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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Petrology and petrogenesis of the Motzfeldt Ta-mineralisation, Gardar Province, South Greenland

McCreath, Jamie Alan January 2009 (has links)
The Motzfeldt centre is one of four major alkaline centres belonging to the Igaliko complex of South Greenland. The melts parental to the Motzfeldt centre are interpreted from Hf isotopes to be derived form a common mantle source which experienced subsequent isotopic contamination from older crustal components during the interval between segregation and emplacement. Magmatism within the centre commenced with the emplacement of the Motzfeldt Sø Formation at 1273 ± 8 Ma. This unit is unique within the Motzfeldt intrusion as it is characterised by a high degree of textural and mineralogical variability and hosts localised Nb, Ta, U, Th, Zr and REE mineralisation associated with pyrochlore and late-stage REE bearing carbonate phases. Biotite halogen contents show that in addition to enrichment of incompatible elements the MSF and Motzfeldt centre in general is particularly rich in F. The elevated F content is inferred to have extended the crystallisation interval of the melt and facilitated fractionation down to relatively low temperatures. The unusual enrichment of F and incompatible elements in the MSF is suggested to represent the first and most evolved melts extracted from the top of a stratified storage chamber at depth. The MSF is also characterised by pervasive subsolidus alteration, giving the rock and region a striking brick red colour. Pb-Pb pyrochlore studies indicate that alteration in the formation was effectively synchronous (1267 ± 6 Ma), with the magmatic age of emplacement. Fluid inclusion studies suggest that contemporaneous to the exsolution of juvenile, high salinity, F-rich fluids was the wholesale influx of hydrothermally convected low salinity groundwaters through the formation. The presence of pervasive late-stage hematite and calcite throughout the MSF suggests that the oxidation potential of the bulk fluid increased above the hematite-magnetite buffer during the waning stages of the hydrothermal phase. Mineralisation was promoted by this shift in fluid composition, reducing the complexing potential of fluid ligands and facilitating mineralisation within the high-levels units of the intrusion where alteration is most intense. Economic mineralisation associated with the centre is inferred to be largely sourced from the parental melts, however the role the hydrothermal phase played was particularly important in locally mobilising and concentrating incompatible elements within the high-level units of the formation.

Formation des chondres : précurseurs et chronologie / Formation of chondrules : precursors and chronology

Villeneuve, Johan 01 July 2010 (has links)
Les chondres, sphérules infra-millimétriques composées de minéraux silicatés de haute température, sont les constituants majeurs des météorites primitives. Ils présentent d'importantes variabilités texturales et chimiques révélatrices d'une histoire complexe. Cette thèse s'est intéressée à la chronologie de formation des chondres et de leurs précurseurs à deux échelles de temps distinctes aux moyens de deux approches complémentaires : la géochimie isotopique via le chronomètre isotopique à courte période ²⁶lAl-²⁶Mg et la pétrologie expérimentale. Le développement au cours de cette thèse d'un protocole analytique innovant de mesure in situ de haute précision par sonde ionique des compositions isotopiques du Mg et Al, a permis de démontrer l'homogénéité de la distribution de l'²⁶Al dans le disque d'accrétion, ce qui présente d'importantes implications sur la chronologie relative et les processus de formation des chondres, mais aussi sur l'origine de l'²⁶Al dans le Système Solaire. L'application de ce protocole analytique aux olivines reliques des chondres permet de préciser leur origine, ainsi que leur chronologie et leur processus de formation. Les expérimentations permettent de montrer qu'il est aisé de former des analogues de chondres de type II PO à partir de chondres de type I PO. Un tel processus de formation des chondres implique l'application de régimes thermiques isothermes suivis d'une trempe rapide, incompatibles avec les mécanismes classiques d'ondes de choc. D'autre part, nous montrons que les compositions chimiques en éléments majeurs et traces des différents types de chondres porphyriques peuvent être reproduites par le mélange de trois phases réfractaires solides héritées des précurseurs des chondres (olivine réfractaire, liquide réfractaire et métal) et d'une phase gazeuse riche en éléments volatils et modérément volatils. Ces résultats nous ont conduit à proposer un modèle de filiation entre les chondres / Chondrules are the major constituent of primitive meteorites. The large variability of textures and chemical compositions within chondrules is indicative of a complex history. This work is focused on the chronology of formation of chondrules and of their precursors by using two complementary tools: the short-lived radio-isotopes ²⁶Al-²⁶Mg and the experimental petrology.The development of a high precision analytical methodology for in situ measurements of the Mg and Al isotopic compositions by ion probe allows to demonstrate that the distribution of ²⁶Al was homogeneous within the accretion disk. This result has important implications for the chronology and process of chondrule formation and also for the origin of ²⁶Al in the Solar System. By using the same methodology with relict olivines in chondrules, we were able to constrain their origin and their formation process.From experimental petrology studies, we show that it was easy to form type II PO chondrules analogues from type I PO analogues. Such a process for chondrules formation implies an isothermal heating followed by a quick quench which is incompatible with the classical shock-waves model. Moreover, we show that the chemical compositions for major and trace elements of the different types of porphyritic chondrules can be easily reproduced by a mixing model composed of three refractory phases inherited from chondrules precursors (refractory olivine, refractory liquid and iron metal) and a gas phase enriched in volatile and moderately volatile elements. Finally, we propose a model of genetic linkage between the different types of porphyritic chondrules

