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RESGATANDO A HISTÓRIA E ROMPENDO PRECONCEITOS DO PARTO NORMALValadão, Juliane Zanovelli Domingues 02 June 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-06-02 / During pregnancy and at the moment of birth women should be oriented by
health professionals in order to support and inform them about the procedures
to be carried out in the normal delivery recovering this way her active role in the
birth process. The Health Department established recommendations to improve
the support to the normal delivery, introducing the Program of Humanization
from Prenatal to Birth and the National Policy of Obstetric and Neonatal
Attention with the attempt of consolidating the humanization in the birth process,
decreasing the excessive medicalisation, hospitalization time due to the birth
and the mortality and neonatal rates. The research is aimed at identifying the
actions that were implemented by the public power in the maternities Augusta
Gomes Bastos (public) and Modelo (Private) in Rio Verde / GO referring to the
campaigns for the carrying out of humanized delivery indicated by the Health
Department making a comparison between the years of 2000 and 2010. It was
a comparative / quantitative study, carried out with 341 women that had normal
deliveries and caesarean sections in 2000 and 2010 selected through medical
records with appropriate authorization of the managers of the definite
maternities for the research. Also took part of the research 46 doctors and
nursing teams that work with PAISM (Programa de Atenção Integral a Saúde
da Mulher - Program of Full Attention to Women Health) and managers of 04
selected Health Units. The data were organized and presented in graphics,
charts and tables and the interpretation showed the following results - the
predominance of normal delivery in the public institution related to 2000 and
2010. The caesarean sections were carried out in women at the age between
25 and 34 years old (76%) and the normal delivery was 59% in the same age
group. Related to the assistance received by the women in the maternities it
was considered good with 49% in the public and 51% in the private one. The
data also showed that the women accept the normal delivery in the two
institutions with 100%, however do not carry it out due to lack of attention of the
professionals and the pain. It is concluded that the public maternity carries out
more normal delivery than caesarean sections despite weakness in the
attention and that the private one is not adapting to the Public Policy and do not
promote suitable capacity to the health professionals. / Durante a gestação e o momento do parto as mulheres devem ser orientadas
pelos profissionais de saúde no sentido de apoiá-las e informá-las sobre os
procedimentos a serem realizados no parto normal resgatando assim seu papel
ativo no processo parturitivo. O Ministério da Saúde estabeleceu
recomendações para melhoria da assistência ao parto normal, implantando o
Programa de Humanização do Pré-Natal ao Nascimento e a Política Nacional
de Atenção Obstétrica e Neonatal na tentativa de consolidar a humanização na
parturição, diminuir a medicalização excessiva, o tempo de hospitalização do
parto e as taxas de mortalidade materna e neonatal. A pesquisa tem como
objetivo: Identificar as ações que foram implementadas pelo poder Público nas
maternidades Augusta Gomes Bastos(Pública) e Modelo (Privada) de Rio
Verde/GO referentes às Campanhas para a realização do Parto Humanizado
indicadas pelo Ministério da Saúde fazendo uma comparação entre os anos de
2000 e 2010. Tratou-se de um estudo comparativo/quantitativo, realizado junto
a 341 mulheres que tiveram partos normais e cesáreos em 2000 e 2010
selecionadas por meio de prontuários médicos com a devida autorização dos
Gestores das maternidades definidas para a pesquisa. Também participaram
DA PESQUISA 46 profissionais médicos/equipe de enfermagem que atuam no
PAISM (Programa de Atenção Integral a Saúde da Mulher) e gestores de 04
Unidades de Saúde selecionadas. Os dados obtidos foram organizados e
apresentados em gráficos, quadros e tabelas cuja interpretação revelou os
seguintes resultados- na instituição pública em relação a 2000 e em 2010 a
predominância de parto normal. Os partos cesáreos foram realizados em
mulheres com idade entre 25 a 34 anos (76%) e o parto normal foram 59% na
mesma faixa etária. Em relação à assistência recebida pelas mulheres nas
maternidades foi considerada boa com 49% na pública e 51% na particular. Os
dados também revelaram que as mulheres aceitam o parto normal nas duas
instituições com 100%, porém não o realizam devido à falta de atenção dos
profissionais e a dor. Conclui-se que a maternidade pública realiza mais o
parto normal do que cesáreo mesmo com debilidade na atenção e que a
privada não está se adequando conforme as Políticas Públicas faltando
promover a devida capacitação dos profissionais de saúde.
