Spelling suggestions: "subject:"samhällsbyggnadsteknik.""
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Materialval i utfackningsväggarLönnbark, Emil January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this report is to give a concise description of curtain walls, what it is and why they are used. It is also a description of six different but commonly used design technologies. By giving a detailed description of the different types and there special properties, the pros and cons will be clarified. The three most interesting alternatives were selected to be included in a test, to show the best alternative from a certain point of view. The parameters are: • Environment • Cost • Ergonomics • Isolation against noise and fire • Durability These are important parameters in the planning and design phase. The report contains a summary about each parameter and what is important to pay attention to during construction work. The test is based on these parameters and by allotting points to each wall according to properties, for each parameter a best choice can be pointed out. The report ends up with a discussion about the result and what are the most important properties. The end result shows the points per parameter for each wall.
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Framtiden för gamla Habo ullspinneriHjerpe, Anna-Lena, Olsson, Frida, Rösiö, Carl Edvard January 2007 (has links)
This report presents an investigation and a new design of Habo Ullspinneris old industrial premises. It is based on the owners visions and wishes, two questionnaires and also considering of the historical value. Habo Ullspinneri was founded in 1882 by Frans August Johansson and was moved to the location it has today, near Hökån in Habo, three years later. The electricity that the machines in the industry needed was extracted from the small river that is placed under the building. In 1960 there was a fire and the result became the end of the industrial activity that had taken place in the building. There is no steady activity in the building at the moment. It is nowadays temporarily used as an agriculture museum and as a store room. Based on the costs of the restoring that the building needs for future maintenance it is in need of new activities that can bring economic stability. Based on literature studies, interviews, questionnaires, and personal visiting,sketches for the new activities have been done. The work has three main focuses: identification of the new activities and the target group, the possibility of technical design combined with the building’s cultural values. Several solutions were investigated and two of those are more detailed. Based on these results one proposition has been designed.
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Digitala objekt i neutralt formatKarlsson, Stina, Andersson, Nina January 2007 (has links)
Today there are many different Cad-applications on the market for engineers. Because of big building projects it has become more and more important to work with the same application or to have access to a neutral file type to be able to transfer files between different ones. This report studies the single objects and how they react when transferring them between ADT and ArchiCAD via the neutral type IFC. We have also been looking at problems during the transfer between and if there are some connections between these problems. Afterwards we created a neutral object model of a small country house to see if the objects appeared different. The result shows no differences. But looking at the problems that appeared during the transmissions they felt small and no logical. Today it is not possible to save in a neutral type without facing small problems. But with small corrections it would become possible to use IFC without any difficulties. If we get IFC to work properly it would save a lot of time, effort and the possibility to store your projects for the future.
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Analys av miljömedvetenhet under produktionsprocessenEriksson, Sara January 2007 (has links)
NCC Construction är en del av NCC koncernen och är ett av de största byggföretagen i Sverige idag. Detta examensarbete är utfört i samarbete med NCC Construction i Karlstad och behandlar ämnet miljömedvetenhet. Uppgiften var att studera och analysera de anställda med hänsyn till deras miljöpolicy samt att uppskatta hur väl företaget når ut med sin information, samt att ta fram olika förslag på förbättringar i NCCs pågående miljöarbete. NCCs miljöpolicy har fyra övergripande mål och det finns klart och tydligt nerskrivet vad den anställde är skyldig att bidra med i sitt arbete med hänsyn till företagets strävan mot en bättre miljö. Behovet av en väl formulerad miljöpolicy är väsentligt då det är denna som beskriver vilka mål som finns och hur dessa ska uppnås. För att få fram svar på min frågeställning utfördes en enkätundersökning där arbetsledning, byggnadsarbetare samt underentreprenörer var målgruppen. Denna undersökning var anonym och analyserades med hänsyn till position, ålder och antal år i företaget. Resultatet i denna undersökning visar på stor förståelse hos de anställda inför miljöfrågor. Det de behöver sträva efter för att bli ännu bättre är att minska sina resor och transporter. Andelen miljömedvetna var högst bland underentreprenörerna eftersom de planerar sina transporter och samåker mer. Miljökurser är något återkommande i företaget, däremot bör de vara mer utspridda bland de olika