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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Individualisering av barns språkutveckling i förskolans stora barngrupper : pedagogers utsagor om arbetssätt och organisation av verksamheten

Andersson, Maria, Blomqvist, Marie January 2008 (has links)
<p>Det blir allt vanligare med stora barngrupper i förskolan och personaltätheten är ofta låg i</p><p>relation till barngruppens storlek. Detta leder till att pedagoger i förskolan, upplever</p><p>frustration när det gäller att uppnå förskolans uppdrag som innefattar att tillgodose varje</p><p>barns behov för att främja deras utveckling. Syftet med vår studie är att belysa</p><p>pedagogers utsagor, inklusive resonemang, om arbetssätt och organisation av</p><p>verksamheten gällande individualisering av barns språkutveckling i förskolans stora</p><p>barngrupper. Studien bygger på sex kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer med pedagoger som</p><p>arbetar eller har arbetat med barn i åldern 3-5 år. Resultatet av vår studie visar att ett</p><p>arbetssätt för att se den enskilda individen är att dela in den stora gruppen i mindre</p><p>grupper. Ett annat arbetssätt är att i vardagssituationer möta barnen i samspel och dialog</p><p>på den nivå de befinner sig. Den stora barngruppen kan hindra barnens språkutveckling</p><p>på olika sätt som när det gäller barnens talutrymme och möjlighet till enskild tid med</p><p>pedagogerna. Dokumentation och kartläggning hjälper pedagogerna att följa barnens</p><p>individuella språkutveckling och att organisera verksamheten. Det är inte alltid</p><p>gruppstorleken som bidrar till att pedagogerna inte kan möta alla barn utan</p><p>konstellationen av gruppen kan vara minst lika betydelsefull.</p> / <p>Today, pre-schools are often associated with large children’s groups and the</p><p>personnel are understaffed in relation to the size of the children’s groups. This</p><p>results in, pedagogues feel frustrated that they do not have the time (and</p><p>resources) to provide for every child’s need to support their development,</p><p>which is one of the commissions of the pre-school. The purpose of our study is</p><p>to illustrate a pedagogue reasoning on how to work in order to individualise 3-</p><p>5-year-old children’s language process in relation to the size of the children’s</p><p>groups. The study is based on six qualitative interviews with pedagogues who</p><p>work or have worked with children in the ages of 3 to 5 years old. This method</p><p>is chosen in order to realise how teachers reflect on and act to notice and</p><p>distinguish every child and their language process among the rest of the</p><p>children. The results show that it is often easier to pay attention to every child</p><p>when they are divided into several smaller groups. Another way is to interact</p><p>with the child in ordinary situations in their own level of language</p><p>development. The large group of children can stop their language process when</p><p>it comes to their speech development and possibility of individual time with the</p><p>pedagogues. Documentation helps the teachers to organise the way to work and</p><p>thereby on how to follow every child’s individual language process. Something</p><p>that can be of importance is that it is not always the size of the group that is the</p><p>contributory cause for a pedagogue to take notice to every child and its needs</p><p>but the composition of the group can also be determining.</p>

Class Management, Teaching and Teacher-students Interactions in Crowded Classrooms : An observational analysis in an urban Catholic single gendered school

Heredia, Cessi January 2015 (has links)
One of my concerns has been how children behave in a crowded classroom with few available opportunities to interact and rehearse the lesson with their peers and teacher. This research paper allows me to explore how teacher`s directives/ manners  (verbal &amp; non-verbal communication) during the English lesson,  impact and fix children`s behaviours temporarily.  I have conducted this emprirical case study in a religious catholic, monolingual, Spanish school conformed only by girls aged 7-9, who are in the third level of its primary level.  As my interest was to analyze the talk of my purpose sampling (teacher-student) and the interactive behaviour in the natural occurring situation in this social setting, the method I chose was the analysis of social interaction, on Conversation Analysis. This allows me to unfold the talk-in-interaction and concentrate on micro-analytic situations using the standard convention to transcribe my selected analysis. Therefore, the contribution of this paper is to explore and demonstrate how disciplinary acts were deilvered by the teacher affecting the child`s subjectivity and performance in a crowded classroom.

