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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barnperspektivets involvering i handläggningen av ekonomiskt bistånd - En litteraturstudie om användandet av barnperspektivet

Erol, Merve, Farhan, Susan January 2020 (has links)
The primary objective of this study is to clarify a child's perspective within family matters surrounding financial aid from social services likewise how social workers interpret and implement the perspective in their tasks. Answers to the study's questions are supported by theories about the capacity for action and Shier's theory, Pathways to Participation. The foundation of this study is based on, among other things, scientific articles, literature, and reports that build the analysis which diverges into several themes as a result. The results showed that the children's perspective was inconclusive and a complex concept to define both in research and legislative texts, while simultaneously showing that the social secretary's broad and respectively narrow possibility of interpreting the law could be received as both negative and positive in the assessment of the child's best interests. There were also flaws in the documentation regarding the child's situation. In conclusion, some of the results of this study were based on the fact that the given legislative texts and guidelines did not provide a clear definition of how the social secretary should proceed in their work with the children's perspective and in the child's best interests.

The elephant in the room - A qualitative study about the child representative work in the adult psychiatry

Mårtensson, Sandra, Lundgren, Klara January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka och få en bättre förståelse för hur barnombuden inom vuxenpsykiatrin arbetar med barnperspektivet och hur barnombuden uppfattar sina möjligheter och begränsningar i att uppmärksamma barn som anhöriga inom vuxenpsykiatrin. Studien inriktar sig på Region Skånes barnombud och studiens empiriska material bygger på sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med barnombud runt om i Skåne. Vi har analyserat vårt material med hjälp av tidigare forskning inom området samt professionalisering och handlingsutrymme. Resultatet av studien visar på att barnombudens roll ser olika ut beroende på vilken kommun de verkar inom, men även hur barnombudet själv väljer att utforma sitt uppdrag med hjälp av sitt handlingsutrymme. Det framkom också av studien att det fanns en del begränsningar i arbetet med ett barnperspektiv inom vuxenpsykiatrin. Dels fanns begränsningar inom organisationen och dels ansågs barnfrågan vara ett känsligt ämne att ta upp med föräldrarna. Främst berodde det på föreställningar om hur föräldern skulle reagera, då barnombuden ofta mött positiva reaktioner och lättnad då de pratat med föräldern om barnens situation och behov. Vuxenpsykiatrin är en verksamhet som är inriktad på vuxna vilket gör det trögt att implementera ett barnperspektiv i en sådan verksamhet. Barnombuden konkurrerar även med andra starka professioner i en verksamhet som är individuellt inriktad vilket är ännu en utmaning för arbetet. Det framkom ur intervjuerna att ett mer familjeorienterat arbetssätt för alla professioner inom vuxenpsykiatrin hade gjort det enklare att uppmärksamma barnen som anhöriga. Risk och skyddsfaktorer var centrala begrepp att tala med föräldern om och att hjälpa föräldern att sätta ord på sin sjukdom. Det var även av stor vikt att informera barnen om sjukdomen och avlasta barnen från skuld och skam. / The purpose of this study is to investigate and gain a better understanding of how the child representatives in adult psychiatry work with the child perspective and how they perceive their opportunities and limitations in acknowledging children as relatives in adult psychiatry. The study focuses on Region Skåne's child representatives and the study's empirical material is based on six semi-structured interviews with child representatives around Skåne. The material is analyzed with the help of previous research in the field as well as professionalization and discretion. The results of the study show that the role of the child representative varies depending on which municipality they work for, but also how the child representative decides to form their assignment with the help of their discretion. It also emerged from the study that the work with the child perspective in adult psychiatry had some limitations. Partly because of the organizational restrictions, but also because the child matter was considered a sensitive subject to discuss with the parents. This was mainly due to a conception of how the parent would react, when in reality, the child representatives often met positive reactions and relief when they talked to the parent about the child's situation and needs. The work of implementing a child perspective in adult psychiatry is moving slow, due to the fact that the operation is so heavily focused on the adult perspective. The child representative also contends with other substantial professions in an operation that is focused on the individual, which is another challenge in their work. The interviews revealed that a more family-oriented way of working for all professions in adult psychiatry would help to acknowledge children as relatives. Risk and protection factors were key concepts to discuss with the parent, as well as helping the parent to put their mental illness into words. It was also of great importance to inform the children about mental illness and how it works, as it will relieve the children of guilt and shame.

