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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A critical evaluation on combating child sexual abuse and the limitations of international law : a case study of United Arab Emirates

AlMatrooshi, Ali Mohammed Juma Majed January 2018 (has links)
Child sexual abuse is a heinous crime. It consists of a variety of pernicious practices which include, but are not limited to, online child pornography, rape and incest. Globally, an estimated 15 million female adolescents have been coerced into sex during their lifetime, whilst the figure for boys is unknown.1 In many instances, this crime is perpetrated by those who are closest to the victims. Child victims may be severely traumatised and as a result become dysfunctional members of society. Child sexual abuse harms the very fabric of society and society thus pays a heavy price for continuing to tolerate this crime. As such, as this crime predominantly takes place behind closed doors and victims only very rarely report cases,2 a comprehensive legislative and policy approach must be adopted in order to effectively combat child sexual abuse. Legislators around the world as well as the international community must therefore make combating child sexual abuse a priority. However, the question arises whether there exist difficulties and weaknesses within international law which contribute to the persistent problem of child sexual abuse. Accordingly, this research probes whether international law accords adequate protection to the rights of the children and, if not, whether it fails to adequately protect children from sexual abuse. For this purpose, a detailed examination of relevant UAE laws is undertaken in the form of a case study. It is argued that international law has failed to clearly establish norms and also lacks enforcement mechanisms. The main international instrument, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, fails to determine the age of the child. Instead, it empowers domestic law to do this. Other shortcomings also limit the effectiveness of international law, particularly implementation issues. In the context of the UAE, the fundamental problem is that cultural values entrenched in Islamic criminal and family law have not shown an understanding of the child sexual abuse paradigm. Instead, the honour ideology has been reinforced.

Vaikų prievartos bei smurto paplitimo problemos Telšių apskrityje / The Problem of Children Violence in Telšiai County

Čapliginaitė, Evelina 09 June 2005 (has links)
A challenging period - adolescence has started. Childhood has been left behind. A child is standing on the threshold facing adulthood. The crucial moment of this extremely responsible period is settlement of proper interrelationship between a child and his/her parents. It is no worth suppressing his/her independence; however, the procedure can in no way be stranded. A mistake made by parents can direct the child towards the influence of criminal offenders. The latter can by no manner of means be tolerated. The younger a person having committed a (violence-related) crime is the higher gets the probability of his/her repeat offence in the future. In Telšiai County children-outlaws are causing greater and greater dismay, the problem of children violence is discussed not only in the works of criminologists and psychologists, but also by influential public figures, politicians and law-and-order officers. Various programs are being developed in order to solve the problem, huge amounts of money are spent. All the above is inspired not only by the elementary perception that a juvenile offender may turn into a dangerous and tough criminal. Members of the society, even though unaware of the conclusions of various social studies being conducted, perfectly realize that violence-related crimes committed by children is also an alarm to their safety, a sign signifying the presence of some kind of disorder in the society itself as well as in the machinery monitoring and reproducing the... [to full text]

L'enfant et les procédures contentieuses internationales / Children and international judicial proceedings

