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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Omfattning och differenser av gränshävder kontra registerkartan i Boda, Skellefteå kommun

Carlsson, Carl, Norén, Carl January 2014 (has links)
The cadastral index map is a great benefit to the surveying and governments. The map's main purpose is to show how the overall cadastral division looks in Sweden. The lack of quality of the cadastral index map dose not allows property-owners to know where to draw the boundary between their and others' property. In order to know where to find the boundaries between two properties, is it up to the property-owners themselves (self or in company by the other property-owner) to construct various usucaption at the boundaries. The main objective of the study is to verify the existence and extent of usucaption on forest properties in Bodan, a village outside Skellefteå. A subsidiary aim of the study was intended to investigate the problems that can occur when measuring with GNSS in a forest environment. Another subsidiary aim were to describe what legal protection the boundary conditions has been and find out how usucaption today is handled by the Cadastral Authority. Measurements of all usucaptions have been performed. This process of measurement was performed with GNSS instruments and network RTK as the measurement method. In order to answer how usucaption is currently handled an interview study was conducted, in which 7 people were interviewed. The results of previous studies resulted in forest density has the greatest impact on GNSS survey in the forest environment. After processing the data, the results concluded that differences in tree height are the most common usucaption in Bodan. Then an estimate of the deviation between all usucaptions and the cadastral index map was made. This resulted in the largest maximum deviation between usucaption and cadastral index map was 11,463 m and the average deviation of all usucaption against the cadastral index map was 2.074 m. The conclusion drawn after the course of the work was that the longer boundary lines, the greater the distance between claimed border and the cadastral index map. By interpreting and describing the text of § 18 JP, 14 Ch. 5 § FBL and immemorial custom has the legal situation of usucaption been answered.  The result was that usucaption today has a relatively weak legal protection, it is only when the boundaries are not legally defined the Cadastral Authority is using a usucaption to determining a boundary. By using laws principles § 18 JP, 14 Ch. 5 § FBL and immemorial custom, a boundary is moved if there is an agreement, however, requires a very high degree of proof for this to be implemented. From the interviews, the result was that usucaptions is not often used to decide a new boundary. The usucaptions is instead used to show the property owners where the approximate boundary is. An agreement between the property-owners is the most common solution on how usucaptions are handled. / Den digitala registerkartan (DRK) är till stor nytta för Lantmäteriet, myndigheter och övriga näringsidkare. Kartans huvudsyfte är att visa hur fastighetsindelningen ser ut i landet. Den bristande kvalitén på DRK gör att fastighetsägare inte vet var gränsen går mellan deras och andras fastigheter. För att veta var fastighetsgränsen går mellan två fastigheter kan fastighetsägare själva eller i samtycke med den andra fastighetsägaren uppföra olika gränshävder. Huvudsyftet med studien är att kontrollera förekomsten och omfattningen av gränshävder på skogsfastigheter i Bodan, en by utanför Skellefteå. Ett delsyfte med studien var att fastsälla vilka problem som kan uppstå vid mätning med GNSS i skogsmiljö. Ytterliggare delsyften var att beskriva vilket rättsligt skydd en gränshävd har samt ta reda på hur gränshävder idag hanteras av kommunala lantmäteriet i Skellefteå. För att undersöka hur stor omfattningen av gränshävderna var har det utförts inmätningar över alla gränshävder. Denna inmätningsprocess utfördes med GNSS-instrument och nätverks-RTK som mätningsmetod.  För att kunna besvara på vilka problem som kan uppstå vid GNSS-mätning i skogsmiljö har tidigare studier inom området undersökts. Undersökningen om tidigare studier resulterade i att skogens täthet har den största inverkan på GNSS-mätning i skogsmiljö. Efter bearbetning av mätdata från inmätningsprocessen blev resultatet att differens i trädhöjd (beståndsgräns) är den vanligaste gränshävden i Bodan. En beräkning av alla linjers medel-, maxavvikelse och medianvärde gjordes där resultatet blev att den största maxavvikelsen mellan en gränshävd och registerkartan var 11,463 m och att medelavvikelsen för alla gränshävder gentemot registerkartan var 2,074 m. Slutsatsen som drogs efter arbetes gång var att ju längre gränslinjerna är desto större är avstånden mellan gränshävderna och digitala registerkartan. Genom att tolka och beskriva 18 § JP, 14 kap. 5 § FBL (SFS 1970:988) samt urminneshävd har gränshävders rättsläge besvarats. 7 intervjuer har genomförts för att kunna besvara hur gränshävder idag hanteras. Resultatet från tolkningen av rättsläget blev att gränshävder idag har ett relativt svagt rättsligt skydd, det är först när gränser är icke lagligt bestämda som Lantmäteriet utgår från en gränshävd för att bestämma en gräns sträckning. Genom att använda lagrummen 18 § JP, 14 kap. 5 § FBL (SFS 1970:988) samt urminnes hävd kan en gräns sträckning flyttas om det finns överenskommelse, dock krävs en mycket hög bevisgrad för att detta ska kunna genomföras. Från intervjuerna blev resultatet att gränshävder oftast inte är till för att hävda en gräns sträckning från den lagligt bestämda utan att visa var gränsen går på marken. Samt att en överenskommelse mellan fastighetsägare är den vanligaste lösningen på hur gränshävder hanteras.

