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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

To Do Well by Doing Good: Improving Corporate Image Through Cause-Related Marketing

Vanhamme, J., Lindgreen, A., Reast, Jon, Popering, N. January 2011 (has links)

Moderní metody marketingu / Modern Methods in Marketing

Harudová, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the Diploma thesis is to create a measure-made and complex marketing plan for a family bakery, with the application of chosen modern methods in marketing.

Ett parti i marknadsföring : Strategier på en föränderlig spelplan / A match in marketing : Strategies for an ever changing gameplan

Turesson, Sofi, Ottosson, Johanna January 2012 (has links)
På modemarknaden råder idag en stor konkurrens och det blir allt svårare att differentiera sitt företag. Ett ökat mediebrus distraherar kontinuerligt det budskap företaget vill sända ut till kundgruppen. Idag tvingas företagen ta ett allt större socialt ansvar främst av kommersiella skäl. Miljöengagemanget blir allt större och framför allt attityden och beteendet hos konsumenterna leder till en annan slags konsumtion eller rent av till en ny trend. Utifrån problematiseringen har vi undersökt, beskrivit samt analyserat marknadsförings-strategin av en kedjeägd- respektive en privatägd butik. De utvalda butikerna blev Brothers & Sisters i Borås City respektive Centrum Manufaktur i Alingsås. Fokus låg på jämförelsen av marknadsföringen mellan två butiker, där en är centralstyrd och ingår i en kedja medan den andra är en enskild butik som är styrd i privat regi. Hur miljöperspektivet inkluderas i kommunikationen berördes också. Vi kartlagde skillnader och likheter samt fördelar och nackdelar med butikernas kommunikation och påverkan. De datainsamlingstekniker som har legat till grund för undersökningen är två personliga intervjuer och två enkäter. Intervjun har skett i möte med respondenten för respektive företag. Enkätundersökningen har genomförts på stan i Alingsås och Borås med ett icke sannolikhetsurval av respondenter. Undersökningen visade att både Brothers & Sisters och Centrum Manufaktur använder sig främst av interna åtgärder för att konkurrera och skapa lönsamhet. Den övergripande strategin för att skapa differentiering och påverkan är genom valet av tre faktorer; service, sortiment och människor. Det som skiljer företagens marknadsföringsstrategier åt är valet av informationskanaler i marknadskommunikationen, organisationens uppbyggnad samt varumärkena som ingår i sortimentet. Företagen lyckas med att kommunicera ett starkt sortiment och god service då kunden förknippar företagen med just de här faktorerna. Att döma utifrån de genomförda intervjuerna och enkätundersökningarna blir det tydligt att en butik tillhörande en kedja samt en butik som bedrivs i privat regi, kan ha likvärdiga strategier och stöta på liknande problem när det gäller marknadsföringen och dess genomslagskraft.The fashion market is today highly competitive and it becomes increasingly difficult to differentiate their businesses. An increased media noise continually distracts the message the company wants to send to the client group. Today, companies are forced to take greater social responsibility mainly for commercial reasons. Environmental commitment is increasing, and above all the attitude and behavior of consumers leads to another kind of consumption or even to a new trend. From the issue we have examined, described and analyzed the marketing strategy of a chainstore and a privately owned shop. The selected stores were Brothers & Sisters in Borås City and Centrum Manufaktur in Alingsås. The focus was on comparison of marketing between the two stores, one of which is part of a chain while the other is a single store that is operated privately. The environmental aspect included in the communication was also a part of the study. We map minded, similarities and differences, advantages and disadvantages of store communication and the influence on the market. The data collection techniques that were the subject of the investigation are two personal interviews and two surveys. The interview took place in a meeting with the respondent for their respective companies. The survey has been carried out on the town in Alingsås and Borås with a non-probability sample of respondents. The investigation revealed that both Brothers & Sisters and Centrum Manufaktur mostly uses internal measures to compete and operate profitably. The overall strategy for creating differentiation and impact is through the choice of three factors: service, assortment and people. What distinguishes the firms marketing strategies were the selection of information channels of marketing communication, organization structure and the brands included in the assortment. The companies manage to communicate a strong range and good service when the customer associate companies with just these factors. Judging from the interviews and questionnaires, it becomes clear that a shop belonging to a chain and a store that is conducted in private, may have similar strategies and encounter similar problems in terms of marketing and its impact. / Program: Butikschefsutbildningen

