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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att skapa läroplan för de yngsta barnen i förskolan : barns perspektiv och nuets didaktik / Creating curriculum for the youngest children in preschool : children’s perspectives and didactics of the present moment

Jonsson, Agneta January 2013 (has links)
This thesis takes as one point of departure the concept of the expanded curriculum where curricula encompass both the formal steering documents, as well as that which goes on within the framework of preschool education and through the actors in preschools. The overarching purpose is therefore to generate knowledge about what conditions for learning the work of teachers make possible when curricula are created in preschool settings for children aged between 1 and 3. The purpose is also to contribute with knowledge about what these created curricula would mean for children’s agency, and the importance they can have for children’s opportunities for learning and development. The three empirical studies consist of digitally recorded interviews with teachers and video observations with a focus on teachers’ communication with children in preschool. The discussion in the overarching text is constructed around three aspects that emerge in the overall results of the studies. First, the studies reveal how teachers’ work can be likened to a limiting curriculum which, on the one hand, is entirely child-centered, with the children as seen actors, but, on the other, can be interpreted as entirely teacher-centered. Secondly, there is the discussion about the affirmative curriculum, where children are presented as affirmed actors. In other words, content becomes those things that children are interested in, and their modes of expression are seen, affirmed and often repeated. Finally there is the discussion about the possibilities and dilemmas related to an expanding curriculum where children are regarded and treated as real actors in the sense that their intentions and expressions are taken seriously as relevant challenges. The current curriculum text for Swedish preschool can, in this sense, be seen as an obstacle in that its formulations are extremely broad-based, as discussed related to the results of this thesis.

En kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare beaktar barnperspektivet i handläggning av försörjningsstöd / A qualitative study of how social workers take into account the child's perspective in the administration of welfare benefits

Osman, Basma January 2016 (has links)
According to research children in families that obtain social welfare are exposed to problems with their health and development. The aim of this study is to explore social workers way of working with child perspective in their everyday work with families and social welfare. It also aims to explore the social workers discretion and if it affects their work on child perspective. This study used a qualitative methodology and used semi-structured interviews to collect data. The data was later analysed through content analysis. Four themes emerged from the data analysis; definition of the child perspective, lack of time, financial framework, unclear frameworks and laws. The social workers experienced that lack of time has a negative effect on their possibility to document the child perspective in their work. The social workers expressed that they have possibilities through their discretion to influence the work situation, which has a positive effect on the work.  The study concludes that social workers want to work with child perspective but need more resources and time to do so. / Enligt forskning utsätts barn i familjer som uppbär långvarigt försörjningsstöd för mer problem med sin hälsa och utveckling i jämförelse med barn som lever i självförsörjande familjer. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur socialsekreterare arbetar med barnperspektivet i det dagliga arbetet med barnfamiljer inom ekonomiskt bistånd och hur socialsekreterarna förhåller sig till handlingsutrymmet som förekommer på deras arbetsplats. I denna studie använde jag mig av en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med semistrukturerade intervjuer där jag intervjuade fyra socialsekreterare för att samla in data. För att göra min analys har jag använt mig av Michael Lipskys gräsrotsbyråkrati teori. Resultatet har senare analyserats med en innehållsanalys. I innehållsanalysen framkom fyra teman; Definition av barnperspektivet, tidsbrist, budgetramar och oklarheter i lagar och riktlinjer. Resultatet av studien visade att socialsekreterarna har olika definitioner av vad ett barnperspektiv är och att de upplever tidsbrist. Tidsbristen resulterar i att tiden för dokumentation av barnperspektivet minskar. Det framkom även att socialsekreterarna anser att de delvis har ett stort handlingsutrymme när det gäller att fatta beslut gällande specifika ärenden. Studien drar slutsatsen att socialarbetarna anser att barnperspektivet är viktigt samt att de vill arbeta med det. Dock behöver socialarbetarna mer resurser och tid.