Confiabilidade de rede GPS de referência cadastral municipal - estudo de caso : rede do município de Vitória (ES) / Reliability of network GPS of municipal cadastral reference - study of case : network of the municipal district of Vitória (ES)

Amorim, Geraldo Passos 25 March 2004 (has links)
A proposta deste trabalho é estudar as teorias de análise de qualidade de rede GPS, baseando-se nas teorias de confiabilidade de rede propostas por Baarda, em 1968. As hipóteses estatísticas para detecção de "outliers" constituem a base desse estudo, pois são fundamentais para elaboração dos testes de detecção de "outliers", localização e eliminação de erros grosseiros e, também, para a análise da confiabilidade da rede. A confiabilidade, que traduz a controlabilidade da rede e depende do número de redundância, é estudada em dois aspectos: confiabilidade interna e confiabilidade externa. A rede de referência cadastral do município de Vitória – ES, escolhida para o estudo de caso foi estabelecida por GPS, em 2001, tendo como concepção básica a implantação de 37 pares de vértices intervisíveis, privilegiando locais públicos e de livre acesso. Essa rede foi ajustada em 2001 pela Prefeitura Municipal de Vitória, e as coordenadas ajustadas dos vértices são usadas, deste então, para apoiar todos os levantamentos topográficos e cadastrais realizados no município. O ajustamento dessa rede, em 2001, constituiu-se de um ajustamento simples em que os testes estatísticos de detecção de "outliers", a localização e eliminação dos erros grosseiros não foram levados em conta. A parte prática desta pesquisa compreendeu a medição de 21 novos vetores (linhas bases) para formar uma rede de controle, conforme estabelece a NBR-14166, o ajustamento dessa rede de controle (15 vértices) e o ajustamento da rede principal (78 vértices), tendo por injunção a rede de controle previamente ajustada. A principal diferença ente o ajustamento de 2001, feito pela Prefeitura Municipal de Vitória, e ajustamento de 2004, feito para esta pesquisa, foi a consideração no novo ajustamento dos testes estatísticos baseados nas teorias de confiabilidade propostas por Baarda. A comparação entre os resultados dos dois ajustamentos da rede cadastral de Vitória não apontou diferenças significativas entre as coordenadas ajustadas / The proposal of this work is to study the theories of analysis of network quality GPS, basing on the theories of reliability network proposed by Baarda, in 1968. The statistical hypotheses for outlier's detection constitute the base of this study, because they are fundamental for elaboration of the tests of outlier's detection tests, location and elimination of observations with gross errors as well as for the analysis of the realiability of the network. The reliability, that translates the controllability of the network and it depends of the redundancy number, it was studied in two aspects: internal reliability and external reliability. The network of cadastral reference of the municipal district of Vitória (ES), chosen for the case study it established by GPS, in 2001. The basic conception of this network was the implantation of 37 pair of vertexes inter-visible, privileging public places (of free access), as sidewalks and central stonemasons. This network adjusted in 2001 by the Municipal City Hall of Vitória, and the adjusted coordinates of the vertexes used, of this then, to support all topographical and cadastral survey accomplished in the municipal district. The adjustment of this network, in 2001, constituted of a simple adjustment in that did not take into account the statistical tests of outlier's detection and location and elimination of observations with gross errors. The practical part of this research was constituted of the measurement of 21 new vectors (line bases) to form a control network, as it establishes NBR-14166, the adjustment of that control network (15 vertexes) and the adjustment of the main network (78 vertexes), tends previously for injunction the control network adjusted. To principal it differentiates being the adjustment of 2001, done by the Municipal City Hall of Vitória, and adjustment of 2004, done for this research; it was the consideration in the new adjustment of the based statistical tests, mainly, in the reliability theories proposed by Baarda. The results of the adjustment of 2001 and of 2004 compared, and it verified that, in the case of the cadastral network of Vitória, there was not significant difference among results found in the two adjustments

