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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Toward prototyping metabolic pathways in cyanobacteria using cell extracts

Bensabra, Amina January 2022 (has links)
Cyanobakterier är intressanta mikroorganismer för produktion av biobränslen från solljus, vatten och atmosfärisk koldioxid och anses därför vara potentiella mikrobiella cellfabriker. Men på grund av långsam tillväxt och låg produktion är genteknologi processen intensiv och tidskrävande för cyanobakterier. En alternativ metod till prototypteknik för metabola vägar är att använda cellfri metabolisk teknik där cellysat av överuttryckta enzymer används. I detta projekt försökte vi utveckla en metod för cellfri metabolisk ingenjörsteknik för cyanobakterien Synechocystis PCC 6803 med hjälp av den övre mevalonatvägen som exempelreaktionsväg. Vi började med att utveckla tre fluorescensbaserade metoder för att detektera proteinöveruttryck med hjälp av de tre enzymerna från mevalonatreaktionsvägen. Dessa metoder använde fusering av YFP-proteinet till målproteinet, en delad GFP-reporterprotein eller translationskoppling. Ett av de överuttryckta enzymerna verkade vara giftigt för Synechocystis-celler så flera inducerbara promotorer användes för att försöka uttrycka enzymet. Den högst uttryckande konstruktionen för varje gen valdes ut och proteiner extraherades och blandades i en cellfri metabolisk ingenjörsreaktion. Även om inget mevalonat kunde detekteras med hjälp av gaskromatografi i detta projekt, berodde detta sannolikt på otillräckligt högt proteinöveruttryck av mevalonatgenerna. / Cyanobacteria are desirable microorganisms for the production of biofuels from sunlight, water and atmospheric carbon dioxide, and are therefore considered potential microbial cell factories. But due to slow growth rate and low production rates, the engineering processes for bioproduction is labour intensive and time consuming. An alternative method to prototype metabolic pathway engineering is to use cell-free metabolic engineering, where cell lysates of enriched enzymes are used. In this project, we attempted to develop a method for cell-free metabolic engineering for the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803 using the upper mevalonate pathway as an example pathway. We started by developing three fluorescence-based methods for detecting protein overexpression using the three enzymes from the mevalonate pathway. These methods used YFP fusion to target proteins, a split GFP reporter tag or translation coupling. One of the overexpressed enzymes appeared to be toxic to Synechocystis cells so several inducible promoters were used to try and express the enzyme. The highest expressing construct for each gene was selected and proteins were extracted and mixed in a cell free metabolic engineering reaction. Although no mevalonate could be detected using gas chromatography in this project, this was likely due to insufficiently high protein overexpression of the mevalonate pathway genes.

Computational Modeling of Planktonic and Biofilm Metabolism

Guo, Weihua 16 October 2017 (has links)
Most of microorganisms are ubiquitously able to live in both planktonic and biofilm states, which can be applied to dissolve the energy and environmental issues (e.g., producing biofuels and purifying waste water), but can also lead to serious public health problems. To better harness microorganisms, plenty of studies have been implemented to investigate the metabolism of planktonic and/or biofilm cells via multi-omics approaches (e.g., transcriptomics and proteomics analysis). However, these approaches are limited to provide the direct description of intracellular metabolism (e.g., metabolic fluxes) of microorganisms. Therefore, in this study, I have applied computational modeling approaches (i.e., 13C assisted pathway and flux analysis, flux balance analysis, and machine learning) to both planktonic and biofilm cells for better understanding intracellular metabolisms and providing valuable biological insights. First, I have summarized recent advances in synergizing 13C assisted pathway and flux analysis and metabolic engineering. Second, I have applied 13C assisted pathway and flux analysis to investigate the intracellular metabolisms of planktonic and biofilm cells. Various biological insights have been elucidated, including the metabolic responses under mixed stresses in the planktonic states, the metabolic rewiring in homogenous and heterologous chemical biosynthesis, key pathways of biofilm cells for electricity generation, and mechanisms behind the electricity generation. Third, I have developed a novel platform (i.e., omFBA) to integrate multi-omics data with flux balance analysis for accurate prediction of biological insights (e.g., key flux ratios) of both planktonic and biofilm cells. Fourth, I have designed a computational tool (i.e., CRISTINES) for the advanced genome editing tool (i.e., CRISPR-dCas9 system) to facilitate the sequence designs of guide RNA for programmable control of metabolic fluxes. Lastly, I have also accomplished several outreaches in metabolic engineering. In summary, during my Ph.D. training, I have systematically applied computational modeling approaches to investigate the microbial metabolisms in both planktonic and biofilm states. The biological findings and computational tools can be utilized to guide the scientists and engineers to derive more productive microorganisms via metabolic engineering and synthetic biology. In the future, I will apply 13C assisted pathway analysis to investigate the metabolism of pathogenic biofilm cells for reducing their antibiotic resistance. / Ph. D. / Most of microorganisms are ubiquitously able to live in both planktonic and biofilm states (i.e., floating in a flow and anchoring on a surface, respectively), which can be applied to dissolve the energy and environmental issues (e.g., producing biofuels and purifying waste water), but can also lead to serious public health problems (e.g., chronic infections). Therefore, deciphering the metabolism of both planktonic and biofilm cells are of great importance to better harness microorganism. Plenty of studies have been implemented to investigate the metabolism of planktonic and/or biofilm cells by measuring the abundances of single type of biological components (e.g., gene expression and proteins). However, these approaches are limited to provide the direct description of intracellular metabolism (e.g., enzyme activities) of microorganisms. Therefore, in this study, I have applied computational modeling approaches to both planktonic and biofilm cells for providing valuable biological insights (e.g., enzyme activities). The biological insights include 1) how planktonic cells response to mixed stresses (e.g., acids and organics) 2) how planktonic cells produce various chemicals, and 3) how biofilm cells generate electricity by rewiring the intracellular metabolic pathways. I also developed a novel platform to utilize multiple types of biological data for improving the prediction accuracy of biological insights of both planktonic and biofilm cells. In addition, I designed a computational tool to facilitate the sequence designs of an advanced genome editing tool for precisely controlling the corresponding enzyme activities. Lastly, I have also accomplished several outreaches in metabolic engineering. In summary, during my Ph.D. training, I have systematically applied computational modeling approaches to investigate the microbial metabolisms in both planktonic and biofilm states. The biological findings and computational tools can be utilized to guide the metabolic engineered to derive more productive microorganisms via metabolic engineering and synthetic biology. In the future, I plan to investigate how the pathogenic biofilm cells improve their antibiotic resistance and attempt to reduce such strong resistance.

