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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The evaluation of different banana bunch protection materials on selected banana cultivars for optimum fruit production and quality in Nampula Province, Mozambique

Kutinyu, Rodrick 14 January 2015 (has links)
Mozambique has potential to boost its banana exports. To fully realise this, agronomic practices in production should be fully developed to combat physiological disorders associated with banana within the region. Currently, lower temperatures are being experienced in some production sites, consequently affecting yield and quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate use of bunch protection covers on banana cultivars Grand Nain and Williams banana cultivars, for performance under different fruit protection materials to determine best fruit protection bag suitable for Metocheria, Nampula. Plants were not selected near plantation borders, drainage canals, cable way and roads, as this would influence the growth pattern of plants and fruit development. Treatments consisted of control (no bag on bunches), white perforated polyethylene, white non-perforated polyethylene, blue perforated polyethylene, blue non perforated polyethylene, green perforated polyethylene, green polyethylene non perforated and cheese cloth bags arranged in a complete randomised block designed CRBD with 26 plants replicated eight times. During 2012/2013, bagging treatments did not considerably improve weight in hands, banana finger weight, total fruit weight, marketable weight and percentage marketable fruit weight and box stem ratio (BSR) of Grand Nain. However there was reduction of fruit defects in all bagging treatments compared to control (no bags). In Williams during the 2013 season bagging treatments improved weight but no significant differences were observed on weight of hands in 2012. Bagging of banana bunches reduce defects in both seasons. Both green and blue perforated bags improved box stem ratio. Bagging treatments increased Williams‟s cultivar yield (per ton) in both seasons / Agriculture and  Animal Health / M. Sc. (Agriculture)

Ultrafast electron diffraction : source development, diffractometer design and pulse characterisation

Kassier, Gunther Horst 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Physics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Ultrafast Electron Diffraction (UED) is a rapidly maturing field which allows investigation of the evolution of atomic arrangement in solids on timescales comparable to the vibrational period of their constituent atoms (~10-13 s). The technique is an amalgamation of conventional high energy electron diffraction methods and pump-probe spectroscopy with femtosecond (1 fs = 10-15 s) laser pulses. Ultrafast pulsed electron sources generally suffer from limitations on the attainable electron number per pulse (brightness) due to Coulomb repulsion among the electrons. In this dissertation, the design and construction of a compact UED source capable of delivering sub-300 fs electron pulses suitable for diffraction experiments and containing about 5000 electrons per shot is described. The setup has been characterised by measurement of the transverse beam size and angular spread, and through recording and analyzing an electron diffraction pattern from a titanium foil. Measurement of the temporal duration of fs electron pulses is not trivial, and a specialised compact streak camera operating in accumulation mode has been developed as part of this study. A sub-200 fs temporal resolution has been achieved, and the dependence of temporal duration on electron number per pulse was investigated for the current UED source. The observed trends correlate well with detailed electron bunch simulations. In order to investigate ultrafast processes on samples that cannot be probed repeatedly, it becomes necessary to significantly increase the brightness of current state of the art compact sources such as the one constructed in the present study. UED sources employing electron pulse compression techniques offer this possibility. Traditional pulse compression schemes based on RF cavities, while simple in principle, pose significant technical challenges in their realisation. The current thesis describes two novel UED pulse compression methods developed by the author: achromatic reflectron compression and pulsed cavity compression. Both concepts are expected to be easier to realise than conventional RF compression. Detailed simulations predict that such sources can attain a brightness improvement of more than one order of magnitude over compact sources that do not employ compression techniques. In addition, such sources show much promise for the attainment of pulse durations in the sub-100 fs range. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ultra vinnige elektron diffraksie is ‘n meettegniek wat tans in die proses is om vinnige ontwikkeling te ondergaan. Die tegniek het ten doel om strukturele omsettingsprosesse op ‘n lengteskaal van atoombindings en ‘n tydskaal van die vibrasie periode van atome in materie, ongeveer 10-13 s, te ondersoek. Dit word bewerkstellig deur die spasieresolusievermoë van gewone hoë energie elektron diffraksie met die tydresolusievermoë van femtosekonde (1 fs = 10-15 s) laserspektroskopie te kombineer. Die aantal elektrone per puls (intensiteit) van ultravinnige gepulsde elektronbronne word beperk deur die Coulomb afstootingskragte tussen die elektrone. Hierdie dissertasie beskryf die ontwerp en konstruksie van ‘n kompakte ultravinnige elektron bron. Die elektronpulse wat geproduseer word bevat tot 5000 elektrone per puls met ‘n tyd durasie van minder as 300 fs, en is geskik vir diffraksie eksperimente. Die aparaat is gekarakteriseer deur die volgende metings: elektronpulsdiameter, straaldivergensie, en ‘n titaan foelie se statiese diffraksie patroon. Dit is nie triviaal om die durasie van femtosekonde elektronpulse te meet nie, en n spesiale kompakte akkumulerende “streak camera” is vir die doeleindes van hierdie projek onwikkel. Die tydresolusie van hierdie “streak camera” is beter as 200 fs, en die afhanklikheid van die pulsdurasie wat deur die ultravinnige elektron bron geproduseer word as n funksie van die elektrongetal per puls is met behulp van hierdie toestel bepaal. Die resultate klop redelik goed met gedetaileerde simulasies van die elektron puls dinamika. Die karakterisasie van monsters wat nie herhaaldelik gemeet kan word nie vereis verkieslik ‘n nog hoër pulsintensiteit as wat met huidige bronne bereik kan word. ‘N verdere doelstelling is dus om ultravinnige elektron bronne te ontwikkel wat pulse met meer elektrone per puls kan genereer. Dit kan bewerkstellig word deur bronne wat van elektron puls kompressie tegnieke gebruik maak. Die tradisionele manier waarop dít gedoen word is deur middel van n kontinu gedrewe radio frekwensie holte. Hierdie metode gaan egter gepaard met aanmerklik hoë tegniese uitdagings. Om hierdie rede het die outeur twee alternatiewe puls kompressie konsepte ontwikkel: akromatiese reflektron kompressie and gepulsde holte kompressie. Albei konsepte sal waarskeinlik makliker wees om te realiseer as die tradisionele radio frekwensie kompressie, en is deur middel van gedetaileerde simulasies geverifiseer. Hierdie simulasies voorspel dat die intensiteit van genoemde bronne met ten minste n grooteorde meer kan wees as wat tans met kompakte ultravinnige elektron bronne moontlik is. Verder blyk dit dat sulke bronne n pulsdurasie van minder as 100 fs kan bereik.

