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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

New insights into old problems : the application of a multidisciplinary approach to the study of early Egyptian ceramic chronology, with a focus on luminescence dating

Hood, Amber Giles Eve January 2016 (has links)
This thesis takes a multidisciplinary approach to the study of ancient Egyptian ceramics by applying scientific dating techniques alongside more traditional methods. It is the first study to apply OSL dating to an Egyptian ceramic assemblage, and it has done so by developing the minimum extraction technique (MET), which has made it possible to use OSL to sample, and thus analyse, ceramics housed in museums. The MET is at present essential to the success of OSL dating of Egyptian ceramics, as the exportation ban on antiquities has prevented OSL analysis of field material. For this thesis, using this new sampling technique, OSL has been applied to several assemblages from the Predynastic to the Early Dynastic period. Ceramics from [ADD IN REVIEW ] have been examined, with three phases being established: late Naqada III, First Intermediate Period, and the mediaeval Islamic period. Absolute dates have been determined for each phase and, where comparison is possible, have been found in good agreement with the historical chronology. A set of vessels from Naqada, Ballas, and the Tomb of Djer at Abydos have been examined using OSL in conjunction with radiocarbon dating. Again, three phases of activity were discerned: late Naqada II, early Naqada III, and the first scientifically determined dates for a burning event in the Tomb of Djer (the New Kingdom). The thesis also demonstrates how OSL can be used as a relative dating technique by analysing a collection of Wavy-Handled ceramics and wine jars from Turah, finding that the OSL results agree well with the established relative chronology. Finally, this thesis has also examined the applicability of cladistic analysis to the study of Egyptian ceramics. Cladistics is a technique borrowed from the biological sciences which offers a complimentary way to examine the evolution of ceramic types and forms, in particular the development of beer and wine jars.

Levantamento arqueológico na reserva de desenvolvimento sustentável (RDS) Amanã: Estado do Amazonas / Archaeological Survey at SDR-Amanã Amazonas State

Costa, Bernardo Lacale Silva da 05 December 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta os resultados preliminares de levantamento arqueológico realizado na RDS Amanã, Estado do Amazonas. Situada na região do médio curso do rio Solimões e baixo Japurá, a RDS Amanã está na fase de preparo do seu plano de gestão. A respeito do Patrimônio Arqueológico existente na reserva Amanã 32 sítios arqueológicos formados por terra preta, cerâmica e material lítico polido foram identificados em etapas de levantamento realizadas entre 2006 e 2008. Levando em consideração o tamanho, densidade e variabilidade dos vestígios arqueológicos, assim como, a intensidade dos processos pós-deposicionais os sítios Boa Esperança e Bom Jesus do Baré foram escolhidos para realização de mapeamentos e escavação. O objetivo principal desse mestrado é apresentar o contexto arqueológico da reserva Amanã a partir de uma perspectiva comparativa com pesquisas arqueológicas que ocorrem em outros locais da Amazônia. Mais especificamente com a cronologia estabelecida para as ocupações ceramistas na Amazônia Central e áreas adjacentes, como Baixo Amazonas e médio Rio Caquetá/Japurá. A partir de dados relativos ao tamanho, composição, formato e estratigrafia dos sítios, assim como analise cerâmica e datações é formulada uma cronologia preliminar para o lago Amanã. / The main goal of this dissertation is to introduce the archaeological context of the Amanã Sustainable Development Reserve, situated near the middle course of the Amazon and the lower course of the Japurá Rivers, in the state of Amazonas; its management plan is currently under preparation. This context is then compared to the archaeology of other areas of Amazonia. Preliminary results of the archaeological survey carried out between 2006 and 2008 will be presented, during which time 32 archaeological sites were identified. These are composed of anthropogenic dark earth, pottery and ground lithics. The Boa Esperança and Bom Jesus do Baré archaeological sites were selected for mapping and excavation due to their size, density and the variability of archaeological material they contain. An initial chronology for the Amanã Lake is put forward, based on data related to site size, composition, form and stratigraphy. This is then contrasted to ceramicist occupations identified in the Central Amazon and adjacent areas (the Lower Amazon and middle Caquetá/Japurá). Such a comparative approach is employed as a tool to allow the insertion of the Amanã Lake in the wider scenario, in this way allowing for a contribution to debates and discussions that are important to Amazonian Archaeology, such as the origin and dispersal of ceramic traditions. The data will further provide information to be utilized with local inhabitants for the future development of research, public archaeology and the reserve\'s management activities.