"Jag ser och lyssnar på barnen" : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogens uppfattningar om barns inflytande på förskolan

Kapera, Sylwia January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this scientific study is to investigate how educators interpret their democratic mission to work with the children's influence on activities they do at the preschool. The study also aims to contribute to an increased knowledge about how educators can work with children's influence at preschool. The study asks two questions: What does influence mean according to teachers? and How does the teacher create opportunities for pupils to have an influence in the activities they do at pre-school? A qualitative research method is used with a phenomenological research effort. The theoretical framework for the essay is based on five concepts: influence, child perspective, listening and communication proximal development. The results show that, according to educators, influence means for educators that the children have the opportunity to do what they want and what they are interested in. The results also shows that educators create opportunities for children to have influence by responding to them as individuals whose opinions and thoughts are taken seriously. The children may speak, be listened to and regarded as competent individuals. The children themselves can choose activities in the classroom and they take their own initiative. Teachers talks with the children and gives them space to express their thoughts and opinions.

Images of writing and the writing child

Hermansson, Carina January 2011 (has links)
This article uses a discursive lens to illuminate how writing and the writing child is constructed in different texts since the nineteenth century. The concept ‘image’ is used as an analytical tool to gain perspective on dominant ideas about children as writers and their educational writing practices. These images are produced in educational practices, theories of writing, societal conceptions and didactic models, which together are referred to as a formation. The article ends by reflecting upon what consequences may be seen if taking a critical child perspective. The article provides an analysis against which writing teachers, teacher educators and researchers can gain a perspective on dominant ideas about young writers and their educational writing practices.

"Det adopterade barnet" : Konstruktionen av adoptivbarn i barnlitteratur / "The Adopted Child" : The Construction of Adoptees in Children's Literature

Klampaiboon, Chalisa January 2013 (has links)
With the increasing number of adoptees in Sweden, so has the amount of literature regarding different aspects of adoption. The aim of this study is to explore the construction of adoptees in children's literature. It takes on a social constructionism view, by regarding language as a narrative tool in which human beings construct versions of different phenomenon. By exploring the different discourses in the data within the context adoption, we can identify different versions of "the adopted child" and their needs as it is constructed in the literature. Also, by putting them in a bigger context, we are allowed to see the social structures and the discursive conditions that allow a certain child perspective of "the adopted child" to take place. Therefore, this study also explores aspects and discourses within the context adoption such as ethnicity, race and adoptees relations to the past.

Understanding Childhood- Everyday Life and Welfare System, from the point of view of Childcare Workers in Finland.

Chaulagai, Som January 2015 (has links)
This study carried out in one children’s home in Finland. This study aims to understand how the caregivers collectively perceive their work to secure and construct the childhood of the children living in the children’s home. Furthermore, the study mainly includes caregiver’s perceptions and practices of upbringing of children in the children’s home, which have been thoroughly analysed in the study. The study follows carefully designed two qualitative research methods: focus group interview and text for data collection. The data comprise one focus group interview of seven child care workers that includes five discussion questions about children’s home, listening to the children, importance of rules, regulations and daily routines, children’s future and difficulties in the work. References have been given to the ‘text’, i.e. institution’s policy documents- rules and regulations and the Finnish Child Welfare Act for the analysis of the data. However, the study does not include the analysis of the ‘text’ itself. Moreover, thematic analysis is used for data analysis. The study highlights that understanding childhood comprise the process of trust building between children and care workers- allowing children’s voice, agency, independence and protection respecting the child rights, personal integrity with the provision of safe home, trustable adults and permanent routines and individual child care plan. In addition, the same body ‘caregiver’ who, at the same time, allows child autonomy, agency and independence, also regulates the children’s everyday life, controls children and creates limitation, bridge trust and protect them from developing deviancy and asocial behaviours. Such process gives special consideration to the children’s psychological as well as physical incompetency such as age, immaturity and the vulnerable past in the children’s home that partly creates dilemmas/conflicts in delivering full agency to the children as mentioned in the legal frame work. The study reveals that building trust takes place through interaction between children and care workers and is a long-term process that backs up bringing corrective experiences in children. Listening to the children means helping and teaching them to recognise own feelings, emotions and stand independent and strong for oneself in the future. Likewise, respect to the child rights and organising everyday life delivers protection and safety net to the children. The study reveals, despites various difficulties at work, such as changing welfare act, complicated bureaucracy, unlimited parental rights and surprising legal interference, the child workers have the professional as well as moral obligations to protect children and provide them a safe and intact growing environment. Finally, the study reveals that future of the children is based on the personal choices they make in future and only a few of them will have relatively better life than others. However, all of the children are always under potential risk of post-traumatic collapses.   Keywords: childhood, child perspective, agency, children’s voice, building trust.

