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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Maybe it’s a cultural thing” : En jämförelse mellan två universitets vägledningsverksamheter i Sverige och USA

Huhtimo, Emma, Fransson, Amanda January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att identifiera betydande skillnader mellan vägledningsverksamheterna på University of Wisconsin-Whitewater och Umeå universitet. Ytterligare ett huvudsyfte är att ge förslag på hur studie- och yrkesvägledarna kan utveckla sina vägledningsverksamheter med utgångspunkt i de skillnader vi identifierat. Detta är en komparativ fältstudie med kvalitativa intervjuer. Informanterna är sex studie- och yrkesvägledare som ger en bild av hur vägledningsverksamheterna är organiserade. De berättar om sina arbetsuppgifter och arbetssätt samt vilka utvecklingsbehov de ser inom respektive verksamhet och redogör för sin kompetens. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är vägledningsmetoder som visat sig vara effektiva internationellt, förklaringar av vägledningstraditionerna som format vägledarkåren i olika länder samt redogörelse för studie- och yrkesvägledarutbildningarna i Sverige och USA. Resultatet visade att det förekom stora skillnader. Av störst betydelse bedöms vara att Umeå universitet har en välutvecklad e-vägledning och drop-in vägledning men saknar karriärvägledning tillgänglig för alla studenter. University of Wisconsin-Whitewater saknar e- vägledning med personlig kontakt öga mot öga samt drop-in vägledning, men lägger stort fokus på karriärvägledning. Slutsatsen är att båda vägledningsverksamheterna kan utveckla sin vägledning genom att lära av dessa skillnader via ett utbyte av vägledningskompetens. / The purpose of the study is to identify significant differences between the counseling centers at University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and Umeå University. Another main objective is to provide suggestions on how study and career counselors can develop their counseling centers on the basis of the differences identified. This study is a comparative field study with qualitative interviews. The informants are six study and career counselors that provide a picture of how the counseling centers are organized. They talk about their jobs and working practices as well as the need to develop their organizations. They also point out their counseling skills. Counseling methods proven effective internationally, counseling traditions influencing the practice of counseling today and the differences between the Study and Career Counseling Program in Sweden and USA are the theoretical points from where we take our support. The results show that there are in fact big differences. The differences considered to be of most importance is that Umeå University has a well-developed online counseling (e- counseling) and drop-in counseling but has no career counseling available to all students. University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is devoid of all face to face e-counseling and drop-in counseling but adds a strong focus on career counseling. The conclusion is that both counseling centers can develop its counseling by learning from these differences through an exchange of counseling skills.

Kariérový systém pedagogických pracovníků na Slovensku / Career system of teachers in the Slovak Republic

Liška, Roman January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to assess the contribution of the career system of Slovak teachers from the perspective of school principals. The theoretical part deals with the definition of the career system based on a literature research. Firstly, preconditions of the career system are defined. Secondly, the career system is described in detail, followed by its evaluation and comparison with the upcoming Czech career system. The practical part describes the used qualitative methods and approaches and includes findings from the field research. A multiple conn-Dove study was used to solve the research problem, in which the case is represented by ten principals from various schools. Semi-structured interviews with school principals, observing their interactions and document analysis were used for data collection. The result of the research was to create ten idiographic reports reflecting school principals' practical experience with the career system. Findings show significant dissatisfaction among school principals with the conception and implementation of the career system due to the administrative complexity of the system, its formalism, the lack of resources in the system and the lack of provided methodological support to school principals. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Avaliação da orientação profissional em grupo: o papel da informação no desenvolvimento da maturidade para a escolha da carreira / Evaluation of group Vocational Guidance: the role of information for the development of maturity to choose a career.

