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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Preparation, characterization and performance evaluation of Nanocomposite SoyProtein/Carbon Nanotubes (Soy/CNTs) from Soy Protein Isolate

Sadare, Olawumi Oluwafolakemi 04 1900 (has links)
Formaldehyde-based adhesives have been reported to be detrimental to health. Petrochemical-based adhesives are non-renewable, limited and costly. Therefore, the improvement of environmental-friendly adhesive from natural agricultural products has awakened noteworthy attention. A novel adhesive for wood application was successfully prepared with enhanced shear strength and water resistance. The Fourier transmform infrared spectra showed the surface functionalities of the functionalized carbon nanotubes (FCNTs) and soy protein isolate nanocomposite adhesive. The attachment of carboxylic functional group on the surface of the carbon nanotubes (CNTs) after purification contributed to the effective dispersion of the CNTs in the nanocomposite adhesive. Hence, enhanced properties of FCNTs were successfully transferred into the SPI/CNTs nanocomposite adhesive. These unique functionalities on FCNTs however, improved the mechanical properties of the adhesive. The shear strength and water resistance of SPI/FCNTs was higher than that of the SPI/CNTs. SEM images showed the homogenous dispersion of CNTs in the SPI/CNTs nanocomposite adhesive. The carbon nanotubes were distributed uniformly in the soy protein adhesive with no noticeable clusters at relatively reduced fractions of CNTs as shown in the SEM images, which resulted into better adhesion on wood surface. Mechanical (shear) mixing and ultrasonication with 30 minutes of shear mixing both showed an improved dispersion of CNTs in the soy protein matrix. However, ultrasonication method of dispersion showed higher tensile shear strength and water resistance than in mechanical (shear) mixing method. Thermogravimetric analysis of the samples also showed that the CNTs incorporated increases the thermal stability of the nanocomposite adhesive at higher loading fraction. Incorporation of CNTs into soy protein isolate adhesive improved both the shear strength and water resistance of the adhesive prepared at a relatively reduced concentration of 0.3%.The result showed that tensile shear strength of SPI/FCNTs adhesive was 0.8 MPa and 7.25MPa at dry and wet state respectively, while SPI/CNTs adhesive had 6.91 MPa and 5.48MPa at dry and wet state respectively. There was over 100% increase in shear strength both at dry and wet state compared to the pure SPI adhesive. The 19% decrease in value of the new adhesive developed compared to the minimum value of ≥10MPa of European standard for interior wood application may be attributed to the presence of metallic particles remaining after purification of CNTs. The presence of metallic particles will prevent the proper penetration of the adhesive into the wood substrate. The type of wood used in this study as well as the processing parameters could also result into lower value compared to the value of European standard. Therefore, optimization of the processing parameter as well as the conversion of carboxylic acid group on the surface of the CNTs into acyl chloride group may be employed in future investigation. However, the preparation of new nanocomposite adhesive from soy protein isolate will replace the formaldehyde and petrochemical adhesive in the market and be of useful application in the wood industry. / Civil and Chemical Engineering / M. Tech. (Chemical Engineering)

Integration of few kayer graphene nanomaterials in organic solar cells as (transparent) conductor electrodes / Intégration de nanomatériaux à base de quelques couches de graphène servant d'électrode (transparente) conductrice dans les cellules solaires organiques

Pirzado, Azhar Ali Ayaz 12 June 2015 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, des films à base de graphène ont été étudiés comme alternatives viables dans la fabrication d'électrodes transparentes (TCE). Elle met l'accent sur des couches fines de graphène (FLG), sur l'oxyde de graphène réduit (RGO) et leurs hybrides avec des nanotubes de carbone (NTCs) pour être utilisé comme TCE dans les cellule solaires organiques (OSC). Les FLGs et RGO ont été préparés par des méthodes d'exfoliation mécanique ou en phase liquide assistée par micro-ondes. Ces nanomatériaux dilués dans un solvant liquide ont été déposé en couche mince par aérographe. Des caractérisations de transport de charge ont été obtenues grâce à la méthode des 4 pointes. Ces échantillons ont été caractérisés: leur transparence(UV-Visible), leur morphologie et leur topographique (MEB, MET, AFM) ainsi que le travail de sortie (UPS). Pour obtenir des informations sur la qualité structurelle des échantillons, nous avons utilisés les méthodes de spectroscopie XPS, Raman et la photoluminescence. / Graphene mate rials have been researched as viable alternatives of transparent conductors electrodes (TCEs) in this thesis. Current study focuses on few layer graphene (FLG), reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and their hybrids with carbon nanotubes (CNTs) for TCE applications inorganic solar cells (OSCs). FLGs and rGOs have been prepared by mechanical and microwave-assisted exfoliation methods. This films of these materials have been produced by hot-spray method. Results of charge transport characterizations by four-point probes, transparency (UV-Vis), measurements, along with morphological (SEM, TEM) and topgraphic (AFM) studies of films have been presented. UPS studies were performed to determine for a work-function. XPS,Raman and Photoluminescence studies have been employed to obtain the information about the structural quality of the samples.