Le verre et sa production dans le Maroc antique et médiéval. Essai de typologie et de chronologie / Typological and chronological study of glass in Roman and medieval period in Morocco

El Hassani, Hafsa 07 July 2017 (has links)
Portant sur une étude typologique et chronologique du verre au Maroc, du Ier au XIVe siècle, cette recherche permet de cerner les comparaisons et les évolutions et de montrer une récurrence de formes et de techniques, notamment de l’époque romaine tardive à la haute époque médiévale. Les données, réunies en un dense corpus totalement inédit pour sa plus grande part, sont issues de 18 sites archéologiques, dont 9 antiques et 9 d’époque médiévale. Le mobilier étudié consiste en un ensemble de près de 2600 verres dont 1000 individus définissant 248 formes. Il comprend aussi bien des verres creux et plats que des parures et des étalons monétaires. Loin de s'inscrire dans une longue tradition historiographique niant l'existence de structures de production du verre au Maroc, cette thèse met en outre pour la première fois en évidence, données archéologiques à l’appui, non seulement les indices matériels de cette production, mais également les traces des ateliers de verriers. Les données recueillies dans ce travail s’avèrent particulièrement importantes pour l’histoire du début de l’artisanat verrier durant la haute époque médiévale. / Based on a typological and chronological study of the glass in Morocco from the Ist to the XIVth century, this research allows to encircle the comparisons as well as the evolutions, and to show a recurrence of forms and techniques, particularly from the late roman time to the high medieval period. The data, combined in dense one, totally unpublished corpus for its biggest part, arise from 18 archeological sites, among which 9 classic arts and 9 of the medieval period. The studied furniture consists a set of about 2600 glasses among which 1000 individuals. Far from joining a long historiographical tradition denying the existence of structures of production of the glass in Morocco, this thesis highlights for the first time, with supporting archaeological data, not only the tangible indications of this production, but also the traces of glass workshops. The results are particularly important for the history of the beginning of the small business glassworker during high medieval period.

La XIIIe dynastie : aspects politiques, économiques et sociaux / The 13th Dynasty : political, economical and social aspects

Siesse, Julien 11 October 2014 (has links)
Les recherches récentes sur la XIIIe dynastie ont abordé séparément les questions chronologiques et politiques d’une part, et celles traitant de l’administration et de la société d’autre part, le résultat étant une vision fragmentée de l’Histoire de cette époque. Il est donc apparu nécessaire d’élaborer une synthèse historique sur la XIIIe dynastie qui réunit ces différentes problématiques. L’originalité de notre travail consiste en une approche globale de la documentation de la période, fondée sur l’étude croisée des sources historiques et archéologiques, royales ou privées, sans les opposer ni en privilégier plutôt l’une que l’autre. Cette entreprise est d’autant plus nécessaire que la XIIIe dynastie n’a été étudiée jusqu’à présent que dans le cadre d’études globales sur le Moyen Empire ou la Deuxième Période Intermédiaire. Elle n’y occupe pas forcément une place très importante et elle y est souvent l’objet d’opinions peu flatteuses. Notre thèse est divisée en quatre chapitres. Les deux premiers sont consacrés à la datation, à l’identification et à l’étude du milieu social des principaux acteurs de la XIIIe dynastie que sont les rois et l’élite de l’administration et du clergé. Les deux derniers traitent de questions politiques, qu’elles soient architecturales, religieuses, économiques ou diplomatiques. Dans le premier chapitre, les limites de la XIIIe dynastie sont fixées, ses souverains identifiés et la famille royale étudiée. Le deuxième est dévolu à l’examen de l’administration et de la société de cette époque et s’articule autour de l’étude prosopographique des élites. L’activité constructrice et les développements religieux de la XIIIe dynastie au sein du territoire traditionnel de l’Egypte sont abordés dans le troisième. Le dernier chapitre traite en partie de thèmes abordés dans les deux précédents, mais dans un contexte géographique différent, celui des marges de l’Egypte et des territoires nouvellement annexés en Basse Nubie et au Levant. Les questions de politiques extérieures y sont également étudiées. Les résultats auxquels nous sommes parvenus contribuent à changer la vision traditionnelle de la XIIIe dynastie, la grande oubliée du Moyen Empire, tant sur les plans politiques, économiques que sociaux. / In recent times, the 13th Dynasty has been approached either from a chronological and political perspective or from an administrative and social standpoint. The result is an incomplete view of the History of that period. The need to touch on those different issues in a single historical study quickly arose. Our work is unique in the sense that it tackles the problems of this period in a global way, based upon a crossover study of the historical and archaeological sources, may they be royal or private, without opposing them or favouring one or the other. This attempt at an overview is all the more necessary that the 13th Dynasty has always been examined within general studies on the Middle Kingdom or the Second Intermediate Period but never in its own right. Thereby, it is often looked upon in a superficial manner and poorly considered. Our thesis is split in four chapters. The first two are devoted to the dating, identification and social study of the main protagonists of the 13th Dynasty, which are its kings, high officials and higher priests. The last two deal with political issues, whether architectural, religious, economical or diplomatic. In the first chapter, once the frame of the 13th Dynasty is ascertained and its kings identified, the royal family is examined. The second one is devoted to the administration and the society of that time through a prosopographical study of its elites. We look into the royal work projects and religious developments of the 13th Dynasty inside the traditional borders of Egypt in the third chapter. The last one covers in part some of the issues dealt with in the previous two chapters, but within a different geographical context, that of the edges of Egypt and its newly annexed territories in Lower Nubia and in the Levant. Foreign policies are also considered in this final chapter. The results attained in our thesis contribute to change the traditional view of the political, economical and social aspects of the often overlooked Dynasty of the Middle Kingdom, the 13th one.

