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Zhodnocení průběhu konkrétních pozemkových úprav v závislosti na socioekonomických faktorech / Land consolidation process assessment in connection depending on the socio-economical factorsSOUKUPOVÁ, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
Land adjustment represents an important branch, which mainly deals with the arrangement of land, the separation or unification and also addresses the regulation of property relations. This is a complicated process that is a certain way influenced by socio-economic factors. This diploma thesis mainly deals with the process of chosen landscaping and also socio-economic factors that directly influence this process.
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Pasportizace staveb zemědělských podniků pomocí bezpilotní technologie a porovnání s KN / Inventory of farm buildings using unmanned aerial vehicle and comparisonBOŽÁK, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation deals with unmaned aerial vehicles and their use in an accurate photogrammetric mapping. The very first part of my thesis describes a history of UAV (unmaned aerial vehicles) and a theoretical introduction of the issue. In the second part of this thesis a specific example of mapping agricultural area with a missing building in cadastral map is solved. The disertation is focused on an aerial photo-shooting and then on matching the pictures in the software Agisoft Photo Scan. The result of the work is a detailed ortophoto map of the agricultural area where the missing building is exactly positionally determined.
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Vývoj využití území v oblasti centrální Šumavy v kontextu socio-politických změn / Development of land use in the central part of the Bohemian Forest in the context of socio-political changesFLUKSOVÁ, Hana January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the evaluation of land cover changes in twelve cadastral areas in the central part of the Bohemian Forest. This area was gradually abandoned due to political changes in the 20th century. For the purpose of this study, the historical Stabile Cadastre maps from 1837 and aerial photographs from 1949 and 2008 are used. The work follows both the development of the area as a whole and the development of the individual segments around the "Iron Curtain ", built after the World War II. Another aim of this work is to determine the spatial distribution of trees in an open countryside. Field data are supplemented with the features calculated from the digital elevation model and the distances of each species to man-made landscape elements present in the area around the time of displacement (aerial photos from 1949).
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Elektronická komunikace s využitím elektronického podpisu a datových schránek / Electronic communication with use of electronic signature and data boxMacák, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
This thesis aims on modern ways of electronic communication. It includes electronic signature and data boxes. The first part of thesis focuses on the historical and present legal regulation and describes rights and responsibilities that users of these tools have. The second part deals with possible problems and their solution during the use of these two tools in routine practice. It also includes a summary of the main advantages and disadvantages of their use. Practical part demonstrates the specific use of data boxes and electronic signature at cadastral offices from the view of common user and the cadastral office itself.
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Ordination of experts according to FBL 4:34– how common is it and in what situationsdoes it occur? / Sakkunnigförordnande enligt FBL 4 kap. 34 §- hur vanligt är det och i vilka situationer förekommerdet?Källström, Frida January 2014 (has links)
The ability to ordain experts, to assist surveyors in a specific issue, during the cadastral procedure has been regulated in the Swedish law since 1928. Due to this ordination of experts, the surveyors are to guarantee an adequate investigation, even in the parts of the procedure where the authority lacks knowledge. The role of experts in cadastral procedures has not previously been examined. The objective of this master thesis is to examine how often experts are ordinated, what type of experts that is needed within the investigations of cadastral procedures and how the ordination has been made. Cadastral documents have been investigated in order to be able to answer these questions and a couple of surveyors were also interviewed. All cadastral procedures, which where registered in 2013, have been part of the study. The