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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rupturas morfológicas em tecidos urbanos : alterações nos padrões relacionais em redes de ruas

Garateguy, Leonardo Müller January 2011 (has links)
A presente pesquisa debruçou o seu olhar sobre o problema da falta de continuidade em redes de ruas que, ao que parece, não tem recebido a devida atenção por parte das administrações públicas e equipes de planejamento urbano. Através de análises como integralidade, heterogeneidade das redes espaciais urbanas e análise de bloqueios viários a pesquisa buscou inverter o olhar para elementos (e condições) estruturais que potencialmente prejudicam o desempenho da morfologia urbana de cidades causando impactos de natureza sócio-econômica. Para tanto, lançou mão da construção de grafos e da aplicação de medidas de diferenciação espacial nas redes em estudo, a fim de avançar na compreensão de eventos que possivelmente provocam algum tipo de ruptura na morfologia de cidades, provocando problemas para suas populações. O resultado do estudo apontou para a possibilidade de criação de um conceito específico chamado de microruptura em redes de ruas. / The present research intended to look at/: the problem of lack of continuity in networks of streets that, it seems, has not received due attention by the government and urban planning teams. Through analysis as integrity, spatial heterogeneity of networks and analysis of urban road blockades research sought to reverse its look to elements (and conditions) that potentially affect the structural performance of the urban morphology of cities causing social economic impacts. To do so, it uses the construction of graphs and the application of measures of spatial differentiation in the networks under study in order to advance the understanding of events that possibly provoke some kind of rupture in morphology of cities, causing problems for their people. The result of the study pointed to the possibility of creating a specific concept called microruptures in street networks.

Análise de fragilidade de sistemas de transmissão de energia elétrica através do cálculo de centralidades

Reis, Eduardo Nunes dos 18 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-11-17T10:55:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Eduardo Nunes dos Reis__.pdf: 3241209 bytes, checksum: b350ca7207662ffbe86ca0164cf92887 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-17T10:55:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Eduardo Nunes dos Reis__.pdf: 3241209 bytes, checksum: b350ca7207662ffbe86ca0164cf92887 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-18 / Nenhuma / Análise de Contingências em sistemas elétricos de transmissão são de fundamental importância tanto para o planejamento quanto para a operação do sistema. Conhecimento do nível de importância e o impacto de interrupções em condições de operação da rede, em cada linha e em todas as barras de carga é crucial para a análise de segurança da rede. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a fragilidade dos sistemas elétricos de transmissão através de cálculo e análise das centralidades das redes, identificando seus nós mais importantes. Desta forma, pode-se obter informações sobre a rede com um menor custo computacional que as ferramentas disponíveis no momento. Os testes foram aplicados em redes IEEE padrão e em redes reais de grande escala, como o Sistema Interligado Nacional brasileiro (SIN). Os resultados foram comparados com os obtidos no software ANAREDE, software este que possui maior penetração entre as empresas de transmissão, e é baseado em cálculo de fluxo de potência. Com essa comparação é possível avaliar o grau de confiabilidade do método proposto.Os dados analisados mostram que o método pode ser utilizado como uma ferramenta auxiliar de baixo custo computacional para a avaliação de contingências fornecendo subsídios para análises mais aprofundadas dos nós indicados como críticos. Através da utilização do coeficiente de Correlação de Spearman verifica-se que os resultados do cálculo de centralidades possuem boa proximidade aos resultados do ANAREDE, com menor custo computacional e possibilidade de rodarredes de grande densidade de forma completa. / Contingency analysis of an electricity transmission system is of fundamental importance for both planning and system operation. Knowledge of the level of importance and the impact of outage in operating conditions of the network, were each one of the lines and on every load baseline is crucial for the analysis of network security. This work aims to evaluate the fragility of the electricity transmission system through centrality analysis of networks, identifying the most important nodes in the network. On this way, important information of the network can be achieved with lower computation cost than current available tools.Tests were performed on standard IEEE and in actual large scale networks, as the Brazilian National Interconnected Power System (NIPS). The results were compared with optimal results obtained from ANAREDE software, which is based on power flow calculation to check if the centrality-based method is reliable.The data analyzed show that the method can be used as an auxiliary tool with low computational cost for the evaluation of contingencies, providing support for further analysis of the nodes listed as critical.Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient was obtained for each centrality calculation and shows a close relation with results from ANAREDE software, with less computational cost and possibility to run high density networks at once.

