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Protocoles d'échanges de clefs authentifiés : modèles de sécurité, analyses et constructionsSarr, Augustin 18 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Une part importante des protocoles d'échange de clefs proposés se sont révélés vulnérables lorsqu'analysés au regard des définitions de sécurité les plus récentes. Les arguments de sécurité des protocoles récents sont généralement fournis avec les modèles de sécurités dits de Canetti–Krawczyk (CK) et Canetti–Krawczyk étendus (eCK). Nous montrons que ces définitions de sécurité présentent des subtilités qui font que certaines attaques, qui peuvent être menées en pratique, ne sont pas considérées dans les analyses de sécurité. Nous proposons une forte définition de sécurité, qui englobe le modèle eCK. Nous proposons une analyse complémentaire des schémas de signature XCR (“Exponential Challenge Response”) et DCR (“Dual exponential Challenge Response”), qui sont les briques du protocole HMQV. Sur la base de cette analyse, nous montrons la vulnérabilités des protocoles (C, H)MQV(–C) aux fuites d'informations spécifiques à une session. Nous montrons notamment que lorsqu'un attaquant accède à certaines informations de session, qui ne conduisent pas à une divulgation de la clef statique du détenteur de la session, il peut réussir une attaque par usurpation d'identité. Nous proposons les schémas de signature FXCR (“Full XCR”) et FDCR (“Full DCR”) à partir desquels nous construisons les protocoles FHMQV (“Fully Hashed MQV”) et SMQV (“Strengthened MQV”) qui préservent la performance remarquable des protocole (H)MQV, en plus d'une meilleure résistance aux fuites d'informations. Les protocoles FHMQV et SMQV sont particulièrement adaptés aux environnements dans lesquels une machine non digne de confiance est combinée avec un module matériel à faible capacité de calcul et résistant aux violations de sécurité. Dans un tel environnement, les opérations effectuées sur le module matériel hors temps mort se réduisent à des opérations peu coûteuses. Les protocoles FHMQV et SMQV satisfont notre définition de sécurité sous les hypothèses de l'oracle aléatoire et du problème échelon de Diffie-Hellman.
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Řízení integrovaného marketingového komunikačního procesu / Management of the Integrated Marketing Communication ProcessVondrová, Martina January 2009 (has links)
I deal with Integrated Marketing Communication Process and with new trends in Marketing Communication. Then I analyse the FIRO-tour company, its strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. I research satisfaction of clients and I locate image of the company. After that I propose the new Marketing Communication strategy for selected product.
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Caracterização bioquímica, funcional e molecular da elastase-2 formadora de angiotensina II do leito arterial mesentérico de rato. / Biochemical, functional and molecular characterization of the rat mesenteric arterial bed elastase-2, an angiotensin II-forming enzyme.Santos, Carlos Ferreira dos 22 March 2002 (has links)
Uma elastase-2 foi recentemente descrita como a principal enzima formadora de angiotensina (Ang) II no perfusato do leito arterial mesentérico (LAM) isolado de rato. Investigamos a interação dessa elastase-2 do perfusato do LAM isolado de rato (E-2LAMR) com alguns substratos e inibidores de elastases-2 e de quimases formadoras de Ang II. Os precursores de Ang II, [Pro11-D-Ala12]-Ang I e substrato tetradecapeptídeo de renina (TDP), foram convertidos em Ang II pela E-2LAMR com eficiências catalíticas de 8,6 min-1mM-1 e 5,1 min-1mM-1, respectivamente, enquanto os substratos cromogênicos N-succinil-Ala-Ala-Pro-Leu-p-nitroanilida e N-succinil-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe-p-nitroanilida foram hidrolisados pela enzima com eficiências catalíticas de 10,6 min-1mM-1 e 7,6 min-1mM-1, respectivamente. O inibidor peptídico CH 5450 inibiu as atividades da E-2LAMR sobre os substratos Ang I (IC50=49 mM) e N-succinil-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe-p-nitroanilida (IC50=4,8 mM), enquanto Acetil-Ala-Ala-Pro-Leu-clorometilcetona (Ac-AAPL-CK), um efetivo inibidor de elastases-2 pancreáticas, bloqueou eficientemente a atividade formadora de Ang II da E-2LAMR (IC50=4,5 