Inkludering av barnperspektivet i samhällsplaneringen : En jämförande studie av Norrköpings och Motalas kommun / The child perspective in urban planning : A comparative study of the municipalities of Norrköping and Motala

Jilebeck, Olivia, Sredojevic, Anastasia January 2022 (has links)
Sedan barnkonventionen blev lag i Sverige år 2020 ska barnens rättigheter i samhälletstärkas, vilket omfattas inom den fysiska planeringen. Denna uppsats ämnar till att undersökahur barnperspektivet hanteras inom kommuner, för att skapa en tydligare bild harNorrköpings och Motalas kommun användas för analys. Kvalitativa intervjuer medrepresentanter har genomförts och ska tillsammans med dokumentgranskning av kommunalaplaner stå till grund för jämförelse av kommunernas arbete med barnperspektivet. Resultatethar visat att barnkonventionen till viss del har stärkt barnens rättigheter inom den kommunalaplaneringen, men också att olika aspekter så som resursbrist och målkonflikter bidrar till attperspektivet inte helt inkluderas inom planeringen, utan i många fall bortprioriteras. Dettasker trots att retoriken kring barnperspektivet visar sig vara stark, då kommunerna själva ochdess representanter beskriver barnperspektivet som viktigt. Tydligare riktlinjer, mallar ochändrade prioriteringar behövs för att helt implementera barnperspektivet. / Since the Convention on the Rights of the Child became law in Sweden in 2020, the rights ofchildren have been strengthened, including in spatial planning. This essay will examine howthe child perspective is handled, the municipalities of Norrköping and Motala have been usedfor in depth analysis. Qualitative interviews with representatives have been conducted, andtogether with documents of municipal plans, they have formed the basis for comparing themunicipalities' working methods. The results have shown that the Convention has to someextent strengthened children's rights, but also aspects such as lack of resources and conflictsof goals contribute to the perspective being deprioritized. This is despite the fact that therhetoric is strong, as the municipalities and their representatives describe it as important.Clearer guidelines and changed priorities are needed to implement the children's rights.

Midline ur ett banperspektiv : en intervjustudie med sjuksköterskor

Juhlin, Emma, Ellefors, Fredrika January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Barn som vårdas på sjukhus är ofta i behov av någon form av venaccess. På flera platser i Sverige finns enbart perifiera venkatetrar att tillgå när en central infart ej är aktuellt. För barn med långvarigt behov av intravenösa läkemedel kan detta orsaka upprepade stick och kateterbyten. Midline är en perifer venaccsess med längre hållbarhet som nyligen börjat användas inom pediatrisk vård. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda barn med Midline. Metod: Studien genomfördes med kvalitativ metod genom semistrukturerade intervjuer.Därefter utfördes en innehållsanalys för att besvara studiens syfte. Deltagarna var nio sjuksköterskor vid fyra olika sjukhus i mellersta och södra Sverige. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i kategorierna: En ny typ av infart, En vårdupplevelse med barnet i fokus samt Att företräda barnen. Tillgång till en infart som var säker och hade längre hållbarhet än andra perifiera venkatetrar uppskattades av deltagarna. Tydliga instruktioner och rutiner ansågs viktiga. En stor fördel med Midline ur ett barnperspektiv var färre stick i samband med långvarigt behov av venaccsess. Samt vikten av det interprofessionella samarbetet som krävs för att få inläggning av katetern att bli så bra som möjligt. Slutsats: Deltagarna såg Midline som ett bra alternativ till andra perifiera infarter i vården av barn med behov av långvarig venaccess. Detta då det minskade lidandet för barnen samt att det gav en möjlighet till lek och vistelse utanför sjukhus som annars hade varit svårt att tillgodose. / Background: Children in hospital care may need venous access. In many places in Sweden the only type of access available is peripheral venous catheter or central lines. For children with a long need of intravenous treatment this can cause repeated procedures and pain.Midline is a peripheral venousacsess with longer durability that recently has been introduced in pediatric care. Aim: To explore nurses experience of using Midline in paediatric care. Method: The method used was a qualitative design with a content analysis. Semistructured interviews were conducted with nine nurses from four different hospitals in the middle and southern parts of Sweden. Results: The participants’ experiences were categorized in three main categories: A new type of venous access, A care experience with the child in focus and To represent the child. To have a secure access with a longer durability compared to a regular venous catheter was highly appreciated by the participants. Instructions and routines where essential for the catheter to work properly. Fewer painful procedures was seen as an advantage with the Midline catheter through the children's perspective. Conclusion: The participants saw the Midline catheter as a good alternative to the regular peripheral venous catheter in the paediatric care. It was seen to decrease childrens suffering and gave a better opportunity to play and spend time outside of the hospital.