Um panorama comparativo da Amazônia no ano 1000 / A comparative overview of the Amazon in year 1000 AD

Eduardo Kazuo Tamanaha 14 August 2018 (has links)
Nesta tese buscou-se esboçar um cenário das ocupações ceramistas pré-coloniais, entre 600 e 1.400 DC, na região da Amazônia brasileira. Através do banco de dados georreferenciado foram realizadas análises correlacionando diferentes aspectos que compõem o sítio arqueológico, possibilitando a identificação de mudanças ou continuidades de determinadas sociedades em escala regional. Ao final percebeu-se que algumas áreas possuíam maior trânsito de pessoas e ideias do que outras regiões, refletindo em diferentes níveis de variabilidade observadas no contexto arqueológico. / This thesis sought to outline a scenario of precolonial ceramic occupations, between 600 and 1400 AD in the Brazilian Amazon region. Through the georeferenced database, analyzes were carried out correlating different aspects that make up the archaeological site, allowing the identification of changes or continuities of certain societies on a regional scale. At the end it was realized that some areas had greater movement of people and ideas than other regions, reflecting different levels of variability observed in the archaeological context.

Analýza času jako narativní kategorie ve staroseverských ságách / Analysis of time as a narrative category in Old Norse sagas

Králová, Kristýna January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to set up characteristic attributes of saga time structure and with concern to these to show how the Old Norse people understood time. Main attention is concentrated on the time structure of the family sagas. First, it is shown the principal of the dating in saga and how it differs from the principal of dating in annal and chronicle. I proceed to deal with the most common time indications to appear in saga and their role in the storytelling. The focus point of this thesis is a comparison of narrated time and time of narration. To support this intention, I use the three concepts of Gerard Genette - duration, order and frequency. Based on the duration concept, I try to investigate why extensive time leaps abound in sagas and what on the other hand appears to have been given some extra author's attention. According to the order concept, a question is discussed to what extent the saga holds the chronological composition. Within the frequency concept, it is compared how many times an event occurs to how many times it is narrated. In the following chapters the time structure of the kings'sagas and the legendary sagas is discussed. The crucial difference between the time structure of these and the structure of family saga is established. There is a conclusion to each chapter,...

Estudo das transformações na conformação dos maciços arbóreos/arbustivos do Parque da Escola Superior de Agricultura 'Luiz de Queiroz' - Universidade de São Paulo, através de fotografias aéreas verticais e levantamentos florísticos de épocas distintas. / Study of the transformations in display of arboreal/shrubs masses of the park of the Escola Superior de Agricultura " Luiz de Queiroz " using vertical aerial pictures and florístics surveys of different times.