cadastral documents have been examined for each county and a total of 16,279 documents were studied. Among these, 82 cadastral procedures in which an expert was ordinated, was found. This concludes that the ordination of experts within cadastral procedures in Sweden is a rare phenomenon. The authority itself therefore possesses a great skill. The conducted study of the 82 cadastral documents, show that the majority of the ordinated experts possessed skills within the field of valuation. How they were ordinated differs slightly within the study. It might therefore be of interest to discuss this issue within the authority to develop a more uniform approach. The past years, a number of experts within valuation have gathered within the Swedish surveying organization. The idea of this group is to implement their work as valuers and to help their colleagues with difficult valuations, in cases where they otherwise might have ordained an external expert. The general consensus, since this group was established, is that the ordination of experts, within cadastral procedures, has declined. / Möjligheten att förordna en sakkunnig att delta vid en lantmäteriförrättning, för att bistå förrättningslantmätaren i en specifik fråga, har funnits reglerat i svensk lag sedan jorddelningslagen trädde i kraft 1928. Genom att förordna en sakkunnig kan man säkerställa att en fullgod utredning genomförs, även gällande de delar där lantmäterimyndigheten själv saknar den krävda kompetensen. Området kring förordnande av sakkunniga vid lantmäteriförrättningar har tidigare inte undersökts. Syftet med detta examensarbete har därför varit att undersöka hur ofta sakkunniga förordnas, vilka typer av sakkunniga som förordnats men även hur förordnandet skett. Inom ramen av detta arbete har en genomgående aktundersökning samt en översiktlig intervjuundersökning genomförts. Samtliga lantmäteriförrättningar, som registrerades i lantmäteriets digitala arkiv Arken under 2013 har studerats. Akterna undersöktes län för län och totalt studerades 16 279 förrättningsakter. Bland dessa påträffades 82 lantmäteriförrättningar i vilka en sakkunnig blivit förordnad. Utifrån detta kan man dra slutsatsen att förordnande av sakkunnig förekommer sällan och att lantmäterimyndigheten själva förfogar över en stor kompetens. De 82 förrättningsakterna där en sakkunnig förordnats undersöktes mer ingående i en kvalitativ undersökning. Resultatet från denna undersökning har visat att de som förordnats som sakkunniga i majoriteten av förrättningarna varit experter inom värdering. Hur förordnandet av sakkunnig skett, rent formellt, skiljer sig en del mellan de studerade förrättningarna. Det kan därför vara av intresse att diskutera denna fråga inom myndigheten för att utforma ett mer enhetligt arbetssätt. Bland de intervjuade förrättningslantmätarna fanns den motstridiga uppfattningen att ett enhetligt system redan tillämpas. Under de senaste åren har ett antal värderingsexperter samlats inom lantmäteriorganisationen. Tanken med denna grupp är att de ska genomföra komplicerade värderingar åt sina kollegor i förrättningar där en sakkunnig annars skulle förordnats. Den allmänna uppfattningen är att förordnande av sakkunnig har minskat sedan denna grupp inrättades.
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Visualization of 3D Real Properties in SwedenHugosson, Alice January 2019 (has links)
It is a high demand of land in the society today, especially in urbanized areas. Values of land are increasing, and the cities get more complex constructions and relations between ownership.Since the 1st of January 2004 it is possible to form real properties that are limited both horizontally and vertically. This is called three-dimensional real properties a property spaces and is defined in the Swedish Land Code and the Real Property Act. The purpose is to separate land and buildings with different functions on different levels to achieve a more efficient use of land.The aim in this thesis is to investigate current legislation and recommendations for presentation of 3D real properties and their rights, restrictions and responsibilities (RRRs) and how these are presented in cadastral dossiers today. Further, the thesis addresses the question of how a 3D cadastral model should be visualized, which level of detail should be implemented in the model and which input data is required. The thesis has been conducted by studying literature, documents and laws, creating a 3D model and by study and evaluate cadastral dossiers for 3D property formation.The current legislation for property formation declares that if a property boundary cannot be marked in the ground, it should be presented by “enough accuracy” in maps and drawings. As a complement to this there are also a