Arbete med barn på skyddat boende : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnojourspersonals erfarenheter / Working with children at women’s shelters : A qualitative study of women's shelter workers experiences

Hjort, Matilda, Sewger, Gurbet January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur kvinnojourspersonal arbetar med barn som lever på skyddat boende samt hur de uppfattar att arbetet fungerar i praktiken. Studien utgick ifrån barnperspektivet som teoretisk tolkningsram. Data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med kvinnojourspersonal som arbetar på skyddat boende. Materialet analyserades därefter med hjälp av tematisk analys. Sammantaget visade resultatet att arbetet med barnen som lever på skyddat boende ser väldigt olika ut. Viktiga arbetsområden visade sig vara miljön på boendet, att erbjuda olika typer av samtalsstöd, att stötta mammorna och att bedriva någon form av pedagogisk verksamhet. Andra delar i arbetet med barnen som personalen upplevde vara mindre fungerande var samverkan med socialtjänst och skola, resursbrist och inkluderande av förövaren i form av vårdnad- och umgängesfrågor. / Every year thousands of children are forced to flee their homes to women’s shelters due to domestic violence. This study aimed to explore how staff at women’s shelters work with the children. The aim was also to explore the workers experiences of the work with the children at the shelter. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight workers at different women’s shelters in Sweden. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. The results showed that the environment at the shelter, supporting the mothers, pedagogic activities and counseling are important aspects of the work with the children. The staff also raised some barriers in the work with the children at the women’s shelters, such as cooperation with social services and the children's schools, lack of resources and inclusion of the perpetrator in terms of contact and custody.

”Att tända eller släcka barns stjärnögon” : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärares resonemang kring barns inflytande i förskolan / “To light or extinguish childrens stareyes” : A qualitative study about preschool teachers reasoning about children´s influence in preschool

Dahl, Susanne, Johansson, Tova January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study is to adress how preschool teachers reason about children's opportunities and difficulties for influence in preschool and how preschool teachers describe that this is shown in the preschool pedagogical environment. The questions that this study is based on are, how preschool teachers reason about children's opportunities for influence in preschool, in what way preschool teachers describe that they work with children's influence in everyday life at preschool and what difficulties and obstacles preschool teachers experience when it comes to working with children's influence in preschool. This qualitative study is based on the interviews of nine preschool teachers in the Stockholm area. The research approach has been a hermeneutic perspective and the results have been analyzed in accordance with power perspective and child perspective.   The result has shown that preschool teachers have a common view of what children's influence is and that they, in accordance with the preschool's control documents, are working consciously with children´s influence in their preschool practice. On the other hand, it has been proven that working with children's influence in preschool is complicated. As the preschool teachers expressed there are several factors that affect what working with children's influence can look like. Some of these factors are time, routines, staff shortage and the approach of educators. The result also showed that the preschool teachers express that children do gain influence in small and large choices, but that this is constantly done within the frame of what preschool teachers think is reasonable.

