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Nekilnojamojo turto kadastrinių matavimų kokybės tyrimas Klaipėdos regione / Quality research of real estate cadastral survey in Klaipėda districtŠernaitė, Žimantė 16 June 2014 (has links)
Kasmet augant nekilnojamojo turto rinkai, vis didesnę reikšmę įgauna kadastriniai matavimai. Darbo tikslas – ištirti Klaipėdos rajono žemės sklypų ir statinių kadastrinių matavimų kokybę. Tiriamajame darbe apžvelgiami šiai temai aktualūs teisės aktai, moksliniai straipsniai ir knygos. Nagrinėjami žemės sklypų ir statinių formavimo būdai. Darbe pritaikomas statistinės analizės metodas: nagrinėjama Valstybės įmonės Registrų centro Klaipėdos filiale surinkta informacija apie 2013 m. atliktus nekilnojamojo turto kadastro duomenų bylų patikrinimus. Nustatomos žemės sklypų ir statinių kadastro duomenų bylose dažniausiai randamos klaidos. Nekilnojamojo turto kadastrinių matavimų kokybei įvertinti sudarytos dvi atskiros žemės sklypų ir statinių kadastrinių matavimų kokybės apklausos. Respondentais pasirinkti 66 žmonės, kurie po atliktų žemės sklypų ar statinių kadastrinių matavimų pateikė prašymus dėl nekilnojamojo turto kadastro duomenų pakeitimo. Kadastrinių matavimų svarbą ir reikalingumą pripažino 94% apklausoje dalyvavusiųjų respondentų. Daugiau nei pusė jų nurodė, kad kadastrinių matavimų darbai atlikti tinkamai, o pagrindiniu veiksniu, įtakojančiu kadastrinių matavimų kokybę, įvardino matininko profesionalumą ir atsakomybę. / Year by year, as real estate market is growing, the cadastral measurements take on a higher value. The main objective of this thesis is to analyse the quality of cadastral measurements of Klaipėda district sites and buildings. In the theoretical part of the thesis the relevant legislation, scientific articles and books are discussed. Sites and buildings forming techniques are disclosed. Statistical analysis method is applied in the thesis: information on checks carried out in 2013 on the real estate cadastral data files collected by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers of Klaipėda branch is analysed. Commonly found errors in sites and buildings cadastral data files are identified. In order to assess the quality of real estate cadastral measurements two separate cadastral measurements quality surveys of site and buildings were designed. 66 respondents were chosen, which submitted applications for the real estate cadastral data change after sites or buildings cadastral measurements were carried out. 94% of survey respondents in attendance recognized the importance of cadastral measurements and their need. More than half of them indicated that the cadastral measurements task was done properly, and surveyors professionalism and responsibility was named as the main factor determining the quality of the cadastral measurements.
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Kadastrinių matavimų patikros tyrimas / Research on Cadastral measurement's ReviseBučinskaitė, Viktorija 29 June 2009 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe atlikta mokslinės literatūros analizė kadastrinių matavimų, kadastrinių sistemų Europos sąjungos šalyse, žemės kadastro, kadastro duomenų ir duomenų saugos klausimais. Aptartas žemės sklypo planų išankstinių patikrų būtinumas ir tikslas. Išnagrinėtos trijų Europos Sąjungos šalių kadastrinės sistemos, kadangi tik nuo išvystytos kadastrinės sistemos priklauso kokybiškas kadastro duomenų surinkimas, apdorojimas ir pateikimas. Išsamiai aprašyti tyrimo metodai ir būdai bei tikslumo reikalavimai pažymint žemės sklypo ribas kadastro žemėlapyje. Išanalizuotos žemės sklypo ribų pažymėjimo kadastro žemėlapyje, atliekant išankstinę patikrą, problemos. Pateikti išsamūs išankstinių patikrų tyrimo rezultatai. Palygintos kadastrinės sistemos Lietuvoje, Nyderlanduose ir Suomijoje. Išnagrinėjus teorinius ir praktinius išankstinių patikrų bei kadastrinių sistemų aspektus, pateikiamos baigiamojo darbo išvados ir pasiūlymai. Darbą sudaro: įvadas, septyni skyriai, išvados ir pasiūlymai, literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 60 p. teksto be priedų, 18 iliustracijų, 9 lentelės, 24 bibliografiniai šaltiniai. Atskirai pridedami darbo priedai. / At the final master work it was analysed scientific literature of cadastral measurements, cadastral systems of the European Union countries, the land cadastre, cadastral data and safety issues. It was discussed the necessity and purpose of prior checks of land plans. It was Examined cadastral systems of three European Union countries, because just from only developed cadastral systems depend high quality of cadastral data collection, processing and presentation. Described in detail methods and techniques also accuracy requirements of marking the boundaries of the land parcel in cadastral map. It was also analyzed problems of prior checks in marking the boundaries of land parcel in cadastral map. In this work was provided comprehensive analysis results of prior checks. And represented the comparison of cadastral systems in Lithuania, the Netherlands and Finland. The examination of the theoretical and practical aspects of prior checks and cadastral systems, presented the final conclusions and proposals. The work consists of introduction, seven chapters, conclusions and suggestions. Work size - 60 p. text without appendixes, 18 illustrations, 9 tables, 24 bibliographical sources. Appendixes included.
