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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The need for teaching the escatological gospel of both coming of Jesus Christ in the twenty - first century especially if we see the day of his Parousia approaching

Hebert, David K. 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis is designed to outline the systematic-theological and theological-historical basis for the Eschatological Gospel of Both Comings of Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha Mashiach). This cohesively combines Jesus‘ First Coming (for redemption, reconciliation and restoration) with His Second Coming (for the Rapture/Resurrection of the Church/Body of Christ and judgment at the Day of the Lord/Yahweh) into the complete salvation of the Church. The historical writings of the Patristic, Ante- and Post-Nicene Fathers are examined to ensure the continuity of this Eschatological Gospel message being communicated through their writings to the Early Church. The remainder of Church history is examined to ensure the Eschatological Gospel continued to be communicated by the Church as a part of the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20. Then, in keeping with the eschatological prophetic intent of the Parable of the Wheat and Tares (Weeds) in Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43, of both the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan coexisting and growing until ―the end of the age,‖ the antithesis of the Eschatological Gospel is examined—Satan‘s plan of lies, deception and heresy throughout history, culminating with the explosion of activity since 1948. This satanic plan is described as being not only insidiously deceptive by recruiting converts to the kingdom of darkness in rebellion and opposition to the kingdom of God, but also as preparing the way for the End-time/Last Days‘ ten-nation confederacy to be led by the antichrist. Biblical chronology is used to trace the history of both the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness to the present day. Finally, the ―Signs of the Times‖ in modern history are examined, thereby showing the need for the Eschatological Gospel to be taught in the twenty-first century, especially as the day of the Lord Jesus Christ‘s Parousia rapidly approaches. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / D.Th. (Systematic Theology)

Barshalder 1 : A cemetery in Grötlingbo and Fide parishes, Gotland, Sweden, c. AD 1-1100. Excavations and finds 1826-1971

Rundkvist, Martin January 2003 (has links)
<p>The prehistoric cemetery of Barshalder is located along the main road on the boundary between Grötlingbo and Fide parishes, near the southern end of the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea. The cemetery was used from c. AD 1-1100.</p><p>The level of publication in Swedish archaeology of the first millennium AD is low compared to, for instance, the British and German examples. Gotland’s rich Iron Age cemeteries have long been intensively excavated, but few have received monographic treatment. This publication is intended to begin filling this gap and to raise the empirical level of the field. It also aims to make explicit and test the often somewhat intuitively conceived results of much previous research. The analyses deal mainly with the Migration (AD 375–540), Vendel (AD 520–790) and Late Viking (AD 1000–1150) Periods.</p><p>The following lines of inquiry have been prioritised.</p><p>1. Landscape history, i.e. placing the cemetery in a landscape-historical context. (Vol. 1, section 2.2.6)</p><p>2. Migration Period typochronology, i.e. the study of change in the grave goods. (Vol. 2, chapter 2)</p><p>3. Social roles: gender, age and status. (Vol. 2, chapter 3)</p><p>4. Religious identity in the 11th century, i.e. the study of religious indicators in mortuary customs and grave goods, with particular emphasis on the relationship between Scandinavian paganism and Christianity.. (Vol. 2, chapter 4)</p><p>Barshalder is found to have functioned as a central cemetery for the surrounding area, located on peripheral land far away from contemporary settlement, yet placed on a main road along the coast for maximum visibility and possibly near a harbour. Computer supported correspondence analysis and seriation are used to study the gender attributes among the grave goods and the chronology of the burials. New methodology is developed to distinguish gender-neutral attributes from transgressed gender attributes. Sub-gender grouping due to age and status is explored. An independent modern chronology system with rigorous type definitions is established for the Migration Period of Gotland. Recently published chronology systems for the Vendel and Viking Periods are critically reviewed, tested and modified to produce more solid models. Social stratification is studied through burial wealth with a quantitative method, and the results are tested through juxtaposition with several other data types.</p><p>The Late Viking Period graves of the late 10th and 11th centuries are studied in relation to the contemporary Christian graves at the churchyards. They are found to be symbolically soft-spoken and unobtrusive, with all pagan attributes kept apart from the body in a space between the feet of the deceased and the end of the over-long inhumation trench. A small number of pagan reactionary graves with more forceful symbolism are however also identified. The distribution of different 11th century cemetery types across the island is used to interpret the period’s confessional geography, the scale of social organisation and the degree of allegiance to western and eastern Christianity. 11th century society on Gotland is found to have been characterised by religious tolerance, by an absence of central organisation and by slow piecemeal Christianisation.</p>

