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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bureaucracy and Social Interaction: A Study in the Perceived Interaction Between a Superintendent and Campus Principals

Helms, Mildred K. (Mildred Kunkel) 12 1900 (has links)
Effective relationships among the levels of educational administrators will support the emphasis on academic excellence at national, state, and local levels. Recognizing the factors involved and understanding the interactions of those factors is a complex process. This study examined the bureaucratic leadership style of a superintendent in the organizational structure and the social interaction between the superintendent and campus principals in that organization as perceived by the principals. Quantitative data were collected by using two instruments: (1) the Administration Organi zationa1 Inventory to define the superintendent's bureaucratic leadership style and (2) the Perceived Social Interaction Questionnaire to determine the degree of social interaction between the superintendent and the campus principals. The study included the superintendent and the forty-three principals of a Texas suburban public school. Data analysis examined the leadership style and its relationship to the social interaction and both style and social interaction in relationship to age, sex, elementary or secondary level, and years of experience as a principal. Results of the study did not clearly define the superintendent's leadership style in a bureaucratic organization and indicated no significant difference between the style and social interaction and the four biographical variables. However, analysis of the data revealed that more principals perceived the superintendent as a Professional with a high degree of expertise and low degree of authority when biographical data were considered. Principals who perceived the superintendent as having a high degree of expertise also indicated they had a warm and friendly social relationship with the superintendent. Further analysis revealed that older, male, secondary principals with more than ten years of experience had a warm and friendly social interaction with the superintendent. This study attempted to provide greater knowledge of the organizational structures and the inward workings of a school system so that other administrators might better understand essential factors affecting district decisions and practices

Cooperação técnica entre países em desenvolvimento: o caso do Ministério da Saúde brasileiro no Haiti / Technical cooperation policy between developing countries: the Brazilian Ministry of Health case in Haiti

Regina, Fernanda Lopes 10 October 2016 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar a função política exercida pelo Ministério da Saúde (MS) na política de Cooperação Técnica entre Países em Desenvolvimento (CTPD), empreendida com o Haiti durante o governo do ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2010). Para isso, propõe a construção de uma análise transversal que engloba os estudos sobre as burocracias, oriundos da Ciência Política, e as recentes pesquisas sobre o crescente engajamento dos ministérios para a consecução da agenda política de Cooperação Sul-Sul (CSS), pertencentes à Análise de Política Externa (APE), do campo das Relações Internacionais. Neste sentido, a pesquisa lança mão do estudo de caso do Projeto Sul-Sul de Fortalecimento da Autoridade Sanitária do Haiti PRODOC- BRA/10/2005, assinado em 29 de novembro de 2010, a fim de verificar a maneira pela qual, a estrutura institucional do MS desempenhou simultaneamente as funções de formulação e implementação da referida política. / The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the political function exercised by the Ministry of Health on the Technical Cooperation policy between Developing Countries undertaken with Haiti during the government of former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2010). For such purpose, it is proposed to build a cross-sectional analysis that includes studies of bureaucracies arising from Political Science and recent researches on the increasing engagement of the ministries to achieve South-South Cooperation political agenda belonging pertaining to the Foreign Policy Analysis of the International Relations field. In this regard, the research makes use of the case study of South-South Project of Haiti Sanitary Authority Strengthening - PRODOC- BRA / 10/2005, signed on November 29, 2010, in order to verify the way in which the Ministry of Health institutional structure simultaneously played both formulation and implementation functions of said policy.

Aux guichets du temps partiel : transactions temporelles dans le service public d'emploi allemand et français / The agencies of part-time work : temporal transactions in the French and German public employment services

Clouet, Hadrien 04 December 2018 (has links)
Depuis les années 1970, le salariat à temps partiel s’étend sur les marchés de l’emploi allemand et français. Le rôle joué par l’intermédiation publique dans ce phénomène constitue l’objet de cette thèse. Nous l’étudions de manière comparative par l’immersion ethnographique dans quatre agences, par une analyse quantitative portant sur 2000 offres stockées et par une enquête socio-historique sur les dispositifs d’indemnisation. Grâce à ce matériau, nous mettons au jour les transactions temporelles auxquelles sont exposés les chômeurs durant leur traitement institutionnel. Au sein des agences d’intermédiation, les heures recherchées par les chômeurs jouent le triple rôle d’outil de gestion, d’outil d’intermédiation et d’outil d’arbitrage marchand. Elles sont mobilisées, manipulées et négociées durant les entretiens en face-à-face auxquels sont convoqués les chômeurs. Au terme des interactions, de nombreux profils de recherche sont révisés, en abaissant le nombre d’heures d’emploi souhaitées. Ce rationnement du temps d’emploi est organisé autour de trois modes de régulation, inégalement présents sur les différents terrains : une régulation par l’indemnisation-chômage, une régulation par les pratiques professionnelles des conseillers et une régulation par les progiciels informatiques d’appariement. Le temps d’emploi souhaité par les chômeurs apparaît ainsi comme un objet d’action publique. À partir de nos résultats empiriques, nous montrons que les logiques sociales de la rencontre bureaucratique établissent un lien étroit entre les ressources mobilisables dans l’interaction et les positions envisageables sur le marché de l’emploi. De plus, cette thèse présente les guichets d’intermédiation comme un niveau de régulation de l’emploi à part entière. / Since the 1970s, part-time employment has grown in the German and French labour markets. The relation between public intermediation and part-time employment is the subject of this thesis. Our comparative analysis is based on ethnographic immersion in four agencies, a quantitative analysis of 2000 job offers stored in the agencies files and a socio-historical inquiry concerning the unemployment benefit systems. With these data, we expose the temporal transactions experienced by the unemployed during their institutional treatment. Within the agencies, the working hours sought by the unemployed represent a tool with three functions: managing the registered users, matching employers and jobseekers, and arbitrating the relation between capital and labour. These hours are mobilized, manipulated and negotiated during the compulsory interviews between caseworkers and unemployed. Thus, many research profiles are modified, in the sens of lowering the desired amount of employment hours. This rationing of hours is organized around three modes of regulation, always perceptible but inequally significant in the various agencies: benefits-oriented regulation, professional regulation and computerized regulation. The working hours the unemployed look for appear as an object of public action. Based on our empirical results, we show how the configuration of bureaucratic encounters establish a close relation between the social resources mobilized during the interaction and the position on the labour market. In addition, this thesis present the employment agencies as an autonomous level of employment regulation.

