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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento de modelos preditores de óbito cardíaco na terapia de ressincronização / Development of predictive models of cardiac mortality in resynchronization therapy

Eduardo Arrais Rocha 28 February 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A terapia de ressincronização cardíaca (TRC) é um tratamento recomendado pelas principais diretrizes mundiais para pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (ICC), disfunção ventricular esquerda (FE <= 35%), com tratamento otimizado e distúrbio da condução intraventricular, principalmente pelo ramo esquerdo. Entretanto, 30%-40% dos pacientes selecionados não respondem ao tratamento. As razões desse insucesso não são completamente conhecidas. Existe, portanto, necessidade de desenvolvimento de índices multifatoriais para melhor selecionar e acompanhar a evolução e o prognóstico destes pacientes. Objetivo: Elaborar modelos preditores de risco de óbito cardíaco ou transplante (Tx), em diferentes fases da TRC. Métodos e Casuística: Estudo observacional, prospectivo e analítico, com inclusão de 116 pacientes, entre 01/2008 a 03/2013, sendo 69,8% do sexo masculino, com CF III (68,1%) e IV ambulatorial (31,9%), com BRE em 71,55% e com idade de 64,89 ± 11,18 anos e fração de ejeção (FE) de 29%. Avaliações foram feitas no período pré-implante (tempo 1), 6-12 meses (tempo 2) e 18-24 meses (tempo 3) e correlacionadas com a mortalidade cardíaca/Tx no final do seguimento. Foram estudadas variáveis clínicas, eletrocardiográficas e ecocardiográficas e realizadas análises de regressão de Cox e regressão logística, com a construção da curva ROC. As curvas de sobrevidas foram realizadas pelo método de Kaplan-Meier e comparadas pelo log-rank. Modelos e escores foram elaborados pelas pontuações do \"hazard ratio\", utilizado como variável independente no modelo de regressão logística. Resultados: Ocorreram 29 (25%) óbitos/Tx durante o seguimento de 34,09 ± 17,9 meses. A mortalidade cardíaca/Tx foi de 16,3 % (19 pacientes). Seis pacientes foram transplantados durante o tempo do estudo. No período préimplante (tempo 1), a presença de disfunção de ventrículo direito (VD), FE < 25% e o uso de altas doses de diuréticos (dois ou mais comprimidos de furosemida) mostraram-se com valor independente, com aumento de risco de óbito cardíaco/Tx de 3,9; 4,8 e 5,9 vezes, respectivamente. No tempo 2 (1° ano), as variáveis disfunção de VD, altas doses de diuréticos e internações por ICC foram as variáveis significativas, com aumento de risco 3,5; 5,3 e 12,5 respectivamente. No tempo 3 (2° ano), as variáveis disfunção de VD e classe funcional III/IV foram significativas no modelo multivariado de Cox, com aumento de risco de 12,1 e 7,7. As acurácias dos modelos foram 84,6%; 93% e 90,5%, respectivamente. Conclusão: Os modelos preditores de óbito cardíaco desenvolvidos a partir de variáveis clínicas e ecocardiográficas, obtidas em diferentes fases da TRC, mostraram boa acurácia e podem ajudar na seleção, seguimento, definição de resposta e aconselhamento destes pacientes / Introduction: Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is indicated for patients with congestive heart failure (CHF), ejection fraction (EF) <= 35%, and bundle branch block. However, 30%-40% do not respond to CRT. Therefore, there is a need to develop multifactorial indexes to better select and follow these patients. Objective: This work aims to develop predictive models for the risk of cardiac death or transplantation (Tx) at different stages of CRT. Methods: We performed a prospective observational study of 116 patients, 69.8% males, functional class (FC) III (68.1%) and IV (31.9%), LBBB in 71.55%, age 64.89 ± 11.18 years. We studied clinical, electrocardiographic, and echocardiographic variables and performed Cox and logistic regression with ROC and Kaplan- Meier curves. Results: The cardiac mortality was 16.3% (19 patients) in the 34.09 ± 17.9 follow-up months. Pre-implantation, the right ventricular dysfunction (RVD), EF <25%, and the use of high doses of diuretics (HDD) increased risk of cardiac death or Tx of 3.9, 4.8, and 5.9 fold, respectively, and in the first year, the variables RVD, HDD, and hospitalizations for CHF increased risk of death of 3.5, 5.3, and 12.5, respectively. In the 2nd year, the variables RVD and FC III / IV (NYHA) were significant in the multivariate Cox model. The accuracies of the models were 84.6%, 93%, and 90.5%, respectively. Conclusions: Cardiac death predictive models were developed in different stages of CRT, and were based on the analysis of simple clinical and echocardiographic variables. The models showed good accuracy and can help in the selection and follow-up of these patients

