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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo do controle traducional de PPAR durante  o processo de diferenciação de macrófagos / Translation control of PPAR during macrophage differentiation

Tavane David Cambiaghi 12 February 2010 (has links)
A diferenciação das células THP-1 em macrófagos, induzida por PMA, é associada ao aumento da expressão de PPAR. A UTR 5` de PPAR regula negativamente sua síntese, porém, o mecanismo molecular envolvido não foi esclarecido. Neste estudo, o estado traducional das células THP-1 diferenciadas por PMA foi investigado em associação à superprodução de PPAR. A presença de uORFs no transcrito de PPAR, contendo códons de iniciação compatíveis com seqüências de Kosak, poderia ser a causa do efeito inibitório da UTR 5`. A incorporação reduzida de L-[U-14C]leucina revelou que a superprodução de PPAR ocorre durante inibição global da tradução, confirmada pela redução dos polissomos. Além disso, desfosforilação de 4E-BP1 foi observada após tratamento com PMA e é associada a inibição da iniciação da tradução e estimulação da tradução dependente de IRES. De fato, a estrutura da UTR 5` de PPAR apresenta características de transcritos que formam IRES. Assim, a produção de PPAR pode ser regulada por IRES e ocorre concomitantemente com a inibição da tradução dependente de cap / The differentiation of THP-1 cells in macrophages, induced by PMA, is associated to overexpression of PPARb. Previous studies have shown that the PPARb 5\' UTR negatively regulates its expression. In our study the translational status of PMA-differentiated THP-1 cells was investigated in association to PPARb overexpression. Putative compatible Kosak initiation codons were identified in the PPARb uORFs and could be involved in the inhibitory effect of 5\' UTR. Decreased incorporation of L-[U-14C]leucine in proteins revealed that the overproduction of PPARb in PMA-differentiated THP-1 cells coincides with a global decrease in the protein synthesis process. Translation impairment was confirmed by polysome profile assay. An intense dephosphorylation of 4E-BP by PMA treatment was observed. Dephosphorylated 4E-BP causes inhibition of eIF4E cap-dependent translation initiation and favors IRES-dependent translation. The PPARb 5\' UTR structure has some characteristics that resemble the one described for IRES. Therefore, the PPARb production may be controlled by IRES

Sobrevivência, integração e diferenciação neuronal de células-tronco mesenquimais murinas da medula óssea em ratos normais / Neuronal survival, integration and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in normal rats

Cinthia Elim Jannes Lepski 12 April 2010 (has links)
Introdução. A possiblidade de restauração do Sistema Nervoso Central representa um desafio em Neurociências, e a integração bem sucedida de células-tronco no cérebro adulto tem se tornado um importante objetivo. Objetivo. Testar a hipótese de que a sobrevivência e diferenciação de células-tronco mesenquimais (CTMs) sejam dependentes de condições microambientais de acordo com o alvo de implante no cérebro. Métodos. CTMs foram isoladas de ratos adultos e geneticamente modificadas por meio de transfecção lentiviral para expressarem GFP. O fenótipo neuronal foi satisfatoriamente induzido in vitro. Uma suspensão de células foi implantada estereotaxicamente no cérebro de 40 ratos da mesma linhagem, em uma área neurogênica (hipocampo) e outra não-neurogênica (estriado). Os animais foram sacrificados 6 e 12 semanas após a cirurgia, e os cérebros foram corados com marcadores de neurônios maduros. Células co-expressando NeuN e GFP foram contadas estereologicamente nos dois alvos. Resultados. A população de célula isolada foi capaz de gerar 14,5 ± 1,1 % de neurônios NF200-positivos in vitro. Uma vez implantados no hipocampo, as células migraram além do enxerto e geraram neurônios maduros (1634±231 células GFP/NeuN+). Por outro lado, maciça degeneração celular foi vista no estriado, onde não ocorreu migração significativa, sendo que somente 108±24 NeuN/GFP+ neurônios (p<0.001) foram contados. Conclusão. Nossos dados demonstraram que a sobrevivência e diferenciação de CTMs são altamente dependentes do sítio de implante no cérebro hospedeiro, indicando assim a importância de um microambiente permissivo. Futuros estudos para identificação dos fatores pró-neurogênicos presentes no hipocampo poderão subsequentemente permitir a integração de células-tronco em áreas do SNC nãopermissivas, assim contribuindo para se alcançar o objetivo de introduzir a restauração do SNC na prática clínica. / The possibility of CNS restoration represents a challenge in Neuroscience, and the successful integration of stem cells in adult brain has become an important goal. The working hypothesis of the present study is that survival and neurodifferentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) may be dependent upon microenvironmental conditions according to the site of implant in the brain. Methods: MSCs were isolated from adult rats and labeled with eGFP lentivirus. The neuronal phenotype was successfully induced in vitro. A cell suspension was implanted stereotactically into the brain of 40 young rats of the same strain, in neurogenic (hippocampus) and non-neurogenic (striatum) areas. Animals were sacrificed six or twelve weeks after surgery, and brains were stained for mature neuronal markers. Cells co-expressing NeuN-GFP were counted stereologically at both targets. Results: The isolated cell population was able to generate 14.5±1.1% of NF200+-neurons in vitro. Once implanted into the hippocampus, cells migrated away from the graft and gave rise to mature neurons (1634±231 cells GFP/NeuN+). By contrast, massive cell degeneration was seen in the striatum, with no significant migration, while only 108±24 NeuN/GFP+ neurons (p<0.001) were counted. Conclusions: Our data demonstrated that survival and differentiation of MSCs are strongly dependent upon the site of implant in the brain, thus indicating the importance of a permissive microenvironment. Future studies for identification of the pro-neurogenic factors present in the hippocampus could subsequently allow the integration of stem cells into non-permissive areas of the CNS and thus contribute for the challenging goal of introducing CNS repair in the clinical practice.