Tid för film : Introduktion av konceptet diegetisk tid genom en jämförande analys av filmerna The Magnificent Seven och The Wild Bunch. / Time for Film : Introduction of the concept of diegetic time through a comparative analysis of the films The Magnificent Seven and The Wild Bunch.

Askerfjord, Christer January 2016 (has links)
Filmer, texter och andra former av beskrivningar skildrar både den tid de beskriver och den tid då de produceras, både medvetet och omedvetet. För att analysera och jämföra dessa båda berättarnivåer i filmer krävs tydliga metoder och effektiva verktyg. Begreppen diegetisk tid, icke-diegetisk tid och meta-diegetisk tid introduceras i uppsatsen som verktyg för att förenkla och effektivisera analysarbetet och presentationen av tid i och kring film. Som stöd för användningen av begreppen analyseras och jämförs två västernfilmer som producerades under perioden från mitten av 1950-talet till slutet av 1960-talet. De två filmerna som analyseras är The Magnificent Seven (7 vågade livet, John Sturges, 1960) och The Wild Bunch (Det vilda gänget, Sam Peckinpah, 1969).

A Near-Infrared Diffraction Radiation Spectrometer for MHz Repetition Rate Electron Bunch Diagnostics at the European XFEL

Fahlström, Simon January 2019 (has links)
We have built a spectrometer to investigate the Near-Infrared (NIR) range of this radiation, which is used for bunch diagnostics at the European X-ray Free-Electron Laser. This could give information on the development of microbunching, periodic features in the longitudinal charge profile of the bunches which have a negative impact on the operation of the facility. In general it offers an ability to investigate the influences of the laser heater, the compression, and other factors that affect the structure of the bunches. The CDR is generated 1934 m after the injector, at full acceleration. The spectrometer is based around the KALYPSO detector system, able to read out from a 256 pixel linear array detector at MHz frequencies, making it possible to obtain single bunch readings during current user operation of the facility, at 1.1 MHz. KALYPSO has an InGaAs sensor, sensitive in the range 0.9 – 1.7 μm. A 40 mm N-SF11 equilateral prism is used for dispersion. First measurements have been taken, and CDR has been detected. The spectrometer needs further calibration and resolution was lacking, but it can offer insight in to relative changes, and bunch-to and can be used as for fingerprinting the beam. A reduction in signal in the sensitive range and a skew towards longer wavelengths was seen when going from uncompressed to compressed beam. When varying the power of the laser heater the behavior varied from run to run, with changing machine settings. In some cases the CDR was attenuated, while FEL intensity initially increased, until the induced energy spread from the laser heater was large enough to inhibit the FEL process. Another, less expected, behaviour was also observed, where the initially low CDR intensity at first increased, while FEL intensity stayed the same, before it then followed the same pattern as in the first case.

