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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Brown, Catherine 14 May 2012 (has links)
This population-based retrospective cohort study describes breastfeeding patterns and identifies the determinants of longer exclusive breastfeeding among 4,533 mother-infants pairs in two regions of Nova Scotia, Canada between 2006 and 2009. Multivariate logistic and proportional hazard regression analyses were used to model breastfeeding practices. While 64.1% (95% CI=62.7-65.5) of mothers initiated breastfeeding, only 10.4% (9.5-11.4) of mothers exclusively breastfed for the recommended six months; 21% (19.7-22.3) of mothers continued to breastfeed at six months, but not exclusively. Six risk factors are independently associated with poorer breastfeeding practices: lower maternal education, no partner, higher pre-pregnancy body mass index, smoking during pregnancy, no breast contact between dyads within one hour of birth, and no intention of breastfeeding. Rates of exclusive breastfeeding remain lower in these districts than elsewhere in Canada. Understanding determinants of longer exclusive breastfeeding is critical to assist policy makers and health care providers in better supporting mothers and newborns.

The Process Young Mothers in New Mexico Undergo to Achieve the Healthy People 2020 Objective of Exclusive Breastfeeding for Three Months

Poole, Sasha N., Poole, Sasha N. January 2016 (has links)
Breastfeeding is an important and relatively affordable health promotion and disease prevention activity with positive health outcomes for both the women who breastfeed and the infants who receive human milk as their first source of nutrition. As these benefits are dose dependent, the duration of breastfeeding and exclusivity of breastfeeding are important in the development of these protective effects. The purpose of this study is to understand the process younger mothers, ages 18 to 24 years, undergo to be able to sustain breastfeeding for longer than most women their age breastfeed. Ten women, ages 21 to 24 years, participated in individual, in-depth interviews in this grounded theory study. Following the iterative process of data collection and analysis, focus of the interviews changed as the data analysis guided the data collection process. Data underwent open, focused, axial, and theoretical/selective coding. The analysis process resulted in the development of a middle-range, descriptive theory grounded in the data. Prolonged Breastfeeding Through Fierce Determination succinctly explains the central phenomenon, fierce determination, and the relationship it shares with the other concepts identified as important contributing factors as the women moved through their breastfeeding journeys. Facing and Deciding to Overcome Obstacles, influenced most heavily by fierce determination, exerted its influence upon the outcome of the theory, "Trucking Along", an in vivo code provided by Participant 10, which captured her ongoing breastfeeding even in the face of obstacles. Normalized Infant Feeding Method contributed to the participants' fierce determination. Availability of Support positively impacted the participants' ability to face and overcome their breastfeeding obstacles. Personal Agency had a reciprocal relationship with fierce determination and, like availability of support, also positively impacted their ability to face and overcome obstacles. The concepts within the theory were found to be congruent with a focused review of the literature around long-term goal achievement, healthful behavior adaptation, and breastfeeding. This study contributed to the breastfeeding literature, providing insight into how young mothers engage in prolonged breastfeeding.

Förstagångsmammor, Amning och deras upplevelse av Amningsstöd / Primiparous women, Breastfeeding and Breastfeeding Support

Cedermark, Ulrika January 2013 (has links)
Rekommendationerna är att spädbarn helammas i sex månader utan tillskott av annan föda. Trots att hälsoeffekterna för både mor och barn är välkända, har amningsprevalensen sjunkit i Sverige de sista åren. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om förstagångsmammor ammade så länge de tänkt sig, vilka orsaker som bidrog till att de slutade helamma respektive delamma och hur deras upplevelse av amningsstöd varit med speciellt fokus på barnhälsovården (BHV). En enkät skickades till 65 förstagångsmammor, vilket resulterade i 35 svar. Resultatet visade att knappt hälften av de mammor som svarade på enkäten hade avslutat sin amning tidigare än vad de tänkt sig. Hälften av de mammor som hade velat amma längre hade uppgett orsaker som kunde relateras till brist på stöd.  Resultatet visade även att många mammor söker stöd från det egna sociala nätverket och att stöd från mödrahälsovården (MHV) och förlossning/BB är viktigt för hur amningsstarten blir. BHV:s stöd är betydelsefullt när amningen ska etableras och upprätthållas vilket påverkar amningstidens längd. Det finns ett behov av fortsatt utbildning för vårdpersonal och amningsstödjare, gällande betydelsen av amning och bröstmjölk för att ge efterfrågat stöd till mammor som vill amma sina barn. / The health benefits of breastfeeding are well documented and guidelines for infant feeding have supported exclusive breastfeeding during the first 6 months. The breastfeeding prevalence has decreased in Sweden during the last ten years. The aim with this study was to find out if primaparous mothers could breastfeed as long as they had planned to do, reasons for stopping breastfeeding and how the mothers had perceived breastfeeding support, especially the support from the child health care. A questionnaire was sent out to 65 primiparous women and 35 mothers participated in the study. Almost half of the mothers had stopped breastfeeding earlier than they wanted to do. The result showed that many mothers looked for support in their own social network. The support from antenatal care, delivery and maternity ward, child health care was important in initiating breastfeeding as well as to maintain breastfeeding. There is a need of more education in breastfeeding and breast milk to health professionals and breastfeeding supporters to be able to support those mothers who want to breastfeed their babies.