Estudo do potencial vascular de precursores de vasos coronários em sítio adulto. / Study of the vascular potential of coronary vessel precursors in adult site.

Bruno de Oliveira 13 April 2011 (has links)
O Proepicárdio (PE) é uma estrutura transitória que dá origem aos componentes dos vasos coronários. Para avaliar seu potencial vascular em sítio adulto, transplantamos um coração neonatal para o pavilhão auricular de um animal adulto. Duas semanas depois, 2 PEs de embriões GFP+ foram transferidos para a superfície deste coração. Em outro grupo, transferimos os PEs diretamente para o pavilhão auricular. Para avaliar a incorporação de células GFP, e investigar sua diferenciação realizamos ensaios de imunofluorescência (IF) para GFP em combinação com outros marcadores. A adição do PE em sítio adulto teve como resultado a participação deste em processos de vasculogênese, iniciando a formação de novos vasos sanguíneos via formação de ilhotas sanguíneas e em um processo angiogênico, diferenciando-se em células endoteliais que se incorporaram aos vasos já existentes. Baseados nisso podemos afirmar que o PE possui potencial vasculogênico/angiogênico em sítio adulto, podendo ser exploradas como modelo para revascularização cardíaca e recuperação de tecidos vasculares. / The Proepicárdio (PE) is a transient structure giving rise to all components of the coronary vessels. To evaluate the vasculogenic potential of the PE in an adult site, a neonatal heart was transplanted into the subcutaneous of an adult ear Later, two PE from GFP-transgenic mice were transferred to the surface of this heart. In another group, we transferred the PEs directly into the ear pinna. To evaluate the incorporation of GFP cells derived from the PE, and to investigate their possible differentiation, we performed immunofluorescence (IF) for GFP in combination with other markers. The addition of PE in an adult site resulted in its participation in a vasculogenic and in an angiogenic processes. Based on this we conclude that PE cells can differentiate and likely participate in a neovascularization process when transplanted to adult sites. These findings demonstrate that the vasculogenic potential of the PE cells is conserved in an adult site and our model is adequate to study the mechanisms involved in the development and regeneration of vasculature.