O benefício do bundle do cateter central em pacientes neonatais e pediátricos : uma revisão sistemática da literatura

Cechinel, Raquel Bauer January 2016 (has links)
Introdução: As infecções primárias da corrente sanguínea associadas ao cateter venoso central (IPCS) são um grande problema nas unidades de terapia intensiva (UTI) pediátricas e neonatais em todo o mundo. Evidências sugerem que a prevenção das IPCSs é crucial para o atendimento seguro ao paciente. Uma percentagem significativa (65-70%) das IPCSs são evitáveis utilizando as estratégias baseadas em evidências, incluindo os bundles. Estas medidas têm um papel bem estabelecido em pacientes adultos.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar, a partir de uma ampla revisão sistemática da literatura, o benefício da implementação do bundle do cateter central na prevenção das IPCSs em pacientes pediátricos e neonatais internados em UTI. Métodos: Foram pesquisadas as bases de dados Cochrane Library, Medline, Latin American and Caribbean Health Science Literature (LILACS), Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD), Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), além de busca manual e literatura cinzenta entre 1 de janeiro de 2005 até 31 de dezembro de 2015. Não houve restrição dos estudos com relação ao idioma, a data ou status de publicação. Para avaliar o benefício do bundle do cateter central, foram selecionados estudos envolvendo pelo menos dois componentes (higiene de mãos, precauções de barreira máxima, antissepsia da pele, seleção adequada do sítio do cateter, revisão diária da necessidade do cateter) como medida preventiva para pacientes com cateter venoso central (CVC). O desfecho foi o número de IPCSs por 1000 cateteres-dias antes e depois da implementação do bundle. Resultados: Foram identificados inicialmente 6369 estudos, após a exclusão dos títulos duplicados e os inelegíveis, 31 estudos preencheram os critérios de elegibilidade. Os estudos foram heterogêneos tanto na composição do bundle quanto na estratégia de implementação. A mediana da densidade de incidência de IPCS foi de 5.9 por 1000 cateteres-dias (2.6-23.1) nas unidades de terapia intensiva pediátricas (UTIP) e 4.9 por 1000 cateteres-dias (2.0-24.1) nas unidades de terapia intensiva neonatais (UTIN). Após a implementação do bundle do cateter central, a densidade de incidência de IPCS variou de 0 a 14.9 por 1000 cateteres-dias (mediana de 2.1) nas UTIPs e 0.3 a 13.9 (mediana de 2.8) nas UTINs. Conclusões: As IPCSs continuam sendo um problema significativo em unidades de terapia intensiva pediátricas e neonatais, mas a implementação do bundle do cateter central pode reduzir significativamente as taxas dessas infecções. Intervenções assistenciais com as melhores práticas baseadas em evidência permitem uma redução substancial das IPCSs pela promoção de grupos ou bundles de procedimentos e tecnologias, e pela utilização de uma estratégia multimodal para a educação, formação, implementação e divulgação. / Background: Central-line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs) are a major problem in neonatal and pediatric intensive care units (ICUs) worldwide. Evidence suggests that CLABSI prevention is crucial for safe patient care. A significant percentage of CLABSIs (65- 70%) are preventable using evidenced-based guidelines. Strategies to prevent these infections have included a myriad of different preventive maneuvers gathered as “bundles”. These measures have a well established role in the adult ICU setting. We aimed to assess the benefit of the implementation of central-line bundles to prevent CLABSIs in neonatal and pediatric ICU patients, populations where their actual efficacy is yet to be proven. Methods: We searched Cochrane Library, Medline, Latin American and Caribbean Health Science Literature (LILACS), Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD), Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), manual search and gray literature to identify studies reporting the implementation of central-line bundles in pediatric ICU (PICU), or neonatal ICU (NICU) patients. We searched for studies published between Jan 1, 2005, and December 21, 2015, without language restriction. To evaluate the benefit of the central line bundle were selected studies involving at least two components (hand hygiene, maximal barrier precautions, skin antisepsis, optimal catheter site selection and daily review of line necessity) as a preventive measure to patients with central venous catheter (CVC). The outcome was the number of CLABSIs per 1000 catheter-days before and after implementation. Results: We initially identified 6369 records, and after excluding duplicates and those ineligible, 31 studies met the eligibility criteria. The studies reviewed were quite heterogeneous both in bundle composition and implementation strategy. Median CLABSIs incidence were 5.9 per 1000 catheter-days (range 2.6–23.1) on PICUs and 4.9 per 1000 catheter-days (range 2.0–24.1) on NICUs. After implementation of central-line bundles the CLABSI incidence ranged from 0 to 14.9 per 1000 catheter-days (median 2.1) on PICUs and 0.3 to 14.9 (median 2.8) on NICUs. Conclusions: CLABSIs remain a significant problem in neonatal and pediatric critical care units, but implementation of catheter care bundles can significantly reduce rates of these infections. Best practice interventions allow substantial CLABSI reduction by promotion of groups or bundles of procedures and technology, and by use of a multimodal strategy for education, training, implementation, and dissemination.