The Late Bronze Age Sanctuary at Ayios Iakovos: Dhima Revisited / Ett återbesök i den sena bronsålders helgedomen i Ayios Iakovos: Dhima

Lindqvist, Adam January 2017 (has links)
År 1929 grävde den Svenska Cypernexpeditionen ut en helgedom daterad till den tidiga delen av Sencypriotisk II (1400-1340/1315), namngiven Ayios Iakovos: Dhima. Kring ett terrakotta-kar återfann arkeologerna flera värdefulla och exotiska föremål.  Sedan dess har platsen och dess fynd tolkats på många olika sätt, utan någon egentlig klarhet. Genom att göra en systematisk studie över det hittills opublicerade skärvmaterialet har nya slutsatser om platsen kunnat läggas fram. Tidigare tolkningar om ett kronologiskt gap under Sencypriotisk I kan nu ifrågasättas. Det finns belägg för ett kontinuerligt bruk från Mellancypriotisk III fram tills platsen övergavs under Sencypriotisk II. Den stora mängden slutna kärl, förknippade med transport av väldoftande oljor och salvor, vittnar om de aktiviteter som en gång företogs på platsen. Dessutom visar närvaron av typiska rituella dryckeskärl ett av de tidigaste exemplen på utvecklingen av Cypriotisk rituell tradition, nu separerad från de tidigare starka banden till gravriter.

Le Sylvicole moyen ancien de l’Estrie et du Nord-Est américain : une étude descriptive et comparative de la poterie du site Vieux-Pont (BiEx-1), Lennoxville, Québec

Dumont, Jessica 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur la chronologie culturelle des Amérindiens du Nord-Est américain. Il vise à documenter un des épisodes culturels de la préhistoire de l’Estrie, soit le Sylvicole moyen ancien, compris entre l’an 400 avant notre ère et 500 de notre ère. De la poterie typique de cette période a été récoltée sur le site Vieux-Pont (BiEx-1) à Lennoxville par des archéologues amateurs et professionnels depuis sa découverte. L’analyse des tessons de poterie réalisée dans ce projet a surtout révélé une forte homogénéité de l’effet basculant, une technique d’application décorative, sur la paroi interne et la panse des vases. Elle a aussi permis de proposer une occupation récente au Sylvicole moyen ancien, entre les ans 1 et 500-600 de notre ère. L’analyse comparative suggère la participation des groupes de Vieux-Pont aux mêmes réseaux d’interactions et d’échanges que ceux des régions de Montréal, de Québec, du Haut-Richelieu et de la Nouvelle-Angleterre. / This thesis focuses on the culture history of Amerindian groups from north-eastern North America. It aims to document one of the prehistoric cultural periods of the Eastern Townships, the early Middle Woodland period, which lasted between 400 BC and AD 500. Pottery characteristic of this period has been found by many amateur and professional archaeologists on the Vieux-Pont (BiEx-1) site in Lennoxville since its discovery. The analysis of pottery sherds revealed a high homogeneity of the rocker stamping technique on the interior face and the body of the vessels. It also allows us to propose a late occupation during the early Middle Woodland period, between AD 1 to 500-600. The comparative analysis suggests the participation of the Vieux-Pont inhabitants in the same network of interactions and exchanges as those of the Montreal, Quebec, upper-Richelieu and New England regions.