Graziani-Jaujon, Laurene 02 June 2015 (has links)
Plusieurs instances contentieuses internationales ont peu à peu accepté que des enfants exercent leur droit de recours de manière autonome. Généralement frappés par le principe d’incapacité juridique, les mineurs n’ont pas la possibilité d’agir directement devant les juridictions internes. La condition de la victime prévalant sur l’âge ou la condition juridique, ils ont pu dénoncer des violations de leurs droits devant ces instances. Confortée par une approche émancipatrice, cette nouvelle position de l’enfant sur la scène juridique ne remet pas en cause la nécessité de lui accorder un statut spécial. Il ne pourrait en effet être soumis aux mêmes règles que les adultes en raison de sa condition particulière, d’autant plus qu’il doit faire face à des obstacles supplémentaires, aussi bien juridiques, politiques, socio-économiques que culturels. Ainsi, une série de mesures doivent être adoptées afin d’encadrer sa participation et d’assurer que les procédures soient adaptées. Il s’agit de respecter les garanties fondamentales du procès équitable tout en prenant en considération ses intérêts spécifiques ainsi que ses capacités évolutives. L’enjeu principal dans cet exercice d’adaptation consiste donc à trouver un équilibre entre sa protection et sa participation. Le débat sur la capacité de l’enfant réside au centre de cette thèse, de même que l’évolution de la conception des droits de l’enfant et le dilemme de différence. Se dessinent alors les meilleures pratiques au sein de ces différentes instances. Le rôle joué par l’enfant est également souligné. Considéré comme un acteur, il est aussi un partenaire guidant l’adulte dans ce processus / The procedural capacity of children has progressively been recognized by some international judicial authorities. Generally without legal capacity, minors do not have the ability to act directly before domestic courts. However, minors have been able to claim violations of their rights before international authorities, taking into account their victim status rather than their age or legal status. Supported by an emancipatory approach, this new role of children on the judicial scene does not call into question the necessity to give them a special status. Indeed, children could not be subject to the same rules as adults because of their singular status, especially since they have to face additional obstacles, including legal, political, socio-economic and cultural obstacles. Thus, a series of measures must be adopted to supervise their participation and to ensure that the procedures are adapted. Fundamental guarantees of the right to a fair trial need to be respected, while taking into account the child’s specific interests and his evolving capacities. The main challenge in this process is to find a balance between protection and participation. The debate on the child's capacity is at the core of this study, as well as the evolution of the conception of children's rights and the difference dilemma. Best practices are thus defined. The role of the child is also exemplified. Considered as an actor, he is also a partner guiding adults in the process

Tillsammans - att rita en skola från barnets egna perspektiv / Together - to design a school from children's own perspective

Larsson, Ida January 2021 (has links)
När barnkonventionen blev till lag i Sverige den 1:a januari 2020 blev jag intresserad av hur konventionen kan implementeras inom arkitektur och mer specifikt vilken inverkan den kan ha på utvecklingen av de fysiska miljöer och designprocesser som rör barn. Barnkonventionen grundades år 1980 av FN och för att sammanfatta dess innehåll introducerade den en syn på barn som kompetenta och handlingskraftiga individer och sociala medborgare. Konventionen understryker vikten av att barns åsikter ska tas i beaktande i alla frågor som berör samhället. Sverige retificerade barnkonventionen år 1990 och då var den endast rekommendationer, medan den nu blivit till faktisk lag. Att då inte följa dess artiklar bidrar till viss del till lagbrott. Jag har valt att ta ut de fyra grundläggande principerna ur barnkonventionens 41 artiklar, och de ligger till grund för mitt examenarbete med fokus på artikel 12: #2 Barns lika värde.#3 Barnets bästa#6 Rätt till liv och utveckling#12 Rätt att uttrycka åsikter och få dem respekterade. Barns deltagande i stadsutveckling och rätt till plats är ett omdiskuterat ämne just nu, inte bara på grund av barnkonventionens genomslag, utan också på grund av vår tids urbanisering och förtätning av stad där barn väldigt lätt prioriteras bort. Planerare och arkitekter talar ofta om barnperspektivet, ett perspektiv där vuxna föreställer sig vad barn vill ha, men man glömmer ofta bort just barnets egna perspektiv. Barn under 18 har inte rösträtt, inte körkort och är beroende av vuxnas engagemang och arbete för att deras livsvillkor ska bli så bra som möjligt. Därför hoppas jag att i detta projekt och med mitt engagemang som vuxen, kunna inkludera barn i utformandet av deras mest använda fysiska miljö; skolan. För att sammanfatta mina frågeställningar: Hur kan barnkonventionen tillämpas, där barns åsikter tas till vara och blir till en möjlighet i skapandet av bättre fysiska miljöer, med fokus på skolmiljö? Hur kan barn och arkitekter samverka i utformningen av barns fysiska miljöer? / This diploma work question the traditional methodology of architecture projects that involve children and focus on a more interdisciplinary method of inclusion, in this case a schoolclass of 20 pupils. The reason for this is due to the fact that the Convention on the Rights of the Child became a law in Sweden 2020, where article 12 state that children are capable of forming their own views and have the right to freely express them in all matters affecting them. Therefore including children in designing their most used physical space- their school - is fundamental.