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Fatores associados à cesariana segundo fonte de financiamento na Região Sudeste: estudo transversal a partir dos dados de pesquisa \'Nascer no Brasil\' Inquérito Nacional sobre Parto e Nascimento / Factors associated with caesarean section according to funding source in the Southeast: cross-sectional study from \"Born in Brazil surveyAlonso, Bruna Dias 20 March 2015 (has links)
Introdução: Sabe-se que a cesariana sem indicação clínica está associada a desfechos adversos para a saúde da mulher e de seus filhos a curto e longo prazos. A variação da proporção de cesáreas entre serviços e países não pode ser explicada somente por características inerentes à mulher. Fatores como a fonte de financiamento da assistência também têm forte influência sobre a via de nascimento. Objetivo: Descrever e comparar os fatores socioeconômicos, demográficos, clínicos e obstétricos associados à cesariana entre mulheres assistidas no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e no setor de saúde suplementar (SSS). Método: Estudo transversal, a partir dos dados do inquérito Nascer no Brasil, referentes à Região Sudeste. A amostra foi composta por puérperas que tiveram recém-nascidos vivos, natimortos (peso 500 gramas e/ou idade gestacional 22 semanas) e parto normal ou cesariana, em hospitais com 500 partos em 2007. A associação entre a cesariana e as variáveis estudadas foi verificada por meio de regressão logística binária univariada e múltipla. Calcularam-se odds ratios (OR) brutas e ajustadas e intervalos de confiança (IC) de 95 por cento . Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 9.828 mulheres. A taxa de cesariana foi de 52,9 por cento , com proporção maior no SSS (84,0 por cento ). Ser adolescente (SUS: OR=0,68; IC 95 por cento 0,57-0,81/SSS: OR=0,48; IC 95 por cento 0,27-0,84) e ter o nascimento assistido em hospitais de alguma das capitais (SUS: OR=0,39; IC 95 por cento 0,34-0,45/SSS: OR=0,48; IC 95 por cento 0,36-0,65) ofereceram chances menores para cesárea nos dois financiamentos. Exercer trabalho remunerado (SUS: OR=1,32; IC 95 por cento 1,16-1,51/SSS: OR=2,94; IC 95 por cento 2,14-4,03), ter cesariana anterior (SUS: OR=22,06 IC 95 por cento 18,33-26,56/SSS: OR=64,48; IC 95 por cento 32,78-126,84), ser primípara (SUS: OR=4,86; IC 95 por cento 4,16-5,69/SSS: OR=8,37; IC 95 por cento 5,96-11,75) e ter apresentado intercorrências durante a gestação (SUS:OR=9,27; IC 95 por cento 8,17-10,53/SSS:OR=3,09; IC 95 por cento 2,22-4,31) representaram chances aumentadas para cesariana entre mulheres assistidas no SUS e no SSS. Estiveram associados independentemente à cesariana, apenas no SUS: ter 35 anos ou mais (OR=1,36; IC 95 por cento 1,09-1,69); ter cursado ensino superior ou mais (OR=2,53; IC 95 por cento 1,78-3,59); não ter companheiro(a) (OR=0,78; IC 95 por cento 0,68-0,90); pertencer às classes econômicas A, B ou C (respectivamente: OR=1,72; IC 95 por cento 1,39-2,12/OR=1,29; IC95 por cento 1,09-1,53) e ter apresentado intercorrências durante o trabalho de parto (OR=3,18; IC 95 por cento 2,62-3,85). Conclusões: A fonte de financiamento foi determinante na indicação da cesariana no SSS, uma vez que se sobrepôs à maioria dos fatores socioeconômicos, demográficos, clínicos e obstétricos. Já no SUS, determinantes sociais referentes à melhor condição socioeconômica se associaram à cesariana. / Introduction: Caesarean section without clinical reason is associated with women and their children adverse outcomes at short and long term. Variation of caesarean section rates among services and countries can not be explained only by women´s characteristics. Payment source has strong influence on the decision of mode of birth. Objective: To describe and compare socioeconomic, demographic, clinical and obstetric factors associated with caesarean section among women in public health system (SUS) and private health care sector (SSS). Methods: Cross-sectional study with Southeast´ data of \"Born in Brazil\" national survey. The sample included women who had live births or stillbirths (weighing 500 g and/or gestational age 22 weeks) and normal or caesarean deliveries, in hospitals with 500 births in 2007. The association between caesarean section and other variables was verified by univariate and multiple binary logistic regression, on which crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR) and confidence intervals (CI) of 95 per cent were calculated. Results: The sample comprised 9,828 women. The caesarean section rate was 52.9 per cent , with higher proportion in SSS (84.0 per cent ). Being an adolescent (SUS: OR=0.68, CI 95 per cent 0.57-0.81/SSS: OR=0.48, CI 95 per cent 0.27-0.84) and having a hospital in a capital city as a place of birth (SUS: OR=0.39, CI 95 per cent 0.34-0.45/SSS: OR=0.48, CI 95 per cent 0.36-0.65) were associated to lower chances of caesarean section in both funding sources. Paid employment (SUS: OR=1.32, CI 95 per cent 1.16-1.51/SSS: OR=2.94, CI 95 per cent 2.14-4.03), a previous caesarean section (SUS: OR=22.06 CI 95 per cent 18.33-26.56/SSS: OR=64.48 CI 95 per cent 32.78-126.84), to be primiparous (SUS: OR=4.86, CI 95 per cent 4.16-5.69/SSS: OR=8.37, CI 95 per cent 5.96-11.75) and complications during pregnancy (SUS:OR=9,27; IC 95 per cent 8,17-10,53/SSS:OR=3,09; IC 95 per cent 2,22-4,31) represented increased chances for caesarean section among women in SUS and SSS. The following variables were independently associated with caesarean section, only in SUS: 35 years old or more (OR=1.36, CI 95 per cent 1.09-1.69); higher education or more (OR=2.53, CI 95 per cent 1.78-3.59); no partner (OR=0.78, CI 95 per cent 0.68-0.90); belonging to A, B or C economic classes (respectively: OR=1.72, CI 95 per cent 1.39-2.12/OR=1.29, CI 95 per cent 1.09-1.53) and complications during labor (OR=3.18, CI 95 per cent 2.62- 3.85). Conclusions: The high proportion of caesarean sections in the SSS demonstrated that this funding source was crucial on caesarean section indications and overcame socioeconomic, demographic, clinical and obstetrical factors. Indicators of better socioeconomic condition were associated to caesarean section in SUS.