Keramika střední a pozdní doby bronzové z lokality Emporio na ostrově Chios / Middle and Late Bronze Age Pottery from Emporio on Chios

Jarošová, Kristina January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis deals with middle bronze age and late bronze age pottery from site Emporio on Chios island. The aim of the thesis is to review older excavation that was provided by British School at Athens under direction of Sinclair Hood. The focus is set on new sorting of pottery mainly from Areas D and F, description, style analysis and making new Catalogue. Important contribution is new dating of stratigraphic contexts and ceramic material as well as newly published fragments of pottery. In the following chapters author also discusses relations with areas outside Chios based on analogies of ceramic finds.

Les sculptures Pucara, Andes centrales, 500 av. J.-C./300 ap. J.-C. : archéologie comparative d'une dynamique culturelle de l'Altiplano / The Pucara Stone Sculptures, Central Andes, 500 B.C./300 A.D. : comparative archaeology of a cultural dynamic for the Altiplano

Cuynet, François 05 December 2012 (has links)
Ce travail propose une approche novatrice de l’étude des sculptures préhispaniques de l’Altiplano. En nous concentrant sur les pièces de la culture Pucara, c’est toute la vision du monde andin que nous revisitons. Après avoir énuméré les travaux antérieurs et les lacunes qui perdurent, nous procédons à une redéfinition complète du phénomène Pucara. Pour cela, nous utilisons la grande quantité de pièces inédites que nous avons pu inventorier au cours de nos voyages de recherche dans la région. De même, nous réalisons une étude comparative plus globale comprenant l’ensemble des styles affiliés Yaya-Mama, Tiahuanaco ou encore Khonkho Wankane. De la sorte, c’est tout le panorama culturel de cette région des Andes que nous revisitons. Il en découle une description précise des critères d’attributions stylistiques propres à chaque culture, ainsi que l’élaboration de normes de création strictes. Mais dans le même temps, nous mettons en évidence la continuité culturelle qui existe entre les différents phénomènes. Nous aboutissons à une chronologie relative des sculptures Pucara et de l’ensemble du bassin du lac Titicaca, tout en démontrant l’existence de phases de transition. Ces éléments rompent radicalement avec la théorie en place énonçant une disparition soudaine de la culture Pucara. Fort de cette nouvelle vision, nous proposons une lecture symbolique de l’iconographie présente sur ces vestiges. Par cette analyse en profondeur, nous extirpons le phénomène Pucara de son isolement. En fin de compte, nous illustrons comment les sculptures Pucara expriment une tradition pan-andine tout en conservant une forte identité régionale. / This thesis introduces an innovative approach for the Altiplano’s sculptures study of the pre-hispanic times. Focusing on the lithic elements produced by the Pucara culture, our conception of the Andean world is revisited. After the reminder of anterior works and lacks that remain, a complete redefinition of the Pucara phenomenon is given. For that, we use the important quantity of unpublished elements, recorded during our research journeys in this region. In the same way, a more global comparative study is realized, including the whole affiliated styles: Yaya-Mama, Tiahuanaco and also Khonkho Wankane. Thus, we revisit all the cultural overview of this Andean region. Following, we make a precise description of the stylistic criteria specifics to each culture, as well as the elaboration of strict creation standards. However, at the same time, the cultural continuity existing in each phenomenon is highlighted. We come up to a relative chronology of the Pucara sculptures and for the entire Lake Titicaca basin, while demonstrating the existence of transition phases. These elements break radically with the current theory that states a sudden disappearance of the Pucara culture. With this new vision, we propose a symbolical reading of the iconography shown on these artifacts. By our profound analysis, the Pucara phenomenon is taken out of its isolation. In fact, we illustrate how the Pucara sculptures express a pan Andean tradition while keeping a strong regional identity.