Esbrogeo, Marystella Carvalho 31 July 2008 (has links)
Este estudo objetiva avaliar um procedimento de intervenção desenvolvido com adolescentes, em processo de Orientação Profissional, em função das variáveis: (1) informação profissional, (2) maturidade para a escolha da carreira e (3) comunicação e aprendizagem no grupo. Participaram do estudo, 28 adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, provenientes de escolas de Ensino Médio e cursos pré-vestibulares, públicos e/ ou privados, com idade entre 15 e 19 anos, em atendimento no Serviço de Orientação Profissional da FFCLRP/USP. Para fins da intervenção e da obtenção dos dados, os jovens foram distribuídos em dois grupos, conforme maturidade para a escolha da carreira avaliada abaixo da média (Grupo A, n= 17) e acima da média (Grupo B, n= 11). Os instrumentos utilizados foram: (1) Questionário de Informação Profissional (QIP): O que os adolescentes sabem sobre profissões e carreiras?; (2) Escala de Maturidade para a Escolha Profissional (EMEP), de Neiva e os (3) registros das sessões em grupo operativo. Os referenciais teórico-metodológicos que fundamentam o procedimento de intervenção e subsidiam a análise dos dados são: (1) a estratégia clínica de Bohoslavsky, (2) a abordagem de grupo operativo de Pichon-Rivière e (3) a Teoria Desenvolvimentista da escolha de carreira de Super. Os dados obtidos por meio do QIP (perguntas fechadas) foram tratados e analisados pela estatística descritiva. Comparações pré e pós-intervenção foram realizadas, por meio do Teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon e o Teste do X² de McNemar. Outra comparação foi realizada entre as respostas dos participantes do sexo feminino e do masculino, utilizado o Teste exato de Fisher e o Teste não-paramétrico de Mann-Whitney. As respostas registradas nas perguntas abertas e nos comentários foram analisadas segundo Bardin. Os dados obtidos por meio da Escala de Maturidade para Escolha Profissional (EMEP) foram analisados quantitativamente por meio do Teste de Wilcoxon. E a análise qualitativa do processo grupal foi realizada a partir da síntese dos registros dos grupos operativos, focalizando os vetores de avaliação do Cone Invertido: comunicação e aprendizagem. Os resultados mostram que os participantes não estão bem informados e, que a informação profissional pode ajudá-los na tomada de decisão vocacional. A internet é o recurso mais utilizado pelos adolescentes para a comunicação entre os colegas. As moças, no início do grupo de orientação, buscam mais informações profissionais nos guias e nos livros do que os rapazes. Elas, também, utilizam mais a internet para as pesquisas escolares, enquanto que os rapazes a utilizam mais para jogar. Nos resultados da EMEP, o grupo apresentou diferença significativa com valores superiores na segunda nas sub-escalas: Determinação, Autoconhecimento e Maturidade Total. Ao final do processo de Orientação Profissional em grupo foi observado que os adolescentes estavam buscando mais informações profissionais, e que o grupo favoreceu a comunicação e a aprendizagem para o desenvolvimento da maturidade para a escolha de carreira. / This study aims at evaluating an intervention an intervention procedure done with adolescents, in Professional Guidance, according to the following variables: (1) professional information, (2) maturity to choose a career, and (3) group communication and group learning. The subjects were 28 adolescents, of both sexes, coming from public and private high schools and university preparation courses, aged between 15 and 19 who were attended at the Vocational Guidance Service at the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters at Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo (FFCLRP/ USP). The participants were divided into two groups according to maturity: below average (group A, n=17) and above average (group B, n=11). The instruments used to gather the data were: (1) Questionnaire about Professional Information (QIP): What adolescents know about jobs and occupations?; (2) Maturity for Career Choice Scale (MCCS); (3) recordings of group sessions. The theoretical-methodological frame works that underpinned the intervention procedure and its analysis were: (1) Bohoslavskys clinical strategy, (2) Pichon-Rivières Operative Group approach and (3) Supers Development Theory for career choice. The data gathered by means of the QIP (closed questions) were treated and analyzed by descriptive statistics. Comparisons before and after interventions were done by means of the Wilcoxons non-parametric Test and McNemars X² Test. Another comparison was done between the answers of the male and female participants by means of the Fishers Exact Test and Mann-Whitneys non-parametric Test. The open answers were analyzed by Bardin. The data gathered by means of the MCCS were analyzed quantitatively by means of Wilcoxons Test. And the analysis of the group procedures was done as based on the synthesis of the group recordings, focusing the evaluation vectors of the Inverted Cone: communication and the learning process. The results showed that the participants were not well informed about career choice and that career information could help them to make a career decision. And the internet is the resource more frequently used by adolescents to communicate with pals. At the beginning of the guiding process, the girls looked for career information in books and guides more than the boys did. The girls also went on the internet to do research and schools take, whereas the boys used it to play. The results from MCCS showed a significant difference for the second application, the values being higher than the first for the following sub-scales: Determination, Self-knowledge and Total Maturity. At the end of the Vocational guiding procedure, the group showed to be looking for more career information than at the beginning and favored communication and learning to mature and to choose a career.