Är det viktigare att man läser än vad man läser? : En studie i hur genus framställs i barnböcker med fotbollstema / Is it more important to read, than what to read? : A study of how gender is produced in children's books with football as a theme

Marshall, Ann-Charlotte January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to highlight how male and female characters are portrayed in children’s books, that have football as a theme, and are written for children between 9-12 years of age. I have chosen this subject so that I, as a pre-school teacher, can adhere to the curriculum’s aim of maintaining the school’s responsibility for counteracting traditional gender roles. I aim to study how gender is represented in literature for children. I shall apply Yvonne Hirdman’s theories on the gender system which is built on the principals whereby the sexes are separate entities and there is a structural hierarchy between them. There is also a gender contract which maintains a balance of power according to which woman is considered inferior to man. From the reproduction process Hirdman identifies cultural influences that literature conveys to the reader as to how genus concepts are created. To answer questions on how characters in the books are presented, I use a qualitative analysis. I primarily use Maria Nikolajevas “character-theory” and gender based “opposite concepts”. This thesis deals with the following questions: Which kinds of descriptions are used to present female and male characters, and if there are, can one see any differences between them? How are the relations between coaches, parents and children portrayed? From these I have come to the conclusion that gender is presented in a traditional manner so that in stories in which the main characters are female are motivated by love; while stories in which the main characters are male are about football. Girls are rather orientated towards relations, as apart from boys who are described as more independent and egocentric. I can also identify that the team leader is gentler and more personal when dealing with girls, in contrast to when dealing with boys. It may be mentioned here that some of the characters have at time some qualities that go against the norm and which may be considered as challenging the established “keeping them apart principle”. That man is the norm on the football arena is however common in all the books.

Übersetzung Fingierter Oralität: Wörtliche Rede von Jugendlichen in deutschen Kinder- und Jugendbüchern und ihre spanischen Übersetzungen