Small Seasonal Business Strategies To Increase Profits Through Community Collaboration

Gibbons, Kevin B. 01 January 2015 (has links)
Seasonal small business owners (e.g., boating and golf industries), primarily within the upper and Midwestern United States, face challenges for profit and growth because of a brief business potential year and limited time to establish a reliable and committed customer base. The purpose of this case study was to explore strategies that seasonal small business owners in Oakland County, Michigan may use to collaborate with local associations and charitable organizations to increase profits. Stakeholder theory served as the conceptual framework for this study. A purposive sample of 4 successful small seasonal business owners in Oakland County, Michigan participated in face-to-face interviews describing their perspectives. The central research question was aimed to identify strategies successful small seasonal businesses owners apply to improve profits. Data analysis included coding keywords, sentences, and ideas into categories. The following themes emerged: (a) brand awareness, (b) community involvement, (c) customer loyalty, (d) seizing operational opportunities, and (e) recapturing lost revenue. Based on the business owners' narratives, brand awareness and community involvement were the most important strategies to increase profits. The implications for social change include the potential to provide new strategies to support seasonal small business toward sustainability, charity awareness, stronger relationships between small business and communities, and economic prosperity.

企業參與公益活動與公益行銷之研究 / The research of corporate philanthropy and cause-related marketing

游舒惠 Unknown Date (has links)
企業參與公益活動在台已日漸普及,形式上也趨於多元,如公益行銷便逐漸為實務界採用。企業在公益活動參與上有不同面貌之原因以及其決策過程,企業界及消費者對公益行銷之觀感等皆為本研究重點。 本研究分為兩部分,一為以企業訪談深入了解企業公益參與之決策過程;次為對明□電腦公司與兒童福利聯盟之公益行銷活動進行量化之消費者調查,以評估效果。 參考過去文獻後,本研究將企業參與公益活動之動機區分為企業自利與社會責任,影響企業參與公益活動之因素分為組織因素與活動因素探討,過去參與經驗則全面影響企業決策過程;公益參與之行動決策分為活動類型、受益對象與參與形式三構面。本研究以質化方式進行,選取八家企業進行深度訪談,輔以次級資料收集補強。 於訪談後本研究將參與動機進一步區分為短期企業自利、長期企業自利與社會責任,並針對參與動機與行動決策之關係發展出五項命題:企業公益參與動機偏向長期企業自利時,傾向由公關部門負責且自行主辦公益活動、長期參與,其選擇參與之議題或參與形式較不考量與企業相關程度;企業公益參與動機偏向短期企業自利,傾向由行銷或業務部門負責,多選擇與企業相關性高之議題或形式參與;企業進行公益行銷時,參與動機較偏向短期企業自利。 根據訪談結果,將影響因素中之活動因素進一步區分為議題因素與非營利組織因素,針對影響因素與行動決策之關係發展六項命題:高階主管個人偏好或經驗,影響企業公益參與之議題選擇,且高階主管對公益參與越支持,公益參與之資源分配越充分,越有成立獨立部門專責之傾向,且部門層級與自主性皆較高;企業若隸屬某集團之一部份,母公司在公益活動參與之經驗,將影響集團內其他公司對企業參與公益之理念、態度、議題選擇以及負責部門。另外,研究發現在公益參與資源分配較少之企業中,傾向由業務或行銷部門兼職負責,且認為公益行銷為較討喜之參與方式,且採主辦方式。隨著參與經驗累積,專責部門有由行銷部門轉向公關部門之傾向。 本研究亦修正將公益活動進一步區分為議題與非營利組織兩者,研究發現議題因素對企業公益參與決策之影響主要為參與形式與負責部門:企業進行公益行銷時,極注重議題之社會顯著性及議題與企業之關連性;此外,議題之急迫性影響企業公益參與之形式與負責組織。 針對效果評估、過去經驗與參與決策之關係發展三項命題,概述如下:動機偏向長期自利之企業,效果評估以大眾傳播媒體報導情形為主;過去經驗對企業參與公益活動決策之影響主要為專責部門及效果評估能力。 公益行銷之量化研究顯示,該活動對明□電腦公司之企業形象確有提升效果,且在公益形象方面尤為顯著,但該活動對消費者之購買決策影響有限,綜合受訪者對該活動之感覺以及受訪者推測明□電腦公司舉辦該活動之原因大多傾向正面回答,且有參與活動之消費者又更為正面,顯示受訪者對於企業以公益行銷從事公益活動之模式並不排斥,且態度越正面者,參與可能性越高。 本研究最大貢獻在發展出較完整之企業參與公益決策模式,對公益行銷活動進行實證研究,亦較過去研究更能真實評估其成效。建議有心從事公益活動之企業,除公益行銷活動可由行銷或業務部門主導外,應成立專責單位負責,如此在公益參與較為專業有序;在公益行銷部分,建議企業應注重宣傳、突破窠臼且注意產品之適用性。

