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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multi sensory integration as a strategy to compensate for sodium and fat reduction in food / L'intégration multisensorielle comme stratégie pour compenser la réduction en sodium et matière grasse dans les aliments

Syarifuddin, Adiansyah 29 June 2015 (has links)
Au cours des dernières années, les autorités sanitaires ont recommandé une réduction de la teneur en sel et en gras dans la consommation alimentaire quotidienne. Cependant, les aliments à teneur réduite en sel et en gras sont souvent peu appréciés par les consommateurs, ce qui a amené au développement des recherches sur les stratégies possibles pour maintenir l’acceptabilité des aliments tout en réduisant les teneurs en ces ingrédients. Dans cette thèse, l’intégration multi-sensorielle et les cinétiques de libération du sel et des arômes mesurées in vitro ont été étudiés pour évaluer leur potentialité à compenser une réduction en sel et matière grasse d’un fromage modèle de composition variable et d’un fromage réel (type trappiste).Dans une première étape, une approche sensorielle a permis d’étudier les interactions multi-sensorielles arômes-saveurs-texture pour les formages modèles et réels. La structure et la perception sensorielle de vingt-quatre modèles fromagers variant en composition (2 niveaux de gras, 2 de sel, 2 de pH à l’emprésurage) et aromatisés avec un arôme de sardine (associé au sel), d'un arôme de beurre (associé au gras) ou non aromatisés (témoin) ont été caractérisés par des mesures rhéologiques (compression uniaxiale) et des mesures sensorielles (profil descriptif). Les résultats ont montré une influence de la composition sur la structure et la texture perçue des produits. Par ailleurs, l’arôme sardine a conduit à une perception plus salé ; l’arôme de beurre a permis de renforcer la perception du caractère gras. Toutefois cette influence des arômes sur les autres dimensions sensorielles est fonction de la texture des produits donc de leur composition et de leur structure. Ces résultats ont été étendus à des fromages réels avec toutefois des spécificités. Si l’arôme sardine renforce la perception du sel, seul l’arôme de beurre associé à l’arôme de sardine permet de renforcer le caractère gras.Dans une deuxième étape, une approche physico-chimique a été développée pour explorer les cinétiques de libération des stimuli odorants et sapides dans des conditions simulant la mastication in vitro à l’aide d’un simulateur de mastication. L’objectif était d’utiliser les données ainsi obtenues pour expliquer l’influence de la structure des produits et de leur déstructuration lors de la mastication sur les effets sensoriels observés dans la première étape. Les modèles fromagers et les fromages réels ont été ainsi étudiés. La libération des composés volatils a été évaluée en connectant le simulateur de mastication à un spectromètre de masse à pression atmosphérique (PTR-MS) ; la libération du sodium a été suivie grâce à une sonde de conductivité. Les résultats ont montré une influence des trois paramètres de composition (teneur en matière grasse, en sel et pH à l’emprésurage) sur les cinétiques de la libération des arômes. Cette variation dépend néanmoins de la nature de l’arôme suivi ; les arômes plus hydrophobes étant moins sensibles aux variations de la teneur en matière grasse et plus sensibles aux variations de pH et donc à la structure du produit. La cinétique de libération du sel lors de la mastication in vitro est aussi largement influencée par la composition et la structure des produits. Outre la teneur en sel qui conditionne les quantités libérées, la teneur en matière grasse et le pH à l’emprésurage module la cinétique de libération du sel. Au final, ces travaux montrent une importante contribution de la cinétique de libération et donc probablement de la temporalité des sensations dans perception globale du sel et de la matière grasse lors de la consommation d’un aliment complexe. / In recent years, health authorities worldwide advise for a reduction of salt and fat in daily food consumption. However, foods with reduced salt and fat content are often not appreciated by consumers, Therefore, the formulation of low-salt-fat foods that maintain acceptability is a major concern in food research. In this thesis, the multi-sensory integration and release kinetics of flavor compounds were explored as strategies to compensate for salt and fat reduction in cheese products (model cheeses and real cheeses). The objective was to better understand the mechanisms leading to aroma and salt release during mastication and to evaluate how the matrix composition and structure influence salt and aroma release profile.Multisensory integration approach to compensate for salt and fat reduction was studied in a first step. The structure and sensory perception of 24 cheese models varying in composition (2 levels of fat, 2 salt, 2 pH at renneting) and flavored with either a sardine aroma (associated to salt), a butter aroma (associated to fat) or not flavoured (control) were characterised by rheological measurements (uniaxial compression) and sensory evaluation (descriptive analysis). The results demonstrated an influence of the composition on the products structure and perceived texture. Furthermore, a significant saltiness enhancement was induced by sardine aroma while significant fat perception enhancement was induced by butter aroma. However, this influence of the aroma on other sensory dimensions depends on the texture of the products thus on their composition and structure. These results have been extended to real cheeses but with specificities. If the sardine flavor enhanced the perception of salt, only butter-sardine-flavor enhanced the perception of fat.In a second step, a physico-chemical approach was developed to explore the release kinetic of flavor compounds during in vitro breakdown using a chewing simulator. The aim was to use these data to explain the influence of the structure of model cheeses and real cheeses and their breakdown during chewing on sensory effects observed in the first step. Volatile compounds release was monitored by connecting the chewing simulator to a proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometry (PTR-MS), while salt release was monitored using a conductivity probe. Results showed that product composition and structure (fat, salt and pH at renneting) influenced aroma release, which however depends on the nature of the aroma: the more hydrophobic compounds are less sensitive to variations in fat content and more sensitive to variations in pH and therefore to the products structure. The salt release kinetic during in vitro chewing was also influenced by the composition and structure of the products. Indeed, beyond salt content which determined the amount of salt released, fat content and the pH at renneting modulated the release kinetic. In conclusion, this work showed a significant impact of the flavor compounds release kinetic and probably of temporality of sensations on the overall perception of salt and fat when consuming a complex food.


