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Athletes' heart and exercise related sudden cardiac death : across the age spanWilson, Mathew January 2010 (has links)
Background - Regular exercise reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and subsequent sudden cardiac death (SCD). However, a small, but notable proportion of athletes die suddenly due to inherited or congenital disorders of the heart that predispose to malignant ventricular arrhythmias. Such tragedies are highly publicised, particularly when high-profile athletes are involved. To date, limited evidence for the efficacy of cardiovascular pre-participation screening exists outside of the Italian experience. Furthermore, limited data exists examining the impact of ethnicity on cardiac adaptations to physical training. Whilst the cardiovascular benefits of exercise are well known, the impact of life-long endurance exercise is less well understood. Long term high-intensity endurance exercise is associated with changes in cardiac morphology together with electrocardiographic alterations that are believed to be physiologic in nature. Recent data however, has suggested a number of deleterious adaptive changes in cardiac structure, function and electrical activity in response to life-long endurance activity. Aims and Objectives - The aims of this PhD were; 1) To find an effective preparticipation screening method that would successfully identify pre-existing cardiovascular abnormalities, 2) To identify the prevalence of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and Long QT syndrome in elite UK athletes; 3) To examine the impact and significance of ethnicity upon left ventricular remodelling in elite athletes, and 4) To examine the acute and chronic impact of ultra-endurance exercise across the life-span in male endurance athletes. Major Results and Conclusions – 1) Study 2 sought to confirm the efficacy of resting 12-Lead ECG ‘alongside’ personal/family history questionnaires and physical examinations as collective tools to identify diseases that have the potential of causing sudden death within a cohort of elite junior athletes (n=1074) and physically active school children (n=1646). Nine participants were identified with a positive diagnosis of a disease associated with SCD. None of those diagnosed with a disease associated with SCD were symptomatic or had a family history of note. Thus, personal symptoms and family history questionnaires alone are inadequate in the identification of individuals with diseases associated with SCD. In conclusion, resting 12-Lead ECG is paramount when screening for diseases that have the potential of causing sudden death in the young. 2) Study 3 examined 3,500 asymptomatic elite athletes (75% male) with a mean age of 20.5 ± 5.8 years with 12-lead ECG and 2-dimensional echocardiography. None had a known family history of HCM. Of the 3,500 athletes, 53 (1.5%) had LVH (mean 13.6 ± 0.9mm, range 13 to 16mm), and of these 50 had a dilated LV cavity with normal diastolic function to indicate physiological left ventricular hypertrophy. Three (0.08%) athletes with LVH had a non-dilated LV cavity and associated deep T-wave inversion that could have been consistent with HCM. However, none of the 3 athletes had any other phenotypic features of HCM on further non-invasive testing and none had first-degree relatives with features of HCM. In conclusion, the prevalence of HCM in elite athletes is significantly less than in the general population; with the demands of strenuous exercise on the cardiovascular system selecting out most individuals with HCM. Study 4 examined 2000 elite athletes in order to identify the prevalence of Long QT syndrome. Three athletes had a QTc value of >500 ms and all exhibited one of: paradoxical prolongation of QTc during exercise, a confirmatory genetic mutation, or prolonged QTc in a first-degree relative. In contrast, none of the athletes with a QTc value of <500 ms had any other features to indicate LQTS. Accordingly, the prevalence of a prolonged QTc interval in elite British athletes is 0.4%. 3) Study 6 examined 300 nationally ranked UK black male athletes (mean age 20.5 years) in comparison to 150 black and white sedentary individuals and 300 highly-trained white male athletes. Black athletes exhibited greater LV wall thickness and cavity size compared with sedentary black and white individuals. Black athletes had greater LV wall thickness compared with white athletes. A minority of black athlete’s exhibit LVH ≥15 mm; proposing that in the absence of cardiac symptoms or a family history of HCM, an LV wall thickness ≥15 mm in black athletes may represent physiologic LVH when the LV cavity is enlarged and diastolic indexes are normal. 7 black athletes (12%) with LVH displaying deep T-wave inversions in leads V1 to V4. In conclusion, in the absence of obvious pathology, these electrical anomalies in black athletes likely represent a normal spectrum of ECG changes in response to physical training. 4) Study 8 examined 17 male participants (age 33.5 ± 6.5 years, 26–40 years) using cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) and echocardiography before and after a marathon to investigate the relationship between systolic function and diastolic function against biomarkers of cardiac damage. Results demonstrates biomarkers of myocardial cell damage following an acute bout of prolonged exercise are not associated with either systolic or diastolic functional measures, and do not seem to be associated with any detectable myocardial inflammation, oedema, or scarring using either gold standard techniques of gadolinium enhanced CMR or echocardiography respectively. The impact of multiple episodes of prolonged exercise, as experienced by highly trained veteran endurance athlete is not fully understood. 5) Study 10 examined the cardiac structure and function of 12 life-long, competitive endurance veteran athletes (> 50 yrs, mean ± SD marathons 178 ± 209 (range 20 – 650)) against 17 young male endurance athletes (<40 yrs) using echocardiography and CMR with late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) to assess myocardial fibrosis. Lifelong veteran athletes had smaller LV and RV end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes (p<0.05) but maintained LV and RV systolic function compared with young athletes. In 6 (50%) of the veteran athletes LGE of CMR indicated the presence of myocardial fibrosis; no LGE in the young athletes. The prevalence of LGE in veteran athletes was not associated with the number of competitive marathons or ultra-endurance marathons (>50 miles) completed, age, LV and RV end-diastolic volumes or LV mass (p>0.05). In conclusion, there is limited evidence at present demonstrating that cardiovascular re-modelling following lifelong endurance exercise leads to long-term disease progression, cardiovascular disability or SCD.