A relação de classe econômica e aspectos do contexto social com modelos de carreira de jovens entrantes no mercado de trabalho / Not informed by the author

Silva, Viviane Ventura Gaspar da 06 September 2017 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas, novas demandas e ideologias sobre a relação homem-trabalho transformaram os sentidos atribuídos ao trabalho e as formas de concebê-lo. Essas transformações redefinem o lugar desta importante atividade na sociedade e trazem a necessidade do reposicionamento do conceito de carreira e do desenvolvimento de teorias que discutem o papel do trabalhador nesse cenário. É possível identificar uma mudança no posicionamento atribuído ao trabalhador, de uma postura passiva para uma postura de agente. As críticas quanto à hegemonia dos modelos emergentes de carreira são direcionadas, de forma mais emblemática, ao papel atribuído ao indivíduo como agente de sua carreira considerando que o exercício da autonomia e da mobilidade é possível ou favorecido por suas habilidades, formações e qualificações. Em suma, esses modelos parecem desconsiderar que outros fatores como classe social, gênero e etnia podem ser limitadores desse papel de agente do indivíduo sobre sua carreira e marginaliza minorias, como mulheres, desempregados ou trabalhadores com pouca qualificação. Entre as questões que se abrigam neste hiato entre o discurso hegemônico sobre carreira e as críticas teóricas e empíricas sobre esses modelos, chama a atenção a relação entre a compreensão de carreira do indivíduo e o papel atribuído ao trabalhador com o processo de socialização, que forja a compreensão de mundo e de si mesmo. A presente dissertação tem como objetivo a investigação da relação de classe econômica e aspectos do contexto social com modelos de carreira de entrantes no mercado de trabalho. O estudo é empírico, de abordagem de dado de diferença qualitativa e frequência (quantitativa) e o procedimento técnico é por levantamento. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de uma survey eletrônica que teve como base o Critério Brasil para classificação econômica, um questionário sobre práticas culturais e o TST para identificação e análise dos modelos de carreira. A população estudada é não probabilística e intencional e formada por 150 jovens. A análise estatística descritiva foi realizada através de medidas resumo usuais, tais como média e desvio padrão (DP), mediana e mínimo (mín) e máximo (máx) para variáveis quantitativas e frequência absoluta e relativa para as variáveis categóricas. Na análise bivariada, foram utilizado o teste de Anderson-Darling (Anderson e Darling, 1954) e testes paramétricos (teste t, ANOVA e correlação de Pearson) e testes não paramétricos (Mann-Witney, Levene, Kruskal-Wallis, Tukey não paramétrico e correlação de Spearman). Para analisar o escore de carreira versus as variáveis socioeconômicas conjuntamente foi utilizado um modelo de regressão linear múltipla. O software utilizado para análises foi o R 3.1.2. e o nível de significância adotado nas análises foi de 0,05. Os resultados obtidos não apresentaram correlação significativa para classe econômica e modelos de carreira, apesar de ter uma tendência aos modelos tradicionais nas classes B e C. Também não foi identificada correlação para a maioria das variáveis quantitativas e qualitativas, exceto para as variáveis: estado civil - casado, cor preta e programa favorito - novela que se mostraram significativas estatisticamente para o modelo emergente de carreira e a variável, principal motivo para acessar a internet - enviar e-mails, significativa para o modelo tradicional. Identificando-se a necessidade de aprofundamento e o vasto espaço de pesquisa aqui demonstrado, espera-se que esse estudo sirva como