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L'influence de la cour de cassation sur le droit : analyse en droit de la famille / Judiciary High Court's influence : family law analyzeHoffstetter, Célia 14 December 2015 (has links)
Créée en 1790, la Cour de cassation n'a eu de cesse d'évoluer au fil des ans, s'adaptant à la judiciarisation croissante de la société. Elle veille à l'égalité de tous devant la loi, en précisant au besoin les côtés obscurs de certains textes, en harmonisant les pratiques judiciaires et en s'assurant de la bonne application par les magistrats des instruments juridiques. Le droit de la famille ne fait pas exception à ce constat. L'apparition de notions à contenu variable, comme l'intérêt de l'enfant ou celui de sa famille, complique la tâche du juge, déjà confronté à la diversification des sources du droit de la famille. L'interprétation et l'application des règles qui le composent suscitent parfois des difficultés, que la Cour de cassation peut atténuer. Que ce soit par le biais du pourvoi en cassation ou des autres compétences qui lui ont été confiées, elle améliore constamment les rapports entre la famille et son droit, tout en composant avec les facteurs qui perturbent aujourd'hui cette matière. / For many reasons, family law is now in trouble. The bests interests of the child have to be protected by judges, even if they do not know all about the child's situation. It is the same when they have to take a decision about couple's relations. So, judges need some directions, proclaimed by the High Court. The High court's missions is to apply and interpret all the rules which are edicted by the Parliament. There is only one High Court, situated in Paris and created 1790. Others juridictions have to respect its decisions and that is why it is one of the most important juridictions in France.
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La distinction du fait et du droit en droit judiciaire privé / Distinction between the fact and the law in private judicial lawLouis, Delphine 21 November 2014 (has links)
En droit judiciaire privé, la distinction du fait et du droit est censée fonder la répartition des rôles entre les parties et le juge sur la matière litigieuse et la délimitation du contrôle de cassation. Au premier abord, cette distinction, historique et adoptée par de nombreux systèmes juridiques, semble évidente voire élémentaire. Du point de vue de la théorie du droit elle trace une frontière entre le fait, au sens d'évènement, et la norme selon un critère de normativité. Cependant, cette simplicité n'est qu'apparente car, en droit judiciaire privé, il n'existe pas une mais plusieurs distinctions. Afin de s'adapter à la réalité processuelle, en matière d'office du juge, elle devient la distinction des domaines du droit et du fait, le premier comprenant les activités juridiques, qui portent sur les règles de droit, et le second les activités factuelles ayant pour objet les éléments de faits. En matière de cassation, elle devient la distinction entre les questions de fait, qui portent sur l'appréciation des faits, et les questions de droit qui concernent l'application du droit. Pourtant, la multiplication des niveaux de distinction ne suffit pas à la rendre opérante : le juge joue un rôle dans le domaine factuel tandis que les parties ont des obligations dans celui du droit ; la Cour de cassation contrôle des questions de fait tandis qu'elle abandonne certaines questions de droit. Puisque la distinction est dépourvue de fondement normatif, il convient de s'en détacher pour revenir aux textes qui déterminent précisément le rôle de chacun dans le procès civil et réalisent un équilibre des rôles. Son caractère inopérant en matière de cassation incite à la remplacer par le véritable critère de compétence : la distinction de l'arrêt et de l'affaire qui fait apparaître le réel objet du contrôle : l'opération juridictionnelle. / In Private Judicial Law, the distinction between the fact and the law is supposed to found the distribution of the roles between the parties and the judge concerning the contentious matter and the delimitation of the cassation control. At first, this historical distinction, adopted by numerous legal systems seems obvious, and even elementary. In terms of the theory of law, it draws a border between the fact, meaning the event, and the norm according to a criterion of normativity. However, this simplicity is only apparent,as, in Private Judicial Law, there is no single distinction, but several differentiations. In order to adapt to the processual reality, as regards the judge's function, it becomes the distinction between sectors of the law and the fact, the first sector including the legal activities, which deal with the rules of law, the second sector refering to the factual activities aiming at the matters of facts. As far as cassation is concerned, it becomes the distinction between the question of fact which focus on the appreciation of the facts and the question of law which deal with the enforcement of the law.Yet the multiplication of the levels of distinction is not sufficient to make it operating : the judge plays a part in the factual field whereas the parties have some obligations in the fields of law ; the Court of Cassation controls questions of fact whereas it gives up certain questions of law. Since the distinction is devoid of normative basis, it is necessary to break away to come back to the texts which precisely determine the role of each party in the civil trial and achieve a balance of the roles. The inoperative nature of the distinction encourages to replace it with the real criterion of competence : the distinction between the judgement and the case which reveals the real object of the control : the jurisdictional operation.