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Přepracování katastrálního operátu v katastrálním území Blansko / Cadastral documentation supersession in cadastral area BlanskoMartinková, Ludmila January 2012 (has links)
Master´s thesis is about cadastral documentation supersession by revising in part of the cadastral territory Blansko. A cadastral map made by Instruction A is revised to concept of a digital cadastral map. Current status of the data file of geodetic and descriptive information from the cadastre information system and records detailed measurements of changes based in the documentation cadastral department Blansko are used. Planimetric coordinates of cadastral map in vector format were focused in the field for control. Thesis contain a comparison of size of parcels owned paper and the graphic file.
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臺灣地籍圖重測調查指界法制之研究 / Study on the Legal System of Boundary Investigation for Cadastral Map Resurvey in Taiwan吳鴻銘, Wu,Hong-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣之地籍圖,乃係承襲自1903年日治時期所測製完成而以人工方式謄繪的地籍副圖,經國民政府於1945年接收後,由本省各地政事務所延續使用迄今,其齡高達103歲,為我國現今以圖籍記錄人民財產權範圍的唯一原始依據。 / 但日治土地調查規則早於1898年7月的前清時期即已制定,而土地法及其施行法係國民政府在1936年3月訓政時期所令頒施行的產物,兩者法制規範相隔達40年之遙,何以在不同政體下各所依據之法理卻能取得一致?否則臺灣地籍圖依法即無立錐之地。由於歷史承接,混沌不明,以致成為謎樣的年代,相關研究普遍缺乏深入分析,本文為使原貌重現,填補歷史影像,故為論述傾注重心。 / 臺灣省行政長官公署在光復初期,認為:日治時期臺灣省地籍測量與地籍調查之程序與精度符合我國土地法規定,故免予重辦地籍測量,並以局部改正之「修補」方式替代「整理」地籍,一舉完成臺灣土地總登記。 / 事實上,透過我國土地法典分析,雖然日治地籍測量外觀上之「程序」符合土地法第44條之規定,但深入剖視後,其「實體」部分則完全無法見容於我國地籍測量法制規範,縱使1945年5月間存置於臺灣總督府之日治地籍原圖未遭炸燬滅失,仍不能治癒其在法制上之闕失病症。 / 臺灣光復後未及數載,圖籍病態逐漸接踵浮現,已難再掩飾其症,非重新「改測」無以回春。惟臺灣省政府自民國45年度起實施地籍圖修正測量至64年度止之試辦地籍圖重測,在長達二十年間的臺灣圖籍重建工作,竟係處於無法律明文依據之情況下所進行,除明顯未臻妥適之外,更不符「法律保留」原則。 / 迨1975年7月間修正土地法,增訂第46條之1、第46條之2、第46條之3等三個條文,始為臺灣地籍圖重測建構法制根基。但由於立法層面思慮不盡周全,形成重大缺漏,非僅未能有效釐整地籍,反因重測地籍調查指界衍生出更進一步的爭議。諸如:到場指界者顯然逾越至毗鄰未到場之土地所有權支配範圍、抑或毗鄰未登記土地時,剝奪私有地之指界權,但公有土地則自成免疫系統排除法規範約制、甚至限縮各土地共有人依法均得單獨指界之權利及義務、…等多項法制闕失,主管機關仍縱任三十年而未正視,與憲法保障人民財產權意旨似相背違。 / 由於臺灣省猶有高達400萬筆以上之土地,亟待實施地籍圖重測,仍須面對上述各項法律疑義癥結;因此,歸結本研究結果,提出改進方向及相關條文之修法建議,為未來地籍圖重測,尋覓出賡續發展之經營脈絡。 / The Taiwan Cadastral map adopts basically the code of Japanese statutes, which is a manually drawn copy of the cadastral map of a cadastral surveying project completed in 1903 under the Japanese statutes. Since the time it was received by the R.O.C. central government in 1945, it has been used by the various local offices of land administration ever since. It is 103 years old and is now the only original foundation being used as the map document recording the scope of people’s property right. / But the land survey regulations under the Japan statutes was enacted back in July 1898 during the period of the Ching Dynasty, while the land law and its implementation regulation were enacted in March 1936 during the period of political tutelage. There were 40 years between the times of enactment of the two laws, but how could the bases of law principles under different political entities be coinciding? Otherwise, the Taiwan Cadastral map would have no ground to stand. Because of the historical transitions, information and data are indefinite, which was a time of ambiguity. Besides, the related researches are generally lack of in-depth analyses. In order to reappear the original look and to supplement historical