de partituras en València, se recuperan algunas de partituras originales vendidas por dichos establecimientos y se incorpora un estudio de caso sobre el Cuaderno de Música para Pianoforte (València, 1805) de Francisco Ximeno. En cuarto lugar, se aborda el uso social del instrumento durante el periodo estudiado, tanto público (conciertos, audiciones, intérpretes), como privado (enseñanza general y específica, generaciones de maestros/as y alumnos/as de piano), poniendo el foco, especialmente, en el papel de la mujer ante el piano durante la primera mitad del siglo XIX, protagonista indefectible de la difusión del instrumento y de su literatura. / [CA] Aquest treball té com a propòsit principal analitzar des d'una perspectiva sistèmica, global i integradora els diferents processos tècnics, comercials, artístic-culturals i sociològics que van propiciar l'arrelament, desenvolupament i consolidació del pianoforte i el seu ús a la ciutat de València durant un lapse temporal que abasta des de 1790 a 1856. Cada part comprén quatre àrees sincròniques d'investigació: la construcció d'instruments (des del començament de producció local en tallers fins a l'establiment i desenvolupament de fàbriques); el mercat de compravenda de pianos i la seua tipologia; el mercat de música per a piano; i, finalment, l'ús social que va tindre el piano a València i quin va ser el repertori utilitzat. La primera analitza el procés d'especialització efectuat per fusters i guitarrers locals fins a adquirir coneixements necessaris, inicialment, per a reparar i, finalment, per a construir pianos per si mateixos. Es donen a conéixer les característiques que van tindre els primers tallers que es van aventurar a renovar-se i es documenta als seus propietaris; també s'informa sobre els primers constructors forans arribats a la ciutat que, establint relacions laborals, comercials i socials amb la manufactura local, van aconseguir fer avançar aqueix procés de conversió/especialització d'antics tallers de construcció d'instruments musicals autòctons en les anomenades «primeres fàbriques» de pianos valencianes, aparegudes en 1830c; procés que va culminar amb l'èxit empresarial aconseguit a partir de 1840 pel fabricant de pianos local Pedro Gómez i altres industrials que havien romàs en l'anonimat fins hui. La segona àrea comprén un estudi estadístic dels anuncis de compravenda de pianos a València i, a partir d'ell, una anàlisi de la irrupció, fiançament i impuls en el mercat del nou instrument, la seua inserció en el teixit social urbà i la conseqüent o coadjuvant caiguda en desús d'altres instruments com el saltiri fins al moment molt utilitzat a l'entorn d'estaments mig-burgesos i entre les classes riques la comercialització de les quals va desaparéixer pràcticament entre 1790c i 1820c amb l'arribada del nou instrument. En la segona part d'aquest estudi es detallen les línies de distribució nacional i internacional implantades a la ciutat, l'obertura de negocis exclusius de venda de pianos locals i als compradors/as particulars de pianos, resultat de l'acarament exhaustiu d'anuncis en premsa amb els padrons d'habitants de València que han permés obtindre interessants conclusions sobre el grup social valencià que va propiciar l'arrelament de l'ús del piano a la ciutat. En tercer lloc, es procedeix a documentar, identificar i classificar el repertori literari de música específicament pianística impresa i manuscrita per a aquest instrument utilitzada i comercialitzada a València durant el segment temporal analitzat, centrant-se en l'àmbit secular urbà. Per a això s'han estudiat anuncis locals i forans de compravenda de literatura musical pianística, catalogant per períodes històrics la informació recaptada i vinculant-la a establiments o negocis de distribució. També es recopila informació nova sobre els primers magatzems destinats en exclusiva a la venda de partitures a València, es recuperen algunes de partitures originals venudes per aquests establiments i s'incorpora un estudi de cas sobre el Quadern de Música per a Pianoforte (València, 1805) de Francisco Ximeno. En quart lloc, s'aborda l'ús social de l'instrument durant el període estudiat, tant públic (concerts, audicions, intèrprets), com a privat (ensenyament general i específic, generacions de mestres/as i alumnes/as de piano), posant el focus, especialment, en el paper de la dona davant el piano durant la primera meitat del segle XIX, protagonista indefectible de la difusió de l'instrument i de la seua literatura. / [EN] The main purpose of this work is to analyze from a systemic, global, and integrative perspective the different technical, commercial, artistic-cultural, and sociological processes that led to the establishment, development and consolidation of the pianoforte and its use in the city of Valencia during a period of time that spans from 1790 to 1856. Each part comprises four synchronous areas of research: instrument construction (from the beginning of local production in workshops to the establishment and development of factories); the piano buying and selling market and its typology; the piano music market; and, finally, the social use that the piano had in Valencia and what was the repertoire used. The first area shows the specialization process carried out by local carpenters and guitar makers until they acquired the necessary knowledge, initially, to repair and, finally, to build pianos for themselves. The characteristics of the first workshops that ventured to renew themselves are made known and their owners are documented; It is also reported on the first foreign builders who arrived in the city who, by establishing labor, commercial and social relations with local manufacturing, managed to advance this process of conversion/specialization of old workshops for the construction of native musical instruments in the so-called 'first factories' of Valencian pianos, appearing in 1830c; process that culminated in the business success achieved from 1840 onwards by the local piano manufacturer Pedro Gómez and other industrialists who had remained anonymous to date. The second area includes a statistical study of piano sales and purchase advertisements in Valencia and, based on it, an analysis of the emergence, consolidation and momentum in the market of the new instrument, its insertion into the urban social fabric and the consequent or contributory fall into disuse of other instruments such as the psaltery until now widely used in the environment of middle-bourgeois classes and among the wealthy classes whose commercialization practically disappeared between 1790c and 1820c with the arrival of the new instrument. The second part of this study details the national and international distribution lines implemented in the city, the opening of exclusive businesses selling local pianos and to private piano buyers, the result of an exhaustive comparison of press advertisements with the registers of inhabitants of Valencia that have allowed us to obtain interesting conclusions about the Valencian social group that led to the establishment of the use of the piano in the city. Thirdly, we proceed to document, identify, and classify the literary repertoire of specifically printed and handwritten piano music for this instrument used and marketed in Valencia during the analyzed time segment, focusing on the secular urban environment. To this end, local and foreign advertisements for the purchase and sale of piano musical literature have been studied, cataloging the information collected by historical periods and linking it to distribution establishments or businesses. New information is also compiled about the first stores dedicated exclusively to the sale of sheet music in València, some of the original scores sold by these establishments are recovered and a case study on the Pianoforte Music Notebook (València, 1805) by Francisco Ximeno. Fourthly, the social use of the instrument during the period studied is addressed, both public (concerts, auditions, performers), and private (general and specific teaching, generations of piano teachers and students), focusing on, especially in the role of women at the piano during the first half of the 19th century, an unfailing protagonist in the dissemination of the instrument and its literature. / Guaita Gabaldón, JG. (2023). El piano en València (1790-1856): construcción, mercado y uso social [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/201559