Přepracování katastrálního operátu v katastrálním území Zakřany / Creation of Digitalized Cadastral Map in Cadastral District Zakřany

Buršíková, Monika January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with renewal of cadastral documentation in cadastral area of Zakřany. The area of interest is only the urban part of village of Zakřany. The documentation of non-urban areas was renewed based on complex land adjustment resulting in a digital cadastral map valid from October 8, 2012. In the urban area the original analog cadastral map in scale 1:2000 is still valid. This map was created based on results of technical-economical mapping in 1969. Parcels still registered in so called simplified register will be removed based on maps of former land cadastre. The result of the master's thesis will be draft of digital cadastral map created in MicroGEOS Nautil program.

Zaměření části obce Kotvrdovice pro obnovu katastrálního operátu / Survey of village Kotvrdovice for renewal of cadastral documentation

Čečotková, Kristýna January 2014 (has links)
The subjekt of this thesis is measuring of the urban area of Kotvrdovice, where was to displacements development to the existing analog cadastral map. The aim is develop a foundation that will serve as a basis for cadastral office Blansko, in negotiations with the owners for the detection of bounderies. The work includes individual processes work (measuring, calculations and graphics processing) and verification minor geodetic control, that has been developed within the theses in previous years.

Tauragės rajono kadastriniai matavimai / Cadastral surveying of the district of Tauragė

Lukoševičius, Tomas 16 June 2010 (has links)
Geodeziniai (kadastriniai) matavimai šiuo metu įgauna vis didesnę reikšmę. Magistro darbe išnagrinėti Lietuvos Respublikos įstatymai, vyriausybės nutarimai, kiti teisės aktai, straipsniai, internetinė informacija, susijusi su kadastrinių matavimų vykdymu, derinimu, kadastro duomenų suformavimu, jų įrašymu į duomenų bazę ir perspektyvomis, apžvelgta Tauragės rajone geodeziškai matuotų sklypų kitimo tendencijos per pastaruosius septynerius metus. Analizuojamas jų kiekis pagal tikslinę naudojimo paskirtį, atskirai aptariami žemės sklypų geodeziniai matavimai ir pasitaikančios problemos juos matuojant. Aptariamos problemos, galinčios atsirasti po žemės reformos pabaigos. Pateikiami konkretūs problemų, pasitaikančių vykdant kadastrinius matavimus, pavyzdžiai, aptariami jų sprendimo būdai ir pateikiamos išvados: blogai parengti žemės reformos žemėtvarkos projektai apsunkina kadastrinių matavimų atlikimą, įvertinus visas preliminariai blogai pamatuotų sklypų pasekmes, būtina kuo skubiau pereiti prie visų žemės sklypų kadastrinių matavimų, reikėtų pakeisti kai kuriuos teisės aktus siekiant užtikrinti geodezinių matavimų supaprastinamą. / Surveying (Cadastral) measurements are becoming increasingly important. Master's work to examine the Lithuanian law, government regulations and other laws, articles, online informatikon relating to the cadastral pursuit of cadastral the formation of the data and their inclusion in the database and the prospects looked Cesis district geodeziškai measured plots the trend over the past seven years. Analyzing the content for its intended use, are highlighted in the land of Geodesy and common problems they are measured. Deals with issues that may arise after the completion of land reform. Presented specific problems occurring in the cadastral measurements, the samples are discussed and solutions to the conclusion that a poor agricultural land reform projects are complicated by cadastral conducting a preliminary assessment of all the ill effects of measured sites, the urgency to go all the cadastral land parcels should be change some laws in order to ensure the simplification of the geodetic measurements.