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Physical exercise and sudden cardiac death:characteristics and risk factorsToukola, T. (Tomi) 23 October 2018 (has links)
Physical activity with regular physical exercise (PE) has long been advocated because it lowers morbidity and mortality. However, there have been concerns about a transiently increased risk of adverse cardiac events such as sudden cardiac death (SCD) during PE. Our aim was to identify risk factors related to SCD during PE and clarify the effect of PE on cardiovascular well-being in the general population.
In study I we found out that male gender as well as coronary artery disease (CAD), cardiac hypertrophy and myocardial scarring as autopsy-findings were clearly more common among exercise-related SCD. Typical northern activities in skiing and snow shoveling were among the three most common types of PE alongside cycling. In study II we analyzed the previously recorded electrocardiograms (ECG) of victims of SCD. Fragmented QRS complex (fQRS) in anterior leads was a common finding among subjects who died during exercise, especially among subjects with a prior diagnosis of CAD.
In study III, we collected retrospectively out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) data in Northern Ostrobothnia between the years 2007 and 2012. The subjects who suffered SCA in relation to PE were younger and previously healthier, and they had more often a shockable rhythm as the initial rhythm. There was a markedly better prognosis for hospital discharge when SCA occurred during PE. In study IV, we noticed a decrease in cardiac mortality in subjects who were physically active or became active during follow-up in a population of 1,746 stable CAD patients. A similar effect could be seen affecting SCD mortality. No increase in cardiac mortality could be seen among those with the highest levels of habitual PE.
In conclusion, ischemic heart disease and male gender, especially when fQRS is present in anterior leads, are characteristics related to exercise-related SCD. On the other hand, when SCA takes place during PE, the prognosis is markedly better compared to SCA occurring at rest. An active lifestyle is also linked to decreased cardiac mortality. / Tiivistelmä
Säännöllinen aktiivinen elämäntapa on yhteydessä pienempään fyysisten ja psyykkisten sairauksien riskiin. Tutkimuksissa on kuitenkin havaittu raskaampaan liikuntaan liittyvä väliaikaisesti lisääntynyt akuutin sydäntapahtuman, kuten äkkikuoleman, riski. Väitöskirjatutkimuksessa tutkitaan rasitukseen liittyvän sydänperäisen äkkikuoleman erityispiirteitä ja fyysisen aktiivisuuden merkitystä hyvinvoinnille.
Ensimmäisessä osajulkaisussa havaittiin, että rasitukseen liittyvissä kuolemissa oli ruumiinavauslöydöksenä merkittävästi enemmän sepelvaltimotautia, sydänlihaksen arpeutumista ja sydänlihaksen liikakasvua verrattuna äkkikuolemiin levossa. Miessukupuoli oli selkeästi yliedustettuna rasituspopulaatiossa, sillä peräti 94 % oli miehiä. Yleisimmät rasitusmuodot olivat hiihto, pyöräily ja lumenluonti. Toisessa osatutkimuksessa tutkittiin edeltävien EKG-muutosten yhteyttä rasitusperäisiin äkkikuolemiin. Havaitsimme, että QRS-kompleksin pirstoutuminen etuseinäkytkennöissä oli selkeästi yleisempi löydös rasitusryhmässä. Tämä löydös oli erityisen merkittävä sepelvaltimotautipotilailla.