Entwicklung neuer Messverfahren zum Nachweis frei zirkulierender Tumor-DNA in Blutproben von Patienten mit malignen Erkrankungen

Gutewort, Katharina 03 June 2024 (has links)
Das Prostatakarzinom (PCa) ist die häufigste Krebsneuerkrankung und die zweithäufigste Krebstodesursache des Mannes in Deutschland. Die etablierten Tumormarker führen aufgrund ihrer unzureichenden diagnostischen Sensitivität und Spezifität zu Überdiagnosen mit folglich unnötigen Prostatabiopsien und den damit verbundenen klinischen Komplikationen. Darüber hinaus kann die derzeitige PSA-basierte Screeningpraxis nicht zuverlässig zwischen indolenter Erkrankung und therapienotwendigem Krebs unterscheiden. Auf DNA-Methylierung basierende Biomarker haben ein erhebliches Potenzial für die klinisch-chemische Labordiagnostik sowohl als tumorspezifische Biomarker für die Früherkennung oder posttherapeutische Überwachung von Krebs als auch als prognostische und prädiktive Biomarker für die therapeutische Stratifizierung. In dieser Arbeit erfolgte die Entwicklung neuer krebsspezifischer Methylierungs-Biomarker unter Anwendung OBBPA-ddPCR-basierter Assays. Diese neue Methode ermöglicht die Identifizierung geringster Mengen methylierter zellfreier-Tumor-DNA vor einem hohen Hintergrund von unmethylierter Wildtyp-DNA in Form einer minimal invasiven Blutprobenentnahme (liquid biopsy). Die Methylierungs-Biomarker beruhen auf Gensequenzen, welche zwischen gesunden Probanden und Patienten mit benigner Prostatahyperplasie (BPH) und PCa signifikante Methylierungsunterschiede aufweisen. Die Methylierungs-Biomarker RASSF1, SOX8, GSTP1, mir129-2, CCDC181, PAI1 und NRIP3, welche eine hohe diagnostische Sensitivität bei hoher diagnostischer Spezifität aufweisen, wurden zu einem Marker-Panel kombiniert. Anschließend wurde die Eignung dieses Panels als diagnostische Tumormarker in einer weiteren Probenserie validiert. Die Proben der Optimierungs- und Validierungsprobenserie beruhten auf Serumproben von 52 gesunden Probanden, sechs BPH-Patienten und 43 PCa-Patienten. Dabei erreichte das Biomarker-Panel eine diagnostische Sensitivität von 81,40 % bei einer diagnostischen Spezifität von 100 %. Die Methylierungsanalyse der cfDNA könnte deshalb als sinnvolles Hilfsmittel, ergänzend zur PSA-Bestimmung im Serum, bei der PCa-Frühdiagnose eingesetzt werden. Außerdem legen die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit nahe, dass die Anzahl der methyliert vorliegenden epigenetischen Biomarker des Panels als prognostischer Parameter sowie zur Verlaufskontrolle und Risiko-Stratifizierung der Tumorerkrankung dienen könnte. Um diese Daten zu bestätigen und das Potenzial der cfDNA-Methylierungsanalyse weiter einschätzen zu können, bedarf es jedoch weiterer Untersuchungen mit größerer Stichprobenanzahl, verbesserter Präanalytik und größeren Probenvolumen.:Abbildungsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis 1 Einleitung 1.1 Prostatakarzinom 1.2 Benigne Prostatahyperplasie 1.3 Tumor-/Biomarker 1.3.1 Flüssigbiopsie „Liquid biopsy“ 1.3.2 Zirkulierende zellfreie (Tumor-)DNA 1.3.3 Methylierung der cfDNA 1.3.4 Etablierte Tumor-Biomarker – Das Prostataspezifisches Antigen 1.4 Verfahren zu DNA-Methylierungsanalyse 1.4.1 Experimentelle Tumor-Biomaker 1.4.2 State-of-the-Art Methylierungsanalyse-Methoden 1.4.3 OBBPA-ddPCR 1.5 Motivation und Hintergrund 2 Material 2.1 Biologisches Material 2.2 Primer und Sonden 2.3 Chemikalien und Reagenzien 2.4 Puffer und Lösungen 2.5 Kitsysteme 2.6 Laborgeräte 2.7 Software 2.8 Verbrauchsmaterial 3 Methoden 3.1 Biomarker-Recherche 3.2 Primer- und Sondendesign 3.3 Whole genome amplification (WGA) des 0%-DNA-Standards (0%-SD) 3.4 Methyltransferase-Behandlung des 100%-SD 3.5 Aufreinigung der Standards 3.6 Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) und Methylation-sensitive high resolution melting (MS-HRM)-PCR 3.7 Agarose-Gelelektrophorese 3.8 Isolierung zellfreier DNA aus Blutproben 3.9 DNA-Konzentrationsbestimmung 3.10 Bisulfitkonversion 3.11 Optimierte Bias-basierte Prä-Amplifikation mit anschließender ddPCR (OBBPA-ddPCR) 3.11.1 Präamplifikation 3.11.2 Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) 3.12 Datenanalyse 3.13 Statistische Analyse 4 Ergebnisse 4.1 Ergebnisse der Biomarker-Recherche 4.2 Ergebnisse der qPCR und MS-HRM-PCR 4.2.1 Ermittlung der qPCR TA, TM und Cq-Werte der neuen Marker 4.2.2 Testung der neuen Marker in der MS-HRM-PCR an Serumproben von gesunden Probanden und PCa-Patienten 4.3 Ergebnisse der Primer- und Sondenbedingungen der OBBPA-ddPCR 45 4.3.1 ddPCR-Bedingungen 4.3.2 Präamplifikationsbedingungen 4.4 Ergebnisse der Datenanalyse und Auswertungsoptimierung 4.4.1 Datenanalyse 4.4.2 OBBPA-ddPCR-Bedingungen des Marker-Panels 4.5 Ergebnisse der Blutuntersuchungen 4.5.1 Vergleich der PCa-, BPH- und GM-Kohorten hinsichtlich ihres DNA-Methylierungsanteils 4.5.2 Vergleich der PCa-Subkohorten unterschiedlicher PSA-Wertbereiche hinsichtlich ihres Methylierungsanteils 4.5.3 Vergleich der Marker hinsichtlich ihrer diagnostischen Sensitivität bei 100 %iger diagnostischer Spezifität 4.5.4 Vergleich der diagnostischen Sensitivität der einzelnen Marker und des Marker-Panels hinsichtlich PCa-Proben unterschiedlicher PSA-Konzentrationsbereiche 4.5.5 Vergleich der Optimierungs- und Validierungsprobenserie hinsichtlich ihrer diagnostischen Sensitivität bei einer diagnostischen Spezifität von 100 % 5 Diskussion 5.1 Limitierungen etablierter PCa-Tumormarker 5.2 Suche und Etablierung eines neuen Biomarker-Panels 5.3 Ergebnisse des neu entwickelten Biomarker-Panels 5.3.1 GSTP1 5.3.2 RASSF1A 5.3.3 SOX8 5.3.4 CCDC181 5.3.5 MIR129-2 5.3.6 PAI-1 5.3.7 NRIP3 5.4 Gesamt-Performance des Biomarker-Panels 5.5 Ausblick 