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La règle prétorienne en droit français et canadien : étude de droit comparéDevinat, Mathieu January 2001 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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La convergence des jurisprudences de la Cour de cassation et du Conseil d'Etat : contribution au dialogue des juges en droit du travail / The convergence of the jurisprudence of the french Cour of Cassation and of the Board of State : a contribution to the dialogue of the judges in the field of the french labour lawMorin, Asli 26 October 2012 (has links)
La thèse étudie sous leurs aspects, historiques, juridiques, la convergence des jurisprudences du Conseil d’Etat et de la Cour de cassation en droit du travail. D’autres juridictions,nationales (Tribunal des conflits et Conseil constitutionnel), européennes (Cour européenne des droits de l’Homme et Cour de justice de l’Union européenne) concourent à ce rapprochement. La thèse aborde la convergence des objectifs sous deux angles ; l’un né d’une attraction réciproque, l’autre, d’une attraction amplifiée. La convergence jurisprudentielle est successivement qualifiée de « recherchée » et de « nuancée ». Le « juge répartiteur » exerce une influence indirecte, à laquelle s’ajoute celle, directe, des « juges prescripteurs ». A la convergence des objectifs s’ajoute une convergence de la méthode, perceptible à travers les modes d’articulation des sources et les techniques de construction jurisprudentielle. La thèse démontre que le droit du travail, qui s’est construit en réunissant les enseignements du droit civil – la force obligatoire du contrat – et les leçons du droit public – l’importance de l’intérêt général – se révèle être le domaine d’élection d’un échange technique inédit entre les deux ordres juridictionnels. Cette étude signale le passage d’une période d’indifférence mutuelle à celle d’une attention devenue traditionnelle. A l’instar du dialogue qui existe entre le juge et le législateur en matière sociale, se noue un « dialogue des juges » des deux Hautes Juridictions, pour prévenir des discordances majeures. / This dissertation aims at describing how the two Supreme Institutions — the Board of State and the Court of Cassation —, despite their respective traditions and status were able to make their Jurisprudences convergent. Beginning with an historical Introduction, the study goes in details into the reciprocal attraction of the the Board of State and of the Court of Cassation based on shared goals (Part I). This convergent movement is discussed according to both Jurisprudences (Title 1), then in relation with the Jurisprudences of the Disputes Tribunal of the Constitutional Council and of the European Courts (Title 2). Part II offers a methodological approach explaining how the sources of these Jurisprudences are selected in order to solve normative conflicts (Title 1). A cross-movement consisting in loans and exchanges of technics between both Institutions occurs for the sake of Law unity and in defense of the public and individual Rights (Title 2).
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A extinção dos efeitos dos atos administrativos em virtude do descumprimento de deveres pelo destinatário: a cassação e seu regime jurídicoGimenez, Décio Gabriel 27 October 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-10-27 / The purpose of the present work is to comprehend one of the hypotheses of extinction of the effects caused by administrative acts, such as that one which results from the non-compliance by the addressee of obligations identified in the Brazilian Law. This hypothesis deserves a specific treatment, once it is submitted to a peculiar law regime, resultant of its qualification as administrative sanction. Therefore, the administrative act has been contained within the realm of administrative function, drawn afterwards to an overview of the hypotheses of its extinction and under a dogmatic methodological perspective, in order to identify and detach, among the kinds of State declarations with revoking efficiency, that one which has as presupposition the practice of an imputable administrative illicit to the addressee of the act, henceforth called cassation act. Moreover, this work aims to identify, taking the structural focus of the administrative act and the juridical regime that regulates the edition of administrative sanctions, what are the limits to the edition of the State declarations here discussed. To reach this purpose, this study approaches the object, the fundaments, the presupposition and the juridical effects of the cassation act. Finally, this work also treats the control of this kind of administrative act, focusing the actions exerted by the Judiciary / O presente trabalho tem por finalidade compreender uma das hipóteses de extinção dos efeitos dos atos administrativos, qual seja, a que decorre do inadimplemento de deveres pelo destinatário, com o intuito de identificar se, no direito brasileiro, ela merece um tratamento específico, em razão de estar submetida a um regime jurídico peculiar, decorrente de sua qualificação jurídica como espécie de sanção administrativa. Para tanto, localiza-se o ato administrativo no âmbito do exercício da função administrativa e traça-se um panorama das hipóteses de sua extinção, a partir de uma perspectiva metodológica dogmática, a fim de identificar e destacar, dentre as espécies de declarações estatais com eficácia extintiva, aquela que tem como pressuposto a prática de um ilícito administrativo imputável ao destinatário do ato, rotulada então como ato de cassação. Em seguida, a partir de um enfoque estrutural do ato administrativo e do regime jurídico que regula a edição de sanções administrativas, procura-se identificar quais são os limites para a edição das declarações estatais em foco. Para atingir esse objetivo, estuda-se o objeto, o fundamento, os pressupostos e os efeitos dos atos de cassação. Ao final, trata-se do controle dessa espécie de ato administrativo, com enfoque para o exercido pelo Poder Judiciário
