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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Funktionen der Konversion chinesischer Studierender in Deutschland zum Christentum (protestantischer Prägung) am Beispiel einer chinesischen christlichen Gemeinde in einer deutschen Großstadt

Lüdde, Johanna 08 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
For my PhD thesis I conducted qualitative field research in a Chinese Christian community in Germany for two and a half years. The research was to explore what functions are fulfilled when Chinese students in Germany convert to Christianity. This survey is therefore not considered to be a contribution to the investigation of the reasons for conversion; instead, the approach is a functional one. From this premise arises the assumption that conversion is only one creative coping strategy amongst many in dealing with problems which confront every person. From the observed strategies for solving problems used by the protagonists, conclusions about the corresponding problem areas could be drawn. In this way it was possible to extract the most important motives for conversion.

Mirth Matters: Creating the role of Beatrice In William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing

Garrett, Christen A. 14 May 2010 (has links)
This thesis serves as documentation of my efforts to explore and define my creative process as an actor in creating the role of Beatrice in William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing. This includes research, character analysis, rehearsal journal and an evaluation of my performance. Much Ado About Nothing was produced by the University of New Orleans Department of Film, Theatre and Communication Arts. The play was performed in the Robert E. Nims Thrust Theatre of the Performing Arts Center at 7:30 pm on the evenings of April 23 through 25 and April 30 through May 2. There was a student matinee the morning of Friday, May 1 at 9:30 am as well as one public matinee at 2:30 pm on Sunday, May 3, 2009.

Die ontwikkeling van die ACSV-kringleier binne skoolkonteks

08 September 2015 (has links)
M.Ed. / Please refer to full text to view abstract

Die Politische Theologie der Deutschen Christen : Einheit und Vielfalt deutsch-christlichen Denkens, dargestellt anhand des Bundes für deutsche Kirche, der Thüringer Kirchenbewegung Deutsche Christen der Christlichdeutschen Bewegung /

Sonne, Hans-Joachim. January 1900 (has links)
Diss. : Theologie : Göttingen : [1980 ?]. - Contient des lettres de W. Meyer-Erlach, 1937-1944. - Bibliogr. p. 251-272. Index. -

Stimme und Feder mündliche Tradition norwegischer Volksmärchen und ihre Verschrftlichung durch Asbjørnsen und Moe /

Müller, Harald. January 1997 (has links)
His Inaug.-Diss., Ruhr-Universität Bochum. / Includes bibliographical references.

Anti-Judaism and Christian orthodoxy : Ephrem's hymns in fourth-century Syria /

Shepardson, Christine, January 2008 (has links)
Theses Duke University, N.C. / Bibliogr.: p. 183-195.

Studio and Stage : Considerations on Musical Performance

Segurado, João January 2010 (has links)
The idea behind this project emerged while I was making organ recordings for a school project. The relation between the musician, the sound technicians and the producer was an issue that called for my attention. The influence of this specific environment on the performer and the music itself, comparing it to a live performance, and the search for possible differences in musical interpretation and performance constitute the main focus of this work. It is composed of four major parts. The first part of the background reflects on the essential aspects of this subject and also offers some historical examples and quotations from important musicians and other personalities. The second part refers to the artistic part of this work. It describes the organ in Norrfjärden, where the recordings have been made, its historical background and special characteristics. The chosen repertoire was the major organ work “Nun freut euch lieben Christen g´mein”, composed by Dieterich Buxtehude. The section on this work goes from a biography of the composer, through considerations on the text and theological background of the hymn, to the musical analysis of the piece, also focusing on my own artistic choices. The third section of this thesis is the result of the investigation made, leading to a conclusion. Finally, the artistic part is composed of three different recordings of the same piece, at the same instrument, with the same performer, but with varying recording conditions. The first recording is a live concert version, the second an unedited version, where the performer plays the music only to the microphones without any audience or studio production, the third is a produced version, where the performance is generally guided by the producer, who also does the final editing. / <p>Validerat; 20110125 (lewe)</p>

Die Funktionen der Konversion chinesischer Studierender in Deutschland zum Christentum (protestantischer Prägung) am Beispiel einer chinesischen christlichen Gemeinde in einer deutschen Großstadt