6 Zusammenfassung 7 Summary 8 Referenzen 9 Anhang Danksagung Anlage 1: Erklärungen zur Eröffnung des Promotionsverfahrens Anlage 2: Bestätigung über Einhaltung der aktuellen gesetzlichen Vorgaben / Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most common newly diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths among men in Germany. The insufficient diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of established tumor markers, lead to overdiagnosis, resulting in unnecessary prostate biopsies and associated clinical complications. Furthermore, the current PSA-based screening practice cannot reliably distinguish between indolent disease and clinically significant cancer. DNA methylation-based biomarkers have significant potential for clinical laboratory diagnostics, both as tumor-specific biomarkers for early detection or post-therapeutic monitoring of cancer, and as prognostic and predictive biomarkers for therapeutic stratification. This study aimed to develop novel cancer-specific methylation biomarkers using OBBPA-ddPCR-based assays. This new method enables the identification of minute amounts of methylated cell-free tumor DNA amidst a high background of unmethylated wild-type DNA, using a minimally invasive blood sample collection (liquid biopsy). The methylation biomarkers are based on gene sequences that exhibit significant methylation differences between healthy individuals and patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and PCa. The methylation biomarkers RASSF1, SOX8, GSTP1, mir129-2, CCDC181, PAI1, and NRIP3, which demonstrate high diagnostic sensitivity with high diagnostic specificity, were combined into a marker panel. Subsequently, the suitability of this panel as diagnostic tumor marker was validated in an additional series of samples. The optimization and validation sample series consisted of serum samples from 52 healthy individuals, six BPH patients, and 43 PCa patients. The biomarker panel achieved a diagnostic sensitivity of 81.40% with a diagnostic specificity of 100%. Therefore, the methylation analysis of cfDNA could serve as a valuable addition to serum PSA determination in the early diagnosis of prostate cancer. Additionally, the results of this study suggest that the number of hypermethylated epigenetic biomarkers of the selected panel could serve as a prognostic parameter, as well as for disease monitoring and risk stratification. However, further investigation with larger sample sizes, improved pre-analytical procedures, and larger sample volumes is needed to confirm these findings and assess the potential of cfDNA methylation analysis.:Abbildungsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis 1 Einleitung 1.1 Prostatakarzinom 1.2 Benigne Prostatahyperplasie 1.3 Tumor-/Biomarker 1.3.1 Flüssigbiopsie „Liquid biopsy“ 1.3.2 Zirkulierende zellfreie (Tumor-)DNA 1.3.3 Methylierung der cfDNA 1.3.4 Etablierte Tumor-Biomarker – Das Prostataspezifisches Antigen 1.4 Verfahren zu DNA-Methylierungsanalyse 1.4.1 Experimentelle Tumor-Biomaker 1.4.2 State-of-the-Art Methylierungsanalyse-Methoden 1.4.3 OBBPA-ddPCR 1.5 Motivation und Hintergrund 2 Material 2.1 Biologisches Material 2.2 Primer und Sonden 2.3 Chemikalien und Reagenzien 2.4 Puffer und Lösungen 2.5 Kitsysteme 2.6 Laborgeräte 2.7 Software 2.8 Verbrauchsmaterial 3 Methoden 3.1 Biomarker-Recherche 3.2 Primer- und Sondendesign 3.3 Whole genome amplification (WGA) des 0%-DNA-Standards (0%-SD) 3.4 Methyltransferase-Behandlung des 100%-SD 3.5 Aufreinigung der Standards 3.6 Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) und Methylation-sensitive high resolution melting (MS-HRM)-PCR 3.7 Agarose-Gelelektrophorese 3.8 Isolierung zellfreier DNA aus Blutproben 3.9 DNA-Konzentrationsbestimmung 3.10 Bisulfitkonversion 3.11 Optimierte Bias-basierte Prä-Amplifikation mit anschließender ddPCR (OBBPA-ddPCR) 3.11.1 Präamplifikation 3.11.2 Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) 3.12 Datenanalyse 3.13 Statistische Analyse 4 Ergebnisse 4.1 Ergebnisse der Biomarker-Recherche 4.2 Ergebnisse der qPCR und MS-HRM-PCR 4.2.1 Ermittlung der qPCR TA, TM und Cq-Werte der neuen Marker 4.2.2 Testung der neuen Marker in der MS-HRM-PCR an Serumproben von gesunden Probanden und PCa-Patienten 4.3 Ergebnisse der Primer- und Sondenbedingungen der OBBPA-ddPCR 45 4.3.1 ddPCR-Bedingungen 4.3.2 Präamplifikationsbedingungen 4.4 Ergebnisse der Datenanalyse und Auswertungsoptimierung 4.4.1 Datenanalyse 4.4.2 OBBPA-ddPCR-Bedingungen des Marker-Panels 4.5 Ergebnisse der Blutuntersuchungen 4.5.1 Vergleich der PCa-, BPH- und GM-Kohorten hinsichtlich ihres DNA-Methylierungsanteils 4.5.2 Vergleich der PCa-Subkohorten unterschiedlicher PSA-Wertbereiche hinsichtlich ihres Methylierungsanteils 4.5.3 Vergleich der Marker hinsichtlich ihrer diagnostischen Sensitivität bei 100 %iger diagnostischer Spezifität 4.5.4 Vergleich der diagnostischen Sensitivität der einzelnen Marker und des Marker-Panels hinsichtlich PCa-Proben unterschiedlicher PSA-Konzentrationsbereiche 4.5.5 Vergleich der Optimierungs- und Validierungsprobenserie hinsichtlich ihrer diagnostischen Sensitivität bei einer diagnostischen Spezifität von 100 % 5 Diskussion 5.1 Limitierungen etablierter PCa-Tumormarker 5.2 Suche und Etablierung eines neuen Biomarker-Panels 5.3 Ergebnisse des neu entwickelten Biomarker-Panels 5.3.1 GSTP1 5.3.2 RASSF1A 5.3.3 SOX8 5.3.4 CCDC181 5.3.5 MIR129-2 5.3.6 PAI-1 5.3.7 NRIP3 5.4 Gesamt-Performance des Biomarker-Panels 5.5 Ausblick 6 Zusammenfassung 7 Summary 8 Referenzen 9 Anhang Danksagung Anlage 1: Erklärungen zur Eröffnung des Promotionsverfahrens Anlage 2: Bestätigung über Einhaltung der aktuellen gesetzlichen Vorgaben