Marketing con causa. Precedentes, origen y desarrollo en España. Elaboración de un modelo procedimental de desarrollo de programas de marketing con causa entre las organizaciones no lucrativas y la comunidad empresarial

Sorribas Morales, Carolina 15 February 2010 (has links)
En aquest treball de recerca es realitza una aproximació transversal a les característiques de l'entorn en el que s'ha desenvolupat el màrqueting amb causa (MCC), englobant aspectes com l'evolució del sector no lucratiu a Espanya, l'augment del compromís social empresarial, el sorgiment d'una tendència que prioritza valors com la solidaritat i el medi ambient i que pot haver influït ens els hàbits de compra de certs consumidors i, per últim, la progressiva ampliació del màrqueting tradicional, fet que ha permès el sorgiment de disciplines com el màrqueting social o el MCC, entre d'altres. Posteriorment, s'aprofundeix específicament en el MCC, analitzant el seu origen i evolució durant els últims anys. Per això, es realitza una aproximació històrica a aquest concepte, exposant les principals definicions que sobre aquesta disciplina s'han realitzat a Espanya i a l'estranger i des dels seus orígens fins a l'actualitat. Així mateix, es realitza una clarificació de l'actual confusió terminològica existent entre conceptes com MCC, màrqueting social corporatiu, màrqueting de causes socials o màrqueting social, entre altres. Finalment, es realitza un model procedimental de desenvolupament de programes de MCC entre les organitzacions no lucratives i la comunitat empresarial, model que pretén servir de guia i orientació a les organitzacions no lucratives que decideixin portar a terme programes de MCC amb la comunitat empresarial. Si bé no existeix cap procediment ni forma de gestió que asseguri que els programes de MCC seran un èxit, en aquesta investigació s'exposen, per un costat, les principals variables que influeixen en l'èxit o fracàs d'una programa de MCC i, per l'altre, es desenvolupa un model procedimental de desenvolupament de programes de MCC que serveix de punt de partida per a que una organització no lucrativa tingui les bases i els fonaments bàsics per poder gestionar correctament un programa d'aquestes característiques. Les variables i el model procedimental, elaborat a partir de la literatura analitzada sobre el tema, la observació de programes de MCC i els coneixements previs de l'autora, tenen l'objectiu de servir de guia i orientació als estrategues de màrqueting de les organitzacions no lucratives que, sovint, no disposen de la formació ni la informació adequada per portar a terme iniciatives en aquest àmbit i, per tant, desaprofiten una bona ocasió per donar-se a conèixer com a organització no lucrativa i per augmentar i diversificar les fonts de recursos. / En este trabajo de investigación se realiza una aproximación transversal a las características del entorno en el que se ha desarrollado el marketing con causa (MCC), englobando aspectos como la evolución del sector no lucrativo en España, el aumento del compromiso social empresarial, el surgimiento de una tendencia que prioriza valores como la solidaridad y el medio ambiente y que puede haber influido en los hábitos de compra de ciertos consumidores y, por último, la progresiva ampliación del alcance del marketing tradicional, hecho que ha permitido el surgimiento de disciplinas como el marketing social o el MCC, entre otros. Posteriormente, se profundiza específicamente en el MCC, analizando su origen y evolución a lo largo de los últimos años. Para ello, se realiza una aproximación histórica a este concepto, exponiendo las principales definiciones que sobre esta disciplina se han realizado en España y en el extranjero y desde sus orígenes hasta la actualidad. Asimismo, se realiza una clarificación de la actual confusión terminológica existente entre conceptos como MCC, marketing social corporativo, marketing de causas sociales o marketing social, entre otros. Finalmente, se