Lüdde, Johanna 09 June 2011 (has links)
For my PhD thesis I conducted qualitative field research in a Chinese Christian community in Germany for two and a half years. The research was to explore what functions are fulfilled when Chinese students in Germany convert to Christianity. This survey is therefore not considered to be a contribution to the investigation of the reasons for conversion; instead, the approach is a functional one. From this premise arises the assumption that conversion is only one creative coping strategy amongst many in dealing with problems which confront every person. From the observed strategies for solving problems used by the protagonists, conclusions about the corresponding problem areas could be drawn. In this way it was possible to extract the most important motives for conversion.:0. Einleitung, S. 1 0.1 Forschungsgegenstand, S. 1 0.2 Angewandte ethnografische Methoden, S. 2 0.3 Aufbau der Arbeit, S. 5 1. Historischer Hintergrund: Christentum in China, chinesische Christ(inn)en in den USA und Deutschland, S. 7 1.1 Geschichte der christlichen Mission in China, S. 7 1.1.1 Protestantische Mission von 1800 bis 1949, S. 7 1.1.2 Das protestantische Christentum in China von 1949 bis heute, S. 14 1.2 Konversion in China: Das Problem der chinesischen Termini und der gegenwärtige chinesische Forschungsstand zu Konversionsmotiven, S. 20 1.3 Konversion von Chines(inn)en zum Christentum in den USA: Gegenwärtiger Forschungsstand, S. 28 1.4 Chinesische Christen in Deutschland, S. 43 1.4.1 Geschichte der Chines(inn)en in Deutschland, S. 43 1.4.2 Allgemeines zur Chinesischen Evangelischen Gemeinde (CEG), S. 48 2. Theoretischer Hintergrund: Konversion, S. 54 2.1 Klassische psychologische Ansätze, S. 54 2.2 „Gehirnwäsche“, S. 61 2.3 Soziologische Konversionsforschung, S. 64 2.4 Rational-Choice-Theorie, S. 79 2.5 Erweiterung des funktionalistischen Ansatzes um Konzepte des religiösen Coping, S. 85 3. Familiäre Strukturen, Normen und Ideale der Chinesischen Evangelischen Gemeinde, S. 94 3.1 Die chinesische Familie: Struktur, Wandel, Relikte, S. 95 3.1.1 Traditionelle Familienstrukturen und konfuzianische Familienideale, S. 95 3.1.2 Die Transformation der traditionellen Familienstrukturen, S. 99 3.1.3 Die partielle „Restauration“ der traditionellen Familienstrukturen, S. 102 3.2 Die Chinesische Evangelische Gemeinde als christliche Familie, S. 109 3.2.1 Die Familienstruktur der CEG und damit verbundene Normen und Ideale, S. 110 3.2.2 Offizielle Familiennormen in der CEG und ihre Rezeption bei den Akteuren, S. 128 4. Funktionen der Konversion in der Chinesischen Evangelischen Gemeinde, S. 135 4.1 Methodische Reflexion, S. 135 4.2 Äußerer Rahmen: Hinführung, Bekenntnis, Taufe, S. 137 4.3 Ergebnisse der teilnehmenden Beobachtung, S. 140 4.3.1 Konversion als Realisation von Geborgenheit, S. 142 4.3.2 Konversion als Realisation von Sicherheit, S. 159 4.3.3 Konversion als Realisation von Heilung, S. 180 4.4 Auswertung der Bekehrungserzählungen und Interviews, S. 197 4.4.1 Konversion als Realisation von Geborgenheit, S. 198 4.4.2 Konversion als Realisation von Sicherheit, S. 224 4.4.3 Konversion als Realisation von Heilung, S. 252 5. Die Konversion chinesischer Studierender in Deutschland zum Christentum als familienorientierte Coping-Strategie zur Realisation von Geborgenheit, Sicherheit und Heilung, S. 271 5.1 Realisation von Geborgenheit zur Milderung von Einsamkeit und familiärer Disharmonie, S. 275 5.2 Realisation von Sicherheit zur Milderung von Überforderung, S. 281 5.3 Realisation von Heilung zur Milderung von Stressreaktionen auf äußere Schwierigkeiten sowie von psychischen Problemen, S. 283 6. Literaturverzeichnis, S. 288 7. Anhang, S. 313