Cell-free fetal DNA (cffDNA) enrichment for non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) : a comparison of molecular techniques

Sillence, Kelly January 2016 (has links)
Prenatal assessment of fetal health is routinely offered throughout pregnancy to ensure that the most effective management can be provided to maintain fetal and maternal well-being. Currently, invasive testing is used for definitive diagnosis of fetal aneuploidy, which is associated with a 1% risk of iatrogenic fetal loss. Developing non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is a key area of research and methods to increase the level of cell-free fetal DNA (cffDNA) within the maternal circulation have been discussed to improve accuracy of such tests. In this study, three strategies; co-amplification at lower denaturation temperature polymerase chain reaction (COLD-PCR), inverse-PCR and Pippin Prep™ gel electrophoresis, were analysed to identify a novel approach to selectively enrich shorter cffDNA fragments from larger maternal cell-free DNA (cfDNA). The sensitivity of droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) against real-time PCR (qPCR) was compared for fetal sex and RHD genotyping. In addition RHD zygosity testing was carried out for non-maternal samples. Consequently, Pippin Prep™ gel electrophoresis was combined with ddPCR analysis for the NIPD of Down Syndrome (DS) in pseudo-maternal samples. The results revealed that the Pippin Prep™ gel electrophoresis enrichment approach successfully demonstrated 2-fold to 5-fold increases in the cffDNA fraction. However, further optimisation assays of COLD-PCR and inverse-PCR using actual maternal samples were required. The spike experiments for DS detection revealed that with the present assay IV overrepresentation of the chromosome 21 target could be significantly detected for samples with ≥15% ‘cffDNA fraction’. In conjunction with the Pippin Prep™ enrichment method, this would have enabled assessment of all 10 maternal samples. Alternatively, fetal sex and RHD genotyping results determined that ddPCR provides a more sensitive platform compared to qPCR approaches, particularly for samples that express low cffDNA fractions (<2%). The ddPCR platform also proved to be a rapid and accurate system for the determination of RHD zygosity. This study highlights that ddPCR could be used as opposed to qPCR for accurate determination of fetal sex and RHD status. While sequencing approaches currently provide the most sensitive platforms for NIPT of fetal aneuploidy, high costs (>£400) prevent universal application. The combination of cffDNA enrichment with ddPCR analysis could provide a cheaper and more widely available platform for NIPD. However, further large scale validation studies using actual maternal samples are required.

Analýza volných nukleových kyselin a její potenciální klinické využití. / Analysis of cell-free nucleic acids and its potential clinical application.

Pazourková, Eva January 2019 (has links)
This work presents the results ofour research of cell-free nucleic acids (cfNA). The first part shows changes in methylation patterns of immune response genes promoters that are detectable in plasma during the hemodialysis sessions and also differences in methylation between patients and healthy subjects. Alterations include genes that play their role in the regulation of hematopoiesis and these changes are in close relation with the need of anemia therapy. In the other plasma cfNA study we detected miRNA signatures in patients with acute myeloid leukemia at diagnosis (6 highly abundant miRNAs found) and in remission achieved after standard chemotherapy (trend to n01malization, lower levels ofthese miRNAs). Another part of work presents data from the study of potential non-invasive biomarker of bladder cancer. The amounts of cfDNA in urine are higher in patients than in healthy subjects and there were found 5 down-regulated miRNAs. Simultaneously it was established set of 30 miRNAs that are constantly present in urine supematants independently on sex, age and healthy status of subjects. The last part presents analysis ofcell-free fetal DNA. We analyzed differences between a new quantification method - droplet digital PCR and real-time PCR which is used routinely nowadays. Slightly more precise was...

Etiologies héréditaires et somatiques des adénomes hypophysaires : étude du gène Men1 et du locus Gnas / Hereditary and somatic etiologies of pituitary adenomas : study of the Men1 gene and the Gnas locus