images, this writing places great emphases on the studies. / In the early stage of the retrocession, the administrative chief office of Taiwan province deemed that the procedure and accuracy of the Taiwan cadastral survey and cadastral investigation under the Japan statutes were in compliance with the regulations of our country’s land law. Therefore, a second cadastral survey was not needed, and took the way of partial “supplement” instead of “overhaul” of the land file, thus the general Taiwan land registration was completed with a single blow. / In fact, through an analysis of land law of this country, though the “procedure” of cadastral survey under the Japan statutes is in compliance with the regulation of article 44 of the land law; when it is paid an important examination, its “entity” is completely unacceptable to the regulations of our cadastral survey law. Although the original cadastral map of the Japan statutes placed in the Taiwan Viceroy office did not destroyed or damaged by the bombing in May 1945. it would not cure the diseases of the legal system. / In a few years after the Taiwan retrocession, the flaws of the land file began to emerge. It is impossible to cover any more the defects, and the only way to get its healthy condition back was a new “corrective survey.” However, the Taiwan Provincial Government implemented a trial new cadastral survey from 1956 to 1975 for a corrective survey. During the 20-year long Taiwan cadastral reconstruction operations, it was inappropriately conducted under a condition without a legal written basis, which is obviously improper and let alone the principle of “Gesetzesvorbehalt.” / It was not until July 1975 when the Land Law was amended with the addition of Article 46.1, Article 46.2, and Article 46.3, the reconstruction of Taiwan Cadastral map was established. Nevertheless, the considerable flaws were resulted due to the incomplete planning and research in the legislate area beforehand. Not only the operations of survey and reconstruction were not effectively performed, but also more controversial issues were produced. For instance, the present landmark indicator obviously goes beyond the boundary to the neighbor land ownership control scope of the absent one; or to deprive the landmark indicating right of private property while the neighbor scope is not property registered. On the contrary, the public property with what is called immune system, is free of the legal constraint of regulations and rules, and further to limit or minimize the legal rights and obligations of single landmark indicating of joint tenants, etc. Such numerous lawful defects are intentionally ignored by the responsible authorities for as long as thirty years, which is apparently against the purpose of protect the people’s property right of the Constitution. / There are more than 400 million land cases in Taiwan demanding a second cadastral survey, with the objective to resolve the above-mentioned crucial problems. To summarize the research result, a correct direction for future development and improvement, as well as some suggestions for amendment of related articles and clauses are consequently presented, with the objective to perform continuous advancement and operation of prospective cadastral survey.