mM). Em conjunto, esses dados confirmaram e estenderam as similaridades enzimológicas entre elastases-2 pancreáticas e a E-2LAMR. Além disso, a interação até então desconhecida da E-2LAMR com [Pro11-D-Ala12]-Ang I e CH 5450, ambos considerados como reagentes seletivos para quimases, sugere que as evidências para a formação de Ang II in vivo por quimases podem ter sido superestimadas em investigações prévias sobre vias geradoras de Ang II. Experimentos realizados com o LAM isolado de rato analisando o efeito vasoconstritor de Ang II, Ang I, TDP e [Pro11-D-Ala12]-Ang I mostraram a existência de uma via geradora de Ang II independente da ECA, a qual é sensível à quimostatina e Ac-AAPL-CK. Entre os possíveis candidatos para essa via alternativa à ECA aparece a E-2LAMR, uma enzima que não é inibida por captopril e que é sensível à quimostatina e Ac-AAPL-CK. Embora quimases, que também são sensíveis à quimostatina, também possam ser candidatos a essa via independente da ECA, com base nos fatos de que a quimase I de rato tem uma atividade predominante de degradação da Ang II e que não existem relatos na literatura de que quimases sejam sensíveis ao inibidor Ac-AAPL-CK, esses dados em conjunto sugerem um possível papel para a E-2LAMR, mas não quimases, como uma via alternativa à ECA para a geração de Ang II no LAM isolado de rato. A clonagem e o seqüenciamento do cDNA para a E-2LAMR foram alcançados pela combinação de transcrição reversa e reação da polimerase em cadeia. A seqüência do cDNA mostrou-se idêntica à do cDNA para a elastase-2 pancreática de rato; o cDNA tem 909 nucleotídeos mais uma cauda poli (A) e codifica uma preproenzima de 271 amino ácidos. A análise dos supostos amino ácidos no sítio de ligação da Ang I revelou características que poderiam explicar a atividade do tipo carboxidipeptidase necessária para a eficiente conversão de Ang I em Ang II. Adicionalmente, a seqüência revela características estruturais que poderiam contribuir para a ausência de atividade dessa enzima sobre a Ang II. O RNAm para a E-2LAMR foi expresso em LAM, pâncreas, pulmão, coração, rim, fígado e baço, mas não em aorta de rato. Células endoteliais do LAM em cultura expressaram o RNAm para a E-2LAMR e sintetizaram a enzima. A localização intravascular dessa enzima e sua habilidade em formar Ang II e não clivar esse peptídeo indicam que ela poderia ter uma participação significativa como um agente formador de Ang II no sistema cardiovascular. Esses resultados também podem indicar que a E-2LAMR é expressa em vasos de resistência, mas não em vasos de condutância. / An elastase-2 has been recently described as the major angiotensin (Ang) II-forming enzyme of the rat mesenteric arterial bed (MAB) perfusate. Here, we have investigated the interaction of affinity-purified rat MAB elastase-2 with some substrates and inhibitors of both pancreatic elastases-2 and Ang II-forming chymases. The Ang II precursors [Pro11-D-Ala12]-Ang I and renin substrate tetradecaptide (TDP) were converted into Ang II by the rat MAB elastase-2 with catalytic efficiencies of 8.6 min-1mM-1 and 5.1 min-1mM-1, respectively, and the chromogenic substrates N-succinyl-Ala-Ala-Pro-Leu-p-nitroanilide and N-succinyl-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe-p-nitroanilide were hydrolyzed by the enzyme with catalytic efficiencies of 10.6 min-1mM-1 and 7.6 min-1mM-1, respectively. The noncleavable peptide inhibitor CH 5450 inhibited the rat MAB elastase-2 activities toward the substrates Ang I (IC50=49 mM) and N-succinyl-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe-p-nitroanilide (IC50=4.8 mM), whereas N-acetyl-Ala-Ala-Pro-Leu-chloromethylketone (Ac-AAPL-CK), an effective active site-directed inhibitor of pancreatic elastases-2, efficiently blocked the Ang II-generating activity of the rat MAB enzyme (IC50=4.5 mM). Altogether, these data confirm and extend the enzymological similarities between pancreatic elastases-2 and their rat MAB counterpart. Moreover, the thus far unrealized interaction of rat MAB elastase-2 with [Pro11-D-Ala12]-Ang I and CH 5450, both regarded as selective for chymases, suggests that evidence for the in vivo formation of Ang II by chymases may have been overestimated in previous investigations of Ang II-forming pathways. Experiments carried out in the isolated rat MAB analyzing the vasoconstrictor effect of Ang II, Ang