Pasinato, Fernanda 14 December 2015 (has links)
This thesis aimed to investigate the effects of experimentally induced jaw-muscle pain on the movements and electromyographic activity of jaw and head-neck during chewing in healthy subjects. Kinematic variables related were analyzed: (1) the masticatory sequence (duration, number of cycles masticatory and frequency); (2) the chewing cycle: time of opening, closing and occlusal phase; maximum range of motion and vertical, medial-lateral, anteroposterior and three-dimensional speed of jaw during the phases of opening and closing; maximum amplitude of displacement and head-neck three-dimensional speed during the phases of opening and closing jaw; maximum variation of the cervical flexion-extension angle while chewing; relationship between jaw and head-neck three-dimensional movement. The electromyography variables of the masticatory cycle analyzed were: inactive and active time of the masseter muscles in the side of work and balancing; muscle activation amplitude (MAA) of the masseter and ECM muscles, during active and inactive periods; activation symmetry of the masseter muscles and ECM; coactivation and correlation between masseter MAA and the ECM side of balancing work, during the active period. The study included 28 male volunteers, mean age of 20.6 years. Kinematic data were obtained from Qualisys System and electromyographic data via wireless sensors Delsys. Records were conducted during unilateral chewing wine gum before and after monosodium glutamate solution injections (pain-inducing substance) and normal saline (control). The order and the side of the applications were randomized and separated by a minimum of 45 min. The records before and after experimental procedures were analyzed by t test and Wilcoxon test for dependent variables and the Spearman correlation coefficient was used to analyze the relationship between mandibular and head-neck variables. As a result, it was observed that pain incited reduction on range of mid-lateral movement during the closing jaw, on vertical and three-dimensional speed during the opening and mid-lateral speed during the opening and closing of the masticatory cycle, reduction on MAA masseter muscle side job during the active period prescribed and increased activation symmetry between the masseter muscles on the side of balancing work and during the chewing cycle. However, no effect of pain was observed on the kinematic and electromyographic head-neck variables or on the movement relations and MAA or coactivation between the mandibular and head-neck systems. Moderate effect sizes were observed for results of the kinematic variables of mid-lateral amplitude and mid-lateral/vertical mandibular speed, suggesting that these may have clinical relevance in the evaluation of mastication in the presence of acute pain. Small effect sizes were observed in all results of electromyographic variables, limiting generalizability of the results to the population of patients with TMD. In conclusion, in the presence of acute pain of the stomatognathic system adaptations involve mainly local mechanisms, influencing only kinematic parameters and mandibular electromyographic without compensation on the movement and head-neck electromyographic activity. / Esta tese teve como objetivo investigar os efeitos da dor induzida experimentalmente no músculo masseter sobre os movimentos e a atividade