Generalized Abelian Gauge Theory &amp; Generalized Global Symmetry

Hössjer, Emil January 2020 (has links)
We study Cheeger-Simons differential characters in order to define higher form U(1) gauge fields and their Wilson lines. We then go on to define generalized global symmetries. This is a topological formulation of symmetries which has interesting consequences when the charged operators extend through space. Our main source of such charged operators are the generalized Wilson lines. A higher form Noether theorem and a Ward identity are given for transformations of Wilson lines. As examples of quantum field theories with generalized symmetries we cover Sigma models, Maxwell theory and BF-theory. These are examples of Z, U(1) and Zn symmetries respectively. Finally we discuss spontaneous symmetry breaking for higher dimensional symmetries and a Goldstone theorem is provided. These massless Goldstone bosons are shown to have internal structure corresponding to non-zero spin. The photon is identified as the spin one Goldstone boson in QED. Our review of generalized symmetries is more formal than the ones in other papers. This makes various points explicit and leads to general selection rules. Many results of previous papers are reproduced in detail.

Návrh výměníků tepla pro vysokoteplotní aplikace / Design of heat exchangers for high temperature applications

Jonák, Martin January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to thermal-hydraulic design and rating of heat exchangers with the specialized commercial software HTRI. These heat exchangers are solved for real high-temperature applications, where the hot fluid is a flue gas with high temperature (above 500 °C). In the thesis is made a brief analysis of the conventional design of heat exchangers usable for high-temperature aplications, description of the basic relations, description and brief user manual of software HTRI. Further, work includes a comparative study of methods for calculation of pressure drop of the fluid at 180° elbows, as support analysis for solution of required applications characterized by low pressure drop of process fluids.

Analýza potíží výměníku tepla / Analysis of heat exchanger troubles

Bartošek, Nikola January 2015 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on analysis of specific cross-flow in-line tube bundle heat exchanger which deals with significant operational problems. Thermal, hydraulic and vibration calculation analysis of selected parts of the heat exchanger is performed based on CFD flow distribution results. Calculation is performed by using Maple software. Thermal and hydraulic calculations are compared with results obtained by commercial software HTRI.