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Apparence et réalité des discours de la Cour de cassation : Etude positive et critique d'un office en mutation / Appearance and reality of the judicial speech of the Court of cassation : A positive law and critical study of an evolving judicial officeBelda, Jean-Benoist 25 November 2016 (has links)
Juridiction suprême de l’ordre judiciaire, la Cour de cassation a pour mission de contrôler le respect de la loi ; elle en est la gardienne. La Cour de cassation est par conséquent juge du droit et ses décisions s’imposent aux juridictions qui lui sont inférieures. Ce rôle de la Haute juridiction est l’héritage de la période révolutionnaire pendant laquelle s’est exprimée une volonté : celle de faire table rase du gouvernement des juges. Ce pouvoir judiciaire exacerbé s’est en effet illustré sous l’Ancien régime à travers l’activité des Parlements. De cette volonté de rupture est née une idéologie légaliste : l’activité du juge est encadrée par la loi et ce dernier doit raisonner en fonction d’elle. Face à ce constat, la thèse adopte alors une approche descriptive de ce légalisme. Cette idéologie influence la fonction de juger dans sa conception et son expression, présentant alors le juge comme « la bouche de la loi ». Pourtant, derrière cette apparence très formelle, ces motivations brèves et ces raisonnements syllogistiques, le juge de la Cour de cassation se révèle un interprète authentique et fait état d’un réel pouvoir judiciaire normatif. A partir de cette observation, cette étude se propose de dévoiler cette réalité latente, d’expliquer de quelle manière elle s’établit et de comprendre pourquoi, malgré l’évidence du réel, l’apparence légaliste reste la représentation officielle. Un décalage entre l’apparence de l’office du juge tel qu’il est exprimé et la réalité de l’office tel qu’il est exercé est donc identifiable. C’est sur la base de ce constat et en prenant en compte les contraintes internationales - notamment européennes - pesant sur l’office du juge français que cette recherche fait le choix de s’inscrire dans une approche pragmatique en proposant des évolutions de la fonction de juger dans un objectif de cohérence, d’intelligibilité et d’efficacité de la justice. / Supreme Court of the french judiciary system, the Court of cassation has the mission to control the respect of the law ; the Court is its gardian. Its decisions are imperative upon the lower jurisdictions of the judicial system. This role of the High Jurisdiction is the inheritance of the revolutionary period during which the will was to ward off the government by judiciary. This government of judges took place in France under the Old Regime through the activity of Parliaments. Through this will of break was born a legalistic ideology : the activity of the judge is supervised by the law ; judges has to argue according to it. Considering this, the thesis adopts then a descriptive approach : the legalism has an impact on the conception of the judge, his judicial activity and its expression. The judge is presented as the mouth of the law. Nevertheless, behind this formal appearance, these brief motivations of the decisions and these syllogistic reasonings, the judge of the Court of cassation shows himself an interpreter and has a real normative judiciary power. This work suggests then revealing this reality, to explain how it becomes established and to understand why in spite of the obvious fact of the reality, the legalistic appearance remains the official representation. A gap between the appearance of the office of the judge as it is expressed and the reality of the office as it is exercised is thus identifiable. It’s on the basis of this observation and by considering the international constraints (european constraints in particular) impacting the judge activity that this thesis chooses to have a pragmatic approach by suggesting evolutions of the judicial function in an objective of coherence, intelligibility and efficiency of the justice.