En interventionsstudies påverkan på self-efficacy hos ammande förstföderskor.

Sebraoui, Samy, Starke, Veronica January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kvinnor rekommenderas av Världshälsoorganisationen att amma exklusivt i sex månader och delvis i två år eller längre. Studier visar att amning har hälsofrämjande effekter på både modern och barnet. Trots detta är amningsförekomsten en sjunkande trend i Sverige. Råd och stöd av sjuksköterskor har betydelse för amningsförekomsten. Studier visar att mödrar som har hög self-efficacy till sin förmåga att amma, ammar i högre utsträckning. Syfte: Att undersöka om en intervention i form av evidensbaserad amningsinformation kan öka mödrars self-efficacy kring amning samt om förekomsten av exklusiv amning ökade när barnet var fyra veckor gammalt. Metod: Studien genomfördes med kvantitativ ansats och var baserad på en kvasiexperimentell före- och efter design med en kontrollgrupp (n=23) och en interventionsgrupp (n=27). Ett konsekutivt urval användes för att rekrytera förstföderskor. Interventionen bestod av en evidensbaserad amningsbroschyr samt strukturerad muntlig information med hjälp av ett blädderblock som gavs på BB. Mätning av self-efficacy genomfördes med hjälp av Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Score-Short Form på BB samt när barnet var fyra veckor gammalt. Resultat: De mödrar som ammade exklusivt när barnet var fyra veckor gammalt hade högre self-efficacy till skillnad från de mödrar som ammade delvis. Skattningen av self-efficacy ökade inom båda grupperna från första till andra mättillfället. Interventionsgruppen skattade sig ha högre self-efficacy än mödrar i kontrollgruppen. Slutsats: Att mäta self-efficacy på BB kan indikera hur amningsförekomsten kommer att föreligga. Interventionen påverkade mödrarnas self-efficacy och förekomsten av exklusiv amning när barnet var fyra veckor. / Background: Women are recommended by the World Health Organization to breastfeed exclusively for six months and partially for two years or beyond. Studies show that breastfeeding has health benefits for both mother and infant. Despite this, the breastfeeding prevalence is declining in Sweden. Advice and support from nurses are important for the breastfeeding prevalence. Studies show that having high self-efficacy in relation to breastfeeding is associated with high prevalence of breastfeeding. Aim: To investigate whether an intervention in the form of evidence-based breastfeeding information can increase maternal self-efficacy in relation to breastfeeding and whether this increased the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding when the infant was four weeks old. Method: The study was conducted with a quantitative approach and was based on a quasiexperimental before-and-after design with a control group (n=23) and an intervention group (n=27). A consecutive sample was used for the recruitment of mothers, all primiparous. The intervention consisted of an evidence-based breastfeeding brochure and structured verbal information using a flipchart that was given at the postnatal ward. Maternal breastfeeding self-efficacy was measured at the postnatal ward on BB and when the infant was four weeks old using the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Score-Short From. Result: Mothers who breastfed exclusively when the baby was four weeks old had higher selfefficacy compared to mothers who breastfed partially. Self-efficacy increased in both groups from the first to the second measurement. The intervention group had higher breastfeeding self-efficacy than mothers in the control group. Conclusion: Measuring maternal breastfeeding of self-efficacy at the postnatal ward can indicate future breastfeeding prevalence. The intervention had an impact on mothers' breastfeeding self-efficacy and the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding when the baby was four weeks old.