eletromiográfica crânio-cervical e mandibular durante a mastigação em indivíduos saudáveis. Foram analisadas variáveis cinemáticas relacionadas: (1) à sequência mastigatória (duração, número de ciclos e frequência mastigatória); (2) ao ciclo mastigatório: duração das fases de abertura, fechamento e fase oclusal; amplitude máxima de movimento e velocidade vertical, médio-lateral, anteroposterior e tridimensional da mandíbula durante as fases de abertura e fechamento; amplitude máxima de deslocamento e velocidade tridimensional crânio-cervical durante as fases de abertura e fechamento mandibular; máxima variação do ângulo de flexo-extensão cervical durante a mastigação; relação entre os movimentos mandibulares e crânio-cervicais tridimensionais. As variáveis eletromiográficas analisadas, durante o ciclo mastigatório, foram: duração do tempo inativo e ativo dos músculos masseteres dos lados de trabalho e balanceio; amplitude de ativação muscular (AAM) dos músculos masseter e esternocleidomastóideo (ECM), durante os períodos ativo e inativo; simetria de ativação dos músculos masseter e ECM; coativação e correlação entre a AAM do masseter e ECM dos lados de trabalho e balanceio, durante o período ativo. Participaram do estudo 28 voluntários do sexo masculino, com média de idade de 20,6 anos. Os dados cinemáticos foram obtidos através do Sistema Qualisys e os dados eletromiográficos por meio de sensores sem fio e eletromiógrafo Delsys. Foram realizados registros em mastigação unilateral de uma bala de goma de consistência firme, antes e depois de injeções de solução de glutamato monossódico (substância indutora de dor) e de solução salina isotônica (controle). A ordem e o lado das aplicações foram randomizados e separados por um intervalo mínimo de 45 minutos. Os dados pré e pós procedimentos experimentais foram analisados pelos testes t e Wilcoxon para variáveis dependentes e o coeficiente de correlação de Spearmann foi utilizado para a análise da relação entre variáveis mandibulares e crânio-cervicais. Como resultados, observou-se que a dor ocasionou redução da amplitude de deslocamento médio-lateral durante o fechamento mandibular; redução das velocidades vertical e tridimensional durante a abertura e velocidade médio-lateral durante a abertura e fechamento do ciclo mastigatório; redução da AAM do músculo masseter do lado de trabalho durante o período ativo e aumento da simetria de ativação entre os músculos masseteres dos lados de trabalho e balanceio durante o ciclo mastigatório. Entretanto, nenhum efeito da dor foi observado sobre as variáveis cinemáticas e eletromiográficas crânio-cervicais ou sobre as relações do movimento, AAM ou coativação entre os sistemas mandibular e crânio-cervical. Tamanhos de efeito moderados foram observados para os resultados das variáveis cinemáticas de amplitude e velocidade mandibular médio-lateral e vertical, sugerindo que estas podem ter relevância clínica na avaliação da mastigação na presença de dor aguda. Tamanhos de efeito pequenos foram observados em todos os resultados das variáveis eletromiográficas, limitando sua generalização para indivíduos com DTM. Em conclusão, na presença de dor aguda, as adaptações do sistema estomatognático envolvem principalmente mecanismos locais, influenciando apenas parâmetros cinemáticos e eletromiográficos mandibulares, sem compensações sobre o movimento e atividade eletromiográfica crânio-cervical.