Fundamenteel-agogiese evaluering van die Afrikaanse Christen-Studentevereniging

Tolsma, Frieda Eileen 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in both Afrikaans and English / Religiositeit is 'n antropiese ontisiteit en kinders word in 'n bepaalde geloof opgevoed. 'n Christelik-Protestantse perspektief van godsdiensopvoeding word aangebied. Die betrokke opvoedingsmoveerders en hul verhouding tot mekaar word bespreek. Ter aanduiding van wat jeugdige-wees wesenlik kinder-antropologiese kategoriee beskryf, is, word bepaalde gevolg deur 'n sinkroniese en 'n diakroniese perspektief van godsdienswording. Die hedendaagse jeugdige se leefwereld en gepaardgaande struikelblokke word bespreek. Die taak, die doel, asook relevante religieuse kriteria en essensies van opvoeding word bespreek. Die Afrikaanse Christen-Studentevereniging is een van die opvoedingsmoveerders betrokke by die godsdienswording van sommige jeugdiges. Die oorspronklike struktuur en benaderingswyse van die vereniging, asook die veranderde struktuur en benaderingswyse en die redes daarvoor, word beskryf. Die missie, toekomsvisie en modus operandi van die vereniging word deur hierdie veranderinge geraak. Omdat persone van verskillende denominasies by die vereniging mag aansluit, word 'n oorsig van dogma binne die Christelike geloof gegee, gevolg deur 'n bespreking van ideologies-religieusestrominge wat van belang mag wees. Die vereniging se confessio van 1988, 1992 en 1994 word vergelyk met die oog op die moontlike veranderinge rakende godsdiensopvoeding. 'n Evaluering is onderneem vanuit sowel die struktuurdenke as die sisteemdenke. Hierdie evaluering geskied op drie vlakke. Op die ontologiese vlak word gekyk of die vereniging rekening hou met sekere neaniagogies-antropologiese kategoriee. Op die terrein van die pedagogiese word die realisering van bepaalde opvoedingsessensies, van die verhoudings- en verloopstruktuur en van Protestants-Christelike geestelike volwassenheid as doel ge-evalueer. Die vereniging se bewustheid van sekere bepalende aspekte rakende godsdiensopvoeding, asook die bantering van sommige van die leefwereldprobleme word geevalueer. Die aktualiteit van die werksaamhede word vergelyk met 'n Amerikaanse jeugbedieningsmodel. Op teologiese gebied word moontlike ooreenkomste tussen verskillende Christelike belydenisse aangedui. 'n Christelike evaluering van die werksaamhede van die vereniging word onderneem. Godsdiensopvoeding gaan moontlik in die "nuwe" Suid-Afrika veranderinge ondergaan en daarom word 'n prospektiewe blik op die moontlike rol van die vereniging in die veranderde situasie gebied. / Religiosity is an anthropological onticity and children are educated in a specific religion. A Christian-Protestant viewpoint of religious education is presented. The educational motivators involved, as well as their inter-relatedness, are discussed. To indicate what it means to be a youth, certain childanthropological categories are described, followed by a synchronical and diachronical perspective of religious growth. The influence on the life-world of today's youth and related problems are discussed. The task, aim and relevant religious criteria and essences of education are discussed. The Afrikaanse Christen-studentevereniging is one of the educational motivators involved with certain youths. The orginal structure and attitude of the organisation, as well as the changes in its structure and attitude and the reasons for these changes are described. The organisation's mission and vision, as well as its methods, are affected by these changes. Because people from different denominations can become members of the organisation a cursory description of dogma within the context of the Christian religion is given, followed by a discussion on ideological religious mainstreams that may be of importance. The organisation's confessions of 1988, 1992 and 1994 are compared in view of the probable changes concerning religious education. An evaluation is done from both a structural thinking and systems thinking point of view. This evaluation is conducted on three levels: On an ontological level it is evaluated with regard to what extent the organisation is taking neaniagogical categories into account. on a pedagogical level the realisation of the pedagogical relationship and sequence structures and its essences as well as Christian-Protestant religious maturity as aim are evaluated. The organisation's awareness of certain determining aspects concerning religious education, as well as the handling of some of the lifeworld problems are evaluated. The actuality of the organisation's activities are compared to an American youth program model. On a theological level possible similarities between different Christian confessions are indicated. A Christian evaluation of the organisation's activities is also rendered. Since religious education may undergo certain changes in the new South Africa a prospective view is presented of the possible role the organisation may fulfil. / Education Studies / D.Ed.

Christuskreuz und Hakenkreuz

Fehrmann, Frank H. 27 March 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Kreuz und Hakenkreuz.In den dreißiger Jahren des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts treffen mit dem Symbol des Christentums und der Swastika zwei Symbole aufeinander, die für eigentlich höchst unterschiedliche und gegensätzliche Weltanschauungen stehen. Warum und in welcher Art und Weise ein Miteinander oder gar eine Symbiose beider Kreuze sich entwickelte, soll zentraler Aspekt dieser Arbeit sein. So unterschiedlich die völkisch-nationale Bewegung und das nationale protestantische Christentum doch waren, im Hitler'schen Antisemitismus und dem Antijudaismus der nationalen Christlichen Bewegungen hatten sich ein fatales Zwillingspaar gefunden. / Aim of this termpaper was to analyse the circumstances of the "unholy alliance" of the protestant church and the NAZI-Movement in the 1930s.

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