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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Von der Erfindung der Weihnachtsfreude: Melodram für Sprecher und Orgel nach einem Text von Dietrich Mendt (2005)

Drude, Matthias 18 March 2009 (has links)
Melodram für Sprecher und Orgel. Text: Dietrich Mendt, Musik: Matthias Drude

News Is Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas: A Critical History of the Holiday Shopping Season and ABC Network's Nightly News

Hunter, Allison M. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

'What is Life But Learning!': Informal Education in A Christmas Carol, Bleak House, and Great Expectations

Merz, Anna Caitlin 07 July 2020 (has links)
The following study is interested in informal education in three of Charles Dickens's novels: A Christmas Carol (1843), Bleak House (1852), and Great Expectations (1860). While substantial scholarly attention has been paid to Dickens's interest in formal education, for example his educational reform efforts, his fictional depictions of schools and schooling, and his "student" and "teacher" characters, my project considers the fictional moments in which Dickens depicts education happening outside traditional "school" settings. I argue against claims that Dickens was exclusively interested in critiquing pedagogical practices; rather, Dickens offers informal solutions to Victorian attempts at establishing a state-run educational system. My project begins with a chapter providing historical context on formal Victorian educational practices; practices which inform Dickens's descriptions of both formal and informal learning/teaching experiences. In my analysis of A Christmas Carol, I analyze the Christmas Spirits's teaching strategies and find that the ghosts offer a more humane pedagogical approach than common Victorian teaching methods like Andrew Bell and Joseph Lancaster's Monitorial System. My chapter on Bleak House considers the ways in which gendered teaching and learning complicate a Dickensian perspective on what can be defined as best-practice pedagogy. In Great Expectations, I explore how the generic form of the Bildungsroman, or the novel of education, contributes to Dickens's evaluation of learning and social mobility. My project concludes by demonstrating how Dickens explodes and expands definitions of "teacher," "pupil," and "learning" in A Christmas Carol, Bleak House, and Great Expectations, even for twenty-first century audiences. / Master of Arts / In his novels Hard Times, Dombey and Son, and Our Mutual Friend Charles Dickens famously criticizes common Victorian educational practices by depicting unfair and cruel treatment in school and classroom settings. However, Dickens's portrayals of excellent educational settings is often overlooked. My thesis argues that examples of Dickens's successful teachers occur most frequently in his portrayals of informal education. In A Christmas Carol (1843), Bleak House (1852), and Great Expectations (1860), ghosts, friends, mothers, dancing-masters, and dubious neighbors become the best teachers to needy students. My project begins with a chapter providing historical context on formal Victorian educational practices; practices which inform Dickens's descriptions of both formal and informal learning/teaching experiences. In my analysis of A Christmas Carol, I analyze the Christmas Spirits's teaching strategies and find that the ghosts offer a more humane pedagogical approach than common Victorian teaching methods like Andrew Bell and Joseph Lancaster's Monitorial System. My chapter on Bleak House considers the ways in which gendered teaching and learning complicate a Dickensian perspective on what can be defined as best-practice pedagogy. In Great Expectations, I explore how the generic form of the Bildungsroman, or the novel of education, contributes to Dickens's evaluation of learning and social mobility. My project concludes by demonstrating how Dickens explodes and expands definitions of "teacher," "pupil," and "learning" in A Christmas Carol, Bleak House, and Great Expectations, even for twenty-first century audiences.

