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Les retentissements des effractions corporelles sur l’unité psychosomatique de l’adulte insuffisant rénal hémodialysé : étude clinique du traumatisme d’une maladie grave et de son traitement / The echoes of the physical burglaries on the psychosomatic unity of the renal insufficient hémodialysé adultRoques, Marjorie 18 November 2011 (has links)
L’insuffisance rénale est une maladie chronique, qui, parvenue à un certain stade, nécessite au patient qui en est atteint, d’avoir recours à un traitement de suppléance permettant de pallier les défaillances de la fonction du rein. Une de ces techniques, l’hémodialyse, comprend trois étapes importantes dans le parcours de la personne malade: l’annonce de la maladie, la création d’un abord vasculaire, le passage au traitement. L’annonce de l’insuffisance rénale a souvent lieu quelques années avant l’intervention de la fistule artério-veineuse et donc bien en amont de la mise en dialyse. Une étude longitudinale aurait permis de procéder au suivi complet de la personne insuffisante rénale à partir de la découverte de la maladie mais les contraintes de temps m’ont conduit à me limiter aux effets après coup de l’annonce et à me concentrer sur les retentissements du traumatisme au moment de la première effraction (création de la fistule artério-veineuse) et de seconde effraction (la mise en dialyse). Au regard des théories psychanalytiques du traumatisme, j’ai cherché à mettre en évidence la portée des effractions corporelles sur l’unité psychosomatique de la personne atteinte d’insuffisance rénale qui se différencie de celle de l’effraction psychique du traumatisme excluant une blessure physique. J’ai repris l’hypothèse de Freud concernant les névroses de guerre qui stipule que l’atteinte physique protège de la névrose traumatique, mais j’ai proposé de modifier la teneur de ses propos en les adaptant à la situation de maladie grave. Par conséquent, la visée de cette recherche est d'étudier le parcours de l'insuffisant rénal à trois temps traumatiques de la maladie dans ses dimensions à la fois psychique et somatique. Afin d'éprouver mes hypothèses, un entretien clinique est proposé lors de la première entrevue, puis des tests projectifs (TAT et Rorschach) accompagnés d'un entretien clinique sont proposés lors de la seconde rencontre. Ma population se compose de huit patients âgés de 22 à 60 ans que j’ai rencontré une première fois lors de la création de la fistule artério veineuse, un moment durant lequel j’ai pu relever que l'annonce de l'insuffisance rénale n’avait pas joué le rôle d'une angoisse signal d'alarme dans l'économie psychique. Car en effet, à l’arrivée de ce nouveau corps étranger, un débordement pulsionnel affleure mettant à jour une fantasmatique de type traumatique. La seconde phase se situe au début des séances de dialyse lors desquelles la sensorialité et les sensations sont mises au service d'une « détresse somato-psychique » convoquant un sentiment d'inquiétante étrangeté et une difficulté de délimitation des frontières corporelles.D’une part, l’analyse au cas par cas des résultats dévoile que la valeur préventive de l’annonce de la maladie quelques années avant l’intervention a été amoindrie par la violence des effractions corporelles D’autre part, l’analyse des tendances générales a mis en évidence une fragilisation de l’investissement narcissique et des repères objectaux à trois niveaux : sensoriel, sensuel, de la représentation. Plusieurs réponses ou couples de réponses face à l’évènement traumatique pouvant appartenir aux dimension régrédiente et/ou progrédiente s’inscrivant dans une histoire singulière et s’exprimant au travers d’un fonctionnement psychique propre à chacun, ont pu être dégagées comme : l’inhibition de la pensée, la rationalisation et l’intellectualisation, le masochisme (mortifère ou gardien de vie), le déni et le clivage non structurel du Moi, les processus névrotiques, les solutions opératoires (répression affective) et les solutions inadaptées.Enfin, l’examen du fonctionnement psychique aux tests projectifs ne permet pas d’établir de lien direct entre l’organisation mentale et les potentialités de réorganisation suite à l’impact du traumatisme comprenant une atteinte physique. / The renal insufficiency is a chronic disease, which, reached certain stage requires to the patient who is affected, to resort to a treatment of substitution allowing to mitigate the failures of the function of the kidney. One of these techniques, the hemodialysis, includes three important stages in the route of the sick person: the announcement of the disease, the creation of a vascular access, the passage in the treatment. The announcement of the renal insufficiency often takes place some years before the intervention of the artério-venous fistula and thus good upstream to the stake in dialysis. A longitudinal study would have allowed to proceed to the complete follow-up of the renal insufficient person from the discovery of the disease but the constraints of time drove me to limit me to the effects afterward of the announcement and to concentrate on the echoes of the trauma at the time of the first burglary (creation of the artério-venous fistula) and of second burglary (the stake in dialysis). Towards the