Hur svensk grundskola hanterar Coronapandemin : Betraktat ur barns perspektiv kontra barnperspektivet / How Swedish primary school handles the Corona pandemic : Viewed from a children's perspective and child perspective

Zenuni, Mimoza January 2021 (has links)
This master's thesis is about how the primary school handles the Corona pandemic in school situations in Sweden, viewed from a children's perspective and child perspective. The empirical data is composed of observations and fifteen semi-structured interviews, with eight students and seven educators. Concepts that form the basis of the study are: being and becoming, children's perspective and the child perspective, children's participation, trust, risk and danger. Previous research shows that children have the right to participate in decisions that affect them. Some researchers advocate for children's right to participate in decision making, while others are critical of the claim. Whether children can participate in decision-making or not, is decisive for which perspectives are practiced, the children's perspective or the child perspective. The results show that children can participate in decision-making on smaller issues, such as when changing hand soap. Moreover, in larger issues, it is adults who make decisions based on what they consider to be children's best interests.

Att ha ett barnperspektiv på en kvinnojour

Starke, Sofie January 2011 (has links)
Ambitionen i denna studie är att synliggöra hur en lokal kvinnojour i Malmö arbetar med ett barnperspektiv samt vilka faktorer som kan ha försvårat respektive främjat implementeringen av det. Detta då kvinnojouren under tre år haft ett barnprojekt, vilket syftat till att implementera ett barnperspektiv i jourens verksamhet. Denna kvalitativa studie är inspirerad av processutvärdering som metod och baseras på intervjuer med socialsekreterare, anställda på jouren och en representant från Rädda Barnen. För att analysera hur de arbetar med ett barnperspektiv har jag utgått från delaktighetsperspektivet och omsorgsperspektivet, båda centrala begrepp i Barnkonventionen. För att analysera vilka faktorer som kan ha främjat respektive försvårat implementeringen av ett barnperspektiv har jag bland annat utgått från organisations- och implementeringsteorier. Det framkommer i studien att kvinnojouren idag arbetar utifrån ett barnperspektiv, men i vilken utsträckning är med utgångspunkt i empirin inte möjligt att precisera. Att det finns flera faktorer som kan ha både främjat och försvårat implementeringen är tydligt. Bland annat var de anställdas vilja en främjande implementeringsfaktor, medan avsaknaden av krav på ett barnperspektiv från socialsekreterarna troligen har påverkat implementeringen negativt. / The ambition of this study is to shed light on how a women’s shelter is working with the Child Perspective. The shelter has internally operated a three years long project with the specific aim of implementing the Child Perspective in all of its activities. Thus, the study highlights the influencing factors that support and/or hinder the realization of the Child Perspective in the organization’s actions. This study uses qualitative methodology, inspired by the approach of Process Evaluation. Empirical findings are based on interviews with employees working at the women’s shelter, social workers, as well as a representative from the organization Save the Children. The Participatory Approach and the Care Perspective, two central concepts in the internationally recognized Child Convention, are decisive tools in enabling the analysis of how the interviewees apply the Child Perspective in their daily work. While analyzing the influencing factors, concepts from two theories have been applied: Organization and Implementation Theory. The study reveals that the staff at the women’s shelter does apply a Child Perspective in much of its work, but in which extent is hard to pin down. In the study several factors that might have affected the implementation, both negatively and positively, appear. One supportive factor in the implementation was that the staff at the women’s shelter, wanted to implement a Child Perspective in their daily work. A potential hindering factor was the social workers ́ lack of demand on the shelter to apply a Child Perspective.