Digital Christmas Magic : A qualitative study analysing the influence of digital sensory marketing on Millennials’ impulse buying behaviour during Christmas

Ingmarsson, Tova, Ekström, Johanna, Persson, Linnea January 2024 (has links)
Christmas is a delightful time of the year for many, evoking a range of emotions as people are influenced by various sensory experiences. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in digitalisation, leading to more online shopping. Therefore, the aim of this research is to investigate how the digitalisation of sensory Christmas marketing influences the impulse buying behaviour of Millennials. Additionally, this study aims to examine how Millennials' purchasing behaviour is impacted by these evolving aspects of sensory marketing. This research will aid companies seeking to market Christmas products online using sensory strategies. Furthermore, a qualitative method was utilised to obtain responses for the primary data collection. By employing semi-structured interviews, responses from 15 different participants from the Millennial generation, born between 1981-1996, could be gathered. These participants are also heavy social media users and have a high enthusiasm for Christmas. Once the primary data was collected, the data was analysed alongside existing literature. In conclusion, the findings of this study indicates that Christmas is difficult to experience in the same way in the online space as a physical space. The study has identified that Millennials can experience sensory cues online using their memories and their imagination, and then this might lead to a Christmas feeling. Different factors contribute to whether Millennials are impacted by digital Christmas, and whether this leads to impulse buying behaviour, such as family situation, online or physical preference, limited edition, attention, and emotional responses. The research has yielded various opportunities and challenges in this area, as well as what can be utilised for further research.