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Brief notes on the “manifested nullity” as material presuppose of its “appreciabillity” ex officio in the peruvian legal system / Breves apuntes respecto de la “nulidad manifiesta” como presupuesto material de su “apreciabilidad” de oficio en el ordenamiento jurídico peruanoCampos García, Héctor Augusto 30 April 2018 (has links)
One of the main objectives of any legal system is legal certainty, which is understood as the provision of decisions in the work of the courts. To this end, in order to standardize the diversity of decisions of courts for the same conflict, there are meetings of supreme judges who seek to give a unique sense of resolution to the same conflict. Those meetings are called Cassation Plenaries.In this article, the author comments and develops the decision taken at the IX Civil Cassation Plenary. At that meeting a broad criterion of manifested nullity has been chosen, whenever the causal is “easy to warn”. However, throughout the text the author highlights the methodological vices of the Supreme Court to reach this conclusion and, using a legal comparison, proposes a different criterion of manifest nullity, demonstrating that for our legal system this should not be restricted to an “easy to warn” causation. / Uno de los objetivos principales de todo sistema normativo es la seguridad jurídica, la cual se entiende como la previsión de las decisiones en la labor de las cortes judiciales. Con dicho propósito, a fin de uniformizar la diversidad de decisiones de las cortes para un mismo conflicto, existen reuniones de jueces supremos las cuales buscan dar un sentido único de resolución a un mismo conflicto. Aquellas reuniones son denominadas Plenos Casatorios.En el presente artículo, el autor comenta y desarrolla la decisión tomada en el IX Pleno Casatorio Civil. En dicha reunión se ha optado por un criterio amplio de nulidad manifiesta siempre que la causal sea “fácil de advertir”. Sin embargo, a lo largo del texto el autor pone en evidencia los vicios metodológicos de la Corte Suprema para llegar a esta conclusión y, recurriendo a la comparación jurídica, propone un criterio distinto de nulidad manifiesta, demostrando que para nuestro ordenamiento jurídico esta no se debe restringir a una causal “fácil de advertir”.
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Les voies de recours spéciales en contentieux administratif français / Special remedies in French administrative lawConstant, Anne-Laure 13 December 2016 (has links)
Pour contester les décisions juridictionnelles du juge administratif français, un éventail de voies de recours est mis à la disposition des justiciables. Si l'appel et la cassation sont les plus connues et les plus usitées, il existe six autres voies d'action que l'on peut qualifier de « spéciales » dès lors qu'elles remettent en cause un manquement précis à l'office du juge. A la différence des voies de recours habituelles qui constituent une critique globale, les voies de recours spéciales correspondent chacune à une hypothèse d'erreur judiciaire spécifique. Ainsi, le requérant exerçant une telle voie de droit attaque la décision de justice non pas dans sa totalité mais sur un aspect particulier, de forme ou de fond. Cette argumentation étroite ne préjuge cependant pas l'objectif recherché : une modification voire une rétractation de la décision initiale.Présentées généralement sous la forme d'une simple énumération de voies de recours exceptionnelles, leur étude révèle qu'elles suivent une logique d'ensemble propre à leur reconnaître la qualité de catégorie juridique. Cette cohérence de groupe complémentaire de l'appel et de la cassation permet de mettre en évidence une théorie générale des voies de recours en contentieux administratif français. / In France, all defendants have several remedies to contest an administrative judge's decision. If appeal and cassation complaints are the best known and the most used, there are six other remedies which can be qualified as « special » as they demonstrate a specific failure of the judicial function. Unlike common remedies which are a general criticism of the judgment, each special remedy relates to a particular error of the judge. Thefore, a defendant who applies one of these remedies is challenging not the whole judgment but its specific aspect, whether form or substance. However, by applying one of these remedies, the defendant is targeting the modification or revocation of the judgment.Frequently presented as a list of unusual remedies, the research shows that they actually follow a general pattern that allows one to consider them as a legal category of their own. Complementary to appeal and cassation complaints, this group system serves to highlight the existence of a general theory of remedies in French administrative law.