Henrique Sundfeld Barbin 20 August 1999 (has links)
No presente estudo, utilizaram-se de fotografias aéreas verticais e levantamentos florísticos de épocas distintas, para acompanhar as transformações ocorridas nos maciços vegetais do Parque da Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” (ESALQ), da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), em Piracicaba. O Parque, de 15.000 m2, construído no Estilo Inglês de Paisagismo, foi implantado ao redor de 1907 e teve crescimento descontrolado e demasiado das áreas de seus maciços arbóreo/arbustivos, comprovado pela análise de fotografias aéreas verticais a partir do ano de 1945, que mostram o aumento em área dos referidos maciços propostos no projeto original. Nos projetos paisagísticos, considera-se a média de vinte anos, para que a cobertura florística atinja os limites representados geograficamente, desde que na implantação, a escolha de espécies, plantios, condições edafo-climáticas, tratos culturais etc, também sejam contempladas no planejamento. Usando-se o software IDRISI, fotografias aéreas verticais dos anos 1945, 1962, 1969, 1973, 1993 e 1995 e o projeto original do Parque, calculou-se a área de cada um dos 24 maciços vegetais presentes no Parque, nos diferentes anos e estas foram confrontadas. Os resultados mostram um grande crescimento dos maciços, uma vez que o somatório das áreas dos mesmos, projetados em 1907, perfazem um total de 28.641m2 de cobertura arbórea, prevista para 1927, vinte anos após a sua concepção, medidas estas que deveriam ser mantidas. Em 1945, o somatório de suas áreas já perfaziam 40.576 m2, portanto 11.935 m2 além do projetado inicialmente (1907) e em 1995 (última fotografia obtida), a área de cobertura arbórea era de 77.221 m2, portanto mais da metade (51,5%) da área total do Parque (150.000 m2) e ainda, 170% a mais de cobertura arbórea do que o projetado inicialmente. No período de 1945 a 1995, o incremento arbóreo foi de 36.655 m2, praticamente dobrando a área total de cobertura. Levando-se em consideração os anos de 1945 e 1995 (maior amplitude, em anos, deste estudo), os maciços cresceram, em área, praticamente na mesma proporção, sendo estas ajustadas a uma reta. Uma das características importantes do Estilo Inglês de Paisagismo, são as linhas de visada que ressaltam pontos de interesse, como edificações, árvores exóticas e outros. No projeto original do Parque da ESALQ, foram planejadas dez linhas de visada. Em 1995, seis dessas linhas estavam obstruídas pelo crescimento não planejado dos maciços e também pela construção de um prédio em área do Parque. Destas, quatro podem ser desobstruídas, através de práticas simples de manejo e as outras duas, ficam impossibilitadas de desobstrução devido à presença do referido prédio. Quanto ao estudo dos levantamentos florísticos de parte dos maciços arbóreo/arbustivos (do maciço de número 1 ao de número 22), realizados no Parque nos anos de 1965 e 1991, os mesmos foram digitados no software Access. Pelo levantamento florístico realizado em 1965, constata-se que o Parque era formado por 444 indivíduos arbóreo/arbustivos, sendo este valor aumentado para 2.904, segundo o levantamento florístico realizado em 1991. Com relação às espécies arbóreas e arbustivas encontradas, em 1965, no Parque existiam 241 espécies, número este, diminuído em 1991, para 215 espécies. Nota-se ainda, grande domínio em número de indivíduos, de algumas espécies sobre outras e a formação de reboleiras de algumas espécies. Ainda sobre os levantamentos florísticos, através de confrontos realizados, utilizando-se do software Access e os respectivos levantamentos, nota-se, a extinção de 154 espécies arbóreo/arbustivas e incremento de outras 124, estando apenas 90 espécies, presentes nos dois levantamentos (1965 e 1991). Todos estes fatos apresentados, indicam a necessidade de um manejo adequado urgente dos maciços vegetais do Parque da ESALQ, para evitar maior descaracterização do mesmo. / In the present study, vertical aerial pictures and floristic surveys from different times were used to assess the transformations on plant masses of the Park of Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz " (ESALQ), Universidade of São Paulo (USP), in Piracicaba - SP - Brazil. The Park, comprised of 15.000 m2, was built in the English Landscape Style, near 1907 and has had ever since too much uncontrolled growth of arboreal/shrubby masses, as determined by the analysis of vertical aerial pictures in 1945. In the large seales landscape projects it is expected twenty years for the plant mass to reach its peak, considering that the choice of species, planting, edafo-climatic conditions, cultural treatments etc are also regarded in the planning. The area of the 24 masses existents on the Park was calculated on different years and compared, using software IDRISI, vertical aerial pictures of 1945, 1962, 1969, 1973, 1993 and 1995 as well as the original project of the Park. The results show excess of growth of the plant mass. In 1907 the total area of the added 28.641 m2. As foreseen for 1927, twenty years after its conception, such measurements should remain the same. In 1945, these areas added 40.576 m2 (11.935 m2 above the original project); and in 1995 (last obtained picture), the area of arboreal covering was of 77.221 m2, more than half (51,5%) of the total area of the Park (150.000 m2) and 170% larger than the area of the initial project. From 1945 to 1995, the arboreal increment was of 36.655 m2, practically doubling the total area of arboreal covering. On 1945 and 1995, the masses grew, in area, pratically in the same proportion, and were adjusted to a straight line. One of the important characteristics of the English Landscape Style, rely on points that can be see through lawn the area, forming "lines of view"- leading to uninterrupted view of the opposite side across the lower strata (lawn). The value points of interest, such as constructions, exotic trees and others. In the original project of the ESALQ`s Park, ten lines of view were planned. In 1995, six of those lines were obstructed by the untamed growth of the masses and also for the construction of a building in area of the Park. Four of them can be cleared through simple management practices. Unfortunately the others, are no longer of liable for desobstruction due to the presence of the referred building. The study of the floristic surveys of the arboreal/shrubby masses (masses number 1 to 22), carried out in the Park in the years of 1965 and 1991, were typed in the software Access. The floristic survey of 1965 shows that the Park was formed by 444 arboreal/shrubby individuals, which increased to 2.904 in the floristic survey on 1991. In the 1965, survey were found 241 arboreal/shrubby decreasing 215 species in 1991, with an increased dominance of some species on others (in numbers) as well as aggregate groups. The extinction of 154 arboreal/shrubs species and the increment of 124 was observed. Only 90 species were common to both surveys (1965 and 1991). The presented facts, indicate the need of an urgent management of the masses of the ESALQ’s Park, to avoid farther uncharacterization.

Registro paleoambiental em cabeceira de drenagem inscrita no remanescente de superfície aplainada VIII (A.R.I.E. do Buriti - SW PR) / Paleoenvironmental records in head of drainage entered in the remaining at planed surface VIII (A.R.I.E. DO BURITI - SW PR)