Reject or Redemptive Fathers? A Content Analysis of Father Portrayals in Top Box Office Family Films

Wadsworth, Cassidy Jo 01 December 2015 (has links)
More research is needed to fully understand the way in which parents, particularly fathers, are portrayed in family films and the effects those portrayals might have. Viewers, particularly parents, need to understand how the material their children view presents reality and how it may shape their children's perspectives of the real world, particularly where the family unit and parenting role are concerned. By exploring these portrayals through the lens of Cultivation Theory, this study sought to answer this overarching question: How are fathers portrayed in family films as opposed to television? This quantitative study explores the top twenty films from the 1980s, the 1990s and the decade spanning 2004-2014 in order to ascertain this. Families within those films, particularly parents and most specifically fathers, are the primary subjects of study. Observations were made through content analysis. The findings show that fathers are portrayed more positively in family films than they are on television. The data suggest that the differences between fathers and mothers in film are not so marked and sexist as they are in television shows, and that fathers may exert a stronger and more positive role in film families than they do in television families. This study begins to establish film as a genre to further be explored as a medium for family relations studies as television has been. Film is a powerful media tool in its own right and should further be studied with regard to portrayal of families in its material.

Attraction et concentration : vers un polycentrisme intégrateur : éléments d'analyse et de prospective appliqués au cas de la Gironde / Attraction and concentration : towards an integrating polycentrism : elements of analysis and prospective applied to the case of Gironde county

Schnee, David 03 September 2014 (has links)
En cherchant à identifier les centralités d’un territoire, la capacité d’analyse se confronte très rapidement aux évolutions de la structuration spatiale en cours. La forte hausse de l’emploi, concomitante à la baisse des « stables », engendre une transition de la relation centralité-mobilité. Les nouveaux modes d’organisation urbaine résultent de la redistribution de la concentration de l’emploi et de l’intensification des mobilités alternantes. Nous retiendrons ces deux variables pour caractériser les communes de la Gironde à travers une nouvelle nomenclature dite « des aires de cohérence multicommunales ». Les enjeux d’aménagement qui en résultent, donnent lieu à une approche prospective structurée par l’interrelation entre transport et urbanisme. En effet, les scénarios d’urbanisation sont sujets à un développement autonome non maîtrisé. En anticipant les stratégies d’aménagement des transports, il est possible de limiter l’incertitude quant aux conséquences réelles en termes d’urbanisation. L’enjeu réside dans la définition des conditions d’un développement multipolaire de la Gironde. Cela permettrait d’accompagner le processus d’intégration territoriale, tout en desserrant la contrainte foncière autour de l’agglomération bordelaise. / By seeking to identify the centralities of a territory, one has to take into account the ongoing evolution of the spatial structuration. The strong employment increase, together with the slowdown of people working in the town they live (i.e. “stables”), triggers a transition in the centrality-mobility relation. The new urban organisation modes result from the spatial distribution of employment concentration as well as the intensification of commuting. These two variables will be retained in order to characterise the Gironde’s communes, through a new nomenclature called Areas of Multi-commune Cohesion (AMC). Planning issues that ensued from the AMCs lead to a prospective approach structured by Transport/Urbanism co-development. Indeed, urbanisation scenarii are subject to uncontrolled and autonomous development. By anticipating transport planning strategies, decision makers can limit the uncertainty related to the real urbanisation consequences. The main issue lies in defining the conditions of a multipolar development of Gironde county. This would enable to support the territorial integration process, while loosening land constraints around Bordeaux agglomeration.

Réalité et avenir des villes historiques face au processus d'urbanisation moderne : étude de cas de Derna et des villes littorales / Reality and future of the cities facing the process of modern urbanization : study of case of Derna and of the coastal cities