Ábalos Ramos, Ana 05 April 2016 (has links)
[EN] Exhibitions are a cornerstone of Alison and Peter Smithsons' multifaceted approach to their work. A powerful medium for conveying and materialising their ideas which provided them, throughout their career, with the opportunity to freely create experimental constructions to relay their thoughts. The exhibitions they staged in the 1950s and 60s, such as 'Parallel of Life and Art', 'House of the Future', and 'Patio & Pavilion' were, and still are, at least as important to architectural critics as their few built works or many writings. However, from the 1970s onwards little is known about their prolific work in the realm of exhibitions. In his lecture 'The Masque and the Exhibition: Stages Towards the Real' in 1980, Peter Smithson mentioned the importance of exhibitions in shaping the Smithsons' architecture as places of opportunity in which to experiment with reality. This comment makes it logical to think that if the exhibitions held before then had always been a powerful tool - a tool used, furthermore, by the Smithsons to create some of their most intense productions - then those staged after said lecture, which acknowledged and highlighted this aspect of their work might, despite being little known, be at least as intense as the previous exhibitions with greater media visibility. This idea, together with the expectations raised by the 'Christmas-Hogmanay' exhibition - not only because it was staged whilst said lecture was being drafted but also because of the ideas that sprang from the analysis of a related collage mentioned in the prelude to this doctoral thesis - channelled the research towards this final period of the Smithsons' exhibition architecture. The research herein focuses specifically on two groups of exhibitions that stand out amongst the Smithsons' wide range of documented exhibitions on account of their inherent intellectual cohesion enabling the concepts staged by Alison and Peter Smithson to be seen more clearly. This doctoral thesis consists of four chapters. It begins with an introductory chapter which firstly analyses and contextualises architecture in the shape of exhibitions; then outlines the importance of exhibitions in Alison and Peter Smithson's work; and finally puts the specific period under study into context in terms of both their career and the discourse of architecture in general. The two main chapters in this thesis are entitled 'Christmas Exhibitions' and 'Tecta Exhibitions', each organised in a similar fashion: a short introduction to the group of exhibitions followed by an in-depth analysis of each exhibition in the group based mainly on the unpublished documentation to which the author had access in the three main archives devoted to Alison and Peter Smithson: The Alison and Peter Smithson Archive in the Special Collections Department of the Frances Loeb Library at Harvard Design School (USA); the Alison and Peter Smithson Archive / Tecta Archive at Lauenförde (Germany); and the Smithson Family Archive in Stamford (United Kingdom). Finally, each chapter ends with an essay which analyses and links up the different concepts conveyed by each individual exhibition and the exhibitions in the group as a whole. The last chapter is a short epilogue that gathers up all the concepts set out previously in relation to the Christmas and Tecta exhibitions, and shows how they all tie in together in the Smithsons' most experimental work: the Hexenhaus at Bad Karlshafen. / [ES] Dentro del enfoque polifácetico del trabajo de Alison and Peter Smithson, las exposiciones son pieza fundamental. Un medio poderoso para comunicar y materializar sus ideas que les brindó a lo largo de toda su trayectoria la oportunidad de abordar con libertad la construcción experimental de su pensamiento. Sus propuestas expositivas de la década de los cincuenta y sesenta, como Parallel of Life and Art, House of the Future, o Patio & Pavilion, han sido y son tanto o más relevantes para la crítica arquitectónica como sus escasas obras construidas o sus abundantes escritos. Sin embargo, a partir de la década de los setenta, poco se conoce de su prolífica producción expositiva. Peter Smithson en la conferencia "The Masque and the Exhibition: Stages Towards the Real" en 1980 expresaba el importante significado que tenían las exposiciones para la conformación de su arquitectura como lugares de oportunidad para experimentar con la realidad. A partir de esta reflexión, parece lógico pensar que si hasta ese momento dichas instalaciones siempre fueron una herramienta con la que los Smithson han ofrecido algunos de sus momentos más intensos, las realizadas a partir de ese momento de reconocimiento consciente y puesta en valor de esta faceta de su trabajo, pese a su poca difusión, podrían entrañar una intensidad al menos similar a las que ya han destacado hasta el momento en los medios. Esta consideración, unida a las expectativas generadas en torno a la exposición Christmas-Hogmanay, tanto por ser simultánea a la elaboración de dicha conferencia, como por las ideas que se desprenden del análisis de un collage vinculado a la misma que aparece como preludio de esta tesis doctoral, ha dirigido la investigación hacia este último periodo de su arquitectura expositiva. En concreto, el estudio se centra en dos grupos que, dentro del amplio abanico de montajes expositivos realizados, destacan por poseer una cohesión intelectual propia que permitirá descubrir con mayor claridad