Romanet, Pauline 09 July 2018 (has links)
La Néoplasie Endocrinienne Multiple de type 1 (NEM1) est une maladie génétique qui associe hyperparathyroïdie primaire, tumeurs neuroendocrines digestives et adénomes hypophysaires. Elle est due à des mutations non récurrentes du gène MEN1, parfois difficile à classer. Nous avons rassemblé et analysé les données cliniques et génétiques de 1676 patients français porteurs d’une variation de MEN1 des 4 laboratoires experts du groupe TENGEN. De ce travail, nous avons alimenté une base de données de variants (UMD MEN1) et établir le profil mutationnel de MEN1 en France. Dans une seconde partie, nous avons établi des recommandations pour la classification des variants faux sens de MEN1 en adaptant les Guidelines de l’ACMG-AMP (American College of Medical Genetics).Le Syndrome de McCune-Albright (SMA) est du à des mutations postzygotiques activatrices récurrentes du gène GNAS, responsables d’un mosaïcisme somatique, souvent indétectables dans le sang. En utilisant une technique de PCR quantitative ultrasensible, le taux de détection des mutations R201C et R201H est de 50% dans le sang de 16 patients présentant 1 à 3 lésions majeures du SMA. Pour la 1ere fois, nous avons retrouvé ces mutations dans l’ADN circulant de 3/4 patients testés.Ces mutations sont retrouvées aussi dans 30 à 40% des adénomes somatotropes. Le locus GNAS est soumis à empreinte parentale, responsable d’une expression mono-allélique de GNAS dans certains tissus comme l’hypophyse. Dans une série de 57 adénomes somatotropes nous avons montré une perturbation de l’empreinte de GNAS, associée à une relâche de l’empreinte mais n’entraînait pas d’augmentation de l’expression du gène GNAS. / The Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia 1 (MEN1) is due to MEN1 mutations and characterized by a broad spectrum of lesions including hyperparathyroidism, pituitary adenomas and neuroendocrine tumors. Missense variants are frequent and could lead wrong interpretation. We collected and analyzed all the 370 variants of 1676 patients sequenced for ten years by the TENGEN network (French oncogenetics of neuroendocrine tumors). We registered them in the UMD MEN1 database. Then, consensus was reached to validate adjustments to the ACMG-AMP guidelines for MEN1 locus-specific interpretation of missense variants. The McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS) is a rare pediatric mosaic genetic disorder. MAS results from recurrent post-zygotic GNAS mutations, not detectable in blood DNA by Sanger. We develop an ultrasensitive quantitative PCR using digital droplet PCR™ (ddPCR™) in order to target the R201C and R201H GNAS mutations. After a validation study, we clinically evaluated ddPCR™ in the whole blood DNA or circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA) of patients presented with at least 1 MAS lesion. First we detected in ccfDNA the mosaic somatic GNAS mutant. The ddPCR™ showed a mutation detection rate of 50% in blood DNA of the 16 included patients and 3/4 in ccfDNA.GNAS mutations are also reported in 30 to 40% of somatotroph tumors. GNAS is encoded by an imprinted locus, responsible for a mono-allelic expression in pituitary. We explored the GNAS locus methylation status of 57 somatotroph adenomas and showed disturbance. We studied the impact on GNAS, SST2R and AIP expression of this disturbance. We showed an imprinting relaxation not associated with an increased expression of GNAS.

Méthodes de production et étude électrophysiologique de canaux ioniques : application à la pannexine1 humaine et au canal mécanosensible bactérien MscL / Production methods and electrophysiological study of ion channels : application to the human pannexine 1 and to the bacterial mechanosensitive channel MscL.

