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Soft Information SystemsWharton, Ryland N. 18 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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HeldDiamond, Erika 05 May 2014 (has links)
My work is a symptom of my ongoing quest to achieve immortality. I perpetually attempt to make permanent the traces we leave behind and the impressions we make upon each other. I use the body to portray boundaries – between the skin and the heart, comfort and disquiet, holding and letting go. The objects I make serve both as an agent for physical contact and as the commemoration of an ephemeral interaction. I create personal fossils, revealing the interstices formed when two bodies come into contact with one another. I use materials that reference endurance and longevity to record transient spaces whose edges continuously shift and whose membranes are particularly tenuous. This work is an ongoing catalog of the people in my life and my persistent efforts to hold on to those fleeting connections.
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Aktualisierung des Rollenbasierten EntwurfsmusterkatalogsKassin, Kevin Ivo 06 October 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Arbeit präsentiert 9 Entwurfsmuster in einer Darstellung durch das Compartment Role Object Model(CROM). Dabei wird dessen graphische Notation für rollenbasierte Modelle mit verschiedenen Möglichkeiten zur Darstellung von Bedingungen des Entwurfsmusters benutzt. Über eine Evaluationsoll ermittelt werden, ob das CROM dazu geeignet ist, die Bedingungen von Entwurfsmustern verständlich und schnell erfassbar darzustellen. Dabei soll die graphische Dokumentation dieser helfen. Das kann positive E ekte auf die Entwicklung von Software haben, wie bessere Codequalität, verkürzte Entwicklungszeiten und die Vereinfachung der Kommunikation zwischen Entwicklern.
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[pt] Dados geográficos estão disponíveis em quantidade e
crescentes à medida que evoluem as tecnologias de
informática. Para torná-los
úteis, é necessário que mecanismos de busca de dados
possam identificar
dados apropriados a determinado propósito. Tais
mecanismos, comumente,
utilizam catálogos de metadados que descrevem cada dado
Entretanto, a geração de metadados é um processo que pode
consumir muito
tempo e estar sujeito a muitos erros, caso seja feito
manualmente. Essa
dissertação apresenta uma arquitetura de software e
tecnologias correlatas
para aplicações de catalogação automática de dados
geográficos. / [en] The amount and variety of geographic data increase as
evolves. To make them useful it is necessary to implement
search engines
capable of identifying appropriate data. Such engines are
usually based on
metadata catalogs which describe the geographic data.
However, the metadata
generation process is time consuming and is not fail safe
if it is carried out
manually. This dissertation presents a software
architecture, and related
technologies, for the construction of automated
cataloguing applications of
geographic data.
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Proposta de procedimento de redução de resíduos têxteis no setor de corte em empresas de venda direta / Proposal of a procedure to reduce textile waste in the Cutting Sector in direct selling companiesFaloppa, Mônica Araújo 19 October 2017 (has links)
A venda direta é caracterizada como sendo um sistema de comercialização de bens de consumo e serviços, na qual o contato pessoal entre vendedores e compradores é realizado fora de um estabelecimento comercial fixo. O Brasil ocupa a quarta posição no ranking da World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA), atrás apenas dos Estados Unidos, Japão e China. Em alguns casos, os pedidos provindos das chamadas consultoras de vendas, não são compatíveis com a rotina da confecção destinada à produção em larga escala, pois, alguns produtos são específicos para um tipo determinado de público-alvo e, por isso, não tem uma aceitação em massa. Para este tipo de produto deve-se ter uma atenção especial às características dos tecidos e a tecnologia utilizada, visando a diminuição da geração de resíduos têxteis. As sobras de tecidos quando descartados de forma inadequada aceleram a degradação do meio ambiente, além de desperdiçar tempo e recursos financeiros. O objetivo desta pesquisa é verificar os métodos de trabalho em empresas do segmento de venda direta, a fim de propor, a partir do estudo de encaixe, quer seja, manual ou informatizado, a otimização e aproveitamento máximo da matéria-prima, resultando na redução de descarte de resíduos têxteis. A Metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica, que constitui o procedimento básico para os estudos monográficos, e a pesquisa exploratória, pois não requer a formulação de hipóteses para serem testadas. Foi feito um estudo de caso e apresentada uma proposta de encaixe dos moldes para uma empresa que comercializa seus produtos através de venda direta e que possui altos índices de descarte de resíduos. A metodologia utilizada se mostrou viável para um estudo de encaixe eficiente com possibilidade de redução do desperdício e do custo do produto final para as empresas desse segmento / Direct selling is characterized by being a marketing system for consumer goods and services to which personal contact between sellers and buyers is carried