Valiūnė, Renata 03 September 2010 (has links)
Šiuo baigiamuoju bakalauro darbu siekiama analizuoti vaiko teises ir pareigas, jų svarbą bei vaidmenį vaiko gyvenime. Taip pat nustatyti, ar iš tiesų vaikai piktnaudžiauja savo teisėmis ir nežino savo pareigų. Mokslinės ir pedagoginės literatūros analizė leidžia daryti tokias išvadas, jog vaikų teisių pažeidimai ir smurtas prieš vaikus turi pasekmių tolimesniam jo gyvenimui, savęs vertinimui ir sąveikai su aplinkiniais. Moksliniuose darbuose akcentuojama tai, jog įtraukti vaiko teisių ir pareigų mokymą į visas mokykloje vykstančias pamokas ne tik įmanoma, bet ir būtina. Tyrime „7 – 8 klasių mokinių požiūris į vaiko teisių ir pareigų reikšmę vaiko gyvenime“ dalyvavo 114 7 – 8 klasių mokinių iš dviejų Šiaulių pagrindinių mokyklų. Respondentai buvo tiriami pasitelkiant anketinę apklausą. Anketoje pateikta 15 mišrių klausimų, respondentai apklausti gavus mokyklų vadovų sutikimus. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad tik nedaugelis vaikų žino savo teises namuose ir mokykloje. Dauguma jų teises sutapatina su pareigomis arba nesugeba įvardinti savo teisių. Taip pat nustatyta, kad didžioji dalis apklaustųjų gerai žino savo pareigas namuose ir mokykloje, o geriausias pareigingumo pavyzdys jiems yra tėvai ir mokytojai. Tyrimas atskleidė ir tai, kad dauguma apklaustųjų suvokia, kokia atsakomybė gresia žmonėms, pažeidusiems jų teises. Be to, suvokia ir savo atsakomybę, jei nevykdys pareigų namuose ir mokykloje. Galiausiai, tyrimo duomenys atskleidė, jog vaikai teikia nežymiai didesnę reikšmę savo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This ending bachelor work is concentrated on analysis of children rights and duties and importance and role of them in child’s life. Moreover, to find if it is true that children are misusing their rights and do not realize their duties. Analysis of nonfiction and pedagogical literature allows to infer that flouting of children rights and violence against child causes a serious damage to the rest of his life, self-evaluation and interaction with people round about. Studies emphasizes the fact that teaching about children rights and duties should be included in every subject at school. It should be not just a possibility, it should be a necessity. Research called “7 – 8 grade students’ attitude to children rights and duties and their meaning in child’s life” comprehended 114 7 – 8 grade students of two Shiauliai basic schools. Respondents where investigated by involving a questionnaire of 15 open and closed type questions. Respondents were investigated with agreement of school directors. During the investigation it was founded that jus a few children knows their rights at school and home. Majority of students are inclined to identify their duties as rights and cannot define children rights. On the other hand it was founded that most of respondents know their duties at home and school quite well. The best leads of dutifulness for children are their parents and teachers. Moreover, investigation helped to find the fact that majority of students realize what kind of... [to full text]


