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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inside the Tent: An In-Depth Analysis on Refugee Camps Through a Science, Technology, and Society Perspective

Shenoi, Sonia 01 January 2017 (has links)
Currently, over 65 million people around the world have been forced from their homes; among them are nearly 21 million refugees. Thus, the discussion of refugees and refugee camps on a global scale is ever more salient given the recent heightened attention to the global crises. This thesis uses an interdisciplinary Science, Technology, and Society (STS) approach to analyze the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) policies, refugee camps, and their implication in the greater society.

La musique, le corps et le vivant / Non communiqué

Simon, Patrice 04 December 2010 (has links)
La musique est nouée au corps humain par le vivant qu’elle y suscite ou res-suscite. Des musiciens des camps de concentration aux gamins des rues du Vénézuela, la musique, expérience individuelle d’être pour chacun, peut advenir, pour certains, comme transmission et faire lien social lorsqu’elle est émanation du féminin. Il y faut pour cela une écriture (musicale) spécifique, consistante et architecturée. / Music is tied to the human body by the life force it creates or re-creates. From concentration camp musicians to Venezuelan street urchins, music, our individual experience of being, may become for some a conveyance and encourage philanthropic empathy when it is an emanation of the feminine. This consequently necessitates specific, consistent and structuredmusical scoring.

Singing like wood-birds : refugee camps and exile in the construction of the Saharawi nation

Cozza, Nicola January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

The Psychological Effects of a Therapeutic Camping Experience on First Time Campers with Spina Bifida

Burns, Joanna L. (Joanna Lynn Brannan) 12 1900 (has links)
Camping has been identified as a resource for educational, therapeutic, and recreational growth. The purpose of this study was to determine the psychosocial effects of a therapeutic camping experience with first time campers with spina bifida. In this study with four first time campers with spina bifida, three areas related to the camp experience were observed and measured: recreation participation, fun/pleasure, and self esteem. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used, including the Coopersmith Self Esteem Inventory, the Recreation Participation and Fun Inventory, participant and non-participant observations, interviews, and a counselor questionnaire. The measurements of self esteem, recreation participation, and fun/pleasure were taken at three intervals, before camp, during camp and three weeks following the camp experience. The four camper case studies demonstrated that each camper experienced his/her own unique first time camp experiences.

Kvinnors erfarenheter som nyanlända under den första tiden i Sverige, med fokus på förutsättningar för hälsa och lärande / Women's experiences as newcomers in Sweden, with a focus on conditions for health and learning

Kurdian, Nancy, Ali, Nourah January 2016 (has links)
Flyktingströmmen är ett ämne som har berört oss sedan hösten 2015 och därför har vi inspirerats av ämnet integration. Vi anser att hälsa och lärande kan förknippas med villkor och förutsättningar och vi har valt att fokusera på asylsökande kvinnor som utgångspunkt för vår studie. Syftet med studien är att undersöka en grupp kvinnors erfarenheter av vara nyanlända i Sverige med betoning på hälsa och lärande. Migrationsverket (2015a) bekräftar att det är fler män än kvinnor som migrerar till Sverige. Kvinnor är inte alltid i fokus för forskning och därför ser vi att det blir viktigt att få kunskap och medvetenhet om kvinnors situation. Vår studie är utformad utifrån kvalitativ metod och har inspirerats av en hermeneutisk ansats, intervjuer utgör därför underlag till denna studie. Vi har genomfört 15 intervjuer och utarbetat en semistrukturerad intervjuguide. Respondenterna är kvinnor från 19 år och uppåt. De valda teoretiska utgångspunkterna är teorier om lärande av John Dewey (1999) och Paulo Freire (1996). Resultatet visar att villkor och förutsättningar har en viktig betydelse under den första tiden i Sverige. Exempel på sådana villkor och förutsättningar är boendet som miljö, det sociala livet, väntetiden, integrationen och den upplevda hälsan. Kultur och framtid är också aspekter som har en viktig dimension i att förstå det nya landet. / The flow of refugees is a topic that has touched us since the autumn of 2015, and therefore we have been inspired by the topic of integration. We believe that health and learning can be associated with terms and conditions and we have chosen to focus on women asylum seekers as a starting point for our study. The purpose of the study is to investigate a group of women's experiences of being newly arrived in Sweden with an emphasis on health and learning. The Swedish Migration Board (2015a) confirms that there are more men than women who migrate to Sweden. Women are not always in the focus of research and we therefore see that it is important to obtain knowledge and awareness of the situation of women. Our study was inspired by a hermeneutics approach and a qualitative approach, interviews therefore constitute the basis for this study. We conducted 15 interviews and developed a semi-structured interview guide. The respondents are women from 19 years upwards. The selected theoretical starting points are theories of learning by John Dewey (1999) and Paulo Freire (1996). The result shows that there are terms and conditions of important meaning for the first time in Sweden. Examples of them are the accommodation as the environment, social life, waiting time, integration and perceived health. Culture and the future are also aspects that have an important dimension in the new country.