out outside a fixed commercial establishment. Brazil occupies the fourth position in the ranking of the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA), behind only the United States, Japan and China. In some cases, requests from sales consultants are not compatible with routine manufacturing for large-scale production because some products are specific to a particular type of target audience and therefore do not have an acceptance in large scale. For this type of product should have special attention by using the characteristics of the tissue and oriented technology in reducing the generation of textile waste. Due to this, the objective of this research was to verify the working methods in companies of the direct sales segment, in order to propose, from the study of fit, be it, manual or computerized, in the chothing cutting sector, optimization and the maximum use of the raw material, reducing the waste of commonly generated textile waste, which collaborates every day to the degradation of the environment, in addition to wasting time and financial resources. The methodology used was the bibliographic research, which is the basic procedure for the monographic studies, and the exploratory research, since it does not require the formulation of hypotheses to be tested and, after the research, it was verified that the methodology used proved to be feasible for an efficient fit study and cost reduction for the companies in the segment
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[pt] O compartilhamento de dados é um fator crítico para o
sucesso das
organizações devido à emergente necessidade de comunicação
com seus parceiros
de negócios. Porém, a heterogeneidade das fontes de dados
é uma das barreiras
para a efetiva interoperabilidade entre sistemas de
informação. Esta dissertação
inicialmente introduz o conceito de Catálogo de Objetos
baseado em Ontologia
(OnOC) como uma estratégia para endereçar o problema de
entre diferentes fontes de dados. Um OnOC oferece recursos
para definir e manter
um vocabulário comum, chamado ontologia de referência, que
facilita o
intercâmbio de dados entre diferentes fontes. Em seguida,
propõe uma arquitetura
para OnOCs que combina conceitos tais como catálogos de
metadados, servidores
de ontologias, mediadores e federações de bancos de dados. / [en] Data sharing is a critical factor for the success of
organizations due to the
increasing need to facilitate communication with business
partners. However, data
source heterogeneity proved to be a barrier for the
effective interoperability
between information systems. The concept of an Ontology-
based Object Catalog
(OnOC) is first introduced as a strategy to address the
interoperability problem
between heterogeneous data sources. An OnOC offers support
for the definition
and maintenance of a common vocabulary, called a reference
ontology, that
facilitates data interchange among different sources.
Then, an architecture for
OnOCs is proposed that combines concepts such as metadata
catalogs, ontology
servers, mediators and database federations.
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Entre música interior e música brasileira: o catálogo de obras de Luciano Gallet / -Brum, Marcelo Alves 24 March 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho versa sobre o catálogo de obras de Luciano Gallet e o lugar que ocupou na história de vida daquele compositor. Partindo da reunião de informações de partituras editadas e manuscritas, de pesquisas em periódicos da época, de programas de concerto, de literatura musicológica pertinente e ainda valendo-nos de sua correspondência pessoal com Mário de Andrade, buscamos recompor a sua trajetória artística e profissional em meio ao contexto sócio, político e cultural em que esteve inserida, com especial atenção ao estabelecimento de seu conjunto de obras. Através do mapeamento de um diálogo de sua produção musical com seus demais investimentos intelectuais, discutimos em que medida a criação musical de Luciano Gallet acompanhou ou transpareceu os ideais de arte e educação que nortearam sua vida, bem como propomos uma contribuição para a compreensão da transição pela qual passou sua obra, qual seja a de uma estética gálica de suas primeiras composições até sua inserção e contribuição para a cristalização do movimento nacionalista modernista brasileiro em música. / This doctoral thesis deals with the catalog of works by Luciano Gallet and the place it occupied in his life history. Starting from the collection of information from edited and handwritten music scores, research in periodicals of the time, concert programs and pertinent musicological literature, as well as availing ourselves of his personal correspondence with Mário de Andrade, we sought to trace his artistic and professional trajectory within the social, political and cultural context of the time, paying special attention to the formation of his set of works. Through the mapping of a dialogue between his musical production and his other intellectual investments, we discuss the extent to which Luciano Gallet\' musical creation accompanies or reflect the ideals of art and education that guided his life, and propose a contribution to the understanding of the transition through which his work passed such a from a Gallic aesthetic until its insertion and contribution to the crystallization of the Brazilian nationalist modernist movement in music.