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Šakių rajono kadastriniai matavimai / Cadastral Surveys In Šakiai DistrictStepulaitis, Antanas 14 January 2009 (has links)
Darbe išnagrinėti Lietuvos Respublikos įstatymai, vyriausybės nutarimai, kiti teisės aktai, straipsniai, internetinė informacija, susijusi su kadastrinių matavimų vykdymu, derinimu, kadastro duomenų suformavimu, jų įrašymu į duomenų bazę ir perspektyvomis. Analizuojant tyrimo medžiagą, identifikuotos kadastrinių matavimų problemos ir numatyti galimi jų sprendimo būdai. Šakių rajono valdžios institucijų galimybės daryti įtaką kadastrinių matavimų atlikimo kokybei, tenkinant žemės sklypų savininkų ir naudotojų poreikius. Atliekant gyventojų anketinę apklausą, siekta išsiaiškinti Šakių rajono gyventojų nuomonę apie kadastrinių matavimų naudą, būtinumą, atlikimo kokybę bei jų požiūrį į valdžios institucijų darbą. Darbe naudoti analitinis, statistinis bei grafinio vaizdavimo metodai. / In this work there are analyzed the Laws of the Republic of Lithuania, government decrees, other acts and deeds, articles, internet information that are connected with cadastral measurements, coordination, formation of the cadastral data, its recording to the data base and perspectives. After the analysis of the research problems of the cadastral measurements were identified and possible solutions to the problems found. There were also analyzed Sakiai government possibilities to make influence on the quality of cadastral measurements, meeting the requirements of land owners. There is an overview of companies that do these works in Sakiai and their perspectives foreseen. The citizen’s questionnaire was carried out to find the opinion of the citizens about the benefit of cadastral measurements, their quality also the attitude towards the government work. Methods of analytical statistical and graphical presentation were used in this work.
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Kadastrinių matavimų metu nustatyti žemės naudojimo pokyčiai / Land Usage Changes Established In Cadastral SurveysVerikas, Šarūnas 14 January 2009 (has links)
Kadastriniai matavimai - tai žmonių nuosavybės ir teisingumo garantas ateičiai. Tik apytikslių matavimų buvimas (juosta ar "sieksniu"), kvalifikuotų darbuotojų trūkumas bei skubota žemės reforma šiandien kelia nemažai problemų, susijusių su žemės sklypo ribų bei ploto tikslumu. Atlikus kadastrinius matavimus ir parengus juridinius dokumentus, žemės savininkui garantuojama, kad jo žemės sklypo ribos, plotas bei naudmenų sudėtis yra tikslūs ir suteikia visas teises į nuosavybę Lietuvos Respublikos įstatymų numatyta tvarka. Atliekant pakartotinius matavimus, nustatomi palyginti dideli žemės plotų ir kadastro duomenų pokyčiai. Vidutinis nuokrypis 75 % analizuotų žemės sklypų neviršija leistinosios paklaidos ir lygus 0,06 %. Likusioje 25 % žemės sklypų vidutinis nuokrypis yra 18,65 % ir dėl to būtina tikslinti pradinius duomenis, kurių pagrindu suformuoti arba įteisinti nuosavybėn žemės sklypai. / The cadastral survey is the guarantee of ownership and justice to people for long future. The confidence to approximate survey (tape or “sagene”), the lack of skilled workers and hasty land reform today make a lot of problems, which are connected with precision of land plot boundaries and area. The landowner has a guarantee that his land plot boundaries, area and structure of lands are precise only after making cadastral surveys and preparing juridical documents. According to the law of Lithuania, cadastral surveys and juridical documents give ownership rights to property. While doing repeated surveys, enough big changes of land areas and cadastral data are observed. The average divergence does not exceed permissible error in the 75 % of analysed land plots and it makes 0.06 %. The primary data, on which base land plots were formed and legalized to ownership, should be specified to other 25 % land plots, which have 18.65 % error.
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Patterns of Crustal Deformation Resulting from the 2010 Earthquake Sequence in Christchurch, New ZealandClaridge, Jonathan William Roy January 2012 (has links)
The Mw 7.1 Darfield earthquake generated a ~30 km long surface rupture on the Greendale Fault and significant surface deformation related to related blind faults on a previously unrecognized fault system beneath the Canterbury Plains. This earthquake provided the opportunity for research into the patterns and mechanisms of co-seismic and post-seismic crustal deformation. In this thesis I use multiple across-fault EDM surveys, logic trees, surface investigations and deformation feature mapping, seismic reflection surveying, and survey mark (cadastral) re-occupation using GPS to quantify surface displacements at a variety of temporal and spatial scales. My field mapping investigations identified shaking and crustal displacement-induced surface deformation features south and southwest of Christchurch and in the vicinity of the projected surface traces of the Hororata Blind and Charing Cross Faults. The data are consistent with the high peak ground accelerations and broad surface warping due to underlying reverse faulting on the Hororata Blind Fault and Charing Cross Fault. I measured varying amounts of post-seismic displacement at four of five locations that crossed the Greendale Fault. None of the data showed evidence for localized dextral creep on the Greendale Fault surface trace, consistent with other studies showing only minimal regional post-seismic deformation. Instead, the post-seismic deformation field suggests an apparent westward translation of northern parts of the across-fault surveys relative to the southern parts of the surveys that I attribute to post-mainshock creep on blind thrusts and/or other unidentified structures. The seismic surveys identified a deformation zone in the gravels that we attribute to the Hororata Blind Fault but the Charing Cross fault was not able to be identified on the survey. Cadastral re-surveys indicate a deformation field consistent with previously published geodetic data. We use this deformation with regional strain rates to estimate earthquake recurrence intervals of ~7000 to > 14,000 yrs on the Hororata Blind and Charing Cross Faults.