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Submitted by MARCIA ROVADOSCHI (marciar@unifra.br) on 2018-08-22T17:03:02Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-12-18 / Introduction: The process of childbirth and birth went through relevant transformations over a long time, but it is still predominantly institutionalized and technological, with the predominance of cesarean sections. Despite the stimulus to normal birth, Brazil has high rates of cesareans, so there is a need to implement humanized practices in cesarean care, so as to also enable a qualified and humanized service for these women. Objective: Therefore, the main objective was to elaborate a protocol for the humanization of the birth through cesarean delivery in a medium-sized hospital in the city of Santa Maria - RS. Method: The first manuscript was a narrative review of literature. A search was made in the Lilacs database about the professional practices of humanization in childbirth care and hospital birth. The final sample consisted of 9 articles, which are unanimous in pointing out the efforts to change the predominant obstetric model. The humanized practices are being implemented in the health services, however, there is a need to broaden the look of humanized care during cesarean section. The second manuscript emerged from a qualitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study performed in the mid-sized hospital, from a semi-structured interview with 106 postpartum women. Data collection occurred between October 2016 and April 2017. Regarding the kind of delivery, it was observed that the puerperae chose cesarean due to the fear of pain in normal delivery and also by their own desire. During the preparation for the cesarean section, the majority of the puerperae received all the information and explanations they wanted. It was also evidenced that the team provided a humanized care throughout the process in the surgical center, through the reception, skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby soon after birth and the presence of accompanying person throughout the process. The third manuscript aimed to identify the humanization practices performed by the professional team of a surgical center during the cesarean section and to elaborate a humanization protocol for care. It was an exploratory-descriptive and qualitative research carried out with eight professionals who work in the surgical center. The focal group technique was applied between July and August of 2017 and later analysis of thematic content. Results: Two thematic categories emerged which discuss the humanized practices described by the participants in the operating room environment during cesarean section. Conclusion: From the data collected with the puerperal and professional women, a protocol of delivery and cesarean delivery was constructed in a surgical center, directed to the implementation of humanized practices, which configured the product resulting from the research process. This protocol aims to implement humanized practices, contributing to the qualification of care provided to patients and their families and record the activities performed by professionals. / Introdução: o processo de parto e nascimento passou por transformações relevantes ao longo tempo, porém, ainda se configura predominantemente institucionalizado e tecnológico, com predomínio das cesarianas. Apesar do estímulo ao parto normal, o Brasil apresenta elevadas taxas de cesarianas, assim há a necessidade de implementar práticas humanizadas na assistência a cesariana, de maneira a possibilitar também um atendimento qualificado e humanizado para essas mulheres. Objetivo: criar um protocolo de humanização do nascimento por meio do parto cesárea em um hospital de médio porte da cidade de Santa Maria – RS. Método: o primeiro manuscrito realizado foi uma revisão narrativa de literatura, por meio de busca na base de dados Lilacs, sobre as práticas profissionais de humanização na assistência ao parto e nascimento hospitalar. A amostra final foi composta de 9 artigos. O segundo manuscrito emergiu de uma pesquisa quali-quantitativa, descritiva e transversal, realizada no hospital de médio porte, a partir de entrevista semiestruturada com 106 puérperas. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre outubro de 2016 a abril de 2017. O terceiro manuscrito objetivou identificar as práticas de humanização realizadas pela equipe profissional de um centro cirúrgico, durante a cesariana e elaborar um protocolo de humanização para a assistência. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa exploratório-descritiva e qualitativa, com oito profissionais que atuam no centro cirúrgico. Aplicou-se a técnica de grupo focal, entre julho e agosto de 2017 e posterior análise de conteúdo temática. Resultados: em relação à revisão narrativa, os artigos são unânimes em apontar esforços para a mudança do modelo obstétrico ainda predominante. As práticas humanizadas estão sendo implementadas nos serviços de saúde, mas é necessário ampliar o olhar para o atendimento humanizado na cesariana. O segundo artigo constata que, quanto à escolha pela via de parto, as puérperas optaram pela cesárea devido ao medo da dor no parto normal e por desejo próprio. Durante a preparação para o procedimento, a maioria das puérperas recebeu orientações. A equipe prestou um atendimento humanizado durante todo o processo no centro cirúrgico, por meio do acolhimento, contato pele a pele entre mãe-bebê logo após o nascimento e a presença de acompanhante durante todo o processo. A partir do terceiro artigo, emergiram duas categorias temáticas as quais discutem as práticas humanizadas descritas pelos participantes no ambiente do centro cirúrgico durante a cesariana. Conclusão: a partir dos dados coletados com as puérperas e profissionais, foi construído um protocolo de assistência ao parto e nascimento por cesariana, em um centro cirúrgico, direcionado para a implementação de práticas humanizadas, o qual configurou o produto resultante do processo de pesquisa. Este protocolo tem por objetivo, implementar práticas humanizadas, contribuindo para a qualificação do atendimento prestado às pacientes e suas famílias e registro das atividades realizadas pelos profissionais.