grupperna. Även de som arbetat några år behöver genomgå en kurs för att uppdateras. För att öka förståelsen behöver varje anställd informeras om lagar, regler och policy kontinuerligt. Detta kan ske genom olika medier, exempelvis informationsblad eller i en dialog med sin chef. Vid analysen av de anställdas förslag på vad som kan förbättras visades det tydligt att de flesta i princip hade liknande förslag, vilket till största delen innefattade transportfrågan. Sammanfattningsvis kan det sägas att NCC arbetar mot en bättre miljö genom sitt företag och sina anställda. För att höja sig ett snäpp behövs dock mer utförlig information och då även till underentreprenörerna, samt att reducera sina transporter till och från arbetsplatserna. / NCC Construction is one of the largest construction companies in Sweden today and this thesis is written in cooperation with NCC Construction in Karlstad and discusses the environmental awareness throughout the company. The task was to study and analyze how the employees perceive their environmental policy and to estimate how successful the distribution of information was. There was also an interest in collecting new ideas from the employees in how to make environmental improvements. NCC has four comprehensive goals with their policy and it is well documented what the employers is obliged do to in terms of making the company more environmental friendly. A well written policy is essential to describe the goals and how to fulfill them. In the matter of receiving answers to my questions a survey was made and the target group was the group management and the workers. The survey was to be analyzed according to their position in the company, age and the number of years they have been at NCC. The result of this survey shows a good sense of understanding among the employees in the environmental matter. One thing the company needs to work on is reducing their travels and transports. The highest amount of environmental awareness is among their contractors and that is because they know how to plan their transports and use car pools more often. NCC are using environmental classes to educate their employees, but they need to give everyone the opportunity not only certain groups, also the ones with a few years in the company needs to update their memory. To increase their understanding among the employees they need to be informed about laws, rules and policies continuously. Analyzing the employees’ suggestions of improvements shows that they all had almost the same ideas, reduce the transportation. To sum it up you can easily say that NCC are working through their company and employees to make a difference in the environment, one thing they still need to work on is making sure the information reaches everyone.
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Driftkostnadsanalys i väginvesteringsprojektJohansson, Sabina, Bergkvist, Mattias January 2007 (has links)
During its lifetime, a road goes through a number of different stages; pre-study, inquiry of the road, work plan, documenting stage, building stage and operating stage. The operating stage is the one that takes the longest time and costs the most. Those have a tendency of becoming unnecessarily high because the project engineers don’t always take the management and maintenance prerequisites into conditions. To decrease the management and maintenance costs, the Swedish Road Administration SouthEast has been in need of a work procedure that makes the roaddesign engineers take the management and maintenance of the road into consideration. This shall be achieved by a checklist where the most common designs that lead to increased management- and maintenance costs are compiled and listed. Through interviews with project leaders in management, the most common problems have been identified, analyzed and summarized under the headlines winter-road, vegetation, road equipment and road designs. To elucidate the problem from several points of view, interviews were implemented with project leaders in investment and roaddesign engineers. During these interviews opinions emerged about the way the checklist should be designed and used. The checklist was designed with the analyzed points, which emerged after the interview with a project leader in management, in regard. Taken into consideration were the opinions of the project leaders in investment and roaddesign engineers. This resulted in a checklist consisting of two parts. Part 1 consists of aspects that should be taken into consideration in the beginning of the road-planning and Part 2 of aspects that should be considered in the finishing phase of it. Then, the checklist was tested on an existing road build plan by means of having its roaddesign engineer filling out the checklist and make comments to the answers. The checklist got good response. The management and maintenance costs are not always taken into consideration. Mainly because other aspects, such as safety, aesthetics and the opinions of the roads users and other parties, are prioritized. Furthermore the communication between the project leaders in management and in maintenance is poor due to lack of time, and as a result similar mistakes are made over and over again. The checklist gives the project leaders in investment and the roaddesign engineers help to put management and maintenance costs in focus. The checklist is also a support for the project engineers by giving them the means to comment on their choices and thereby remember why they chose a certain design.
