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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Theory of mind in middle childhood : assessment and prediction

Yoon, Jeung Eun 01 July 2015 (has links)
Theory of Mind (ToM), a social cognitive skill defined as one's ability to attribute mental states to self and others, is considered key for a successful navigation of one's social world. Extensive research has elucidated the early developmental trajectory, predictors, correlates, and outcomes of ToM in the first five years of a child's life. By contrast, although ToM continues to develop beyond age five, and children increasingly begin to function in more complex and interconnected social ecologies, very little is known about ToM in middle childhood. The present study examines ToM development in middle childhood, using a new measure that is age appropriate, innovative, and embedded in the flow of a naturalistic social interaction. Drawing from rich behavioral and report data collected from children, parents, and teachers in a longitudinal study from toddlerhood to middle childhood, interpersonal factors (the child's relationships with the mother, father, and peers), and intrapersonal factors (temperament characteristic of effortful control) are systematically examined to predict individual differences in children's performance in the new ToM measure at age 10. Associations between children's ToM and their broadly ranging, concurrently assessed clinical symptoms are also examined. As a preliminary venture, using a small sample of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and their caregivers, the present study also seeks to establish preliminary criterion validity for the new measure of ToM.

Visual cortex neuroanatomical abnormalities in psychosis: neurodevelopmental, neurodegenerative, or both?

Adhan, Iniya Kumar 02 June 2020 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Idiopathic psychotic disorders, which include schizophrenia, schizoaffective and bipolar disorder with psychosis, are debilitating disorders affecting about 3% of the world’s population. Neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative hypotheses have been proposed in psychosis, but the literature is mixed in regards to whether psychosis pathogenesis involves one or both of these processes. Since the visual system matures early in development, studying visual pathway abnormalities stratified by disease onset may further inform our understanding of psychosis pathogenesis. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this thesis is to determine whether disease onset, independent of illness duration, has a differential effect on visual cortical abnormalities in psychosis. We examined visual cortical measures for thickness, surface area, and volume using a pseudo-longitudinal study design of first episode psychosis-schizophrenia (FEP-SZ), FEP-non-schizophrenia (FEP-NSZ), early onset psychosis (EOP, <15 years of age), adult onset psychosis (OP, >15 and <30 years of age), and late onset psychosis (LOP, >30 years of age) groups. Relationships between visual cortical metrics and clinical or functional outcomes were performed. METHODS: The FEP sample (n= 102) included healthy controls (n= 44), FEP-SZ (n= 36), and FEP-NSZ (n= 22). The chronic psychosis data included healthy controls (n= 311) and psychosis probands (n=510). Psychosis probands was stratified by disease onset: EOP (n=213), OP (n=257), and LOP (n=40). Propensity matching was performed to match healthy controls (HC) according to age, sex and race. Linear regression models were performed comparing the means of visual cortical measures between groups. Partial Spearman correlations controlling for confounding factors were performed between visual cortical regions and clinical data. For FEP, clinical outcomes were assessed using Clinical Global Impression scale (CGI), Scale of Positive Symptoms (SAPS), and Scale of Negative Symptoms (SANS). For onset groups, clinical and functional outcomes were assessed using Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS), Brief Assessment of Cognition (BACS), Wecshler Memory Scale (WMS) spatial span, anti-saccade error rates, dot expectancy pattern test, emotion recognition test, and Birchwood Social Functioning Scale (SFS). Multiple comparisons were performed using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure. RESULTS: FEP-SZ was associated with smaller V1 and V2 areas, higher MT area and lower MT thickness compared to HCs. Lower MT thickness was associated with worse negative symptoms. Compared to HC, patients with chronic psychosis had lower V1, V2, and MT areas, as well as smaller MT thickness. V1 and V2 area and MT thickness were lower in the EOP group in comparison to matched HC. OP and LOP had a thinner MT region compared to matched HC. Of particular note, it was observed that EOP had greater area differences as compared to thickness reductions in the LOP group. Increased hallucinations and delusions were associated with a thinner MT region in the EOP group. CONCLUSION: When stratified by disease onset, FEP, EOP, OP, and LOP appear to have different pathogenic mechanisms and the severity of visual cortex neuroanatomical abnormalities are dependent on when the disease onset occurs. EOP occurs earlier in neurodevelopment resulting in greater severity in symptom and visual cortical measures as compared to OP. On the contrary, LOP appears to have a neurodegenerative mechanism which is evidenced by accelerated visual cortical thinning. / 2022-06-01T00:00:00Z