textual description of the vertical and horizontal extent of the property. The results of the study show that the intelligibility of the 3D extension in cadastral dossiers for 3D property formation can be improved. One way to improve this is to use standardized 3D models which can make it easier to interpret the relations between real property boundaries, RRRs, the construction and other features of interest. But to create a 3D model that presents the accurate cadastral relationships can be very time consuming and requires a lot of data. To solve this, a concept for standardized 3D models in three levels of detail is proposed. The concept covers a general, schematic and detailed model. The models require different types and amount of data and need different amount of work to create. A general visualization concept for these models are also proposed.A conclusion that can be drawn, is that standards and requirements for presentation of the extent of 3D real properties and RRRs is are missing today. It is hard to interpret the legal situation in current cadastral dossiers for 3D property formation, if this could be presented in a better way it could lead to more efficient processes and better understanding by both professionals and laymen. Another conclusion is that how 3D real properties and RRRs are formed varies a lot, from simple volumes to more complex situation related to construction details. This makes it hard to create one type of 3D cadastral model that covers all types of 3D real property situations. / Efterfrågan på mark är hög i samhället idag, speciellt i urbaniserade områden. Som en följd av att värdet på mark stiger skapas allt mer komplexa byggnader, konstruktioner och ägandeförhållanden i städerna. Sedan den 1a januari 2004 är det möjligt att bilda 3D-fastigheter i Sverige, dessa har både en horisontal och vertikal avgränsning. Definitionen av vad en 3D-fastighet är och hur den bildas är beskrivit i Jordabalken och Fastighetsbildningslagen. Syftet med att införa möjligheten för 3D fastighetsbildning var att separera mark och byggnader med olika funktioner för att effektivisera markanvändningen.Målet med det här arbetet är att undersöka gällande lagstiftning och rekommendationer för redovisning av 3D-fastigheter och deras rättigheter, skyldigheter och ansvar samt hur dessa är redovisade i dagens förrättningsakter. Vidare så undersöks det hur en fastighetsmodell i 3D skulle kunna visualiseras, vilken detaljeringsnivå modellen bör ha samt vilka data som krävs för att skapa modellen. För att svara på frågeställningarna har en litteraturstudie genomförts där tidigare studier, lagar, rekommendationer och dokument har studerats. Det har också genomförts en analys och utvärdering av ett antal existerande förrättningsakter som behandlare 3D fastighetsbildning. Utöver detta har en fastighetsmodell i 3D skapats.Den gällande lagstiftningen för fastighetsbildning slår fast att om en fastighetsgräns inte kan markeras på marken så måste den presenteras med tillräcklignoggrannhet i kartor och ritningar i en förrättningsakt. Detta underlag kompletteras också med en text som beskriver horisontell och vertikal utbredning verbalt. Resultatet av studien visar att det finns mycket förbättringspotential för redovisning av 3D fastighetsbildning i förrättningsakter. Ett sätt att förbättra detta är genom att använda standardiserade 3D modeller vilket kan göra det lättare att tolka förhållanden mellan fastighetsgränser, rättigheter, byggnader och andra anläggningar som kan vara av intresse. Men att skapa en 3D modell som redovisar det exakta rättsliga förhållandena kan vara väldigt tidskrävande och sätter höga krav på tillgängliga data. För att lösa detta har ett koncept för 3D fastighetsmodeller i tre olika detaljeringsnivåer tagits fram. Konceptet innefattar en generell, en schematisk och en detaljerad modell. Modellerna kräver olika mycket data och arbetstid för att skapa. Ett generellt visualiseringskoncept är också förslaget som för modellerna.Slutsatserna som kom fram under arbetets gång är att tydliga standarder och kravställningar för hur utbredning av 3D-fastigheter och rättigheter redovisas saknas idag. Det är svårt att tolka de rättsliga förhållandena i förrättningsakter för 3D fastighetsbildning. Bättre och mer entydiga redovisningar av fastighetsinformation i 3D skulle kunna leda till mer effektiva processer och bättre förståelse från både fackmän och lekmän. En annan slutsats är att hur fastighetsförrättningar för 3D fastigheter och dess rättigheter är utformade idag varierar mycket; allt från simpla volymer till mer komplexa situationer i relation till konstruktionsdetaljer. Detta gör det svårt att skapa en typ av 3D-fastighetsmodell som fungerar bra för alla typer av 3D fastighetsbildningar.