Um Modelo para Estudos de Modulação da Pluripotência e Diferenciação Celular em Células-Tronco Pluripotentes / A Model for Studying the Modulation of Pluripotency and Cell Differentiation in Pluripotent Stem Cells

Ildercílio Mota de Souza Lima 07 June 2013 (has links)
Células pluripotentes são aquelas que possuem a capacidade de dar origem às células dos três folhetos embrionários (ectoderma, mesoderma e endoderma), bem como também às células germinativas. As células-tronco embrionárias (CTE) são as células pluripotentes mais conhecidas, as quais apresentam uma elevada capacidade de diferenciação celular e autorenovação. Estas propriedades tornam as CTE potenciais ferramentas para a medicina regenerativa, porém seu uso na prática clínica enfrenta várias barreiras. Neste sentido, o acúmulo de conhecimento a respeito dos mecanismos envolvidos na manutenção da pluripotência, levou ao desenvolvimento de técnicas capazes de induzir a pluripotência em células somáticas adultas. Na maioria das abordagens, isto se dá pela expressão ectópica de fatores de transcrição envolvidos na pluripotência (como Oct4 e Nanog). Com isto em vista, torna-se evidente que estudos que levem a um melhor entendimento destas propriedades biológicas, podem levar ao desenvolvimento desta importante área. Apesar destas inovações, os mecanismos responsáveis pela manutenção ou indução da pluripotência e da autorenovação, continuam largamente inexplorados. Neste sentido, o conjunto de técnicas referidas como High Content Screening (HCS) apresenta características fundamentais que permitiriam a interrogação sistemática e em larga-escala de fatores que possam estar influenciando nestes processos. A técnica de HCS se baseia no uso de microscopia de fluorescência em placas de 96 ou mais poços, permitindo a aquisição e a análise automatizada das imagens, de forma a quantificar alterações fenotípicas nas células. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estabelecer um modelo experimental para a avaliação funcional e em larga escala de fatores que possam influenciar a diferenciação celular. Tendo em vista a facilidade de cultivo e manuseio, a linhagem humana de células pluripotentes de carcinoma embrionário (CCE) NTera-2, foi utilizada. Para a padronização do modelo, o processo de diferenciação foi avaliado ao longo do tempo (em 2, 4 e 8 dias) na presença ou ausência de ácido transretinóico (atRA), utilizado como indutor de diferenciação celular. Para isso, os níveis transcricionais de Oct4, Nanog (marcadores da pluripotência) e de N-Caderina foram avaliados por PCR em tempo real. Finalmente, a expressão e a distribuição celular de Oct4, Nanog e da alfa-actina foi avaliada por meio de microscopia de fluorescência automatizada, com o uso de anticorpos ou faloidina marcada, utilizando um sistema de HCS (Operetta, Perkin Elmer) para a análise dos resultados. A proliferação celular das células submetidas à diferenciação foi avaliada pelo ensaio do XTT. O atRA inibiu a proliferação e induziu a diferenciação; como demonstrado, respectivamente, pelos resultados do ensaio do XTT, decaimento dos níveis de Oct4 e Nanog e, concomitante aumento de N-Caderina, ao longo do tempo. Também foi observada a diferenciação espontânea da linhagem, na ausência de atRA, porém, de forma reduzida. Finalmente, as avaliações de HCS evidenciaram que, durante o processo de diferenciação, a perda da expressão nuclear de Oct4 e Nanog está associada à alteração do fenótipo celular, com a redistribuição da actina cortical e a formação das stress fibers, caracterizando o processo de transição epitélio-mesenquima (EMT), um importante mecanismo envolvido na diferenciação celular. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho demonstram a viabilidade do uso da linhagem NTera-2 como modelo para estudos futuros de HCS visando a identificação de moléculas que atuem na modulação de propriedades fundamentais das células tronco pluripotentes. / Pluripotent stem cells are those that possess the ability to generate cells from the three germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm), as well as the germ cells. The embryonic stem cells (ESC) are the best known pluripotent cells that present a high capacity of cell differentiation and self renewal. These properties of the ESC make them potential tools for the regenerative medicine, but their use in clinical practice faces several barriers. In this sense, the accumulation of knowledge about the mechanisms involved in the maintenance of pluripotency led to the development of techniques capable of inducing pluripotency in adult somatic cells. In most approaches, this is achieved by the ectopic expression of transcription factors involved in pluripotency (such as Oct4 and Nanog). With this in mind, it becomes clear that studies that provide a better understanding of these biological properties can lead to the development of this important area. Despite these innovations, the mechanisms responsible for the maintenance or induction of pluripotency and self-renewal remain largely unexplored. In this sense, the set of techniques such as High Content Screening (HCS) has fundamental characteristics that allow systematic and large-scale interrogation of factors that may be influencing these processes. The HCS technique is based on the use of fluorescence microscopy in 96-well or larger plates, allowing the automated acquisition and analysis of images, so as to measure phenotypic changes in the cells. This study aimed to establish an experimental model for functional and large-scale assessment of factors that may influence cellular differentiation. Due its simple cultivation and handling characteristics, a human lineage of pluripotent embryonal carcinoma cell (ECC) NTERA-2 was used. To standardize the model, the process of differentiation was evaluated over time (at 2, 4 and 8 days) in the presence or absence of all-trans retinoic acid (atRA), used as an inducer of cellular differentiation. The transcriptional levels of Oct4, Nanog (pluripotency markers) and Ncadherin were assessed by real time PCR. Finally, the expression and cellular distribution of Oct4, Nanog and alpha-actin was assessed by fluorescence microscopy, using antibodies or labelled phalloidin, using a HCS platform (Operetta, Perkin Elmer) for the analysis of the results. The proliferation of cells undergoing differentiation was assessed by XTT assay. atRA inhibited proliferation and induced differentiation, as shown by the XTT assay results, and the decay of Oct4 and Nanog, and concomitant increase of N-cadherin levels over time, respectively. It was also observed spontaneous differentiation in the absence of atRA although in less extent. Finally, the HCS results showed that during the differentiation process, the loss of nuclear expression of Oct4 and Nanog is associated with alteration of cell phenotype, with redistribution of cortical actin and formation of stress fibers, characterizing the epithelialmesenchymal transition (EMT), an important mechanism involved in cell differentiation. The results of this study therefore demonstrate the feasibility of using the NTERA-2 cell line as a model for future HCS studies aiming identification of molecules that act in the modulation of fundamental properties of pluripotent stem cells.