convite aos pesquisadores para desenvolverem novos estudos empíricos sobre socialização e carreira, em geral, e carreira e seus impactos sobre gestão de pessoas nas organizações brasileiras / In the last decades, new demands and ideologies about the relationship between man and work are transforming the meanings attributed to work and the ways of conceiving it. These transformations redefine the place work takes in society and bring about the need to reposition the concept of career and the development of theories that discuss the role of the worker in this scenario. It is possible to identify a change in the positioning attributed to the worker, from a passive posture to an agent position. Criticisms about the hegemony of emerging career models are directed more emblematically to the role assigned to the individual as an agent of his career - considering that the exercise of autonomy and mobility is possible or favored by his skills, education and qualifications. In sum, these models seem to disregard the fact that other factors such as social class, gender and ethnicity could limit this role of the individual as agent over his career and marginalize minorities such as women, the unemployed or the low-skilled workers. Among the issues that lie in the hiatus of hegemonic career discourse and the theoretical and empirical critiques of these models, attention is drawn to the relationship between an individual\'s career understanding and the role assigned to the worker with the socialization process, which forges the understanding of the world and of himself. The present dissertation aims to investigate the relationship of economic class and aspects of the social context with the career models of entrants in the job market. This study is empirical, approaching data of qualitative difference and frequency (quantitative) and the technical procedure is by survey. The data were obtained through an electronic survey based on Critério Brasil for economic classification, a questionnaire on cultural practices and the TST for the identification and analysis of career models. The population studied is non-probabilistic and intentional and consists of 150 young adults. The descriptive statistical analysis was performed using usual summary measures, such as mean and standard deviation (SD), median and minimum (min) and maximum (max) for quantitative variables and absolute and relative frequency for categorical variables. In the bivariate analysis, the Anderson-Darling test (Anderson and Darling, 1954) and parametric tests (t test, ANOVA and Pearson\'s correlation) and non-parametric tests were used (Mann-Witney, Levene, Kruskal-Wallis, Tukey non-parametric And Spearman\'s correlation). To analyze the career score versus the socioeconomic variables together a multiple linear regression model was used. The software used for analysis was R 3.1.2. And the level of significance adopted in the analyzes was 0.05. The results obtained did not present a significant correlation for economic class and career models, despite tending to the traditional models in classes B and C. Also, no correlation was identified for most of the quantitative and qualitative variables, except for the variables: civil status - married, black and favorite program soap opera that proved statistically significant for the emerging career model and the variable, the main reason for accessing the Internet - send emails, meaningful to the traditional model. Identifying the need for deepening and the vast space for research demonstrated here, it is expected that this study will serve as an invitation to researchers to develop new empirical studies on socialization and career, in general, and career and its impacts on people management in the organizations