realiza un modelo procedimental de desarrollo de programas de MCC entre las organizaciones no lucrativas y la comunidad empresarial, modelo que pretende servir de guía y orientación a las organizaciones no lucrativas que decidan llevar a cabo programas de MCC con la comunidad empresarial. Si bien no existe ningún procedimiento ni forma de gestión que asegure que los programas de MCC van a ser un éxito, en esta investigación se exponen, por un lado, las principales variables que influyen en el éxito o fracaso de un programa de MCC y, por otro, se desarrolla un modelo procedimental de desarrollo de programas de MCC que sirve de punto de partida para que una organización no lucrativa tenga las bases y fundamentos básicos para poder gestionar correctamente un programa de estas características. Las variables y el modelo procedimental, elaborado a partir de la literatura analizada sobre el tema, la observación de programas de MCC y los conocimientos previos de la autora, tienen el objetivo de servir de guía y orientación a los estrategas de marketing de las organizaciones no lucrativas que, a menudo, no disponen de la formación ni la información adecuada para llevar a cabo iniciativas en este ámbito y, por lo tanto, desaprovechan una buena ocasión para darse a conocer como organización no lucrativa y para aumentar y diversificar sus fuentes de recursos. / In this research work, a cross-sectional approach has been employed to assess the characteristics of the environment in which cause related marketing has been developed, encompassing aspects such as the evolution of the non-profit sector in Spain, the increase of entrepreneurial social commitment, the emergence of a trend that prioritises values such as solidarity and the environment and that may have influenced purchasing habits of certain consumers and, lastly, the progressive expansion of the scope of traditional marketing, a fact which has enabled the birth of disciplines such as social marketing or cause related marketing, amongst others. Subsequently, specific emphasis is placed on cause related marketing, analysing its origins and evolution over the course of the past few years. To this end, a historical approximation to this concept is carried out, presenting the primary definitions that have been developed to define this field in Spain and internationally and in the time period spanning from its origins up until the present moment. Likewise, the current terminological confusion that exists between concepts such as cause related marketing, corporate social marketing, social causes marketing or social marketing, amongst others, is clarified. Finally, a procedural model has been created for the development of cause related marketing programmes between non-profit organizations and the entrepreneurial community. This model aims to serve as a guide for non-profit organizations who decide to carry out cause related marketing programmes with the entrepreneurial community. Even though there is no management procedure or form that ensures that cause related marketing programmes are going to be successful, in this research the main variables that influence the success or failure of a cause related marketing programme are presented on the one hand, and, on the other, a procedural model is elaborated for the development of cause related marketing programmes, serving as a starting point and basic foundation for non-profit organizations to properly manage a programme such as this one. These variables and the procedural model, elaborated using analysed literature on the topic, the observation of cause related marketing programmes and the author's prior knowledge, all aim to guide the marketing strategies of non-profit organizations who often do not have proper training or adequate information to carry out initiatives in this field and, therefore, miss out on a good opportunity to make their non-profit organization known and to increase and diversify their resource sources.