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Caracterização dos recem-nascidos e de suas mães, a partir das declarações de nascidos vivos de Campinas (SP), no ano de 2001 / Characterization of newborns 'and mothers' profiles from live birth certificates Campinas, SP Brazil, 2001Carniel, Emilia de Faria 26 October 2006 (has links)
Orientadores: Andre Moreno Morcillo, Maria de Lurdes Zanolli / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-07T09:03:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Carniel_EmiliadeFaria_M.pdf: 3329761 bytes, checksum: 2b3ef9dd422095dee80229098a1ab317 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Os Sistemas de Informação em Saúde são fundamentais para o conhecimento da situação de saúde da população e o direcionamento das políticas de saúde. O Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC) do Ministério da Saúde, cujo instrumento de coleta de dados é a Declaração de Nascido Vivo (DNV), foi implantado com o intuito de obter informações para subsidiar propostas para o grupo materno-infantil. Por meio de estudo transversal, que analisou 14.444 DNVs de Campinas (SP) em 2001, estudou-se a viabilidade da utilização dos dados do SINASC para descrever o perfil de mães e recém-nascidos (RNs) e determinar fatores de risco para baixo peso de nascimento (BPN), parto cesáreo e gravidez na adolescência. Este perfil foi identificado por: local de ocorrência do parto, características sociodemográficas maternas, gestacionais, do parto e dos RNs. Os fatores de risco foram determinados pela correlação entre as variáveis, utilizando análise de regressão logística. A proporção de captação do SINASC foi de 99,1%, e as DNVs foram preenchidas em quase 100% dos itens. A maioria dos nascimentos ocorreu em hospitais, sendo o maior percentual de filhos de moradoras das áreas dos Distritos de Saúde (DS) Noroeste e Sudoeste (com baixas condições de vida), onde ocorreram os piores resultados. O percentual de mães adolescentes foi de 17,8%; a maior concentração de nascimentos foi para mulheres com 20 a 34 anos; 60,6% não trabalhavam fora, 35,9% não tinham companheiro, 37,8% tinham até sete anos de escolaridade e 47,1%, de oito a onze anos. A paridade foi variável, sendo a maior ocorrência entre mulheres sem filhos ou com um; 99,6% compareceram pelo menos uma vez ao pré-natal; 74,4% realizaram mais de seis consultas. Associou-se à gravidez na adolescência: morar em DS com baixas condições de vida, não ter ocupação ou companheiro. As adolescentes grávidas apresentaram risco de pré-natal inadequado. A maioria das gestações foram únicas, a termo, com RNs masculinos, brancos, com pequena proporção de hipóxia e com 1,0% de anomalias. O percentual de prematuridade foi de 7,1%. Houve alta incidência de cesarianas, sendo maior o risco nas gestações duplas e nos partos prematuros e para mulheres com companheiro, as maiores de 20 anos, as com melhor escolaridade, as trabalhadoras fora do lar, as moradoras em DS com melhores condições, as com mais consultas, as primíparas, com um ou dois filhos. A média de peso ao nascer foi 3.142g; 25,7% dos RNs nasceram com peso insuficiente e 9,1% com baixo peso. Associou-se ao BPN: prematuridade, baixa escolaridade materna, menos de sete consultas e RNs femininos. A configuração da DNV não permitiu identificar partos da rede pública ou da rede privada e incluir adequadamente as mulheres em união consensual. Os agrupamentos do número de consultas de pré-natal não estão de acordo com o parâmetro do Ministério da Saúde. Este estudo mostrou que há viabilidade da utilização dos dados do SINASC para o planejamento de ações de saúde. Além disso, a distribuição dos resultados, pelos diferentes DS, mostrou que o perfil do grupo materno-infantil não é homogêneo na cidade / Abstract: Health Information Systems are fundamental to the knowledge of health status of the population and to manage health policies. The Information System on Live Births (SINASC) was developed by the Brazilian Health Ministry and designed to improve quality of information on newborns and on pregnant women, in order to support health proposals to infant-maternal group. This system has been implemented since 1990 and Live Birth Certificate (LBC) is the document to collect data. Throughout a cross-sectional study 14,444 LBC from the city of Campinas, SP, in 2001, were analysed in order to determine SINASC's viability. Mothers' and newborns' profiles were described and risk factors for low birth weight (LBW), caesarean-sections and pregnancy in adolescence were showed.