Assal, Reda 14 December 2011 (has links)
La production hétérologue des protéines membranaires reste difficile, peut-être parce que l’insertion dans la membrane de la cellule hôte constitue une étape limitante de la production. Afin de tourner cette difficulté, deux modes de synthèse ont été envisagés: la synthèse de protéines dans un système a-cellulaire, en l’absence de membrane mais en présence de détergent, ou l’adressage forcé de la protéine vers les corps d’inclusion dans le cas d’une expression plus classique en bactérie entière. La réalisation des deux stratégies repose sur l’utilisation de protéines de fusion possédant une séquence d’entraînement en amont du gène d’intérêt, soit qu’elles améliorent la traduction du transcrit en limitant le repliement spatial de ce dernier, soit qu’elles favorisent la production de la protéine d’intérêt en corps d’inclusion. La porine OmpX et le peptide T7 ont été choisis en cas d’expression dans les systèmes bactériens. La protéine SUMO est utilisée pour la production dans un lysat eucaryote. Les différentes approches ont été testées sur la production de la pannexine1 humaine (Px1).Si les séquences d’entraînement OmpX et le peptide T7 sont correctement produites in vitro, aucune des deux, en revanche, ne favorise la production de la Px1. Seul l’entraîneur SUMO est efficace. En effet, nous avons observé que cette protéine augmente la production de la Px1 dans un lysat eucaryote de germe de blé. Par ailleurs OmpX, connue pour être largement produite in vivo dans les corps d’inclusion, n’entraîne pas la localisation de la Px1 dans ces structures. Contre toute attente, l’étiquette T7 dirige la Px1 dans les corps d’inclusion. L’étude électrophysiologique de la Px1 a donc été effectuée à partir de la protéine produite in vivo (T7his-Px1) après renaturation, ou produite sous forme soluble in vitro (his6-Px1) dans le lysat eucaryote. Dans le cas de la protéine T7his-Px1 renaturée, une activité canal qui rappelle celle qui est observée après expression dans l’ovocyte de Xénope, a été détectée en patch-clamp, mais dans trois cas seulement. Dans le cas de la protéine his6-Px1, aucune activité canal n’est clairement détectée. Dans une deuxième partie de ce travail on examine le rôle de la boucle périplasmique dans la sensibilité à la pression du MscL, un canal mécanosensible bactérien devenu un système modèle dans l’étude de la mécanosensibilité. Presque toutes les études fonctionnelles sur ce canal ont été réalisées sur le canal de E.coli, alors que la structure a été obtenue à partir de l’homologue de M. tuberculosis. Une étude fonctionnelle a montré que le MscL de M. tuberculosis est difficile à ouvrir : son ouverture requiert l’application d’une pression double de celle qui est nécessaire chez E.coli. Les deux homologues diffèrent principalement par la longueur de leur unique boucle périplasmique. De manière à examiner le rôle de la boucle, on a comparé l’activité du canal MscL de E.coli, celle du canal de M. tuberculosis et celle d’une protéine chimère constituée de la protéine de M. tuberculosis dans laquelle la boucle a été changée pour celle de la protéine de E.coli. De manière inattendue, nous avons constaté que les canaux de E.coli et de M. tuberculosis ont la même sensibilité à la pression. La protéine chimère n’avait pas d’activité canal. Si ce travail ne permet pas de conclure quant au rôle de la boucle, il montre sans ambigüité que contrairement à ce qui a été rapporté les canaux MscL de E.coli et de M. tuberculosis ne diffèrent pas sensiblement sur le plan fonctionnel / The production of heterologous membrane protein is notoriously difficult; this might be due to the fact that insertion of the protein in the membrane host is a limiting step. To by-pass this difficulty, two modes of synthesis were tested: 1) production in a cell-free system devoid of biological membrane but supplemented with detergent or liposomes, 2) production in bacteria, with targeting of the membrane protein to inclusion bodies. Both strategies were tested for the production of the human pannexin 1 channel (Px1). The gene coding the protein was fused with an “enhancer” sequence resulting in the addition of a peptide or short protein at the N terminus of the protein of interest. This enhancer sequence which is well produced in vitro or in vivo is supposed to facilitate the translation of the protein of interest. Three enhancer sequences were chosen: 1) the small porin OmpX of E. coli, which, in addition, should target the protein to inclusion bodies when the protein is expressed in bacteria 2) a peptide of phage T7 for expression in E.coli lysate or E.coli cells 3) the small protein SUMO for production in a wheat germ cell-free system. In a bacterial cell-free system, neither OmpX nor T7 promoted Px1 production. Px1 is only produced when the SUMO