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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Freshwater methane and carbon dioxide fluxes : Spatio-temporal variability and an integrated assessment of lake and stream emissions in a catchment / Metan- och koldioxidflöden från sötvattensmiljöer : Variation i tid och rum samt en integrerad bedömning av emissioner från sjöar och vattendrag i ett avrinningsområde

Natchimuthu, Sivakiruthika January 2016 (has links)
Freshwater bodies such as lakes and streams release the greenhouse gases methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. Global freshwater CH4 and CO2 emissions have been estimated to be of a similar magnitude to the global land or ocean carbon sink, and are thus significant components of global carbon budgets. However, the data supporting global estimates frequently lacks information regarding spatial and temporal variability and are thus highly inaccurate. In this thesis, detailed studies of the spatio-temporal variability of CH4 and CO2 fluxes were conducted in the open water areas of lakes and streams within a whole catchment in Sweden. One aim was also to evaluate the importance of spatio-temporal variability in lake and stream fluxes when making whole catchment aquatic or large scale assessments. Apart from the expected large spatio-temporal variability in lake fluxes, interactions between spatial and temporal variability in CH4 fluxes were found. Shallow lakes and shallow areas of lakes were observed to emit more CH4 as compared to their deeper counterparts. This spatial variability interacted with the temporal variability driven by an exponential temperature response of the fluxes, which meant that shallow waters were more sensitive to warming than deeper ones. Such interactions may be important for climate feedbacks. Surface water CO2 in lakes showed significant spatio-temporal variability and, when considering variability in both space and time, CO2 fluxes were largely controlled by concentrations, rather than gas transfer velocities. Stream fluxes were also highly variable in space and time and in particular, stream CH4 fluxes were surprisingly large and more variable than CO2 fluxes. Fluxes were large from stream areas with steep slopes and periods of high discharge which occupied a small fraction of the total stream area and the total measurement period, respectively, and a failure to account for these spatially distinct or episodic high fluxes could lead to underestimates. The total aquatic fluxes from the whole catchment were estimated by combining the measurements in open waters of lakes and streams. Using our data, recommendations on improved study designs for representative measurements in lakes and streams were provided for future studies. Thus, this thesis presents findings relating to flux regulation in lakes and streams, and urges forthcoming studies to better consider spatio-temporal variability so as to achieve unbiased large-scale estimates. / Sötvatten som sjöar och vattendrag är källor till växthusgaserna metan (CH4) och koldioxid (CO2) i atmosfären. De globala utsläppen av CH4 och CO2 från sötvatten har uppskattats vara av samma storleksordning som den globala land- eller havskolsänkan och är därmed viktiga delar av jordens växthusgasbudget. De globala uppskattningarna saknar ofta information om variation i tid och rum och är därmed mycket osäkra. Denna avhandling behandlar hur CH4- och CO2-flöden från öppet vatten i sjöar och vattendrag i ett avrinningsområde varierar rumsligt och tidsmässigt. Ett syfte var också att utvärdera betydelsen av dessa variationer när data extrapoleras för att göra storskaliga uppskattningar av växthusgasflöden från vattenmiljöer. Förutom de förväntade stora rumsliga och tidsmässiga variationerna i sjöars gasflöden identifierades interaktioner mellan rumsliga och tidsmässiga variation för CH4-flöden. Den rumsliga variabiliteten med högre CH4-flöden från grunda vatten interagerade med tidsvariationen, som i sin tur drevs av en exponentiell temperaturrespons av gasflödena. Det betyder att grunda vattenområden var mer känsliga för uppvärmning än djupare vatten och därmed att vattendjupet har betydelse för hur sjöars CH4-utsläpp påverkas av klimatet. Koncentrationer av CO2 i sjöars ytvatten uppvisade också en betydande rumslig och tidsmässig variation som tillsammans visar att CO2-flöden över längre perioder till stor del styrs av koncentrationer snarare än av gasutbyteshastigheter. Vattendragens gasflöden varierade också mycket i tid och rum. Detta gällde i synnerhet CH4-flödena vilka var förvånansvärt stora och mer varierande än CO2-flödena. Gasflödena var höga från områden i vattendrag med högre lutning och då det var höga vattenflöden, trots att dessa områden och tidsperioder utgjorde en bråkdel av den totala arean och mätperioden. Att inte räkna med dessa gasflöden från bäcksektioner med höga vattenhastigheter eller korta perioder med höga flöden, leder till underskattningar. De totala CH4- och CO2-flödena från öppet vatten i hela avrinningsområdet uppskattades genom att kombinera mätningar i sjöar och vattendrag. Denna avhandling visar att rumslig och tidsmässig variabilitet har stor betydelse, och den ger information om hur denna variation kan beaktas för bättre framtida mätningar och storskaliga uppskattningar av växthusgasflöden från sjöar och vattendrag.