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La motivation des décisions judiciaires civiles et la Cour de cassation : étude de droit comparé franco-koweïtien / The motivation of civil judicial decisions and the Court : a comparative study between Kuwait and French lawAlshatti, Norah 28 June 2019 (has links)
Cette étude comparative entre les systèmes français et koweïtien, est d’une potentielle grande richesse, tant du point de vue de la recherche juridique, que de celui de la pratique professionnelle. D’autant plus qu’en France, la motivation des décisions judiciaires et en particulier, des arrêts de la Cour de cassation est une obligation essentielle et le contrôle de la motivation, une mission première pour garantir le droit à un procès équitable. Actuellement la motivation des arrêts de la Cour de cassation est l’objet d’un projet de réforme dans le cadre plus général de celui de la Cour de cassation. Ce projet est suivi avec intérêt au Koweït, pays très influencé par la procédure civile française sous le contrôle d’une juridiction supranationale. Il n’y a de douter que le Koweït inclura dans sa trajectoire juridictionnelle tout progrès issu de la réforme en cours. / This study that compares the French legal system and the Kuwaiti legal system is a valuable study with multiple aspects to its legal research and professional applications. For France, the rulings of its "Court" and overseers is necessary for a just trial. Now, they both are a study subject for a project to alter the role of the “Court” in a general way. This project is of utmost importance to the Kuwaiti judicial system as it affected by its history with the French civil law. In addition, it is important as well for the respected and known place as the highest court in the judicial system. (Compared with the European court for human rights). It is without a doubt that Kuwait will take it into consideration these positive changes for the role of the "Court".
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Les revirements de jurisprudence de la Cour de Cassation / The reversals of case law of the Court of cassationTascher, Maiwenn 15 December 2011 (has links)
L'évolution de la conception classique du rôle du juge de cassation a entraîné une remise en question des sources du droit. Alors qu'au XIXème siècle le juge était considéré comme un simple lecteur de la loi, aujourd'hui il trouve sa place au sein des sources du droit. Il en résulte que lorsqu'un revirement de jurisprudence intervient, il va venir modifier l'ordonnancement juridique en y intégrant une nouvelle règle de droit, une nouvelle règle jurisprudentielle. Si la plupart du temps le revirement de jurisprudence n'emporte pas de conséquences néfastes, il arrive que dans certains cas, la sécurité juridique soit mise à mal. Il en découle que le justiciable va se voir appliquer la nouvelle règle jurisprudentielle quelle que soit la date de réalisation de l'acte ou des faits en raison de la rétroactivité inhérente à ce type de décision, sans pouvoir s'en prémunir. Le juge de cassation, conscient de ce problème, a recours à certaines méthodes afin d'annoncer un futur revirement de jurisprudence mais également d'en limiter ses effets. Cependant, ces méthodes ne s'avèrent pas pleinement efficaces et il semble nécessaire de permettre au juge de cassation de moduler dans le temps certaines de ces décisions lorsque leurs conséquences néfastes surpassent les avantages attendus du revirement de jurisprudence. / The evolution of the classic conception of the role of the supreme has brought about a questioning of the sources of the right. While in the 19th century the judge was considered as a simple reader of the law, today he finds his place within the sources of the right. As a result when a reversal of case law intervenes, it modifies the legal organization by integrating in a new legal rule, a new judicial rule. If most part of time the reversal of case law does not have harmful consequences, it happens that in certain cases, the legal safety security is endangered. It ensues from it that the citizen goes to see to apply the new judicial rule whatever is the date of realization of the act or the facts because of the retroactivity inherent to this type of decision, and the citizen won't be able to protect himself against this décision. The judge at the Court of cassation, aware of this problem, turns to certain methods to announce a future reversal of a case law but also to limit its effects. However, these methods do not turn out to be completely effective and it seems necessary to allow the judge at the Court of cassation to modulate in the time some of these decisions because the harmful consequences of these décisions may exceed the advantages expected from the reversal of case law.