Les pierres dressées de l'aire corso-sarde : Etude systémique des territoires. / Le pietre fitte dell'aera corso-sarda : Studio sistemico dei territori.

Soula, Florian 17 December 2012 (has links)
Parmi tous les thèmes explorés par la Préhistoire, le mégalithisme constitue un volet à part entière de l'histoire des peuples préhistoriques. Au sein des multiples manifestations mégalithiques dans le monde, la thématique des pierres dressées est l'une des plus obscures. Pour cette raison, l'étude de ce phénomène est relativement délicate. La forte disparité des données disponibles ne constitue toutefois pas une limite essentielle à l'élaboration de synthèses régionales sur le phénomène. Le phénomène mégalithique des pierres dressées de l'aire corso-sarde est le sujet d'un intérêt croissant depuis le XIXe siècle. Les recherches les plus récentes effectuées sur le sujet en Corse et en Sardaigne témoignent de modifications importantes des approches et des méthodes d'analyse. Le présent travail peut être partiellement placé dans la lignée de ces nouvelles approches. L'analyse de ce phénomène en Corse et en Sardaigne requérait l'appréhension de tous les contextes archéologiques (habitats et sépultures) d'un point de vue géographique, c'est-à-dire l'étude des territoires préhistoriques et protohistoriques. Les liens existants entre les pierres dressées et les sociétés de « constructeurs mégalithiques » constituent l'une des clés de la compréhension de ce type de pratiques. Les aspects territoriaux des pierres dressées et par extension du mégalithisme constituent un des éléments les plus importants des questionnements actuels. La présente thèse propose donc d'aborder le phénomène des pierres dressées selon divers points de vue inter-sécants : territorial, environnemental et chrono-culturel. / Among the themes explored by Prehistory, megalithism is a full-fledged part of the history of prehistoric peoples. Among the multiple megalithic events in the world, the theme of standing stones is one of the most obscure. For this reason, the study of this phenomenon is relatively delicate. The large disparity of available data, however, is not an essential limit to the development of regional syntheses of the phenomenon. The megalithic phenomenon of standing stones of the Corsica and Sardinia area is the subject of an increasing interest since the nineteenth century. The latest researches done on the subject in Corsica and Sardinia demonstrate significant changes in approaches and methods of analysis. This work can be partially placed in line with these new approaches. The analysis of this phenomenon in Corsica and Sardinia required the apprehension of all archaeological contexts (settlements and funeral sites) from a geographical point of view, that is to say the study of prehistoric and protohistoric territories. The existing links between the standing stones and the megalithic builders' communities are one of the keys to understanding this type of practice. The territorial aspects of standing stones and by extension of megalitism are one of the most important actual questions. This thesis proposes to approach the standing stones phenomenon from different intersecting points of view: territorial, environmental and chrono-cultural. To do this, a specific methodology has been developed through the complementary association of Cartesian and Systemic precepts.

Datation à haute précision par l'26Al de l'histoire du disque d'accrétion / 26Al high precision dating to constrain the disk accretion history