Limbic Morphometry in Individuals with Schizophrenia and Their Nonpsychotic Siblings

Slate, Rachael Olivia 22 June 2021 (has links)
The limbic system is hypothesized to play a critical role in pathophysiology of schizophrenia, with abnormalities thought to contribute to the expression of various aspects of the cognitive deficits and clinical symptoms. Psychosis is understood as highly heritable and family members, specifically non-affected siblings, while not displaying overt signs of the disorder, often exhibit features similar to those observed in patients, though to a lesser degree. The overarching aim of this project was to investigate the integrity of limbic circuitry in a sample of patients with schizophrenia and their non-affected siblings and examine its potential relationship with various clinical features of the illness. Cortical thickness of the entorhinal, parahippocampal, cingulate, and orbitofrontal cortices; as well as subcortical surface shape of the hippocampus and amygdala were the focus of this study. Findings from this study reveal relative similarity in limbic integrity between individuals with schizophrenia and theirnon-affected siblings, which are both disparate from healthy individuals. This suggests aspects of the neurobiological underpinnings of psychosis, particularly limbic regions, are genetically influenced regardless of symptom expression and are latent features in non-affected family members. Relationships between positive symptomatology and shape abnormalities of subcortical structures suggest a potential substrate for clinical characteristics in psychosis not evident in non-ill siblings.

Avaliação da presença de depressão entre usuários de plantão noturno em unidade de emergência / Evaluation of the presence of depression among night call users at emergency room