Amningsduration i relation till amningsstart hos förstföderskor : En kvantitativ longitudinell studie

Fahlbeck, Hanna, Hallgren, Nina January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hälsofördelarna med amning är välkända, och sedan 1992 försöker svenska sjukhus arbeta efter internationella amningsrekommendationer. Trots detta framkommer brister i vården och amningsstatistiken i Sverige sjunker. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka amningsdurationen hos förstföderskor, om den kunde associeras med vården de fått i samband med barnets födelse och första levnadsdygn, samt med mammornas skattning av amningsstöd vid amningsstart. Metod: Designen var en longitudinell kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie och urvalet var icke slumpmässigt konsekutivt. I samband med utskrivning från BB, tillfrågades 63 mammor om att delta i en enkätstudie med frågor gällande vården de fått i relation till amning och 52 mammor besvarade enkäten. Efter nio till tolv månader blev de uppringda för en kortare uppföljning och 50 mammor valde att delta. Resultat: Medianen för durationen av exklusiv amning var tre månader och tre veckor och medianen för durationen av partiell amning var åtta månader. Amningsstödet på BB skattades högre vid det första mättillfället, men det påvisades inte ha något samband med amningsdurationen. Faktorer i vården såsom; hudnära vård, amning inom två timmar eller handgriplig amningshjälp, bidrog inte till någon skillnad i amningsduration. Däremot påverkades amningsdurationen negativt hos de barn som fått tillmatning på BB, med en kortare exklusiv amningsduration som följd, och de som fötts med kejsarsnitt, med kortare amningsduration såväl exklusivt som partiellt. Slutsats: Medianen för durationen av exklusiv amning var tre månader och tre veckor och medianen för durationen av partiell amning var åtta månader.  Faktorer i vården som inverkade negativt på amningsdurationen var tillmatning på BB samt att barnet fötts med kejsarsnitt. Däremot fanns ingen association mellan amningsduration och amningsstöd, hudnära vård, amning inom två timmar eller handgriplig hjälp. / Background: The health benefits of breastfeeding are well known and since 1992, Swedish hospitals aim to provide care according to international guidelines of breastfeeding support. Despite this, there are inadequacies in the care provided, and the frequency of breastfeeding in Sweden is statistically decreasing. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the duration of breastfeeding among primiparas, if the duration was associated with the provided care and with how the mothers valued the help and support they received at the initiation of breastfeeding. Method: A quantitative longitudinal with consecutive sample was conducted. At discharge from hospital, 63 mothers were asked if they wanted to participate in a survey about breastfeeding and the related care, and 52 mothers filled in the questionnaire. After nine to twelve months the participants were contacted by phone for a short follow-up, and 50 mothers chose to participate. Results: The median duration of exclusive breastfeeding was three months and three weeks and the median duration of partial breastfeeding was eight months. The evaluation of the breastfeeding support was higher at the first data collection but did not appear to correlate with the duration of breastfeeding. Of the investigated factors; skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth, breastfeeding within two hours after birth and hands-on support, none of them led to differences in breastfeeding duration. Breastfeeding duration was adversely affected if the infant was given formula at the maternity ward and if the infant was born by Caesarean section. Feeding by infant formula led to a shorter duration of exclusive breastfeeding and birth by Caesarean section led to a shorter duration of both exclusive and partial breastfeeding. Conclusion: The median duration of exclusive breastfeeding was three months and three weeks and the median duration of partial breastfeeding was eight months. The infant being given formula at the maternity ward, and being born by Caesarean section were factors that adversely affected the duration of breastfeeding. However, there was no association between breastfeeding duration and; perceived breastfeeding support, skin-to-skin-care, breastfeeding within two hours or hands-on support.

Factors that influence breastfeeding initiation and duration in urban, suburban and rural areas of Zhejiang Province, Peoples Republic of China