Avaliação do desempenho mastigatório, força oclusal e mobilidade mandibular em crianças com e sem necessidade de tratamento ortodôntico / Evaluation of masticatory performance, occlusal strength and mandibular mobility in children with and without orthodontic treatment needs

Frota, Nicolly Parente Ribeiro 24 November 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa avaliou o sistema estomatognático de crianças saudáveis com ou sem necessidade de tratamento ortodôntico por meio do desempenho mastigatório, contato de forças oclusais e mobilidade mandibular. Noventa crianças foram selecionadas e distribuídas em três grupos: GSN (Grau 1, sem necessidade de tratamento ortodôntico, 8,00 ± 0,43 anos de idade, n = 26), GPN (Grau 2, pequena necessidade de tratamento, 8,89 ± 0,43 anos de idade, n = 28) e GMN (Grau 3, moderada necessidade de tratamento ortodôntico, 8,44 ± 0,22 anos de idade, n = 36). A necessidade de tratamento ortodôntico foi classificada pelo Índice de Necessidade de Tratamento Ortodôntico - Componentes de Saúde Dental (IOTN-DHC). O desempenho mastigatório foi avaliado pelo integral da envoltória do sinal eletromiográfico durante os ciclos mastigatórios do músculo masseter, temporal, orbicular da boca (segmento direito e segmento esquerdo) e supra-hioideo na mastigação habitual com alimentos macios e consistentes. Foi utilizado o sistema Trigno EMG com eletrodos sem fio para captação e análise do sinal eletromiográfico (µV). O sistema T-Scan® III Occlusal Analysis foi utilizado para analisar o contato de forças oclusais (%) entre as hemiarcadas superior e inferior (lado direito e esquerdo). A amplitude (mm) de abertura normal e abertura máxima voluntária e movimentos bordejantes mandibulares (lateralidade direita, lateralidade esquerda e protrusão) foi mensurada com régua milimetrada. Os dados obtidos foram tabulados e submetidos à análise estatística (SPSS 22.0, ANOVA, teste post-hoc de Bonferroni, p ≤0,05). Verificou-se que GMN apresentou menor desempenho mastigatório e desequilíbrio de forças oclusais na maxila/mandíbula em relação GPN e GSN, sem diferença significativa, e maior amplitude de abertura da boca e movimentos excursivos mandibulares com diferença significativa na abertura normal (p=0,02). Portanto, crianças com moderada necessidade de tratamento ortodôntico apresentaram alterações funcionais no sistema estomatognático, em especial no desempenho mastigatório, força oclusal e mobilidade mandibular. / This research evaluated the stomatognathic system of healthy children with or without orthodontic treatment need through masticatory performance, occlusal strength and mandibular mobility. Ninety children were selected and distributed into three groups: GSN (Grade 1, no orthodontic treatment need, 8.00 ± 0.43 years old, n = 26), GPN (Grade 2, small orthodontic treatment need, 8.89 ± 0.43 years old, n = 28) and GMN (Grade 3, moderate orthodontic treatment need, 8.44 ± 0.22 years old, n = 36). The orthodontic treatment need was classified by the Orthodontic Treatment Need - Dental Health Components Index (IOTN-DHC). The masticatory performance was evaluated by the full linear envelope of the electromyographic signal during the masticatory cycles of masseter, temporal, mouth orbicularis (left and right segments) and suprahyoids muscles in the habitual chewing with soft and consistent foods. The Trigno EMG system was used with wireless electrodes to capture and analyze the electromyographic signal (µV). The T-Scan® III Occlusal Analysis system was used to analyze occlusal forces (%) between the upper and lower dental arch (right and left sides). The normal and maximum opening width (mm) and mandibular movements (right laterality, left laterality and protrusion) were measured with a millimeter ruler. Data were tabulated and submitted to statistical analysis (SPSS 22.0, ANOVA, Bonferroni post-hoc test, p≤0.05). It was verified that GMN presented lower masticatory performance and imbalance of the occlusal forces in maxila/ mandible to GPN and GSN, with no significant difference, and greater mouth opening amplitude and mandibular excursive movements, with significant difference, in normal opening mouth (p=0.02). Therefore, children with moderate orthodontic treatment need presented functional alterations in the stomatognathic system, especially in the masticatory performance, occlusal force and mandibular mobility.