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Interdição e silenciamento: o resgate da história da Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo a partir dos processos administrativos de desligamento de docentes no período ditatorial (1969-1979) / Interdiction and silencing: the rescue of the history of the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo from the administrative processes of dismissal of teachers in the dictatorial period (1969-1979).Coutinho, Lis de Freitas 18 May 2018 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta o estudo dos casos de desligamentos de cinco professores da Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (ECA/USP) durante o regime militar (1969-1979): Jean Claude Bernardet, Thomaz Farkas, José Freitas Nobre, Jair Borin e José Marques de Melo. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi entender, por meio de documentos, depoimentos e pesquisa bibliográfica, a perseguição a intelectuais e cientistas na ditadura militar. O propósito foi realizar um estudo de caso para compreender como funcionava a lógica de investigações e controles dos expurgos nas universidades nesse contexto histórico brasileiro. Além disso, esta investigação tratou das diferentes estratégias de expurgos realizadas na USP, dentre elas as chamadas \"cassações brancas\", nas quais docentes não eram cassados formalmente, mas eram desligados dos quadros universitários sumariamente, sem justificativas. Para entender esses fenômenos, tratamos das trajetórias dos docentes desde o ingresso na ECA/USP, passando pelo desligamento, até o retorno na década de 1980 após a Lei da Anistia. Para tanto, utilizamos como base metodológica o método historiográfico, o paradigma indiciário e qualitativo de análise. Assim, dentro das discussões de que temos participado do Observatório de Comunicação, Censura e Liberdade de Expressão da ECA/USP, pudemos concluir que a intimidação e a autocensura foram preponderantes nas práticas de interdição dos dispositivos de vigilância nas universidades, gerando grandes consequências para a produção de conhecimento, principalmente no que se referiu à área de comunicação. / This thesis presents the study of the cases of dismissals of five professors of the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA/USP) during the military regime (1969-1979): Jean Claude Bernardet, Thomaz Farkas, José Freitas Nobre, Jair Borin and José Marques de Melo. The objective of this research was to understand, through documents, testimonies and bibliographic research, the persecution of intellectuals and scientists in the military dictatorship. The purpose was to carry out a case study to understand how the logic of investigations and controls of purges in universities in this Brazilian historical context worked. In addition, this investigation dealt with the different strategies of purges carried out at USP, among them the so-called \"white cassation\", in which teachers were not formally revoked, but were summarily dismissed from university staff without justification. In order to understand these phenomena, we have examined the trajectories of teachers since joining the ECA/USP, passing through the dismissal, until the return in the 1980s, after the Amnesty Law. For that, we use as methodological basis the historiographic method, the indiciary paradigm and qualitative analysis. Thus, within the discussions that we have participated in the Observatory of Communication, Censorship and Freedom of Expression of ECA/USP, we could conclude that intimidation and self-censorship were preponderant in the practices of interdiction of surveillance devices in universities, generating great consequences for the knowledge production, especially in the area of communications.
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Thèse de doctorat : DROIT PRIVE : Metz : 2000. / 2000METZ002D. 428 ref.
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La fonction de jurisprudence du Conseil d'ÉtatPodraza-Scripzac, Edith Gros, Manuel. January 2007 (has links)
Thèse d'État : Droit public : Artois : 2007. / Notes bibliogr. Bibliogr. p. 419-489. Index.