Qiu, Liqian January 2008 (has links)
Introduction: Breast milk is the best way to feed all infants. It results in better nutrition for the infant and to reduced rates of chronic disease later in childhood and adulthood. Breastfed babies have lower rates of infectious diseases and will not be exposed to contaminated infant formula, such as the recent experience with melamine in China. The WHO Expert Consultation on Infant Feeding recommended exclusive breastfeeding for six months, with the introduction of complementary foods and continued breastfeeding thereafter. It was also recommended by the WHO that breastfeeding continue beyond six months for up to two years and beyond. Breastmilk can provide the majority of nutrients for the first 12 months of life. Complementary foods were given in the second half year gradually. / However with the rapid economic development, the traditional home based obstetric system in China has changed. Following the change in women’s living styles, traditional infant feeding perceptions and practices have changed. Women now have high rates of returning to work after delivering a baby, especially in the urban areas, and more infants are being given infant formula and other substitutes for breastfeeding. Zhejiang Province is the one of fastest developing economic regions located in the mid Eastern coast of China. The breastfeeding rate has dropped rapidly since the 1970’s. This has significant implications for the child health in this region. A longitudinal study of breastfeeding was needed to provide the data necessary to implement a comprehensive health promotion program. Efforts are needed to promote breastfeeding, which should be one of the highest health promotion priorities. / The aim of this study was to document the prevalence and duration of breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding in city, suburban and rural areas in Zhejiang Province; analyze the factors determining the initiation and the duration of breastfeeding; document mothers’ knowledge about the benefits of breastfeeding; identify the prevalence of problems associated with breastfeeding and constraints to exclusive breastfeeding up to six months of life; document the prevalence of prelacteal feeds and finally to describe differences in breastfeeding between city, suburb and rural area. / Method: In order to achieve these objectives a longitudinal cohort study was undertaken of infant feeding practices in three locations in Zhejiang Province which represent city and suburban and rural areas. Mothers who delivered babies during 2004 and 2005 were randomly selected from the obstetric wards while in hospital and invited to voluntarily participate in the study. The mothers were interviewed in hospital and after discharge, were contacted by telephone three more times at 1, 3 and 6 months. The few mothers who could not be reached by telephone were interviewed during the scheduled routine immunisation clinics at their local MCH clinic. On each of these follow up occasions they were interviewed using a structured questionnaire to obtain details of infant feeding practices. A total of 1520 mothers were recruited in 4 hospitals located in city, suburb and rural areas. Almost all mothers (98%) agreed to participate. All data analyses were carried out using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS), release 14.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Descriptive techniques and survival analysis were used to document breastfeeding rates and duration. Cox regression analysis was undertaken to explore factors affecting breastfeeding. / Results: Of the total 1520 mothers were recruited into the study, 628 were from the city, 347 from the suburb and 535 from the rural area. Breastfeeding initiation rates were high in all three locations. Initially more than 95% of the mothers began breastfeeding, but only 50.3% babies averagely in three locations were being exclusively breastfed at discharge. The number of infants being exclusively breastfed prior to discharge was relatively low. Exclusive breastfeeding before discharge was positively related to delivery method, the first feed given to the baby, mother’s place of residence, mother’s age, mothers’ education level and family income. / ‘Any breastfeeding’ rates at discharge and at 1, 3 and 6 months were 96.9%, 96.0%, 89.7% and 76.7% respectively. ‘Exclusive breastfeeding’ rates at discharge, and at 1, 3, 6 months were 50.3%, 55.1%, 45.8% and 3.9% respectively. The average duration of ‘exclusive breastfeeding’ was 44.7 days (95% CI, 41.6-47.9). / Overall about half of mothers gave the babies prelacteal feeds before commencing breastfeeding. This situation was more common in city, compared with the suburban and rural mothers. The prelacteal feeding rates were 62.0%, 36.6% and 39.0% in city, suburb and rural area respectively. / The breastfeeding rates differed by location between the city, suburb and rural areas. ‘Any breastfeeding’ rates in the city, suburb and rural area at discharge were 96.5 %, 96.8 % and 97.4 % respectively, the ‘exclusive breastfeeding’ rates in city, suburb and rural area at discharge were 38.0%, 63.4 % and 61.0 % respectively. The rates of exclusive breastfeeding at six months were only 0.2%, 0.5 % and 7.2 % respectively, well below the Chinese and WHO targets. / The risk factors related to cessation of ‘any breastfeeding’ were ‘mother’s age’, ‘the time the decision to breastfeed was made’, ‘whether the infant was admitted to special care nursery’, ‘mother’s return to work within 6 months’, ‘the early feeding of water and /or other complementary foods, and location of mother’s usual residence. Factors negatively associated with ‘exclusive breastfeeding’ duration were early return to work and to place of residence, with the mothers living in the rural area exclusively breastfeeding for longer. / Delivery method was an important influence on breastfeeding. In this study the highest caesarean section rate was in the city (76%), with a similar rate in the suburbs (74%) and the lowest in the rural area (53%). Mothers who had a caesarean section were less likely to be exclusively breastfeeding on discharge (35.8% in city, 59.6% in the suburbs) compared to vaginal delivery where the rates were 45% and 74.4% respectively. The adjusted odds ratio for exclusive breastfeeding in caesarean section deliveries in the city and suburban mothers was 0.64 (95% CI 0.46, 0.88). / Conclusion: The study has descried the initiation and duration of breastfeeding (to six months) of babies in the different areas of Zhejiang Province. Separate information is provided on the prevalence of ‘any breastfeeding’ and ‘exclusive breastfeeding'. The factors that are associated with the initiation and duration of breastfeeding in Zhejiang Province are documented. Health promotion programs are needed to change some traditional inappropriate breastfeeding perceptions and to promote ‘exclusive breastfeeding’ in the first six months of life in Zhejiang. Education should be given and regulations should be introduced restricting hospital staff from recommending prelacteal and supplementary feeds unless warranted for medical reasons. The research also shows that there would be a benefit to breastfeeding if delivery and lactation leave were extended to six months and if the incidence of caesarean section could be reduced to levels more consistent with WHO expected levels.