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Proposta de procedimento de redução de resíduos têxteis no setor de corte em empresas de venda direta / Proposal of a procedure to reduce textile waste in the Cutting Sector in direct selling companiesMônica Araújo Faloppa 19 October 2017 (has links)
A venda direta é caracterizada como sendo um sistema de comercialização de bens de consumo e serviços, na qual o contato pessoal entre vendedores e compradores é realizado fora de um estabelecimento comercial fixo. O Brasil ocupa a quarta posição no ranking da World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA), atrás apenas dos Estados Unidos, Japão e China. Em alguns casos, os pedidos provindos das chamadas consultoras de vendas, não são compatíveis com a rotina da confecção destinada à produção em larga escala, pois, alguns produtos são específicos para um tipo determinado de público-alvo e, por isso, não tem uma aceitação em massa. Para este tipo de produto deve-se ter uma atenção especial às características dos tecidos e a tecnologia utilizada, visando a diminuição da geração de resíduos têxteis. As sobras de tecidos quando descartados de forma inadequada aceleram a degradação do meio ambiente, além de desperdiçar tempo e recursos financeiros. O objetivo desta pesquisa é verificar os métodos de trabalho em empresas do segmento de venda direta, a fim de propor, a partir do estudo de encaixe, quer seja, manual ou informatizado, a otimização e aproveitamento máximo da matéria-prima, resultando na redução de descarte de resíduos têxteis. A Metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica, que constitui o procedimento básico para os estudos monográficos, e a pesquisa exploratória, pois não requer a formulação de hipóteses para serem testadas. Foi feito um estudo de caso e apresentada uma proposta de encaixe dos moldes para uma empresa que comercializa seus produtos através de venda direta e que possui altos índices de descarte de resíduos. A metodologia utilizada se mostrou viável para um estudo de encaixe eficiente com possibilidade de redução do desperdício e do custo do produto final para as empresas desse segmento / Direct selling is characterized by being a marketing system for consumer goods and services to which personal contact between sellers and buyers is carried out outside a fixed commercial establishment. Brazil occupies the fourth position in the ranking of the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA), behind only the United States, Japan and China. In some cases, requests from sales consultants are not compatible with routine manufacturing for large-scale production because some products are specific to a particular type of target audience and therefore do not have an acceptance in large scale. For this type of product should have special attention by using the characteristics of the tissue and oriented technology in reducing the generation of textile waste. Due to this, the objective of this research was to verify the working methods in companies of the direct sales segment, in order to propose, from the study of fit, be it, manual or computerized, in the chothing cutting sector, optimization and the maximum use of the raw material, reducing the waste of commonly generated textile waste, which collaborates every day to the degradation of the environment, in addition to wasting time and financial resources. The methodology used was the bibliographic research, which is the basic procedure for the monographic studies, and the exploratory research, since it does not require the formulation of hypotheses to be tested and, after the research, it was verified that the methodology used proved to be feasible for an efficient fit study and cost reduction for the companies in the segment
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Barn-OPACers grafiska gränssnitt : En studie av tre barn-OPACer på webben / Graphical interfaces in OPACs for children : A study on three OPACs for children on the InternetLüddeckens, Anna-Lena January 2004 (has links)