Jakten på det kompetenta barnet i barnlitteraturen - En kvalitativ studie om barns kompetens i barnlitteratur på dagens förskolor

Lindbäck, Elisabeth, Majvall, Louise January 2020 (has links)
Children’s literature is written by adults, who have assumed a child’s perspective to understand their world. In other words, adults have a great impact with their subjective views and perspectives about what childhood is, in their presentation of literature. The purpose of this thesis is to attempt to identify what children’s literature mediates and how the concept of the competent child presents itself within relevant books. This term is well sought after in the Swedish preschool curriculum and heavily discussed between preschool teachers. With this thesis, our goal has been to examine the Swedish curriculum referencing the competent child, utilizing current children’s literature from preschools. With the help of the Reggio Emilia pedagogy we have acquired results that indicate factors such as age and the physical size of a child, amongst others, provide a negative obstacle that hinders a child to appear sufficiently competent from the perspective of adults. Therefore, we deem it important to analyze children’s literature and determine if it portrays a modern childhood and an accurate concept of the competent child, or if it fails to do so.

Kan min mamma med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning ta hand om mig? : En litteraturstudie ur ett barnperspektiv

Wallin Polesak, Matilda, Alenius, Alva Birgitta January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka hur forskning har beskrivit uppväxten för barn som lever med en mamma med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning och vad det finns för risk- och skyddsfaktorer kring barnen. Samt om eller på vilket sätt föräldraförmågan påverkar barnens uppväxtförhållanden. Metod: En kvalitativ litteraturstudie bestående av 14 artiklar och en bok. Databassökningarna utfördes via databaserna SOCIndex, SWEpub och Discovery. Dataanalysen utgjordes av en tematisk analys. Huvudresultat: Litteraturstudien har identifierat tuffa uppväxtförhållanden hos en betydande majoritet bland barn som lever med en mamma med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning. Resultatet tyder på att målgruppen bör betraktas som en riskgrupp. Denna målgrupp har visats ha sämre levnadsvillkor på grund av mammans intellektuella funktionsnedsättning. / Aim: The aim of this literature study was to investigate how research has described the childhood of children living with a single mother with intellectual disability and what the risk and protection factors are around the children. And whether or in what way parenting ability affects the children's childhood conditions. Method: A qualitative literature study consisting of 14 articles and a book. The database searches were performed through the databases SOCIndex, SWEpub and Discovery. The data analysis consisted of a thematic analysis. Main results: The literature study identified difficult upbringing conditions in a significant majority of children living with a mother with intellectual disability. The results indicate that the target group should be considered a risk group. This target group has been shown to have poorer living conditions due to their mother's intellectual disability.

Att planera städer för barn : Barnperspektivets genomslag inom fysisk planering / Planning cities for children : The evolution of a child perspective within physical planning

Nyberg, Linnea January 2021 (has links)
Due to growing populations and urbanization, a common trend in contemporary Swedish planning is that of densification. Open spaces within cities are being exploited to fit more housing and to prevent urban sprawl. This means that green areas which have traditionally been used by children for play and recreation transition into urban areas.  This study aims to examine how a child perspective has developed within physical planning and how it has transformed over time. Henri Lefebvre's theory about the production of space has been used to gain a greater understanding about the different ways in which adults and children interpret and use public space. Lefebvre's theory has then been used to characterize the literature which this study builds upon. The study also presents two examples of planning in Sweden and examines to what extent children's needs have been met and what level of participation children have had in the planning process. The results show that Lefebvre's third dimension – lived space – is how children view and understand their environment. This is also the dimension that has been given less space in physical planning over time. The implementation of a child perspective within Swedish planning processes has been shown to vary from one municipality to another. These differences stem from a lack of national guidelines regarding how and when children should be included in the planning of the physical environment.