Kolmas julkaisu sisältää tiedot sairaalan ulkopuolisista sydänpysähdyksistä Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla vuosina 2007–2012. Tässä aineistossa havaitsimme, että rasitukseen liittyvän sydänpysähdyksen alkurytmi oli useammin defibrilloitava, potilaat olivat nuorempia ja terveempiä, ja maallikkoelvytys aloitettiin useammin. Rasituksessa elottomaksi menneillä oli suhteellisen hyvä selviämisennuste. Neljännessä tutkimuksessa havaitsimme selkeästi paremman ennusteen niillä stabiilia sepelvaltimotautia sairastaneilla, jotka olivat liikunnallisesti aktiivisia. Sydänperäinen kuolleisuus oli pienempi myös niillä potilailla, jotka onnistuivat lisäämään liikunnallista aktiivisuuttaan. Samankaltainen tulos todettiin sydänperäisten äkkikuolemien osalta.
Sepelvaltimotauti ja miessukupuoli ovat hyvin yleisiä löydöksiä, kun sydänperäinen äkkikuolema tapahtuu rasituksessa. Myös QRS-kompleksin pirstoutuminen etuseinäkytkennöissä liittyi rasitusperäisiin kuolemiin. Toisaalta potilaan ennuste selvitä on selkeästi parempi sydänpysähdyksen tapahtuessa rasituksessa. Osoitimme myös, että liikunnallinen aktiivisuus ja sen pienikin lisäys parantavat sepelvaltimotautipotilaiden ennustetta.
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Mort subite d'origine cardiaque à la phase aigüe de l'infarctus du myocarde : physiopathologie des troubles du rythmes ventriculaire / Cardiac sudden death at the acute phase of myocardial infarction : pathophysiology of ventricular arrhythmiasManati, Abdul Waheed 29 June 2018 (has links)
La majorité des morts subites correspond à un infarctus du myocarde, c'est-à-dire à une occlusion aiguë d'une artère coronaire, compliqué de trouble du rythme ventriculaire. On ne sait pas pourquoi à degré d'ischémie myocardique équivalent, à âge, sexe et statut clinique égaux, un patient développera des arythmies ventriculaires alors qu'un autre n'aura aucune complication rythmique. Dans cette étude, nous aborderons deux approches de l'étude de la mort subite. D'une part, le recueil de données biologiques et cliniques et d'autre part une approche génétique. Ainsi, il a été mis en évidence que le polymorphisme Gln27Glu du gène ADRB2 semble prédisposer les patients à l'apparition rapide de la fibrillation ventriculaire dans le cadre d'une ischémie cardiaque. Cette étude suggère également que la présence de variants dans le gène GJA1 près de résidus soumis à la méthylation pourrait être liée à la survenue de la fibrillation ventriculaire chez les patients avec infarctus du myocarde. Ces nouvelles données permettent d'améliorer les connaissances sur la mort subite à la phase aiguë de l'infarctus du myocarde et d'envisager dans le futur de nouvelles stratégies de prévention / The majority of cardiac sudden deaths correspond to a myocardial infarction, ie an acute occlusion of a coronary artery, complicated by ventricular arrhythmia. It is not known why, at equivalent degree of myocardial ischemia, at equal age, sex and clinical status, one patient will develop ventricular arrhythmias while another will have no rhythmic complication.In this study, we will discuss two approaches to the study of sudden death. On the one hand, the collection of biological and clinical data and on the other hand a genetic approach.Thus, it has been shown that the Gln27Glu polymorphism in the ADRB2 gene seems to predispose patients to the rapid onset of ventricular fibrillation in the setting of cardiac ischemia. This study also suggests that the presence of variants in the GJA1 gene near residues subjected to methylation may be related to the occurrence of ventricular fibrillation in patients with myocardial infarction.These new data help to improve knowledge on sudden death in the acute phase of myocardial infarction and to consider new prevention strategies in the future
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Avaliação dos eventos arrítmicos em candidatos a transplante renal pela monitorização cardíaca com looper implantável / Long-term recording of arrhythmic events with implantable cardiac monitor in renal transplant candidatesRodrigo Tavares Silva 22 August 2011 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: pacientes com doença renal crônica em diálise apresentam elevada mortalidade anual, principalmente decorrente de eventos cardiovasculares, com destaque para morte súbita cardíaca (MSC). Os eventos arrítmicos (EA) são considerados os principais responsáveis pela MSC, tornando relevante a sua avaliação. Dispositivos cardíacos modernos como o looper implantável, que tem capacidade de monitorar o ritmo cardíaco por longo período de tempo e diagnosticar EA, podem contribuir na estratificação de risco desta população. OBJETIVOS: avaliar a taxa de ocorrência dos