Transition du système éducatif au Cambodge : engagement et résistance des acteurs au changement : le cas du programme de rattrapage scolaire de l'enseignement primaire / Transition of the educational system in Cambodia : commitment and resistance of actors to change : the case of the accelerated learning program in primary school.

Ann, Robraw 25 February 2019 (has links)
Au Cambodge, le système éducatif s’inscrit dans un contexte de réformes à tous les niveaux pour répondre aux mutations accélérées de la société.Pour comprendre le fonctionnement bureaucratique de ce système éducatif et penser les conditions d’une efficacité accrue, nous avons mobilisé le cadre théorique des organisations (Crozier, 1963 ; Mintzberg, 1986, 1989) ainsi qu’une approche éthique et pédagogique qui prennent en compte la mobilisation des acteurs (Bruner, 1983 ; Durand, 1996).La question de recherche de la thèse est la suivante : quels sont les effets repérables sur les acteurs du système éducatif d’une coopération entre le Ministère de l’Éducation du Cambodge et l’ONG Pour un Sourire d’Enfant dans le cadre d’un programme de rattrapage scolaire qui est introduit dans le Ministère et pour le Ministère ? Nous présentons en détail ce programme. Sur le plan méthodologique, nous avons mobilisé différents outils auprès de l’ensemble des acteurs concernés (observations, entretiens, questionnaires).Les résultats permettent d’établir que les acteurs ont manifesté des signes de mise en œuvre d’une nouvelle posture professionnelle, notamment en termes d’engagement, même si certains enseignants sont restés en retrait pour diverses raisons. / In Cambodia, the education system is part of a context of reforms at all levels to respond to the accelerated changes in society.To understand the bureaucratic functioning of this educational system and to think about the conditions for greater efficiency, we have mobilized the theoretical framework of organizations (Crozier, 1963; Mintzberg, 1986, 1989) as well as an ethical and pedagogical approach that takes into account the mobilization of actors (Bruner, 1983; Durand, 1996).The research question of the thesis is as follows: what are the identifiable effects on the actors of the education system of a cooperation between the Ministry of Education of Cambodia and the NGO Pour un Sourire d'Enfant within the framework of a school accelerated learning programme that is introduced in the Ministry and for the Ministry? We present this programme in detail.On the methodological level, we mobilized different tools from all the actors concerned (observations, interviews, questionnaires)The results show that the actors have shown signs of implementing a new professional posture, particularly in terms of commitment, even if some teachers have remained behind for various reasons.

Environmental Decision-making in the Pskov Region of the Russian Federation

Kalashnyk, Leonid January 2003 (has links)
<p>The break-up of the Soviet Union handed down the Russian Federation a number of Soviet environmental legacies ranging from contaminated areas to the old bureaucratic procedures and outdated practices. In the post-Soviet years of transition to a free-market economy Russia began to face increasingly acute tension between environmental security and economic development, and the state’s ability to effectively pursue environmental policies deteriorated. Current environmental policy-makers are faced with a multitude of challenges that range from complicated environmental systems to the inconsistent legislative framework and resource deficiencies. Although researchers have paid some attention to these problems, environmental decision-making remains a poorly illuminated area and constitutes a theoretically challenging problem. This paper addresses the regional environmental decision-making process in the Russian Federation. Using the Pskov region on the border with Byelorussia and the two future EU members Estonia and Latvia as a case study, this paper seeks to supply a better understanding of how environmental decisions are made on the regional and local levels with a special focus on constraints affecting environmental policy-making. The study attempts to explain the environmental decision-making process in light of the two competing theories of decision- making, incrementalism and the bureaucratic politics model. It is primarily based on interviews made in the Pskov region in the autumn of 2002.</p>

Regieren in Albanien : Herrschaftslogik und Zerfall eines Familienstaates / Peripheral states in Eastern Europe : patrimonial socialism and its transformation

Hensell, Stephan January 2004 (has links)
Taking into account historical as well as sociological differences, the author distinguishes between different modes of socialism. On the periphery of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, the combination of modern and traditional elements led to the establishment of hybrid political forms. They could be characterized as bureaucratic-patrimonial and associated with a specific type of state: the "peripheral socialist state".

