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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Régulation médicale simulée : ingénierie cognitive de la conception d'un outil d'apprentissage / Simulated medical regulation : cognitive engineerine to design a training tool

Boidron, Laurent 15 December 2014 (has links)
La régulation médicale est une sous-discipline de la Médecine d'Urgence. La tâche du médecin régulateur s'apparente à la gestion d'un environnement dynamique à risque. SimulPhone© est un nouveau type d'outil permettant de simuler un appel. L'objet de ce travail est de construire un outil d'apprentissage par simulation à partir des données de l’ingénierie cognitive. A partir de scénarios de simulation, nous avons conduit cinq expériences. La première expérience permet d'étudier la faisabilité et de déterminer les axes d'analyse. La deuxième étude teste la validité et la fidélité du simulateur. Nous avons ensuite établi un score de performance cognitive. La troisième expérience détermine un sous-groupe d'experts grâce au score précédent. Leur comportement est analysé pour chaque scénario afin d'établir un guide pédagogique. La quatrième expérience étudie l'impact de la dominance sur le raisonnement et la décision. La dernière expérience analyse les apprentissages au cours d'une journée de simulation. Les résultats des expériences retrouvent (1) un réalisme important du simulateur. Nous avons démontré (2) la validité, la fidélité intra et inter-observateur du simulateur. Ces résultats ne sont pas modifiés par la profession du participant. Dans la troisième expérience, la sous-population d'experts nous permet de construire un guide pédagogique. Dans l'arrêt cardiorespiratoire, nous avons observé une limitation de la charge cognitive de l'appelant pour lui faire réaliser un massage cardiaque par téléphone. Nous avons démontré (4) l'impact des informations paraverbales sur la décision des régulateurs. Enfin, au cours d'une journée de formation (5), nous avons observé une réactivation des connaissances antérieures. / Emergency Medical Call Center is a part of Emergency Medicine. Emergency Medical Dispatching Physician (EMDP) deals with a critical dynamic environment. SimulPhone© is a novel simulator for call center. The aim of this work is to build a training simulation tool from the cognitive engineering. With simulation scenarios, we conducted five experiments. For the first one, we tested the feasibility and determined the fields of analysis. The second study tested the validity and reliability of the simulator. We then established a cognitive performance score. The third experiment determined a subgroup with experts with the previous score. Their behaviors were analyzed for each scenario in order to establish an educational guide. The fourth experiment studied the impact of dominance on the reasoning and decision. The last one analysed the learning experience during a simulation day. Our results found (1) a significant realism of the simulator. We have demonstrated (2) the validity, reliability, intra and inter-observer simulator. These results are not affected by the profession of the participants. In the third experiment, the subgroup of experts allowed us to build an educational guide. In cardiac arrest, we observed a cognitive underload from subject to the caller in order to realise a telephone cardiopulmonary resuscitation. We have demonstrated (4) the impact of paraverbal informations on the decision of EMDP. At least, during a training session (5), we observed previous knowledge awakening.

« Back to Tenochtitlan » : Migration de retour et nouvelles maquiladoras de la communication : Le cas des jeunes migrants employés dans les centres d’appel bilingues de la ville de Mexico. / « Back to Tenochtitlan » : Return Migration and the New Maquiladoras of Communication : The Case of Young Migrants Employed in Mexico City’s Bilingual Call Centers.