psychoanalytical theories of the trauma, I tried to bring to light the impact of the physical burglaries on the psychosomatic unity of the person affected by renal insufficiency which differs from that of the psychic burglary of the trauma excluding a physical wound. I took back the hypothesis of Freud concerning the war neurosises which stipulates that the physical achievement protects from the traumatic neurosis, but I suggested modifying the content of its comments by adapting them to the situation of serious illness. Consequently, the aim of this research is to study the cours) of insufficient renal in three time traumatic of the disease in its at once psychic and somatic dimensions. To feel my hypotheses, a clinical consultation is proposed during the first interview, then projective tests (TAT and Rorschach) accompanied with a clinical consultation are proposed during the second meeting. My population consists of eight patients from 22 to 60 years old that I met first time during the creation of the fistula venous artério, one moment in the course of which I was able to raise that the announcement of the renal insufficiency had not played the role of an anxiety alarm in the psychic economy. Because indeed, upon the arrival of this new foreign body, an impulsive overflowing appears updating a fantastical of traumatic chap. The second phase is situated at the beginning of the sessions of dialysis when the sensoriality and the sensations are put in the service of a "somato-psychic distress " a feeling of disturbing strangeness and a difficulty of demarcation of the physical borders. On one hand, the individual analysis of the results reveals that the preventive value of the announcement of the disease some years before the intervention was decreased by the violence of the physical burglaries. On the other hand, the analysis of the general tendencies brought to light an embrittlement of the narcissistic investment and the objectals marks at three levels: sensory, sensual, of the representation. Several answers or couples of answers in front of the traumatic event which can belong in regredient and\or progredient dimensions joining a singular story and expressing himself through a psychic functioning appropriatefor each, were able to be brought out as: the inhibition of the thought, the rationalization and the intellectualization, the masochism (mortiferous or guard of life), the denial and the not structural split(cleavage) of the Me, the neurotic operating processes, the solutions ( emotional repression) and the unsuitable solutions.Finally, the examination of the psychic functioning in the projective tests does not allow to establish of direct link between the mental organization and the potentialities of reorganization further to the impact of the trauma understanding a physical achievement
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Vad innebär grannsamverkan? : En komparativ analys av åtgärder inom grannsamverkan kopplat till bostadsinbrott på Södermalm / What does Neighborhood watch mean? : A comparative analysis of actions in neighborhood watch linked to burglary within SödermalmFucik, Cecilia, Ljungberg, Cornelia January 2018 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka vilken betydelse införandet av grannsamverkan har på antalet bostadsinbrott. Den försökte även besvara vilka typer av åtgärder inom grannsamverkan som används samt likheter och skillnader mellan dessa, kopplat till områden i Södermalms stadsdelsområde. Ett matchat urval skapades varpå data insamlades genom strukturerade intervjuer med ombudsmän för grannsamverkan. I resultatet framställdes hur nivåerna över bostadsinbrott såg ut fem år innan-, samt ett till fem år efter, grannsamverkan implementerats. Materialet analyserades genom komparativ analys, varpå slutsatserna drogs att åtgärder som främst används var skyltning, säkerhetsdörrar, god belysning, god kontakt med boende i området, koll när granne reser bort samt uppmärksamhet på misstänkta i området. Skillnader och likheter mellan använda åtgärder fanns, vilket gör att generella slutsatser kring skillnader och likheter inte går att dra då inga områden är identiska. Gällande införande av grannsamverkan och dess betydelse för bostadsinbrott är resultaten tvetydiga då det skiljer sig hos områdena. / The aim of this study was to examine if the introduction of neighborhood watch affects the number of burglary. The questions asked were; which types of methods of neighborhood watch were used, and what kind of differences there were between selected areas in Södermalm, Stockholm. We created a matched sample of areas and contacted mediators of neighborhood watch in these areas. We conducted a quantitative study using structured interviews and presented data per burglary rates in the areas five years before and one to five years after neighborhood watch was implemented. The results were analyzed by comparative analysis and concluded that common methods of neighborhood watch were e.g. signage, security doors, good contacts between neighbors and attention to suspects in the area. The differences between the methods used means that general conclusions about differences and similarities cannot be concluded. The impact of neighborhood watch differed, and the results were ambiguous.