Influência do agente antiangiogênico bevacizumab em endometriose experimentalmente induzida em ratas / Influence of antiangiogenic agent Bevacizumab on endometriosis experimentally induced in rats

Ana Carolina Tagliatti Zani 25 July 2017 (has links)
A endometriose, caracterizada por crescimento de tecido endometrial fora da cavidade uterina, é responsável por sintomas álgicos com grande impacto na qualidade de vida da paciente. Várias linhas de medicações têm sido estudadas para essa o tratamento da endometriose, já que a cirurgia não é o tratamento de escolha sempre e, quando realizado, não é um tratamento definitivo. O conhecimento da patogenia da endometriose é fundamental para o estudo de novas classes de medicações. Uma delas, os fatores inibitórios da angiogênese, tem papel fundamental no estabelecimento e crescimento de lesões de endometriose. Neste estudo, buscamos a influência da Bevacizumab, droga anti-fator de crescimento endotelial (anti-VEGF), utilizada em duas dosagens diferentes, em endometriose peritoneal induzida em ratas, modelo animal já bem estabelecido para o estudo de endometriose. As ratas permaneceram sob tratamento durante 4 semanas, após as quais foram sacrificadas, sendo as lesões e o corno uterino remanescente retirados para posterior avaliação. Foi realizada avaliação da área das lesões de cada rata, da presença de tecido endometrial à microscopia, da positividade para o anticorpo antiVEGF na imunohistoquímica e da expressão gênica de PCNA, MMP9, Tp63 e VEGFA. O bevacizumab atuou reduzindo a área das lesões nos grupos que receberam medicação (p=0,002) e reduzindo a expressão gênica para Tp63 nas lesões (p=0,04). Não houve resultado significativo nas outras avaliações / Endometriosis, characterized by growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity, is responsible for painful symptoms with great impact on the quality of life of women. Several lines of medications have been studied for endometriosis\'s treatment, since surgery is not always the treatment of choice and, when done, it is not a definitive treatment. Knowing the pathogenesis of this disease is fundamental for the study of new classes of medications. One of them, the inhibitory factors of angiogenesis, plays a fundamental role in the establishment and growth of endometriosis lesions. In this study, we sought the influence of Bevacizumab, an anti-endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) drug, used in two different dosages, in peritoneal endometriosis induced in rats, an animal model well established for the study of endometriosis. The rats remained under treatment for 4 weeks, after which they were sacrificed, with the remaining lesions and uterine horn being removed for further evaluation. An evaluation of the lesion area of each rat, the presence of endometrial tissue under microscopy, the positivity of the anti-VEGF antibody in immunohistochemistry and the gene expression of PCNA, MMP9, Tp63 and VEGFA were performed. Bevacizumab worked by reducing the area of the lesions in the groups receiving medication (p = 0.002) and reducing the gene expression for Tp63 in the lesions (p = 0.04). There was no significant result in the other evaluations