Variabilité des concentrations atmosphériques de gaz à effet de serre et inversion des flux de méthane en Asie du Sud et de l’Est / Variability of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations and inversion of methane fluxes over South and East Asia

Lin, Xin 23 September 2016 (has links)
L’Asie du Sud et de l'Est (ASE) est la première région du monde émettrice de gaz à effet de serre (GES) au cours des dernières décennies. Cependant, l’estimation des bilans régionaux d'émissions de GES est encore incertaine que ce soit par l’approche ‘bottom-up’ ou par l’approche ‘top-down’. L’objectif de cette thèse est de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance des bilans régionaux des émissions de GES en ASE, en utilisant les concentrations atmosphériques de GES mesurées dans un réseau de station de surface et la modélisation inverse à l’échelle régionale. Dans un premier temps, la thèse présente les mesures de CO2, CH4, N2O, SF6, CO, et H2 sur les échantillons réguliers prélevés àHanle, Pondichéry et Port Blair, trois nouveaux sites établis en Inde dans le cadre d’une collaboration franco-indienne. L’analyse des concentrations des gaz traces a permis de caractériser les contributions relatives des flux naturel et anthropique, et de la circulation atmosphérique associée à la mousson dans le sous-continent indien. Cette étude meten évidence le potentiel des nouvelles stations de mesure atmosphérique pour mieux contraindre les estimations de flux régionaux de GES. Dans un deuxième temps, un modèle global de chimie-transport LMDzINCA, avec un ‘zoom’ focalisé sur l’ASE (de résolution horizontale ~50 km) est utilisé pour simuler les champs de concentration de CO2 et CH4. Les concentrations simulées sont évaluées par rapport aux mesures de 30 stations réparties en ASE et dans les régions adjacentes. Le modèle de transport en version zoomée reproduit relativement bien les variabilités des mesures de CO2 et CH4, et améliore significativement les variations de CH4 par rapport au modèle standard de basse résolution sur le domaine d’étude. Enfin, les mesures des concentrations de CH4 des réseaux régionaux sont utilisées dans le système d’inversion PYVAR-LMDz-SACS avec les grilles zoomées, pour estimer les émissions de CH4 en ASE en 2010.Plusieurs scénarios sont réalisés afin de tester la sensibilité de l’inversion à différentes configurations des émissions a priori et des observations utilisées. L’inversion atmosphérique induit une réduction significative des émissions en comparaison aux inventaires a priori en Asie de l’Est (14-20%), en particulier en Chine du Nord (20-35%). L’estimation des émissions de CH4 est sensible à l’incertitude dans les bilans ‘bottom-up’ des émissions anthropiques en Asie de l’Est, particulièrement à la représentation très incertaine des sources localisées des mines de charbon en Chine du Nord. / South and East Asia (SEA) is the world’s largest anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emitting region during the recent decades, yet estimates of regional GHG budgets remain uncertain either from bottom-up or top-down approaches. The aim of the thesis is to improve understanding of GHG budgets in SEA through atmospheric measurements from surface stations and regional inverse modeling. The first part of the thesis presents measurements of CO2, CH4, N2O, SF6, CO, and H2 from regular flask sampling at Hanle, Pondicherry and Port Blair, three new Indian stations established in the framework of the Indo-French collaboration. Time series of tracer concentrations are analyzed and related to variations in natural/anthropogenic fluxes and monsoon circulations in the Indian sub-continent, showing potential of these stations to constrain estimates of regional GHG fluxes. The second part of the study involves simulation of CO2 and CH4 using a zoomed version of the global chemistry transport model LMDzINCA, with a horizontal resolution of ~50km over SEA. Model performance is evaluated against observations from 30 surface stations in SEA and adjacent regions. The zoomed transport model shows the ability to reasonably reproduce CO2 and CH4 variabilities at stations, and improves model performance for CH4 compared to the standard model version within the zoomed region. Lastly, the CH4 emissions in SEA are retrieved for the year 2010 using atmospheric surface stations and a Bayesian inversion system PYVAR-LMDz-SACS with the zoomed model grids. Different setups of prior information are used in inversions to account for uncertainties in bottom-up inventories of anthropogenic emissions. Significant reduction in emissions compared to the prior estimates is found for East Asia (by 14–20%), particularly in North China (by 20–35%). The inverted CH4 budgets are sensitive to prior anthropogenic emissions in East Asia, especially in North China where coal mine hotspots dominate the budgets yet their representation is highly uncertain among different inventories.