Původ americké španělštiny / The origin of American Spanish

Terešková, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
The present thesis deals with the origin of Latin American Spanish. The first part of this work is dedicated to the historical context which shows us the situation in which was the Kingdom of Spain in the moment of the voyages of exploration. It is treated in there the exploration on the New World and the interior situation of the kingdom as well. The second part of the historical context contains as well the language policy because is needed to have on mind the official reason why Spain was colonizing America which was the Christianization of the American original people. In this battle was the main weapon the language, that's why also it was so important to regulate it with laws and orders. Next part of the present work define American Spanish as an entity which is possible to define geographically and historically, it is a linguistic system which has a common history and determine the most important and decisive period for the formation of the American Spanish as the first one which is in between 1492 - 1519. To this part belong also the opinions and theories of the most important linguists. There is no time for mentioned every linguist who have ever treated the topic, therefore there are mentioned just the most important ones and their theories. Next chapter is dedicated to the pronunciation,...

Bols, paniers et grains de riz : Formes et décors de vaisselles céramiques du Bronze final et du premier âge du fer de Corse / Ciotole, canestri e grani di riso : Fogge e decorazioni del vasellame ceramico del Bronzo finale e del primo Ferro di Corsica

Pêche-Quilichini, Kewin 19 December 2011 (has links)
La masse de documentation céramique disponible pour les différentes phases de la Protohistoire corse était aussi quantitativement importante que peu étudiée. L’analyse de ces sources (43 collections issues de 35 sites) selon une méthodologie basée sur les rapports de proportion, couplée au réexamen critique des publications et des datations radiocarbone, engendre une vision renouvelée de la structure chrono-culturelle des groupes insulaires entre Bronze final et premier âge du Fer. Pour aboutir, par sériation et périodisation, à un schéma reposant sur une articulation entre des entités matérielles clairement définies, il a notamment fallu se détacher de certains faux problèmes à l’origine d’hypothèses initiales souvent arbitraires ou trop tranchées. Les principaux résultats font apparaître une structuration polygénique complexe des assemblages céramiques, subtil jeu d’équilibre entre tradition, emprunt et innovation en fonction des époques et des contextes, mais qui intègre pleinement la Corse dans les dynamiques tyrrhéniennes et méditerranéennes à l’aube de l’avènement des premières sociétés historiques. / The amount of information available on ceramic ware from the different phases of Corsican protohistory is as quantitatively important as little studied. An analysis of these sources (43 collections from 35 sites) using a methodology based on ratios of proportion, as well as a critical re-examination of publications and radiocarbon dates, brings about a new understanding of the chrono-cultural structure of island groups between the Late Bronze and the Early Iron Ages. After resolving a few of the issues which led to previous arbitrary and incomplete analyses, it has been possible to generate a schema based on clearly defined material elements using seriation and periodisation. The main results show a complex polygenic structure in the ceramic assemblages, a subtle game of balance between tradition, borrowing and innovation in relationship to periods and contexts that plainly integrates Corsica in Tyrrhenian and Mediterranean dynamics at the dawn of the first historic societies.

Excavating the Digital Landscape : GIS analyses of social relations in central Sweden in the 1st millennium AD

Löwenborg, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
This thesis presents a number of GIS based landscape analyses that together aim to explore aspects of the social development in Iron Age Västmanland, central Sweden. From a perspective where nature and culture are seen as integrated in the landscape, differences in the relations to the physical landscape are interpreted as reflecting social organisation. Thus, hydrological modelling of watersheds is used for understanding the development of territories and regions that are recognisable in the outlay of the medieval hundare districts. Statistical modelling of burial grounds together with variables describing their situation in the landscape is used to calculate an estimated chronology for sites that have not yet been excavated. This information is used to analyse differences in how the setting in the landscape can tell of different trends in claims to land and property rights. An extensive renegotiation of property rights is suggested to have taken place after climatic catastrophe in AD 536 and the years after. This is interpreted as having caused a substantial population decline in parts of Scandinavia. The social development after this includes an increasingly stratified social hierarchy in the Late Iron Age, which is reflected in the construction of grave monuments. New GIS methods for analysing how to interpret the perception of different locations of the landscape, in terms of local topography and soil are discussed in relation to this.   How to make the best use of large datasets of archaeological information in combination with other sources of geographical information is a central theme. Geographically Weighted Regression is used to predicting the representativity of the registry of graves for the whole landscape. It is suggested that the increasing availability of archaeological information in digital format, together with new analytical techniques has the potential to introduce fruitful new research perspectives. This will make it increasingly rewarding to work with the large amount of data produced from rescue archaeology, and it is important that this information is managed in a structured manner. / Appendices see http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-111310