ANA TEREZA MUYLAERT SALEK 12 May 2015 (has links)
[pt] Na dissertação cartografa-se distintos modos com que a escrita e, num sentido mais amplo, as artes, se relacionam com a noção de ruína. Parte-se do ponto de tensão entre ruir e criar a fim de explorar o paradoxo de que nos fala Maurice Blanchot em O espaço Literário: a literatura se edifica a partir de suas próprias ruínas. Detendo o gesto cartográfico em uma região particular, tomo algumas obras do escritor e artista visual Nuno Ramos como ocasião favorável para refletir sobre a relação entre destruição e criação na fronteira entre escrita e linguagem visual. O trabalho segue dois eixos que se querem recíprocos, não hierárquicos: no primeiro eixo acentua-se a parte teórico-crítica da pesquisa. No segundo, apresenta-se poemas e outros textos pessoais, escritos que, produzidos ao longo da pesquisa, fazem parte da reflexão. / [en] In this dissertation I cartograph distinct ways in which writing and, in a broader sense, the arts, relate to the notion of ruin. I begin at the point of tension between collapse and creation, to explore the paradox Maurice Blanchot speaks of in The Literary Space: Literature is built upon its own ruins. Holding the cartographic gesture in a particular region, I review works of the writer and visual artist Nuno Ramos as a favorable occasion to reflect on the relationship between destruction and creation on the border between written and visual language. The work follows two reciprocal axes, non-hierarchical: the first axis is emphasizes the theoretical and critical part of the research. In the second, it presents poems and other personal texts, writings produced during the research, and that are part of the reflection.

Therapeutic Camps and their Impact on the Family of Children with Special Health Care Needs: A Mixed Method Study

Lindsey, Brandi 01 December 2014 (has links)
Children with a chronic illness or disability can encounter many difficulties throughout their lifetimes. Respite care through therapeutic summer day camps is a service used to relieve the physical and mental strains placed on caregivers while also creating unique opportunities to benefit the child. There are gaps in the literature surrounding therapeutic camps and their benefit for the family and their ability to manage the child’s special health care need. The purpose of this study is to determine how respite care in the form of a therapeutic summer day camp for children with special needs impacts a family’s ability to manage their child’s special health care needs within their family. This research study used mixed methodology combining quantitative data collection through pre- and postsurveys and qualitative data collection through interviews that work to answer questions relating to the effects of a therapeutic summer day camp on parents’ perspective and management of their child’s condition. The theoretical framework used to guide the study is the Family Management Style Framework. Twenty-two parents completed The Family Management Measure that was administered prior to and at the conclusion of an 8-week therapeutic summer day camp program. Qualitative interviews with 11 parents helped to better understand specific interventions and experiences of the therapeutic camp that benefitted their child and family. Although the quantitative analysis did not yield statistically significant changes in the family’s ability to manage their child’s condition as a result of attendance at the camp, the qualitative interviews demonstrated robust evidence that the camp provided meaningful experiences for the campers and parents while alleviating stress within the family. Themes that emerged from the interviews include: (1) Family-Child themes of loss of normalcy, relationships affected, increased stress, family adaptations, and love for the child; (2) Camp-Child themes of meets individual needs, creates happiness, and behavior changes; and (3) Camp-Parent themes of improved perception of the child, decreased stress, parent involvement with staff, and need for specific environment at camp. Implications of the results are discussed, along with recommendations for future research.