Methane flux in the Doñana wetlands : Waterbird guano addition and benthicinvertebrate effects / Metangasflöden i Doñanas våtmarker : Effekter av vattenlevande fåglars guano och bottenlevande evertebrater

Ratia, Noa January 2019 (has links)
Wetlands are globally important biogeochemical hotspots, and their roles as either significant sources of greenhouse gas or carbon sinks are strongly controlled by environmental drivers such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus availability, which can stimulate emission of three greenhouse gases: nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). Mounting evidence suggests that aquatic invertebrate activity can enhance wetland greenhouse gas flux, through bioturbation and bioirrigation of surrounding sediments. However, waterbirds reduce the density of aquatic invertebrates, which could potentially reduce greenhouse gas flux. Alternatively, the nutrient contents of waterbird guano may stimulate microbial activity responsible for these gas fluxes. The research project FLAMMINGGOS (Functional Links in Avian, Microbial, Macrophyte, and INvertebrate Greenhouse Gas Output Stimulation) aims to test the relative strength of top-down and bottom-up effects of predatory waterbirds on wetland greenhouse gas fluxes. This study is a part of the FLAMMINGGOS project and studied the bottom-up stimuli effects of methane flux, through addition of waterbird guano to sediment cores sampled from three sites in Doñana, Spain. Guano did not enhance methane flux; on the contrary, the overall flux rates decreased after guano addition for one site. There was also a positive correlation between methane flux and the presence of benthic invertebrates. This suggests that the top-down gas-stimuli effects of waterbirds may be stronger than the bottom-up; benthivorous waterbirds, such as flamingos, may lessen the emissions of CH4 through predation on benthic invertebrates. Further research is however required to fully understand these interactions and gas flux stimuli effects. / FLAMMINGGOS

Equilibre des hydrates de gaz en présence d'un mélange d'hydrocarbures gazeux. / Equilibrium of gas hydrates in presence of a hydrocarbon gas hhase

Le Quang, Duyen 18 December 2013 (has links)
Différentes études ont été réalisées depuis les années 1778 pour étudier la formation des clathrates hydrates de gaz, notamment dans des conditions de haute pression et de basse température pour reproduire les conditions de production pétrolière. Mon travail de thèse concerne principalement l’étude du comportement thermodynamique des hydrates d’hydrocarbures gazeux : CO2 CH4, C2H6, C3H8, et C4H10, pris purs ou bien en mélanges. Les résultats expérimentaux de ce travail, complétés des résultats expérimentaux de la littérature, ont été utilisé afin d’optimiser les paramètres interne du modèle thermodynamique lié à la base de données du logiciel GasHyDyn.Ce modèle optimise les paramètres de Kihara, et nous permet dans un deuxième temps de conserver, ou bien d’écarter tel ou tel jeu de données, considéré comme des points d’équilibres, ou bien des points hors équilibre.Nous discutons finalement de la raison de la nature hors équilibre de certains points, considérés pourtant par leurs auteurs comme des points d’équilibres. Cette nature nous semble liée à des considérations cinétiques d’une compétition entre les différents gaz pour intégrer la structure hydrate en cours de croissance. / Many studies have been conducted since 1778’s to study the formation of clathrate hydrates of gas, especially under conditions of high pressure and low temperature to reproduce the conditions of oil production. My thesis mainly concerns the study of the thermodynamic of gas hydrates in presence of hydrocarbon: CO2 CH4, C2H6, C3H8, and C4H10 pure or in gas mixtures. The experimental results of this work complete the literature experimental results, were used to optimize the internal parameters related to the thermodynamic model data base GasHyDyn software.This model optimizes the parameters of Kihara and allows us to retain a second time , or to exclude a particular data set, considered as points of equilibrium , or balance points out .We finally discuss the reason for non-equilibrium of certain points, however, considered by their authors as equilibrium points. This seems kind of kinetic considerations related to a competition between gas hydrate structure to integrate during growth .