The profiles were described according to mothers¿ social-demographic characteristics and those related to their pregnancies and to the newborns. The assessment of the association among variables was performed through logistic regression. The study showed excellent coverage of the SINASC (99.1%) and almost 100% of the variables were filled. Most of the births occured in health services of the city and the higher proportion was of babies from women who lived in Health District (HD) Northwest and Southwest (in low conditions of life), where the worst results occured. The percentage of adolescent mothers were 17.8%; the highest proportion of births was among women between 20 and 34 years old; 60.6% of all mothers didn't have jobs, 35.9% were single; 37.8% studied until seven years and 47.1% studied for about eight and eleven years. The number of children were variable, but the higher concentration was on women with no children or just one. Almost all women at least had one prenatal care appointment; 74.4% had more than six medical visits. Pregnancy in adolescence was associated with women living in low conditions of life, without husbands or incomes and who had inadequate prenatal care. Most of the gestations were single and the babies were mature, most of them were male, white, born with a low proportion of hipoxia and 1% of them showed malformations. The percentage of premature babies were 7.1%. The incidence of caesarean-sections was very high (54.9%) and the risk factors for them were: twin gestations, premature birth and women with husbands, having better education level, with jobs, living in good places, having more prenatal care visits, with no children and with one or two. The average birth weight was 3,142g; 25.7% of the babies were born weighing between 2,500g and 2,999g and 9.1% of them weighing less than 2,500g. The risk factors for LBW were: premature birth, low educational level, less than seven prenatal care visits and female baby. This study showed the viability of SINASC to help plan health activities for the infant maternal group. Furthermore, the results in different HD, showed that the mothers¿ and newborns¿ characteristics are different in the city / Mestrado / Saude da Criança e do Adolescente / Mestre em Saude da Criança e do Adolescente
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Fatores associados à cesariana segundo fonte de financiamento na Região Sudeste: estudo transversal a partir dos dados de pesquisa \'Nascer no Brasil\' Inquérito Nacional sobre Parto e Nascimento / Factors associated with caesarean section according to funding source in the Southeast: cross-sectional study from \"Born in Brazil surveyBruna Dias Alonso 20 March 2015 (has links)
Introdução: Sabe-se que a cesariana sem indicação clínica está associada a desfechos adversos para a saúde da mulher e de seus filhos a curto e longo prazos. A variação da proporção de cesáreas entre serviços e países não pode ser explicada somente por características inerentes à mulher. Fatores como a fonte de financiamento da assistência também têm forte influência sobre a via de nascimento. Objetivo: Descrever e comparar os fatores socioeconômicos, demográficos, clínicos e obstétricos associados à cesariana entre mulheres assistidas no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e no setor de saúde suplementar (SSS). Método: Estudo transversal, a partir dos dados do inquérito Nascer no Brasil, referentes à Região Sudeste. A amostra foi composta por puérperas que tiveram recém-nascidos vivos, natimortos (peso 500 gramas e/ou idade gestacional 22 semanas) e parto normal ou cesariana, em hospitais com 500 partos em 2007. A associação entre a cesariana e as variáveis estudadas foi verificada por meio de regressão logística binária univariada e múltipla. Calcularam-se odds ratios (OR) brutas e ajustadas e intervalos de confiança (IC) de 95 por cento . Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 9.828 mulheres. A taxa de cesariana foi de 52,9 por cento , com proporção maior no SSS (84,0 por cento ). Ser adolescente (SUS: OR=0,68; IC 95 por cento 0,57-0,81/SSS: OR=0,48; IC 95 por cento 0,27-0,84) e ter o nascimento assistido em hospitais de alguma das capitais (SUS: OR=0,39; IC 95 por cento 0,34-0,45/SSS: OR=0,48; IC 95 por cento 0,36-0,65) ofereceram chances menores para cesárea nos dois financiamentos. Exercer trabalho remunerado (SUS: OR=1,32; IC 95 por cento 1,16-1,51/SSS: OR=2,94; IC 95 por cento 2,14-4,03), ter cesariana anterior (SUS: OR=22,06 IC 95 por cento 18,33-26,56/SSS: OR=64,48; IC 95 por cento 32,78-126,84), ser primípara (SUS: OR=4,86; IC 95 por cento 4,16-5,69/SSS: OR=8,37; IC 95 por cento 5,96-11,75) e ter apresentado intercorrências durante a gestação (SUS:OR=9,27; IC 95 por cento 8,17-10,53/SSS:OR=3,09; IC 95 por cento 2,22-4,31) representaram chances aumentadas para cesariana entre mulheres assistidas no SUS e no SSS. Estiveram associados independentemente à cesariana, apenas no SUS: ter 35 anos ou mais (OR=1,36; IC 95 por cento 1,09-1,69); ter cursado ensino superior ou mais (OR=2,53; IC 95 por cento 1,78-3,59); não ter companheiro(a) (OR=0,78; IC 95 por cento 0,68-0,90); pertencer às classes econômicas A, B ou C (respectivamente: OR=1,72; IC 95 por cento 1,39-2,12/OR=1,29; IC95 por cento 1,09-1,53) e ter apresentado intercorrências durante o trabalho de parto (OR=3,18; IC 95 por cento 2,62-3,85). Conclusões: A fonte de financiamento foi determinante na indicação da cesariana no SSS, uma vez que se sobrepôs à maioria dos fatores socioeconômicos, demográficos, clínicos e obstétricos. Já no SUS, determinantes sociais referentes à melhor condição socioeconômica se associaram à cesariana. / Introduction: Caesarean section without clinical reason is associated with women and their children adverse outcomes at short and long term. Variation of caesarean section rates among services and countries can not be explained only by women´s characteristics. Payment source has strong influence on the decision of mode of birth. Objective: To describe and compare socioeconomic, demographic, clinical and obstetric factors associated with caesarean section among women in public health system (SUS) and private health care sector (SSS). Methods: Cross-sectional study with Southeast´ data of \"Born in Brazil\" national survey. The sample included women who had live births or stillbirths (weighing 500 g and/or gestational age 22 weeks) and normal or caesarean deliveries, in hospitals with 500 births in 2007. The association between caesarean section and other variables was verified by univariate and multiple binary logistic regression, on which crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR) and confidence intervals (CI) of 95 per cent were calculated. Results: The sample comprised 9,828 women. The caesarean section rate was 52.9 per cent , with higher proportion in SSS (84.0 per cent ). Being an adolescent (SUS: OR=0.68, CI 95 per cent 0.57-0.81/SSS: OR=0.48, CI 95 per cent 0.27-0.84) and having a hospital in a capital city as a place of birth (SUS: OR=0.39, CI 95 per cent 0.34-0.45/SSS: OR=0.48, CI 95 per cent 0.36-0.65) were associated to lower chances of caesarean section in both funding sources. Paid employment (SUS: OR=1.32, CI 95 per cent 1.16-1.51/SSS: OR=2.94, CI 95 per cent 2.14-4.03), a previous caesarean section (SUS: OR=22.06 CI 95 per cent 18.33-26.56/SSS: OR=64.48 CI 95 per cent 32.78-126.84), to be primiparous (SUS: OR=4.86, CI 95 per cent 4.16-5.69/SSS: OR=8.37, CI 95 per cent 5.96-11.75) and complications during pregnancy (SUS:OR=9,27; IC 95 per cent 8,17-10,53/SSS:OR=3,09; IC 95 per cent 2,22-4,31) represented increased chances for caesarean section among women in SUS and SSS. The following variables were independently associated with caesarean section, only in SUS: 35 years old or more (OR=1.36, CI 95 per cent 1.09-1.69); higher education or more (OR=2.53, CI 95 per cent 1.78-3.59); no partner (OR=0.78, CI 95 per cent 0.68-0.90); belonging to A, B or C economic classes (respectively: OR=1.72, CI 95 per cent 1.39-2.12/OR=1.29, CI 95 per cent 1.09-1.53) and complications during labor (OR=3.18, CI 95 per cent 2.62- 3.85). Conclusions: The high proportion of caesarean sections in the SSS demonstrated that this funding source was crucial on caesarean section indications and overcame socioeconomic, demographic, clinical and obstetrical factors. Indicators of better socioeconomic condition were associated to caesarean section in SUS.