Santos, Igor Pereira dos 28 April 2008 (has links)
A depressão pode ser considerada um problema de saúde pública devido aos agravos e perdas sociais conseqüentes. É um problema que por si já debilita a pessoa, levando a pior evolução, se assim estiver associada a alguma doença clínica. Freqüentemente é negada pelo próprio indivíduo por questões de preconceito social, visto provocar queda na produtividade pessoal, perda de iniciativa e de interesse. Este estudo objetivou conhecer a presença de depressão entre usuários de plantão noturno em unidade de emergência de uma instituição privada, relacionando esse fato aos condicionantes clínicos e biopsicossociais. Metodologia: A pesquisa foi realizada com 62 pacientes adultos que passaram por atendimento durante o período noturno, em casos que não envolviam situação de risco iminente de vida, no Pronto Socorro do Hospital Irmãos Penteado, uma instituição privada de assistência em saúde no município de Campinas-SP, nos meses de outubro e novembro de 2007. Foram aplicados dois instrumentos durante a entrevista: a) Identificação, informações clínicas e contextualização psicossocial; b) Inventário de Depressão de Beck. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente por análise bivariada e multivariada pelo teste de Fisher. Os resultados mostraram que a amostra era composta por maioria de mulheres (75%), solteiras, brancas, com predomínio de faixa etária entre 18 e 30 anos, bom nível educacional, com mais de 20% em nível superior e nenhum analfabeto; todos declaravam alguma ocupação, sendo destaque para comércio e administrativo, boa satisfação com moradia e salienta-se que todos os pacientes possuem convenio de saúde, seja pela empresa em que trabalham, seja porque pagam paralelamente. Entre as queixas clínicas mais comuns apareceram cefaléia como sintoma prevalente e problemas do sistema digestivo. Mais de 12% já tiveram diagnóstico anterior de depressão. Maioria pratica atividade física. Mais de 23% apresentavam hipertensão leve, moderada ou severa durante o atendimento. Mais de 77% relataram dormir entre 6 e 8 horas diárias, mas quase metade alega problemas de sono. Estresse no trabalho e problemas relacionados a ele apareceram com certa freqüência. Álcool também chamou atenção, pois 45,2% alegavam fazer uso, mesmo que socialmente, enquanto que problemas com álcool ou drogas na família foram relatados para quase 20 %. A depressão apareceu em 21% dos entrevistados, sendo 8,1% moderada, 12,9% leve e não houve depressão grave. O Inventário de Beck mostrou-se eficaz e chamou a atenção negativamente nos itens prazer, autocrítica, irritabilidade, sono, cansaço e preocupação com a saúde. Os dados mostraram correlação negativa para os itens hábito de fumar (p=0,021), insônia (p=0,005) e problemas econômicos (p<0,000). Conclui-se que sintomas depressivos estavam aumentados se comparados à amostra não diagnosticada e insuspeita, mas em acordo com os dados de depressão associadas a outras doenças clínicas em hospital geral, qualquer patologia pode aumentar a prevalência de sintomas depressivos e vice versa. Essas informações permitem conhecer melhor o cliente atendido neste serviço de saúde e demonstra que ações de enfermagem em Emergência e Pronto Socorro podem e precisam ser pensadas a fim de garantir a integridade da pessoa que sofre psíquica e fisicamente, tendo em vista que cabe ao hospital geral atender as descompensações antes designadas exclusivamente aos serviços manicomiais. Sugerem-se estudos mais detalhados a fim de elucidar melhor a relação entre \"estresse no trabalho\", manifestação clínica e/ou somática e sintomas depressivos, bem como o fator \"problemas econômicos\" e impacto econômico, a fim de despertar o interesse das grandes empresas privadas de assistência a saúde para com a temática da saúde mental e incentivar a melhoria da assistência de pacientes, sejam conveniados ou não. / Depression may be considered a public health problem due to consequential aggravation and social losses. It is a problem by its own and it weakens the person, leading to worse development, if associated with any clinical disease. Often it is denied by the individual himself for social prejudice issues, since it provokes drop in personal productivity, loss of initiative and interest. This study aimed to know the presence of depression among night call users at a private institution emergency unit, relating this fact to clinical and biopsycho- social indicators. Method: The research was conducted with 62 adult patients who have undergone care during the night time, in cases not involving imminent risk of life situations, in the Emergency Unity of Hospital Irmãos Penteado, which is a health care private institution, in the city of Campinas-SP, in October and November 2007. Two instruments were applied during the interview: a) Identification, clinical information and psychosocial contextualization b) Beck Depression Inventory. Data were statistically analyzed by bivariate analyses and multivariate by Fisher test. The results showed that the sample was composed by a majority of women (75%), single, white, with predominance of age between 18 and 30 years, good educational level, with more than 20% with third degree and no illiterate; all declared any occupation, emphasizing trade and administrative jobs, good housing satisfaction and noting that all patients have health care insure, by the company where they work, or because they pay in parallel. Among the most common clinical complaints appeared headache as prevalent symptom and digestive system problems. More than 12% have had previous diagnosis of depression. Majority practices physical activity. More than 23% had mild, moderate or severe hypertension during care. More than 77% reported sleeping between 6 and 8 hours a day, but nearly half claims sleep problems. Stress at work and problems related to it appeared with some frequency. Alcohol also drew attention because 45.2% claimed to use, even if socially, while alcohol or drugs problems in the family were reported to almost 20%. The depression appeared in 21% of interviewees, with 8.1% moderate, 12.9% mild and no severe depression. Beck Inventory proved to be effective and drew attention negatively on items pleasure, self-criticism, irritability, sleep, tiredness and health concern. Data showed negative correlation for items smoking habit (p = 0021), insomnia (p = 0005) and economic problems (p <0000). It is concluded that depressive symptoms were increased when compared to the undiagnosed and unsuspected sample, but in accordance with data of depression associated with other clinical diseases in general hospital, any pathology can increase the prevalence of depressive symptoms and vice versa. This information allows to better know the client attended at this health care service and demonstrates that nursing actions in Emergency and First Aid can and must be designed in order to ensure the integrity of the person who suffers psychically and physically, facing that it is up to the general hospital to attend the decompensations once exclusively designated to asylum services. More detailed studies are suggested to better clarify the relationship between \"stress at work,\" clinical and/or somatic manifestation and depressive symptoms, and the factor \"economic problems\" in economic impact, in order to arouse the interest of large health care private companies in the mental health issue and to encourage the improvement in caring of patients, are they insured or not.