Already in the late 1970´s it became clear that the traditional catalogs in libraries were not suited for children, neither their interests nor their way expressing themselves were accounted for. The goal of this thesis is to investigate if and how children’s OPACs (Open public access catalogs) interface design is at present adapted to the presumed audience of children. My method consists of literature studies and an investigation on the graphical interfaces in OPACs for children, according to the five criteria formulated by childrens library consultant Lena Lundgren and IT-consultant Kia Gumbel. The aims are to find out: a) what requirements for children’s OPAC interfaces and their usability are defined in literature and b) what the actual (real) features of the children’s OPAC interfaces are. What interests me, regarding the graphical interfaces, is the actual appearance seen by the children, and partly the interactivity supplied by the OPACs. Using the criteria of Lundgren and Gumbel, I analyse figures, the front page, key-words, the text and the quality appearing in the different OPACs. In conclusion, the graphical interfaces of the three OPACs for children are somewhat adapted for children according to the Lundgren/Gumbel criteria. By using for example more user-polls, individualized graphical interfaces and reference groups consisting of children, the graphical interface for OPACs can be modified, and hopefully optimised, to take full account of the varied abilities of children. / Uppsatsnivå: C
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Estimation de l'aléa sismique probabiliste de l'Equateur : modèles d'entrée, applications et communication / Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in Ecuador : inputs, practical applications and communicationYepes Arostegui, Hugo Alfonso 06 July 2015 (has links)
Dans l'histoire de l'Equateur, les séismes ont causé beaucoup de victimes (~60 000) et de nombreux autres problèmes. Les événements récents de la fin du XXe siècle ont mis en évidence que les constructions existantes présentent une vulnérabilité physique importante et que l'impact économique des tremblements de terre pourrait être très élevé. Le risque sismique a trois composantes principales : l'aléa, la vulnérabilité et l'exposition. Par conséquent, pour réduire le risque en Equateur, il est primordial d'effectuer des évaluations probabilistes de l'aléa sismique (PSHA).La première étape du développement du PSHA fut de construire un catalogue sismique dans lequel la sismicité historique et instrumentale est homogène et complète. Les données de sismicité instrumentale ont été rassemblées à partir des catalogues locaux et internationaux. Les événements ont été identifiés et, par l'utilisation d'un régime de hiérarchisation des endroits les plus fiables et des estimations de magnitude, les événements ont été regroupés dans un catalogue unique, unifié et homogénéisé. La sismicité historique réévaluée a ensuite été ajoutée. Le catalogue des séismes en Equateur entre 1587 et 2009 comprend ainsi 10 823 événements instrumentaux et 32 séismes historiques, avec une gamme de magnitude Mw de 3,0 à 8,8.Un modèle de zonage des sources sismiques (SSZ) a ensuite été effectué. Dans le cadre de cette modélisation, une nouvelle vision de la géodynamique de l'Équateur a été conçue. Deux aspects des interactions des plaques à l'échelle continentale permettent d'expliquer plusieurs caractéristiques observées dans la génération des tremblements de terre observés, comme l'essaim sismique d'El Puyo, ainsi que le couplage inter-sismique : les différences de rhéologie des plaques Nazca et Farallon et la convergence oblique provoquée par la forme convexe de la partie nord-ouest de la marge continentale sud-américaine. La paléomarge en extension Grijalva (GRM) marque la frontière entre les deux plaques. La sismicité et le couplage inter-sismique sont faibles et peu profonds au sud de la GRM et augmente vers le nord, avec un modèle de couplage hétérogène associé localement à la subduction de la ride de Carnegie. De grands séismes de décrochement ont rompu l'interface entre la ride de Carnegie et le nord. Au niveau continental, la frontière entre le bloc NA et le bloc stable Amérique du Sud est constituée par le système CCPP de failles. Il concentre la majorité de la libération du moment sismique dans la croûte Equateur. 19 SSZ ont été modélisées : une tranche-externe, trois interfaces, six intra-plaques et neuf croûtes.Le catalogue sismique et une version préliminaire du modèle SSZ ont été appliqués pour déterminer le PSH à Quito et évaluer les incertitudes. La ville est construite sur le toit d'un système de failles inverses actif, qui se déplace de 4,3 à 5,3 mm/an. Les PSH ont montré que la contribution de la SSZ locale explique presque entièrement l'aléa correspondant à une période de retour (PR) de 475 ans. L'analyse a donc été concentrée sur cette zone. La source locale, la géométrie de la SSZ, la modélisation des distributions de fréquence-magnitude et/ou de taux de glissement avec des pourcentages de verrouillage variables, la sélection des GMPEs et l'intégration de l'effet du compartiment chevauchant ont apporté des accélérations avec