Almeida, Vilma Ribeiro de 24 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by admin tede (tede@pucgoias.edu.br) on 2016-09-06T19:42:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VILMA RIBEIRO DE ALMEIDA.pdf: 4414274 bytes, checksum: fb66e9d7049244a8459ee73a11be217e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-06T19:42:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 VILMA RIBEIRO DE ALMEIDA.pdf: 4414274 bytes, checksum: fb66e9d7049244a8459ee73a11be217e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-24 / This work, inscribed in the line of research on Education, Society and Culture, has, as its object of study, Popular Education with children and as its field of study, the experience of the Movement of Adolescents and Children groups (MAC).For this, part of it starts from the following researching problem: what characterizes the MAC project in the socio-politicaleducational perspective for the development of children in contexts of Popular Education? Thus, the objective is to analyze the concepts, principles and practices of popular education, experienced by children and adults from the socio-political-educational project of MAC; to investigate how these values contribute to the recognition of the child as a subject of the rights in the context of popular education and to grasp the presence/absence of the concepts, principles and practices of MAC in the words of teenagers, egressed from the Movement of Adolescents and Children (MAC) To understand these assumptions, studies and researches are taken as references in the light of the theoretical framework of the Historical and Dialectical Materialism since their main categories of analysis allow us to understand the reality and the praxis in pursuit of social transformation, that is, of a historical becoming. This work was anchored in: Marx (2006); Brandão (2002a; 2006), Freire (2003; 2006; 2014), Arroyo (2012; 2004), Sarmento (2005; 2008); Siqueira (2011); Fernandes (2009); Ariès (1981), Kramer (1999; 2006); Gaitán; Liebel (2012); Espinar (2003); Cussianovich; Marques (2002), among others. In the field research, according to the established criteria, we tried to observe the meeting of two groups of the Movement of Adolescent and Children so that, at the end, eight meetings were documented through filmic records. There were also four interviews, two with the attendants and two with teenagers egressed from MAC. This work is divided into three chapters that comment on general discussions on the relationship among Subject, Education and Society; principles and concepts in the voices of adult subjects (attendants and young graduates) focusing on some themes such as Popular Education, participation, dialogical, ethical and critical training and political education and also the insights from the children's voices on law, citizenship, participation and leadership. Regarding the survey results, it is distinguished that the child's voice is a polyphonic one and that the presence of adults in groups gives a hierarchically superior form. However, we see the political and educational importance of Popular Education with children and this is done mediated by the dialogical action that in its essence stimulates curiosity, allows the construction of knowledge, explicits dreams, demands criticality and requires commitment. It is worth noting the importance of educational activities developed by MAC that, even if incipient, presents itself as an emancipatory space of civic education in the perspective of the child’s autonomy. / O presente trabalho, inscrito na linha de pesquisa Educação, Sociedade e Cultura, tem como objeto de estudo a Educação Popular com crianças e como campo de estudo a experiência dos grupos do Movimento de Adolescentes e Crianças (MAC). Portanto procura elucidar o problema da pesquisa a partir da seguinte questão central: o que caracteriza o projeto do MAC na perspectiva sócio-político-educativa para a formação de crianças em contextos de Educação Popular? Desta forma, objetiva-se analisar as concepções, princípios e práticas da educação popular, vivenciadas por crianças e adultos a partir projeto sócio- político-educativo do MAC; e a investigar como tais valores contribuem para o reconhecimento da criança como sujeito de direitos no contexto da Educação Popular; apreender, nas falas de jovens egressos do Movimento de Adolescentes e Crianças (MAC), a presença/ausência das concepções, princípios e práticas do MAC. Para a compreensão desses pressupostos tomam-se como referências de estudos e pesquisas à luz da matriz teórica do Materialismo Histórico e Dialético uma vez que suas categorias centrais de análise permitem compreender a realidade e a práxis, em busca da transformação social, portanto, do devir histórico. Este trabalho ancorou-se em: Marx (2006); Brandão (2002a; 2006), Freire (2003; 2006; 2014), Arroyo (2012; 2004), Sarmento (2005; 2008); Siqueira (2011); Fernandes (2009); Ariès (1981), Kramer (1999; 2006); Gaitán; Liebel (2012); Espinar (2003); Cussianóvich; Marques (2002), dentre outros. Na pesquisa de campo, de acordo com os critérios preestabelecidos, buscou-se observar as reuniões de dois grupos do Movimento de Adolescentes e Crianças, ao final foram documentados oito encontros, por meio de registros fílmicos. Realizaram-se, também quatro entrevistas, sendo duas com acompanhantes dos grupos e duas com jovens egressos do MAC. Este trabalho esta dividido em três capítulos que tecem discussões de modo geral acerca da relação sujeito, educação e sociedade; princípios e concepções nas vozes dos sujeitos adultos (acompanhantes e jovens egressos) enfocando algumas temáticas como: Educação Popular, participação, dialogicidade, formação ético-crítica e formação política e ainda as compreensões a partir das vozes das crianças sobre: direito, cidadania, participação e protagonismo. Em relação aos resultados da pesquisa destaca-se que a voz da criança é uma voz polifônica e que a presença dos adultos nos grupos se dá de forma hierarquicamente superior. No entanto, percebe-se a importância política e pedagógica da Educação Popular com crianças e esta se faz mediada pela ação dialógica que em sua essência estimula a curiosidade, possibilita a construção de conhecimento, explicita sonhos, exige criticidade e requer compromisso. Ressalta-se ainda, a importância da ação educativa desenvolvida pelo MAC, mesmo que de forma incipiente, se apresenta como um espaço emancipatório de formação cidadã, numa perspectiva de autonomia da criança.