Da Cruz, Michaël 05 June 2014 (has links)
Si les centres d'appel constituent une porte d'entrée sur le marché du travail pour de plus en plus de jeunes issus du système universitaire mexicain, ils jouent le même rôle pour un autre type de population : les jeunes migrants de retour en provenance des États-Unis et du Canada. Parmi eux, on retrouve un nombre important de jeunes Mexicains qui appartiennent à cette catégorie intermédiaire que les spécialistes de la migration ont défini comme génération 1.5. Véritables symboles du tournant sécuritaire de la politique migratoire américaine après 1986, ils font partie de ces 2.1 millions de mineurs Mexicains qui n'ont jamais eu accès à un statut légal depuis qu'ils sont arrivés dans leur «pays d'accueil». À partir d'entretiens biographiques et d'une étude ethnographique prolongée auprès de ce groupe, nous avons cherché à comprendre les raisons qui expliquaient leur retour vers le Mexique. Si certains d'entre eux n'ont pas eu le choix dans cette décision, d'autres intègrent cette catégorie de retours dits «volontaires». Plus qu'un véritable choix, cette bifurcation dans leur trajectoire biographique est une réponse à la situation d'enfermement social, économique et physique à laquelle se retrouvent confrontés les immigrants illégaux aux États-Unis. De retour au Mexique, ils intègrent en nombre les centres d'appel bilingues offshore où leur expérience migratoire leur permet de palier le manque de diplômes qui les caractérisent presque tous. Si le fait que ce secteur soit à la recherche constante de main d’œuvre leur offre une sécurité sur le marché de l'emploi, on constate qu'il est aussi souvent l'unique secteur rentable auquel ces jeunes migrants de retour ont accès. / Not only are call centres a gateway into the labour market for young Mexican university students, but they are also becoming more and more significant for young Mexican return migrants from the USA and Canada. The latter are largely represented by young Mexican migrants referred to by migration scholars as belonging to the 1.5 generation. A symbol of the securitarian turn of American immigrant policies after 1986, they are a portion of the total of 2.1 million Mexicans who, arrived as minors, have not yet been able to acquire legal status in their "host country".Drawing from life histories interviews and from ethnographic fieldwork in Mexico City the thesis investigates the reasons that explain why they have returned to Mexico. For some the choice has not been of their making, yet others have willingly decided to return. More than a choice, this turning point in their lives is a response to the awareness of the social, economic and physical limitations they encounter as illegal immigrants in the USA. Once having returned to Mexico, most of them are employed in offshore bilingual call centres where their migration experience gives them a linguistic and cultural advantage compensating their lack of institutionally recognized educational degrees. While having a preferential position in this expanding sector, constantly recruiting new workers, nonetheless it is the only sector which offers good job opportunities for them.

Pracovní příležitosti a pracovní podmínky v call centru / Working opportunities and working conditions in call centre

Stakhariuk, Liudmyla January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of job and working conditions in British call centers located in the third world countries (understood in developing countries and countries of the former Soviet Union). The aim of this thesis is to analyze the existing job opportunities and working conditions and the applied principles and practices of human resource management and marketing in the call center of the British International company Cupid plc in Ukrainian city Dnepropetrovsk, identify the problems and suggest solutions. The thesis is divided into eight chapters: organizing (explains the essence of organizing and classifies the types of organizational structures), call center (describes the traditional call center model, modern trends and problems in call centers), international company (explains the philosophy and strategy of companies at the international market); the third world countries (defines and characterizes the problems of the third world countries), human resource management of the international company (defines and explains the strategy, policies and practices of human resources management of the international company); marketing of the international company (defines and explains the strategy, policies and procedures of customer relationship management of the international firms); call centers of the international companies in the third world countries (gives examples of the activities and problems of British call centers in India, Pakistan and the Philippines); British call center in Ukraine (analyzes specific British call center of the international company in Ukrainian city Dnepropetrovsk). This thesis is processed using literature, case studies, internal documents and personal experience of the author.

Aplikace nových komunikačních technologií do firemní počítačové sítě / Aplication of New Communication Technologies into Company´s Computer Network

Šafránek, Filip January 2009 (has links)
The target of master's thesis is implementation solution of communication VoIP technologies and connection recording system and CRM system in order to saving costs for company INTERNET TRADING s.r.o..

Návrh na zvýšení výkonu zdravotnického zařízení. / Proposal to Increase the Performance of the Medical Center.