Lifelong Rodent Model of Tardive Dyskinesia-Persistence After Antipsychotic Drug Withdrawal

Kostrzewa, Richard M., Brus, Ryszard 16 October 2015 (has links)
Tardive dyskinesia (TD), first appearing in humans after introduction of the phenothiazine class of antipsychotics in the 1950s, is now recognized as an abnormality resulting predominately by long-term block of dopamine (DA) D2 receptors (R). TD is thus reproduced in primates and rodents by chronic administration of D2-R antagonists. Through a series of studies predominately since the 1980s, it has been shown in rodent modeling of TD that when haloperidol or other D2-R antagonist is added to drinking water, rats develop spontaneous oral dyskinesias, vacuous chewing movements (VCMs), after ~3 months, and this TD is associated with an increase in the number of striatal D2-R. This TD persists for the duration of haloperidol administration and another ~2 months after haloperidol withdrawal. By neonatally lesioning dopaminergic nerves in brain in neonatal rats with 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), it has been found that TD develops sooner, at ~2 months, and also is accompanied by a much higher number of VCMs in these haloperidol-treated lesioned rats, and the TD persists lifelong after haloperidol withdrawal, but is not associated with an increased D2-R number in the haloperidol-withdrawn phase. TD apparently is related in part to supersensitization of both D1-R and serotoninergic 5-HT2-R, which is also a typical outcome of neonatal 6-OHDA (n6-OHDA) lesioning. Testing during the haloperidol-withdrawn phase in n6-OHDA rats displaying TD reveals that receptor agonists and antagonists of a host of neuronal phenotypic classes have virtually no effect on spontaneous VCM number, except for 5-HT2-R antagonists which acutely abate the incidence of VCMs in part. Extrapolating to human TD, it appears that (1)5-HT2-R supersensitization is the crucial alteration accounting for persistence of TD, (2) dopaminergic-perhaps age-related partial denervation-is a risk factor for the development of TD, and (3) 5-HT2-R antagonists have the therapeutic potential to alleviate TD, particularly if/when an antipsychotic D2-R blocker is withdrawn.

H<sub>3</sub> Receptor Agonist- and Antagonist-Evoked Vacuous Chewing Movements in 6-OHDA-Lesioned Rats Occurs in an Absence of Change in Microdialysate Dopamine Levels