enhancer sequence is used in the wheat germ system. In bacteria, OmpX, known to form inclusions bodies did not promote the targeting of the fusion protein to inclusion bodies. Unexpectedly, the peptide T7 was able to do it.Px1 obtained from inclusion bodies (T7his-Px1) was renatured and reconstituted in liposomes. Similarly his6-Px1 produced in wheat germ system was reconstituted in liposomes. Both preparations were used for electrophysiological studies (patch-clamp and planar bilayers). With the refolded T7his-Px1, channel activity reminiscent of that observed with Px1 expressed in Xenope oocyte (Bao et al., 2004) could be detected, but only in three cases. In the case of his6-Px1, no clear channel activity could be observed. The second part of this work deals with the involvement of the periplasmic loop of the bacterial mechanosensitive channel MscL in its sensitivity to pressure. Mscl has become a model system for the investigation of mechanosensisity. Nearly all functional studies have been performed on MscL from E.coli while the structure of the protein has been obtained from the Mycobacterium tuberculosis homologue. In one functional study it was shown that MscL from M. tuberculosis is extremely difficult to open, gating at twice the pressure needed for E.coli MscL The periplasmic loop is the most variable sequence between the two homologues, being longer in E.coli than in M. tuberculosis. In order to assess the role of the periplamic loop in the sensitivity to pressure, we compared the activity of the E.coli and M. tuberculosis MscL and of a chimeric protein made of the M. tuberculosis protein in which the periplasmic loop has been exchanged for that of the E. coli channel. Unexpectedly, M. tuberculosis and E .coli MscL were observed to gate at a similar applied pressure. The chimeric protein had no functional activity. In conclusion, this study does not allow any conclusion as to the role of the loop in the sensitivity to pressure, but it shows clearly that, in contrast to the results of a previous study, there is no functional difference between E. coli and M. tuberculosis MscL.

Streamlined Extract Preparation for E. coli-Based Cell-Free Protein Synthesis and Rapid Site-Specific Incorporation of Unnatural Amino Acids in Proteins

Shrestha, Prashanta 07 December 2012 (has links)
This thesis reports the viability of E. coli cell extracts prepared using equipment that is both common to biotechnology laboratories and able to process small volume samples and expression of proteins containing unnatural amino acids (UAAs) at higher level using PCR amplified linear DNA templates (LETs) in cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS) system. E. coli-based cell extracts are a vital component of inexpensive and high-yielding CFPS reactions. However, effective preparation of E. coli cell extract is limited to high-pressure homogenizers (French press style or impinge-style) or bead mill homogenizers, which all require a significant capital investment. This work specifically assessed the following capital cost lysis techniques: (1) sonication, (2) bead vortex mixing, (3) freeze-thaw cycling, and (4) lysozyme incubation to prepare E. coli cell extract for CFPS. In this work, simple shake flask fermentation with a commercially available E. coli strain was used. Additionally, the RNA polymerase was over expressed in the E. coli cells prior to lysis which eliminated the need to add independently purified RNA polymerase to the CFPS reaction. As a result, high yielding E. coli-based cell extract was prepared using equipment requiring reduced capital investment and common to biotechnology laboratories. To our knowledge, this is the first successful prokaryote-based CFPS reaction to be carried out with extract prepared by sonication or bead vortex mixing. LETs are an attractive alternative to plasmids for site-specific incorporation of unnatural amino acids in proteins in the CFPS system because of their short preparation time and ease of production. However, major limitations associated with LETs are: (1) their degradation by RecBCD enzyme present in the cell-extract used for CFPS and (2) high CFPS energy costs. In this work, we report the optimization of LET-based CFPS for improved protein yield by inhibiting the RecBCD enzyme with small inhibitor molecules resulting in three fold increment in yield of protein containing UAA. We also assessed alternative energy sources such as glucose, fructose-1,6-bisphospate, creatine phosphate/creatine kinase, and high glutamate salt for cost reduction. This work could be important for high-throughput applications based on linear expression templates. This work demonstrates simple E. coli extract preparation and improved yield with linear expression templates for further advancements of cell-free protein synthesis system.