Kobe, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on a possibility of introducing of assistance services in medical facilities or a setting up of a new subsidiary company for these services that increase a comfort for patients. It contains the instructions how to realize the comfort of the health conditions which is provided by the health care system in the Czech Republic. It specifies a method that increases a performance of an additional medical facility service.

Den svenska callcenterbranschen och de tekniska lösningar som används : Branschanalys samt identifiering av problematiska dialogsystemsyttranden med hjälp av maskininlärning / The Swedish call center industry and the technologies it utilizes : Industry analysis and identification of problematic system utterances using machine learning

Wirström, Li, Huledal, Mattias January 2015 (has links)
Detta arbete består av två delar. Den första delen syftar till att beskriva och analysera callcenterbranschen i Sverige samt vilka faktorer som påverkar branschen och dess utveckling. Analysen grundar sig i två modeller: Porters fempunktsmodell och PEST. Fokus ligger på den del av branschen som består av kundtjänstverksamhet för att koppla till arbetets andra del. Analysen visar att branschen främst påverkas av hög konkurrens och företagens, som behöver tillhandahålla kundtjänst, val mellan interna eller externa kundtjänstlösningar. Analysen indikerar även att branschen kommer fortsätta växa och att det finns en trend att företag i större utsträckning väljer att outsourca sin kundtjänst. Utvecklingen hos de tekniska lösningar som används i callcenter, till exempel dialogsystem, är efterfrågade av företagen då dessa är viktiga verktyg för att skapa en väl fungerande kundtjänst. Dagens digitala system har uppenbara utvecklingsområden. Det är ofta stora internationella företag eller internationella arbetslag som utvecklar de digitala systemen. Dock sträcker sig användningsområdet för dessa system långt utanför endast callcenterbranschen. Den andra delen handlar om att identifiera problematiska dialogsystemyttranden med hjälp av maskininlärning och inspireras av SpeDial, ett EU-projekt med syfte att förbättra dialogsystem. Yttranden från dialogsystemet kan anses problematiska beroende på till exempel att systemet missuppfattat användarens avsikt. Syftet med arbetets andra del är att undersöka vilken eller vilka maskininlärningsmetoder i verktyget WEKA som lämpar sig bäst för att identifiera problematiska dialogsystemyttranden. De data som använts i arbetet kommer från en kundtjänstentré baserad på fritt tal, vilket innebär att användaren själv uppmanas beskriva sitt ärende för att kunna kopplas vidare till rätt avdelning inom kundtjänsten. Våra data har tillhandahållits av företaget Voice Provider som utvecklar, implementerar och underhåller kundtjänstsystem. Voice Provider kom vi i kontakt med via Institutionen för tal, musik och hörsel (TMH), vid Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, som deltar i SpeDial-projektet. Arbetet gick initialt ut på att förbereda tillhandahållen data för att kunna användas av maskininlärningsverktyget WEKAs inbyggda klassificerare, varefter sex klassificerare valdes ut för vidare utvärdering. Resultaten visar att ingen av klassificerarna lyckades utföra uppgiften på ett fullt ut tillfredsställande sätt. Den som lyckades bäst var dock metoden Random Forest. Det är svårt att dra några ytterligare slutsatser från resultaten. / This work consists of two parts. The first part aims to describe and analyze the call center industry in Sweden and the factors that affect the industry and its development. The analysis is based on two models: Porter’s five forces and PEST. The focus is mainly on the part of the industry that consists of customer service operations. The analysis shows that the industry is mainly affected by high competition and businesses’, that need to provide customer service, choice between internal or external customer service operations. The analysis also indicates that the industry will continue to grow and that there is a trend that companies increasingly choose to outsource their customer service. The development of  the technological solutions used in call centers, for example, dialogue systems, are requested by companies as these are important tools to create a well-functioning customer service. Digital systems today have obvious development areas. It is often large international companies or international teams that develop the digital systems used. However, extends the area of ​​use for these systems far beyond the call center industry. The second part involves identifying problematic dialogue system utterances using machine learning and is inspired by SpeDial, an EU project aimed at improving dialogue systems. Problematic dialogue system utterances can be considered problematic depending on, for example, that the system misinterprets the user's intention. The aim of the work done in the second part is to investigate what or which machine learning methods in the WEKA tool that are best suited to identify problematic dialogue system utterances. The data used in this work comes from a customer service entrance based on free speech, which means that the user is asked to describe their case to be transferred to the right department within the customer service. Our data has been provided by the company Voice Provider that develops, implements and maintains customer service systems. We came in contact with Voice Provider through the Department of Speech, Music and Hearing (TMH), at the Royal Institute of Technology, that are involved in the SpeDial project. The work initially consisted of preparing the supplied data to enable it to me used by the machine learning tool WEKA’s built-in classifiers, after which six classifiers were selected for further evaluation. The results show that none of the classifiers managed to accomplish the task in a fully satisfactory manner.  Whoever the method that was most successful was the Random Forest method. It is difficult to draw any further conclusions from the results.