Evaluating the quality of the national government self-help housing scheme in the Western Cape; before and after NHBRC involvement

Mayongo, Nwabisa January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Business Administration in Project Management))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2018. / According to Section 26 (1) of the constitution of Republic of South Africa, everyone has a right to have a satisfactory house to restore and honour the dignity of the South Africans. However South African government implemented several housing programmes to bridge the gap of housing backlog in South Africa. One of the housing programmes that South African government implemented is People Housing Process (PHP). It was approved in 1998 by South African government. South African government shifted focus on the quality of houses and mainly focused on the quantity of houses delivered through the financial year. There have been a lot of quality complaints on PHP. The quality defects are signs of foundation failures, cracks on foundations, water flooding around the houses, water not properly channelling to the drain, cracks on walls, dampness of walls, mould on walls, water seeping through the windows, poorly applied external plaster, incorrect bonding of internal walls to external walls, walls that are not straight walls, sagging ceiling panels, gable not properly filled with mortar, roof structure not properly tied up, sagging roof coverings, roof leaks, sagging roof tiles and ridges, rust on painted iron material, poor quality of blocks used, insufficient cement on mortar mix and peeling off paint. National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC) are the custodians of the home building industry. They were excluded from PHP from 1998 till March 2012. NHBRC was approved to inspect PHP house in April 2012. Thus, the aim of the study was to compare the houses that were built before NHBRC involvement in PHP with those that were built after NHBRC involvement in PHP. The sample included 50% of each of the two groups (those in houses built without NHBRC involvement and those built with NHBRC involvement), the research involved at least 50 respondents per group (McMillan, et al 2001:177 – recommends 15 respondents per group). The sample size per group has been put at 50 since the larger the sample the higher the accuracy. The study is classified as quantitative research because it intended to quantify the variation in occurrence, situation, problem or issue; the information was gathered using predominantly quantitative variables and the analysis was geared to ascertain the magnitude of the variation. The findings of the study revealed that the quality of the houses that were built under PHP programme before NHBRC intervention on PHP was not up to standard however the quality on those that were built after NHBRC involvement improved. Therefore it is recommended for Western Cape government to implement the rectification programme which was approved by National Department of Human Settlements in 2009 mainly focusing on houses that have been severely structurally compromised and are regarded as unfit for human habitation as it poses a threat to the health and safety of the occupants (The National Housing Code, 2009: 11-13).