Bertoldo, Edson 15 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T17:31:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Edson Bertoldo.pdf: 5608945 bytes, checksum: fd55c97dda4b7d20b2fa9438b702daf3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-15 / This study identifies paleoenvironmental records in the remaining at planed surface VIII, in Pato Branco (SW PR), more precisely in conservation area (A.R.I.E. do Buriti) by analysis of palynomorphs in a bog, characterization of the surface formations and the 14C dating method. Throughout the testimony of 130 cm, 37 different taxa were identified, which were separated into five ecological categories (trees, shrubs, ground herbs, algae and fern spores). The dating estimated suggests that the base of the bog was formed approximately 13,700 years BP, a period related to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). At that time the head of drainage would not have a connection to the piped drainage waterway of Independence river, local base level. According to the data obtained, we can affirm that in the region of the study area during the transition from the Pleistocene / Holocene to the present, there are no records of savannah, only grassland areas in the Pleistocene, inferred by the presence of ground herbs, especially Borreria and Asteraceae found in 12,700 years BP 14C (estimated) and total absence of algae and pollen grains of tree species, suggesting drier hydrological regime. Occasionally, high precipitation phenomeno occurred on the slopes and promoted the degradation of soil horizons in the upper slope (nose), promoting the deposition of colluvial layers until the new water regime, wetter, allowing the establishment of a herbaceous vegetation accompanied by ferns, mainly in the lower areas. In about 10,600 years BP 14C (est.), maintenance of high humidity is established and high precipitation caused the water table surface in the hollow constantly accelerating the hidromorfization paleohorizonte A humic, and developing in the rainy seasons, a small pond in the central axis of the headboard. Fact evidenced by the presence of algae and a significant expansion of Araucaria angustifolia, which requires an annual rainfall exceeding 1,400 mm.yr-1, without a dry season. The predominant vegetation is replaced by the Araucaria Forest and Atlantic Rain Forest composed of genres trees, ground herbs and ferns. The maximum expansion of the Araucaria Forest is logged about 6,880 years BP 14C (est.), face the increase of all taxa recorded, mainly from Araucaria. The presence of algae was more pronounced, again suggesting the occurrence of a blade of water conserved by an abundant and regular rainfall. In the years that followed, probably to 1,060 years BP 14C (est.), a reduction of vegetation as a general rule, changing only in the present with the planting of araucaria after the creation of A.R.I.E. do Buriti. Sometime in this period, the hollow head of the drainage began to develop perennial drainage channels, allowing efficient drainage at the head of drainage, reducing moisture levels in the bog / O presente estudo identifica registros paleoambientais no remanescente de superfície aplainada VIII, no município de Pato Branco (SW PR), mais precisamente na Unidade de Conservação - A.R.I.E. do Buriti, através da análise de palinomorfos de uma turfeira, caracterização das formações superficiais e datação pelo método do 14C. Ao longo de um testemunho de 130 cm, foram identificados 37 táxons diferentes, os quais foram separados em cinco categorias ecológicas (árvores, arbustos, ervas terrestres, algas e esporos de pteridófitas). A datação estimada sugere que a base da turfeira formou-se à aproximadamente 13.700 anos A.P, período relacionado ao Último Máximo Glacial (UMG). Nessa época a cabeceira de drenagem não teria uma ligação canalizada com a rede de drenagem do rio Independência, nível de base local. De acordo com os dados obtidos, pode-se afirmar que na região da área de estudo, durante a passagem do Pleistoceno/Holoceno até o presente, não há registros de cerrado, apenas de áreas campestres no Pleistoceno, inferido pela presença de ervas terrestres, principalmente Asteraceae e Borreria encontrados em 12.700 anos A.P. (est.) e total ausência de algas e grãos de pólen de espécies arbóreas, sugerindo regime hidrológico mais seco. Eventualmente, fenômenos de alta precipitação ocorreram nas encostas e promoveram a degradação dos horizontes de solo na alta encosta (nose), promovendo a deposição de camadas coluviais até o novo regime hídrico, mais úmido, propiciando a instalação de uma vegetação herbácea acompanhada de pteridófitas, principalmente nas áreas mais baixas. Há cerca de 10.600 anos A.P. 14C (est.), a manutenção da elevação de umidade se estabelece e altos índices de precipitação fizeram com que o lençol freático aflorasse no hollow constantemente, acelerando a hidromorfização do paleohorizonte A húmico e desenvolvendo, nas estações chuvosas, uma pequena lagoa no eixo central da cabeceira. Fato evidenciado pela presença de algas e por uma expansão significativa de Araucaria angustifolia, a qual necessita de um regime pluviométrico superior a 1.400 mm.ano-1, sem estação seca definida. A vegetação predominante passa a ser de Floresta Ombrófila Mista e Floresta Pluvial Atlântica composta por gêneros arbóreos, ervas terrestres e pteridófitas. A máxima expansão da Floresta Ombrófila Mista é registrada a cerca de 6.880 anos A.P. (est.), face o aumento de todos os táxons registrados, principalmente Araucaria. A presença de algas ficou mais acentuada, sugerindo novamente a ocorrência de uma lâmina de água, conservada por um regime pluviométrico abundante e regular. Nos anos que se seguiram, provavelmente à 1.060 anos A.P. (est.), ocorreu uma redução da vegetação de modo generalizado, modificando-se apenas no presente com o plantio de araucárias após a criação da A.R.I.E. do Buriti. Em algum momento desse período o hollow da cabeceira de drenagem passou a desenvolver canais de drenagem perenes, que permitiram a drenagem eficiente na cabeceira, diminuindo os níveis de umidade da turfeira