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Le contrôle par le conseil d'Etat sur les juridictions administratives spécialisées / The control by the Conseil d’État over the specialised administrative courtsHauuy, Cédric 08 September 2014 (has links)
Au sein de l’ordre juridictionnel administratif, vingt-six juridictions spécialisées, relevant toutes du Conseil d’État soit par la voie de l’appel, soit par la voie de cassation, gravitent à côté des juridictions de droit commun.L’étude de ces juridictions révèle certaines spécificités qui leur sont propres du point de vue de leur composition et de leur fonctionnement. Le Conseil d’État, en sa qualité de juridiction suprême, veille au respect des règles essentielles applicables devant ces dernières, comme la contradiction ou l’impartialité, en leur imposant un standard procédural.L’objet de cette étude est de s’interroger sur l’intérêt et les raisons du contrôle du Conseil d’État, notamment en termes d’unité de l’ordre juridictionnel administratif, sur les modalités de ce contrôle, en examinant sa nature au-delà du seul contrôle juridictionnel, ainsi que sur ses effets, en tant qu’il favorise l’harmonisation et l’uniformisation entre ces juridictions / Within the French administrative jurisdictional order, twenty-six specialised courts, all of which also has controlled by the Conseil d’État either by the way of appeal, or by the way of “cassation”, operate alongside the general courts.The study of these courts reveals certain particularities of their own with regards to their composition and functioning. The Conseil d’État, in its role as the supreme administrative court, assures the respect of essential applicable rules before these lower courts, including the right to a few trial and impartiality, whilst also imposing on them a certain procedural standard.The object of this study is to explore the legal reasons and interest behind this control by the Conseil d’État, and the subsequent methods employed, in particular with regards to the unified application of the law within the French administrative order. The aim is to examine this control beyond its simple jurisdictional nature, as well as its effects, in the fact that it favours harmonisation and standardisation between these various courts
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Interdição e silenciamento: o resgate da história da Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo a partir dos processos administrativos de desligamento de docentes no período ditatorial (1969-1979) / Interdiction and silencing: the rescue of the history of the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo from the administrative processes of dismissal of teachers in the dictatorial period (1969-1979).Lis de Freitas Coutinho 18 May 2018 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta o estudo dos casos de desligamentos de cinco professores da Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (ECA/USP) durante o regime militar (1969-1979): Jean Claude Bernardet, Thomaz Farkas, José Freitas Nobre, Jair Borin e José Marques de Melo. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi entender, por meio de documentos, depoimentos e pesquisa bibliográfica, a perseguição a intelectuais e cientistas na ditadura militar. O propósito foi realizar um estudo de caso para compreender como funcionava a lógica de investigações e controles dos expurgos nas universidades nesse contexto histórico brasileiro. Além disso, esta investigação tratou das diferentes estratégias de expurgos realizadas na USP, dentre elas as chamadas \"cassações brancas\", nas quais docentes não eram cassados formalmente, mas eram desligados dos quadros universitários sumariamente, sem justificativas. Para entender esses fenômenos, tratamos das trajetórias dos docentes desde o ingresso na ECA/USP, passando pelo desligamento, até o retorno na década de 1980 após a Lei da Anistia. Para tanto, utilizamos como base metodológica o método historiográfico, o paradigma indiciário e qualitativo de análise. Assim, dentro das discussões de que temos participado do Observatório de Comunicação, Censura e Liberdade de Expressão da ECA/USP, pudemos concluir que a intimidação e a autocensura foram preponderantes nas práticas de interdição dos dispositivos de vigilância nas universidades, gerando grandes consequências para a produção de conhecimento, principalmente no que se referiu à área de comunicação. / This thesis presents the study of the cases of dismissals of five professors of the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA/USP) during the military regime (1969-1979): Jean Claude Bernardet, Thomaz Farkas, José Freitas Nobre, Jair Borin and José Marques de Melo. The objective of this research was to understand, through documents, testimonies and bibliographic research, the persecution of intellectuals and scientists in the military dictatorship. The purpose was to carry out a case study to understand how the logic of investigations and controls of purges in universities in this Brazilian historical context worked. In addition, this investigation dealt with the different strategies of purges carried out at USP, among them the so-called \"white cassation\", in which teachers were not formally revoked, but were summarily dismissed from university staff without justification. In order to understand these phenomena, we have examined the trajectories of teachers since joining the ECA/USP, passing through the dismissal, until the return in the 1980s, after the Amnesty Law. For that, we use as methodological basis the historiographic method, the indiciary paradigm and qualitative analysis. Thus, within the discussions that we have participated in the Observatory of Communication, Censorship and Freedom of Expression of ECA/USP, we could conclude that intimidation and self-censorship were preponderant in the practices of interdiction of surveillance devices in universities, generating great consequences for the knowledge production, especially in the area of communications.
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