Upphävande av ledningsrätt i vattenområde : Hur hanteras eventuell miljöskada inom Stockholms län

Juric, Marija January 2016 (has links)
I dagens samhälle är vi beroende av elkraft, vatten- och avloppsförsörjning, bredband och andra ledningar som är till stor nytta för människor och infrastruktur. För att säkra rätten att dra fram ledningar för olika ändamål bildas det ofta ledningsrätter. Samhällen förändras över tiden och själva tekniken moderniseras. Befintliga ledningar räcker inte till vilket gör att behov av fler ledningar och ledningsrätter uppstår. Ledningar och anläggningar som tjänat ut sitt ändamål ändras eller upphävs. Frågan uppstår då vad som händer med ledningar och dess anordningar efter det att de tjänat ut sitt ändamål. Hur hanteras eventuell miljöskada?   När det skrivs om bildande, ändring och/eller upphävande av ledningsrätter går tankarna oftast till själva processen samt kring nytta av ändamål och syfte som ledningsrätten uppfyller. Själva miljöaspekten är något som det inte pratas lika mycket om. När ledningar befinner sig på sjöbotten eller blir kvarlämnade efter att de tjänat ut sitt ändamål pågår nedbrytning av materialet som sprids ut i vattnet.   De metoder som har använts i arbetet är: (1) en juridisk studie där rättslägget undersöks och beskrivs; (2) en intervjustudie för att analysera hur Lantmäteriet och Länsstyrelsen ser på problematiken kring ledningar som lämnas kvar i vatten efter att ledningsrätt har upphävts samt en intervjustudie för att analysera i vilket mån är fastighetsägarna och ledningsrättshavarna informerade om själva problematiken kring ledningar som finns kvar i vattnet efter att ledningsrätt har upphävts och vem de anser har ansvar att ta bort ledningar för att återställa miljö i vattenområde; (3) en granskning av förrättningsakter för att analysera om tillräcklig information ges ut till fastighetsägarna och ledningsrättshavarna om vad som kommer att hända med ledningar efter att dessa tjänat ut sitt syfte och att analysera om någon miljöbedömning gjorts avseende miljöpåverkan av ledningar i vattenområde.   Resultatet och slutsatsen av examensarbetet ger svar på frågan om den gällande lagstiftningen tar hänsyn till miljö under iordningsställande av ledningsrätten, vilka brister som råder kring hantering av miljöfrågor och hur dessa brister skulle kunna åtgärdas. / In today's society we are dependent on electricity, water and sewage treatment, broadband and other lines, which are of great benefit to people and infrastructure. In order to secure the right to draw up cables for different purposes are formed often rights. Communities change over time, and the technology itself modernized. Existing utility easements are not sufficient, which means that the need for more cables and rights occurs. Existing pipelines and facilities that served their purpose, amended or repealed. The question arises what happens with the lines and the devices after they served their purpose. How is environmental damage managed?   When written about the establishment, amendment and / or termination of utility easements there is usually suggest of the process itself as well as about the advantage of object and purpose of the utility easement which it meet. The environmental aspect is something that is not talked about as much. When the cables are on the bottom of the lake, or gets left behind after they served their purpose, it starts ongoing degradation of the material out in the water. What happened is – impact on environmental and thereby also people's life quality.   The methods used in the work are: (1) a legal study of legal position examined and described; (2) an interview to analyze how the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority and the County Board looks at the problem of wiring left in the water after a utility easement has been repealed and an interview study to analyze to what extent are the property owners and proprietor of the utility easement informed about the problem of cables left in the water after the utility easement right has been revoked and who they think has the responsibility to remove the cables to restore the environment in the water area; (3) a review of the ordinance acts to analyze whether sufficient information is given out to the property owners and proprietor of the utility easement about what will happen to the cables after they served their purpose and to analyze whether an environmental assessment has been made regarding the environmental impact of the cables in the water area.   The results and the conclusion of the thesis answers the question whether current legislation including the environment during the preparation of utility easement, identifying gaps about the management of environmental issues and how these gaps could be fixed.