El estrés laboral y su relación con la rotación del personal de la empresa Master Medic E.R.S. S.A.C., periodo 2021 / Work stress and its relationship with the turnover of the staff of the company master medic E.R.S. S.A.C., period 2021

Pajares Bardales, Julio Enrique 02 November 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene por objetivo determinar de qué manera el estrés laboral se relaciona con la rotación del personal de la empresa Master Medic E.R.S. S.A.C., periodo 2021. La metodología aplicada en esta investigación es cuantitativa, ya que utiliza la recopilación de datos para probar hipótesis basadas en mediciones numéricas y análisis estadísticos para establecer patrones de comportamiento y probar teorías. Para el presente trabajo se utilizará un diseño de investigación no experimental. Específicamente será un diseño transeccional correlacional. Los resultados muestran que el P-valor es mayor a 0.05 que es necesario para rechazar la hipótesis nula, por lo tanto, se rechaza la hipótesis del investigador y se acepta la hipótesis nula, lo que significa que el estrés laboral no se relaciona significativamente con la rotación del personal de la empresa Master Medic E.R.S. S.A.C., periodo 2021, lo cual implica que en la empresa donde se aplicó la investigación no tiene estrategias para la reducción de los niveles de estrés de los trabajadores y los niveles de rotación del personal, por lo que se recomienda que la empresa implemente estrategias que mejoren estos aspectos y se conviertan en una investigación nueva a realizar a futuro. / The objective of this research is to determine how work stress is related to the turnover of the staff of the company Master Medic E.R.S. S.A.C., period 2021. The methodology applied in this research will be quantitative, since it uses data collection to test hypotheses based on numerical measurements and statistical analysis to establish behavior patterns and test theories. For the present work, a non-experimental research design will be used. Specifically, it will be a correlational transectional design. The results show that the P-value is greater than 0.05 which is necessary to reject the null hypothesis, therefore, the researcher's hypothesis is rejected and the null hypothesis is accepted, which means that work stress is not significantly related to staff turnover of the Master Medic E.R. S company S.A.C., 2021 period. This implies that the company where the research was applied does not have strategies to reduce the stress levels of the workers and the levels of staff turnover, so it is recommended that the company implement strategies that improve these aspects and become a new investigation to be carried out in the future. / Tesis

Dynamics of a two-level system with priorities and application to an emergency call center / Dynamique d'un système biniveau avec priorités. Application à un centre d'appel d'urgences.