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La motivation du jugement pénal / The motivation of the criminal judgmentLapierre, Anne-Sophie 17 December 2015 (has links)
Au XIXe siècle, l’obligation de motivation du juge, conquête lente et difficile de par son lien fort avec l’autorité de la justice, est présentée comme « une des conquêtes les plus heureuses dans l’administration de la justice ». Instaurée à l’époque révolutionnaire pour lutter contre l’arbitraire, quatre mots satisfont à l’énoncer « il doit être motivé ». Entendue comme la simple justification des mobiles du juge, elle s’appréhende selon une pure logique déductive. Or, divers chamboulements au sein de notre société révèlent les multiples facettes de ce principe. L’influence de la Cour européenne fait sortir la motivation de son carcan procédural où, la simple justification se mue en explication persuasive, pour devenir un acte fort de rhétorique. Parallèlement, la loi perd de sa sacralité. Sa complexité croissante démontre ses limites à une époque où notre société en mutation revendique une justice davantage démocratique. La motivation devient ainsi une condition de légitimité des décisions de justice et un gage de légitimation du juge. Étudiée en matière pénale, elle s’avère particulièrement propice de par son rôle particulier au sein de notre société, invitant notre justice contemporaine à considérer à l’inverse, la nature subjective, relative des émotions. Simple obligation processuelle rattachée aux droits de la défense, la demande de connaissance démontre l’émergence d’une obligation autonome qui, tiraillée entre technique rédactionnelle et outil politico-social, pousse notre réflexion sur la place de la justice pénale. Apparaissant en crise, ce principe, loin de s’amenuiser, ne s’avère être que le miroir d’une justice pénale nécessitant d’être redéfinie. / In the nineteenth century, the obligation to state reasons of the judge, slow and difficult conquest due to its strong link with the authority of justice, was presented as "one of the happiest conquests in the administration of justice". Introducing the revolutionary era to fight against the arbitrary, meet four words to state "it must be motivated." Understood as the simple proof of the judge’s mobile, she apréhende as a pure deductive logic. However, various upheavals in our society reveal the many facets of this principle. The influence of the European Court brings out the motivation of its procedural straitjacket where the simple justification turns into persuasive explanation, to become a strong act of speech. Parallèment, the law loses its sacredness. The increasing complexity seems to show its limits, at a time when our changing society claims a more democratic justice. Motivation becomes a condition of legitimacy of judicial decisions and judge the legitimacy of quality. Studied in criminal matters, it is particularly suitable because of its particular role within our society, inviting our contemporary Justice to consider on the contrary, the subjective nature on emotions. Simple procedural obligation attached to the defense of rights, the application for knowledge demonstrates the emergence of an autonomous obligation, editorial torn between technical and political-social tool, pushing our reflection on the role of criminal justice. Appearing in crisis, this principle far from dwindling, turns out to be not the mirror of criminal justice need to be redefined.