las reflexiones que Alison y Peter Smithson ponen en escena. La tesis doctoral se estructura en cuatro grandes apartados. Arranca con un capítulo de introducción dedicado a enmarcar el tema de estudio en el que primero se analiza y contextualiza la arquitectura hecha exposición; después, se presenta la relevancia que tiene la obra expositiva en el trabajo de Alison y Peter Smithson; y finalmente se contextualiza el periodo concreto en el que se centra el estudio atendiendo tanto a su propia trayectoria como al discurso arquitectónico general. Los dos grandes apartados de la disertación son las exposiciones de Navidad y las realizadas junto a TECTA, estructurándose ambos de manera similar. Tras una breve introducción al grupo de exposiciones que se va a analizar, aparecen ampliamente documentadas cada una de las exposiciones que conforma el grupo a partir, principalmente, de la documentación inédita a la que se ha tenido acceso en los tres principales archivos dedicados a Alison and Peter Smithson: The Alison and Peter Smithson Archive en el Special Collections Department de la Frances Loeb Library de la Harvard Design School (Estados Unidos); The Alison and Peter Smithson Archiv / TECTA Archiv en Lauenförde (Alemania); y The Smithson Family Archive en Stamford (Inglaterra). Finalmente, cada capítulo se cierra con un ensayo en el que se analizan y relacionan las diferentes reflexiones que las exposiciones ofrecen, de manera individual y en su conjunto. El último capítulo es un breve epílogo que reúne y entrelaza todo lo anteriormente expuesto, a través de las exposiciones de Navidad y TECTA, en su obra más experimental, la Hexenhaus en Bad Karlshafen. / [CA] Dins de l'enfocament polifacètic del treball d'Alison i Peter Smithson, les exposicions en són una peça fonamental. Un mitjà poderós per a comunicar i materialitzar les idees que, al llarg de tota la seua trajectòria, els van brindar l'oportunitat d'abordar amb llibertat la construcció experimental del seu pensament. Les seues propostes expositives de la dècada dels cinquanta i seixanta, com ara Parallel of Life and Art, House of the Future, o Patio & Pavilion, han sigut i són tant o més rellevants per a la crítica arquitectònica com les seues escasses obres construïdes o els seus abundants escrits. No obstant això, a partir de la dècada dels setanta, poc es coneix de la seua prolífica producció expositiva. Peter Smithson, en la conferència "The Masque and the Exhibition: Stages Towards the Real" al 1980, expressava l'important significat que tenien les exposicions per a la conformació de la seua arquitectura com a llocs d'oportunitat per a experimentar amb la realitat. A partir d'aquesta reflexió, sembla lògic pensar que, si fins a eixe moment les dites instal·lacions sempre van ser una eina amb la qual els Smithson han ofert alguns dels seus moments més intensos, les que van realitzar a partir d'aquest moment de reconeixement conscient i posada en valor d'aquesta faceta del seu treball, tot i la poca difusió, podrien contenir una intensitat com a mínim similar a la d'aquelles que ja han destacat fins al moment en els mitjans. Aquesta consideració, unida a les expectatives generades entorn a l'exposició Christmas-Hogmanay, tant per ser simultània a l'elaboració de la dita conferència, com per les idees que es desprenen de l'anàlisi d'un collage vinculat a la mateixa que apareix com a preludi d'aquesta tesi doctoral, ha dirigit la investigació cap a aquest últim període de la seua arquitectura expositiva. En concret, l'estudi se centra en dos grups que, dins de l'ampli ventall de muntatges expositius realitzats, destaquen per posseir una cohesió intel·lectual pròpia que permetrà descobrir amb una major claredat les reflexions que Alison i Peter Smithson posen en escena. La tesi doctoral s'estructura en quatre grans capítols. Arrenca amb un apartat d'introducció dedicat a emmarcar el tema d'estudi, en què primer s'analitza i contextualitza l'arquitectura feta exposició; després, es presenta la rellevància que té l'obra expositiva en el treball d'Alison i Peter Smithson; i finalment es contextualitza el període concret en què se centra l'estudi, atenent tant a la seua pròpia trajectòria com al discurs arquitectònic general. Els dos grans capítols de la dissertació són les exposicions de Nadal i les realitzades junt amb TECTA, i s'estructuren tots dos de manera similar. Després d'una breu introducció al grup d'exposicions que s'analitzarà, apareixen amplament documentades cadascuna de les exposicions que conforma el grup, a partir principalment de la documentació inèdita a la qual s'ha tingut accés en els tres principals arxius dedicats a Alison i Peter Smithson: The Alison and Peter Smithson Archive a l'Special Collections Department de la Frances Loeb Library de la Harvard Design School (Estats Units d'Amèrica); The Alison and Peter Smithson Archiv / TECTA Archiv a Lauenförde (Alemanya); i The Smithson Family Archive a Stamford (Anglaterra). Finalment, cada capítol es tanca amb un assaig en què s'analitzen i relacionen les diferents reflexions que les exposicions ofereixen, de manera individual i en conjunt. L'últim capítol és un breu epíleg que reuneix i entrellaça tot allò exposat anteriorment, a través de les exposicions de Nadal i TECTA, en la seua obra més experimental, la Hexenhausen Bad Karlshafen. / Ábalos Ramos, A. (2016). ALISON AND PETER SMITHSON: THE TRANSIENT AND THE PERMANENT [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62223