Periphere osteuropäische Staaten : zum patrimonialen Sozialismus und seiner Transformation / Peripheral states in eastern europe : patrimonial socialism and its transformation

Hensell, Stephan January 2004 (has links)
Taking into account historical as well as sociological differences, the author distinguishes between different modes of socialism. On the periphery of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, the combination of modern and traditional elements led to the establishment of hybrid political forms. They could be characterized as bureaucratic-patrimonial and associated with a specific type of state: the „peripheral socialist state“.

Environmental Decision-making in the Pskov Region of the Russian Federation

Kalashnyk, Leonid January 2003 (has links)
The break-up of the Soviet Union handed down the Russian Federation a number of Soviet environmental legacies ranging from contaminated areas to the old bureaucratic procedures and outdated practices. In the post-Soviet years of transition to a free-market economy Russia began to face increasingly acute tension between environmental security and economic development, and the state’s ability to effectively pursue environmental policies deteriorated. Current environmental policy-makers are faced with a multitude of challenges that range from complicated environmental systems to the inconsistent legislative framework and resource deficiencies. Although researchers have paid some attention to these problems, environmental decision-making remains a poorly illuminated area and constitutes a theoretically challenging problem. This paper addresses the regional environmental decision-making process in the Russian Federation. Using the Pskov region on the border with Byelorussia and the two future EU members Estonia and Latvia as a case study, this paper seeks to supply a better understanding of how environmental decisions are made on the regional and local levels with a special focus on constraints affecting environmental policy-making. The study attempts to explain the environmental decision-making process in light of the two competing theories of decision- making, incrementalism and the bureaucratic politics model. It is primarily based on interviews made in the Pskov region in the autumn of 2002.

Economic bureaucracy and the South Korean developmental state

Frisk, Mårten January 2013 (has links)
South Korea underwent a period of high economic growth which propelled it from low to high income status in just a few decades. Instrumental in this process of rapid industrial transformation was the economic bureaucracy which formulated and implemented policies. This thesis details the role played by bureaucratic organizations in South Korea’s development and how they were able to formulate successful economic policies. In analyzing the economic bureaucracy in South Korea, a framework is used to determine its level of autonomy from special interests as well as the degree of public-private cooperation. The study finds that the high levels of corporate coherence and autonomy from special interests within the economic bureaucracy can partially be ascribed to the meticulously meritocratic recruitment and promotion process which was established prior to the first years of high economic growth. At a higher level of abstraction, the study concludes that South Korea benefited from having a strong imperative to develop its economy due to numerous external and domestic conditions. Although the level of applicability in other contexts is found to be limited, the emergence of a competent and relatively incorrupt bureaucracy remains one aspect which could possibly be reproduced elsewhere.

Hälsopromotion som ledningsstrategi : -ett sätt att få medarbetarna att identifiera sig med organisationen / Health Promotion as amanagement strategy : - a way to get employees to identify themselves with the organization

Eriksson, Frida January 2013 (has links)
Health and physical exercise has a become trend in today's society and the work with health promotion has increased in organizations. This is not only a way for organizations to get healthier and more efficient employees, but also a way to regulate the employee’s identity by getting them to identify with the organization. This bachelor essay studies how health promotion can be used as a management strategy. This is done by interviews and by performed observations at the recruitment company, Adecco, in the Stockholm region. The empirical material was collected and analyzed based on the selected theory about identity regulation. The study describes how Adecco through health promotion can regulate the employee’s identity. A pattern can be seen that goes from the individual level, by influencing the individual’s values, to a market level, in which the employees are formed to become more competitive. The study shows that health promotion can be used by organizations as a management strategy to get employees to identify with the organization. / Hälsa och träning har blivit något av en trend idagens samhälle och att jobba med hälsopromotion har blivit allt vanligare inomorganisationer. Det är inte bara ett sätt för organisationer att få friskareoch effektivare medarbetare, utan även ett sätt att konstruera medarbetarnasidentitet genom att få dem att identifiera sig med organisationen. Dennakandidatuppsats studerar hur hälsopromotion kan användas som enledningsstrategi. Studien har gjorts genom intervjuer samt utförda observationerpå bemanningsföretaget Adecco i region Stockholm. Det empiriska materialet somsamlats in analyserades utifrån den valda teorin, som handlar omidentitetskonstruktion. I studien beskrivs hur Adecco genom hälsopromotion formarsina medarbetares identitet. Man kan se ett mönster som går från individnivå,genom att forma individens värderingar, till en marknadsnivå där man utvecklarmedarbetarna i att bli tävlingsinriktade och konkurrensmedvetna. Studien visardärmed att hälsopromotion kan användas av organisationer som en ledningsstrategiför att få medarbetaren att identifiera sig med organisationen

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