Cross-Cultural Responses to Cause-Related Marketing Advertising Moderated by Message Framing Effects

Christopher Boulanger, Nolan 13 August 2008 (has links)
This thesis was concerned with the branch of Cooperate Social Responsibility known as Cause-Related Marketing, and focused on the moderating effects of cultural orientation and message framing on CRM advertisement effectiveness. The well-established individualist/collectivist cultural domain was employed through application to Taiwanese and Canadian cultural contexts. With regards to framing, differences between altruistically and egoistically framed messages were explored. It was hypothesized that members of collectivist societies would have increased positive attitudes and purchase intentions towards altruistically framed messages, while members of individualistic societies would have more favorable attitudes towards egoistically framed messages. The primary rationale cited was cultural congruency between the participants and the messages. An experimental design was performed, making use of real world style simulated print advertisement copies, as well as pre and post exposure questionnaires. Overall, the two-way interaction between cultural orientation and message framing was upheld, albeit with interesting and notable secondary results. Although the collectivist orientation was correlated with higher altruistic tendencies and as a result higher overall attitudes towards the CRM advertisements presented, this did not translate into higher overall purchase intentions. Potential reasons discussed included the relatively hedonic nature of the product used in the experiment, which could explain the higher overall purchase intentions of the individualistically oriented participants, based on affect-based complementary theory. As well, the increased level of past exposure to and familiarity with CRM campaigns of the individualist group was considered as a possible covariate factor. This was the first study to explicitly relate CRM advertisement attitude to a crosscultural framework through message framing, thereby offering significant theoretical contributions to the social marketing literature. Managerial implications have been stressed throughout, with the findings of clear relevance to the marketer interested in launching CRM campaigns internationally.

A influência do marketing relacionado à causa social na atitude, na imagem e na intenção de compra de uma marca