Avaliação da presença de depressão entre usuários de plantão noturno em unidade de emergência / Evaluation of the presence of depression among night call users at emergency room

Igor Pereira dos Santos 28 April 2008 (has links)
A depressão pode ser considerada um problema de saúde pública devido aos agravos e perdas sociais conseqüentes. É um problema que por si já debilita a pessoa, levando a pior evolução, se assim estiver associada a alguma doença clínica. Freqüentemente é negada pelo próprio indivíduo por questões de preconceito social, visto provocar queda na produtividade pessoal, perda de iniciativa e de interesse. Este estudo objetivou conhecer a presença de depressão entre usuários de plantão noturno em unidade de emergência de uma instituição privada, relacionando esse fato aos condicionantes clínicos e biopsicossociais. Metodologia: A pesquisa foi realizada com 62 pacientes adultos que passaram por atendimento durante o período noturno, em casos que não envolviam situação de risco iminente de vida, no Pronto Socorro do Hospital Irmãos Penteado, uma instituição privada de assistência em saúde no município de Campinas-SP, nos meses de outubro e novembro de 2007. Foram aplicados dois instrumentos durante a entrevista: a) Identificação, informações clínicas e contextualização psicossocial; b) Inventário de Depressão de Beck. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente por análise bivariada e multivariada pelo teste de Fisher. Os resultados mostraram que a amostra era composta por maioria de mulheres (75%), solteiras, brancas, com predomínio de faixa etária entre 18 e 30 anos, bom nível educacional, com mais de 20% em nível superior e nenhum analfabeto; todos declaravam alguma ocupação, sendo destaque para comércio e administrativo, boa satisfação com moradia e salienta-se que todos os pacientes possuem convenio de saúde, seja pela empresa em que trabalham, seja porque pagam paralelamente. Entre as queixas clínicas mais comuns apareceram cefaléia como sintoma prevalente e problemas do sistema digestivo. Mais de 12% já tiveram diagnóstico anterior de depressão. Maioria pratica atividade física. Mais de 23% apresentavam hipertensão leve, moderada ou severa durante o atendimento. Mais de 77% relataram dormir entre 6 e 8 horas diárias, mas quase metade alega problemas de sono. Estresse no trabalho e problemas relacionados a ele apareceram com certa freqüência. Álcool também chamou atenção, pois 45,2% alegavam fazer uso, mesmo que socialmente, enquanto que problemas com álcool ou drogas na família foram relatados para quase 20 %. A depressão apareceu em 21% dos entrevistados, sendo 8,1% moderada, 12,9% leve e não houve depressão grave. O Inventário de Beck mostrou-se eficaz e chamou a atenção negativamente nos itens prazer, autocrítica, irritabilidade, sono, cansaço e preocupação com a saúde. Os dados mostraram correlação negativa para os itens hábito de fumar (p=0,021), insônia (p=0,005) e problemas econômicos (p<0,000). Conclui-se que sintomas depressivos estavam aumentados se comparados à amostra não diagnosticada e insuspeita, mas em acordo com os dados de depressão associadas a outras doenças clínicas em hospital geral, qualquer patologia pode aumentar a prevalência de sintomas depressivos e vice versa. Essas informações permitem conhecer melhor o cliente atendido neste serviço de saúde e demonstra que ações de enfermagem em Emergência e Pronto Socorro podem e precisam ser pensadas a fim de garantir a integridade da pessoa que sofre psíquica e fisicamente, tendo em vista que cabe ao hospital geral atender as descompensações antes designadas exclusivamente aos serviços manicomiais. Sugerem-se estudos mais detalhados a fim de elucidar melhor a relação entre \"estresse no trabalho\", manifestação clínica e/ou somática e sintomas depressivos, bem como o fator \"problemas econômicos\" e impacto econômico, a fim de despertar o interesse das grandes empresas privadas de assistência a saúde para com a temática da saúde mental e incentivar a melhoria da assistência de pacientes, sejam conveniados ou não. / Depression may be considered a public health problem due to consequential aggravation and social losses. It is a problem by its own and it weakens the person, leading to worse development, if associated with any clinical disease. Often it is denied by the individual himself for social prejudice issues, since it provokes drop in personal productivity, loss of initiative and interest. This study aimed to know the presence of depression among night call users at a private institution emergency unit, relating this fact to clinical and biopsycho- social indicators. Method: The research was conducted with 62 adult patients who have undergone care during the night time, in cases not involving imminent risk of life situations, in the Emergency Unity of Hospital Irmãos Penteado, which is a health care private institution, in the city of Campinas-SP, in October and November 2007. Two instruments were applied during the interview: a) Identification, clinical information and psychosocial contextualization b) Beck Depression Inventory. Data were statistically analyzed by bivariate analyses and multivariate by Fisher test. The results showed that the sample was composed by a majority of women (75%), single, white, with predominance of age between 18 and 30 years, good educational level, with more than 20% with third degree and no illiterate; all declared any occupation, emphasizing trade and administrative jobs, good housing satisfaction and noting that all patients have health care insure, by the company where they work, or because they pay in parallel. Among the most common clinical complaints appeared headache as prevalent symptom and digestive system problems. More than 12% have had previous diagnosis of depression. Majority practices physical activity. More than 23% had mild, moderate or severe hypertension during care. More than 77% reported sleeping between 6 and 8 hours a day, but nearly half claims sleep problems. Stress at work and problems related to it appeared with some frequency. Alcohol also drew attention because 45.2% claimed to use, even if socially, while alcohol or drugs problems in the family were reported to almost 20%. The depression appeared in 21% of interviewees, with 8.1% moderate, 12.9% mild and no severe depression. Beck Inventory proved to be effective and drew attention negatively on items pleasure, self-criticism, irritability, sleep, tiredness and health concern. Data showed negative correlation for items smoking habit (p = 0021), insomnia (p = 0005) and economic problems (p <0000). It is concluded that depressive symptoms were increased when compared to the undiagnosed and unsuspected sample, but in accordance with data of depression associated with other clinical diseases in general hospital, any pathology can increase the prevalence of depressive symptoms and vice versa. This information allows to better know the client attended at this health care service and demonstrates that nursing actions in Emergency and First Aid can and must be designed in order to ensure the integrity of the person who suffers psychically and physically, facing that it is up to the general hospital to attend the decompensations once exclusively designated to asylum services. More detailed studies are suggested to better clarify the relationship between \"stress at work,\" clinical and/or somatic manifestation and depressive symptoms, and the factor \"economic problems\" in economic impact, in order to arouse the interest of large health care private companies in the mental health issue and to encourage the improvement in caring of patients, are they insured or not.