EA em candidatos a transplante renal com looper implantável e identificar fatores associados; determinar a significância prognóstica dos EA na MSC e mortalidade total; avaliar eficiência diagnóstica do looper e o papel da diálise. MÉTODOS: estudo clínico observacional, prospectivo e aberto que incluiu cem candidatos a transplante renal, em hemodiálise e com alto risco para transplante (idade >=50 anos, DM ou doença cardiovascular). Entre junho/2009 e janeiro/2010, os pacientes foram submetidos ao implante do looper para detecção dos EA e seguimento clínico de um ano. A idade média do grupo foi 59 anos; 65% homens; 97% hipertensos, 70% diabéticos, 34% com infarto prévio e tempo médio de 53,8 meses em hemodiálise. O diagnóstico dos EA seguiu protocolo específico e foram descritos todos os eventos clínicos fatais e não fatais. A estatística incluiu: análise descritiva dos EA, associação destes com variáveis exploratórias pelos testes de qui-quadrado, exato de Fischer, t-Student, Mann-Whitney e regressão logística stepwise selection para análise multivariada (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: foram diagnosticados 5075 EA em 98 pacientes em seguimento médio de 425 dias. A taxa de ocorrência dos EA na casuística foi: bradiarritmias (25%), arritmias supraventriculares (94%) e arritmias ventriculares (79%). Os EA mais comuns foram: taquicardia sinusal (39%) e atrial não sustentada (27%), extrassístoles ventriculares e atriais isoladas (16% e 5,4%) e taquicardia ventricular não sustentada (TVNS - 5,3%). Foram preditores para ocorrência dos EA: duração intervalo PR (p=0,0008; OR=1,05; IC-95%=1,02-1,08) e QT longo (p=0,002; OR=7,28; IC- 95%=2,01-26,35) para bradiarritmias; duração intervalo QTc (p=0,022; OR=1,02; IC-95%=1,01-1,04) e presença de insuficiência cardíaca (p=0,034; OR=9,87; IC- 95%=1,17-82,79) para arritmias ventriculares e dilatação ventricular esquerda (p=0,041; OR=2,83; IC-95%=1,01-7,96) para TVNS. Ocorreram 35 eventos clínicos não fatais, 14 transplantes renais e 18 óbitos. Dentre os óbitos, 38,9% foram cardiovasculares súbitos: quatro arritmogênicos, um IAM e dois indeterminados. Não houve associação entre EA e eventos fatais; fibrilação atrial e bradiarritmias tiveram associação significativa com eventos não fatais. O mecanismo de morte (arritmogênico) foi elucidado pelo looper em quatro pacientes com MSC; um paciente apresentou bloqueio atrioventricular e necessitou de marca-passo. A taxa de EA foi superior no período intradiálise em comparação ao interdiálise (p<0,001). CONCLUSÕES: neste estudo, que avaliou a monitorização cardíaca prolongada com looper implantável em candidatos a transplante renal, a taxa de ocorrência de EA foi elevada; foram preditores dos EA: a duração intervalo PR e presença de QT longo para bradiarritmias, duração intervalo QTc e insuficiência cardíaca para arritmias ventriculares e dilatação ventricular para TVNS; a taxa de mortalidade foi elevada, com importante contribuição da MSC; não houve associação entre EA e mortalidade total ou súbita; houve associação entre as bradiarritmias e a fibrilação atrial com a ocorrência de eventos não fatais; os EA foram mais frequentes no período intradiálise; o looper implantável foi eficiente na elucidação diagnóstica, com poucas complicações. / INTRODUCTION: chronic kidney disease patients undergoing dialysis have a high annual mortality rate, mainly due to cardiovascular disease. Sudden cardiac death (SCD), attributed to arrhythmic mechanisms, is considered the major cause of these high death rates. The implantable loop recorder (ILR), a modern cardiac device has the ability for long-term cardiac rhythm monitoring and diagnosing arrhythmic events (AE), which in fact may contribute to the risk stratification of this population. OBJECTIVES: this study was designed to evaluate the incidence and predictors of AE in renal transplant candidates with ILR; to determine the prognostic significance of AE in SCD and all-cause mortality, evaluate the diagnostic effectiveness of ILR and the role of dialysis. METHODS: a prospective, open, observational clinical study was conducted, including one hundred renal transplant candidates undergoing hemodialysis, at high risk for transplantation (age >=50 years, diabetes or cardiovascular disease). Between June/2009 and January/2010, patients received an ILR for detection of AE with a one-year follow-up. Mean age of the group was 59 years; 65% were men; 97% hypertensive, 70% diabetic, 34% had previous myocardial infarction and mean hemodialysis time was 53.8 months. The diagnosis of AE followed specific protocol and all fatal and non-fatal clinical events were described. The statistical analysis included: descriptive analysis of AE, an association between