Reconstruction de l'évolution passée du rapport isotopique 13C/12C du méthane atmosphérique à partir de l'analyse de l'air extrait du névé polaire.

Aballain, Olivier 05 July 2002 (has links) (PDF)
L'air interstitiel extrait du névé de 4 sites polaires nous a donné accès à des échantillons atmosphériques âgés jusqu'à une centaine d'années en quantité suffisante pour l'analyse de la composition isotopique du CH4, considéré comme le second gaz responsable de l'effet de serre induit par l'Homme. L'optimisation d'un dispositif expérimental particulièrement sensible (CF-IRMS) nous a ainsi permis de mesurer le rapport 13CH4/12CH4 d'échantillons d'air pompé à diverses profondeurs du névé dont les résultats, sur 2 des 4 sites étudiés, sont en remarquable concordance avec les rapports mesurés par une autre méthode (TDLAS) au sein du MPI de Mayence (Allemagne). A partir des profils obtenus dans le névé, et grâce à l'utilisation récursive d'un modèle physique de transport diffusif des gaz à travers le névé, nous avons alors pu reconstruire un historique probable du rapport 13CH4/12CH4 dans l'atmosphère au cours du dernier siècle. La contrainte ainsi apportée sur l'évolution du bilan atmosphérique du CH4 nous a permis de confirmer l'hypothèse existante d'une responsabilité primordiale des sources d'origine anthropique dans l'augmentation de 150 % de la teneur en CH4 de l'atmosphère depuis la révolution industrielle. Nous avons également utilisé cette contrainte afin de valider, à travers l'utilisation d'un modèle atmosphérique global, la pertinence de l'hypothèse d'une réduction de 20 % de la capacité oxydante de l'atmosphère depuis 1885. Par ailleurs, une collaboration avec le PSSRI de l'Université d'Open (Royaume-Uni) nous a permis de reprendre la mise au point d'une technique de mesure du rapport CH3D/CH4 dans l'air, que nous avons tenté d'appliquer aux échantillons provenant de 2 des 4 sites déjà considérés en 13C/12C. Enfin, nous avons mis au point et testé avec succès une méthode sensible d'extraction et d'analyse du CH4 de l'air contenu dans les glaces polaires, qui pourra par conséquent être mise en oeuvre pour l'analyse de l'air pré-industriel.

Methane flux from Carex ramenskii on coastal meadows and grazing lawns in western Alaska

Lynöe, Kaj January 2017 (has links)
In this study we determined the magnitude of plant mediated CH4 emission (flux) in two vegetation types of Carex ramenskii. The objectives of this paper were to quantify the proportion of CH4 emissions from plant mediated flux and the total flux (plant and soil). This information is needed in order to understand how grazing affects plant mediated CH4 flux. In addition, we differentiated between two vegetation morphs, grazed and ungrazed, and determined the plant mediated CH4 flux for vegetation type.  This study was conducted at a field site on the Tutakoke River (61 15’N, 165 30’W) which is located in the coastal region of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. Three replicate plots of the two vegetation morphs of Carex ramenskii were established. Methane flux was measured with a total flux chamber (plant and soil) and a single leaf chamber using a Picarro Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy Analyzer (Model G2308, Picarro Inc., Santa Clara, California). Plant density for the two plant types was determined. Temperature measurements were taken and correlated with gas flux. This study found that total net CH4 emissions from Carex ssp. were the same in both vegetation types. This similarity could indicate that plant mediated flux through vegetation is not affected by grazing in the sense that grazing is neither facilitating nor inhibiting plant mediated CH4 flux. The magnitude of plant mediated flux was still greater in the ungrazed meadow type, indicating on both greater facilitation of CH4 flux, and below ground oxygen transport enabling higher rates of CH4 consumption.