Nowak, Przemysław, Dabrowska, Joanna, Bortel, Aleksandra, Biedka, Izabela, Szczerbak, Grazyna, Słomian, Grzegorz, Kostrzewa, Richard M., Brus, Ryszard 15 December 2006 (has links)
In rats lesioned neonatally with 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), repeated treatment with SKF 38393 (1-phenyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-(1H)-3-benzazepine-7,8-diol), a dopamine D1/D5 receptor agonist, produces robust stereotyped and locomotor activities. The gradual induction of dopamine D1 receptor supersensitivity is known as a priming phenomenon, and this process is thought to underlie not only the appearance of vacuous chewing movements in humans with tardive dyskinesia, but also the onset of motor dyskinesias in l-dihydroxyphenylalanine (l-DOPA)-treated Parkinson's disease patients. The object of the present study was to determine the possible influence of the histaminergic system on dopamine D1 agonist-induced activities. We found that neither imetit (5.0 mg/kg i.p.), a histamine H3 receptor agonist, nor thioperamide (5.0 mg/kg i.p.), a histamine H3 receptor antagonist/inverse agonist, altered the numbers of vacuous chewing movements in non-primed-lesioned rats. However, in dopamine D1 agonist-primed rats, thioperamide alone produced a vacuous chewing movements response (i.e., P < 0.05 vs SKF 38393, 1.0 mg/kg i.p.), but did not modify the SKF 38393 effect. Notably, both imetit and thioperamide-induced catalepsy in both non-primed and primed 6-OHDA-lesioned rats, comparable in magnitude to the effect of the dopamine D1/D5 receptor antagonist SCH 23390 (7-chloro-8-hydroxy-3-methyl-1-phenyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine; 0.5 mg/kg i.p.). Furthermore, in primed animals both imetit and thioperamide intensified SCH 23390-evoked catalepsy. In vivo microdialysis established that neither imetit nor thioperamide altered extraneuronal levels of dopamine and its metabolites in the striatum of 6-OHDA-lesioned rats. On the basis of the present study, we believe that histaminergic systems may augment dyskinesias induced by dopamine receptor agonists, independent of direct actions on dopaminergic neurons.

Is conventional sugar-free chewing gum effective in the management of orthodontic pain associated with fixed appliances? A randomised clinical trial comparing the pain-reducing effects of sugar-free chewing gum versus a placebo medicament

Govender, Yolin January 2020 (has links)
Magister Scientiae Dentium - MSc(Dent) / Background and aim: Managing orthodontic pain traditionally involves the prescription of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs combined with other analgesic medication. Sugar-free chewing gum has been advocated in the control of orthodontic pain due to its mechanical and physiological effects on periodontal tissue; however, the literature is scant. The ‘placebo effect’ that conventional sugar-free chewing gum may have in the relief of orthodontic pain has not been documented. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of conventional sugar-free chewing gum in reducing orthodontic pain associated with fixed appliances with a placebo (sugar-free sweets) medicament. Objectives: The objectives of the study were to determine if there were differences in pain reporting between the sugar-free chewing gum and the placebo, to ascertain whether gender influenced pain scores and to observe any differences in pain reporting between different orthodontic techniques.

Vliv sklonu okluzní roviny na funkční stav orofaciální oblasti. / Influence of the occlusal plane inclination on the functional condition of the orofacial region .

Yurchenko, Maksim January 2020 (has links)
The functioning of maxillofacial complex as a one unit is an important condition of fulfilling several functions connected with this area of human body. A maxillofacial region and other parts of the body are connected through occlusion, one of the basic characteristics of which is occlusal plane. According to the number of researchers, 3D orientation of occlusal plane, its shape and possible deformation can have an influence on other anatomic structures via a system of a complex neuromuscular reactions. This theory assumes that the adjustment of occlusal plane inclination causes redistribution and redirection of the chewing forces in the adjacent structures which will subsequently manifest itself in the adjustment of the tension of different muscles. Aim The aim of an experimental part of the research was to define the influence of occlusal plane inclination on the function of maxillofacial region with the focus of jaw joints and chewing muscles. The next goal was to determine the figures of sagittal and frontal inclination of occlusal plane which can be considered as physiological. Patients and Methods The research was based on the examination of 87 people of both genders, different age groups with a complete set of teeth and without chronic diseases. The participants were divided in two groups...