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Vad karaktäriserar lantmätarens roll vid komplexa 3D-förrättningar?Lilja, Emma January 2024 (has links)
Sedan möjligheten att bilda tredimensionella fastigheter i Sverige infördes har det inte studerats hur eller om förrättningslantmätarens roll har påverkats vid fastighetsbildningsförrättning av tredimensionella fastigheter. Det finns forskning publicerad rörande tredimensionella fastigheter men ingen studie rör förrättningslantmätarens roll, oavsett komplexitet på förrättning. Enligt 4 kap. Fastighetsbildningslagen (1970) ska förrättningslantmätaren bland annat utreda vad som påverkar tillåtligheten att genomföra fastighetsbildning, vilket prövas i varje enskild förrättning. Syftet med studien är att presentera vad som karaktäriserar förrättningslantmätarens roll i fastighetsbildningsförrättningar av komplexa tredimensionella fastigheter. Intervjuer med erfarna förrättningslantmätare samt en analys av förrättningsakter ligger till grund för att uppnå målet med studien. Förrättningslantmätarens roll karaktäriseras inte särskilt just på grund av en komplex tredimensionell förrättning utan baseras på vem som är sökande och dess förkunskaper, vilken geografisk plats i Sverige som den tredimensionella volymen är belägen, antal områden och rättigheter som behöver hanteras, antal sakägare samt om de är överens. Jämfört med traditionella förrättningar finns ett större behov av dialog med sökanden och aktörer i tredimensionella förrättningar. Rollen innebär därför att delvis vara projektledare, samtidigt som förrättningslantmätaren måste vara opartisk i sitt myndighetsuppdrag. Vad som definierar en komplex tredimensionell förrättning är antal fastighetsgränser och rättigheter som behöver hanteras och bildas, samt om sökanden inte har förkunskap av tredimensionell fastighetsbildning. Ägarlägenheter, ombildning av befintlig byggnad till tredimensionell fastighet samt oregelbundna volymer vid exempelvis infrastrukturanläggningar bidrar till ökad komplexitet i förrättningar. Genom studien ges ny kunskap till lantmäterimyndigheterna, kommuners samhällsbyggnadsförvaltningar samt andra verksamma inom samhällsbyggnadsprocessen som hanterar områden för ny- eller ombildning till tredimensionella fastigheter. / Since the opportunity to three-dimensional property formation was introduced in Sweden it has not been studied how or if the role of the cadastral surveyor has been affected in the property formation procedure. Research concerning three-dimensional properties are published but none concerning the role of the cadastral surveyor, regardless complexity in the cadastral procedure. According to chapter 4 in the Property Formation Act, the cadastral surveyor must, for instance, investigate the permissibility of property formation. It is examined in each cadastral procedure. The essay studies what characterizes the role of the cadastral surveyor in property formation procedure of complex three-dimensional properties. Interviews with experienced cadastral surveyors and an analysis of cadastral dossiers is the essential for achieving the aim of the study. The role of the cadastral surveyor does not characterize particularly because of the complex cadastral procedure. For instance, it depends on whom the applicant is and its prior knowledge, which geographic location in Sweden the three-dimensional volume is located, how many areas and rights that need to be handled and the number of interested party. It also depends on whether the applicants agree or if the question is contentious. Compared to traditional property formation procedure, there is a greater need for dialogue with applicants and actors in three-dimensional proceedings. Therefore, the role involves being a project manager, and at the same time the cadastral surveyor must be impartial due to the authority assignment. The definition of a complex three-dimensional property formation procedure is the number of property boundaries, the number of managed and formed rights and if the applicants do not have prior knowledge in property formation of volumes to three-dimensional properties. Transformation of an existing building into a three-dimensional property, owner apartments and irregular volumes at infrastructure facilities contributes to increased complexity. The study present new knowledge to cadastral authorities, the community building administrations, and others active in the community building process who manage areas for new or re-formation into three-dimensional properties.
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圖解地籍圖數化區土地複丈外業程序管控之研究許明傳 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:土地複丈、程序管控、電腦套圖、地籍測量 / Nowadays, because of the inventions and constant refinement of the electronic and computerized measuring tools and instruments, cadastral maps of Taiwan region are all made digitally. However, there are still two major failing flaws to land revision which needed to be modified:
1. Land revision is unable to be completed on site in one outing.
2. Whether the methods of measuring are under government rules and regulations are not readily monitored.
In order to correct the failing flaws, this study mainly aims to monitor and control the process of land revision survey with the digitizing operation cadastral maps. To do so, a total station is connected to a notebook computer equipped with the “Land Revision Survey System” software along with procedure control functions. The computer will then monitor and control such activities in an automatic fashion. The surveyors only need to follow the steps given by the computer in order to complete the survey. Land revision of measuring, calculating, map overlapping and result inspecting can be completed all together on site in one outing. This not only standardizes the land revision procedures but also increases its accuracies. Most importantly, it curtails the time spent and increases the administrational efficiency.