Boeuf, Vianney 18 December 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous analysons la dynamique de systèmes à événements discrets avec synchronisation et priorités, au moyen de réseaux de Petri et de réseaux de files d'attente.Nous appliquons cela à l'évaluation de performance d'un centre d'appels d'urgence.Notre motivation de départ est pratique. Pendant la durée de ce travail, un nouveau centre d'appels d'urgence a été mis en place pour l'agglomération parisienne, traitant les appels pour la police et les pompiers.La nouvelle organisation traite les appels en deux niveaux.Un premier niveau d'opérateurs répond aux appels, identifie les appels urgents et traite les appels non urgents.Les opérateurs de second niveau sont spécialistes (policiers ou pompiers) et traitent les demandes d'intervention.Quand un appel est identifié au niveau 1 comme très urgent, l'opérateur reste en ligne avec l'appelant jusqu'à ce qu'un opérateur de niveau 2 réponde. De plus, l'appel est prioritaire.Une conséquence de cette procédure est que, lorsqu'aucun opérateur de niveau 2 n'est disponible, les opérateurs de niveau 1 attendent avec ces appels très urgents, et la capacité du niveau 1 diminue.Nous nous intéressons à l'évaluation de performance de divers systèmes correspondant à cette description générale, dans des situations de saturation.Nous proposons trois modèles différents pour traiter ce type de systèmes.Les deux premiers sont des modèles de réseaux de Petri temporisés.Nous enrichissons les classiques réseaux de Petri à choix libres en autorisant des situations de conflit où le routage est résolu par des priorités.La principale difficulté est alors que l'opérateur de la dynamique n'est plus monotone.Dans un premier modèle, nous proposons une dynamique discrète pour cette classe de réseaux de Petri, avec des temps de séjour constants sur les places.Nous prouvons que les variables compteurs d'une exécution du réseau sont les solutions d'un système affine par morceaux, avec retards.Nous étudions les régimes stationnaires de cette dynamique, et caractérisons les régimes affines comme solutoins d'un système affine par morceaux, qui peut être vu comme un système sur le semi-corps de germes tropical (min plus).Les applications numériques montrent cependant que la convergence ne se fait pas toujours vers ces régimes stationnaires affines.Le second modèle est une transformation continue du précédent. Pour la même classe de réseaux de Petri, nous proposons une dynamique sous forme d'équations différentielles discontinues.Nous établissons l'existence et l'unicité de la solution.L'objectif de cette modélisation est d'obtenir un système plus simple dans lequel les pathologies du temps discret disparaissent. Nous montrons que les régimes stationaires sont les mêmes que ceux de la dynamique discrète. Les simulations numériques semblent montrer que la convergence s'obtient effectivement dans ce cas.Nous modélisons aussi le centre d'appels d'urgence comme un réseau de files d'attente, prenant ainsi en compte le caractère aléatoire des différentes variables du centre d'appel.Pour ce système, nous prouvons que la dynamique, après une transformation d'échelle, converge vers une limite fluide, qui correspond au système d'équations différentielles précédent.Cela conforte notre seconde modélisation.Les principaux outils de la preuve de convergence sont le calcul stochastique pour les processus de Poisson, les formulations de Skorokhod généralisées, ou encore des arguments de couplage.Ainsi, nos trois modèles d'un même centre d'appels d'urgence définissent un même comportement asymptotique schématique, décrivant différentes phases de congestion du centre.Dans une seconde partie de cette thèse, nous analysons des simulations poussées, prenant en compte les nombreux détails de notre étude de cas. Les simulations confirment le comportement schématique prédit par nos modèles mathématiques. Nous discutons aussi des interactions complexes provenant de la nature hétérogène du niveau 2. / In this thesis, we analyze the dynamics of discrete event systems with synchronization and priorities, by the means of Petri nets and queueing networks.We apply this to the performance evaluation of an emergency call center.Our original motivation is practical. During the period of this work, a new emergency call center became operative in Paris area, handling emergency calls to police and firemen.The new organization includes a two-level call treatment. A first level of operators answers calls, identifies urgent calls and handles (numerous) non-urgent calls.Second level operators are specialists (policemen or firemen) and handle emergency demands.When a call is identified at level 1 as extremely urgent, the operator stays in line with the call until a level 2 operator answers. The call has priority for level 2 operators.A consequence of this procedure is that, when level 2 operators are busy, level 1 operators wait with extremely urgent calls, and the capacity of level 1 diminishes.We are interested in the performance evaluation of various systems corresponding to this general description, in stressed situations.We propose three different models addressing this kind of systems.The first two are timed Petri net models.We enrich the classical free choice Petri nets by allowing conflict situations in which the routing is solved by priorities.The main difficulty in this situation is that the operator of the dynamics becomes non monotone.In a first model, we consider discrete dynamics for this class of Petri nets, with constant holding times on places.We prove that the counter variables of an execution of the Petri net are solutions of a piecewise linear system with delays.As far as we know, this proof is new, even for the class of free choice nets, which is a subclass of ours.We investigate the stationary regimes of the dynamics, and characterize the affine ones as solutions of a piecewise linear system, which can be seen as a system over a tropical (min-plus) semifield of germs.Numerical experiments show that, however, convergence does not always holds towards these affine stationary regimes.The second model is a ``continuization'' of the previous one. For the same class of Petri nets, we propose dynamics expressed by differential equations, so that the tokens and time events become continue.For this differential system with discontinuous righthandside, we establish the existence and uniqueness of the solution.By using differential equations, we aim at obtaining a simpler model in which discrete time pathologies disappear. We show that the stationary regimes are the same as the stationary regimes of the discrete time dynamics.Numerical experiments tend to show that, in this setting, convergence effectively holds.We also model the emergency call center described above as a queueing system, taking into account the randomness of the different call center variables.For this system, we prove that, under an appropriate scaling, the dynamics converges to a fluid limit which corresponds to the differential equations of our Petri net model.This provides support for the second model.Stochastic calculus for Poisson processes, generalized Skorokhod formulations and coupling arguments are the main tools used to establish this convergence.Hence, our three models of an identical emergency call center yield the same schematic asymptotic behavior, expressed as a piecewise linear system of the parameters, and describing the different congestion phases of the system.In a second part of this thesis, simulations are carried out and analyzed, taking into account the many subtleties of our case study (for example, we construct probability distributions based on real data analysis).The simulations confirm the schematic behavior described by our mathematical models.We also address the complex interactions coming from the heterogeneous nature of level 2.