The relationship between enteric methane emissions and feed efficiency in growing Angus beef bulls

Ullenboom, Tawnya 14 September 2016 (has links)
Residual Feed Intake (RFI) and enteric methane (CH4) emissions were measured over two years on 120 Angus bulls receiving either a silage-hay diet or a silage-grain diet (277±28 and 286±25 d of age in year 1; 249±23 and 250±23 d of age in year 2). Emissions were similar between diets (240 vs. 248  7.9 L d-1, P>0.05; silage-hay vs. silage-grain) and RFI grouping (P>0.05). DMI increased for high RFI bulls versus low RFI bulls (7.68±0.2 and 8.24±0.2 kg DM d-1, low vs. high). Correlations between RFIfat and CH4 emissions were not significant. These findings agree with previous studies and suggest that RFI ranking may be associated with metabolic mechanisms other than fermentation efficiency. / October 2016

Fluxo de óxido nitroso e metano em solo sob implantação de um sistema silvipastoril com parapiptadenia rigida (Benth.) brenan em campo nativo

Ferreto, Décio Oscar Cardoso 20 March 2015 (has links)
Sistemas silvipastoris (SSPs) apresentam potencial para amenizar o problema do aquecimento global, pelo sequestro de CO2 atmosférico, principalmente na biomassa vegetal. Entretanto, se faz necessário estudar nestas áreas os fluxos de metano (CH4) e óxido nitroso (N2O) do solo, para se ter uma melhor compreensão da dinâmica destes gases no sistema solo-atmosfera. Este estudo teve como objetivo principal avaliar os fluxos de N2O e CH4 em um solo sob implantação de um sistema silvipastoril com a espécie arbórea leguminosa nativa Parapiptadenia rigida em campo nativo do bioma Pampa e determinar um fator de emissão (FE) de N2O para esta consorciação. O experimento foi conduzido em um Argissolo Vermelho anteriormente utilizado com pastagem nativa no município de São Gabriel, RS, Brasil. Para isso, mudas de P. rigida forram plantadas em outubro de 2012 em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas. Os tratamentos nas parcelas principais foram: T1: campo nativo (NG); T2: NG + P. rigida com arranjo espacial de 2 x 4 m; e T3: NG + P. rigida com arranjo espacial de linhas duplas 6 x (2 x 2) m. A subdivisão das parcelas (18 x 30 m) constituiu a presença ou ausência de adubação mineral anual (NPK) das forrageiras nativas.Os fluxos de gases de efeito estufa do solo foram coletados a cada quinze dias ou após eventos de fertilização, no decorrer do ano de 2014, através de câmaras estáticas, com seis repetições. As concentrações de N2O e CH4 foram determinadas por cromatografia gasosa. Concomitantemente a cada coleta dos gases foi coletado amostras de solo (0-5 cm) para análise do teor de N-mineral e monitoramento das variáveis climáticas. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância e teste de Tukey para comparação das médias (P <0,10). As taxas de fluxo diário de CH4 e N2O permaneceram baixa durante o período avaliado, variando de -18,3 para 23,1 μg N2O_N m-2 h-1 e de -40 a 105 μg CH4_C m-2 h-1. A Fertilização mineral elevou a emissão acumulada (P <0,10) apenas para o N2O. Foram observados dois picos de emissão de N2O concomitantemente com o aumento do teor de nitrogênio mineral (NO3- e NH4 +) no solo proporcionado pela adubação mineral. Foi encontrado um FE de N2O de 0,26%, menor que o indicado pelo IPCC para a prática de adubação mineral de pastagens, o qual é de 1%. As maiores taxas de emissões diárias de CH4, por sua vez, coincidiram com aumentos na umidade e temperatura do solo. Assim, a introdução de árvores de P. rigida em campo nativo não alterou significativamente os fluxos de CH4 e N2O do solo, independentemente do espaçamento de plantio após dois anos de plantio das arvores. / Silvopastoral systems (SSPs) can mitigate global warming through atmospheric CO2 sequestration, mainly in plant biomass. However, few is known about their effect on nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) fluxes in the soil. This study aimed to evaluate N2O and CH4 fluxes in a soil with native grassland system afforested with native species of the leguminous tree Parapiptadenia rigida in the Brazilian Pampa and determine an N2O emission factor for this intercropping. The experiment was carried out in an Acrisol previously used with native grassland in São Gabriel, RS, Brazil, forested in October 2012. The experiment had a randomized block design, with split plots. Treatments in the main plots were: T1: native grassland (NG); T2: NG + P. rigida with spatial arrangement of 2 x 4 m; and T3: NG + P. rigida with spatial arrangement of double lines 6 x (2 x 2) m. The split plots (18 x 30 m) constituted the presence or absence of annual mineral fertilizer (NPK) for the native forages. Soil greenhouse gases were taken every fortnight or after fertilization events for one year (2014) through static chambers, with six replicates. Concentrations of N2O and CH4 were determined by gas chromatography, concomitantly to the monitoring of soil (0-5 cm) for the analysis of N-mineral content and climate variables. The results were submitted to analysis of variance and Tukey test to compare means (P<0.10). Daily flux rates of CH4 and N2O remained low during the evaluated period, ranging from -18.3 to 23.1 μg N2O_N m-2 h-1 and from -40 to 105 μg CH4_C m-2 h-1. Mineral fertilization increased the cumulated emission (P < 0.10) only for N2O. Two peaks of N2O emission were observed concomitantly to the increase of mineral nitrogen concentration (NO3- and NH4+) in soil due to mineral fertilization. Was found an emission factor (EF) of 0.26%, smaller than that indicated for the practice of N fertilization on pastures by the IPCC which is 1%. The largest emissions rates of CH4, in turn, coincided with raises in soil moisture and temperature. Thus, the introduction of P. rigida trees in natural grassland did not altered significantly the soil fluxes of CH4 and N2O, independently of their arrangement, after two years from the tree plantation.