Коледарске и божићне песме у контексту зимских календарских обреда / Koledarske i božićne pesme u kontekstu zimskih kalendarskih obreda / Koleda and Christmas songs in the context ofwinter calendar rituals

Tornjanski Brašnjović Svetlana 29 June 2015 (has links)
<p>Предмет испитивања у овом раду су коледарски и божићни обреди. Притом је највише простора посвећено њиховој вербалној компоненти, односно коледарским и божићним песмама.<br />Пошто је истраживање урађено на основу писаних текстова који су објављени у различитим етнографским изворима и збиркама, Увод обухвата и преглед претходних записа (збирке песама, етнографске изворе и грађу) и историјат претходних истраживања коледарских и божићних обреда. Такође, овај део рада садржи кратак опис свих релевантних извора, почевши од првог описа коледарских и божићних обреда и песама у издању Вука Стефановића Караџића у Српским народним песмама (1841), а завршава са последњим записима и поменима 2014. године<br />Географске координате коледарских и божићних обреда постављене су на основу прикупљеног материјала. Истовремено, дијахрона димензија ових обреда назначена је временом њиховог извођења (или периодом до ког постоји сећање на њихово извођење).<br />С обзиром на то да је у етнографским описима и етнолошкој литератури приказан садржај различитих локалних варијанти божићних и коледарских обреда, у централном делу рада сачињена је конструкција идеалтипске дескрипције која је објединила српску обредно-обичајну праксу од Св. Варваре (4/17. X&Iota;&Iota;) до Богојављења (6. &Iota;/19. &Iota;), а у склопу описа обредно-обичајне праксе у вези са поменутим празницима, и припрема мушких поворки коледара (и аналогних група<br />сировара/бабара, чаројица, вертепаша, звездара, клоцалица, вучара, џамалара), дечјих (коринђаша) и женских поворки (водичарки) за ритуални опход села, па до коначног распуштања обредне групе.<br />Будући да су песме део комплекса различитих ритуала, извођених у време краткодневице, у раду се изучавају у склопу обреда у оквиру ког су се певале.<br />У овом делу рада посебно се анализују: 1) предбожићне песме које се изводе на празнике Свете Варваре, Светог Игњата Богоносца, Туциндан и Бадњи дан, 2) божићне песме које се певају током прва три дана Божића и 3) послебожићне песме, извођене четвртог дана Божића, на празник Светог Василија Великог и Богојављење.<br />Последње поглавље (Завршна разматрања) даје преглед закључака до којих се истраживањем дошло.<br />Прилози садрже списак коришћене литературе (збирке и изворе), као и мапе ареала распростирања коледарских и божићних обреда.</p> / <p>Predmet ispitivanja u ovom radu su koledarski i božićni obredi. Pritom je najviše prostora posvećeno njihovoj verbalnoj komponenti, odnosno koledarskim i božićnim pesmama.<br />Pošto je istraživanje urađeno na osnovu pisanih tekstova koji su objavljeni u različitim etnografskim izvorima i zbirkama, Uvod obuhvata i pregled prethodnih zapisa (zbirke pesama, etnografske izvore i građu) i istorijat prethodnih istraživanja koledarskih i božićnih obreda. Takođe, ovaj deo rada sadrži kratak opis svih relevantnih izvora, počevši od prvog opisa koledarskih i božićnih obreda i pesama u izdanju Vuka Stefanovića Karadžića u Srpskim narodnim pesmama (1841), a završava sa poslednjim zapisima i pomenima 2014. godine<br />Geografske koordinate koledarskih i božićnih obreda postavljene su na osnovu prikupljenog materijala. Istovremeno, dijahrona dimenzija ovih obreda naznačena je vremenom njihovog izvođenja (ili periodom do kog postoji sećanje na njihovo izvođenje).<br />S obzirom na to da je u etnografskim opisima i etnološkoj literaturi prikazan sadržaj različitih lokalnih varijanti božićnih i koledarskih obreda, u centralnom delu rada sačinjena je konstrukcija idealtipske deskripcije koja je objedinila srpsku obredno-običajnu praksu od Sv. Varvare (4/17. X&Iota;&Iota;) do Bogojavljenja (6. &Iota;/19. &Iota;), a u sklopu opisa obredno-običajne prakse u vezi sa pomenutim praznicima, i priprema muških povorki koledara (i analognih grupa<br />sirovara/babara, čarojica, vertepaša, zvezdara, klocalica, vučara, džamalara), dečjih (korinđaša) i ženskih povorki (vodičarki) za ritualni ophod sela, pa do konačnog raspuštanja obredne grupe.