Pedagogers samarbete i affektsituationer / Pedagogues cooperation in affective situations

Björkquist, Jonas January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att belysa pedagogers samarbete i affektsituationer samt hur de ser på detta samarbete, affektsituationer och sin uppgift i dessa och vad som krävs för att denna uppgift ska kunna genomföras. Studien är en kvalitativ sådan och för att besvara dess frågeställningar har fyra pedagoger intervjuats. Intervjuerna har genomförts på två skolor i en kommun i Stockholm varpå de sedan transkriberats och analyserats systematiskt. Resultaten visar att pedagogernas samarbete kring affektsituationer strävar mot en lösning för barnets bästa. Barns behov och barns perspektiv är i pedagogernas samarbete en viktig del för att finna en lösning på affektsituationer. För att nå detta mål delas ansvaret på ett sådant vis att pedagoger som inte är direkt involverade i situationen bidrar i andra aspekter av arbetet som att ta hand om övriga barn. Detta för att skapa förutsättningar för eleven i affekt samt för kollegor för att situationen ska lösas på ett bra vis. / The purpose of this study is to highlight pedagogues cooperation regarding affective situations and how they view this cooperation, affective situations as such, their task in them and what is required for this task to be carried out. The study is a qualitative study and to answer its questions four pedagogeus have been interviewed. The interviews were conducted at two schools in a municipality in Stockholm, after which they were transcribed and analyzed systematically. The results show that pedagogues cooperation regarding affective situations strives towards a solution that is best for the child. Children's needs and child perspective are in the pedagogues cooperation an important part of finding a solution to affective situations. To reach this goal the responsibility is divided in such a way that pedagogues who are not directly involved in the situation contributes to other aspects, such as taking care of other children. This is to create desired conditions for children in an affective state, and for colleagues, so that the situation may be resolved in a good way.

Företeelsen Barnahus : En intervjustudie om ett svenskt exempel på en organisation för barnets bästa

Jakobsson, Ida, Kortenius, Malin January 2016 (has links)
Studien syftar till att studera samverkan på Barnahus och om det någon gång kan krocka mellan de olika professionerna. Om så är fallet, vill vi författare se ifall det kan uppstå några konsekvenser för barnet. Empirin har samlats in genom fem kvalitativa intervjuer med professionella på det utvalda Barnahuset. Av informanterna var tre socialsekreterare, en polis och en åklagare. Materialet har transkriberats för att sedan analyseras utifrån en tematisk analys. Detta resulterade i fyra teman: Barnets bästa i fokus, Samverkan på Barnahus, Svårigheter på Barnahus och Påfrestningar för barnet. Resultatet har sedan tolkats, analyserats och diskuterats utifrån den valda teoretiska utgångspunkten nyinstitutionell teori. Studien visar att de professionella upplever samverkan som väl fungerande men att de ibland kan krocka i arbetet då de har olika arbetsuppgifter. Vissa av dessa krockar kan leda till påfrestningar för barnet, en av dessa påfrestningar är att barnet skuldbeläggs. / This bachelor thesis in social work aims to study the interaction between the different professionals and organisations in the swedish version of Childrens Advocacy Centers, Barnahus, and if it ever can clash between the different professions. If so, we authors would like to see if there could be any consequenses for the child. The empirical data were collected through five qualitative interviews with different professionals at the chosen Children Advocacy Center. Three of our informants were social workers, one worked as a police officer and the fifth informant worked as a prosecutor. We transcribed the material we recieved to analyze it based on a thematic analysis. We created four different themes based on the result we got: Focus on the childs best, interaction on Childrens Advocacy Center, Difficulties on Childrens Advocacy Center and Strain of the child. The result was later on interpreted and analyzed and discussed from a chosen theoretical point of view; institutional theory. This study shows that the professionals experience interaction as well functioning, but sometimes they collide at work when they have different tasks. Some of these crashes can cause problems for the child, one of these strains is that the child is blamed.

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