Darbas su globėjais (rūpintojais) Utenos vaikų teisių apsaugos skyriuje / Work with foster-parents (guardians) in the department of children rights protection service of Utena region

Rožienė, Andžela 07 June 2006 (has links)
The economical and social changes, the high unemployment and differentiation of inhabitants’ capital influenced an inconsiderable part of families: the birthrate is decreasing and the number of problematic families is decreasing, so the organization of child care is taking a quite important place in the systems of social support. The purpose of work – is to analyze the work with foster-parents (guardians) in the department of children rights protection service of Utena region. The goals of work: 1. To analyze the different literature in the aspect of investigated problem. 2. To clarify the estimations of work with foster-parents (guardians) in the department of children rights protection service of Utena region in the point of view of specialists. 3. To show the learning aspects of foster-parents (guardians). 4. To give recommendations to the specialists of municipality, the social workers of neighborhoods or children care institutions and the social pedagogues of schools. There was used the method of questioning trying to highlight how the foster-parents (guardians) and the specialists who are working with them are estimating the work of the department of children rights protection service of Utena region with the foster-parents (guardians). Also the observation of foster family was done trying to clarify the singularities of foster family. In the theoretical part of work was reviewed the comprehension of child care (ward), the influence of the family to the... [to full text]

Visuomeninės organizacijos „Gelbėkit vaikus" vaiko dienos centrų veiklos efektyvumas / Public office organization „Save the Children Lithuania“ children day centre activities efficiency

Stankelienė, Jūratė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – sisteminiu požiūriu įvertinti Lietuvos vaikų teisių gynimo organizacijos „Gelbėkit vaikus“ padalinių valdymo ir veiklos efektyvumą. Siekinat įgyvendinti užsibrėžtą tikslą darbe apžvelgiama vieno iš trijų (valstybinis, verslo, nevyriausybinis) nevyriausybinio sektoriaus veiklos sritis. Išanalizuota nevyriausybinių organizacijų samprata, kūrimosi, veiklos teisiniai pagrindai. Išnagrinėti pagrindiniai teisės aktai, reglamentuojantys nevyriausybinių organizacijų steigimą, valdymą ir veiklą Lietuvoje. Apžvelgiami nevyriausybinių organizacijų veiklos principai tarptautiniame kontekste. Tiriamojoje darbo dalyje pasirinkta viena iš tipinių, savo mastu visoje Lietuvos teritorijoje veikianti Lietuvos vaikų teisių gynimo organizacija „Gelbėkit vaikus“ užtikrinanti vaikų teisių įgyvendinimą. Išanalizuoti organizacijos įstatai, padalinių nuostatai, valdymo struktūra, veiklos kryptys. Nevyriausybinės organizacijos veiklos efektyvumui tirti pasirinkti organizacijos „Gelbėkit vaikus“ padaliniai. Atlikta anketinė kiekybinė padalinių valdymo ir veiklos vertinimo apklausa ir kokybinė duomenų analizė. Gauti duomenys lyginami su organizacijos padalinių nuostatais. Pateikiamos tiriamojoje dalyje gautos išvados, rekomendacijos. Atlikus darbą pastebėta, kad Lietuvos vaikų teisių gynimo organizacijos „Gelbėkit vaikus“ padalinių veikla yra nepakankamai efektyvi dėl struktūros neveiklumo. / The goal of work – sistematicly estimate the efficiency of gouvernance and activity of the departement of nongouvernmental organization Save the Children Lithuania. This work reviews the activity of a nongovernmental organization (NGO). It analyses the conception, establishment and the principle legal activities of a NGO. It analyses the principle legal acts, which regulate the establishment, governance and activity of NGOs in Lithuania. It reviews the principal activities of a NGO in an International context. For this research, it was chosen a typical NGO, „Save the Children Lithuania“. This organization protects the rights of children in Lithuania and ensures that these rights are put into practice. In this work was analyzed the organization’s regulations, department regulations, governance structure and focus of activities. In order to analyze the efficiency of the NGO’s activity, it was researched each of the departments in the organization. In this work was devised a questionnaire based on the governance of the departments and the evaluation of activities and was made a qualitative analysis of the results. It was compared the resulting data against the department regulations of the organization. It was presented my conclusions and recommendations in the research section.