Comparative Memory/Behavioral Symptoms of Alzheimer's disease: EOAD vs. LOAD

Roberson, Marcia Gale 01 January 2016 (has links)
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a fatal disorder with no apparent cure. Early-onset AD (EOAD) occurs in individuals before the age of 65, and late-onset AD (LOAD) occurs in individuals age 65 and older. Past studies have proven that AD is fatal among Americans age 65 and older. The disease is characterized by impairments in memory and executive function as well as other cognitive and behavioral problems. The research questions addressed by this sequential, mixed-method study compared EOAD and LOAD by exploring common behavioral/cognitive symptoms and stage levels of AD. Research participants were recruited from the Alzheimer's Association who were members of caregiver support groups and cared for an individual with AD. The qualitative component of this study consisted of a qualitative interview given to caregivers (N = 6), which was audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim using the 6-phase thematic analysis. Sequentially, the quantitative component of this study consisted of the BEHAVE-AD and Short IQCODE instruments, which were filled out and completed by caregivers (N = 20) on behalf of patients with probable AD. These data were analyzed using 1-way ANOVA, with the alpha set at 0.05. Integration of qualitative and quantitative results indicated no differences in cognitive or behavioral symptoms of either EOAD or LOAD care recipients. These findings have implications for positive social change by continually involving caregiver participants in future studies. Doing so can ensure that care recipients, whether they have been diagnosed at EOAD or LOAD, have a voice.