The evaluation of different banana bunch protection materials on selected banana cultivars for optimum fruit production and quality in Nampula Province, Mozambique

Kutinyu, Rodrick 14 January 2015 (has links)
Mozambique has potential to boost its banana exports. To fully realise this, agronomic practices in production should be fully developed to combat physiological disorders associated with banana within the region. Currently, lower temperatures are being experienced in some production sites, consequently affecting yield and quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate use of bunch protection covers on banana cultivars Grand Nain and Williams banana cultivars, for performance under different fruit protection materials to determine best fruit protection bag suitable for Metocheria, Nampula. Plants were not selected near plantation borders, drainage canals, cable way and roads, as this would influence the growth pattern of plants and fruit development. Treatments consisted of control (no bag on bunches), white perforated polyethylene, white non-perforated polyethylene, blue perforated polyethylene, blue non perforated polyethylene, green perforated polyethylene, green polyethylene non perforated and cheese cloth bags arranged in a complete randomised block designed CRBD with 26 plants replicated eight times. During 2012/2013, bagging treatments did not considerably improve weight in hands, banana finger weight, total fruit weight, marketable weight and percentage marketable fruit weight and box stem ratio (BSR) of Grand Nain. However there was reduction of fruit defects in all bagging treatments compared to control (no bags). In Williams during the 2013 season bagging treatments improved weight but no significant differences were observed on weight of hands in 2012. Bagging of banana bunches reduce defects in both seasons. Both green and blue perforated bags improved box stem ratio. Bagging treatments increased Williams‟s cultivar yield (per ton) in both seasons / Agriculture and  Animal Health / M. Sc. (Agriculture)

Hemicellulase production by Aspergillus niger DSM 26641 in hydrothermal palm oil empty fruit bunch hydrolysate and transcriptome analysis

Ottenheim, Christoph, Verdejo, Carl, Zimmermann, Wolfgang, Wu, Jin Chuan 01 December 2017 (has links)
Palm oil empty fruit bunches (EFB) is an abundant and cheap lignocellulose material in South East Asia. Its use as the sole medium for producing lignocellulose-hydrolyzing enzymes would increase its commercial value. A newly isolated Aspergillus niger DSM 26641 was investigated for its capability of producing hemicellulases in EFB hydrolysate obtained by treatment with pressurized hot water (1-20%, w/v) at 120-180◦C in a 1 L Parr reactor for 10-60 min. The optimal hydrolysate for the fungal growth and endoxylanase production was obtained when 10% (w/v) of empty fruit bunch was treated at 120◦C or 150◦C for 10 min, giving an endoxylanase activity of 24.5 mU ml-1 on RBB-Xylan and a saccharification activity of 5 U ml-1 on xylan (DNS assay). When the hydrolysates were produced at higher temperatures, longer treatment times or higher biomass contents, only less than 20% of the above maximal endoxylanase activity was detected, possibly due to the higher carbohydrate concentrations in the medium. Transcriptome analysis showed that 3 endoxylanases (expression levels 59-100%, the highest level was set as 100%), 2 b-xylosidases (4%), 4 side chain-cleaving arabinofuranosidases (1-95%), 1 acetyl xylan esterase (9%) and 2 ferulic acid esterases (0.3-9%) were produced together.