Produção e avaliação de vetores retrovirais visando à diferenciação de neurônios olfativos in vitro pela superexpressão de fatores de transcrição definidos / Production and evaluation of retroviral vectors for the differentiation of olfactory neurons in vitro by over-expression of defined transcription factors

Tolentino, Felipe Thadeu, 1983- 24 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Fabio Papes / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T14:16:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tolentino_FelipeThadeu_M.pdf: 9244448 bytes, checksum: deea9f7963e05d8a997d9b5a554f9708 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: O Sistema Sensorial Olfativo de mamíferos é composto por vários subsistemas na cavidade nasal. Dentre estes, destacam-se o sistema olfativo principal e o sistema olfativo acessório ou vomeronasal. O primeiro realiza a detecção geral de odores e parece participar também da detecção de algumas substâncias que levam a respostas comportamentais instintivas (feromônios), enquanto o último é especializado na detecção desta classe de semioquímicos. A detecção dos estímulos sensoriais olfativos resulta em informações importantes que dependem de vias complexas para sua interpretação e para a geração de respostas apropriadas por parte do sistema nervoso central. Existem vários pontos ainda desconhecidos sobre o funcionamento do sistema olfativo, tanto no que diz respeito aos mecanismos moleculares subjacentes à escolha dos receptores a serem expressos por um dado neurônio sensorial ¿ sendo que cada neurônio olfativo expressa apenas um receptor dentro de uma grande família multi-gênica ¿ quanto em relação ao processamento da informação sensorial em centros cerebrais superiores. Neurônios sensoriais olfativos cultivados eficientemente in vitro seriam extremamente úteis, pois poderiam ser utilizados como ferramenta para o estudo destes problemas, como a investigação da atividade das células sensoriais olfativas, possibilitando, por exemplo, uma melhor compreensão dos mecanismos genéticos e moleculares por trás da expressão dos receptores olfativos e de suas propriedades de detecção. Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidas ferramentas baseadas em vetores retrovirais com o objetivo de induzir a diferenciação celular de neurônios olfativos in vitro, utilizando uma combinação de fatores de transcrição, por meio de transdução viral em células-alvo (fibroblastos murinos). Os retrovírus produzidos foram testados e algumas combinações de fatores de transcrição foram preliminarmente testadas, sendo capazes de induzir mudanças moleculares em fibroblastos acompanhadas da expressão de marcadores de neurônios sensoriais olfativos / Abstract: The mammalian Olfactory System enables the vast majority of animal species to identify the presence and quality of food, predators, competitors, conspecifics and potential mates in the environment. Olfactory stimuli detected by sensory neurons are interpreted by brain processing pathways to generate appropriate behavioral and endocrine responses. Despite its central importance in mammalian physiology, several aspects about the biology of this sensory system remain uncharacterized. For example, it is known that each olfactory sensory neuron (OSN) in the nasal cavity expresses only one gene out of a large multi-gene family coding for receptors involved in odorant and pheromone detection. However, the molecular mechanisms behind this process of olfactory receptor gene choice are not fully understood. The study of this and many other aspects of olfaction has been made difficult by the lack of appropriate in vitro cellular models. An efficient way to obtain cultured OSNs would thus be extremely useful, enabling researchers to investigate the sensory neuron¿s activity in a controllable environment, avoiding obstacles imposed by the cellular heterogeneity found in sensory organs in vivo. In this study, we aimed at obtaining OSNs directly differentiated from mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) using the forced expression of specific transcription factors via retroviral vectors. We therefore developed tools based on retroviral vectors with the objective of differentiating olfactory sensory neurons in vitro, using viral transduction in target cells (murine fibroblasts) with combinations of select transcription factors. Retroviruses were tested and some combinations of transcription factors were tested on a preliminary basis, which were capable of inducing molecular alterations on fibroblasts followed by the expression of olfactory sensory neuron markers / Mestrado / Genetica Animal e Evolução / Mestre em Genética e Biologia Molecular