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Systémy opravných prostředků / The system of remedial measuresMusilová, Markéta January 2021 (has links)
Theme of thesis The system of remedial measures Abstract This master's thesis deals with the issue of correction systems and remedial measures based on them in the Czech legislation. The aim of this work was to describe individual aspects of the appeal, cassation and revision correction system on the current regulation. This thesis includes the characteristics of correction systems from a theoretical point of view and the application of the principles of correction systems in the Czech legal regulation of remedial measures. The master's thesis consists of seven chapters. The first chapter is a general introduction to the correction procedure. It explains the concept of a correction system and describes the general features according to which the individual systems are divided. The second chapter characterizes the individual correction systems. The chapter is divided into three parts. First, the appeal system is characterized, which is divided into the complete and incomplete appeal system, then the cassation system and finally the revision system. The third chapter is devoted to remedial measures in our legislation. Remedial measures are characterized and proceedings of individual remedial measures within the current legislation are further discussed. This chapter has two parts. The first one is about a...
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Conquestus fuit Domino regi : Etude sur le recours au roi de France d'après les arrêts du Parlement (1223-1285) / Conquestus fuit domino regi : Study on the Recourse to the King of France in the Light of the Parliament’s Decisions (1223-1285)Forcadet, Pierre-Anne 01 October 2012 (has links)
Le riche et complexe « siècle de saint Louis » est celui du déploiement d’une justice royale hiérarchisée et professionnelle employant des centaines de maîtres formés dans les universités. La Cour du roi se réunit à Paris à intervalles réguliers lors de sessions en parlement. La monarchie adopte plusieurs réformes qui permettent aux justiciables d’avoir accès à la justice. Les recours sont alors portés, pour une large part, contre le roi lui-même et les exactions de ses agents. Tant de recours différents peuvent être formés qu’une forme de responsabilité de l’administration royale paraît se mettre en place.Un important contentieux est par ailleurs soulevé par les hommes contre leurs seigneurs laïcs ou ecclésiastiques. La justice royale apparaît alors comme un régulateur des relations féodales. L’appel judiciaire au Parlement, qui se systématise contre les jugements des justices concurrentes, ouvre la voie à la concrétisation de la supériorité de la justice royale, que l’on commence à appeler en français : « souveraineté ».Par acculturation, l’offre et la demande de justice se rencontrent et tendent à consacrer les institutions royales en justice de « droit commun ». Les résistances sont nombreuses de la part des justices concurrentes, mais la Cour du roi reçoit aussi leurs plaintes et, tout en étendant son influence, statue dessus en toute impartialité, ce qui contribue également à légitimer la mise en place d’un État de droit. / The rich and complex « Saint Louis’ Century » is a time of development of a hierarchical and professional royal justice. Hundreds of Masters are trained at the Universities. The king’s Court regularly assembles in Paris during sessions « in parlemento ». The monarchy adopts several reforms allowing an easier access to justice. The recourses are also carried against the king himself and the exactions of his agents. There are so many different types of recourses that the concept of responsibility of the royal administration seems to appear.On the other hand, an important part of the litigations is raised by men against their laïcs or ecclesiastics lords. Royal justice settles as a regulator of the feudal relationships. The judiciary appeal to the Parlement is becoming usual against the other justices. Indeed, it contributes to give concrete expression to the superiority of the king’s justice, which is now called, in French « souveraineté ».By acculturation, the demand and the supply meet and tend to dedicate royal institutions to an « ordinary court ». There are a lot of resistances from other judges, but the curia regis receives and judge impartially these complaints too, which contribute to set of a State under the rule of law.