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Postoje k porodu u českých žen / Attitudes toward childbirth in Czech womenZámečník, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
Nowadays, women have a wide range of sources of information about childbirth. Women's attitudes toward childbirth are made by sharing experiences between women and in families but also they are based on information from media and internet. Consequently attitudes toward childbirth influence the choice of kind of delivery and women's childbirth experience. These days we can see some trends in obstetrics - the rising interest in natural births, on the one hand, and the rising number of women delivering their babies by cesarean section on the other hand. The goal of this socio-psychologically oriented thesis is to map women's attitudes to these most striking birth trends, and also to identify the reasons for these women's attitudes. The research part is thus focused qualitatively and uses the data from the analysis of the internet discussion forums for mothers. In the previous theoretical part are presented the key information necessary to understand the studied topic, such as the issues of attitudes, the specifics of the communication on the internet discussion forums and above all the current scientific knowledge about the attitudes of women to childbirth in the Czech Republic and the world. Key words Attitudes of women, natural childbirth, assisted childbirth, homebirth, caesarean section, internet...
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Treatment for childbirth fear with a focus on midwife-led counselling : A national overview, women’s birth preferences and experiences of counsellingLarsson, Birgitta January 2017 (has links)
Background: Many women experience childbirth fear to such an extent that it seriously interferes with the woman’s daily life and affects her mental well-being. Aim: The overall aim was to conduct an overview of the midwife-led counselling for childbirth fear in Sweden, to investigate women’s birth preferences and to describe their experiences of treatment on childbirth fear, with focus on midwife-led counselling. Methods: Study I is a cross-sectional study where 43 out of 45 maternity clinics responded to a questionnaire regarding midwife-led counselling. Study II is a longitudinal survey where 889 women participated of whom 70 received counselling. Data were collected by questionnaires in mid-pregnancy, two months and finally, one year after birth. Study III is a randomised controlled study with 258 participating women assessed with childbirth fear. It compares Internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy (ICBT) with midwife-led counselling. Data were collected by questionnaires twice during pregnancy and two months after birth. Study IV is a qualitative interview study using thematic analysis, including 27 women who received midwife-led counselling during pregnancy. Results: Overall, midwife-led counselling was perceived as empowering by the women and increased their confidence when facing birth. The preference for a caesarean section decreased during pregnancy and the majority had a normal vaginal birth but an increase in preference for caesarean section appeared after birth. Half of the women who received treatment for childbirth fear experienced a less than positive birth. Women who had a positive birth experience voiced that the contributing factors were the self-confidence received from counselling and the support from the midwife during birth. Decreased or manageable fear was expressed by the women after counselling and birth, which in turn brought a strengthened confidence for a future pregnancy and birth. Furthermore, major differences exist in counselling for childbirth fear throughout the clinics in Sweden. Conclusion: Midwife-led counselling improved women’s confidence toward giving birth and fear was perceived as manageable. Continuous support is crucial to experience birth as positive. Although women’s preferences for caesarean section did not change over time, few women gave birth with a caesarean section without medial reason.
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Postoje k porodu u českých žen / Attitudes toward childbirth in Czech womenZámečník, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
Nowadays, women have a wide range of sources of information about childbirth. Women's attitudes toward childbirth are made by sharing experiences between women and in families but also they are based on informations from media and internet. Consequently attitudes toward childbirth influence the choice of kind of delivery and women's childbirth experience. These days we can see some trends in obstetrics - the rising interest in natural births, on the one hand, and the rising number of women delivering their babies by cesarean section on the other hand. The goal of this socio-psychologically oriented thesis is to map women's attitudes to these most striking birth trends, and also to identify the reasons for these women's attitudes. The research part is thus focused qualitatively and uses the data from the analysis of the internet discussion forums for mothers. In the previous theoretical part are presented the key information necessary to understand the studied topic, such as the issues of attitudes, the specifics of the communication on the internet discussion forums and above all the current scientific knowledge about the attitudes of women to childbirth in the Czech Republic and the world. Key words Attitudes of women, natural childbirth, assisted childbirth, homebirth, caesarean section, internet...