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Spatio-temporal prediction of residential burglaries using convolutional LSTM neural networksHolm, Noah, Plynning, Emil January 2018 (has links)
The low amount solved residential burglary crimes calls for new and innovative methods in the prevention and investigation of the cases. There were 22 600 reported residential burglaries in Sweden 2017 but only four to five percent of these will ever be solved. There are many initiatives in both Sweden and abroad for decreasing the amount of occurring residential burglaries and one of the areas that are being tested is the use of prediction methods for more efficient preventive actions. This thesis is an investigation of a potential method of prediction by using neural networks to identify areas that have a higher risk of burglaries on a daily basis. The model use reported burglaries to learn patterns in both space and time. The rationale for the existence of patterns is based on near repeat theories in criminology which states that after a burglary both the burgled victim and an area around that victim has an increased risk of additional burglaries. The work has been conducted in cooperation with the Swedish Police authority. The machine learning is implemented with convolutional long short-term memory (LSTM) neural networks with max pooling in three dimensions that learn from ten years of residential burglary data (2007-2016) in a study area in Stockholm, Sweden. The model's accuracy is measured by performing predictions of burglaries during 2017 on a daily basis. It classifies cells in a 36x36 grid with 600 meter square grid cells as areas with elevated risk or not. By classifying 4% of all grid cells during the year as risk areas, 43% of all burglaries are correctly predicted. The performance of the model could potentially be improved by further configuration of the parameters of the neural network, along with a use of more data with factors that are correlated to burglaries, for instance weather. Consequently, further work in these areas could increase the accuracy. The conclusion is that neural networks or machine learning in general could be a powerful and innovative tool for the Swedish Police authority to predict and moreover prevent certain crime. This thesis serves as a first prototype of how such a system could be implemented and used.
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Modus operandi as technique in suspect identification in burglary casesBerning, J. M. S. P. 31 August 2008 (has links)
The research attempts to establish how modus operandi can be used to identify
suspects in burglary cases. To conduct effective investigation, it is important
for investigators to be familiar with the concept modus operandi, its elements,
its influence and its values.
To achieve the goals and objectives of the practice of modus operandi,
investigators must know how to apply modus operandi, what the situational
factors are during a criminal act, and how to use it as technique to identify
suspects in burglary cases.
The direction by implication and clarification of the crime situation is hardly
possible without the determination of the identity of the perpetrator or suspect
of a criminal act. The recognition of the modus operandi system as any form of
evidence gathering is of outmost importance. / Criminology / M.Tech. (Forensic investigation)
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Modus operandi as technique in suspect identification in burglary casesBerning, J. M. S. P. 31 August 2008 (has links)
The research attempts to establish how modus operandi can be used to identify
suspects in burglary cases. To conduct effective investigation, it is important
for investigators to be familiar with the concept modus operandi, its elements,
its influence and its values.
To achieve the goals and objectives of the practice of modus operandi,
investigators must know how to apply modus operandi, what the situational
factors are during a criminal act, and how to use it as technique to identify
suspects in burglary cases.
The direction by implication and clarification of the crime situation is hardly
possible without the determination of the identity of the perpetrator or suspect
of a criminal act. The recognition of the modus operandi system as any form of
evidence gathering is of outmost importance. / Criminology and Security Science / M.Tech. (Forensic investigation)
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Cracking cribs : representations of burglars and burglary in London, 1860-1939Moss, Eloise January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores how burglars and burglary in London were understood in cultural, criminological, legal, political, and economic discourse during the period 1860-1939, demonstrating how the ideas about crime and the criminal circulating in these domains were mutually constitutive. Specifically, it identifies how characterisations of burglary in visual and written forms of media — encompassing legal and criminological documents, as well as those produced by the press and commercial advertising, and in fiction, theatre, and film — cultivated a range of attitudes towards the crime to a greater or lesser extent. Encompassing not only fear-mongering and sympathetic representations, but also those designed to be exciting, to challenge preconceptions, and to entertain, I argue that these conflicting attitudes towards burglary and burglars emerged in response to specific changes in the cultural landscape: the advent of mass literacy and corresponding interest in narratives of crime that reflected the social, cultural, and political concerns of an audience diverse of class, age, and gender; the commercial imperatives of the insurance and entertainment industries as the middle classes expanded, including the development of household insurance and the popularity of the ‘true crime’ genre; debates surrounding women’s increasing social and sexual agency and their alignment with particular crimes; and the evolution of new modes of policing and regulation. The thesis thereby uses the topic of burglary to illuminate a broader range of contemporary preoccupations and experiences with gender relations, class structures and stereotypes, and the moral authority of state and society. By approaching burglary as a focus of interactions not only between police, criminal, and victim, but also between the market, consumers, and the state, this thesis uncovers new terrain upon which crime intersected with everyday lives historically.