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Método de modelagem da parcela espacial para o cadastro tridimensional /Souza, Guilherme Henrique Barros de. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Amilton Amorim / Banca: João Fernando Custódio da Silva / Banca: Maurício Galo / Banca: Jürgen Philips / Banca: Diogenes Cortijo Costa / Resumo: Os processos de aquisição, armazenamento, processamento e representação dos dados espaciais passaram por grandes mudanças nas ultimas décadas, o que ocasionou novas possibilidades no uso da informação espacial, principalmente com a geração de modelos de objetos tridimensionais. A partir desses modelos é possível entender a dinâmica de alguns fenômenos, possibilitando a definição de estratégias de ação para possíveis intervenções. Nesse sentido, as informações do Cadastro também foram influenciadas por esse processo, o que tem motivado vários pesquisadores verificarem as demandas e impactos sobre o sistema cadastral do chamado Cadastro 3D. Há projetos iniciados na Holanda, Suécia, Noruega, Israel, China e Grécia, cada qual estudando propostas e modelos para adequar as estruturas dos seus sistemas cadastrais para incorporação do dado tridimensional. O objetivo deste trabalho é contribuir com procedimentos adequados para a incorporação da informação 3D ao Cadastro urbano, verificando a estrutura cadastral existente, sobretudo em locais onde não existe um modelo cadastral definido. É proposto um modelo de uso para a parcela espacial utilizando um cilindro e uma nuvem de pontos com atributos. Os experimentos realizados com o uso de dados obtidos a partir de sensores de varredura à LASER em plataforma aérea e terrestre para auxiliar na incorporação da informação tridimensional ao Cadastro mostraram-se satisfatórios, não apenas para uso da nuvem de pontos de atributos para o Cadastro, como da integração das nuvens de pontos de LASER aéreo e terrestre. Para viabilizar os estudos, foram escolhidas áreas teste em São Paulo e Curitiba. No desenvolvimento da tese... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The processes of acquisition, storage, processing and representation of spatial data had a lot of changes in recent decades, which led to new possibilities in the use of spatial information, especially with 3D models generation of objects. From these models is possible to understand the dynamics of some phenomena and to define action strategies for interventions. In this way, the cadastral information also was influenced by this process, which has led many researchers to verify the demands and impacts on the cadastral system of so-called 3D Cadastre. There are projects started in Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Israel, China and Greece, each studying proposals and models for match the structures of their cadastral systems to incorporating the 3D data. This work aims to contribute to proper procedures for the incorporation of 3D information to the Urban Cadastre from the existing structure, especially in where there isn't a cadastral model. It is proposed to use a model for the spatial parcel using a square cylinder of revolution and a cloud points with attributes. The experiments with data obtained from LASER scanning sensors (aerial and ground platforms) to assist in the incorporation of 3D information to Cadastre were satisfactory, not only for the use of cloud points... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Handläggningstider för fastighetsbildning : Påverkan på landsbygdsutvecklingenHansson, Emelie, Svensson, Lena January 2021 (has links)
Under en längre tid har handläggningstider avseende fastighetsbildning varit en utmaning för lantmäterimyndigheterna. I Förvaltningslagen anges att ärenden skall hanteras så enkelt, snabbt och kostnadseffektivt som möjligt. Med den pågående urbaniseringen har detta dock varit svårt att upprätthålla. Lantmäteriet skall på uppdrag av regeringen prioritera samhällsviktiga ärenden vilket ofta innefattar nybyggnation av bostäder, infrastruktur och anläggningar. Jord- och skogsbruk tillhör ofta den kategori som får stå tillbaka i denna process och därmed ej prioriteras.Examensarbetets syfte är att undersöka hur det statliga och de kommunala lantmäterimyndigheternas ärendehantering påverkar landsbygdsutvecklingen. Studien utfördes med flera metoder för att erhålla information lämplig till att besvara studiens frågeställningar. Genom en litteraturöversikt har ett antal informationskällor behandlats, dessa uppmärksammar handläggningstider för fastighetsbildningsärenden samt landsbygdens roll och utmaningar i samhället. Inom studien genomfördes det två enkätstudier och två intervjustudier. Genom