Contribuições acerca da orientação profissional e de carreira com adultos: o caso de pessoas com trajetórias de trabalho precário / Contributions on career counseling for adults: the case of people with precarious work trajectories

Fonçatti, Guilherme de Oliveira Silva 08 April 2016 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como questão de pesquisa a descrição e análise das características do processo de orientação profissional e de carreira voltada a pessoas adultas com escolaridade até o Ensino Médio completo e com alguma trajetória no mundo do trabalho marcada pela precarização. Para isso, foi feito um estudo do contexto socioeconômico brasileiro no período que compreende os primeiros quinze anos do presente século. Como suporte teórico para a pesquisa foi realizado um estudo sobre os conceitos de carreira, trabalho, emprego/desemprego e trajetória, articulando-os com o contexto brasileiro do mundo do trabalho. Identificou-se uma demanda reprimida que começa a se explicitar, na busca dessa população pelo atendimento em orientação profissional e de carreira. Foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico sobre o tema da orientação profissional e de carreira com populações marginalizadas ou em condição de vulnerabilidade social, no âmbito nacional e internacional. Concluiu-se que há pouca produção bibliográfica sobre orientação profissional para adultos em situação de trabalho precário. Os participantes dessa pesquisa são adultos, trabalhadores que cursaram até o Ensino Médio, com histórico de inserção no trabalho pela informalidade, ou por vias formais, mas em trabalhos precários e considerados de restrito prestígio social. Esses trabalhadores buscaram voluntariamente o Serviço de Orientação Profissional (SOP) do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo. Foram relatados dois atendimentos de orientação profissional e de carreira, sendo um homem de 36 anos e uma mulher de 47 anos. Como resultados da análise dos atendimentos, percebeu-se como produto da orientação: apropriação da trajetória profissional como uma carreira, a partir da ressiginificação da história profissional; percepção de si como um trabalhador qualificado em diversas áreas, apropriação do seu fazer pela identificação de si mesmo como o alguém que o faz, maior possibilidade controle e autonomia do fazer; apropriação da percepção do próprio desejo para além da necessidade; apropriação de um projeto de carreira, a partir da significação do processo de orientação profissional; o projeto como articulador do futuro: aberto, porém não solto. Conclui-se que o trabalho de orientação de carreira com esse público é possível e pode resultar na construção de um projeto de carreira apropriado pela pessoa em seu contexto social / This is a thesis about the research on the characteristics of the career counseling process of adults who have studied up to complete high school degree, and who have a work trajectory marked by precarious works. For this, we made a study of the Brazilian socioeconomic context of the period comprising the first fifteen years of this century. As a theoretical support for the research we studied the concepts of career, work, employment/unemployment and trajectory, connecting them with the Brazilian work context. In this scenario, there is a repressed demand that begins to emerge, as this population starts to look for career counseling process. A bibliographic research was made on the topic of the career counseling process for marginalized or social vulnerable populations, including national and international papers. It was concluded that there is little bibliographical production on career counseling process for adults in precarious work situation. The participants of this research were adult workers who had not completed high school and have a work trajectory marked by informal and formal works that are precarious or are considered with low social prestige. These workers voluntarily sought the Serviço de Orientação Profissional (SOP) of the Instituto de Psicologia at Universidade de São Paulo (USP). In this thesis two career counseling process are reported, one of them of a 36-year-old man and the other one of a 47-year-old woman. As results, it was perceived as a product of the career counseling process the following points: appropriation of work trajectory; greater awareness of oneself as a qualified worker in various areas; greater control and autonomy in the performed professional activity; resignificance and appropriation of the professional career; stronger consolidation of occupational identity; the capacity of develop his/her own career project; and the concept of project as an articulator of future and present. In conclusion, we found that the career counseling process can be done with this population and results in a career project lined up with the person in his social context

Gestão de carreira no início da carreira profissional: um estudo sobre atitude de carreira de jovens discentes da graduação da FEA/USP / Career management at the beginning of the professional career: a study on the career attitude of students from FEA/USP