<br />Budući da su pesme deo kompleksa različitih rituala, izvođenih u vreme kratkodnevice, u radu se izučavaju u sklopu obreda u okviru kog su se pevale.<br />U ovom delu rada posebno se analizuju: 1) predbožićne pesme koje se izvode na praznike Svete Varvare, Svetog Ignjata Bogonosca, Tucindan i Badnji dan, 2) božićne pesme koje se pevaju tokom prva tri dana Božića i 3) poslebožićne pesme, izvođene četvrtog dana Božića, na praznik Svetog Vasilija Velikog i Bogojavljenje.<br />Poslednje poglavlje (Završna razmatranja) daje pregled zaključaka do kojih se istraživanjem došlo.<br />Prilozi sadrže spisak korišćene literature (zbirke i izvore), kao i mape areala rasprostiranja koledarskih i božićnih obreda.</p> / <p>Slavic rituals of koleda and Christmas are<br />the core of the research in the paper. The<br />structural-semantic analysis of the rites<br />mentioned above, especially deals with their<br />verbal component, i.e. koleda and Christmas<br />songs. Since the research relies on the basis of<br />more than a thousand written texts (published in<br />different ethnographic sources), as well as on<br />printed collections, the third part of the<br />introductory notes comprises a review of those<br />records (collections of songs, ethnographic<br />sources and materials) and the history of old<br />koleda and Christmas rites. It also includes a<br />short description of all the relevant sources,<br />starting from the first description of koleda and<br />Christmas rites and carols depicted in Vuk<br />Stefanovic Karadzic Folk Serbian collection of<br />songs, published in 1841, and ending with the<br />last known records in the first decade of the 21st<br />century.<br />Geographical coordinates of koleda and<br />Christmas rites are set on the basis of the<br />collected material. At the same time, a<br />diachronic dimension of the rites is also being<br />taken into account, that is, it is indicated when<br />these were performed.<br />The central part of the paper tries to offer<br />the ideal-typical description of koleda and<br />Christmas rites, on the basis of all the available data that speak of their actual performance. This</p><p>part of the paper most specifically deals with: 1.<br />Pre-Christmas songs performed on: Saint<br />Barbara&rsquo;s Day, Saint Ignatius Day, the day<br />before Christmas Eve (Tucindan) and on<br />Christmas Eve, 2. Christmas songs sung during<br />the first three days of Christmas, and 3. PostChristmas<br />songs, performed on the fourth day of<br />Christmas and on the days of Saint Basil the<br />Great and Epiphany.<br />Koleda (and analogue rites) are mostly<br />referred to in the context of ritual practices<br />performed on the day before Christmas, since<br />koledars mostly proceeded on that particular<br />day. In the scope of such a description, all<br />phases of koleda rites are being reconstructed:<br />preparation for the celebration procession<br />through the village(s), return to the communal<br />house, setting of the dining table, and finally &ndash;<br />dismissal of koleda (and analogue) groups. The<br />lyrics of koleda songs are directly related to the<br />context of performance. Special attention is paid<br />to the elements of male and female initiation<br />and the fertility cult, which can be perceived<br />only in the course of performance presented in<br />this way.<br />The last chapter (Final discussions) gives<br />a summary of the conclusions the research has<br />come to.<br />The Appendix is a list of literature used in<br />the paper (Literature, Collections and Sources),<br />while it also offers maps of those geographical<br />areas where koleda and Christmas rites are<br />performed.</p>