these events and exploratory variables by chi-square tests, Fisher exact test, Student\'s t test, Mann-Whitney test and logistic regression using stepwise selection for multivariate analysis (p<0.05). RESULTS: during mean follow-up of 425 days, 5075 AE were diagnosed by ILR in 98 patients. The rate of occurrence of EA in this patients was: bradyarrhythmias (25%), supraventricular arrhythmias (94%) and ventricular arrhythmias (79%). The most common AE were: sinus tachycardia (39%), nonsustained atrial tachycardia (27%), isolated premature ventricular beats (16%), isolated premature atrial beats (5.4%) and nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (NSVT - 5.3%). Predictors for the occurrence of AE were: duration of PR interval (p=0.0008; OR=1.05; 95%CI=1.02-1.08) and long QT (p=0.002; OR=7.28; 95%CI=2.01-26.35) for bradyarrhythmia; duration of QTc interval (p=0.022; OR=1.02; 95%CI=1.01-1.04) and presence of heart failure (p=0.034; OR=9.87; 95%CI=1.17-82.79) for ventricular arrhythmia and left ventricular dilatation (p=0.041; OR=2.83; 95%CI=1.01-7.96) for NSVT. There were 35 non-fatal clinical events, 14 renal transplantations and 18 deaths during follow-up. Regarding causes of death, 38.9% were due to sudden cardiovascular event: four were arrhythmogenic, one resulted from acute myocardial infarction and two were indeterminate. There was no association between AE and all cause or sudden mortality; bradyarrhythmias and atrial fibrillation were associated with the occurrence of non-fatal clinical events. The mechanism of death (arrhythmogenic) was elucidated by ILR in four patients with SCD; one patient had atrioventricular block and required pacemaker insertion. The rate of AE was higher in the intradyalitic period compared to interdialytic (p <0.001). CONCLUSIONS: in this study, which evaluate long-term cardiac rhythm monitoring with ILR in renal transplant candidates, the incidence of AE was high; predictors for the occurrence of AE were: duration of PR interval and presence of long QT for bradyarrhythmia, duration of QTc interval and heart failure for ventricular arrhythmia and left ventricular dilatation for NSVT; mortality rate was high and SCD made an important contribution. There was no association between AE and all-cause mortality and SCD; bradyarrhythmias and atrial fibrillation were associated with non-fatal events; the EA rate was higher at intradialytic period; the ILR was efficient in elucidating diagnoses and had few complications.
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Dynamics of cardiac repolarization during exercise:rate-dependence and prognostic significanceKenttä, T. (Tuomas) 10 October 2012 (has links)
Based on experimental studies, heterogeneous ventricular repolarization has been suggested to predispose to the onset of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias and subsequent studies in various patient populations have associated it with poor clinical outcome. The aim of this study was to assess the dynamics of ventricular repolarization from electrocardiogram (ECG) during a standard exercise stress test with techniques based on principal component analysis, and to investigate whether they would yield valuable prognostic information on cardiac mortality and sudden cardiac death.
Exercise ECG recordings from 40 healthy men and women were analyzed in order to establish normal dynamics and rate-dependence for the spatial QRS/T angle and total cosine R to T (TCRT), which reflects the spatial deviation between the depolarization and repolarization wave-fronts. Subsequently, exercise ECG recordings from 20 patients with previous myocardial infarction (MI) were compared with 20 controls in order to assess the modulation of previous MI on the dynamics of TCRT. The prognostic value of abnormal dynamics and rate-dependence of TCRT and spatial QRS/T angle were assessed in 1,297 patients referred to a clinically indicated exercise stress test.
The spatial QRS/T angle and TCRT were found to be significantly rate-dependent during both exercise and recovery periods as TCRT and the cosine of the spatial QRS/T angle decreased at higher heart rates (HR), indicating increase in the global heterogeneity of the ventricular repolarization. In the post-MI group, the dynamics of TCRT were impaired with a significantly lower rate-dependence in contrast to the healthy and control groups. In the study cohort, impaired rate-dependence of TCRT during both exercise and recovery periods was an independent predictor of cardiac and sudden cardiac death during the follow up of the study. Similarly, reduction of the area between the exercise and three-minute recovery TCRT/HR curves was associated with an increased risk of cardiac and sudden cardiac death.