I, TDP, and [Pro11-D-Ala12]-Ang I showed the existence of an ACE-independent pathway for Ang II generation, which is sensitive to chymostatin and Ac-AAPL-CK. Among the possible candidates for this ACE-independent pathway is rat MAB elastase-2, an enzyme that is not inhibited by captopril, and that is sensitive to chymostatin and Ac-AAPL-CK. Although chymases, which are also chymostatin-sensitive enzymes, might also be other possible candidates for this ACE-independent pathway, based on the fact that rat chymase I has a predominant Ang II-degrading activity, and because there are no reports in the literature that chymases are sensitive to Ac-AAPL-CK, altogether these data suggest a possible role for rat MAB elastase-2, but not chymases, as an alternative pathway to ACE for Ang II generation in the isolated rat MAB. The cloning and sequencing of the cDNA for the rat MAB elastase-2 was accomplished by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. The sequence of this cDNA was found identical to the sequence of the rat pancreatic elastase-2; the cDNA is 909 nucleotides in length plus a poly (A) tail and encodes a preproenzyme of 271 amino acids. Analysis of the putative amino acids in the extended Ang I binding site of the rat MAB elastase-2 reveals features that could explain the dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase-like activity required for efficient Ang I to Ang II conversion. Additionally, the sequence reveals structural features that could contribute to the lack of activity of this enzyme toward Ang II. Rat MAB elastase-2 mRNA was expressed in rat mesenteric arteries, pancreas, lung, heart, kidney, liver, and spleen but not in aorta. Cultured mesenteric endothelial cells expressed the mRNA for rat MAB elastase-2 and synthesized the enzyme itself. The intravascular localization of this enzyme and its ability to generate Ang II and not destroy this peptide indicate that it might play a role in the rat cardiovascular system as an Ang II-forming agent. These results may also indicate that rat MAB elastase-2 is expressed in resistance vessels but not in conduit vessels.
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Seleção entre estratégias de geração automática de dados de teste por meio de métricas estáticas de softwares orientados a objetos / Selection between whole test generation strategies by analysing object oriented software static metricsRamos, Gustavo da Mota 09 October 2018 (has links)
Produtos de software com diferentes complexidades são criados diariamente através da elicitação de demandas complexas e variadas juntamente a prazos restritos. Enquanto estes surgem, altos níveis de qualidade são esperados para tais, ou seja, enquanto os produtos tornam-se mais complexos, o nível de qualidade pode não ser aceitável enquanto o tempo hábil para testes não acompanha a complexidade. Desta maneira, o teste de software e a geração automática de dados de testes surgem com o intuito de entregar produtos contendo altos níveis de qualidade mediante baixos custos e rápidas atividades de teste. Porém, neste contexto, os profissionais de desenvolvimento dependem das estratégias de geração automáticas de testes e principalmente da seleção da técnica mais adequada para conseguir maior cobertura de código possível, este é um fator importante dados que cada técnica de geração de dados de teste possui particularidades e problemas que fazem seu uso melhor em determinados tipos de software. A partir desde cenário, o presente trabalho propõe a seleção da técnica adequada para cada classe de um software com base em suas características, expressas por meio de métricas de softwares orientados a objetos a partir do algoritmo de classificação Naive Bayes. Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica de dois algoritmos de geração, algoritmo de busca aleatório e algoritmo de busca genético, compreendendo assim suas vantagens e desvantagens tanto de implementação como de execução. As métricas CK também foram estudadas com o intuito de compreender como estas podem descrever melhor as características de uma classe. O conhecimento adquirido possibilitou coletar os dados de geração de testes de cada classe como cobertura de código e tempo de geração a partir de cada técnica e também as métricas CK, permitindo assim a análise destes dados em conjunto e por fim execução do algoritmo de classificação. Os resultados desta análise demonstraram que um conjunto reduzido e selecionado das métricas CK é mais eficiente e descreve melhor as características de uma classe se comparado ao uso do conjunto por completo. Os resultados apontam também que as métricas CK não influenciam o tempo de geração dos dados de teste, entretanto, as métricas CK demonstraram correlação moderada e influência na seleção do algoritmo genético, participando assim na sua seleção pelo algoritmo Naive Bayes / Software products with different complexity are created daily through analysis of complex and varied demands together with tight deadlines. While these arise, high levels of quality are expected for such, as products become more complex, the quality level may not be acceptable while the timing for testing does not keep up with complexity. In this way, software testing and automatic generation of test data arise in order to deliver products containing high levels of quality through low cost and rapid test activities. However, in this context, software developers depend on the strategies of automatic generation of tests and especially on the selection of the most adequate technique to obtain greater code coverage possible, this is an important factor given that each technique of data generation of test have peculiarities and problems that make its use better in certain types of software. From this scenario, the present work proposes the selection of the appropriate technique for each class of software based on its characteristics, expressed through object oriented software metrics from the naive bayes classification algorithm. Initially, a literature review of the two generation algorithms was carried out, random search algorithm and genetic search algorithm, thus understanding its advantages and disadvantages in both implementation and execution. The CK metrics have also been studied in order to understand how they can better describe the characteristics of a class. The acquired knowledge allowed to collect the generation data of tests of each class as code coverage and generation time from each technique and also the CK metrics, thus allowing the analysis of these data together and finally execution of the classification algorithm. The results of this analysis demonstrated that a reduced and selected set of metrics is more efficient and better describes the characteristics of a class besides demonstrating that the CK metrics have little or no influence on the generation time of the test data and on the random search algorithm . However, the CK metrics showed a medium correlation and influence in the selection of the genetic algorithm, thus participating in its selection by the algorithm naive bayes
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Seleção entre estratégias de geração automática de dados de teste por meio de métricas estáticas de softwares orientados a objetos / Selection between whole test generation strategies by analysing object oriented software static metricsGustavo da Mota Ramos 09 October 2018 (has links)
Produtos de software com diferentes complexidades são criados diariamente através da elicitação de demandas complexas e variadas juntamente a prazos restritos. Enquanto estes surgem, altos níveis de qualidade são esperados para tais, ou seja, enquanto os produtos tornam-se mais complexos, o nível de qualidade pode não ser aceitável enquanto o tempo hábil para testes não acompanha a complexidade. Desta maneira, o teste de software e a geração automática de dados de testes surgem com o intuito de entregar produtos contendo altos níveis de qualidade mediante baixos custos e rápidas atividades de teste. Porém, neste contexto, os profissionais de desenvolvimento dependem das estratégias de geração automáticas de testes e principalmente da seleção da técnica mais adequada para conseguir maior cobertura de código possível, este é um fator importante dados que cada técnica de geração de dados de teste possui particularidades e problemas que fazem seu uso melhor em determinados tipos de software. A partir desde cenário, o presente trabalho propõe a seleção da técnica adequada para cada classe de um software com base em suas características, expressas por meio de métricas de softwares orientados a objetos a partir do algoritmo de classificação Naive Bayes. Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica de dois algoritmos de geração, algoritmo de busca aleatório e algoritmo de busca genético, compreendendo assim suas vantagens e desvantagens tanto de implementação como de execução. As métricas CK também foram estudadas com o intuito de compreender como estas podem descrever melhor as características de uma classe. O conhecimento adquirido possibilitou coletar os dados de geração de testes de cada classe como cobertura de código e tempo de geração a partir de cada técnica e também as métricas CK, permitindo assim a análise destes dados em conjunto e por fim execução do algoritmo de classificação. Os resultados desta análise demonstraram que um conjunto reduzido e selecionado das métricas CK é mais eficiente e descreve melhor as características de uma classe se comparado ao uso do conjunto por completo. Os resultados apontam também que as métricas CK não influenciam o tempo de geração dos dados de teste, entretanto, as métricas CK demonstraram correlação moderada e influência na seleção do algoritmo genético, participando assim na sua seleção pelo algoritmo Naive Bayes / Software products with different complexity are created daily through analysis of complex and varied demands together with tight deadlines. While these arise, high levels of quality are expected for such, as products become more complex, the quality level may not be acceptable while the timing for testing does not keep up with complexity. In this way, software testing and automatic generation of test data arise in order to deliver products containing high levels of quality through low cost and rapid test activities. However, in this context, software developers depend on the strategies of automatic generation of tests and especially on the selection of the most adequate technique to obtain greater code coverage possible, this is an important factor given that each technique of data generation of test have peculiarities and problems that make its use better in certain types of software. From this scenario, the present work proposes the selection of the appropriate technique for each class of software based on its characteristics, expressed through object oriented software metrics from the naive bayes classification algorithm. Initially, a literature review of the two generation algorithms was carried out, random search algorithm and genetic search algorithm, thus understanding its advantages and disadvantages in both implementation and execution. The CK metrics have also been studied in order to understand how they can better describe the characteristics of a class. The acquired knowledge allowed to collect the generation data of tests of each class as code coverage and generation time from each technique and also the CK metrics, thus allowing the analysis of these data together and finally execution of the classification algorithm. The results of this analysis demonstrated that a reduced and selected set of metrics is more efficient and better describes the characteristics of a class besides demonstrating that the CK metrics have little or no influence on the generation time of the test data and on the random search algorithm . However, the CK metrics showed a medium correlation and influence in the selection of the genetic algorithm, thus participating in its selection by the algorithm naive bayes
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Caracterização bioquímica, funcional e molecular da elastase-2 formadora de angiotensina II do leito arterial mesentérico de rato. / Biochemical, functional and molecular characterization of the rat mesenteric arterial bed elastase-2, an angiotensin II-forming enzyme.Carlos Ferreira dos Santos 22 March 2002 (has links)
Uma elastase-2 foi recentemente descrita como a principal enzima formadora de angiotensina (Ang) II no perfusato do leito arterial mesentérico (LAM) isolado de rato. Investigamos a interação dessa elastase-2 do perfusato do LAM isolado de rato (E-2LAMR) com alguns substratos e inibidores de elastases-2 e de quimases formadoras de Ang II. Os precursores de Ang II, [Pro11-D-Ala12]-Ang I e substrato tetradecapeptídeo de renina (TDP), foram convertidos em Ang II pela E-2LAMR com eficiências catalíticas de 8,6 min-1mM-1 e 5,1 min-1mM-1, respectivamente, enquanto os substratos cromogênicos N-succinil-Ala-Ala-Pro-Leu-p-nitroanilida e N-succinil-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe-p-nitroanilida