Differentiation of skeletal muscle-derived stem cells into beta pancreatic lineage / Différenciation des cellules souches dérivées du muscle squelettique vers le lignage des cellules pancréatiques beta

Yeo, Wendy Wai Yeng 10 July 2015 (has links)
Le diabète de type 1 (DT1) est caractérisé par des niveaux élevés de glucose en raison de la destruction des cellules ß pancréatiques sécrétrices d'insuline. Cependant, les thérapies actuelles de remplacement des cellules bêta du pancréas impliquant la transplantation d'îlots pancréatiques sont techniquement difficiles et limitées par la disponibilité de don d'organes. Bien que les cellules souches embryonnaires et les cellules souches pluripotentes induites soient intensément étudiées, aucune de ces deux sources de cellules souches ne peut être utilisée directement sans le risque de développement de tumeurs. Les cellules souches dérivées du muscle squelettique (MDSC) sont une source de cellules alternative intéressante car elles sont multi-potentes et peuvent donc se différencier vers plusieurs lignages cellulaires tels que des cellules cardiaques à battement autonome “pacemaker-like” et des cellules neuronales. Par conséquent, nous avons émis l'hypothèse qu'elles pourraient se différencier en lignées de type pancréatique. Les objectifs de cette étude étaient donc d'étudier le potentiel des MDSC (1) à se différencier in vitro en cellules beta pancréatiques exprimant l'insuline et (2) à se différentier in vivo dans le pancréas et ainsi réduire l'hyperglycémie chez la souris modèle d'un diabète de type 1. Dans cette étude, les MDSC de muscle de souris ont été isolées via une série de passages des cellules les moins adhérentes en culture. Les cellules souches ainsi isolées peuvent adhérer sur une couche de cellules de types fibroblastes ou sur une matrice extra-cellulaire de type laminine pour ensuite se différentier in vitro ou bien être utilisées comme cellules souches MDSC non-adhérentes et non différentiées pour les études in vivo. In vitro, les MDSC peuvent se différencier spontanément en agrégats de cellules formant des îlots et exprimant des marqueurs de cellules bêta identifiés par immunofluorescence et analyse “PCR transcription inverse”. Ceci a été confirmé par immuno-analyse montrant l'expression des protéines nécessaires à la fonction des cellules ß, comme Nkx6.1, MafA et Glut2. Les MDSC différenciées en aggrégats cellulaires de type îlots pancréatiques montrent une sécrétion d'insuline en réponse au glucose in vitro. Cependant, dans des modèles murins de DT1 induit par la streptozotocine, l'injection intra-péritonéale des MDSC n'a pas permis de rétablir chez les souris diabétiques une normoglycémie du glucose sanguin en dépit d'un engreffement des MDSC dans les tissus pancréatiques. Ces données montrent que les MDSC peuvent constituer une source de cellules souches alternative intéressante pour le traitement du diabète. / Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) is characterized by high and poorly controlled glucose levels due to the destruction of insulin-secreting pancreatic ß-cells. However, current ß-cell replacement therapies, involving pancreas and pancreatic islet transplantation are technically demanding and limited by donor availability. While embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells are intensely investigated, neither can be used due to safety issues. Skeletal muscle-derived stem cells (MDSC) are an attractive alternative cell source as they have the potential to undergo multilineage differentiation into beating pacemaker-like cells and neuronal cells. Hence, it is hypothesised that they can differentiate into pancreatic lineages. This led to the goals of this study, which were (1) to investigate the potential of MDSC to differentiate into mature insulin expressing cells in vitro and (2) to reduce hyperglycemia in mouse model type 1 diabetes. In this study, MDSC were isolated from mouse via a serial pre-plating based on the adhesive characteristics of cultured cells, in which the cells of interest adhered to plates at a later time for in vitro differentiation, while the non-adherence undifferentiated MDSC were used for in vivo study. The MDSC were found to spontaneously differentiate into islet-like aggregates and expressed ß-cell markers in vitro, as determined by immunofluorescence and reverse transcription PCR analyses. This was further confirmed by immunoblotting analysis showing expression of proteins required for ß-cell function, such as Nkx6.1, MafA and Glut2. The differentiation of MDSC into islet-like clusters demonstrated glucose responsiveness in vitro. In streptozotocin-induced T1D mouse models, intraperitoneal injection of the undifferentiated MDSC did not restore the blood glucose levels of the diabetic mice to normoglycemia despite successful engraftment of MDSC into the pancreatic tissues. Taken together, these data show that MDSC may serve as an alternative source of stem cells for the treatment of diabetes.