The International Musical Philanthropy Genre: A Cadence for Global Community, a Chorus for Change, and a Refrain for African Aid

Passanisi, Lucia A. January 2011 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Bonnie Jefferson / In 1984, a group of famous British musicians came together to form the megagroup called Band Aid and released the holiday song “Do They Know It‟s Christmas?” to increase public awareness of the Ethiopian famine. A few months later, American musicians under the name United Support of Artists for Africa (U.S.A. for Africa) released the song “We Are the World” to raise money for these famine victims. Both songs were immensely popular and together created a new rhetorical form, the international musical philanthropy genre. Over twenty-five years after the release of these two songs, Sudanese recording artist Emmanuel Jal released his own song “We Want Peace” to raise public awareness for the Southern Sudanese vote for independence. This study examines the creation of the international musical philanthropy genre by analyzing and comparing the songs “Do They Know It‟s Christmas?” and “We Are the World”. This analysis also discusses the implications of the international musical philanthropy genre. After examining the effects of this new genre, this analysis then examines how the new song “We Want Peace” challenges and expands the international musical philanthropy genre. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2011. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Communication Honors Program. / Discipline: Communication.

Gravity wave coupling of the lower and middle atmosphere.

Love, Peter Thomas January 2009 (has links)
A method of inferring tropospheric gravity wave source characteristics from middle atmosphere observations has been adapted from previous studies for use with MF radar observations of the equatorial mesosphere-lower thermosphere at Christmas Island in the central Pacific. The nature of the techniques applied also permitted an analysis of the momentum flux associated with the characterised sources and its effects on the equatorial mean flow and diurnal solar thermal tide. An anisotropic function of gravity wave horizontal phase speed was identified as being characteristic of convectively generated source spectra. This was applied stochastically to a ray-tracing model to isolate numerical estimates of the function parameters. The inferred spectral characteristics were found to be consistent with current theories relating convective gravity wave spectra to tropospheric conditions and parameters characterising tropical deep convection. The results obtained provide observational constraints on the model spectra used in gravity wave parameterisations in numerical weather prediction and general circulation models. The interaction of gravity waves with the diurnal solar thermal tide was found to cause an amplification of the tide in the vicinity of the mesopause. The gravity wave-tidal interactions were highly sensitive to spectral width and amplitude. Estimates were made of the high frequency gravity wave contribution to forcing the MSAO with variable results. The data used in the analysis are part of a large archive which now has the potential to provide tighter constraints on wave spectra through the use of the methods developed here. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1352362 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Chemistry and Physics, 2009

Natal Luz em Gramado (RS), tradição e inovação : um olhar sobre os fatores que determinam o retorno dos turistas ao evento

Generosi, Andressa 14 February 2011 (has links)
O estudo teve como objetivo geral identificar fatores determinantes para o retorno cíclico dos turistas, no período do Natal Luz , evento que se realiza anualmente em Gramado (RS). O foco foi explorar os elementos que constituem o espetáculo. Para análise da organização do evento, os procedimentos metodológicos priorizam uma seleção conteúdos teóricos que pudessem atestar motivos fatoriais de atração e de retorno dos visitantes ao evento em duas ou mais edições. A pesquisa bibliográfica, base teórica que fundamentou o trabalho, inclui conceitos sobre empreendedorismo, inovação, gestão de eventos, hospitalidade, turismo de experiência e caráter religioso de festividades turísticas. Estes temas, relacionados entre si, constituíram as categorias de análise dos fatores mencionados pelos turistas, em respostas às perguntas do questionário de pesquisa de campo. Pelo ineditismo acadêmico nos Bancos de Dissertações e Teses Capes e pelo número crescente de visitantes a cada edição do evento, justifica-se a importância deste trabalho, além de contribuir com conhecimentos para a organização e para a gestão de eventos turísticos. Por meio da revisão bibliográfica e da análise dos dados levantados pela pesquisa, foi possível comprovar, com base na visão dos turistas visitantes de Gramado/RS, no período da realização do evento Natal Luz , em 2010, que os fatores de motivação do retorno deles ao município, são ligados à vivência do espírito natalino , associados à inovação e ao empreendedorismo dos organizadores, embora outros fatores devam também ser considerados. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-06-04T17:20:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Andressa Generosi.pdf: 3887214 bytes, checksum: 4a272aa2b3e21d1fb7135cbe14f80e74 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-04T17:20:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Andressa Generosi.pdf: 3887214 bytes, checksum: 4a272aa2b3e21d1fb7135cbe14f80e74 (MD5) / The study aimed to identify factors for the cyclical return of tourists during the "Natal Luz", an event held annually in Gramado (RS). The focus was to explore the elements of the show. To analyze the organization of the event, the procedures a priority selection theoretical content that could attest factorials reasons for attraction and return visitors to the event two or more editions. The literature, theoretical basis that substantiated the work, including concepts of entrepreneurship, innovation, event management, hospitality, tourism experience and religious character of tourist. These themes related to each other, were the categories of analysis of the factors mentioned by tourists, in response to questions from the questionnaire survey. For originality in academic Banks of dissertations and theses Capes and the increasing number of visitors each year´s event, justifies the importance of this work, as well as contributing knowledge to the organization and management of tourist events. Through literature review and analysis of data collected by the survey, it was evident, based on the views of tourists visitors Gramado/RS, the period of the event "Natal Luz" in 2010 that the factors of motivation return them to the municipality, are linked to the experience of the "spirit of Christmas" associated with innovation and entrepreneurship of the organizers, although other factors should also be considered.