Good Times?: Simulating the Seventies in Nineties Hollywood;

Johnson, Logan 05 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Representations of Redface: Decolonizing the American Situation Comedy’s “Indian”

Tahmahkera, Dustin 12 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Properties of nylon-6-based composite reinforced with coconut shell particles and empty fruit bunch fibres

Savetlana, S., Mulvaney-Johnson, Leigh, Gough, Tim, Kelly, Adrian L. 28 December 2017 (has links)
yes / Novel natural fibre composites of nylon-6 reinforced with coconut shell (CS) particles and empty fruit bunch (EFB) fibres have been investigated. Fillers were alkali treated before melt compounding with nylon-6. Mechanical, thermal and rheological properties of composites were measured. Tensile modulus was found to improve with both fillers up to 16% for nylon-6/CS composite and 10% for nylon-6/EFB composite, whereas a moderate increase in tensile strength was observed only with CS composites. Differences in the strengthening mechanisms were explained by the morphology of the two fillers, empty fruit bunch fibres having a weaker cellular internal structure. Observation of composite morphology using SEM showed that both fillers were highly compatible with nylon-6 due to its hydrophilic nature. Both fillers were found to cause a slight drop in crystallinity of the nylon matrix and to lower melt viscosity at typical injection moulding strain rates. Moisture absorption increased with addition of both fillers.

Electron Beam Diagnostic at the ELBE Free Electron Laser / Elektronen-Strahldiagnose am ELBE Freie-Elektronen-Laser

Evtushenko, Pavel 08 October 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The radiation source ELBE is a scientific user facility able to generate electromagnetic radiation as well as beams of secondary particles. The figure below shows the layout of the facility. ELBE is based on a superconducting electron linac. The linac consists of two accelerating modules and uses TESLA type nine-cell niobium cavities, two cavities in each module. The cavities were developed at DESY in the framework of the TESLA linear collider project and the X-ray free electron laser (FEL) project. The ELBE linac is designed to operate with an accelerating field gradient of 10 MV/m so that the maximum design electron beam energy at the exit of the second module is 40 MeV. The essential difference of the ELBE linac from the future TESLA and X-ray FEL linacs is that ELBE operates in the continuous wave (CW) mode. ELBE delivers an electron beam with an average current of up to 1 mA. The electron source is a DC thermionic triode delivering beam with energy of 250 keV. The gun beam quality predefines the accelerated beam quality. One application of the electron beam is the generation of bremsstrahlung in the MeV energy range. The bremsstrahlung is used for nuclear spectroscopy experiments. Another application of the electron beam is the generation of quasi-monochromatic X-rays via channeling radiation in a single crystal. Thus X-rays with an energy from 10 keV through 100 keV can be generated. The channeling radiation is used for radio-biological and bio-medical experiments. In the future the ELBE electron beam will be used to produce monoenergetic positrons for material research. One more future application of the beam is the production of neutrons by bremsstrahlung via reactions. The neutrons will be used for material research oriented toward construction of future nuclear fusion reactors. In the author’s opinion, the most exciting and elegant application of the electron beam at ELBE is the infrared FEL. There are two FELs planned to run simultaneously at ELBE. The first one, with an undulator period of 27 mm, is going to operate in the wavelength range from 3 µm through 30 µm. The second one is in the design stage only but it will be built to work at longer wavelengths from 25 µm to 150 µm where the FEL has no competition from conventional quantum lasers. While an infrared FEL makes possible a great variety of experiments it is the device most sensitive to the electron beam quality. This dissertation is dedicated to the development of beam instrumentation and the measurement of electron beam parameters at ELBE. - In Chapter #1 we review fundamentals of FEL operation, discuss the importance of the electron beam quality for the FEL and lay down the requirements imposed by the FEL on the electron beam parameters. - Chapter #2 describes measurements of the transverse emittance we did at ELBE including an explanation of the experimental methods and the measurement error analysis. The transverse emittance was measured with the multislit method in the injector where the beam is space charge dominated. The transverse emittance of the accelerated beam was measured with the quadrupole scan method since the beam is emittance dominated. - Measurements of the electron bunch length, which is in the picosecond range, are described in Chapter #3. The bunch length was estimated from a frequency domain fit of a specially constructed analytical function to the measured power spectrum of the bunch. The power spectrum was obtained as a Fourier transform of the measured autocorrelation function of the coherent transition radiation (CTR). The CTR autocorrelation function was measured with the help of a Martin-Puplett interferometer. - A system of beam position monitors was designed, built, and commissioned in the framework of this effort. The design of our stripline BPM, the corresponding electronics and software is described in Chapter #4 along with the system performance as measured with the ELBE beam.

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