Hofmann, Dorothee 18 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Kinder- und Jugendliteratur wird häufig übersetzt und spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Herausbildung der sprachlichen Fähigkeiten ihrer Leser. Kinder und Jugendliche stellen zugleich ein besonderes Publikum dar, das sich besonders vom Unterhaltungswert eines Buches leiten lässt. Ein unterhaltsames und spannendes Buch zeichnet sich meist durch kreative, realitätsnahe und glaubwürdige Dialoge aus, durch die sowohl die Personen treffend charakterisiert werden können als auch die Handlung vorangetrieben werden kann. Die Darstellung gesprochener Sprache in der Literatur wird als Fingierte Oralität bezeichnet und ist Thema meiner Arbeit. In dieser möchte ich die fingierte Oralität von Jugendlichen in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur und deren Übersetzung ins Spanische untersuchen. In diesem Zusammenhang müssen berücksichtigt werden: die Besonderheiten der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur, die Merkmale der Sprache von Jugendlichen im Allgemeinen sowie der deutschen und spanischen Jugendsprache im Besonderen sowie die Charakteristiken fingierter Oralität in der Belletristik. Ziel der Arbeit ist die Beschreibung der wörtlichen Rede jugendlicher Figuren in Kinder- und Jugendliteratur einerseits und deren Übersetzung ins Spanische andererseits. Dabei soll geklärt werden, inwiefern die Autorinnen gesprochene Sprache und Jugendsprache im Text fingieren, sowie ob und auf welche Weise deren Entscheidungen in den Übersetzungen nachvollzogen werden. Frühere Studien zur Übersetzung von Kinder- und Jugendliteratur kamen u. a. zufolgenden Ergebnissen: Es überwiege die Praxis des einbürgernden Übersetzens, worin ein Mangel an Respekt für Autoren von Kinder- und Jugendliteratur im Gegensatz zu Autoren der Erwachsenenliteratur sichtbar werde (House 2008). Grund für die Anpassung an die Zielkultur sei neben besseren Verkaufserwartungen auch die Angst, die jungen Leser mit Elementen der Ausgangskultur zu überfordern (O’Sullivan2000). In spanischen Übersetzungen von Kinder- und Jugendliteratur aus verschiedenen Sprachen sei eine stilistische Verbesserung markierter Textstellen zu beobachten (Fernández López (2000), Fischer (2006: 174)). Bei der Übersetzung deutscher Kinder- und Jugendliteratur ins Spanische werde häufig nicht die Umgangssprache oder Kinder- und Jugendsprache wiedergegeben, sondern aufgrund von Verlagsvorgaben eine höhere Sprachebene gewählt (Prüfer Leske 2002: 71). Aus diesen Beobachtungen verschiedener Forscher lassen sich folgende Fragen an diese Arbeit formulieren: Haben die Übersetzer inhaltlich eingegriffen und wenn ja, was könnten die Gründe dafür sein? Wurde der Stil der Sprecher in der spanischen Übersetzung verbessert und auf ein höheres sprachliches Niveau gebracht? Wurde die spezifische Sprechweise der Figuren in den Ausgangstexten ebenso in den Zieltexten berücksichtigt? Die Grundlage meiner Analyse bilden die universalen Merkmale realer Jugendsprache und deren einzelsprachliche Ausprägung im Deutschen und Spanischen. Um diese Erkenntnisse auf die Literatur übertragen zu können, bedarf es der fingierten Oralität. Die verschiedenen Ausprägungen gesprochener Sprache und fingierter Oralität lassen sich mithilfe des Modells der Sprache der Nähe und der Distanz von Koch et al. (1985) beschreiben. Dieses Modell stellt folglich das Bindeglied zwischentatsächlicher und literarischer Sprache von Jugendlichen dar. Der Hauptteil der Arbeit gliedert sich in fünf Teile. Kapitel 2 bietet eine Einführung zur Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Es werden Besonderheiten dieses literarischen Systemsbetrachtet, sowie die historische Entwicklung der deutschen und spanischen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur skizziert. Kapitel 3 handelt von der Sprache von Jugendlichen und stellt gleichsam das umfangreichste Teilstück der theoretischen Vorüberlegungen dar. Dieses Kapitel beginnt mit einer Diskussion des Begriffs Jugend. Ihr folgt eine varietätenlinguistische Betrachtung der Jugendsprache in Abschnitt 3.2, sowie eine Beschreibung der Entwicklung und Ausbreitung von Jugendsprache in Abschnitt 3.3. Anschließend werden allgemeingültige Merkmale der Sprache von Jugendlichen behandelt (Abschnitt 3.4). Den Abschluss bilden Erläuterungen zur deutschen (Abschnitt 3.5) und zur spanischen Jugendsprache (Abschnitt 3.6). Kapitel4 beschäftigt sich mit der fingierten Oralität. Hier wird erläutert, was darunter zu verstehen ist und welchen Beitrag das Nähe-Distanz-Modell von Koch und Oesterreicher dazu leisten kann. Außerdem werden abschließend Merkmale von fingierter Oralität insbesondere in der wörtlichen Rede betrachtet. In Kapitel 5 werden Aspekte der Übersetzung von Kinder- und Jugendliteratur sowie von fingierter Oralität dargelegt. Kapitel 6 bildet den praktischen Teil der Arbeit. In Abschnitt 6.1 werden die analysierten Werke und die Autorinnen vorgestellt, danach folgt in Abschnitt 6.2 ein intralinguistischer Vergleich der drei Texte (Der kleine Vampir wird wie ein einziger Text behandelt, obwohl das Material aus drei verschiedenen Bänden stammt.) hinsichtlich nähesprachlicher und jugendsprachlicher Auffälligkeiten. Abschnitt 6.3 beinhaltet die Übersetzungsanalyse der wörtlichen Rede. Bei der Auswahl der zu analysierenden Phänomene orientiert sich die Verfasserin an die in Abschnitt 3.4 festgestellten Besonderheiten der Sprache von Jugendlichen. Das Korpus stammt aus den Jugendromanen „Ich habe einfach Glück“ von Alexa Hennig von Lange (Erstveröffentlichung 2001) und „Marsmädchen“ von Tamara Bach (Erstveröffentlichung 2003) sowie aus drei Bänden der Kinderbuchreihe „Der kleine Vampir“ von Angela Sommer-Bodenburg (Erstveröffentlichung 1985, 1986, 1988). Zur Erstellung des Korpus wurde die gesamte direkte Rede, die von Jugendlichen gesprochen wird, aus diesen Werken und ihren Übersetzungen ins Spanische extrahiert.