foram hidrolisados pela enzima com eficiências catalíticas de 10,6 min-1mM-1 e 7,6 min-1mM-1, respectivamente. O inibidor peptídico CH 5450 inibiu as atividades da E-2LAMR sobre os substratos Ang I (IC50=49 mM) e N-succinil-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe-p-nitroanilida (IC50=4,8 mM), enquanto Acetil-Ala-Ala-Pro-Leu-clorometilcetona (Ac-AAPL-CK), um efetivo inibidor de elastases-2 pancreáticas, bloqueou eficientemente a atividade formadora de Ang II da E-2LAMR (IC50=4,5 mM). Em conjunto, esses dados confirmaram e estenderam as similaridades enzimológicas entre elastases-2 pancreáticas e a E-2LAMR. Além disso, a interação até então desconhecida da E-2LAMR com [Pro11-D-Ala12]-Ang I e CH 5450, ambos considerados como reagentes seletivos para quimases, sugere que as evidências para a formação de Ang II in vivo por quimases podem ter sido superestimadas em investigações prévias sobre vias geradoras de Ang II. Experimentos realizados com o LAM isolado de rato analisando o efeito vasoconstritor de Ang II, Ang I, TDP e [Pro11-D-Ala12]-Ang I mostraram a existência de uma via geradora de Ang II independente da ECA, a qual é sensível à quimostatina e Ac-AAPL-CK. Entre os possíveis candidatos para essa via alternativa à ECA aparece a E-2LAMR, uma enzima que não é inibida por captopril e que é sensível à quimostatina e Ac-AAPL-CK. Embora quimases, que também são sensíveis à quimostatina, também possam ser candidatos a essa via independente da ECA, com base nos fatos de que a quimase I de rato tem uma atividade predominante de degradação da Ang II e que não existem relatos na literatura de que quimases sejam sensíveis ao inibidor Ac-AAPL-CK, esses dados em conjunto sugerem um possível papel para a E-2LAMR, mas não quimases, como uma via alternativa à ECA para a geração de Ang II no LAM isolado de rato. A clonagem e o seqüenciamento do cDNA para a E-2LAMR foram alcançados pela combinação de transcrição reversa e reação da polimerase em cadeia. A seqüência do cDNA mostrou-se idêntica à do cDNA para a elastase-2 pancreática de rato; o cDNA tem 909 nucleotídeos mais uma cauda poli (A) e codifica uma preproenzima de 271 amino ácidos. A análise dos supostos amino ácidos no sítio de ligação da Ang I revelou características que poderiam explicar a atividade do tipo carboxidipeptidase necessária para a eficiente conversão de Ang I em Ang II. Adicionalmente, a seqüência revela características estruturais que poderiam contribuir para a ausência de atividade dessa enzima sobre a Ang II. O RNAm para a E-2LAMR foi expresso em LAM, pâncreas, pulmão, coração, rim, fígado e baço, mas não em aorta de rato. Células endoteliais do LAM em cultura expressaram o RNAm para a E-2LAMR e sintetizaram a enzima. A localização intravascular dessa enzima e sua habilidade em formar Ang II e não clivar esse peptídeo indicam que ela poderia ter uma participação significativa como um agente formador de Ang II no sistema cardiovascular. Esses resultados também podem indicar que a E-2LAMR é expressa em vasos de resistência, mas não em vasos de condutância. / An elastase-2 has been recently described as the major angiotensin (Ang) II-forming enzyme of the rat mesenteric arterial bed (MAB) perfusate. Here, we have investigated the interaction of affinity-purified rat MAB elastase-2 with some substrates and inhibitors of both pancreatic elastases-2 and Ang II-forming chymases. The Ang II precursors [Pro11-D-Ala12]-Ang I and renin substrate tetradecaptide (TDP) were converted into Ang II by the rat MAB elastase-2 with catalytic efficiencies of 8.6 min-1mM-1 and 5.1 min-1mM-1, respectively, and the chromogenic substrates N-succinyl-Ala-Ala-Pro-Leu-p-nitroanilide and N-succinyl-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe-p-nitroanilide were hydrolyzed by the enzyme with catalytic efficiencies of 10.6 min-1mM-1 and 7.6 min-1mM-1, respectively. The noncleavable peptide inhibitor CH 5450 inhibited the rat MAB elastase-2 activities toward the substrates Ang I (IC50=49 mM) and N-succinyl-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe-p-nitroanilide (IC50=4.8 mM), whereas N-acetyl-Ala-Ala-Pro-Leu-chloromethylketone (Ac-AAPL-CK), an effective active site-directed inhibitor of pancreatic elastases-2, efficiently blocked the Ang II-generating activity of the rat MAB enzyme (IC50=4.5 mM). Altogether, these data