CAD/CAM Resin-Based Composites for Use in Long-Term Temporary Fixed Dental Prostheses

Hensel, Franziska, Koenig, Andreas, Doerfler, Hans-Martin, Fuchs, Florian, Rosentritt, Martin, Hahnel, Sebastian 08 May 2023 (has links)
The aim of this in vitro study was to analyse the performance of CAD/CAM resin-based composites for the fabrication of long-term temporary fixed dental prostheses (FDP) and to compare it to other commercially available alternative materials regarding its long-term stability. Four CAD/CAM materials [Structur CAD (SC), VITA CAD-Temp (CT), Grandio disc (GD), and Lava Esthetic (LE)] and two direct RBCs [(Structur 3 (S3) and LuxaCrown (LC)] were used to fabricate three-unit FDPs. 10/20 FDPs were subjected to thermal cycling and mechanical loading by chewing simulation and 10/20 FDPs were stored in distilled water. Two FDPs of each material were forwarded to additional image diagnostics prior and after chewing simulation. Fracture loads were measured and data were statistically analysed. SC is suitable for use as a long-term temporary (two years) three-unit FDP. In comparison to CT, SC featured significantly higher breaking forces (SC > 800 N; CT < 600 N) and the surface wear of the antagonists was (significantly) lower and the abrasion of the FDP was similar. The high breaking forces (1100–1327 N) of GD and the small difference compared to LE regarding flexural strength showed that the material might be used for the fabrication of three-unit FDPs. With the exception of S3, all analysed direct or indirect materials are suitable for the fabrication of temporary FDPs.

Breastfeeding and introduction of other foods : A prospective longitudinal study in Sweden

Hörnell, Agneta January 2000 (has links)
<p>This study, based on daily recordings of infant feeding, comprised 506 infants from Uppsala, Sweden. All mothers had had previous breastfeeding experience of at least 4 months, and were planning to breastfeed the index child for ≥6 months.</p><p>Among exclusively breastfed infants there were wide variations in breastfeeding frequency and suckling duration per 24 hours both between infants and in the individual infant over time in the first 6 months. Most infants had an average of 1.0-2.9 feeds per night. Infants using a pacifier had fewer feeds and a shorter total suckling duration per 24 hours, and stopped breastfeeding earlier than infants not using a pacifier. These associations were not found for thumb sucking.</p><p>Accustoming the infants to solids was a lengthy process, the longer the younger the infant at introduction, and was associated with small changes in pattern and duration of breastfeeding. In contrast, formula was usually given in large amounts from the beginning, and when formula was given regularly the daily breastfeeding frequency and suckling duration declined swiftly. The younger an infant at the start of regular formula feeds, the shorter the breastfeeding duration. Occasional formula feeds did not affect the breastfeeding duration.</p><p>It is important for health personnel and parents to keep in mind that exclusively breastfed infants are not a homogeneous group, but rather members of distinct 'breastfeeding entities'. Moreover, if the aim is to introduce other foods 'under the protection of breast milk' it is important to realise that formula is also 'another food' and needs to be treated as such.</p>

Breastfeeding and introduction of other foods : A prospective longitudinal study in Sweden

Hörnell, Agneta January 2000 (has links)
This study, based on daily recordings of infant feeding, comprised 506 infants from Uppsala, Sweden. All mothers had had previous breastfeeding experience of at least 4 months, and were planning to breastfeed the index child for ≥6 months. Among exclusively breastfed infants there were wide variations in breastfeeding frequency and suckling duration per 24 hours both between infants and in the individual infant over time in the first 6 months. Most infants had an average of 1.0-2.9 feeds per night. Infants using a pacifier had fewer feeds and a shorter total suckling duration per 24 hours, and stopped breastfeeding earlier than infants not using a pacifier. These associations were not found for thumb sucking. Accustoming the infants to solids was a lengthy process, the longer the younger the infant at introduction, and was associated with small changes in pattern and duration of breastfeeding. In contrast, formula was usually given in large amounts from the beginning, and when formula was given regularly the daily breastfeeding frequency and suckling duration declined swiftly. The younger an infant at the start of regular formula feeds, the shorter the breastfeeding duration. Occasional formula feeds did not affect the breastfeeding duration. It is important for health personnel and parents to keep in mind that exclusively breastfed infants are not a homogeneous group, but rather members of distinct 'breastfeeding entities'. Moreover, if the aim is to introduce other foods 'under the protection of breast milk' it is important to realise that formula is also 'another food' and needs to be treated as such.

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