Luu, Tu-Han 29 November 2013 (has links)
Une période intéressante de l'histoire précoce du système solaire est celle du disque, i.e. la période pendant laquelle se déroule la plupart des processus qui vont conduire du mélange de gaz et de poussières nébulaires à des grains et des planétésimaux, qui seront à un stade ultérieur le matériel de départ pour la formation des embryons planétaires et des planètes. Les témoins de cette époque sont les constituants des météorites primitives (chondrites), principalement les inclusions réfractaires (CAIs) et les chondres. Une des questions centrales dans la compréhension des processus à l'origine des CAIs et des chondres est celle du temps. Les travaux récents de Johan Villeneuve ont permis de démontrer que l'26Al et les isotopes du Mg étaient distribués dans le disque d'accrétion à un niveau d'homogénéité permettant d'utiliser le système 26Al-26Mg comme le chronomètre le plus précis qui soit des évènements qui se sont déroulés lors des 2 ou 3 premiers millions d'années du disque. Le but de cette thèse a été de reprendre toute l'étude de l'26Al avec des mesures de plus haute précision que les mesures existantes, en associant les mesures in-situ (sonde ionique) et en roche totale (HR-MC-ICPMS). Les développements analytiques mis en place pour mesurer les compositions isotopiques en Mg ont été appliqués à l'étude d'olivines réfractaires et de chondres de la météorite Allende, et d'olivines de la pallasite Eagle Station. L'ensemble des données a permis d'apporter des éléments de réponse sur les âges de formation des chondres et de leurs précurseurs, et sur l'origine des olivines réfractaires riches en Mg et la possibilité que celles-ci figurent parmi les précurseurs des chondres / The disk history is a very interesting period of the early Solar System history, i.e. the period during which occurred most of the processes leading from the mixing of nebular gas and dust to grains, and then planetesimals, which will then constitute the starting material for formation of planetary embryos and terrestrial planets. The witnesses of this period that we have in the laboratory are the chondrite constituents, mostly refractory inclusions (CAIs) and chondrules. One of the central questions regarding the processes leading to the formation of CAIs and chondrules is the timing. Villeneuve et al. (2009, 2011) have shown that 26Al and Mg isotopes were homogeneously distributed in the accretion disk, at a level allowing the use of the 26Al-26Mg system as the most precise short-lived chronometer to constrain the 2 or 3 first million years of the disk history. My PhD project aimed at reconsidering the 26Al study with more precise measurements, and by combining in-situ (by MC-SIMS) and bulk (by HR-MC-ICPMS) analyses. The analytical developments we set for Mg-isotope measurements (because of the high precision needed) were then applied to a set of extraterrestrial materials, including Mg-rich isolated olivines and Mg-rich olivines in porphyritic type I chondrules from the Allende CV3 meteorite, as well as chondrules from the same meteorite, and olivines from the Eagle Station pallasite. The whole data set allowed to answer questions such as (i) the origin of chondrule precursor materials and the time of chondrule formation, as well as (ii) the origin of Mg-rich refractory olivines, and the possibility that the latters were part of chondrule precursors

Fractal analysis applied to ancient Egyptian monumental art

Unknown Date (has links)
The study of ancient Egyptian monumental art is based on subjective and qualitative analyses by art historians and Egyptologists who use the change in stylistic trends as Dynastic chronological markers. The art of the ancient Egyptians is recognized the world over due to its specific and consistent style that lasted the whole of Dynastic Egypt. This artwork exhibits fractal qualities that support the applicability of applying fractal analysis as a quantitative and statistical tool to be used in this field. In this thesis, I show the fractality of ancient Egyptian monumental art by analyzing black and white line drawings of twenty-eight spearate bas-reliefs with three separate programs : Benoit 1.3, ImageJ, and Fractal3e. After preparing the images with GIMP2 software - used to remove non-original lines - I analyzed each image using the fractal box-counting analysis function in the above programs and calculated their fractal dimension, D. The resulting fractal dimension supported the consistency visually identified in the artwork from ancient Egypt, both chronologically and geographically. / by Jessica Robkin. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2012. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.

Um panorama comparativo da Amazônia no ano 1000 / A comparative overview of the Amazon in year 1000 AD

Tamanaha, Eduardo Kazuo 14 August 2018 (has links)
Nesta tese buscou-se esboçar um cenário das ocupações ceramistas pré-coloniais, entre 600 e 1.400 DC, na região da Amazônia brasileira. Através do banco de dados georreferenciado foram realizadas análises correlacionando diferentes aspectos que compõem o sítio arqueológico, possibilitando a identificação de mudanças ou continuidades de determinadas sociedades em escala regional. Ao final percebeu-se que algumas áreas possuíam maior trânsito de pessoas e ideias do que outras regiões, refletindo em diferentes níveis de variabilidade observadas no contexto arqueológico. / This thesis sought to outline a scenario of precolonial ceramic occupations, between 600 and 1400 AD in the Brazilian Amazon region. Through the georeferenced database, analyzes were carried out correlating different aspects that make up the archaeological site, allowing the identification of changes or continuities of certain societies on a regional scale. At the end it was realized that some areas had greater movement of people and ideas than other regions, reflecting different levels of variability observed in the archaeological context.