cette PR avec une variabilité importante. Le PGA moyen obtenu sur un site au rocher est ~0,4g avec cette PR, avec une variabilité de 0,3 à 0,73g.La mise à disposition du PSHA est cruciale pour la gestion des risques mais est compliquée, car les probabilités et les incertitudes ne sont pas facilement assimilées par la société. Suite aux pratiques des sciences sociales et les expériences acquises des alertes précoces d'éruption, une approche participative a été exposée pour construire collectivement des connaissances sur le risque de séisme à Quito, qui pourrait prendre la forme d'un observatoire citoyen. / Seismic hazard and risk are high in Ecuador. Earthquakes are notorious in history both for the number of victims (~60.000) and the hardships they have brought. Moreover, late 20th century events have highlighted evidences that the physical vulnerability of present-day buildings is considerable and that the economic impact of earthquakes could be devastating for Ecuador's sustained growth. Therefore, it is an important contribution for reducing the seismic risk to construct methodologically sound models for probabilistic seismic hazard assessment, which is the main objective of this dissertation.The first step was to construct a seismic catalog for the country where historical and instrumental seismicity is homogeneous and complete. The instrumental seismicity available in local and international catalogs since the beginning of the 20th century was collected. Events were singularized and, by means of a prioritizing scheme of most reliable locations and magnitude estimations, individual events were merged in a single, unified and homogenized catalog. Previously re-evaluated historical seismicity was appended. The 1587–2009 Ecuadorian earthquake catalog finally comprises 10,823 instrumental events plus 32 historical earthquakes with a Mw magnitude range from 3.0 to 8.8.Next a seismic source zones (SSZ) model for probabilistic seismic hazard analysis was worked out. In the course of modeling the SSZ, a new view of Ecuador's complex geodynamics was conceived. This view emphasizes two aspects of the plates' interactions at continental scale: the differences in rheology of Farallon and Nazca plates and the convergence obliquity resulting from the convex shape of the South American northwestern continental margin. Both conditions satisfactorily explain several characteristics of the observed earthquake generation –such as the El Puyo seismic cluster– as well as the interseismic coupling. The Grijalva rifted margin (GRM) marks the boundary between the two plates. Seismicity and interseismic coupling are weak and shallow south of the GRM and increases northward, showing a heterogeneous coupling pattern locally associated to Carnegie ridge's subduction. Great thrust earthquakes have ruptured the interface from Carnegie to the north, not breaking through Carnegie. In the continental realm the CCPP localized fault system constitutes the boundary between the NA block and stable South America. It concentrates most of the seismic moment release in crustal Ecuador. 19 SSZs have been modeled accounting for this new scheme: 1 outer-trench, 3 interface, six intraplate and 9 crustal.The catalog and a preliminary version of the SSZ model were applied in determining the PSH in Quito and assessing the uncertainties. The city is built on the hanging wall of an active reverse fault system that is moving at 4.3-5.3 mm/yr. PSH estimates showed that hazard levels at 475 years return period (RT) almost entirely proceed from the contribution of the local SSZ, therefore the analysis was concentrated on it. Significant variability in accelerations at that RT resulted from a variety of considerations: modeling the local source either as a zone or as fault source, the geometry of the SSZ, the way frequency-magnitude distributions and/or slip rates with variable locking percentages were modeled, the GMPEs selection and the inclusion of the hanging wall effect. The PGA mean value obtained for a rock site Quito is ~0.4 g in that RT with variability ranging from 0.3 to 0.73g.PSHA communication is crucial for risk management, but is difficult since probabilities and uncertainties are not easily assimilated by society. Following the practices of the social sciences and of experiences acquired in issuing eruption early warnings to rural communities, a participatory approach has been outlined to collectively build up knowledge about the earthquake risk in Quito that could take the form of a citizens' observatory for seismic risk awareness and reduction.
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