Mesp1 functions in multipotent cardiovascular progenitor specification

Bondue, Antoine 28 May 2009 (has links)
During embryonic development, multipotent cardiovascular progenitor cells (MCPs) are specified from early mesoderm. Although the core cardiac transcriptional machinery acting during cardiac cell differentiation is relatively well known, the molecular mechanism acting upstream of these cardiac transcriptional factors, and promoting cardiac progenitor specification from early mesoderm remains poorly understood. We used embryonic stem cell (ESC) differentiation as a model to dissect the molecular mechanisms implicated in cardiovascular progenitor specification. Using ESCs, in which gene expression can be temporally regulated, we showed that transient expression of Mesp1 dramatically accelerates and enhances multipotent cardiovascular progenitor specification through an intrinsic and cellular autonomous mechanism. Using genome wide transcriptional analysis, we found that Mesp1 rapidly activates and represses a discrete set of genes. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation, we showed that Mesp1 directly binds to regulatory DNA sequences located in the promoter of many key genes belonging to the core cardiac transcriptional machinery, resulting in their rapid upregulation. Mesp1 also directly and strongly represses the expression of key genes regulating other early mesoderm and endoderm cell fates. Using engineered ESC expressing the green fluorescent protein under the control of the Mesp1 promoter, we isolated Mesp1 expressing cells in differentiating ESCs allowing characterization of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying cardiovascular specification. Our results demonstrate that Mesp1 acts as a key regulatory switch during cardiovascular specification, residing at the top of the hierarchy of the gene network responsible for cardiovascular cell fate determination. Moreover our results place Mesp1 upstream of the specification of both first and second heart fields and provide novel and important insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the earliest step of cardiovascular specification. We identified cell surface markers expressed allowing the isolation of early cardiovascular progenitors and provide potentially novel methods for dramatically increasing the number of cardiovascular cells for cellular therapy in humans. / Doctorat en sciences médicales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Quelle contribution du centre germinatif et de ses composants moléculaires et cellulaires dans la physiopathologie du lupus ? / What contribution for molecular and cellular germinal center components during lupus development?