Camargo, Irineu Soares de 18 November 2016 (has links)
Os estudos sobre gestão de carreira, quer sejam no âmbito organizacional ou individual, são algo recente na literatura. Atualmente, entende-se que a responsabilidade pela gestão da carreira é das pessoas e que a sua consolidação ocorre ao longo das experiências de vida pessoal e profissional. Com as mudanças originadas pela globalização, novas tecnologias e aumento da competitividade, o contrato psicológico de trabalho migrou de um modelo de emprego vitalício para um modelo de independência e autonomia, onde o indivíduo é responsável pela gestão e desenvolvimento de sua própria carreira. Essas mudanças influenciaram os conceito de carreira e demandaram o desenvolvimento de teorias que considerassem aspectos relacionados à mobilidade, à busca de um sentido para o trabalho e ao sucesso psicológico, tais como a carreira sem fronteiras e a carreira proteana. Considerando a escassez e a necessidade de estudos empíricos no Brasil acerca do tema, o presente trabalho teve como principal objetivo identificar e analisar se a atitude de carreira de universitários tem relação com as novas teorias de carreira. O perfil de carreira agrupa os indivíduos de acordo com a presença de atitudes de carreira proteana, representada pelas dimensões autodirecionamento e orientação pelos valores, e de atitudes de carreira sem fronteiras, representada pelas dimensões mobilidade psicológica e mobilidade física. Esta é uma pesquisa descritiva, com características quantitativa e qualitativa. A coleta de dados foi realizada através da aplicação de um questionário, cujas escalas foram validadas nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil, bem como pela realização de entrevistas. A amostra é não probabilística e intencional e foi formada por 140 estudantes de graduação da Faculdade de Administração, Economia e Contabilidade da USP. A validação da escala de atitude de carreira foi feita a partir da análise da confiabilidade e consistência interna do instrumento de pesquisa, com base no software SPSS - Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Os resultados obtidos através da técnica de análise fatorial foram satisfatórios no que tange à confiabilidade, utilizado o software SPSS. Com base nos dados estatísticos, os escores gerais de carreiras proteana e sem fronteiras apresentaram uma relação positiva, indicando a existência de uma correlação geral entre os dois modelos de carreira para a amostra deste estudo. Os resultados desta pesquisa, no geral, apontam a presença de direcionamento pelos valores, autodirecionamento da carreira, mobilidades física e psicológica, indicando que os respondentes apresentam atitudes de carreiras favoráveis para enfrentar as mudanças exigidas pelo mercado de trabalho. Estas atitudes são mais relevantes para os que fizeram a disciplina Gestão de Carreira, o que também foi confirmado pelas entrevistas. Com isso, conclui-se ser relevante discutir a gestão de carreira no início da carreira profissional desses jovens discentes, que estão entrando no mercado de trabalho. Para esses jovens, essas novas carreiras são uma realidade, ainda que se verifique se tratar de um movimento, não podendo ser ainda considerado como fato para todos os indivíduos pesquisados. Acompanhar a trajetória profissional desses alunos, ampliando a pesquisa com outras variáveis, agregará ao estudo um maior detalhamento sobre as inclinações de carreiras desses indivíduos. Ainda, as discussões deste trabalho, além de contribuírem para as reflexões acerca do assunto gestão de carreira no Brasil, abrem portas para pesquisas com egressos que estejam no mercado de trabalho há mais tempo, ampliando a discussão dos resultados de correlação entre os modelos de carreira proteana e sem fronteiras. / Studies on career management, whether organizational or individual, are something new in literature. Currently, it is understood that the responsibility for the career management is of the person and that its consolidation takes place over the experiences of personal and professional life. With the changes arising from globalization, new technologies and increased competition, the work\'s psychological contract migrated from a lifetime employment model to an independence and autonomy model, where the individual is responsible for the management and development of his own career. These changes influenced the concept of career and demanded the development of theories that consider aspects related to mobility, the search of a meaning to work and psychological success, such as boundaryless career and protean career. Considering the scarcity and the need for empirical studies in Brazil on the subject, this study aimed to identify and analyze if the career atitude of university students is related to the new career theories. The career profile groups the individuals according to the presence of protean career attitudes, represented by self-direction dimensions and values orientation, and attitudes of a boundaryless career, represented by the dimensions of psychological mobility and physical mobility. This is a descriptive research with quantitative and qualitative characteristics. Data collection was performed by applying a questionnaire, whose scales were validated in the United States and Brazil, as well as conducting interviews. The sample is not probabilistic and intentional and was formed by 140 undergraduate students of USP\'s School of Business, Economics and Accounting. The validation of the career attitude scale was made by the analysis of reliability and internal consistency of the survey instrument based on SPSS - Statistical Package for Social Sciences. The results obtained through the factorial analysis technique were satisfactory in terms of reliability, using the SPSS software. Based on statistics, the overall scoresof protean careers and boundaryless career presented a positive relation, indicating the existence of a general correlation between the two career models for this study\'s sample. Theresults of this research, in general, indicate the presence of targeting by values, career selfdirection, physical and psychological mobility, indicating that respondents have career attitudes favorable to face the changes required by the labor market. These attitudes are more relevant to those who made the Career Management discipline, which was also confirmed by interviews. Thereby, it is concluded to be relevant to discuss career management at the beginning of the career of these young students, who are entering the labor market. For these young people, these new careers are a reality, even if it is verified to be a movement, and can not be considered as a fact for all individuals surveyed. Follow the career path of these students, expanding research with other variables, will add to the study greater details on the slopes careers of these individuals. The discussions of this work, besides contributing to the reflections on the career management business in Brazil, opens doors for research with graduates who are in the labor market longer, expanding the discussion of correlation results between protean and boundaryless career models.