Does Social Role Functioning Predict Work Productivity? Further Validation of the Social Role Scale of the Outcome Questionnaire

Allred, Aaron M. 05 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Mental health problems are associated with significant losses in work productivity and, consequently, have significant ramifications for business entities and the general economy. Several instruments have been developed to measure productivity-related constructs such as absenteeism and presenteeism. The current study examines the utility of the Outcome Questionnaire-45 (OQ), a commonly used mental health questionnaire, in predicting work productivity. This relationship is explored as a preliminary step in assessing the degree to which changes in mental health brought about by psychotherapy will improve work productivity. Forty-nine participants were recruited from a call center in a small market research firm based in the Western United States. Work productivity was measured using four subscales of the Work Productivity and Activity Impairment (WPAI) questionnaire as well as an objective measure. The OQ and WPAI were administered on a weekly basis over the course of five weeks. Participant characteristic variables and work-time variables were also measured. A mixed models analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with repeated measures showed that the Social Role (SR) Scale, a subscale of the OQ, was a significant predictor of Presenteeism, Overall Work Impairment, and Activity Impairment subscales. Latent growth modeling (LGM) was used to examine the relationship between the variables while accounting for individual trajectory differences. Although the results suggested that an unconditional model of Overall Work Impairment with SR as a time-varying covariate provided a good fit for the data, standardized regression weights between the variables were not significant. Implications of findings, limitations, and recommendations for future research are discussed.

Whatever happens, I'll support you: The effects of autonomy support during aggressive customer service interactions

Benedetti, Alison A. January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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