Mobilisation and transport of peatland carbon : the role of the riparian zone

Leith, Fraser Iain January 2014 (has links)
Northern peatlands are an important carbon store, with carbon dynamics and hydrology intrinsically linked. The riparian zone is the interface between the terrestrial and aquatic systems, situated adjacent to the stream and characterised by periodic flooding, near surface water tables and unique soil and plant species composition. Due to its unique biogeochemical environment, the riparian zone has the potential to modify significantly the production, mobilisation and transport of carbon via the land-atmosphere and aquatic pathways. Two contrasting headwater catchments, an ombrotrophic peatland (Auchencorth Moss, SE Scotland) and a forested, till dominated catchment (Västrabäcken, N Sweden), were investigated. In each carbon concentrations in soil and stream water and hydrological parameters were measured in transects connecting the wider catchment, riparian zone and stream. The overarching aim was to investigate the role of the riparian zone on the hydrological and bio-geochemical functioning of peatland and forested catchments, focusing on carbon export via the aquatic pathway. Specific objectives were to: a) examine the importance of soils, water table and vegetation composition on riparian biogeochemical cycling, b) investigate riparian-stream hydrological connectivity and the transport of carbon across the soil-water interface and c) assess riparian processes in relation to the net ecosystem carbon balance (NECB) across northern latitude ecosystems. Porewater total carbon (TC) concentrations (sum of dissolved organic and inorganic carbon (DOC, DIC), CO2 and CH4) were on average higher in Auchencorth Moss (78.8-140 mg C L-1) than the Västrabäcken (27.7-63.2 mg C L-1) catchment. In both catchments, higher TC concentrations were observed in the riparian zone compared to the wider catchment. The dominant control for differentiating between catchment and riparian biogeochemical processes was the higher average riparian water table with each carbon species displaying a positive relationship with water table height. A range of other factors, including soil temperature and the carbon content of catchment and riparian soils, also contributed to the complexity of riparian carbon biogeochemical cycles. Catchment specific phenomena, including the presence of aerenchymous vegetation and stream sediment deposition onto the riparian zone, modified riparian carbon dynamics in the Auchencorth Moss catchment. Isotopically, porewater DOC, CO2 and CH4 had a 14C content >100 %modern, indicating that the modern plant derived DOC is being transported down the soil profile, providing the source for CO2 and CH4 production at depth. In both catchments the riparian zone represented an important and dynamic source of carbon to stream waters. Total annual CO2 export from the riparian zone of the Västrabäcken catchment to the stream channel over the hydrological year was 2.7 g CO2-C m2 yr-1 with export predominantly from between 40 and 55 cm depth within the soil. Two monthly peaks in CO2 export occurred over the hydrological year related to either storm events or the spring snow melt period which accounted for 19 % of annual export, highlighting the temporal variability in soil-stream linkages, especially during high flow periods. In the generally wetter peatland catchment, riparian-stream linkages were driven by antecedent conditions and variation in riparian water table, with changes in water input, rather than changes in CO2 source concentrations, controlling stream water composition. The negative CO2 concentration-discharge relationship in the stream suggested that event water dominated, with small but important inputs from high concentration soil water during individual events. The importance of event water in transporting carbon was confirmed through the isotope result. CO2, CH4 and DOC exported via the aquatic pathway predominantly contained modern, plant derived carbon from the near surface soil horizons but with a small contribution (5-28 %) from deeper geological sources leading to aged evasion CH4 (310-537 years BP) and CO2 (36 years BP to modern). In both catchments the riparian zone was more important, relative to the wider catchment, in controlling the export of carbon via the aquatic pathway. At Auchencorth Moss, the riparian zone, plus an area of the catchment extending ~20 m from the stream, were hotspots for land-atmosphere fluxes of CH4, with mean flux of 1.08-7.70 mg m2 hr-1 in comparison to the catchment overall (0.05 mg m2 hr-1). In both catchments, combining detailed catchment hydrological models with high temporal resolution carbon concentration measurements, especially in riparian zone soils, has the potential to improve estimates of downstream and evaded carbon export in headwater catchments. Riparian zones should therefore be included more in studies investigating hydrological and biogeochemical processes in northern latitude headwater catchments. The processes within riparian zones suggest that despite the relatively small area that riparian zones represent, in relation to the wider catchment, they may play an important role in the NECB of peatland and forested catchments under future management and climate change scenarios.

