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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

EDEN: an epigraphic web database of ancient inscriptions

Scholz, Martin January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Trismegistos Places: a geographical index for all Latin inscriptions

Verreth, Herbert January 2016 (has links)
The Trismegistos database has recently created a geographical index for all Latin inscriptions. For the moment we have 67.884 geographical references attested in Latin documentary texts, but this rough starting material still has to be refined. This paper describes how we undertook this task, which problems we encountered while doing so, and the choices we made for the presentation of the material.

Geschichte der Chronologie der Späten Eisenzeit in Mitteleuropa und das Paradigma der Kontinuität

Rieckhoff, Sabine 29 May 2019 (has links)
Die deutschsprachige Forschung hat in den letzten 25 Jahren einiges zur Diskussion über die Chronologie der Späten Eisenzeit beigetragen. In diesem Artikel möchte ich aber nicht nur einfach eine Tabelle zum aktuellen Stand zeigen, sondern die Geschichte dieser Forschung kritisch beleuchten, um deren Entwicklung verständlich zu machen. / Over the last 25 years german archaeology has substantially contributed to the discussion of the chronology of the late Iron Age. This article not only provides a chart summaris-ing the status quo, but rather a critical assessment of the history of this discussion in order to explain the course it has taken.

Pacific Theatre : a chronological recording of productions between the years of 1935 and 1962

Ennen, Curtis Andrews 01 January 1963 (has links)
This study could not be, and is not intended to be, an exhaustive historical report of all the theatrical activity encompassed by the Drama Department at The University of the Pacific. To embark on such a venture would be well beyond the capabilities and the patience of the present writer. In fact, to attempt a history of any one of the several facets of this organization would be a major undertaking. Fortunately, a ·partial study of the activities of Pacific Little Theatre has been made in the form of a thesis by DeMarcus Brown, Director of' Pacific Theatre. This work, which also is not exhaustive, is, in many instances, the only reliable source of information pertinent to some of the early productions staged on the Stockton Campus. In recent years, a growing concern has been expressed by· the staff of Pacific Theatre for a more accurate system of preserving the vital records of the activities of the department. In the past, programs have been lost, pictures have been misplaced or are unidentifiable and dates of productions forgotten. The records of some productions have been reduced to little more than a memory. It is, therefore, imperative that an attempt be made to record the pertinent data concerning the productions not covered by the earlier study, namely, those productions staged between the years of 1935 and 1962. No attempt will be made to delve into the records of the Studio Theatre, Fallon Theatre or the Playbox. These areas are beyond the scope of the present study as each is of sufficient magnitude to warrant a separate treatise. For aid in locating elusive documentary evidence, I am- indebted to Miss Martha Pierce and Mr. Max Gobel, who have been more than generous in loaning materials from their private collections. I also wish to express my gratitude to Miss Cecile Morrison for her help in editing certain portions of the contents. DeMarcus Brown, Founder and Director of Pacific Theatre, has been an invaluable source for unrecorded data. His remarkable memory has supplied intricate details of certain productions where no records could be found.

Hon's Anatomy: The Heart of Niki de Saint Phalle's Oeuvre

Spangler, Ashley Kay 17 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

La distribution et la chronologie des médias : le cas de la plateforme «Éléphant»

Baril, Laurence 10 1900 (has links)
Les longs-métrages de fiction québécois produits avant l’ère numérique sont parfois difficiles à trouver aujourd’hui. Ce mémoire permettra d’analyser le processus complet de la distribution d’un film afin de comprendre l’influence de celle-ci sur sa survie. Nous comprendrons la distribution comme étant une différente étape de la chronologie de médias et la séparerons en deux catégories, soit la distribution initiale et la distribution de pérennité. La distribution initiale fait référence à la distribution permettant les premiers visionnements d’un film par le public, c’est-à-dire : les festivals, la sortie en salle et les plateformes numériques diffusant des nouveautés. Les étapes qui suivent la distribution initiale seront envisagées comme distribution de pérennité. Ce terme englobera donc la distribution en ligne à la suite du retrait des salles, les projections en cinémathèque ou ciné-clubs, la diffusion à la télévision, la vente institutionnelle et la sortie vidéo. La distribution de pérennité n’est pas toujours conçue de manière efficace. Ce qui en résulte parfois est la perte ou le manque de visibilité d’un film. Le film n’est alors plus accessible ni en vidéo ni en ligne et il devient très ardu de le trouver. Nous utiliserons la plateforme Éléphant : mémoire du cinéma québécois comme étude de cas et nous analyserons sa pertinence pour la vie active des films québécois au-delà des étapes initiales de distribution. / Quebec feature fiction films produced before the digital era can be hard to find today. This thesis will analyze the complete distribution process in order to understand the influence it can have on the longevity of a film. We will understand distribution as the different stages of the media chronology and will classify it into two categories, initial distribution, and sustainability distribution. Initial distribution refers to the distribution that leads to the first viewing of the film by the public in festivals, movie theatres and platforms diffusing new releases. We will understand the steps that follow the initial distribution as sustainability distribution. This notion encompasses online distribution following the films’ withdrawal from theatres, screenings in cinematheques or film clubs, television broadcasting, institutional sales, and video releases. Sustainability distribution is not always conducted efficiently which can result in the loss or lack of visibility of a film. No longer available in video or online, it becomes difficult to access. This thesis will use the platform Éléphant: mémoire du cinéma québécois as a main case study and will provide an analysis of its relevance to Quebec films’ active live beyond the initial stages of distribution.