Le Coz, Carole 19 September 2014 (has links)
Le lupus érythémateux disséminé est une maladie auto-immune systémique très invalidante dont les atteintes sont multiples, les plus fréquentes étant cutanées, articulaires et rénales. Dans ce type de maladie, le système immunitaire, hyperactif, ne se limite pas à lutter contre des agents extérieurs mais s'attaque à ses propres cellules, entre autres par le biais d'auto-anticorps. Ces anticorps délétères sont produits par des plasmocytes, cellules issus de la différenciation des lymphocytes B. Ce processus se déroule principalement au sein des centres germinatifs (GC) dans les organes lymphoïdes secondaires, et fait intervenir de nombreux acteurs moléculaires et cellulaires. Mon projet de thèse a porté sur l'étude de la contribution du GC et de ses constituants, tels que les cellules auxiliaires folliculaires (Tfh) et l'IL-21, au cours du lupus. Au cours de ce travail, nous avons mis en évidence une altération à la fois quantitative et qualitative des cellules Tfh chez des patients lupiques et dans un modèle murin, altération entre autres responsable de taux anormalement élevés d'IL-21. Nous avons également observé une sensibilité accrue des cellules B de souris lupiques à cette cytokine, dont la cause est une surexpression de molécules clés telles que STAT3, et dont la conséquence est un surcroit de différenciation plasmocytaire. Tous les éléments sont donc présents pour favoriser l'interaction "Tfh-B" et la réaction du GC, et amplifier la réponse autoimmune. Enfin, la découverte de l'existence de GC ectopiques fonctionnels dans les reins de souris lupiques permet d'envisager l'existence de réponses locales au sein même des organes cibles. Les données obtenues, fondamentales, sont prometteuses et laissent entrevoir de nouvelles perspectives de biothérapies, plus ciblées, pour le traitement de la maladie lupique. / Systemic lupus erythematosus is a disabling chronic autoimmune disease characterized by B cell hyperactivity leading to the production of autoantibodies, some of which exerting pathogenic effects. Autoantibodies are produced by plasma cells, which originate from the differentiation of B cells through a process that mainly takes place in germinal centers (GC) in secondary lymphoïd organs and involves many molecular and cellular parameters. The aim of my PhD project was to analyze the individual contribution of GC components, such as follicular helper T cells (Tfh) and IL-21, to lupus development. During this work, we have shown both a quantitative and qualitative impairment of Tfh cells in lupus patients and in a mouse model, leading, among other things, to high IL-21 levels. We also observed that B cells from lupus mice display a specific intrinsic sensitivity to this cytokine, due to over-expression of key molecules such as STAT3, which results in increased plasma cell differentiation. Thus, all elements are gathered that favor "Tfh-B" cell interactions and the GC reaction, and therefore the autoimmune response. Finally, the discovery of functional ectopic GC in the kidneys of lupus mice allows envisaging that local responses occur within the target organs and likely participate to kidney injury. The fundamental data we obtained are promising and anticipate new and better targeted biotherapies for lupus treatment.

Microcirculation et croissance musculaire : rôle des péricytes dans la niche des cellules satellites musculaires. / Microcirculation and muscle growth : role of pericytes in the muscle satellite cells niche.

Kostallari, Enis 22 September 2014 (has links)
Les microvaisseaux musculaires sont souvent considérés comme une source de nutriments et d'oxygène pour le muscle en croissance et ils semblent être conservés de façon stéréotypée. L'unité microvasculaire du muscle sain et adulte est composée de 6 à 8 capillaires. Dans Gitiaux, et al. (2013) nous montrons que l'organisation et la taille de l'unité microvasculaire sont strictement similaires chez l'homme et la souris. Dans le muscle squelettique adulte, la majorité des cellules satellites sont proches des péricytes et certaines d'entre elles semblent pouvoir établir des contacts directs temporaires avec les péricytes. In vitro, les cellules endothéliales induisent l'activation et la prolifération des cellules satellites en sécrétant de l'Angpt-2 et du PDGF-BB, alors que les péricytes induisent la quiescence et la différenciation des cellules satellites, par l'Angpt-1 et l'IGF-1 respectivement. Ces effets ont été confirmés in vivo, en utilisant les modèles murin Tg:NG2Cre/+::R26RiDTR, Tg:NG2Cre/+::IGF1del/+ et Tg:TNAPCreERT2/+::Angpt1del/+, dans lesquels il existe une hypotrophie musculaire et une activation des cellules satellites. Tous ces résultats soutiennent le dogme que « des cellules souches soutiennent d'autre cellules souches ». / Muscle microvasculature is often considered solely as a source of nutrients and oxygen for growing muscle cells and seems to be stereotypically conserved between human and mouse. The adult normal muscle microvascular unit is formed of 6–8 capillaries. In Gitiaux, et al. (2013) we show that microvascular unit organization and size are strikingly similar in human and small animals. In the adult skeletal muscle, the majority of satellite cells are close neighbors of pericytes and some of them are probably able to establish temporary direct contacts with pericytes. During post-natal development, in human and mice, pericytes and satellite cells become progressively closer. In vitro, endothelial cells induce satellite cell activation and proliferation through Angpt-2 and PDGF-BB, while pericytes induce quiescence through Angpt-1 and differentiation of satellite cells through IGF-1. These effects are confirmed by in vivo experiments using Tg:NG2Cre/+::R26RiDTR, Tg:NG2Cre/+::IGF1del/+ and Tg:TNAPCreERT2/+::Angpt1del/+ mice, which exhibit muscle hypotrophy and satellite cell activation. All these results support the emerging concept that “stem cells support other stem cells”.

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