Uehara, Cyntia Agelune 20 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Cyntia Uehara (cyntia_uehara@hotmail.com) on 2017-08-18T12:49:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 20170817DissertacaoMestrado_CyntiaUehara.pdf: 1589421 bytes, checksum: a022fcd5fcac3b989f39359bfd1f9b1c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Pamela Beltran Tonsa (pamela.tonsa@fgv.br) on 2017-08-18T12:55:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 20170817DissertacaoMestrado_CyntiaUehara.pdf: 1589421 bytes, checksum: a022fcd5fcac3b989f39359bfd1f9b1c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-18T14:19:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 20170817DissertacaoMestrado_CyntiaUehara.pdf: 1589421 bytes, checksum: a022fcd5fcac3b989f39359bfd1f9b1c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-20 / Brands that promote actions focused on social issues hope to convey to consumers their position on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in order to improve their evaluation with this public. However, the use of these actions may not cause the desired effect, either by the consumer's distrust of such activities or by the individual's lack of sensitivity to the subject. The effect of these actions may suffer interference from other aspects related to consumer profile and knowledge about products and brands, for example. In this way, this study investigated by a factorial experiment between subjects the effect of the Cause Related Marketing (CRM) the reaction of the consumers regarding the perceived image of the brand, the attitude towards the brand and the intention to purchase the brand that adopts CRM. Were tested brands already on the market of products considered harmful to health (soft drinks) by the World Health Organization and products considered as beneficial to health (mineral water) supporting the cause ‘nutritional re-education’. Familiarity with the brands, high and low, was also evaluated in the study. An experiment was conducted with 480 Brazilian consumers of both sexes, who had income above 1 minimum wage, aged between 18 and 60 years and who had attended at least high school, in order to reflect the actual buying behavior. This study also verified the relationship between consumer skepticism as well as the congruence of the social cause with the brand and the attitude, image and intention to buy. The choice of brands was based on the knowledge and frequency of use that the consumer has with these product types, which makes possible the external validity of the experiment. The data were analyzed by means of averages test and also by linear regression. The results of the experiment point out that the CRM shows greater adherence to brands with low familiarity and beneficial health products. Highly familiar brands did not show significant changes in consumer assessment and the health products of low familiar brands achieved an improvement in attitude, image and purchase intent when tied to an CRM campaign. A positive and significant relationship was also identified between skepticism and congruence in the consumer's attitude and the intention to buy the brand, however, a significant influence on the brand image was not perceived. / Marcas que promovem ações voltadas às questões sociais esperam transmitir aos consumidores seu posicionamento em relação à responsabilidade social corporativa (RSC) visando melhorar sua avaliação junto a este público. Todavia, o uso dessas ações podem não causar o efeito desejado, tanto pela desconfiança que o consumidor nutre em relação a essas atividades, quanto pela falta de sensibilidade do indivíduo a esse tema. O efeito destas ações pode sofrer interferência de outros aspectos relacionados ao perfil do consumidor e conhecimento sobre produtos e marcas, por exemplo. Desta forma, este estudo investigou por meio de um experimento fatorial entre sujeitos o efeito do Marketing Relacionado à Causa Social (MRC) na reação dos consumidores quanto à imagem percebida da marca, à atitude em relação à marca e à intenção de compra da marca que adota MRC. Foram testadas marcas já existentes no mercado de produtos considerados prejudiciais à saúde (refrigerantes) pela Organização Mundial da Saúde e de produtos tidos como benéficos à saúde (água mineral) apoiando a causa ‘reeducação alimentar’. A familiaridade com as marcas, alta e baixa, também foi avaliada no estudo. Foi conduzido experimento com 480 consumidores brasileiros de ambos os sexos, que possuíam renda acima de 1 salário mínimo, idade entre 18 e 60 anos e que tivessem cursado pelo menos o ensino médio, com o intuito de refletir o real comportamento de compra. Esse estudo verificou também a relação entre o ceticismo do consumidor bem como a congruência da causa social com a marca e a atitude, a imagem e a intenção de compra. A escolha das marcas tomou como base o conhecimento e a frequência de uso que o consumidor tem com esses tipos produtos, o que possibilita maior validade externa do experimento. Os dados foram analisados por meio de teste de médias e também por regressão linear. Os resultados do experimento apontam que o MRC apresenta maior aderência para marcas de baixa familiaridade e para produtos benéficos à saúde. Marcas de alta familiaridade não apresentaram mudanças significativas na avaliação do consumidor e os produtos prejudiciais à saúde de marcas de baixa familiaridade obtiveram uma melhora na atitude, na imagem e na intenção de compra ao ser atrelada a uma campanha de MRC. Foi identificada também uma relação positiva e significativa entre o ceticismo e a congruência na atitude do consumidor e na intenção de comprar a marca, todavia, não se percebeu uma influência significativa sobre a imagem da marca.

Komunikační strategie neziskových organizací / Communication Strategy of Non-Profit Organizations

Doležalová, Klára January 2009 (has links)
This thesis concentrates on communication of NGOs. Firstly it defines non-profit sector, his financing, then it describes marketing of these organizations. In practical part the thesis deals with the attitude of people to NGOs and their way of communication and analyses communication of individual non-profit organization.

PR v neziskových organizacích / Public relations in NGOs

Hrabětová, Lea January 2017 (has links)
Hrabětová, L., Public relations in non-profit organizations. Diploma Thesis. Prague: Charles University in Prague, 2017. The thesis aims to develop a methodology PR for smaller non-profit organizations. PR analysis was carried out in a non-profit organization Charity Opava, which fulfills its mission, and its activities shows that PR function can improve the organization's image and provide a solid foundation for fundraising and marketing activities. Without a functional PR is the systematic implementation of fundraising activities elusive. I formulated a methodology based on the information gathered from semistructured interview with Ivo Mludek which has a PR of Charita Opava in chargé, from his lecture on PR for organizations working in social services in Charity Jesenik dated 20 of October 2016 and analysis of publicly available documents . Keywords: non-profit organizations, public relations in non-profit organizations, fundraising, cause-related marketing, Charity Opava, PR tools

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