Modélisation de la végétation holocène du Nord-Ouest de la France : reconstruction de la chronologie et de l’évolution du couvert végétal du Bassin parisien et du Massif armoricain / Holocene vegetation cover of the North-Western France : reconstrution of the chronology and evolution of the vegetation cover from the Paris Basin and the Armorican Massif

David, Rémi 04 April 2014 (has links)
Comprendre la complexité des relations entre nature et sociétés a toujours constitué un défi pour les recherches dans le domaine de l'environnement. A l'ère de la compilation de données dans de nombreuses disciplines, la modélisation constitue l'une des options les plus attractives pour comprendre et traduire les évolutions du milieu naturel. Les objectifs principaux de ce travail de recherche sont 1) de restituer la structure du couvert végétal régional et d'en retracer les évolutions au cours de l'Holocène au sein de deux régions du nord-ouest de la France, le Bassin parisien et le Massif armoricain, et 2) de les interpréter en termes de relations entre les sociétés pré- et protohistoriques et leur milieu naturel. Pour cela, nous avons mis en place une démarche méthodologique visant à 1) redéfinir le cadre chronologique des séquences polliniques rassemblées pour les deux régions, 2) tester, adapter puis appliquer un modèle de reconstitution quantitative du couvert végétal, 3) définir une histoire de la végétation estimée relative à chaque aire géographique modélisée, 4) comparer ces histoires régionales et 5) les confronter aux informations disponibles en matière de densités de sites archéologiques et de proximité de ces sites aux points de sondages polliniques. Des cadres structurant l'évolution du couvert végétal pour chacune des deux régions étudiées ressortent les grandes étapes de la mise en place des paysages au cours de l'Holocène. Des spécificités régionales ont cependant pu être identifiées, tant en matière de chronologie de l'évolution de la végétation estimée qu'en matière de proportions relatives des taxons présents. Une certaine singularité doit donc être reconnue à l'évolution des paysages holocènes de chacune de ces deux parties du nord-ouest de la France. On remarque notamment des dynamiques et des niveaux d'anthropisation tout à fait distincts entre Bassin parisien et Massif armoricain de la fin du Mésolithique à celle du Néolithique. A l'inverse, on retrouve de part et d'autre une certaine similarité entre les proportions estimées des taxons marqueurs d'anthropisation entre la fin du Néolithique et celle de l'âge du Bronze. Des liens évidents entre les variations de l'impact anthropique enregistré et celles de la densité des occupations reconnues ont par ailleurs pu être observés. / Understanding the complex relationship between nature and societies has always been a challenge for environmental sciences. With the growing impact of databases in many disciplines, the modelling appears as one of the most attractive methods for understanding and describing environmental changes. The main objectives of this research work are 1) to reconstruct the structure of the regional vegetation cover and to determine its trends during the Holocene in two regions of north-western France, the Paris Basin and the Armorican Massif, and 2) to interpret them in terms of relationships between the pre- and proto-historic societies and their environment. Thus, we set up a methodological approach aimed at 1) redefining the chronological framework of pollen sequences collected for both regions, 2) testing, adapting and then applying a model in order to produce quantitative estimates of vegetation cover, 3) defining a history of the estimated vegetation for each area modelled, 4) comparing these regional results and 5) confronting them to the available informations in terms of densities of archaeological sites and proximity of these sites to the pollen samples locations. From the general framework structuring the vegetation cover changes for both study areas stand out the major steps of the development of natural landscapes during the Holocene. Nevertheless, regional distinctive features were identified; both in terms of chronology of the vegetation cover changes, than in terms of relative proportions of taxa in the vegetation estimates. Some singularity must be recognized in the Holocene landscape evolution for each of these two parts of north-western France. We noticed distinct rates and rhythms, concerning the anthropogenic impact on the Paris Basin and the Armorican Massif estimated vegetation covers, from the late Mesolithic to the late Neolithic. On the other hand, we found similarities between both areas concerning the estimated proportions for anthropogenic markers taxa between the late Neolithic and the late Bronze Age. Clear links between changes observed in human impact on the vegetation cover estimates and those recorded in the density of archaeological sites were also noticed.