Effects of Parkinson’s disease on motor asymmetry

Watson, Deborah Mazanek 08 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Introduction: Persons with Parkinson’s disease (PD) experience changes cortically, subcortically and behaviorally. This dissertation examines the asymmetry of motor behavior to explore the role of asymmetry in persons with PD and its connection to clinical symptoms. Purpose: Project 1: To assess the hand asymmetry difference in young adults versus older adults. Project 2: To investigate the difference in hand asymmetry in older adults and persons with PD. Project 3: To explore the correlation between function and clinical symptoms of persons with PD. Methods: 55 right-handed participants [Young Adults (YA) = 20, Female = 10; Older Adults (OA) = 20, Female = 10; Persons with PD = 15, Female = 5] were recruited and performed motor tasks: Purdue Pegboard test, grip strength test, response task, thumb opposition task, tapping task, three variations of timed-up-and-go test (TUG), single leg stance task (SLS), Weight Distribution test and Limits of Stability test. The two-way ANOVA was conducted to examine a variance between YA and OA. A separate two-way ANOVA was conducted comparing variance between OA and persons with PD. The purpose was to explore asymmetries, characterized by a significant difference between groups’ left and right sides. Pearson’s correlation was implemented to examine connection of clinical symptoms and motor behavior. Statistics: IBM SPSS 24 software was used. Two 2-way ANOVAs with the between group factor of group (Young vs. Older in Project 1; Older vs. PD in project 2), and within group factor of hand (Right vs. Left in Study 1 & Study 2) were used to examine if age (or PD) changes hand asymmetry. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to determine correlations between Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) and motor tasks in PD patients (Study 3). Results: Project 1: Results indicate asymmetry reduces with age in fine motor tasks containing speed, dexterity and strength components. Project 2: The basal ganglia dysfunction does not overall further exacerbate the reduced asymmetry with age. Project 3: Clinical symptoms of PD measured by the UPDRS are generally not associated with fine motor tasks of this study.

Syndrome inflammatoire chez les schizophrènes toxicomanes

Igue, Raouf 12 1900 (has links)
La schizophrénie est une maladie mentale grave qui présente une comorbidité fréquente avec la toxicomanie et avec divers troubles immunitaires. Une méta-analyse réalisée récemment dans notre laboratoire a montré une augmentation d’IL-6 (une cytokine pro-inflammatoire), du récepteur soluble d’IL-2 (un marqueur d’activation du système immunitaire), et d’IL-1RA (une cytokine anti-inflammatoire) dans la schizophrénie, suggérant l’existence d’un syndrome inflammatoire dans cette maladie. La toxicomanie aussi est associée au dérèglement du réseau des cytokines inflammatoires, mais les effets dépendent du type de drogues et ils sont parfois diamétralement opposés. On dispose encore de peu d’informations sur le statut immunitaire et inflammatoire des patients qui ont un double diagnostic de schizophrénie et de toxicomanie. Le but de ce travail était d’explorer l’existence d’un état inflammatoire systémique chez les patients schizophrènes et toxicomanes, et l’influence du traitement avec un médicament antipsychotique atypique, la quétiapine. Les objectifs spécifiques étaient : 1) Mesurer les concentrations plasmatiques des cytokines inflammatoires chez les schizophrènes et toxicomanes avant, pendant et après traitement avec la quétiapine ; et 2) Faire des études de corrélations entre les taux de cytokines, les symptômes cliniques, et la consommation de drogues. Les résultats montrent que comparativement aux contrôles normaux, les patients avec un double diagnostic présentent une augmentation d’IL-6, d’IL-1RA, du sIL-2R et d’IL-8 avant traitement à la quétiapine. Les augmentations des concentrations plasmatiques d’IL-1RA sont particulièrement importantes chez les patients avec double diagnostic, si on les compare à celles publiées chez les schizophrènes sans toxicomanie. Le traitement à la quétiapine n’influence pas les concentrations plasmatiques de ces cytokines, sauf sIL-2R qui augmente davantage au cours du traitement. Des corrélations positives de puissance modérée sont retrouvées entre IL-6 et dépression, IL-6 et alcool, IL-1RA et cognition, IL-8 et dépression, IL-8 et alcool, sIL-2R et cannabis. Notre étude révèle que la réponse inflammatoire est activée chez les schizophrènes et toxicomanes. De plus, la toxicomanie semble jouer un rôle facilitant ou potentialisateur dans les augmentations des taux circulants d’IL-1RA. Les études en cours sur différentes populations de schizophrènes avec ou sans toxicomanie, et chez des toxicomanes non schizophrènes permettront de préciser le rôle des différentes drogues d’abus dans le syndrome inflammatoire chez les schizophrènes, ainsi que les implications de ce syndrome sur le plan clinique et thérapeutique. / Schizophrenia is a psychosis which presents a frequent comorbidity with substance use disorders (SUD) and with various immune alterations. Using meta-analysis, we have demonstrated previously establishment of an inflammatory syndrome in schizophrenia patients, illustrated by elevated circulating levels of IL-6 (a pro-inflammatory cytokine), sIL-2R (marker of immune activation) and IL-1RA (an anti-inflammatory cytokine). SUD is also associated with dysregulation of inflammatory cytokines, but the effects may depend on the type of substance of abuse. The goal of this project was: 1) To measure plasma concentrations of inflammatory cytokines in schizophrenia patients with comorbid SUD, before, during and after treatment with an atypical antipsychotic, quetiapine; and 2) To perform correlation studies between plasma concentrations of inflammatory cytokines and clinical symptoms, including positive and negative symptoms, cognition, depression and substance use. Relative to normal controls, patients with a dual diagnosis showed increased plasma concentrations of IL-6, IL-1RA, sIL-2R, and IL-8 at baseline, IL-1RA increases being the most important. Quetiapine treatment did not influence plasma cytokine concentrations, except sIL-2R which increased further. Moderate positive correlations were found between IL-6 and depression, IL-6 and alcohol, IL-1RA and cognition, IL-8 and depression, IL-8 and alcohol and between sIL-2R and cannabis. This study demonstrates that the immune and inflammatory response is activated in schizophrenia patients with comorbid SUD. Furthermore, SUD may play a facilitating or potentiating role in the increases in peripheral levels of IL-1RA. Ongoing studies in different patient populations with schizophrenia with or without SUD, and patients with SUD alone will help elucidate the role of different substances of abuse in the inflammatory syndrome in schizophrenia, as well as the clinical and therapeutic relevance of this syndrome.