Le jeu des frontières dans l'accès au statut de réfugié - Une géographie des politiques européennes d'asile et d'immigration

Clochard, Olivier 08 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
La question de l'accès au statut de réfugié dans un pays européen est de plus en plus liée à celle des contrôles migratoires. Les politiques d'asile et d'immigration mises en place par les États européens - sur leur territoire, à leurs frontières et dans les pays voisins - ont conduit à un infléchissement de la protection et des garanties accordées aux demandeurs d'asile. La répartition spatiale des dispositifs de contrôles (visas, agents de liaison, sanctions vis-à-vis des transporteurs, camps fermés et/ou ouverts pour étrangers...etc.) engendrent l'apparition d'une véritable frontière migratoire européenne, et une diminution importante du nombre de demandes d'asile. Les lieux de mise à l'écart occupent une place singulière dans cette géographie des politiques visant à mieux maîtriser les flux migratoires ; ils sont un des éléments qui soulignent la difficulté croissante des parcours des demandeurs d'asile. L'étude de cette géodynamique migratoire est un outil d'analyse pertinent qui permet de comprendre les reconfigurations géopolitiques des frontières de l'Union européenne, et l'évolution du système migratoire européen actuel. Par sa géographie, la France présente les divers types de frontières qui caractérisent l'organisation de l'Union européenne : des frontières terrestres (internes) avec d'autres États membres de l'Union, une bordure maritime qui avec celles de l'Espagne, l'Italie, la Grèce, Chypre et Malte délimite clairement les pays du Nord de la Méditerranée de ceux du Sud ; une frontière (maritime) qui sépare l'espace Schengen de la Grande Bretagne ; les confins maritimes et terrestres des départements d'outre-mer (DOM) et les délimitations des grands aéroports (que nous qualifierons de frontières aériennes). Depuis les années 90, la France a développé un ensemble de dispositifs destinés à mieux contrôler les flux migratoires (en provenance des pays tiers) ; ces dispositifs sont lisibles tant à ses frontières terrestres ou maritimes qu'en différents lieux situés à l'intérieur de son territoire (aéroports, gares ferroviaires, préfectures...etc.) où les démarches administratives avant l'enregistrement de la demande d'asile s'apparentent à des dispositions voisines de celles établies aux frontières.

Women’s Empowerment : A case study of the Westsaharian women’s empowered democratic citizenship in the Westsaharian refugee camps.

Chatti, Nedja January 2006 (has links)
<p>The Westsaharian women are a civic group that during their soon to be thirty years as refugees in the Westsaharian camps in south western Algeria have become empowered as citizens and advanced strongly in political representation. In theory, empowerment of women’s democratic citizenship has been described as a complex phenomenon. To gain an understanding about this in this study, I have described the women’s perceived access to resources and attitudes, and in what way these factors play a role for their active citizenship. This has been done by the use of Axel Hadenius’ theory about the democratic citizenship and Jo Rowlands’ theory about which resources that are to be considered as essential for women’s empowerment. To be able to perform the study, a case study was performed in the Westsaharian refugee camps during April-May 2004, followed up by a second during October-November 2004.</p><p>The study shows that there are resources and attitudes within both human and social capital that the women perceive to play a significant role for their active citizenship. These factors make the women take part in societal activities, strive to reach higher political positions, and work for a common civic development as women and as Westsaharian citizens. The result of the study further shows that there are contextual inhibiting and encouraging factors that the women perceive to affect their resources and attitudes that play a significant role for their active citizenship. </p>

Life in railroad logging camps of the Shevlin-Hixon Company, 1916-1950

Gregory, Ronald L. 06 June 1997 (has links)
Remnants of railroad logging camps, and their associated features, are perhaps some of the most common archaeological resources found on public lands in the Pacific Northwest. Many camps have already been located, their cultural materials inventoried, and networks of logging railroad grades mapped. Yet, despite these efforts, little can be said about the people who made those transportable communities their homes. This study focuses on the social and physical conditions of railroad logging camps of the Shevlin-Hixon Company of Bend, Oregon, from the company's inception in 1916 until it ceased operations in 1950. Historical literature combined with oral history interviews are used to describe camp movement and physical layout, living accommodations, community amenities, and the kind of social life Shevlin-Hixon logging camps offered its residents. The information presented here not only presents a historical picture of a community that no longer exists but should provide future researchers, particularly cultural resource specialists, with a rudimentary model by which to assess similar railroad logging camps and features throughout the Pacific Northwest. / Graduation date: 1998

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