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Déterminants de la césarienne de qualité en Afrique de l'Ouest / Determinants of an optimal practice of caesarean section in Western African countriesKabore, Wendyam Charles Paulin Didier 28 November 2017 (has links)
Au Burkina Faso, le taux populationnel de césariennes reste encore faible (2% en 2012). Cependant, depuis l’exemption partielle (80%) pour les familles du paiement à l’acte en 2006, et la mise à disposition de médecins généralistes, sages-femmes et infirmiers formés à la pratique des césariennes dans les hôpitaux les plus reculés, on observe une augmentation constante des taux de césariennes dans les établissements de santé et il est difficile de savoir si toutes ces interventions sont réellement utiles. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’identifier les déterminants d’une césarienne de qualité en Afrique de l’Ouest pour orienter les politiques de santé reproductive dans les pays concernés. Les résultats des travaux menés dans le cadre de cette thèse montrent que le niveau de qualification du personnel de santé travaillant dans les hôpitaux du Burkina Faso et son expérience professionnelle déterminent globalement son niveau de connaissance en matière de gestion du travail et de l’accouchement compliqué. De plus, une supervision régulière de son travail semble améliorer sa performance. Le niveau de qualification du personnel de santé au Burkina Faso influence également la pratique de césariennes non médicalement justifiées. Mais l’environnement social joue aussi un rôle dans cette pratique abusive. Les résultats de cette recherche montrent enfin que la pratique systématique d’une césarienne après une césarienne antérieure n’est pas justifiée dans ce contexte. Les résultats de cette thèse ont permis de développer et de mettre en œuvre un essai d’intervention visant à réduire des césariennes sans raison médicale en Afrique de l’ouest. / In Burkina Faso, the national caesarean section rate is still low (2% in 2012). However, since the introduction of caesarean user fee exemption in 2006 and the availability of trained staff to perform a caesarean section in the most remote hospitals, the institutional caesareans rates have risen steadily and it is unclear whether all of these interventions are necessary. The main objective of this thesis is to identify the determinants of an optimal practice of caesarean section in three western African countries that favour access to caesarean section. The results of the work carried out in the framework of this thesis show that the level of qualification of the health personnel working in Burkina Faso hospitals and his professional experience determine globally his level of knowledge in the management of labor and complicated childbirth. . In addition, regular supervision of his work by daily review of clinical records (partograms) seems to improve his performance. The level of qualification of health personnel in Burkina Faso also influences the practice of non-medically justified caesareans. But the social environment also plays a role in this abusive practice. The results of this research show that the systematic practice of cesarean section after an anterior caesarean section is not justified in this context. The results of this thesis led to the development and implementation of a multi-faceted intervention trial aimed at reducing caesareans without medical reason in West Africa.
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El tipo de parto se relaciona con los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de lactancia materna exclusiva de mujeres con hijos menores de 6 meses que acuden al Hospital Santa Rosa, Lima-Perú en el periodo de enero del 2020 a febrero del 2021 / The type of delivery is related to knowledge, attitudes and practices of exclusive breastfeeding of women with infants under 6 months of years who attend Hospital Santa Rosa, Lima-Peru in the period from January 2020 to February 2021García Saravia, José Luis, Vargas García, Elsa Katherine 16 September 2021 (has links)
Solicitud de embargo por publicación en revista indexada. / INTRODUCCIÓN: La lactancia materna exclusiva (LME) es la nutrición primordial del infante. El tipo de parto puede impactar en los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas (CAP) de la LME.
OBJETIVO: Evaluar la relación entre tipo de parto y CAP de LME de mujeres en edad fértil con hijos menores de 6 meses de edad en un hospital de Perú.
MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Este estudio transversal analítico estuvo conformado por 126 mujeres con antecedente de parto vaginal (PV) y parto por cesárea (PC) que acudieron a cuatro consultorios externos del hospital. El instrumento consistió en un extracto del cuestionario nacional para datos sociodemográficos y un extracto del Manual CAP relacionado a la LME.
RESULTADOS: El 61.9% tuvo PC. No se encontró relación significativa entre tipo de parto con conocimientos (p=0.574), actitudes (p =0.068) y prácticas (p=0.574) de LME. Las madres de 31 a 49 años (58.8%, p=0.032), casadas (63.6%, p=0.028) y universitarias (49.3%, p=0.026) tuvieron mayor nivel de conocimientos sobre LME. Los recién nacidos recibieron en su mayoría LME (71.2%, p=0.047).
CONCLUSIÓN: No hubo diferencias de CAP según tipo de parto; esto podría deberse a una buena estrategia de salud en el cuidado postnatal hospitalario. La edad materna, el nivel de instrucción y el estado civil se encuentran relacionados al nivel de conocimiento de LME. Además, la edad del infante se encuentra relacionada a las prácticas exclusivas de lactancia materna. / INTRODUCTION: Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) is the primordial nutrition of the infant. The type of delivery can impact knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of EBF.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationship between type of delivery and KAP of EBF in fertile women with children under 6 months of age in a hospital in Peru.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This analytical cross-sectional study consisted of 126 women with a history of vaginal delivery (VD) and cesarean delivery (CD) who attended to four outpatient offices of the hospital. The instrument consisted of an extract from the National Demographic and Family Health Survey (ENDES) and an extract from the KAP Manual related to EBF.
RESULTS: Between the women, 61.9% had CD. No significant relationship was found between type of delivery with knowledge (p = 0.574), attitudes (p = 0.068) and practices (p = 0.574) of EBF. Mothers from 31 to 49 years old (58.8%, p = 0.032), married (63.6%, p = 0.028) and university students (49.3%, p = 0.026) had a higher level of knowledge about EBF. Most of the newborns received EBF (71.2%, p = 0.047).
CONCLUSIONS: There were no differences in KAP according to type of delivery; this could be due to a good health strategy in the hospital postnatal care. Maternal age, educational level and marital status are related to the level of knowledge of EBF. In addition, the age of the infant is related to the exclusive practices of breastfeeding. / Tesis
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