In conclusion, dynamics and rate-dependence of TCRT and spatial QRS/T angle are able to discriminate subjects with an increased risk of cardiac and sudden cardiac death. Reduced rate-dependence of TCRT during exercise and recovery periods, as well as decreased exercise-recovery hysteresis of TCRT, are significant predictors of cardiac and sudden cardiac death. / Tiivistelmä
Sydämen kammioiden poikkeavan palautumisen on kokeellisissa tutkimuksissa havaittu altistavan kammioperäisille rytmihäiriöille. Lisäksi, useat tutkimukset erilaisissa potilasaineistoissa ovat osoittaneet sen olevan yhteydessä heikkoon kliiniseen ennusteeseen. Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli analysoida sydämen kammioiden repolarisaation dynamiikkaa sydänsähkökäyrästä (EKG) rasituskokeen aikana pääkomponenttianalyysiin perustuvilla menetelmillä sekä tutkia, ennustavatko uudet muuttujat sydänperäistä kuolemaa tai sydänperäistä äkkikuolemaa.
Neljänkymmenen terveen miehen ja naisen rasitus-EKG:t analysoitiin depolarisaatio- ja repolarisaatioaaltojen välistä avaruudellista kulmaa kuvaavan ’total cosine R to T’:n (TCRT) sekä kolmiulotteisen QRS/T-kulman dynamiikan sekä sykeriippuvuuden normaaliarvojen määrittämiseksi. Lisäksi, vertailtiin 20 sydäninfarktin sairastaneen sekä 20 kontrollipotilaan rasitusmittauksia aiemman infarktin TCRT:n dynamiikkaan sekä sykeriippuvuuteen aiheuttaman modulaation määrittämiseksi. Muuttujien poikkeavan dynamiikan ennustearvoa testattiin 1297 rasitus-EKG-mittaukseen lähetteen saaneella potilaalla.
Sekä TCRT että avaruudellisen QRS/T-kulman kosini olivat molemmat erittäin sykeriippuvaisia sekä rasituksessa että palautumisessa. Molemmat muuttujat pienenivät sykkeen (HR) kasvaessa, osoittaen kammioiden repolarisaation heterogeenisyyden kasvua korkeammilla syketaajuuksilla. Sydäninfarktin sairastaneilla potilailla muuttujien dynamiikka ja sykeriippuvuus olivat heikentyneitä. Kohorttiaineistossa heikentynyt sykeriippuvuus sekä rasituksen että palautumisen aikana ennustivat myöhempää sydänperäistä kuolemaa sekä sydänperäistä äkkikuolemaa itsenäisesti. Vastaavasti, rasituksen ja kolmen minuutin palautumisen aikaisten TCRT/HR kuvaajien väliin jäävän pinta-alan pienentyminen oli yhteydessä korkeampaan sydänperäisen kuoleman sekä sydänperäisen äkkikuoleman riskiin.
Kammioiden repolarisaation dynamiikkaa kuvaavat muuttujat pystyvät erottelemaan potilaat, joilla on korkeampi riski kokea sydänperäinen kuolema tai sydänperäinen äkkikuolema. Poikkeavan alhainen sykeriippuvuus rasituksen ja palautumisen aikana sekä alentunut rasituksen ja palautumisen välinen hystereesi olivat merkittäviä sydänperäisen kuoleman sekä sydänperäisen äkkikuoleman ennustajia.
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Characteristics of victims of non-ischemic sudden cardiac deathHookana, E. (Eeva) 04 December 2012 (has links)
A non-ischemic etiology of sudden cardiac death (SCD), mostly due to various cardiomyopathies (CMP), accounts for about 20% of all SCDs. Most of the major studies of risk factors for SCD have focused on coronary artery disease (CAD). The aim of the present study was to clarify the characteristics of non-ischemic SCD in Northern Finland.
In this study, consecutive victims of SCD (n=2661) were prospectively collected, and among whom post-mortem examinations were performed between 1998 and 2007. Information about the SCD victims was obtained from a combination of available medical records, postmortem examination reports, medication used at the time of SCD, and standardized questionnaire filled out by the closest family members of the victims of SCD. We also screened the candidate genes from a Finnish family in which fatal arrhythmias was first manifestation of a cardiac disease. The collagen content of the myocardium from histological samples in victims of SCD due to idiopathic myocardial fibrosis (IMF) was also evaluated.
CAD was the most common cause of death (2082 victims, 78.2%). The prevalence of non-ischemic SCDs was 21.8% of all the SCDs. After sub-grouping the non-ischemic SCDs into various categories, the most common cause of death was CMP related to obesity (23.7%), followed by alcoholic CMP (19.0%), hypertensive CMP (15.5%) and IMF (13.6%). The association of SCD with IMF is notably frequent among victims <40 years old (28.3%). The prevalence of family history of SCD was significantly higher in the victims of ischemic (34.2%) than non-ischemic SCD (13.4%, P<0.001) or controls (17.6%, P<0.001). Lamin A/C gene mutation R541C was found from Finnish SCD family, in which the IMF was predominant pathologic-anatomic finding. Myocardial type I collagen synthesis was increased in victims of SCD due to IMF.