Confiabilidade de rede GPS de referência cadastral municipal - estudo de caso : rede do município de Vitória (ES) / Reliability of network GPS of municipal cadastral reference - study of case : network of the municipal district of Vitória (ES)

Geraldo Passos Amorim 25 March 2004 (has links)
A proposta deste trabalho é estudar as teorias de análise de qualidade de rede GPS, baseando-se nas teorias de confiabilidade de rede propostas por Baarda, em 1968. As hipóteses estatísticas para detecção de "outliers" constituem a base desse estudo, pois são fundamentais para elaboração dos testes de detecção de "outliers", localização e eliminação de erros grosseiros e, também, para a análise da confiabilidade da rede. A confiabilidade, que traduz a controlabilidade da rede e depende do número de redundância, é estudada em dois aspectos: confiabilidade interna e confiabilidade externa. A rede de referência cadastral do município de Vitória – ES, escolhida para o estudo de caso foi estabelecida por GPS, em 2001, tendo como concepção básica a implantação de 37 pares de vértices intervisíveis, privilegiando locais públicos e de livre acesso. Essa rede foi ajustada em 2001 pela Prefeitura Municipal de Vitória, e as coordenadas ajustadas dos vértices são usadas, deste então, para apoiar todos os levantamentos topográficos e cadastrais realizados no município. O ajustamento dessa rede, em 2001, constituiu-se de um ajustamento simples em que os testes estatísticos de detecção de "outliers", a localização e eliminação dos erros grosseiros não foram levados em conta. A parte prática desta pesquisa compreendeu a medição de 21 novos vetores (linhas bases) para formar uma rede de controle, conforme estabelece a NBR-14166, o ajustamento dessa rede de controle (15 vértices) e o ajustamento da rede principal (78 vértices), tendo por injunção a rede de controle previamente ajustada. A principal diferença ente o ajustamento de 2001, feito pela Prefeitura Municipal de Vitória, e ajustamento de 2004, feito para esta pesquisa, foi a consideração no novo ajustamento dos testes estatísticos baseados nas teorias de confiabilidade propostas por Baarda. A comparação entre os resultados dos dois ajustamentos da rede cadastral de Vitória não apontou diferenças significativas entre as coordenadas ajustadas / The proposal of this work is to study the theories of analysis of network quality GPS, basing on the theories of reliability network proposed by Baarda, in 1968. The statistical hypotheses for outlier's detection constitute the base of this study, because they are fundamental for elaboration of the tests of outlier's detection tests, location and elimination of observations with gross errors as well as for the analysis of the realiability of the network. The reliability, that translates the controllability of the network and it depends of the redundancy number, it was studied in two aspects: internal reliability and external reliability. The network of cadastral reference of the municipal district of Vitória (ES), chosen for the case study it established by GPS, in 2001. The basic conception of this network was the implantation of 37 pair of vertexes inter-visible, privileging public places (of free access), as sidewalks and central stonemasons. This network adjusted in 2001 by the Municipal City Hall of Vitória, and the adjusted coordinates of the vertexes used, of this then, to support all topographical and cadastral survey accomplished in the municipal district. The adjustment of this network, in 2001, constituted of a simple adjustment in that did not take into account the statistical tests of outlier's detection and location and elimination of observations with gross errors. The practical part of this research was constituted of the measurement of 21 new vectors (line bases) to form a control network, as it establishes NBR-14166, the adjustment of that control network (15 vertexes) and the adjustment of the main network (78 vertexes), tends previously for injunction the control network adjusted. To principal it differentiates being the adjustment of 2001, done by the Municipal City Hall of Vitória, and adjustment of 2004, done for this research; it was the consideration in the new adjustment of the based statistical tests, mainly, in the reliability theories proposed by Baarda. The results of the adjustment of 2001 and of 2004 compared, and it verified that, in the case of the cadastral network of Vitória, there was not significant difference among results found in the two adjustments

Standardization of Real Property Rights and Public Regulations : The Legal Cadastral Domain Model