Methane fluxes from tree stems in Amazon floodplains : Evaluating methodological aspect of measuring spatial and seasonal variability in a flooded system

Widing, felicia, Rubensson, Nina January 2018 (has links)
Träd i tropiska våtmarker har uppmärksammats som en viktig källa till regionala och globala metan (CH4) utsläpp, då träd fungerar som utsläppskanaler för metan som bildas i sedimenten. Dock finns det en osäkerhet gällande säsongsvariation och rumslig variation samt mängden CH4 utsläpp från träd, eftersom kunskapen kring regionala flöden är begränsad. Därför strävar vi efter att optimera provtagningsinsatser för att öka möjligheten till representativa uppskattningar för olika typer av skogsekosystem och förbättra kunskapen om rumslig och temporär variabilitet för framtida mätningar i Amazonas. Vi undersökte variabiliteten i flöden av CH4 från träd belägna i tre periodvis översvämmade platser (Solimões, Negro and Tapajós) längs Amazonfloden, med olika karaktäristiska egenskaper. Studien genomfördes in situ med slutna kammare på 36 träd vid de tre provplatserna, under olika hydrologiska säsonger. Platserna visade en stor säsongsvariation i CH4-flöden, med de största bidragen under högvattensäsong. En signifikant skillnad mellan två av platserna upptäcktes endast under högvatten och detta kan vara ett resultat av vattnets varierande fysikaliska och kemiska egenskaper. Med hänsyn till variation inom studieplatserna har indelning av zoner betydelse för mätning av CH4-flöden i träd, då vattennivån är en påverkande faktor. En stor rumslig variation upptäcktes, med lägre flöden i zonen närmast land och med det högsta flödet i zonen där förhållanden varierar mest mellan blött och torrt. Detta mönster kan beaktas genom att utföra provtagningar längs zonerna med hänsyn till vattenavståndet. / Tropical wetland-adapted trees are recognized as an important source of regional and global methane (CH4) emissions, by transport of soil gas through wetland trees. However, spatiotemporal variability and controls on the magnitude of tree-mediated CH4 emissions remain unknown as fluxes are poorly constrained. Therefore, we aim to optimize sampling efforts to yield representative emission estimates for distinct types of forest ecosystems and improve knowledge on spatial and temporal variability. We examined the variability in tree stem mediated CH4 fluxes in situ, located in three different floodplains (Solimões, Negro and Tapajós) with various characteristics, during different hydrological seasons. The sampling was conducted by measuring fluxes from 36 trees at each location using closed chambers. All the three study sites, situated in the Amazon region, displayed seasonal variability in CH4 fluxes, with the largest contributions observed during the wet season. A significant difference between Solimões and Negro was detected during the wet season and this may be a result of the different chemical and physical characteristics between the sampling locations. As for within the study sites, zones played a significant role for CH4 flux from trees since the water level influences the fluxes. A strong spatial variability (lower fluxes in the land zone, and the highest flux obtained in the zone with greatest variability between dry and wet conditions) was found. This pattern can be addressed by sampling along flooded and non-flooded zones. / The Global Methane Budget

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