Eljarba, Elhusian 16 October 2017 (has links)
Depuis les années 1960, les villes en Libye ont connu des changements politiques, spatiaux et économiques importants, notamment après la découverte du pétrole, qui a permis une grande opération de modernisation urbaine. De ce fait, de nouvelles structures urbaines ont été installées plus ou moins près des villes traditionnelles, menaçant ainsi leurs structures et fonctions fragiles. Après une longue période de dégradation et de mutation économique et socioculturelle dans la plupart des médinas en Libye, la situation actuelle se traduit par une rupture urbaine spectaculaire qui caractérise la majorité des centres-villes libyens, et par une menace pour l’existence des médinas. D’autre part, la notion de conservation et de sauvegarde du patrimoine des médinas est relativement nouvelle en Libye. En effet, ce n’est qu’au début des années 1990 que les autorités libyennes ont commencé à prendre certaines actions concrètes face à l'état dégradé des médinas. En dépit de ces actions différées et limitées dans le temps et l'espace, la situation dégradée des médinas a perduré. Dans ce contexte, le thème de cette thèse porte sur la question du patrimoine des médinas libyennes en général, et de la médina de Derna en particulier. L’objectif de cette recherche est de déterminer le contexte général du patrimoine, d’évaluer l’état réel des médinas et ensuite de formuler les conditions permettant l’émergence d’un processus de sauvegarde équilibré, approprié et durable pour la vieille ville de Derna. / Since the 60s, cities in Libya have known political, spatial and economic changes, especially after the discovery of oil, which has enabled a large urban modernization operation. Therefore, new urban structures have been developed relatively close to the old cities, thus threatening their fragile structures and functions. After a long period of degradation and of economic, socio-cultural change in most of Libyan old cities, the current situation is reflected in a dramatic urban break which characterizes Libyan cities, and, in a threat to the existence of all the ancient quarters. On the other hand, the concept of conservation and safeguarding of the medina’s heritage is relatively new in Libya. Indeed, it was not until the early 90s that the Libyan authorities began to take some concrete actions against the degraded situation of the ancient cities. In spite of these actions delayed and limited in time and space, the deteriorated situation of the old cities has continued as such. In this context, the subject of this research focuses on the question of the heritage of Libyan old cities and, in particular, of the old city of Derna, in an attempt to identify the general context of urban heritage of the old cities, to assess the real situation, and then to formulate the aspects and the conditions for the emergence of a balanced, appropriate and sustainable process of conservation.

Lazer e urbaniza??o: a din?mica do setor de servi?os no litoral de Parnamirim e N?sia Floresta - RN

Oliveira, Elizangela Justino de 28 June 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:51:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ElizangelaJO_DISSERT.pdf: 4772496 bytes, checksum: c1636791586f438993c8ebef82b27aae (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-28 / The research here undertaken analyzes the process of urbanization on the coast of Panamirim - RN and N?sia Floresta - RN, arising from leisure, the main leisure expression was considered the second residence and coastal tourism. The leisure promoted the growth of businesses and public and private services to meet consumer demand in that area, which initially occurred with users of second home, and which also gradually begin to occupy the coastline of these municipalities in 1980 and more recently with the development of tourism in the 1990s until now. To undertake such an analysis, we did the georeferencing about the trade and also public and private services of that coast, characterizing them; evaluated the extent to which services deployed in this area meets the demands of tourists and users of second residence; it was also identified how the centrality of Natal interferes in the expansion of services in these locations. The spatial area of research includes the coastal municipalities of Parnamirim and N?sia Floresta, considering the limits of the census of the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estat?stica- IBGE, and about the time frame, it was considered the 1990s to the present day. The methodology consists of: 1. survey and reading of the literature related to the researched topic, serving as the theoretical analysis in the construction of the object studied; 2. collection and organization of secondary data by the IBGE and tourism sectors of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal and main municipalities of the research; 3. Questionnaires and / or interviews with the traders, service providers, tourists, users of second homes, local residents, and government. The analysis of such data collected allowed the preparation of graphs, maps and tables that illustrate the results obtained in the research field, basing so the study. The relevance of the study is shown by the extensive survey data involving agents of the research, including tourists, users of second homes and, above all, the data for the service sector that did not exist in the analyzed area. The study results identified in the area analyzed the emergence of three new centers, arising from the urbanization process from leisure, one of them located in the municipality of N?sia Foresta Beach in Barra de Tabatinga, and two in Parnamirim, more specifically in locality Pium and Beach Pirangi do Norte. It was further observed that, being located in tourist areas, the main feature of these new centers is seasonality / A pesquisa aqui empreendida analisa o processo de urbaniza??o no litoral de Parnamirim - RN e N?sia Floresta - RN, decorrente do lazer, tendo como principais express?es de lazer a segunda resid?ncia e o turismo no litoral. O lazer promoveu o crescimento de com?rcios e servi?os p?blicos e privados para atender ? demanda consumidora emergente naquela ?rea, que inicialmente ocorreu com os usu?rios de segunda resid?ncia, que come?aram paulatinamente a ocupar o litoral desses munic?pios por volta de 1980 e, mais recentemente, com o desenvolvimento do turismo da d?cada de 1990 at? ent?o. Para empreendermos tal an?lise, georreferenciamos os com?rcios e servi?os p?blicos e privados do referido litoral, caracterizando-os; avaliamos em que medida os servi?os implantados nessa ?rea v?m atendendo ?s demandas de turistas e usu?rios de segunda resid?ncia; procuramos ainda identificar de que maneira a centralidade de Natal interfere na expans?o dos servi?os nessas localidades. O recorte espacial da pesquisa compreende o litoral dos munic?pios de Parnamirim e N?sia Floresta, considerando-se os limites dos Setores Censit?rios do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estat?stica IBGE. Quanto ao recorte temporal, foi considerada a d?cada de 1990 at? os dias atuais. A metodologia consiste em: 1. levantamento e leitura da produ??o bibliogr?fica relacionada ao tema pesquisado, servindo de aporte te?rico na constru??o da an?lise do objeto estudado; 2. coleta e organiza??o de dados secund?rios junto ao IBGE e secretarias de turismo do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, de Natal e dos munic?pios-focos da pesquisa; 3. aplica??o de question?rios e/ou entrevistas junto aos comerciantes, prestadores de servi?os, turistas, usu?rios de Segunda Resid?ncia, moradores locais e o Poder P?blico; a analise de tais dados coletados possibilitou a elabora??o de gr?ficos, mapas e tabelas que ilustram os resultados obtidos na pesquisa de campo, embasando assim o estudo. A relev?ncia do estudo se mostra pelo amplo levantamento de dados, envolvendo os agentes da pesquisa, entre eles: turistas, usu?rios de segunda resid?ncia e, sobretudo, os dados referentes ao Setor de Servi?os at? ent?o inexistentes na ?rea analisada. Os resultados do estudo identificou na ?rea analisada a emerg?ncia de tr?s novas centralidades, decorrentes do processo de urbaniza??o a partir do lazer, estando uma delas localizada no munic?pio de N?sia Floresta, na Praia de Barra de Tabatinga e outras duas em Parnamirim, mais especificamente na localidade de Pium e na Praia de Pirangi do Norte. Constatou-se ainda que, por estarem situadas em ?reas tur?sticas, a principal caracter?stica dessas novas centralidades ? a sazonalidade