confirm and extend the enzymological similarities between pancreatic elastases-2 and their rat MAB counterpart. Moreover, the thus far unrealized interaction of rat MAB elastase-2 with [Pro11-D-Ala12]-Ang I and CH 5450, both regarded as selective for chymases, suggests that evidence for the in vivo formation of Ang II by chymases may have been overestimated in previous investigations of Ang II-forming pathways. Experiments carried out in the isolated rat MAB analyzing the vasoconstrictor effect of Ang II, Ang I, TDP, and [Pro11-D-Ala12]-Ang I showed the existence of an ACE-independent pathway for Ang II generation, which is sensitive to chymostatin and Ac-AAPL-CK. Among the possible candidates for this ACE-independent pathway is rat MAB elastase-2, an enzyme that is not inhibited by captopril, and that is sensitive to chymostatin and Ac-AAPL-CK. Although chymases, which are also chymostatin-sensitive enzymes, might also be other possible candidates for this ACE-independent pathway, based on the fact that rat chymase I has a predominant Ang II-degrading activity, and because there are no reports in the literature that chymases are sensitive to Ac-AAPL-CK, altogether these data suggest a possible role for rat MAB elastase-2, but not chymases, as an alternative pathway to ACE for Ang II generation in the isolated rat MAB. The cloning and sequencing of the cDNA for the rat MAB elastase-2 was accomplished by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. The sequence of this cDNA was found identical to the sequence of the rat pancreatic elastase-2; the cDNA is 909 nucleotides in length plus a poly (A) tail and encodes a preproenzyme of 271 amino acids. Analysis of the putative amino acids in the extended Ang I binding site of the rat MAB elastase-2 reveals features that could explain the dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase-like activity required for efficient Ang I to Ang II conversion. Additionally, the sequence reveals structural features that could contribute to the lack of activity of this enzyme toward Ang II. Rat MAB elastase-2 mRNA was expressed in rat mesenteric arteries, pancreas, lung, heart, kidney, liver, and spleen but not in aorta. Cultured mesenteric endothelial cells expressed the mRNA for rat MAB elastase-2 and synthesized the enzyme itself. The intravascular localization of this enzyme and its ability to generate Ang II and not destroy this peptide indicate that it might play a role in the rat cardiovascular system as an Ang II-forming agent. These results may also indicate that rat MAB elastase-2 is expressed in resistance vessels but not in conduit vessels.
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Návrh metod a nástrojů pro zrychlení vývoje softwaru pro vestavěné procesory se zaměřením na aplikace v mechatronice / DESIGN OF METHODS AND TOOLS ACCELERATING THE SOFTWARE DESIGN FOR EMBEDDED PROCESSORS TARGETED FOR MECHATRONICS APPLICATIONSLamberský, Vojtěch January 2015 (has links)
The main focus of this dissertation thesis is on methods and tools which can increase the speed of software development process for embedded processors used in mechatronics applications. The first part of this work introduces software and hardware tools suitable for a rapid development and prototyping of new applications used today. This work focuses on two main topics from the mentioned application field. The first topic is a development of tools for an automatic code generation from the Simulink environment for an embedded processor. The second topic is a development of tools enabling execution time prediction based on a Simulink model. Next chapter of this work describes various aspects and properties of the Cerebot blockset, which is a toolset for a fully automatic code generation from a Simulink environment for an embedded processor. Following chapter describes various methods that are suitable for predicting the execution time on an embedded processor based on a Simulink model. Main contribution of this work presents the created support for a fully automatic code generation from a Simulink software for the MX7 cK hardware, which enables a code generation supporting also a complex peripheral (a graphic display unit). The next important contribution of this work presents the developed method for an automatic prediction of the software execution time based on a Simulink model.