Knowledge, attitude and practices of nursing staff regarding the baby friendly hospital initiative in non accredited obstetric units in cape town.

Jacobs, Lynette Carmen. January 2008 (has links)
<p>Background: The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) is considered one of the most successful international efforts to protect, promote and support breastfeeding. The initiative has proven impact, increasing the likelihood of babies being exclusively breastfed for six months. Official designation as Baby Friendly requires careful assessment completed by a trained external team to confirm that the institution is truly carrying out all Ten Steps of successful breastfeeding and conforming to the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes (BMS).The implementation of these principles are however challenging for facilities as it requires &ldquo / strategic planning, implementation and maintaining change&rdquo / within the facilities. Aim: To assess the factors influencing the implementation of BFHI principles in non accredited MOU` s in the Metropole region of the Western Cape.</p>

"The children think that if their parents manage to live like this, they can too." : Children´s learning difficulties in Banco da Vitória/Ilhéus, Brazil.

Munez Gallinera, Julmah January 2012 (has links)
Many scholars have argued that the education system in Brazil tends to strengthen the pattern that reproduces inequalities, where families with higher income are likely to be the ones holding the majority in education. The focus lies in ten interviewees, thereof five parents/caregivers and five professionals that works/worked with the children who were interviewed in Banco da Vitória /Ilhéus, south of Bahia, Brazil 2012. This qualitative study intends to analyse the underlying social causes from a sociological perspective in how the informants reflect upon the child´s/children learning difficulties at the elementary school, Casa da Criança /Escola Daniel Rebouças in the shantytown Banco da Vitória. It will try to answer questions such as; which are the main social causes that affect a child´s learning difficulties in Escola Daniel Rebouças, according to the informants/interviewees? How has the informant´s situation affected their own perception in the child´s/children’s learning difficulties? This paper studies marginalised people who lives in a marginalized district, Banco da Vitória. It will highlight home environment and education to show a continuing pattern that causes the child´s/children´s learning difficulties. This study will demonstrate the necessary cooperation between the school, government, teachers, and parents/caregiver in order to improve the children´s education and well-being.

Vaiko teisės / Children's rights

Danilčikaitė, Živilė 02 January 2007 (has links)
The thesis deals with the essence of the children‘s rights notion and documents consolidating children‘s rights. Some aspects of children‘s rights regulation are defined and analysed in it.. The problems arising in the field of children‘s rights are reviewed in different literature sources and legal acts. Having gone deep into the essence of children‘s rights and contents, it was found out during the research that children were a complex part of human rights‘ system and they had other rights than adults. Nevertheless in practice we encounter quite a number of infringements with respect to children‘s rights. Children are the weakest element. Being physically immature and inexperienced they fully or partially depend on adults , however, in spite of this and referring to their age and maturity they should be presented the possibility of exercising the rights they are provided for by the family, community and state. Therefore further research should be aimed at these issues.