Estudo das transformações na conformação dos maciços arbóreos/arbustivos do Parque da Escola Superior de Agricultura 'Luiz de Queiroz' - Universidade de São Paulo, através de fotografias aéreas verticais e levantamentos florísticos de épocas distintas. / Study of the transformations in display of arboreal/shrubs masses of the park of the Escola Superior de Agricultura " Luiz de Queiroz " using vertical aerial pictures and florístics surveys of different times.

Barbin, Henrique Sundfeld 20 August 1999 (has links)
No presente estudo, utilizaram-se de fotografias aéreas verticais e levantamentos florísticos de épocas distintas, para acompanhar as transformações ocorridas nos maciços vegetais do Parque da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" (ESALQ), da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), em Piracicaba. O Parque, de 15.000 m2, construído no Estilo Inglês de Paisagismo, foi implantado ao redor de 1907 e teve crescimento descontrolado e demasiado das áreas de seus maciços arbóreo/arbustivos, comprovado pela análise de fotografias aéreas verticais a partir do ano de 1945, que mostram o aumento em área dos referidos maciços propostos no projeto original. Nos projetos paisagísticos, considera-se a média de vinte anos, para que a cobertura florística atinja os limites representados geograficamente, desde que na implantação, a escolha de espécies, plantios, condições edafo-climáticas, tratos culturais etc, também sejam contempladas no planejamento. Usando-se o software IDRISI, fotografias aéreas verticais dos anos 1945, 1962, 1969, 1973, 1993 e 1995 e o projeto original do Parque, calculou-se a área de cada um dos 24 maciços vegetais presentes no Parque, nos diferentes anos e estas foram confrontadas. Os resultados mostram um grande crescimento dos maciços, uma vez que o somatório das áreas dos mesmos, projetados em 1907, perfazem um total de 28.641m2 de cobertura arbórea, prevista para 1927, vinte anos após a sua concepção, medidas estas que deveriam ser mantidas. Em 1945, o somatório de suas áreas já perfaziam 40.576 m2, portanto 11.935 m2 além do projetado inicialmente (1907) e em 1995 (última fotografia obtida), a área de cobertura arbórea era de 77.221 m2, portanto mais da metade (51,5%) da área total do Parque (150.000 m2) e ainda, 170% a mais de cobertura arbórea do que o projetado inicialmente. No período de 1945 a 1995, o incremento arbóreo foi de 36.655 m2, praticamente dobrando a área total de cobertura. Levando-se em consideração os anos de 1945 e 1995 (maior amplitude, em anos, deste estudo), os maciços cresceram, em área, praticamente na mesma proporção, sendo estas ajustadas a uma reta. Uma das características importantes do Estilo Inglês de Paisagismo, são as linhas de visada que ressaltam pontos de interesse, como edificações, árvores exóticas e outros. No projeto original do Parque da ESALQ, foram planejadas dez linhas de visada. Em 1995, seis dessas linhas estavam obstruídas pelo crescimento não planejado dos maciços e também pela construção de um prédio em área do Parque. Destas, quatro podem ser desobstruídas, através de práticas simples de manejo e as outras duas, ficam impossibilitadas de desobstrução devido à presença do referido prédio. Quanto ao estudo dos levantamentos florísticos de parte dos maciços arbóreo/arbustivos (do maciço de número 1 ao de número 22), realizados no Parque nos anos de 1965 e 1991, os mesmos foram digitados no software Access. Pelo levantamento florístico realizado em 1965, constata-se que o Parque era formado por 444 indivíduos arbóreo/arbustivos, sendo este valor aumentado para 2.904, segundo o levantamento florístico realizado em 1991. Com relação às espécies arbóreas e arbustivas encontradas, em 1965, no Parque existiam 241 espécies, número este, diminuído em 1991, para 215 espécies. Nota-se ainda, grande domínio em número de indivíduos, de algumas espécies sobre outras e a formação de reboleiras de algumas espécies. Ainda sobre os levantamentos florísticos, através de confrontos realizados, utilizando-se do software Access e os respectivos levantamentos, nota-se, a extinção de 154 espécies arbóreo/arbustivas e incremento de outras 124, estando apenas 90 espécies, presentes nos dois levantamentos (1965 e 1991). Todos estes fatos apresentados, indicam a necessidade de um manejo adequado urgente dos maciços vegetais do Parque da ESALQ, para evitar maior descaracterização do mesmo. / In the present study, vertical aerial pictures and floristic surveys from different times were used to assess the transformations on plant masses of the Park of Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz " (ESALQ), Universidade of São Paulo (USP), in Piracicaba - SP - Brazil. The Park, comprised of 15.000 m2, was built in the English Landscape Style, near 1907 and has had ever since too much uncontrolled growth of arboreal/shrubby masses, as determined by the analysis of vertical aerial pictures in 1945. In the large seales landscape projects it is expected twenty years for the plant mass to reach its peak, considering that the choice of species, planting, edafo-climatic conditions, cultural treatments etc are also regarded in the planning. The area of the 24 masses existents on the Park was calculated on different years and compared, using software IDRISI, vertical aerial pictures of 1945, 1962, 1969, 1973, 1993 and 1995 as well as the original project of the Park. The results show excess of growth of the plant mass. In 1907 the total area of the added 28.641 m2. As foreseen for 1927, twenty years after its conception, such measurements should remain the same. In 1945, these areas added 40.576 m2 (11.935 m2 above the original project); and in 1995 (last obtained picture), the area of arboreal covering was of 77.221 m2, more than half (51,5%) of the total area of the Park (150.000 m2) and 170% larger than the area of the initial project. From 1945 to 1995, the arboreal increment was of 36.655 m2, practically doubling the total area of arboreal covering. On 1945 and 1995, the masses grew, in area, pratically in the same proportion, and were adjusted to a straight line. One of the important characteristics of the English Landscape Style, rely on points that can be see through lawn the area, forming "lines of view"- leading to uninterrupted view of the opposite side across the lower strata (lawn). The value points of interest, such as constructions, exotic trees and others. In the original project of the ESALQ`s Park, ten lines of view were planned. In 1995, six of those lines were obstructed by the untamed growth of the masses and also for the construction of a building in area of the Park. Four of them can be cleared through simple management practices. Unfortunately the others, are no longer of liable for desobstruction due to the presence of the referred building. The study of the floristic surveys of the arboreal/shrubby masses (masses number 1 to 22), carried out in the Park in the years of 1965 and 1991, were typed in the software Access. The floristic survey of 1965 shows that the Park was formed by 444 arboreal/shrubby individuals, which increased to 2.904 in the floristic survey on 1991. In the 1965, survey were found 241 arboreal/shrubby decreasing 215 species in 1991, with an increased dominance of some species on others (in numbers) as well as aggregate groups. The extinction of 154 arboreal/shrubs species and the increment of 124 was observed. Only 90 species were common to both surveys (1965 and 1991). The presented facts, indicate the need of an urgent management of the masses of the ESALQ’s Park, to avoid farther uncharacterization.