Paasch, Jesper M. January 2012 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to develop a conceptual model for classification of real property rights and public regulations. The model is called the Legal Cadastral Domain Model. The model is intended to be a terminological framework for cross-border exchange of cadastral information. Parties exchanging cadastral information via the model do not require detailed knowledge of the legal system in which the right or regulation is created. The model is based on the principle that real property rights and public regulations influence real property ownership by being either beneficial or encumbering for the real property owner. The theoretical departure of the research presented in this thesis is in comparative legal theory and terminology. Real property rights and public regulations are important parts of real property legislation as they describe and secure the use and other exploitation of land, water and air. The research is conducted through studies in real property legislation and associated literature. The model has been developed through case studies on real property rights in Portugal, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands and Sweden and public regulations in Portugal and Sweden. The generated results show that it seems possible to describe real property rights and public regulations regardless of their legal origin, at least in Western legal systems. The thesis also includes a discussion of terminological aspects concerning definitions of three-dimensional (3D) real property. The thesis consists of a summary and 6 papers. / <p>QC 20120629</p>

Inžinerinių statinių kadastro matavimo ir registravimo analizė / Engineering Cadastre Measurement Analysis Of The Registration

Lukoševičienė, Saulė 03 June 2009 (has links)
Magistrantūros studijų baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjami teisiniai aspektai registruojant infrastruktūros objektus kaip atskirus nekilnojamojo turto daiktus. Analizuojamos susidarančios esminės problemos teisiškai valdyti inžinerinius statinius. Patirtis ir anketinė apklausa specialistų, atliekančių inžinerinių objektų matavimus ir registravimą parodo, kad šiuo metu intensyviai Lietuvoje vyksta naujų bei senų infrastruktūros objektų rekonstravimas, panaudojant ir Europos sąjungos (ES) lėšas. Pagal atliktą apklausą nustatyti faktoriai, kurie turi neigiamą įtaką inžinerinių statinių kadastrinių matavimų kokybei ir registravimui. Nagrinėjami žemės ir kito nekilnojamojo turto teisės šaltiniai bei jų reguliuojamieji teisiniai santykiai, nekilnojamojo turto kadastras, registras, jo perleidimo sandoriai, valdymas naudojimasis, disponavimas juo, servitutas. / Graduate Studies final examined the work of the legal aspects of registration facilities as separate property items. Analyze the fundamental problems arising in the management of buildings and civil engineering works legally. Experience and questionnaire survey of specialists to carry out the objects of engineering measurements and record shows that at present Lithuania is intensely new and old infrastructure reconstruction, and the use of EU funds. According to a survey carried out to identify factors that have a negative impact on the engineering and cadastral measurements of the quality of registration. Description of sources of Land and Real estate Law; relations regalement by Land and Real estate Law, Cadastre of Real Estate, Register, agreements of its alienation, management, usage, disposition, servitute.

Evolution of Digital Reinstatement Methods Within Private Cadastral Organisations

Steggall, Stephen William January 2001 (has links)
Cadastral reinstatement methods within Queensland involve the use of modern digital surveying techniques in combination with traditional non-digital methods of recording and reporting information. This leads to the need to manually enter and re-enter data into a digital format at different stages of a survey. The requirement to lodge survey information with government organisations in a non-digital survey plan format also forces a break in digital data flow throughout the cadastral surveying system, which can only be updated by changes in the lodgement regulations. The private cadastral organisations are predominantly responsible for carrying out the cadastral surveys and the government agencies are primarily responsible for the examination, verification and administration of the cadastral data. These organisations will have no communication link for digital cadastral data until the introduction of digital data lodgement. The digital system within the private cadastral surveying organisations can therefore be considered to be an independent system with consideration needed to be given to the future introduction of a digital lodgement system at some undefined time in the future. Cadastral surveyors hold large amounts of digital information that is suitable for digital reinstatement systems. This information, if appropriately archived and distributed, has the capacity to meet the needs of reinstatement systems including as an alternative source of digital information that will eventually be obtained from digital lodgement systems. The existing technology and the private organisation structures are capable of supporting continuous digital data flow and automated systems. This research proposes a process of development for private cadastral organisations to advance from traditional systems to continuous digital data flow and automated processes within their cadastral reinstatement systems. The development process is linked to existing legislation and technology taking into consideration likely future directions. The current legislative and technological environments within Queensland allow for development towards automated digital systems that will enhance most current cadastral reinstatement systems.

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