We are all the same, but... : Kenyan and Swedish school children's views on children's rights

Thelander, Nina January 2009 (has links)
This thesis presents a study on how school children in Kenya and Sweden express their views on children’s rights, in particular rights related to participation, non-discrimination, and education. The overall purpose was to explore the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, its claim to be universal and its relevance for children in various school and life contexts. Group interviews were conducted with 58 children, aged 12-15 years, from four schools, two schools from each country. The interviews were introduced with an exercise of nine articles from the UN Convention which the groups were asked to discuss and rank from the most to the least important. The aim of the exercise was to make the UN articles known to the children and to open up for a conversation about rights. The theoretical framing for the study is anchored in the tradition of sociology of childhood. Analyses of empirical data were based on the cultural politics of childhood, and the concepts vulnerability and separability. Accordingly, children are viewed as sharing the common experience of being children, but also as experiencing diverse everyday lives. They are regarded as social agents, whose voices carry perspectives important to be listened to. They are also looked upon as able to form and express their views and knowledge in relation to local economical, social and political conditions. The results showed that the children talked about themes and situations that were both common and diverse. They talked more about children’s needs than about children’s rights. Needs for ‘extended’ protection were particularly expressed, i.e. the importance of stable relationships with parents and other adults and peers. The study also showed that when issues on relationships with adults, participation and decision making were discussed, the children expressed experiences of being viewed as subordinated in a way that could be referred to as their inherent and structural vulnerability. A third important result showed that values and norms related to non-discrimination were largely produced and reproduced in peer-cultures. Finally, the children connected education to economical growth, for individuals as well as for societies. The overall conclusion from the study is that children view the UN Convention as a problem solver for children in exposed situations rather than as a document for their everyday life. From a child perspective, rights hold relational qualities, manifested in relationships with adults and peers. Furthermore, the study underlines that the young right holder is a ‘both-and’ child: both global and local, both being and becoming, and both dependent and independent.

Young children's accounts of quality in early childhood classrooms in Singapore

Harcourt, Deborah Sue January 2008 (has links)
Early childhood research and policy are focusing increasingly on issues of 'quality' in early childhood education. Much of the focus, however, has been on adult-generated notions of quality, with little attention being devoted to children's own views of their experience in early childhood settings. Conducted in the context of early childhood education in Singapore, this research breaks new ground by contributing children's own insights into their experience in two early childhood classrooms in Singapore. Informed by the sociology of childhood conceptualisation of child competence (James & James, 2004), the research methodology drew on the mosaic approach to researching with children used by Clark and Moss (2001), whereby children's photography, mapping and conversations were used by them to consider their early childhood settings. The findings of this study were generated, beginning with the understanding that young children have the competence to articulate their ideas using a range of symbolic literacies. They formed views and constructed theories about their preschool experiences, in particular about the teachers, the curriculum, the physical environment and friends, and gave a clear indication of what constitutes good quality in those domains. When offered a platform to discuss the issue of quality in early childhood settings, the children articulated ideas about their own best interests. This study calls for those engaged with children, to act upon the contributions offered by this group of children to our understanding of quality.

O diálogo entre aspectos da cultura científica com as culturas infantis na educação infantil