Fremont Site Distribution in the Upper Escalante River Drainage

Harris, Deborah C. 13 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
A Fremont site distribution model for the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument during the period A.D. 500—1050/1100 posits that the Fremont subsistence strategy (seasonal mobility with dependence on both agriculture and hunting/foraging) is reflected by a site pattern of low-investment, seasonal or short-term habitation sites and isolated storage facilities at "lowland" elevations, and high-investment, long-term residence sites at "upland" elevations (McFadden 1998, 2000). This research assesses the model to evaluate its general precision, looking particularly at its success in modeling site locations for long-term residential versus seasonal/short-term habitation sites. A database including more than 400 Fremont sites was created to evaluate the model. Data variables examined in this thesis included elevation, distance-to-water, and primary landform. Analysis of the elevation data demonstrates that the McFadden model does not fit the actual distribution of Fremont sites identified from survey. Further analysis also established that distance-to-water is not an effective variable in accurately modeling Fremont site patterning over this region. The association between functional site types and primary landforms, however, does appear to more accurately reflect site distribution as observed on the ground. Based on these results, a new model for Fremont site distribution in the upper Escalante River drainage is proposed.

Skärvstenshögar i Uppland : Typer, traditioner och re-vitalisering av sociala hågkomster / Burnt mounds in Uppland : Types, traditions, and re-vitalization of social recollections

Lindström, Stefan January 2024 (has links)
Skärvstenshögarna i Uppland har konstaterats vara en komplex fornlämningstyp och det har visat sig vara problematiskt att förklara dem som homogena i form och funktion över tid. En kategorisering av dem har skapats som har konstaterat att olika former av dem finns. Syftet med denna uppsats är sedermera att utgå från befintlig kategorisering och undersöka om fler kategorier och typer går att isolera ur tillgänglig empiri. Därefter för att beskriva deras form, läge, kronologi och förändring. Teoretiska ramverk som används för att begreppsliggöra skärvstensbrukets mer än tusenåriga användande är de om tradition, minne och ritual. Teorier som kan manifestera bruket som en kulturell process och dimension i tid och rum. Metoder som används för att identifiera fler kategorier och typer är dels multipel korrespondensanalys av 100 skärvstensförekomster för att generera mönster. Dels densitetsanalys av 100 C14-dateringar av detsamma för att utarbeta aspekter av tid i empirin. Slutligen används visibilitetsanalys för att generera belägg för kategoriernas olika lägen samt en kvalitativ genomgång av empirin för att skapa modeller av nya typer inom befintliga kategorier. / The burnt mounds of Uppland have been shown to be remains of a complex type and it has been proven problematic to explain them as homogeneous in form and function over time. A categorization of them has been created which has established that different forms exist. From that categorization the purpose of this essay is subsequently to investigate whether additional categories and types can be isolated from available empirical evidence. Also to include a description of their form, location, chronology, and change. Theoretical frameworks used to conceptualize the more than a thousand-year use of burnt stones are those of tradition, memory, and ritual. Theories that can manifest the practice as a cultural process and a dimension of time and space. Methods used to identify additional categories and types includes a multiple correspondence analysis of 100 burnt mounds to generate patterns. A density analysis of 100 C14 samples of the same deposits to work out aspects of time in the empirics. Finally, visibility analysis is used to ascertain the different positions of the categories as well as a qualitative review of the empirical evidence to create models of new types within existing categories.

Aspects of ancient Near Eastern chronology (c. 1600-700 BC)

Furlong, Pierce James January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The chronology of the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Near East is currently a topic of intense scholarly debate. The conventional/orthodox chronology for this period has been assembled over the past one-two centuries using information from King-lists, royal annals and administrative documents, primarily those from the Great Kingdoms of Egypt, Assyria and Babylonia. This major enterprise has resulted in what can best be described as an extremely complex but little understood jigsaw puzzle composed of a multiplicity of loosely connected data. I argue in my thesis that this conventional chronology is fundamentally wrong, and that Egyptian New Kingdom (Memphite) dates should be lowered by 200 years to match historical actuality. This chronological adjustment is achieved in two stages: first, the removal of precisely 85 years of absolute Assyrian chronology from between the reigns of Shalmaneser II and Ashur-dan II; and second, the downward displacement of Egyptian Memphite dates relative to LBA Assyrian chronology by a further 115 years. Moreover, I rely upon Kuhnian epistemology to structure this alternate chronology so as to make it methodologically superior to the conventional chronology in terms of historical accuracy, precision, consistency and testability.

The concept of "compassion" in the authentic Pauline letters

Rowe, Rose Maisy 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation is a nuanced study of ‘compassion’ in the context of the Pauline Letters. The Letters are considered within the socio/political context of imperial Rome. ‘Compassion’ is a complex emotion, therefore it has been necessary to include, in my analysis, cognate sentiments such as patience, kindness, gentleness, perseverance. As this is a semantic study the Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament based on Semantic Domains, compiled by Louw and Nida (L-N), is used extensively. A dictionary provides a potential meaning, but it is the context of the sentence, the sentence within a larger unit of the text as a whole, considered within the prevailing social conditions, that influence meaning. This method reveals that Paul envisages ‘compassion’ as the means to establish communities, not enslaved by the values of ‘the world’, nor grasping things for themselves at the expense of others. In Paul, ‘compassion’ is expansive and inclusive, where the good of the whole community is valued. His paradigm is the sacrifice of Christ. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M. A. (Ancient Languages and Cultures)

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