Algorithmique distribuée pour grands ensembles de robots : centralité, synchronisation et auto-reconfiguration / Distributed algorithms for large-scale robotic ensembles : centrality, synchronization and self-reconfiguration

Naz, André 04 December 2017 (has links)
Les récentes avancées technologiques en particulier dans le domaine de la miniaturisation de dispositifs robotiques laissent présager l'émergence de grands ensembles distribués de petits robots qui coopéreront en vue d'accomplir des tâches complexes (e.g., robotique modulaire, robots en essaims, microsystèmes électromécaniques distribués). Ces grands ensembles seront composés d'entités indépendantes, intelligentes et communicantes qui agiront comme un ensemble à part entière. Pour cela, elles s'auto-organiseront et collaboreront en vue d'accomplir des tâches complexes. Ces systèmes présenteront les avantages d'être plus polyvalents et plus robustes que les systèmes robotiques conventionnels tout en affichant un prix réduit. Ces ensembles formeront des systèmes distribués complexes dans lequel chaque entité sera un système embarqué à part entière avec ses propres capacités et ressources toute fois limitées. Coordonner de tels systèmes posent des défis majeurs et ouvrent de nouvelles opportunités dans l'algorithmique distribuée. Je défends la thèse qu'il faut d'ores et déjà identifier et implémenter des algorithmes distribués servant de primitives de base à la coordination de ces ensembles. Dans ce travail, nous nous focalisons sur une classe particulière de robots, à savoir les robots modulaires distribués formant de grands ensembles de modules fortement contraints en ressources (mémoire, calculs, etc.), placés dans une grille régulière et capables de communiquer entre voisins connexes uniquement. J'ai identifié et implémente trois primitives servant à la coordination de ces systèmes, à savoir l'élection d'un nœud central au réseau, la synchronisation temporelle ainsi que l'auto-reconfiguration. Dans ce manuscrit, je propose un ensemble d'algorithmes distribués réalisant ces primitives. J'ai évalué mes algorithmes en utilisant des expériences sur des modules matériels et en simulation sur des systèmes, composés de quelques dizaines à plus d'une dizaine de milliers de modules. Ces expériences montrent que nos algorithmes passent à l'échelle et sont adaptés aux grands ensembles distribués de systèmes embarqués avec des ressources fortement limités à la fois en mémoire et en calcul. / Technological advances especially in the miniaturization of robotic devices foreshadow the emergence of large-scale ensembles of small-size resource-constrained robots that distributively cooperate to achieve complex tasks (e.g., modular self-reconfigurable robots, swarm robotic systems, distributed microelectromechanical systems, etc.). These ensembles are formed from independent, intelligent and communicating units which act as a whole ensemble. These units cooperatively self-organize themselves to achieve common goals. These systems are tought to be more versatile and more robust than conventional robotic systems while having at the same time a lower cost.These ensembles form complex asynchronous distributed systems in which every unit is an embedded system with its own but limited capabilities. Coordination of such large-scale distributed embedded systems poses significant algorithmic issues and open for new opportunities in distributed algorithms. In my thesis, I defend the idea that distributed algorithmic primitives suitable for the coordination of these ensembles should be both identified and designed.In this work, we focus on a specific class of modular robotics systems, namely large-scale distributed modular robotic ensembles composed of resource-constrained modules that are organized in a lattice structure and which can only communicate with neighboring modules. We identified and implemented three building blocks, namely centrality-based leader election, time synchronization and self-reconfiguration.We propose a collection of distributed algorithms to realize these primitives. We evaluate them using both hardware experiments and simulations on systems ranging from a dozen of modules to more than a dozen of thousands of modules. We show that our algorithms scale well and are suitable for large-scale embedded distributed systems with scarce memory and computing resources.