Orientace kamery v reálném čase / Camera Orientation in Real-Time

Župka, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
This work deals with the orientation of the camera in real-time with a single camera. Offline methods are described and used as a reference for comparison of a real-time metods. Metods work in real-time Monocular SLAM and PTAM methods are there described and compared. Further, paper shows hints of advanced methods whereas future work is possible.

Semiflexible biopolymers in bundled arrangements

Schnauß, Jörg, Händler, Tina, Käs, Josef A. January 2016 (has links)
Bundles and networks of semiflexible biopolymers are key elements in cells, lending them mechanical integrity while also enabling dynamic functions. Networks have been the subject of many studies, revealing a variety of fundamental characteristics often determined via bulk measurements. Although bundles are equally important in biological systems, they have garnered much less scientific attention since they have to be probed on the mesoscopic scale. Here, we review theoretical as well as experimental approaches, which mainly employ the naturally occurring biopolymer actin, to highlight the principles behind these structures on the single bundle level.

Effect of twist, fineness, loading rate and length on tensile behavior of multifilament yarn

Rypl, Rostislav, Vořechovský, Miroslav, Sköck-Hartmann, Britta, Chudoba, Rostislav, Gries, Thomas 03 June 2009 (has links)
The idea underlying the present study was to apply twisting in order to introduce different levels of transverse pressure. The modified structure affected both the bonding level and the evolution of the damage in the yarn. In order to isolate this effect in a broader context, additional parameters were included in the experiment design, namely effects of loading rate, specimen length and filament diameter (directly linked to the fineness of the yarn). These factors have been studied in various contexts by several authors. Some related studies on involved factors will be briefly reviewed.

Towards Discretization by Piecewise Pseudoholomorphic Curves

Bauer, David 04 December 2013 (has links)
This thesis comprises the study of two moduli spaces of piecewise J-holomorphic curves. The main scheme is to consider a subdivision of the 2-sphere into a collection of small domains and to study collections of J-holomorphic maps into a symplectic manifold. These maps are coupled by Lagrangian boundary conditions. The work can be seen as finding a 2-dimensional analogue of the finite-dimensional path space approximation by piecewise geodesics on a Riemannian manifold (Q,g). For a nice class of target manifolds we consider tangent bundles of Riemannian manifolds and symplectizations of unit tangent bundles. Via polarization they provide a rich set of Lagrangians which can be used to define appropriate boundary value problems for the J-holomorphic pieces. The work focuses on existence theory as a pre-stage to global questions such as combinatorial refinement and the quality of the approximation. The first moduli space of lifted type is defined on a triangulation of the 2-sphere and consists of disks in the tangent bundle whose boundary projects onto geodesic triangles. The second moduli space of punctured type is defined on a circle packing domain and consists of boundary punctured disks in the symplectization of the unit tangent bundle. Their boundary components map into single fibers and at punctures the disks converge to geodesics. The coupling boundary conditions are chosen such that the piecewise problem always is Fredholm of index zero and both moduli spaces only depend on discrete data. For both spaces existence results are established for the J-holomorphic pieces which hold true on a small scale. Each proof employs a version of the implicit function theorem in a different setting. Here the argument for the moduli space of punctured type is more subtle. It rests on a connection to tropical geometry discovered by T. Ekholm for 1-jet spaces. The boundary punctured disks are constructed in the vicinity of explicit Morse flow trees which correspond to the limiting objects under degeneration of the boundary condition.

Hilbert-Kunz functions of surface rings of type ADE / Hilbert-Kunz Funktionen zweidimensionaler Ringe vom Typ ADE

Brinkmann, Daniel 27 August 2013 (has links)
We compute the Hilbert-Kunz functions of two-dimensional rings of type ADE by using representations of their indecomposable, maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules in terms of matrix factorizations, and as first syzygy modules of homogeneous ideals.

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