In conclusion, the characteristics of non-ischemic SCD in Finland differ from those reported previously. Higher prevalences of CMP-associated SCDs related to obesity, IMF and alcoholic CMP were observed as clinical and/or pathologic bases for non-ischemic SCD. The family history of SCD is not significantly increased in victims of non-ischemic SCD, suggesting a larger role of sporadic occurrence than inherited traits as the cause of non-ischemic SCD. Replacement of cardiac myocytes by fibrosis can be responsible for fatal cardiac arrhythmias in subjects with the lamin A/C gene mutation. The victims of SCD due to IMF have increased myocardial type I collagen synthesis. / Tiivistelmä
Ei-iskeeminen sydänperäinen äkkikuolema aiheuttaa noin 20 % kaikista sydänperäisistä äkkikuolemista. Suurin osa ei-iskeemisistä sydänperäisistä äkkikuolemista johtuu erilaisista sydänlihassairauksista, kardiomyopatioista. Useimmat sydänperäisen äkkikuoleman riskitekijöitä kartoittavista tutkimuksista ovat keskittyneet sepelvaltimotautiin. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää ei-iskeemisen sydänperäisen äkkikuoleman tunnuspiirteitä pohjoissuomalaisessa väestössä.
Tutkimuksessa käytettiin potilasaineistona sydänperäiseen äkkikuolemaan menehtyneitä vainajia (n=2661), joille on tehty oikeuslääketieteellinen ruumiinavaus. Tiedot vainajista saatiin saatavilla olevista potilaskertomuksista, ruumiinavauspöytäkirjoista, äkkikuoleman aikaisesta lääkityksestä ja lähiomaisille lähetetystä standardisoidusta kyselylomakkeesta. Kandidaattigeenit tutkittiin pohjoissuomalaisesta perheestä, jossa ensimmäinen oire sydänsairaudesta oli hengenvaarallinen rytmihäiriö. Lisäksi sydänlihaksen kollageenikoostumus analysoitiin histologisista näytteistä potilailta, joiden sydänperäinen äkillinen kuolema johtui idiopaattisesta sydänlihaksen sidekudoskasvusta.
Sepelvaltimotauti oli yleisin sydänperäisen äkkikuoleman aiheuttaja (n=2082, 78,2 %). Ei-iskeemisten sydänperäisten äkkikuolemien osuus oli 21,8 % (n=579) kaikista sydänperäisistä äkkikuolemista. Ei-iskeemiset sydänperäiset äkkikuolemat jaettiin alaryhmiin, joista yleisimmät olivat lihavuuteen assosioituva kardiomyopatia (23,7 %), alkoholikardiomyopatia (19,0 %), korkeaan verenpaineeseen assosioituva kardiomyopatia (15,5 %) sekä idiopaattinen sydänlihaksen sidekudoskasvu (13,6 %), joka myös oli yleisin ei-iskeemiseen sydänperäiseen äkkikuolemaan johtava syy alle 40-vuotiailla (28,3 %). Positiivinen sydänperäisen äkkikuoleman sukuhistoria oli tilastollisesti merkitsevästi yleisempää iskeemisillä (34,2 %) kuin ei-iskeemisillä (13,4 %) sydänperäisen äkkikuoleman uhreilla. Lamin A/C – geenin mutaatio löydettiin pohjoissuomalaisesta äkkikuolemaperheestä, jossa idiopaattinen sydänlihaksen sidekudoskasvu todettiin pääasialliseksi patologiseksi löydökseksi. Tyypin I kollageenin synteesi todettiin kohonneeksi idiopaattiseen sydänlihaksen sidekudoskasvuun menehtyneillä vainajilla.
Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, pohjoissuomalaisen väestön ei-iskeemisen sydänperäisen äkkikuoleman tunnuspiirteet eroavat aiemmin raportoiduista; lihavuuteen assosioituva kardiomyopatia, alkoholikardiomyopatia, sekä idiopaattinen sydänlihaksen sidekudoskasvu olivat aiempaa yleisempiä ei-iskeemisen äkkikuoleman aiheuttajia. Positiivinen sydänperäisen äkkikuoleman sukuhistoria ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevästi kohonnut ei-iskeemisen sydänperäiseen äkkikuolemaan menehtyneillä. Tämä tarkoittaa, että perinnöllinen syy ei-iskeemisen sydänperäisen äkkikuoleman aiheuttajana on luultua harvinaisempi. Lamin A/C – geenimutaation kantajilla sydänlihassolujen korvautuminen sidekudoksella todettiin hengenvaarallisen rytmihäiriön aiheuttajaksi. Lisäksi, tyypin I kollageenin synteesi todettiin kohonneeksi idiopaattiseen sydänlihaksen sidekudoskasvuun menehtyneillä vainajilla.