Vaiko teisių pažeidimai mokykloje: mokinių ir pedagogų požiūris / Violation of children’s rights in schools: the attitudes of students and educators

Liatukienė, Jurgita 02 July 2012 (has links)
Visų pasaulio vaikų teisių įgyvendinimas nusipelno nuolatinio visuomenės dėmesio. Šis darbas turi būti dirbamas kasdien ir visur. Kai nėra veiksmingos nacionalinės Vaiko teisių konvencijos nuostatų įgyvendinimo sistemos, pastangos įgyvendinti vaiko teises pasmerktos būti tik simboliniais ir atsitiktiniais poelgiais. Kita vertus, vaiko teisių įgyvendinimas reikalauja imtis neatidėliotinų ir skubių veiksmų, nes šiuo metu labiausiai pažeidžiamos vaiko kaip žmogaus teisės. Milijonų vaikų teisės pasaulyje yra pažeidžiamos kiekvieną dieną visais įmanomais būdais. Nors kai kurių valstybių pažanga yra didesnė nei kitų, nė viena nepasiekė Konvencijos reikalaujamo lygio. Vaiko teisės bus įgyvendintos tik tada, kai valstybės dalyvės bus politiškai nusistačiusios tai padaryti bei turės tam pakankamai galimybių ir žinių. / The implementation of all children‘s rights in the world deserves a constant attention in the society.The work of implementing children‘s rights should be done everyday and everywhere. When there is no efficient national system of the implementation of Children‘s rights conventions standards,all effort to implement the children‘s rights is condemned to be only symbolic and incidental actions. On the other hand, the implementation of children‘s rights requires immediate actions because nowadays the rights of a child as a human are being notably violated. Everyday the rights of millions of children are being infringed in all possible ways. Even though in some countries significantprogress has been made in comparison with others, no country has reached the standard required by the Children‘s rights convention yet. The children‘s rights will be implemented only when the member countries are politically set on doing it and have enough possibilities and knowledge.

Vaikų teisių apsaugos tarnybos inspektoriaus profesinė kompetencija: teorija ir praktika / Children rights protection service inspectors

Juškevičienė, Lina 15 June 2005 (has links)
The priority of every state considering its future must be oriented towards the children and the youth. Currently, the topic of the Child as our main value, is frequently analyzed both in Lithuania and internationally, although not infrequently this is done just to be fashionable or during the election campaigns. It has to be admitted that the children rights violations, violence and crime are encouraged by the declining cultural, spiritual and, especially, moral values of the society, even though the tomorrow of our state is dependant on the today’s investments in the concrete and, most importantly, practical programs encouraging our children to start meaningful participation in the creative work of our land, to learn how to live in harmony with their family and friends, to create and beautify their living environment. Therefore, our foremost attention and care should be devoted to those who are unsafe within their families, who do not have the necessary care and supervision, who are forced to spend most of their time on the street mastering its painful lessons. After the declaration of Independence Restoration Act in 1990, the legal, social and economic reform regarding Children Rights Protection was started in Lithuania. The main tasks of policy execution of the children rights protection fall on the Children Rights Protection Services. It appears that on the theoretical and political level there is no lack of attention towards the children rights protection institutions... [to full text]

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