Registro paleoambiental em cabeceira de drenagem inscrita no remanescente de superfície aplainada VIII (A.R.I.E. do Buriti - SW PR). / Paleoenvironmental records in head of drainage entered in the remaining at planed surface VIII (A.R.I.E. DO BURITI - SW PR)

Bertoldo, Edson 15 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-12T14:42:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Edson Bertoldo.pdf: 5608945 bytes, checksum: fd55c97dda4b7d20b2fa9438b702daf3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-15 / This study identifies paleoenvironmental records in the remaining at planed surface VIII, in Pato Branco (SW PR), more precisely in conservation area (A.R.I.E. do Buriti) by analysis of palynomorphs in a bog, characterization of the surface formations and the 14C dating method. Throughout the testimony of 130 cm, 37 different taxa were identified, which were separated into five ecological categories (trees, shrubs, ground herbs, algae and fern spores). The dating estimated suggests that the base of the bog was formed approximately 13,700 years BP, a period related to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). At that time the head of drainage would not have a connection to the piped drainage waterway of Independence river, local base level. According to the data obtained, we can affirm that in the region of the study area during the transition from the Pleistocene / Holocene to the present, there are no records of savannah, only grassland areas in the Pleistocene, inferred by the presence of ground herbs, especially Borreria and Asteraceae found in 12,700 years BP 14C (estimated) and total absence of algae and pollen grains of tree species, suggesting drier hydrological regime. Occasionally, high precipitation phenomeno occurred on the slopes and promoted the degradation of soil horizons in the upper slope (nose), promoting the deposition of colluvial layers until the new water regime, wetter, allowing the establishment of a herbaceous vegetation accompanied by ferns, mainly in the lower areas. In about 10,600 years BP 14C (est.), maintenance of high humidity is established and high precipitation caused the water table surface in the hollow constantly accelerating the hidromorfization paleohorizonte A humic, and developing in the rainy seasons, a small pond in the central axis of the headboard. Fact evidenced by the presence of algae and a significant expansion of Araucaria angustifolia, which requires an annual rainfall exceeding 1,400 mm.yr-1, without a dry season. The predominant vegetation is replaced by the Araucaria Forest and Atlantic Rain Forest composed of genres trees, ground herbs and ferns. The maximum expansion of the Araucaria Forest is logged about 6,880 years BP 14C (est.), face the increase of all taxa recorded, mainly from Araucaria. The presence of algae was more pronounced, again suggesting the occurrence of a blade of water conserved by an abundant and regular rainfall. In the years that followed, probably to 1,060 years BP 14C (est.), a reduction of vegetation as a general rule, changing only in the present with the planting of araucaria after the creation of A.R.I.E. do Buriti. Sometime in this period, the hollow head of the drainage began to develop perennial drainage channels, allowing efficient drainage at the head of drainage, reducing moisture levels in the bog / O presente estudo identifica registros paleoambientais no remanescente de superfície aplainada VIII, no município de Pato Branco (SW PR), mais precisamente na Unidade de Conservação - A.R.I.E. do Buriti, através da análise de palinomorfos de uma turfeira, caracterização das formações superficiais e datação pelo método do 14C. Ao longo de um testemunho de 130 cm, foram identificados 37 táxons diferentes, os quais foram separados em cinco categorias ecológicas (árvores, arbustos, ervas terrestres, algas e esporos de pteridófitas). A datação estimada sugere que a base da turfeira formou-se à aproximadamente 13.700 anos A.P, período relacionado ao Último Máximo Glacial (UMG). Nessa época a cabeceira de drenagem não teria uma ligação canalizada com a rede de drenagem do rio Independência, nível de base local. De acordo com os dados obtidos, pode-se afirmar que na região da área de estudo, durante a passagem do Pleistoceno/Holoceno até o presente, não há registros de cerrado, apenas de áreas campestres no Pleistoceno, inferido pela presença de ervas terrestres, principalmente Asteraceae e Borreria encontrados em 12.700 anos A.P. (est.) e total ausência de algas e grãos de pólen de espécies arbóreas, sugerindo regime hidrológico mais seco. Eventualmente, fenômenos de alta precipitação ocorreram nas encostas e promoveram a degradação dos horizontes de solo na alta encosta (nose), promovendo a deposição de camadas coluviais até o novo regime hídrico, mais úmido, propiciando a instalação de uma vegetação herbácea acompanhada de pteridófitas, principalmente nas áreas mais baixas. Há cerca de 10.600 anos A.P. 14C (est.), a manutenção da elevação de umidade se estabelece e altos índices de precipitação fizeram com que o lençol freático aflorasse no hollow constantemente, acelerando a hidromorfização do paleohorizonte A húmico e desenvolvendo, nas estações chuvosas, uma pequena lagoa no eixo central da cabeceira. Fato evidenciado pela presença de algas e por uma expansão significativa de Araucaria angustifolia, a qual necessita de um regime pluviométrico superior a 1.400 mm.ano-1, sem estação seca definida. A vegetação predominante passa a ser de Floresta Ombrófila Mista e Floresta Pluvial Atlântica composta por gêneros arbóreos, ervas terrestres e pteridófitas. A máxima expansão da Floresta Ombrófila Mista é registrada a cerca de 6.880 anos A.P. (est.), face o aumento de todos os táxons registrados, principalmente Araucaria. A presença de algas ficou mais acentuada, sugerindo novamente a ocorrência de uma lâmina de água, conservada por um regime pluviométrico abundante e regular. Nos anos que se seguiram, provavelmente à 1.060 anos A.P. (est.), ocorreu uma redução da vegetação de modo generalizado, modificando-se apenas no presente com o plantio de araucárias após a criação da A.R.I.E. do Buriti. Em algum momento desse período o hollow da cabeceira de drenagem passou a desenvolver canais de drenagem perenes, que permitiram a drenagem eficiente na cabeceira, diminuindo os níveis de umidade da turfeira