Natal Luz em Gramado (RS), tradição e inovação : um olhar sobre os fatores que determinam o retorno dos turistas ao evento

Generosi, Andressa 14 February 2011 (has links)
O estudo teve como objetivo geral identificar fatores determinantes para o retorno cíclico dos turistas, no período do Natal Luz , evento que se realiza anualmente em Gramado (RS). O foco foi explorar os elementos que constituem o espetáculo. Para análise da organização do evento, os procedimentos metodológicos priorizam uma seleção conteúdos teóricos que pudessem atestar motivos fatoriais de atração e de retorno dos visitantes ao evento em duas ou mais edições. A pesquisa bibliográfica, base teórica que fundamentou o trabalho, inclui conceitos sobre empreendedorismo, inovação, gestão de eventos, hospitalidade, turismo de experiência e caráter religioso de festividades turísticas. Estes temas, relacionados entre si, constituíram as categorias de análise dos fatores mencionados pelos turistas, em respostas às perguntas do questionário de pesquisa de campo. Pelo ineditismo acadêmico nos Bancos de Dissertações e Teses Capes e pelo número crescente de visitantes a cada edição do evento, justifica-se a importância deste trabalho, além de contribuir com conhecimentos para a organização e para a gestão de eventos turísticos. Por meio da revisão bibliográfica e da análise dos dados levantados pela pesquisa, foi possível comprovar, com base na visão dos turistas visitantes de Gramado/RS, no período da realização do evento Natal Luz , em 2010, que os fatores de motivação do retorno deles ao município, são ligados à vivência do espírito natalino , associados à inovação e ao empreendedorismo dos organizadores, embora outros fatores devam também ser considerados. / The study aimed to identify factors for the cyclical return of tourists during the "Natal Luz", an event held annually in Gramado (RS). The focus was to explore the elements of the show. To analyze the organization of the event, the procedures a priority selection theoretical content that could attest factorials reasons for attraction and return visitors to the event two or more editions. The literature, theoretical basis that substantiated the work, including concepts of entrepreneurship, innovation, event management, hospitality, tourism experience and religious character of tourist. These themes related to each other, were the categories of analysis of the factors mentioned by tourists, in response to questions from the questionnaire survey. For originality in academic Banks of dissertations and theses Capes and the increasing number of visitors each year´s event, justifies the importance of this work, as well as contributing knowledge to the organization and management of tourist events. Through literature review and analysis of data collected by the survey, it was evident, based on the views of tourists visitors Gramado/RS, the period of the event "Natal Luz" in 2010 that the factors of motivation return them to the municipality, are linked to the experience of the "spirit of Christmas" associated with innovation and entrepreneurship of the organizers, although other factors should also be considered.

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