The Role of Stress and Discrimination on Exclusive Breastfeeding Duration

Dugat, Vickie Mitchell January 2022 (has links)
No description available.


HATAMLEH, WAJED January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Experiences of Racism and Breastfeeding Initiation and Duration Among First-Time Mothers of the Black Women’s Health Study: A Dissertation

Griswold, Michele K. 27 April 2017 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Breastfeeding and lactation are cited as sensitive periods in the life course that contribute to the accumulation of risks or opportunities ultimately shaping vulnerability or resilience later in life. As such, breastfeeding and lactation are critical components of health equity. Despite this, Black women in the U.S. initiate and continue to breastfeed at lower rates than White women and other groups. Underlying reasons for racial inequities in breastfeeding rates are poorly understood. Exposure to racism, one manifestation of historical oppression in the U.S. has been cited as a determinant of poor health outcomes for decades but has not been extensively described in the context of breastfeeding. AIMS: To investigate the association between experiences of racism and 1.) breastfeeding initiation 2.) breastfeeding duration 3.) and the association between selected life-course factors and breastfeeding initiation and duration among participants of the Black Women’s Health Study. METHODS: This study was a prospective secondary analysis of the Black Women’s Health Study. The sample included all participants who enrolled in 1995, responded to the racism assessment in 1997 and reported the birth of a first child following the racism assessment resulting in an N=2, 995 for the initiation outcome and N= 2,392 for the duration outcome. In addition to the racism assessment, we also included life-course factors (nativity, neighborhood segregation and social mobility). For each aim, we calculated odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals using binomial and multinomial logistic regression using two models. The first adjusted for age, the second adjusted for age, BMI, education, marital status, geographic region, neighborhood SES and occupation. RESULTS: Associations between daily and institutional summary racism variables and breastfeeding initiation and duration were small and not statistically significant. Experiences of racism in the job setting was associated with lower odds of breastfeeding duration at 3-5 months compared with 3 months 95% CI [0.60, 0.98]. Experiences of racism with the police was associated with higher odds of breastfeeding initiation and duration at 3-5 months [1.01, 1.77] and at 6 months [1.10, 1.82] compared with women who did not report this experience. The participant’s nativity and the nativity of her parents were life-course factors that predicted lower odds of breastfeeding initiation and duration. Neighborhood segregation did not reach statistical significance after adjusting for covariates but results trended toward lower odds of breastfeeding initiation and duration for women who reported living in a predominately Black neighborhood (compared with White) up to age 18 and for women who reported living in a predominately Black neighborhood in 1999. CONCLUSION: Experiences of institutional racism in the job setting was associated with lower odds of breastfeeding duration. In addition to explicit experiences of racism, this study provides preliminary evidence surrounding life-course factors and breastfeeding. Individual level interventions may mitigate harmful effects of racism but structural level interventions are critical to close the gap of racial inequity in breastfeeding rates in the U.S.

Breastfeeding and introduction of other foods : A prospective longitudinal study in Sweden

Hörnell, Agneta January 2000 (has links)
<p>This study, based on daily recordings of infant feeding, comprised 506 infants from Uppsala, Sweden. All mothers had had previous breastfeeding experience of at least 4 months, and were planning to breastfeed the index child for ≥6 months.</p><p>Among exclusively breastfed infants there were wide variations in breastfeeding frequency and suckling duration per 24 hours both between infants and in the individual infant over time in the first 6 months. Most infants had an average of 1.0-2.9 feeds per night. Infants using a pacifier had fewer feeds and a shorter total suckling duration per 24 hours, and stopped breastfeeding earlier than infants not using a pacifier. These associations were not found for thumb sucking.</p><p>Accustoming the infants to solids was a lengthy process, the longer the younger the infant at introduction, and was associated with small changes in pattern and duration of breastfeeding. In contrast, formula was usually given in large amounts from the beginning, and when formula was given regularly the daily breastfeeding frequency and suckling duration declined swiftly. The younger an infant at the start of regular formula feeds, the shorter the breastfeeding duration. Occasional formula feeds did not affect the breastfeeding duration.</p><p>It is important for health personnel and parents to keep in mind that exclusively breastfed infants are not a homogeneous group, but rather members of distinct 'breastfeeding entities'. Moreover, if the aim is to introduce other foods 'under the protection of breast milk' it is important to realise that formula is also 'another food' and needs to be treated as such.</p>

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