dessa metoder inhämtades uppgifter kring fastighetsägares personliga upplevelser kring hur långa handläggningstider påverkat dem. Även erhölls information och yrkesmässiga erfarenheter från en lantbruksmäklare, en skoglig affärsrådgivare samt flertalet förrättningslantmätare.Resultatet visar att en stor del av fastighetsägarna anser sig bli negativt påverkade. Även de yrkesverksamma stödjer att denna påverkan kan uppstå vid långa handläggningstider. Därmed visar studiens slutsats att det problem som främst kan uppstå för ägare sker genom försvårade fastighetsaffärer somdessutom kan vara en faktor som bidrar till påverkan på landsbygdsutvecklingen genom att den hämmas. / During a long time period, processing times considering property formation have been a challenge for the cadastral authorities. It is specified in the Administrative Procedure Act that an errand shall be handled as simply, quickly and cost-effectively as possible. Due to the ongoing urbanisation this has been difficult to maintain. The Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority has an assignment from the government to prioritize errands that are important to the society which often includes newbuildt households, infrastructure and facilities. Agricultural and forestry property units belong to the category which often has to stand back in this process and therefore do not get prioritized. The aim of the thesis is to examine how the state cadastral authorities and the municipal cadastral authorities management of errands affects rural development. The thesis was performed through several methods to receive appropriate data information to answer the thesis research focuses. Through a literature review, public documents have been processed containing information about processing times for property formation errands and rural areas' role and challenges in society. The thesis also used two surveys and two interviews. These methods received data from property owners with their own experiences of processing times. Also information and work related experiences was received from a rural real estate agent, forestry businessman and from several cadastral surveyors.The result showed that a lot of property owners get negatively affected. Also the professionals agree that there is an effect due to long processing times. Therefore the thesis conclusion shows that the problems that can occur mainly indicates that property sales get more difficult which also can have a negative effect on rural development.
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土地複丈面積不符處理之探討 / Investigation of the Incorrect Areas from the Land Revision李忠憲, Li,chung hsien Unknown Date (has links)
經研究發現,既存面積不符之錯誤,於複丈或重測前難以先行釐正,乃因現行更正規定未臻明確,恐有逾越法律授權範圍。故由處理程序之建構,得以對其錯誤型態之認定能有所區分,並從補償面向的先行考量,以減少事後賠償之紛爭。另外,除循修法方向強化現行更正規定之意涵外,經由標準化作業程序之律定,至少可達至程序正當性的要求,使類似情事得以按部就班順利進行,不再各自摸索自謀解決,避免其他問題衍生。 / At the early period after Taiwan Restoration, due to the limited human resource and material resource, Taiwan government implemented cadastral management based on the cadastral maps produced during Japanese colonization rather than carry out new cadastral surveys. The issue of existed incorrect land area has been magnified today, and the extended doubts constantly emerged. Regulation, which should be made by real need, becomes blurred and hard to follow as temporal and spatial changes and property rights rises.
This paper discusses the doubts of land revision with digitalized map and the registration corrections. First, clarify the causes of incorrect land area through the cadastral maps revolution, and then construct process procedures based on the identification of land error type and development of compensation system. Finally, create standard process procedures through real case analysis. Moreover, to reduce public doubts and distrust as well as to avoid go to law easily, this article deals with the past history of corrections of cadastral survey on Article 232 Directions for Implementation of Cadastral Survey, and conclude research results and propose suggestions for amendments to relative articles.
The results show that the existed incorrect land area is hardly to correct before cadastral resurveys because of the unclear regulations of corrections. However, land error type can be identified by applying process procedures. It is suggested to put compensation on priority consideration to decrease possible disputes. In addition, except for strengthen current regulation by law modification; the creation of process procedure could at least achieve legitimacy. The similar cases can follow it step by step and avoid extended problems.
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