Du texte à l’histoire : la question de la chronologie coranique / From text to history : the issue of qur’ānic chronology

Stefanidis, Emmanuelle 19 January 2019 (has links)
Parole sans contexte évident ni trame narrative, le texte fondateur de l’islam ne dévoile pas aisément ses origines. Cette thèse examine un code de lecture particulier qui a pour effet de contextualiser le texte sacré de l’islam dans ce qu’on imagine avoir été son contexte premier. La lecture chronologique consiste à déterminer l’inscription temporelle de chaque sourate ou énoncé coranique par rapport, d’une part, aux autres énoncés et, d’autre part, à la carrière prophétique de Muḥammad. En (ré-)introduisant une dimension temporelle et narrative, l’interprétation du Coran est facilitée. Ce dernier est ainsi en mesure de raconter, sinon son histoire, du moins une histoire. La chronologie coranique structure à la fois l’exégèse musulmane prémoderne et la recherche universitaire occidentale sur le Coran. Dans cette thèse, nous examinons ces deux domaines de production de savoir, non pas en opposition l’un avec l’autre mais comme deux moments de la réception du texte coranique. Cette approche inclusive permet, à travers l’étude d’une problématique spécifique, d’entamer une réflexion sur les convergences et les divergences entre l’érudition islamique et la recherche occidentale. Notre point de départ et fil conducteur est la liste chronologique des sourates, qui circule dans la Tradition musulmane avant d’être reprise et retravaillée par des universitaires occidentaux. La quête de la séquence originelle du Coran a engendré des débats autant parmi les exégètes que dans la recherche historico-critique. Nous retraçons ces débats et portons une attention particulière à la « textualité » du Coran, qui en fait un texte particulièrement difficile à ancrer dans un contexte. / Devoid of a clear context and a narrative frame, the founding text of Islam does not easily reveal its origins. This thesis examines a particular reading code that contextualises the Muslim scripture in what is imagined to have been its original context. A chronological reading aims at determining the temporal position of each sura or qur'ānic passage in relation to, on the one hand, the rest of the text and, on the other hand, the prophetic career of Muḥammad. By (re-)introducing a temporal and narrative frame, the interpretation of the Qur’ān is facilitated. The text is thus allowed to tell its own story or – in any case – a story. The issue of qur’ānic chronology structures both pre-modern Muslim exegesis and Western academic research on the Qur’ān. In this thesis, we examine these two fields of knowledge, not in opposition to one another but as representing two moments in the Qur’ān’s reception. This inclusive approach enables a reflection on the continuities and discontinuities between the Muslim scholarly tradition and Western research. The chronological list of suras, transmitted by Muslim tradition and examined by Western academics, provides the starting point and the connecting thread of the thesis. The search for the original sequence of the Qur’ān has generated debates, both in exegetical circles and in historical-critical research. We explore what is at stake in these debates and pay specific attention to the textuality of the Qur’ān, which, we argue, does not easily allow us to inscribe the Muslim Scripture in a clear context.