Ruffino, Sandra Fagionato 25 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:35:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4478.pdf: 2328229 bytes, checksum: 012e46063644d9373f6899562ff9969f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-25 / This research is the result of concerns about different ways of thinking and approaching the natural sciences in early childhood education. Assumes that before children go to school already have contact with the scientific aspects of the mass media, by the contact with parents and other adults or bigger children, or even by the direct contact with elements and phenomena related to natural sciences. Likewise, these aspects are present in early childhood education institution, in some cases lending the discipline form and how it is used to educate in elementary school. In this sense, this study aims to identify children in interaction with pairs, with adults and everything that surrounds them, their actions, perceptions and ways of meaning from the natural world and technological pondering how to insert elements of scientific culture in the space of childhood , without stacking it to children. We sought to identify the elements or natural phenomena and technological perceived or handled by children, to know the social and cultural experiences for the scientific culture that children share with other children and adults and to analyze the characteristics of the experiences triggered by the merger of practices related to scientific culture within early childhood education. Childhood is understood as a social category and children as social actors, members of this category and producing crops. The qualitative research was based on studies of childhood and the ideas of Humberto Maturana on autopoiesis, cognition, language and emotion. The interest was mainly focused on the experiences of children in free play and activities directed by the teacher who was also the researcher. Analysis of data obtained by means of video recording, photo, logbook of the researcher and children s drawings, led to the conclusion that the experience of children with aspects of scientific culture, they give different names to the same thing, create forms of expressions to explain what they think, think with different logics, between reality and fantasy; have different ideas on the same element or phenomenon arising from their previous experiences with influences like family, religion, television and the observation of nature. The commitment to their ideas seems to be less important than the affective interests and their pair s comments trigger argument, reformulation of the previous explanation or the incorporation of new elements. In the act of children's investigating the most important is the interaction itself, not an explanation of what is observed. Their actions do not go towards the assimilation of procedures and explanations, but of creation. In this sense, it is important to consider the scientific knowledge as one more among many others that comes from other areas of experience, without characterizing it as absolute truths. / Esta pesquisa é fruto de inquietações sobre as diferentes formas de se pensar e abordar as ciências naturais na educação infantil. Parte do princípio de que antes de frequentarem a escola as crianças já têm contato com aspectos da cultura científica pela mídia, pelo contato com os pais e outros adultos ou crianças maiores, ou ainda pelo contato direto com elementos e fenômenos relacionados às ciências naturais. Da mesma forma, estes aspectos estão presentes na instituição de educação infantil, em alguns casos emprestando a forma disciplinar e escolarizada do ensino fundamental. Neste sentido, este estudo tem como objetivo identificar, na interação das crianças com os pares, com os adultos e tudo o que as rodeia, suas ações, percepções e formas de significação do mundo natural e tecnológico refletindo sobre como inserir elementos da cultura científica no espaço da infância, sem sobrepô-la à das crianças. Buscou-se: identificar os elementos ou fenômenos naturais e tecnológicos percebidos ou manipulados pelas crianças; conhecer as vivências sociais e culturais relativas à cultura científica que as crianças compartilham com outras crianças e adultos e analisar as características das vivências desencadeadas a partir da incorporação de práticas relacionadas à cultura científica no espaço da educação infantil. A infância está sendo compreendida como uma categoria social e as crianças como atores sociais, integrantes dessa categoria e produtoras de culturas. A pesquisa, de cunho qualitativo, foi realizada com base em estudos sobre a infância e nas ideias de Humberto Maturana sobre autopoiese, cognição, linguagem e emoção. O interesse concentrou-se principalmente nas experiências das crianças em atividades livres e em atividades dirigidas pela professora que era também a pesquisadora. A análise dos dados, obtidos por meio de registro em vídeo, fotográfico, diário de bordo da pesquisadora e desenhos das crianças, levou a concluir que na vivência das crianças com aspectos da cultura científica, elas dão nomes diferentes à mesma coisa, criam formas de expressões para explicar o que pensam; pensam com lógicas diversas, entre o real e a fantasia; apresentam diferentes ideias sobre um mesmo elemento ou fenômeno decorrentes de suas experiências anteriores tendo como influências a família, a religião, a televisão e a observação da natureza. O comprometimento com suas ideias parece ser menor que os interesses afetivos e os comentários dos pares desencadeiam a argumentação, a reformulação da explicação ou a uma incorporação de novos elementos. No ato de investigar das crianças o mais importante é a própria interação e não a explicação do que se observa. Suas ações não se dão no sentido da assimilação de procedimentos e explicações, mas sim de criação. Neste sentido, é importante considerar o conhecimento científico como mais um dentre tantos outros advindos de outros domínios de experiências, sem caracterizá-lo como verdades absolutas.

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