Syndrome inflammatoire chez les schizophrènes toxicomanes

Igue, Raouf 12 1900 (has links)
La schizophrénie est une maladie mentale grave qui présente une comorbidité fréquente avec la toxicomanie et avec divers troubles immunitaires. Une méta-analyse réalisée récemment dans notre laboratoire a montré une augmentation d’IL-6 (une cytokine pro-inflammatoire), du récepteur soluble d’IL-2 (un marqueur d’activation du système immunitaire), et d’IL-1RA (une cytokine anti-inflammatoire) dans la schizophrénie, suggérant l’existence d’un syndrome inflammatoire dans cette maladie. La toxicomanie aussi est associée au dérèglement du réseau des cytokines inflammatoires, mais les effets dépendent du type de drogues et ils sont parfois diamétralement opposés. On dispose encore de peu d’informations sur le statut immunitaire et inflammatoire des patients qui ont un double diagnostic de schizophrénie et de toxicomanie. Le but de ce travail était d’explorer l’existence d’un état inflammatoire systémique chez les patients schizophrènes et toxicomanes, et l’influence du traitement avec un médicament antipsychotique atypique, la quétiapine. Les objectifs spécifiques étaient : 1) Mesurer les concentrations plasmatiques des cytokines inflammatoires chez les schizophrènes et toxicomanes avant, pendant et après traitement avec la quétiapine ; et 2) Faire des études de corrélations entre les taux de cytokines, les symptômes cliniques, et la consommation de drogues. Les résultats montrent que comparativement aux contrôles normaux, les patients avec un double diagnostic présentent une augmentation d’IL-6, d’IL-1RA, du sIL-2R et d’IL-8 avant traitement à la quétiapine. Les augmentations des concentrations plasmatiques d’IL-1RA sont particulièrement importantes chez les patients avec double diagnostic, si on les compare à celles publiées chez les schizophrènes sans toxicomanie. Le traitement à la quétiapine n’influence pas les concentrations plasmatiques de ces cytokines, sauf sIL-2R qui augmente davantage au cours du traitement. Des corrélations positives de puissance modérée sont retrouvées entre IL-6 et dépression, IL-6 et alcool, IL-1RA et cognition, IL-8 et dépression, IL-8 et alcool, sIL-2R et cannabis. Notre étude révèle que la réponse inflammatoire est activée chez les schizophrènes et toxicomanes. De plus, la toxicomanie semble jouer un rôle facilitant ou potentialisateur dans les augmentations des taux circulants d’IL-1RA. Les études en cours sur différentes populations de schizophrènes avec ou sans toxicomanie, et chez des toxicomanes non schizophrènes permettront de préciser le rôle des différentes drogues d’abus dans le syndrome inflammatoire chez les schizophrènes, ainsi que les implications de ce syndrome sur le plan clinique et thérapeutique. / Schizophrenia is a psychosis which presents a frequent comorbidity with substance use disorders (SUD) and with various immune alterations. Using meta-analysis, we have demonstrated previously establishment of an inflammatory syndrome in schizophrenia patients, illustrated by elevated circulating levels of IL-6 (a pro-inflammatory cytokine), sIL-2R (marker of immune activation) and IL-1RA (an anti-inflammatory cytokine). SUD is also associated with dysregulation of inflammatory cytokines, but the effects may depend on the type of substance of abuse. The goal of this project was: 1) To measure plasma concentrations of inflammatory cytokines in schizophrenia patients with comorbid SUD, before, during and after treatment with an atypical antipsychotic, quetiapine; and 2) To perform correlation studies between plasma concentrations of inflammatory cytokines and clinical symptoms, including positive and negative symptoms, cognition, depression and substance use. Relative to normal controls, patients with a dual diagnosis showed increased plasma concentrations of IL-6, IL-1RA, sIL-2R, and IL-8 at baseline, IL-1RA increases being the most important. Quetiapine treatment did not influence plasma cytokine concentrations, except sIL-2R which increased further. Moderate positive correlations were found between IL-6 and depression, IL-6 and alcohol, IL-1RA and cognition, IL-8 and depression, IL-8 and alcohol and between sIL-2R and cannabis. This study demonstrates that the immune and inflammatory response is activated in schizophrenia patients with comorbid SUD. Furthermore, SUD may play a facilitating or potentiating role in the increases in peripheral levels of IL-1RA. Ongoing studies in different patient populations with schizophrenia with or without SUD, and patients with SUD alone will help elucidate the role of different substances of abuse in the inflammatory syndrome in schizophrenia, as well as the clinical and therapeutic relevance of this syndrome.