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Uddeholmsladan : Planing of a concert hallHedin, Martin, Jernberg, Johan, Nilsson, Oskar January 2007 (has links)
Denna rapport innehåller beräkningar och förslag till en ombyggnation av en ladugård i Uddeholm. Ägaren Stig Sonebrink har en vision om att starta ett projekt som kan ge positiv PR till en hårt prövad region och kan generera arbetstillfällen. Detta projekt kallar han för Uddeholmsladan och det första Sonebrink vill bygga är en konserthall. Syftet med projektet är att kontrollera byggnadens förutsättningar för att nyttjas som en konserthall. Målet är att presentera en lösning på hur golvet i konserthallen skall konstrueras med avseende på stegljud och utseende. Konserthallen skall brandskyddsprojekteras och den bärande konstruktionen kontrolleras för att kunna öka publikintaget. Förslaget skall inte förhindra eller försvåra ytterligare byggnation. Rekommendationen för golvkonstruktionen är en utjämningscement som heter EPS-cement. Den skall används som ett utfyllningsmaterial som både förhindrar stegljud och som värmeisolerar, på denna limmas sedan ett trägolv. Den totala materialkostnaden för golvkonstruktionen hamnar på cirka 1.2 miljoner SEK exklusive moms. Uddeholmsladans nödutgångar behöver kompletteras genom trappor som behöver breddas vid den östra delen. Vid den södra delen behöver nödutgången en passage som leder ut i det fria. Vi har använt oss av en förenklad dimensionering av utrymningsvägarna och i lokalen får 1000 personer vistas samtidigt. Den befintliga konstruktionen är kraftigt byggd och kommer att klara av det nya användningsområdet. Vissa skador finns på betongpelarna och de behöver repareras. / This report contains calculations and proposals for a reconstruction work of a barn in Uddeholm. The owner Stig Sonebrink has a vision to start a project that can give positive PR to the region and can generate jobs. He calls this project for Uddeholmsladan and the first thing Sonebrink wants to build is a concert hall. The purpose with the project is to check the building's condition in order to be used as a concert hall. The objective is to present a solution of how the floor in the concert hall will be designed with consideration to impact sounds and appearance. The concert hall shall be fire protection designed and the carrying structure is checked in order to increase the audience intake. The suggestion shall not prevent or hinder further construction work. The recommendation for the floor structure is to use an equalisation cement called EPS-cement. This is used as a filling material that both prevents impact sound and is heat isolating, a wood floor is then glued on to the concrete. The total material cost for the floor structure is approximately 130 thousand EUR, value-added tax excluded. Uddeholmsladan´s emergency exits need to be complemented by stairs that need to be widened at the eastern part. The emergency exits in the southern part need a passage that leads out to the free. We have used a simplified dimension of the evacuation path and the concert hall can contain 1000 persons at the same time. The existing structure is strongly built and will cope the new field of application. Certain damages exist on the concrete columns and they need to be repaired.
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Energieffektivt byggnande : Hur kan BBR bidra till ett ”klimatsmart” byggande?Johansson, Jan, Karlsson, Henrik January 2007 (has links)
Byggbranschen står idag för 40 % av landets totala energianvändning varav 85 % av energin förbrukas i bruksskedet. Med hänsyn till den omfattande energianvändningen inom byggsektorn har branschen ett stort ansvar för att minska landets totala energiförbrukning. Teknik för att bygga energisnåla byggnader är långt framme, men används inte i så stor utsträckning som man borde. En anledning till detta kan vara att man bygger med en kortsiktig syn på investeringar och att den som bygger och förvaltar inte är samma part. Verktyg för att ta riktiga beslut ur ett långsiktigt ekonomiskt och miljömässigt perspektiv finns i form av livscykelkostnadskalkyler (LCC). Byggnader har lång livslängd och det är viktigt att man i ett tidigt skede vid projektering använder sig av de hjälpmedel som finns att tillgå. Koldioxid är en stor bidragande orsak till den ökade växthuseffekten, för att byggbranschen i framtiden skall kunna minska de bidrag den genererar till atmosfären så är det viktigt att man tar fram metoder för hur man på ett riktigt sätt mäter koldioxidutsläpp från byggnader i bruksskedet. Byggherren har en nyckelroll för vår samhällsutveckling varför det är viktigt att han/hon har kompetens för att fatta riktiga beslut ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv. Idag kan i princip vem som helst vara byggherre oavsett kompetens. Ett steg mot ett klimatsmartare byggande vore att ställa krav i Boverkets byggregler på att man vid projektering skall utföra en LCC kalkyl. Ett större individuellt ansvar för de faktiska koldioxidutsläpp som man bidrar med genom de beslut man tar vid en byggnation skulle kunna regleras i BBR genom att man utformade metoder för att mäta de faktiska koldioxidutsläpp en byggnad ger. Ett system med avgifter på de utsläpp man bidrar med skulle säkert medföra att man tänker till ordentligt innan man fattar beslut om hur en byggnad skall utformas. Ett krav på certifiering av landets byggherrar är rimligt med tanke på den betydelse han/hon har för samhällsutvecklingen.