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Kvalita života pacientů v závislosti na typu implantovaného defibrilačního zařízení (ICD a S-ICD) / Quality of life in relation to the type of implantable defibrillation divice (ICD and S-ICD)Gabrišková, Markéta January 2021 (has links)
In recent years, clinical studies have shown that the most effective method of treatment to reduce the incidence of sudden cardiac death in patients at increased risk of malignant arrhythmias is to provide the patient with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD). Complications associated with the transvenous implanted system, especially lead disorders and systemic infections, and have led to the development of a so-called subcutaneous defibrillator, which is thought to minimize these complications. Despite the medical benefits of implantable defibrillator treatment, which is generally well accepted by patients, anxiety, depression, and deterioration in their quality of life have been reported in clinical trials examining patients' psychopathology and quality of life after defibrillator implantation. Methodology: The objective of the diploma thesis was to find out which group of patients better assesses the quality of life depending on the type of implanted defibrillation device (ICD and S-ICD). For the purposes of the survey, the method of quantitative research was chosen in the form of its own questionnaire survey. The questionnaire contained a total of seventeen questions in which patients evaluated quality of life in five areas. Patients who met the following criteria were included in...
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Pathological Mechanisms of Sarcomere Mutations in the Disease Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy : A ReviewBohman, Lova January 2021 (has links)
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a heart disease that is characterized by an enlarged heart muscle. Mutations to sarcomere proteins in the muscle fibers give rise to the disease, and this review aims to compile the mechanisms by which the mutations cause the disease phenotype. β-myosin heavy chain mutants affect the thick filament structure and contraction velocity of the muscle. Mutations to the myosin-binding protein C produces truncated proteins with decreased expression in the cells. Troponin T mutants cause myofibrillar disarray, alters affinity to α-tropomyosin, and are linked to a higher risk of sudden death. Troponin I is an unpredictable mutant that needs to be further researched but is thought to cause regulatory problems. Mutations to α-tropomyosin and the regulatory myosin light chain both affect the Ca2+-affinity of the proteins and leads to contractile problems. Hypercontractility as a result of the mutations seems to be the primary cause of the disease. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is linked to sudden death, and factors such as a family history of sudden death, multiple simultaneous mutations, unexplained syncope, non-sustained ventricular tachycardia, abnormal blood pressure response and extreme hypertrophy (>30 mm) heightens the risk of a sudden death. An increased knowledge about the disease will aid in the mission to better the treatments for the affected, but further investigation of pathological pathways needs to be performed.
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Разработка рекомендаций по тренировочному процессу у спортсменов с синдромом дисплазии соединительной ткани : магистерская диссертация / Development of training prescriptions for athletes with connective tissue dysplasia syndromeТимохина, В. Э., Timokhina, V. E. January 2016 (has links)
Профилактика внезапной сердечной смерти спорте является актуальной задачей, решение которой способно значительно улучшить показатели продолжительности и качества жизни спортсменов. Проблема состоит в отсутствии рекомендаций по планированию тренировочного процесса и профилактике возникновения угрожающих жизни состояний при занятиях спортом у лиц с синдромом дисплазии соединительно ткани. Цель исследования – повышение адаптивных возможностей организма и профилактику осложнений у молодых спортсменов с дисплазией соединительной ткани. В соответствии с целью была выдвинута гипотеза, что рациональное дозирование физических нагрузок в ходе тренировочного процесса, с учетом индивидуальных особенностей организма, у молодых спортсменов с синдромом дисплазии соединительной ткани позволит улучшить адаптацию к физическим нагрузкам, а также снизить риск развития осложнений дисплазии соединительной ткани, в том числе внезапной сердечной смерти. / Prevention of sudden cardiac death in sports is an urgent problem of the modern society. It is critically important to improve life expectancies and quality of life of competitive athletes. The main issue is the absence of recommendations for exercise prescription and training schedule in terms of connective tissue dysplasia syndrome. The purpose of the study was to increase the adaptation abilities of an organism and prevention of possible health complications in young athletes with connective tissue dysplasia. It was hypothesized that rational physical loads dozing in accordance to individual capacity of these individuals will result in better adaptation to exercise loads and decrease of the possible risks, including sudden cardiac death.
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The Role of Death in The Moral Permissibility of Solid Organ Procurement After Cardiac Death and Its ImplicationsLevin, Noah Michael 25 November 2013 (has links)
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