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Revisibilidade das licenças ambientais / Revisibilty of environmental permitsThiago Serpa Erthal 26 August 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como escopo analisar e delimitar o conceito, espécies, requisitos e consequências da revisibilidade das licenças ambientais. Não raras vezes, empreendedores, administradores públicos, juízes e todos os demais operadores do direito se veem em situações que contrapõem a estabilidade das relações jurídicas e a confiança legítima do comportamento estatal à necessidade de proteger o meio ambiente equilibrado para as presentes e futuras gerações. A revisão de licenças ambientais ainda vigentes é exatamente um dos campos onde essa análise tem espaço. Seja em circunstâncias provisórias ou definitivas, seja advinda de uma nulidade anterior ou de um fato ulterior, em determinadas hipóteses a iminência de dano ambiental faz com que o poder público não possa esperar o término da vigência do ato autorizativo para agir. Ao longo do texto, fixam-se as premissas para examinar cinco espécies de revisão: suspensão, modificação, cassação, invalidação e revogação das licenças ambientais, todas orientadas por algumas ideias comuns, mas cada uma delas com suas especificidades. Apresentam-se, outrossim, alguns contrapontos ao cabimento dessas medidas, notadamente a garantia constitucional de proteção do direito adquirido, não como objeção indiscriminada à atuação estatal, mas como forma de limitação dessa nos estreitos contornos traçados pelos princípios envolvidos. Ao final, trata-se também das consequências que podem advir desse ato revisor, em especial no que tange ao eventual cabimento de indenização ao empreendedor por ele afetado. / This work has the objective to analyze and define the concept, species, requirements and consequences of revisibility environmental licenses. Too often, entrepreneurs, public administrators, judges and all other law enforcement officers find themselves in situations that contradict the stability of legal relations and the legitimate expectations of state behavior to the need to protect the balanced environment for present and future generations. A further review of existing environmental permits is one of the fields where this analysis has room. Whether in temporary or definitive circumstances, whether arising from an earlier invalidity or an ulterior fact, under certain circumstances the imminence of environmental damage means that the government can not expect the expiration date of the primitive act to take action. Throughout the text, the assumptions set up to examine five species for revision: suspension, modification, revocation, invalidation and revocation of environmental licenses, all guided by some common ideas, but each with its specificities. They appear, moreover, some counterpoints to the appropriateness of these reviews, notably the constitutional guarantee of protection granted, not as indiscriminate objection to state action, but by way of limitation in this narrow contours outlined by the principles involved. Finally, it is also about the consequences that this act reviewer, in particular with regard to the appropriateness of any compensation to the entrepreneur affected by it.
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Revisibilidade das licenças ambientais / Revisibilty of environmental permitsThiago Serpa Erthal 26 August 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como escopo analisar e delimitar o conceito, espécies, requisitos e consequências da revisibilidade das licenças ambientais. Não raras vezes, empreendedores, administradores públicos, juízes e todos os demais operadores do direito se veem em situações que contrapõem a estabilidade das relações jurídicas e a confiança legítima do comportamento estatal à necessidade de proteger o meio ambiente equilibrado para as presentes e futuras gerações. A revisão de licenças ambientais ainda vigentes é exatamente um dos campos onde essa análise tem espaço. Seja em circunstâncias provisórias ou definitivas, seja advinda de uma nulidade anterior ou de um fato ulterior, em determinadas hipóteses a iminência de dano ambiental faz com que o poder público não possa esperar o término da vigência do ato autorizativo para agir. Ao longo do texto, fixam-se as premissas para examinar cinco espécies de revisão: suspensão, modificação, cassação, invalidação e revogação das licenças ambientais, todas orientadas por algumas ideias comuns, mas cada uma delas com suas especificidades. Apresentam-se, outrossim, alguns contrapontos ao cabimento dessas medidas, notadamente a garantia constitucional de proteção do direito adquirido, não como objeção indiscriminada à atuação estatal, mas como forma de limitação dessa nos estreitos contornos traçados pelos princípios envolvidos. Ao final, trata-se também das consequências que podem advir desse ato revisor, em especial no que tange ao eventual cabimento de indenização ao empreendedor por ele afetado. / This work has the objective to analyze and define the concept, species, requirements and consequences of revisibility environmental licenses. Too often, entrepreneurs, public administrators, judges and all other law enforcement officers find themselves in situations that contradict the stability of legal relations and the legitimate expectations of state behavior to the need to protect the balanced environment for present and future generations. A further review of existing environmental permits is one of the fields where this analysis has room. Whether in temporary or definitive circumstances, whether arising from an earlier invalidity or an ulterior fact, under certain circumstances the imminence of environmental damage means that the government can not expect the expiration date of the primitive act to take action. Throughout the text, the assumptions set up to examine five species for revision: suspension, modification, revocation, invalidation and revocation of environmental licenses, all guided by some common ideas, but each with its specificities. They appear, moreover, some counterpoints to the appropriateness of these reviews, notably the constitutional guarantee of protection granted, not as indiscriminate objection to state action, but by way of limitation in this narrow contours outlined by the principles involved. Finally, it is also about the consequences that this act reviewer, in particular with regard to the appropriateness of any compensation to the entrepreneur affected by it.
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