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Ekobyn, ett framtida koncept / Ecovillage, a concept for the futureJonsson, Marcus January 2007 (has links)
Jönköping's municipality requested a diploma work witch would present the experiences, as arisen during the existence of the echo village Smeden. To recive information for the background, literature at the university library were searched at the database "Libris" with words like "echo village" and "ecological living". Data was retrieved from 28 questionnaires that were sent out to the inhabitants of the echo village Smeden. The questionnaires contained questions about experiences, opinions, ideas and thoughts about living in this echo village. The results were analyzed and presented by diagrams and tables and showed that the inhabitants where most unsatisfied with the sewer and the system of the toilet. In the opposite the inhabitants experienced that the remaining systems were in satisfactory and the majority of the inhabitants were very pleased with their living conditions. Conclusions of this study are that an echo village would be a suitable alternative to an ordinary living and that ecological living would be something that would work well even in the future. An important thing to remember is that the systems of the households must be easy for the inhabitants to maintain otherwise the environmental thinking would be in risk of failure if some don’t have the energy to manage this properly.
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En om- eller tillbyggnad av en byggnad kräver ofta att befintliga ritningar värderas med avseende på aktualitet och geometri. Ritningarna kan förekomma i form av 2D-ritningar eller som ett digitalt underlag. När ritningarna undersöks kan resultatet bli att dessa kräver en komplettering för att få ett relevant projekteringsunderlag eller en så kallad relationshandling. Befintliga ritningar kan ibland helt saknas och det krävs att nya relationshandlingar upprättas. I de fall där en osäkerhet finns om byggnadens geometri, genomförs en inmätning för att få en måttriktig relationshandling. Inmätningen kräver att mätdata efterbearbetas i CAD för att skapa en digital modell av byggnaden. Modellen utgör en relationshandling som kan användas av konsulter i projekteringsarbetet för den planerade ändringen av byggnaden. I allt fler projekteringsarbeten efterfrågas relationshandlingar där höjdinformation tillsammans med plankoordinater genererar så kallade 3D-relationshandlingar. Syftet med detta examensarbete på C-nivå (10 poäng) har varit att i någon omfattning genomföra samtliga delmoment i upprättandet av en 3D-relationshandling. Inmätningen genomfördes med tre olika instrument: handhållen avståndsmätare, totalstation och laserskanner.Resultatet av bearbetning i CAD visar att modellering av mätdata från totalstationen och laserskannern ger ritningar som stämmer bättre överens med de faktiska förhållandena än de ritningar som generas från mätning med den handhållna avståndsmätaren. / Before the processes of rebuilding an existing building commence an evaluation of the existing drawings have to be done. Existing drawings can be either 2D-paper drawings or in a digital format. When evaluating the existing drawings one might find that these needs to be updated to serve as reference of basic data for the projection of the new building. A new 3D model has to be made. In some cases, there exist no drawings at all for an existing building that are to be reconstructed. The existing drawings can be found to have a deficiency with respect to geometry that calls for a survey of the building i.e. an as-built survey. The result of the as-built survey will need to be calculated and exported to CAD software for modelling. A digital model of the existing building is created in the CAD environment to. More of today’s work with basic data and the creation of digital models require height information in conjunction with the x, y coordinates in the purpose of creating a true 3D computer-based model. The intentions of this thesis (C-level) have been to carry through all the parts needed in establishing a 3D computer-based model. The surveying was done in three different ways: with the use of a hand held laser distance meter, with a total station and finally, a scan was done using a laser scanner. A comparison and analysis using the three different methods where done. The result shows that the used methods can be useful by themselves or in conjunction with each other.
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Byggnationsskillnader i Sverige, Finland och TysklandPaulin, Linda, Lalander, Henrik January 2007 (has links)
This paper is written as an examination paper at the University of Jönköping. The subject is chosen by Peab Sweden in Jönköping with whom further cooperation has been hold. The aim is to compare building methods and building materials in Sweden, Finland and Germany for further inspiration for Peab’s own market. Background The development of the construction industry develops new materials and methods to the market which has been forced by shorter construction times and the environment aspect. To pursue the development, further knowledge exchange should exist between the countries. That ought not to be a problem when the borders have been more open which facilitates import and export. With the paper it occurred interesting issues to take in consideration. Implementation, results and conclusion To start this investigation focus has been laid on study of the Swedish building project and examination of the (rambeskrivning)frameworks description, the (rumsbeskrivning)room description and at the drawings. Later the building projects and building methods for Finland and Germany have been compared to find differences to Sweden. It has been found that traditions are governing the building in these three countries. Even the market situation of the construction industry is influencing the method- and material choices. Despite the near geographic distance the construction industry in these countries have big differences, like contract writing, housing, ventilations and frameworks. However, it’s questionable if the market in Sweden wants to write the contracts in a different way. More likely then that details like cupboards for dishes have a future on the Swedish market.
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