Comparação das manifestações clínicas em pacientes portadores de fibromialgia traumática e não-traumática / A comparison of clinical manifestations between posttraumatic and non-traumatic fibromyalgia patients

Riberto, Marcelo 30 June 2004 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar aspectos clínicos de pacientes portadores de fibromialgia cujo início dos sintomas estivessem relacionados a eventos traumáticos e pacientes idiopáticos. Foram avaliados 135 pacientes por meio de um questionário estruturado sobre dados demográficos e situação de produtividade laboral, caracterização da dor e presença de queixas não relacionadas ao aparelho locomotor. Foi realizada contagem e dolorimetria de pressão dos pontos dolorosos e avaliação da dor segundo a escala visual analógica. O grupo de pacientes traumáticos conteve 48 pessoas apresentou maior período médio de escolaridade (8,1 &#177; 4,1 x 5,3 &#177; 2,9; p<0,001), maior contagem de pontos dolorosos (16,1 &#177; 2,8 x 15,0 &#177; 3,2; p = 0,047), menor período desde a generalização da dor (5,6 &#117; 6,9 x 4,1 &#177; 2,6 anos; p = 0,002) e maiores prevalências de dificuldade de concentração (83,0% x 65,1%; p = 0,048) e cólicas intestinais (45,8% x 26,4%; p = 0,036). Houve associação entre o trauma e a improdutividade econômica. Os demais aspetos clínicos não apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significante. Conclui-se que a etiologia traumática impõe poucas diferenças clínicas aos pacientes portadores de fibromialgia e não explicam o grau de incapacidade laboral que se observa. / The aim of this work was to compare clinical aspects of fibromyalgia patients whose onset was related to traumatic events to idiopathic patients. One hundred and thirty fice consecutive patients were interviewed with a structured questionnaire about demographic aspects, work disability, pain characterization and the presence of symptoms not related to the locomotor system. Tender point count and dolorimetry were performed, as well as pain evaluation according to the visual analogue scale. The group of traumatic patients counted with 48 individuals, and presented with longer period of formal education (8,1 &#117; 4,1 x 5,3 &#117; 2,9 years; p < 0,001), higher count of tender points (16,1 &#117; 2,8 x &#117; 3,2; p = 0,047), shorter period since generalization of pain (5,6 &#117; 6,9 x 4,1 &#117; 2,6 years; p = 0,002), smaller prevalences of concentration difficulties (83,0% x 65,1%; p = 0,048) and abdominal cramps(45,8% x 26,4%; p = 0,036). There was an association between trauma and work disability. Any of remaining clinical aspects presented with statistically significant differences. We conclude that trauma imposes few clinical differences to fibromyalgia patients and does not explain the degree of work disability which is observed among them.

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