The regions selected for this research are all under the jurisdiction of Junghe Land Office, Taipei County, which covers the areas of Outer-Nanshijiao, and Top-Nanshijiao subsection, Nanshijiao section. They have yet to be re-surveyed and made into digitizing operation maps. The aim of this research is then to revision these areas by division and combination following the standard controlled procedures. All of the processes follow and comply with the rules and regulations to cadastral survey set by the government. And all of the survey activities are completed on site in one outing.
Keywords: Land Revision, Controlled Procedures, Map Overlapping, Cadastral Survey
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Från plan till verklighet : En helhetsbild av genomförandeprocessen för allmän plats, med enskilt huvudmannaskap / From Plan to Reality : An overview of the implementation process of a public place, with a single principal responsibility in a public placeJohansson, Therese, Borneskär, Sara January 2017 (has links)
The study comprises four case studies, in the form of detailed plans from the three municipalities in Västra Götaland. The detailed individual has principal responsibility in a public place, and each case study includes a survey and analysis of the implementation process of a public place. Documents that have been reviewed are flat map, planning and implementation description, contract (development agreements / land use agreements) and ordinances. Finally a visit was performed in each planning area, by a visual inspection. Preliminary work, SOU 's, lagkommentarer, Propositions and previous studies focusing on individual principal on public places, has been read to get a knowledge base for the study. Older laws have been studied, such as the elderly Planning and Building Act 1987, in order to know the legislation of the detailed plans that are subject of the study. The study has its origins from two theses from the year 2012, which covered a similar subject. The difference in this study is that the agreements been added as an additional document, to create an overall picture of the implementation process of a public place with a single principal responsibility. Qualitative method with a hermeneutic approach has been used, where text interpretation has been the central approach, to understand the municipality's underlying intentions for public places. Analyses of the text documents have been conducted to investigate whether they contain the same issues. The aim was to see how the implementation process is complex, and how clearly municipality ensures its intentions for the general location of the plane map into reality. In completed case studies we have seen that municipalities use the agreement to partially regulate the design of public space, and only partial use of the possibility to enter the planning regulations on the design of plan map. We have also seen that the intentions in the general location plan map, doesn´t always agree with the planning and implementation descriptions. Despite this, the site visits revealed that the facilities for the public space is implemented in accordance with the plan map. The experience we had with us is that site visits are an important part in contact with the plans. Site visits gave us a better understanding of the municipality's intentions when text documents interpreted, and assess accessibility in public places. It's something we think should be used more, even when new detailed plans drawn up. The implementation process from plan to reality is a complex process. The process includes several different parts, where communication between officials is important to intentions of zoning should not to change or fall away. The municipality should therefore monitor each document established in the implementation process, to ensure the intentions and reduce the chance that reality will not be that the municipality has planned.
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Katastr nemovitostí / Cadastre of real estateKoloros, Filip January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the land registry. The purpose of my thesis is to compare old and new legislation relates to Cadastre of Real Estate. The reason for my research is that the new legislation came up with signicifant changes. At the beggining of my thesis you can find introduction. Introduction presents aims of my thesis and also structure. The thesis is composed of seven chapters. Chapter one concentrates on history of land registry. This chapter is subdivided into five parts. In each part is described one of important historical periods related to real estate record. Chapter two examines relevant Czech legislation of cadastral law. It briefly describes effective laws and ordinances. Chapter three deals with fundamental information about Cadastre of Real Estate. This chapter consists of three parts. Part one focuses on basic terms and their definition. Part two describes objects, which are kept recorded. Part three containts information about content of land registry. Chapter four is an analysis of registration into the Cadastre of Real Estate according to past legislation. This chapter provides an outline of relevant Czech case law. Part one describes Entry. Part two is about Record. Part three characterises Note. Chapter five analyzes registration into the Cadastre of Real Estate according to...
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