Contributions du thermomètre Δ47 et du chronomètre U-Pb à l’étude de l’histoire diagénétique, thermique, et hydrogéologique des réservoirs carbonatés du Jurassique Moyen du bassin de Paris / Paired Δ47 geothermometry and U/Pb geochronometry to reconstruct the diagenetic, thermal and fluid-flow histories of carbonate rocks in sedimentary basins : case of the Paris basin

Mangenot, Xavier 18 December 2017 (has links)
Dans l’étude de la diagenèse des formations silico-clastiques ou carbonatées, il est souvent difficile de contraindre la température et l’âge des différents épisodes de cimentation ou de recristallisation. Le premier objectif de ce travail de thèse était de tester le potentiel de deux outils isotopiques récents (le géothermomètre des « clumpedisotopes » Δ47 et le géochronomètre U-Pb par analyse ponctuelle sur lame mince) dans le cadre de l’étude de la diagenèse des carbonates. Le deuxième objectif était de préciser l’histoire diagénétique, thermique, ethydrogéologique des réservoirs carbonatés du bassin de Paris. Pour atteindre ces deux objectifs, nous avons étudié des ciments de calcite et dolomite collectés dans les calcaires du Jurassique Moyen du dépocentre du bassin de Paris. La bonne caractérisation pétrographique et sédimentologique de ces échantillons, et le couplage entre les géothermomètres Δ47 et inclusions fluides, nous ont permis d’accéder à plusieurs informations de premier ordre. Premièrement, nous montrons que le Δ47 permet de reconstruire simultanément et précisément la température de formation des ciments diagénétiques dans la gamme 60-100°C (avec une précision de ~3-5°C) et la composition isotopique en oxygène des fluides (δ18Owater) à partir desquels ces ciments ont précipités (avec une précision de ~ 1‰). Deuxièmement, nous présentons une amélioration des connaissances de l’histoire thermique et des périodes de paléo-circulation des fluides à l’échelle régionale dans le bassin de Paris. Notamment, le croisement du géothermomètre Δ47 avec la méthode de datation U-Pb nous a permis pour la première fois de poser des contraintes thermo-chronologiques absolues sur l’ensemble des phases de circulations de fluides étudiées. Plus largement, ce couplage Δ47 /(U-Pb) inédit dévoile un champ d’application nouveau en thermo-chronologie de basse température (10-100°C). Nous anticipons que ce travail initie de nombreuses applications pour l’étude des histoires thermiques des bassins sédimentaires, via l’analyse de la diagenèse des carbonates / Diagenesis studies of both siliciclastic and carbonate rock units face the difficulty of constraining the temperature and age of the successive episodes of mineral crystallization. The first objective of this PhD work was to test the potential of two recent isotopic tools (the "clumped isotopes" Æ47 geothermometer and the laser ablation U-Pb geochronometer ) to integrate conventional carbonate diagenesis studies. The second objective was to reconstruct the diagenetic, thermal, and hydrogeological histories of the Middle Jurassic carbonate reservoirs of the Paris Basin. To achieve these goals, we studied calcite and dolomite cements mostly collected in the basin subsurface (exploration cores). The good petrographical and sedimentological characterization of the studied samples, together with the analysis of fluid inclusions and ?47 thermometry for determining the temperature and the chemical and isotopic compositions of the mineralizing fluids, allowed us to reach several first-order information. First, we show that Æ47 allows to simultaneously and precisely reconstruct the formation temperature of diagenetic cements in the range 60-100 ¡C (with an accuracy of ~ 3-5 ¡C) and the oxygen isotopic composition of the parent fluids (d18Owater) with a precision of ~ 1 ä. Secondly, this work improves our knowledge on the thermal history and past fluid-flows occurring at the basin scale. In particular, the coupling of the Æ47 thermometer with the U-Pb chronometer permitted for the first time to set absolute thermo-chronological constraints on every fluid-flow episodes investigated. More broadly, this unprecedented Æ47/(U-Pb) coupling reveals a new field of application in the low-temperature thermo-chronology field (10-100 ¡C). We anticipate that this pioneer thermo-chronological approach will induce many future applications in the study of sedimentary basins via carbonate diagenesis studies

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