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A framework for semantic web implementation based on context-oriented controlled automatic annotation.Hatem, Muna Salman January 2009 (has links)
The Semantic Web is the vision of the future Web. Its aim is to enable machines to process Web documents in a way that makes it possible for the computer software to "understand" the meaning of the document contents. Each document on the Semantic Web is to be enriched with meta-data that express the semantics of its contents. Many infrastructures, technologies and standards have been developed and have proven their theoretical use for the Semantic Web, yet very few applications have been created. Most of the current Semantic Web applications were developed for research purposes. This project investigates the major factors restricting the wide spread of Semantic Web applications. We identify the two most important requirements for a successful implementation as the automatic production of the semantically annotated document, and the creation and maintenance of semantic based knowledge base.
This research proposes a framework for Semantic Web implementation based on context-oriented controlled automatic Annotation; for short, we called the framework the Semantic Web Implementation Framework (SWIF) and the system that implements this framework the Semantic Web Implementation System (SWIS). The proposed architecture provides for a Semantic Web implementation of stand-alone websites that automatically annotates Web pages before being uploaded to the Intranet or Internet, and maintains persistent storage of Resource Description Framework (RDF) data for both the domain memory, denoted by Control Knowledge, and the meta-data of the Web site¿s pages. We believe that the presented implementation of the major parts of SWIS introduce a competitive system with current state of art Annotation tools and knowledge management systems; this is because it handles input documents in the
context in which they are created in addition to the automatic learning and verification of knowledge using only the available computerized corporate databases. In this work, we introduce the concept of Control Knowledge (CK) that represents the application¿s domain memory and use it to verify the extracted knowledge. Learning is based on the number of occurrences of the same piece of information in different documents. We introduce the concept of Verifiability in the context of Annotation by comparing the extracted text¿s meaning with the information in the CK and the use of the proposed database table Verifiability_Tab. We use the linguistic concept Thematic Role in investigating and identifying the correct meaning of words in text documents, this helps correct relation extraction. The verb lexicon used contains the argument structure of each verb together with the thematic structure of the arguments. We also introduce a new method to chunk conjoined statements and identify the missing subject of the produced clauses. We use the semantic class of verbs that relates a list of verbs to a single property in the ontology, which helps in disambiguating the verb in the input text to enable better information extraction and Annotation. Consequently we propose the following definition for the annotated document or what is sometimes called the ¿Intelligent Document¿ ¿The Intelligent Document is the document that clearly expresses its syntax and semantics for human use and software automation¿.
This work introduces a promising improvement to the quality of the automatically generated annotated document and the quality of the automatically extracted information in the knowledge base. Our approach in the area of using Semantic Web
technology opens new opportunities for diverse areas of applications. E-Learning applications can be greatly improved and become more effective.
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Segmentation and dynamic expansion of IDS rulesetsBannikere Eshwarappa, Theertharaja January 2024 (has links)
This research explores an innovative approach to managing extensive rulesets in Host Intrusion Detection Systems (HIDS) through segmentation and dynamic expansion. Drawing upon the MITRE ATT&CK framework, the methodology categorizes rulesets into initial detection, choke point detection, and advanced detection, streamlines threat detection, and optimizes resource utilization. The segmentation allows for targeted detection of potential threats, while dynamic expansion enables the addition of advanced detection rules based on attacker actions. The study evaluates the effectiveness of this approach in reducing performance overhead and improving threat detection capabilities. Test cases validate the approach for detecting multi-stage attacks and optimizing system performance. Results indicate that while the segmentation and dynamic expansion technique offers structured threat detection, challenges such as missed detections and complexity in rule management exist. Future research directions include refining segmentation processes and enhancing rule categorization logic. Overall, this research contributes to the advancement of HIDS methodologies and underscores the importance of ongoing refinement and validation in cybersecurity strategies.
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Immunhistochemischer Algorithmus zur Diagnostik maligner Keimzelltumoren des Hodens / Immunohistochemical algorithm for the diagnosis of malignant germ cell tumors of the testisMayer-Eichberger, Katharina 28 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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