Human genome segmentation into structural domains : from chromatin conformation data to nuclear functions / Segmentation du génome humain en domaines structuraux : des données de conformation de la chromatine aux fonctions nucléaires

Boulos, Rasha 21 October 2015 (has links)
Le programme de réplication d’environ la moitié du génome des mammifères est caractérisé par des U/N-domaines de réplication de l’ordre du méga-base en taille. Ces domaines sont bordés par des origines de réplication maitresses (MaOris) correspondantes à des régions (~200 kb) de chromatine ouverte favorables à l’initiation précoce de la réplication et de la transcription. Grâce au développement récent de technologies à haut débit de capture de conformations des chromosomes (Hi-C), des matrices de fréquences de co-localisation 3D entre toutes les paires de loci sont désormais déterminées expérimentalement. Il est apparu que les U/N-domaines sont reliés à l’organisation du génome en unités structurelles. Dans cette thèse, nous avons effectué une analyse combinée de données de Hi-C de lignées cellulaires humaines et de profils de temps de réplication pour explorer davantage les relations structure/fonction dans le noyau. Cela nous a conduit à décrire de nouveaux domaines de réplication de grande tailles (>3 Mb) : les split-U-domaines aussi bordés par des MaOris; à démontrer que la vague de réplication initiée aux MaOris ne dépend que du temps pendant la phase S et de montrer que le repliement de la chromatine est compatible avec un modèle d’équilibre 3D pour les régions euchromatiniennes à réplication précoces et un modèle d’équilibre 2D pour les régions heterochromatiniennes à réplication tardives associées à la lamina nucléaire. En représentant les matrices de co-localisation issues du Hi-C en réseaux d’interactions structurelles et en déployant des outils de la théorie des graphes, nous avons aussi démontré que les MaOris sont des hubs interconnectés à longue portée dans le réseau structurel, fondamentaux pour l’organisation 3D du génome et nous avons développé une méthodologie multi-échelle basée sur les ondelettes sur graphes pour délimiter objectivement des unités structurelles à partir des données Hi-C. Ce travail nous permet de discuter de la relation entre les domaines de réplication et les unités structurelles entre les différentes lignées cellulaires humaines. / The replication program of about one half of mammalian genomes is characterized by megabase-sized replication U/N-domains. These domains are bordered by master replication origins (MaOris) corresponding to ~200 kb regions of open chromatin favorable for early initiation of replication and transcription. Thanks to recent high-throughput chromosome conformation capture technologies (Hi-C), 3D co-localization frequency matrices between all genome loci are now experimentally determined. It appeared that U/N-domains were related to the organization of the genome into structural units. In this thesis, we performed a combined analysis of human Hi-C data and replication timing profiles to further explore the structure/function relationships in the nucleus. This led us to describe novel large (>3 Mb) replication timing split-U domains also bordered by MaOris, to demonstrate that the replication wave initiated at MaOris only depends of the time during S phase and to show that chromatin folding is compatible with a 3D equilibrium in early-replicating euchromatin regions turning to a 2D equilibrium in the late-replicating heterochromatin regions associated to nuclear lamina. Representing Hi-C co-localization matrices as structural networks and deploying graph theoretical tools, we also demonstrated that MaOris are long-range interconnected hubs in the structural network, central to the 3D organization of the genome and we developed a novel multi-scale methodology based on graph wavelets to objectively delineate structural units from Hi-C data. This work allows us to discuss the relationship between replication domains and structural units across different human cell lines.