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Geographic Factors of Residential Burglaries - A Case Study in Nashville, TennesseeHall, Jonathan A. 01 November 2010 (has links)
This study examines geographic patterns and geographic factors of residential burglary at the Nashville, TN area for a twenty year period at five year interval starting in 1988. The purpose of this study is to identify what geographic factors have impacted on residential burglary rates, and if there were changes in the geographic patterns of residential burglary over the study period. Several criminological theories guide this study, with the most prominent being Social Disorganization Theory and Routine Activities Theory. Both of these theories focus on the relationships of place and crime. A number of spatial analysis methods are hence adopted to analyze residential burglary rates at block group level for each of the study year. Spatial autocorrelation approaches, particularly Global and Local Moran's I statistics, are utilized to detect the hotspots of residential burglary. To understand the underlying geographic factors of residential burglary, both OLS and GWR regression analyses are conducted to examine the relationships between residential burglary rates and various geographic factors, such as Percentages of Minorities, Singles, Vacant Housing Units, Renter Occupied Housing Units, and Persons below Poverty Line.
The findings indicate that residential burglaries exhibit clustered patterns by forming various hotspots around the study area, especially in the central city and over time these hotspots tended to move in a northeasterly direction during the study period of 1988-2008. Overall, four of the five geographic factors under examination show positive correlations with the rate of residential burglary at block group level. Percentages of Vacant Housing Units and Persons below Poverty Line (both are indicators of neighbor economic well-being) are the strong indicators of crime, while Percentages of Minorities (ethnic heterogeneity indictor) and Renter Occupied Housing Units (residential turnover indictor) only show modest correlation in a less degree. Counter-intuitively, Percentage of Singles (another indicator of residential turnover) is in fact a deterrent of residential burglary; however, the reason for this deterrence is not entirely clear.
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An examination of the impact of residential security measures on the incidence of residential burglary in two selected northern suburbs of Johannesburg: a security risk management approachOlckers, Casparus 30 June 2007 (has links)
This project was of specific importance to the private security industry, victims of residential burglary, community policing forums and the South African Police Service in providing detailed information regarding recommendations of how to manage and combat residential burglary in two selected northern suburbs of Johannesburg.
Problem statement
Residential burglary is categorised in the top three highest reported crimes according to the official South African Police Service statistics for the 2006/7 financial years.
A series of victim interviews, docket analysis, case plotting and residential security audit surveys were conducted to determine the extent (or lack thereof) of security measures at a burgled residence in the selected area.
Field data was collected through docket analysis, plotting crime scenes (descriptive mapping), victim interviews and residential security audit surveys.
The majority of victims of burglary interviewed did not have the minimum security system (integrated measures) in place. Those victims, who had security measures, appeared not to have made or implemented effective use of them.
Security at a residence extends beyond just the immediate house area and the focus (security risk assessment) should start with the immediate neighbourhood (community) area working inwards towards the property perimeter (boundary), inner perimeter (garden area) and then finally the immediate house area. / CRIMINOLOGY / MTECH: SECURITY RISK MAN
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Exploring the dynamics of school violence in KwaDabeka, KwaZulu-NatalMsezane, Gideon 07 1900 (has links)
This study focused on the schools of KwaDabeka Township in KwaZulu-Natal. This project explored the underlying reasons for and types of violence, as well as initiatives for violence prevention. This is a qualitative study; therefore it is located within the interpretive paradigm. A case study strategy was employed in which qualitative methods such as interviews, observations, document reviews, and journals were used to collect data. The findings suggest that besides ill-discipline and uncooperativeness by learners, criminals and thugs from outside schools pose a threat to the stability of schools. The findings also suggest that girls and young boys are victims of violence in schools. The research findings suggest that violence production in schools is shaped by socio-economic status of community where the school is in, as well as gender and masculinity. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)
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The effectiveness of detectives in the investigation of housebreaking cases in the Secunda Cluster, Mpumalanga South AfricaMakhaza, Zizamele Ernest 30 July 2018 (has links)
This study seeks to determine the effectiveness of detectives in the investigation of housebreaking cases in the Secunda Cluster. Key theoretical concepts such as criminal investigation, housebreaking, evidence and effectiveness, are defined and explained. The objectives of criminal investigation are discussed in detail. The elements of housebreaking are also explained in detail. The researcher`s findings were that the research questions were answered by all the participants, who had more than adequate knowledge on the concepts, and were sometimes in line with the literature. The researcher noted the problems identified by the participants and came up with some solutions. On the basis of the findings of this research, recommendations are made to have specialised training in the investigation of housebreaking cases. The clarification and application of the various investigation techniques to improve the effectiveness of the investigation of housebreaking cases were also recommended. Investigators should continually receive refresher in-service training on new techniques being used by criminals in committing residential housebreaking cases. / Police Practice / M. Tech. (Forensic Investigation)
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