Cell-Free Synthesis of Proteins with Unnatural Amino Acids: Exploring Fitness Landscapes, Engineering Membrane Proteins and Expanding the Genetic Code

Schinn, Song Min 01 August 2017 (has links)
Unnatural amino acids (uAA) expand the structural and functional possibilities of proteins. Numerous previous studies have demonstrated uAA as a powerful tool for protein engineering, but challenges also remain. Three notable such challenges include: (1) the fitness of uAA-incorporated proteins are difficult to predict and time-consuming to screen with conventional methods, (2) uAA incorporation in difficult-to-express proteins (e.g. membrane proteins such as G-protein coupled receptors) remain challenging, and (3) the incorporation of multiple types of uAA are still limited. In response, we pose cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS), a rapid and versatile in vitro expression system, as a platform to explore solutions to these challenges. The "cell-free" nature of CFPS enables it to accelerate protein expression and tolerate extensive modifications to its translational environment. In this work, these advantages were utilized to address the aforementioned challenges by: (1) rapidly expressing and screening uAA-containing proteins, (2) incorporating uAA in functional G-protein coupled receptor in the presence of membrane-mimicking lipid additives, and (3) engineer the translational environment extensively towards multiple uAA incorporation.

Zirkulierende Nukleinsäuren im zellfreien Plasma von LTx-Patienten als Frühmarker einer Schädigung des Spenderorgans / Use of Graft-Derived Cell-Free DNA as an Organ Integrity Biomarker after Liver Transplantation (LTx)

Kanzow, Philipp Clemens 29 September 2014 (has links)
Meine Untersuchungen zeigen, dass es sich bei der zellfreien DNA (cfDNA, engl. cell-free DNA) des Spenderorgans (GcfDNA, engl. graft-derived cell-free DNA) um einen klinisch vielversprechenden Biomarker zur direkten Ermittlung der Organschädigung im Sinne einer „flüssigen Biopsie“ handelt. Alles was dafür notwendig ist, ist eine Blutprobe des Empfängerpatienten. Im Gegensatz zu konventionellen Markern wird die Organschädigung unmittelbar, direkt und hochspezifisch angezeigt. Durch neue Entwicklungen in der Labordiagnostik lässt sich dieser Marker im routinemäßigen Einsatz mittels digital droplet PCR (ddPCR) bestimmen. Die Analyseergebnisse können bei verhältnismäßig niedrigen Kosten innerhalb eines Arbeitstages erstellt werden. Unmittelbar nach Transplantation ist bei allen Patienten eine sehr hohe Konzentration der GcfDNA messbar. Innerhalb von wenigen Tagen fallen die Werte schnell ab und erreichen die Größenordnung stabiler Transplantatempfänger, die in der Lebertransplantation unter 10% liegen. Dabei besteht keine signifikante Korrelation der initialen GcfDNA-Freisetzung mit der Ischämieschädigung des Spenderorgans, ermittelt durch die Dauer der kalten Ischämiezeit (WIZ). Bei unzureichender Immunsuppression ist eine erhöhte GcfDNA-Freisetzung zu beobachten. Mithilfe der GcfDNA als Marker der Organintegrität lässt sich auch der gemeinsame Effekt verschiedener Immunsuppressiva ermitteln. Die GcfDNA verhält sich dabei umgekehrt proportional zur immunsuppressiven Therapie. Patienten mit akuten Abstoßungen haben im Mittel GcfDNA-Werte oberhalb von 50%. Die GcfDNA-Werte sind bereits mehrere Tage vor einer klinisch manifestierten akuten Abstoßung erhöht. Auch eine virusassoziierte Transplantatschädigung durch Hepatitis C manifestiert sich in vergleichsweise höheren GcfDNA-Werten. Cholestasen gehen hingegen nicht mit erhöhten GcfDNA-Werten einher. Die immunsuppressive Therapie könnte sich durch den routinemäßigen Einsatz der GcfDNA sicherer, einfacher, zuverlässiger und individueller gestalten lassen. Unter-Immunsuppressionen und daraus resultierende Abstoßungen würden sich bereits in der subklinischen Phase erkennen lassen und die Therapie von der bloßen Reaktion auf klinische Ereignisse hin zur Prävention verschieben. Um das Ziel einer personalisierten Medizin zu erreichen, könnte die Immunsuppression für jeden Patienten auf das absolut notwendige und damit gegenüber der bisherigen Praxis optimale Maß festgelegt werden. Geringere Nebenwirkungen und eine Reduktion der Kosten für das Gesundheitswesen wären die Konsequenz. Dieser Marker könnte dazu beitragen, das finale Ziel, nämlich eine Verbesserung des Langzeiterfolges nach Organtransplantationen, zu erreichen. Multizentrische Studien zur Validierung dieses Markers vor dem routinemäßigen Einsatz laufen bereits.

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