Rupturas morfológicas em tecidos urbanos : alterações nos padrões relacionais em redes de ruas

Garateguy, Leonardo Müller January 2011 (has links)
A presente pesquisa debruçou o seu olhar sobre o problema da falta de continuidade em redes de ruas que, ao que parece, não tem recebido a devida atenção por parte das administrações públicas e equipes de planejamento urbano. Através de análises como integralidade, heterogeneidade das redes espaciais urbanas e análise de bloqueios viários a pesquisa buscou inverter o olhar para elementos (e condições) estruturais que potencialmente prejudicam o desempenho da morfologia urbana de cidades causando impactos de natureza sócio-econômica. Para tanto, lançou mão da construção de grafos e da aplicação de medidas de diferenciação espacial nas redes em estudo, a fim de avançar na compreensão de eventos que possivelmente provocam algum tipo de ruptura na morfologia de cidades, provocando problemas para suas populações. O resultado do estudo apontou para a possibilidade de criação de um conceito específico chamado de microruptura em redes de ruas. / The present research intended to look at/: the problem of lack of continuity in networks of streets that, it seems, has not received due attention by the government and urban planning teams. Through analysis as integrity, spatial heterogeneity of networks and analysis of urban road blockades research sought to reverse its look to elements (and conditions) that potentially affect the structural performance of the urban morphology of cities causing social economic impacts. To do so, it uses the construction of graphs and the application of measures of spatial differentiation in the networks under study in order to advance the understanding of events that possibly provoke some kind of rupture in morphology of cities, causing problems for their people. The result of the study pointed to the possibility of creating a specific concept called microruptures in street networks.

Corredores de atividades múltiplas: uma nova definição para os espaços terciários? / Corridors of multiple activities: a new definition to the tertiary spaces?

Costa, Viviane Regina 09 May 2008 (has links)
The process of expansion of the urban space of the Maceió city, characterized for the creation of valued regions more beyond the limits of the Central Area, stimulated, over all, for the technological development through vulgarization the automobile that made possible new displacements and for the real estate activity that the objective had to create new vectors of occupation, coincides with the period of abandonment of the Center as main place of housing and localization of the ranks of work, the commerce and the services. Following this process of occupation new areas city dwellers, it was had action of the public power in disencumbering the transit of the central region, in the decade of 1980, virtue of the little capacity to absorb the demanded demand of vehicles. This action was reflected in the creation of new elements - Zones and Corridors of Multiple Activities - in which the tertiary activity could be installed. Being, initially, responsible in approaching the tertiary activities of the residences, creating new centralities, the Corridors of Multiple Activities, had had its concept and function transformed, passing to be defined from the ticket of the public transport, without the function and the capacity of the ways were considered where they had been installed. The result of this process discloses to a significant alteration in the landscape and the spaces of circulation and conviviality reflecting an overlapping of functions which start to compromise the development of each one in concurrence. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O processo de expansão do tecido urbano da cidade de Maceió, caracterizado pela criação de regiões mais valorizadas além dos limites da Área Central, incentivado, sobretudo, pelo desenvolvimento tecnológico através vulgarização do automóvel que possibilitou novos deslocamentos e pela atividade imobiliária que tinha o objetivo de criar novos vetores de ocupação, coincide com o período de abandono do Centro como principal local de moradia e de localização dos postos de trabalho, do comércio e dos serviços. Acompanhando este processo de ocupação de novas áreas citadinas, teve-se a ação do poder público em desafogar o trânsito da região central, na década de 1980, em virtude da pouca capacidade de absorver a demanda exigida de veículos. Esta ação estava refletida na criação de novos elementos Zonas e Corredores de Atividades Múltiplas nos quais a atividade terciária pudesse se instalar. Sendo, inicialmente, responsáveis em aproximar as atividades terciárias das residências, criando novas centralidades, os Corredores de Atividades Múltiplas, tiveram seu conceito e função transformados, passando a ser definidos a partir da passagem do transporte público, sem que fossem consideradas a função e a capacidade das vias em que foram instalados. O resultado deste processo revela uma alteração significativa na paisagem e nos espaços de circulação e convivência, refletindo uma sobreposição de funções as quais passam a comprometer o desenvolvimento de cada uma em simultaneidade.

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