New insights into old problems : the application of a multidisciplinary approach to the study of early Egyptian ceramic chronology, with a focus on luminescence dating

Hood, Amber Giles Eve January 2016 (has links)
This thesis takes a multidisciplinary approach to the study of ancient Egyptian ceramics by applying scientific dating techniques alongside more traditional methods. It is the first study to apply OSL dating to an Egyptian ceramic assemblage, and it has done so by developing the minimum extraction technique (MET), which has made it possible to use OSL to sample, and thus analyse, ceramics housed in museums. The MET is at present essential to the success of OSL dating of Egyptian ceramics, as the exportation ban on antiquities has prevented OSL analysis of field material. For this thesis, using this new sampling technique, OSL has been applied to several assemblages from the Predynastic to the Early Dynastic period. Ceramics from [ADD IN REVIEW ] have been examined, with three phases being established: late Naqada III, First Intermediate Period, and the mediaeval Islamic period. Absolute dates have been determined for each phase and, where comparison is possible, have been found in good agreement with the historical chronology. A set of vessels from Naqada, Ballas, and the Tomb of Djer at Abydos have been examined using OSL in conjunction with radiocarbon dating. Again, three phases of activity were discerned: late Naqada II, early Naqada III, and the first scientifically determined dates for a burning event in the Tomb of Djer (the New Kingdom). The thesis also demonstrates how OSL can be used as a relative dating technique by analysing a collection of Wavy-Handled ceramics and wine jars from Turah, finding that the OSL results agree well with the established relative chronology. Finally, this thesis has also examined the applicability of cladistic analysis to the study of Egyptian ceramics. Cladistics is a technique borrowed from the biological sciences which offers a complimentary way to examine the evolution of ceramic types and forms, in particular the development of beer and wine jars.

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