Les productions lithiques du Paléolithique moyen de Belgique : Variabilité des systèmes d'acquisition et des technologies en réponse à une mosaïque d'environnements contrastés

Di Modica, Kévin 09 December 2010 (has links)
Le territoire belge est caractérisé par de nombreuses découvertes de Préhistoire ancienne, réparties sur un espace géographique restreint mais contrasté en termes de relief et de disponibilité des ressources minérales. Il est donc favorable à létude de la relation de lHomme à son Environnement par le biais des importantes différences régionales relatives aux types de sites représentés (grottes/plein air) ainsi quà la proximité et à la morphologie du silex disponible. Le rapport entre les populations néandertaliennes et chacun des types denvironnements rencontrés constitue le cur de ce travail, structuré en quatre parties intimement liées. La première partie est consacrée aux variations environnementales. Celles du substrat dabord, puisque quelques kilomètres à peine séparent les plaines riches en silex de Moyenne Belgique des profondes vallées de Haute Belgique. Variations chronologiques ensuite, puisque la sédimentation quaternaire eut une incidence tant sur laccessibilité des ressources lithiques que sur la préservation des traces archéologiques qui nous sont parvenues. Lhistorique des recherches est aussi abordé car les motivations et les contraintes des chercheurs qui se sont succédés depuis 1829 sont largement responsables de labondance mais aussi de la qualité très variable des documents. La deuxième partie concerne cette documentation. Nous avons identifié 437 lieux, inégalement répartis sur le territoire, qui ont livré des artefacts relatifs au Paléolithique moyen : 46 sites en contexte karstique (dont 16 majeurs) et 391 en plein air (dont 31 majeurs). Leur distribution tient tant à des paramètres taphonomiques et aux circonstances des découvertes quà des choix opérés par les Néandertaliens eux-mêmes. Deux environnements sont particulièrement favorisés : les plaines dont le substrat livre un silex abondant et les grottes du Bassin mosan. Lexamen de la position topographique des gisements montre des récurrences traduisant des choix liés à limplantation dans le paysage : les plateaux ou le haut des versants surplombant de petites vallées sont ainsi clairement privilégiés. La distribution chronologique des traces est aussi abordée, mettant notamment en évidence labondance de la documentation relative au Début Glaciaire weichselien, labsence de véritable occupation durant le Pléniglaciaire weichselien inférieur ainsi quune concentration de traces attribuables au Pléniglaciaire weichselien moyen tout à fait exceptionnelle pour le Nord-Ouest européen. En létat actuel des données, les datations situent les industries les plus récentes du Paléolithique moyen vers 38.000 B.P. (grotte Scladina) et les derniers Néandertaliens vers 36.000 B.P. ( Bètche-aux-Rotches à Spy). La troisième partie consiste en une étude approfondie dune dizaine dindustries lithiques dépendant de contextes environnementaux variés. Plusieurs tendances générales sen dégagent dans la manière dont les populations paléolithiques ont adapté leurs systèmes dacquisition et dexploitation des roches. Ainsi, des variations claires se marquent dans les systèmes dacquisition des roches exploitées selon un gradient nord-est sud-ouest. En Basse Belgique, lemploi de galets de silex local est couplé à limportation de nucléus et d'éclats provenant de Moyenne Belgique. En Moyenne Belgique, le silex disponible localement est employé prioritairement et le recours à dautres roches locales ou importées est tout à fait exceptionnel. En Haute Belgique, limportation de silex depuis la Moyenne Belgique combinée au recours à dautres matériaux disponibles localement constitue la règle. Ces variations dans les systèmes dacquisition génèrent de la diversité en termes de nature, de morphologie, de conditionnement et de disponibilité des matériaux mis en uvre par les tailleurs. Ces différents paramètres ont une incidence sur les choix techniques posés par les Néandertaliens lors de la phase de débitage. Sobservent ainsi des différences régionales importantes. Les sites de Haute Belgique procèdent doptions économiques qui se manifestent tant dans la réduction des blocs, comme au Trou du Diable à Hastière, que dans ladaptation des concepts de débitage à tel point quils en deviennent parfois atypiques comme lattestent les nombreux remontages de la grotte Scladina. À linverse, les sites de Moyenne Belgique témoignent dun usage dispendieux de la matière première et dune expression des concepts Levallois, Discoïde et Laminaire dans leur acception la plus stricte comme le montrent notamment les industries du gisement paléolithique dOtrange ou dObourg Canal. La quatrième partie est consacrée à une discussion des résultats et à une ouverture sur le reste de lEurope. Cette disparité des productions liée à la position géographique des gisements est particulièrement importante : des sites voisins mais diachroniques (couches 5 et 1A de la grotte Scladina) présentent entre eux plus danalogies que dautres pénécontemporains mais dépendant denvironnements contrastés (couches 1A de la grotte Scladina et WFL de Veldwezelt-Hezerwater). Dautres facteurs de variabilité se surimposent à cette diversité régionale : fonction des sites, traditions culturelles et techniques, variations paléoenvironnementales, chronologie. Des comparaisons sont opérées avec les résultats obtenus