Förskolor och förtätning : En fallstudie om hur Malmö stad planerar förskolors utemiljöer i samband med förtätning / Preschools and Densification : A case study on how Malmö City plan outdoor environment for preschools in densified areas

Lind, Michelle January 2023 (has links)
Densification is highly prominent in the contemporary planning ideal, which is about efficient land use. This leads to more people sharing the same space, which means that more needs need to be included on the same area. There are various examples of how preschools' outdoor environments are planned in connection with densification, where they are, for example, placed on roofs or courtyards. A question that arises in connection with this, is what space is given to children and their needs when priorities must be made. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate, from a children's perspective, how the city of Malmö plans the outdoor environments of preschools and which solutions are used when the city is being densified trough a case study. There is a broad research base on what is good for children and their well-being and development. Where green and natural outdoor environments have a particular positive impact, which makes it important that preschools' outdoor environments can accommodate this. Especially since preschools are a place where children spend a lot of time. There are both national and municipal governing documents that municipalities need to adhere to in the planning process, which makes it interesting to examine how these are implemented and which working methods are used. Therefore, both document studies and qualitative interviews have been carried out. The result shows how the city of Malmö works from policy to implementation. Where the starting point is overall ambitions, then working methods and ends with the different solutions used, which is also exemplified by four preschools in Malmö. The result also shows that the city of Malmö has a great awareness of what is good for children and their needs are also given space in the planning. There are various governing documents and working methods that are supposed to promote good outdoor environments at preschools. The five solutions used in Malmö when planning preschools in connection with densification are larger units, outdoor environment on roofs, outdoor environment divided on roof and ground, outdoor environment in courtyards, and so-called adventure departments. In summary, Malmö municipality’s working method speaks for the fact that the children's perspective is anchored within the organization and that there is a positive development of how outdoor environments at preschools can be designed more qualitatively. / Förtätning är högst framträdande i det samtida planeringsidealet, vilket handlar om effektivt marknyttjande. Detta leder till att fler människor ska dela på samma utrymme, vilket innebär att fler behov behöver inkluderas på samma yta. Det finns olika exempel på hur förskolors utemiljöer planeras i samband med förtätning, där de exempelvis placeras på tak eller innergårdar. En fråga som uppstår i samband med detta är vilket utrymme som barn och deras behov ges när prioriteringar måste göras. Det blir därför intressant att genom en fallstudie undersöka, utifrån ett barnperspektiv, hur Malmö stad planerar förskolors utemiljöer och vilka lösningar som används i samband med förtätning. Det finns ett brett forskningsunderlag om vad som är bra för barn och deras välmående samt utveckling. Där gröna och naturliga utemiljöer har särskild positiv inverkan, vilket gör det viktigt att förskolors utemiljöer kan tillgodose detta. Detta eftersom förskolan är en plats där barn spenderar mycket tid. Det finns både nationella och kommunala styrdokument som kommuner behöver förhålla sig till i planeringsprocessen, vilket gör det intressant att undersöka hur dessa implementeras och vilka arbetssätt som används. Därför har både dokumentstudier och kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts. Resultatet visar hur Malmö stad arbetar från policy till implementering. Där startpunkten är övergripande ambitioner, för att sedan vidare visa arbetssätt och avslutas med de olika lösningar som används, vilka även exemplifieras av fyra förskolor i Malmö. Resultatet visar också att Malmö stad har stor medvetenhet om vad som är bra för barn och deras behov ges även utrymme i planeringen. Det finns olika styrdokument och arbetssätt som ska främja goda utemiljöer på förskolor. De fem lösningar som används i Malmö vid planering av förskolor i samband med förtätning är större enheter, utemiljö på tak, utemiljö uppdelad på tak och mark, utemiljö på innergård, samt så kallade äventyrsavdelningar. Sammanfattningsvis talar Malmö stads arbetssätt för att barnperspektivet är förankrat inom organisationen och att det syns en positiv utveckling av hur utemiljöer på förskolor kan utformas mer kvalitativt.

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