Examining the Development of Career Identity within a College Preparatory School: A Case Study

Margavio, Michele R 23 May 2019 (has links)
Recent college graduates are clearly facing significant labor market challenges and statistics show that college graduates will more likely find themselves unemployed or underemployed rather than gainfully employed in the current job market. The purpose of this study was to examine the career identity development of non-public high school seniors taking a career preparation program involving internships within all career pathways, not just those requiring a bachelor’s degree or higher. Individual interviews were conducted with ten students, the program director, and four site coordinators to gain the insight from their experiences with the career development course. Results from this study indicated that students experienced a high level of student engagement in the program, exposure to real-world experience in careers, and meaningful relationships with adults who participated in the program. Findings in this study also indicated how self-awareness and self-confidence gained from participating in the program lead to the development of a positive career identity. This study can be used to inform schools and school districts of the value of internships on the development of career identity.

Career Development and Adolescents Who are Hard of Hearing: Career Maturity, Career Decision-Making and Career Barriers Among High School Students in Regular Classes

Punch, Renee J, n/a January 2005 (has links)
In Australia, as in most English-speaking countries, increasing numbers of children with significant hearing loss are being educated in regular classes with the support of itinerant teachers of the deaf, rather than in segregated settings. These students primarily use their amplified residual hearing and communicate orally, and may be functionally defined as hard of hearing. This thesis reports on a study investigating the career development of hard of hearing high school students attending regular Year 10, 11, and 12 classes with itinerant teacher support in the Australian states of Queensland and New South Wales. The students had bilateral sensorineural hearing losses ranging from mild to profound. The study sought to identify and analyse the key factors that influence the career development of this population. The design of the study was informed by Social Cognitive Career Theory (Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 1994), with its emphasis on cognitive variables, personal agency, diversity, and contextual influences, and the developmental theory of Donald Super and its associated concept of career maturity (Super, 1980; Super, Savickas, & Super, 1996). The study also investigated the social participation of hard of hearing adolescents and the relationship among the students' perceptions of their social participation, their social self-concept, and their career decision-making. The research was conducted using a three-phase, mixed methods approach incorporating two major phases, one quantitative and one qualitative, preceded by a minor, preliminary phase. The preliminary, exploratory phase of the study was included in order to guide the design of the survey instrument, and in particular the section covering perceived career barriers, an area not discussed in the literature for this population. Interviews were conducted with four hard of hearing Year 12 school students and four hard of hearing first-year university students who were recent school-leavers. In phase two, sixty-five hard of hearing students were compared with a matched group of normally hearing peers on measures of career maturity, career indecision, perceived career barriers, social participation and three variables associated with Social Cognitive Career Theory: career decision-making self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and goals. In addition, predictors of career maturity were tested for both groups. Phase three comprised the collection and analysis of qualitative data from interviews with a proportion of the survey respondents to explore the quantitative results in greater depth. Twelve students with hearing losses ranging from moderate to profound participated in these interviews. Results of the quantitative analysis indicated that (a) the two groups did not differ on measures of career maturity or social participation, (b) the Social Cognitive Career Theory variables were less predictive of career behaviours for the hard of hearing students than for the normally hearing students, and (c) perceived career barriers related to hearing loss predicted lower scores on the measure of career development attitudes for the hard of hearing students. The quantitative data also showed that survey respondents reported high levels of anticipation of some hearing-related barriers to achieving their educational or career goals, particularly 'people not understanding my hearing loss.' The results of the qualitative analysis extended many of the quantitative findings, yielding information and insights inaccessible through traditional quantitative methods. The qualitative findings revealed ways in which students perceived potential barriers, how they felt about them, and ways in which their perceptions of barriers influenced their career choice and decision-making. In addition, the qualitative findings revealed a complex interaction among students' social participation with their peers, their experiences of other people's negative reactions, their self-consciousness about their hearing loss, their fears about mishearing people, and their career decision-making. In sum, the study identified potential career barriers as a key factor influencing the career development of this group of hard of hearing students, and clarified understanding of the way in which their social self-concept interacted with their career development. The study's findings contribute to current knowledge and understanding of the career development of adolescents with significant hearing loss who attend regular classes with itinerant teacher support in two states of Australia. The thesis discusses implications for theory and for practice that have arisen from the study, and sets out recommendations for ways in which the career development and transition of this population might be improved.