dans les régions limitrophes de la Belgique mais aussi à plus grande distance, des similitudes comportementales étant observées dans le sud de lEurope, dans des environnements qui évoquent par certains aspects le karst des vallées du Bassin mosan. Belgium is noted for its many ancient prehistoric sites which are spread over a limited geographic area. Despite its limited size, this area shows important regional contrasts in terms of topographic relief and availability of mineral resources. These factors in conjunction with important regional differences related to the types of sites represented (cave/open air) as well as the proximity and morphology of the available flint make this area favorable for the study of man's relationship with his environment. The connection between the Neanderthal populations and the types of environments encountered constitutes the focus of this study which is divided into four closely associated parts. The first part is devoted to environmental variation starting with the interface between the flint-rich plains of Middle Belgium and the deep valleys of Upper Belgium. Only a few kilometers separate these two contrasting environments. Chronological variations follow because quaternary sedimentation had as much impact on the accessibility of lithic resources as on site preservation. The history of the research from 1829 to the present is also addressed. The motives and constraints of the researchers are responsible for both the abundance of documentary evidence and for the extremely variable quality of these documents. The second part concerns the previously mentioned documentation. Artifacts attributable to the Middle Paleolithic have been recovered from 437 sites : 46 sites (16 major ones) are found in karstic contexts and 391 sites (31 major ones) are open air sites. The distribution of these sites is a direct result of taphonomic processes, circumstances of discovery, and choices made by the Neanderthals themselves. In particular, two environments were favored : the plains which have abundant flint resources and the caves of the Mosan Basin. Prehistoric Man's choice of sites appears to be linked to topographical position : plateaus or cliff tops overhanging small valleys were preferred. Chronological distribution is also examined. It notably shows an abundant documentation from the Beginning of the Weichselian Pleniglacial and an absence of occupation during the Lower Weichselien Pleniglacial It also shows a concentration of archaeological evidences related to the Middle Weichselian Pleniglacial which is very exceptional for Northwest Europe. Based on research to date, Scladina Cave (38.000 B.P.) gives the most recent date for Middle Palaeolithic industries and Betche-aux-Rochtes at Spy (36.000 B.P.) provides the date for the last Neanderthals. The third part consists of a detailed study of ten lithic industries and their environmental context. Several general tendencies were detected in the way Palaeolithic populations adapted their systems of acquisition and exploitation of rocks. Clear variations in the systems of acquisition and exploitation along a northwest/southeast gradient were noted. In Lower Belgium, the use of local flint pebbles was coupled with the importation of nuclei and flakes from Middle Belgium. In Middle Belgium, the available local flint was used almost exclusively. Recourse to other local rocks or to imports was very exceptional. In Upper Belgium, the importation of flint from Middle Belgium in combination with other locally available materials constituted the rule. These variations in the systems of raw material procurement generated diversity in terms of nature, morphology, conditioning, and availability of the nodules chosen by the knappers. These diverse parameters impacted the technical choices of the Neanderthals during the reduction or debitage stage. Other important regional differences were also observed. The sites of Upper Belgium exhibited economic options which manifested in the reduction of blocks (Trou du Diable at Hastière) and in extreme adaptations or manipulation of concepts of reduction such as those recognized in several refittings from Scladina Cave. The sites of Middle Belgium exhibited an extravagant use of the primary material and a strict expression of different concepts : mainly Levallois, also Discoid, and volumetric blade production (gisement paléolithique d'otrange, Obourg Canal). The fourth part is devoted to a discussion of the results and a preliminary comparison to the rest of Europe. The connection of the diversity in lithic productions and the geographic position of the sites is particularly important. Lithic industries from the two occupation layers of Scladina (layers 5 and 1A) present more analogies between themselves than other plenicomtemporaneous sites in different environments (lays 1A of Scladina and WFL of Veldwezelt-Hezerwater). Other factors of variability superimpose themselves in this diverse region : function of the sites, cultural traditions and techniques, palaeoenvironmental variations, chronology. Comparisons with the results obtained from regions bordering Belgium as well as those obtained from greater distances showed some behavioural similarities in southern Europe in environments which evoke aspects of the karst valleys of the Mosan Basin. Translation : Cheryl Roy, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Vancouver Island University

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