Woodland settlement trends and ritual development in East Central Indiana

Waldron, John D. January 1996 (has links)
This study tested two hypotheses related to Woodland settlement trends and ritual development in East Central Indiana through the example of Mounds State Park in Anderson, Indiana. The first hypothesis was that earthwork enclosure complexes, such as at Anderson, were utilized as central places within a defined territory for the redistribution of resources. The second hypothesis was that a link existed between increasing social stratification in a mixed foraging and horticultural economy and a shift in the function of earthwork complexes resultant from a change in subsistence. It was determined that no conclusions could be made about the validity of these hypotheses due to incomplete data. Suggestions for obtaining relevant data and a theoretical model of earthwork function based on available data are presented. / Department of Anthropology

Dorpsondernaam : 'n kultuurhistoriese ondersoek na die dambouersgemeenskap wat aan die einde van die 19de eeu op Tafelberg ontstaan het

Beukes, Wynand J. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Table Mountain is one of the world’s most well-known natural landmarks. For more than a half million years the mountain played a role in human cultural activities. The water flowing off Table Mountain resulted in the establishment of Cape Town in 1652. During the first 240 years of the city’s existence until 1891, everything possible was employed to make the most of the water cascading down the northern slopes of the mountain. In 1891, the city commenced with the utilising of the mountain’s water running southwards to waste. This course of action to maximise the supply of water from Table Mountain to the city, extended over a period of more than seven decades and included the construction of dams, tunnels and pipelines. Towards the end of the nineteenth century and at the beginning of the twentieth century, two dams were built in the Disa Stream to the east of Kasteels Poort’s upper end. The construction work on the Woodhead Dam commenced in 1892 and continued until 1897. Building operations on the Hely-Hutchinson Dam started shortly after the completion of the Woodhead Dam and was concluded in 1904. The dam builders were settled as a community in the vicinity of the construction sites. The housing comprised permanent as well as temporary structures. The dwellings did not form a unit, but were scattered in the proximity of the construction terrains. The majority of the structures were demolished after the completion of the work. Only four dwellings still exist today. A feature of the accommodation was the separate housing for the white and black workers. The dam builders’ backgrounds were very diverse. Some of them were highly skilled artisans from Britain whereas the majority of the untrained labourers were black people from the Eastern Cape. Also included in the work force, were people from Cape Town and environs. The number of workers on the mountain varied to a high degree. The largest number at any stage totaled 470. Information on the mountain dwellers’ material culture, for example their clothing, foodstuffs and compensation, and spiritual life, for example religion, communication and leisure-time activities, is analysed in this study. Fragments of the dam builders’ cultural heritage is preserved in the Waterworks Museum next to the wall of the Hely-Hutchinson Dam. The exhibition of implements and equipment is disorganised and neglected. The transfer of the museum to another more efficient building in the area is vitally important in order that proper justice can be done to the dam builders who rendered an essential service to Cape Town in difficult circumstances. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tafelberg is een van die wêreld se bekendste natuurbakens. Die berg speel al langer as ‘n halfmiljoen jaar ‘n rol in menslike kultuurbedrywighede. Die water wat vanaf Tafelberg vloei, het in 1652 tot die ontstaan van Kaapstad gelei. In die eerste 240 jaar van die stad se bestaan tot 1891 is alles moontlik gedoen om die water wat aan die noordekant teen die berg afvloei, ten beste te benut. In 1891 is begin om ook die berg se water wat onbenut suidwaarts vloei vir die stad se gebruik aan te wend. Dié proses om Tafelberg se water maksimaal tot die beskikking van die stad te stel, het oor ‘n tydperk van meer as sewe dekades gestrek en het die konstruksie van damme, tonnels en pypleidings ingesluit. Twee damme is aan die einde van die negentiende eeu en die begin van die twintigste eeu in die Disastroom ten ooste van die bo-punt van Kasteelspoort gebou. Die bouwerk aan die Woodhead-dam het in 1892 begin en het tot 1897 geduur. Die konstruksie aan die Hely-Hutchinson-dam is net ná die voltooiing van die Woodhead-dam van stapel gestuur en is in 1904 voltooi. Die dambouers is as ‘n gemeenskap in die omgewing van die dambouterreine gevestig. Die akkommodasie het uit stewige en tydelike wonings bestaan. Die wonings het nie ‘n eenheid gevorm nie, maar is verspreid in die nabyheid van die konstruksiewerk opgerig. Die meeste van die geboue is na afhandeling van die bouwerk gesloop en net vier wonings bestaan vandag nog. ‘n Kenmerk van die akkommodasie was dat die blanke en swart werkers apart gehuisves is. Die dambouers se agtergrond was baie uiteenlopend. Sommige van hulle was hoogs geskoolde vakmanne van Brittanje, terwyl die meeste ongeskoolde arbeiders swart mense van die Oos-Kaap was. Die res van die werkspan het uit mense van Kaapstad en die omgewing bestaan. Die getal werkers op die berg het baie gewissel. Die grootste getal werkers wat op een tydstip betrokke was, het 470 beloop. Inligting oor die bergbewoners se materiële kultuur, byvoorbeeld hul kleredrag, lewensmiddele en vergoeding, en geestelike kultuur, onder meer godsdiens, kommunikasie en vryetydsbesteding, word in dié ondersoek ontleed. Fragmente van die dambouers se kulturele nalatenskap word in die Waterwerke Museum by die wal van die Hely-Hutchinson-dam bewaar. Dié uitstalling van implemente en toerusting is baie ongeorden en verwaarloos. Dit is noodsaaklik dat die museum na ‘n doeltreffender gebou in die omgewing skuif sodat behoorlik eer betoon kan word aan die mense wat in moeilike omstandighede ‘n onontbeerlike diens aan Kaapstad gelewer het.

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