Career and Technical Education in the Crossroads of Change

Quailey, Janice 10 October 2014 (has links)
Career and technical education (CTE) is faced with numerous forces that may impact its future. A variety of forces directly or indirectly affect CTE, ranging from the persisting stigma or negative image of career and technical education, the schools' curricular structure and requirements, along with federal laws such as No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and Perkins. Federal laws guide administrators' decisions at the local level that affect CTE. With NCLB goals for all students to improve academic achievement, reach high standards, and graduate from high school (HS), much pressure is placed on schools. NCLB emphasizes increased academic rigor and progress on students' state assessments, holding schools accountable to annual yearly improvement. With more accountability, more emphasis is being placed on core academics that may in turn reduce or eliminate elective career and technical education programs. With continued negative perceptions associated with career and technical education, reinforced by curricular tracks and coupled with the impact of NCLB, CTE is left in a precarious position. Some of these forces may have deleterious effects upon CTE depending upon decisions and reactions of local administrators. <br>A quantitative survey research study was completed with Pennsylvania administrators from CTE schools and HSs. HS principals and CTE directors were surveyed as to how they perceived the effects of NCLB on role, image, and curriculum changes affecting career and technical education. Surveys were mailed to the directors of shared-time CTE schools and their respective sending HS principals. <br>The results of the study revealed the perceptions of HS and CTE administrators concerning the ramifications of No Child Left Behind as it relates to CTEs image, the effects on curriculum, and CTEs role in helping schools meet the goals of NCLB. There were significant differences found between CTE directors and HS principals regarding their perceptions of the role and image of CTE as affected by NCLB. In addition, there were no significant differences found between administrators regarding their perceptions of curriculum changes affected by NCLB. Finally, there were no significant differences in perceptions found across settings or regions. / School of Education; / Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program for Education Leaders (IDPEL) / EdD; / Dissertation;

Kvinnors upplevelser av brytpunkter och rutiner i karriären / Women´s experiences of Turning Points and Routines in Occupational Career

Engström, Frida January 2011 (has links)
Brytpunkter innebär skiften mellan olika sysselsättningar och områden på utbildnings- och arbetsmarknaden. För att hantera en brytpunkt använder individen olika rutiner. Syftet med studien är att studera sex kvinnors berättelser om brytpunkter och rutiner i karriären. Sex semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts. Vid bearbetningen och analysen av kvinnornas berättelser har en hermeneutiskt ansats använts. Resultatet visar att de sex kvinnorna har upplevt ett flertal brytpunkter i sina karriärer samt att de har använt olika rutiner för att hantera dessa brytpunkter. De flesta brytpunkter är svåra att klassificera som frivilliga eller påtvingade, samt svåra att skilja från rutiner och tidigare brytpunkter. En slutsats blir att karriär kan beskrivas som en livslång process av brytpunkter och rutiner. / Turning points involves shifts between different occupations and areas of education and labor. The individual processes turning points using various routines. The purpose of this study is to examine six women's stories of turning points and routines in their careers. Six semi structured interviews were conducted. A hermeneutic approach has been used in processing and analyzing the stories. The results show that the six women have experienced several turning points in their career and that they have used several different routines to deal with these turning points. Most turning points have been difficult to classify as self-initiated or forced, as well as difficult to distinguish from routines and previous turning points. One conclusion is that career can be described as a lifelong process of turning points and routines.

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