Synthesis and applications of macroscopic well-aligned multi-walled carbon nanotube films

Halonen, N. (Niina) 29 October 2013 (has links)
Abstract The main objectives of this thesis are to synthesize macroscopic well-aligned multi-walled carbon nanotube films and, based on their electrical conductivity, porosity and structural uniformity, highlight potential applications for further development. In this thesis, catalytic chemical vapour deposition from ferrocene-xylene precursors is optimized to grow high quality films of long, aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes on lithographically patterned templates in high (~800ºC) temperatures. The impacts of reaction time, temperature and precursor concentration on MWCNT film quality (film thickness, purity, density and nanotube diameter distribution) are studied. Because of the excellent control of growth selectivity and film thickness inherent to the method, several interesting applications, including solar cell and capacitor electrodes, contact brushes, coolers, particulate filters and catalyst membranes, have been developed for nanotube films in collaboration between Finnish and international research groups over the past few years. In this thesis, advanced capacitor electrodes with improved charge storage and efficient particulate filters are discussed in closer detail. As the high temperatures used for growing high quality carbon nanotubes often cause complications in cases where nanotubes need to be directly integrated with other materials, experiments were also conducted with the aim of making the growth temperature as low as possible. After testing several catalyst and precursor combinations, cobalt nanoparticles deposited on silica surfaces were found to form carbon nanotubes from vaporized cyclopentene oxide precursor already at 470°C. The results show that catalytic chemical vapour deposition is a feasible and versatile method that can be combined with photolithography to produce multi-walled carbon nanotube films with desired footprint area and thickness on various substrates. The demonstrated new applications and technical solutions are expected to contribute to further development leading to competitive practical devices based on carbon nanotubes. / Tiivistelmä Tämän väitöstyön päätavoitteina ovat makroskooppisten, yhdensuuntaisista moniseinämäisistä hiilinanoputkista koostuvien kalvojen valmistaminen ja sovellutusten esittäminen perustuen kalvojen sähkönjohtavuuteen, huokoisuuten ja rakenteelliseen yhdenmukaisuuteen. Katalyyttis-kemiallinen höyryfaasikasvatusmenetelmä on optimoitu korkealaatuisten, yhdensuuntaisista, pitkistä moniseinämäisistä hiilinanoputkista koostuvien kalvojen tuottamiseen korkeissa lämpötiloissa (~800ºC) fotolitografialla kuvioiduille kasvualustoille käyttäen ferroseeni/ksyleeni-lähtöainetta. Reaktioajan, lämpötilan ja lähtöainepitoisuuden vaikutusta nanoputkikalvon laatuun on tutkittu tarkastelemalla kalvon paksuutta, puhtautta, tiheyttä ja nanoputkien läpimittajakaumaa. Erinomaisen kasvuselektiivisyyden ja kalvon paksuuden kontrolloimisen ansiosta nanoputkikalvoja voidaan räätälöidä useisiin mielenkiintoisiin sovellutuksiin (esim. aurinkokennot ja kondensaattorin elektrodit, hiiliharjat, jäähdyttimet, partikkelisuodattimet ja katalyyttikalvot), joita olemme kehittäneet viime vuosina yhdessä suomalaisten ja kansainvälisten tutkimusryhmien kanssa. Tässä väitöstyössä on tarkasteltu lähemmin uudentyyppisiä kondensaattorielektrodeja, joilla on parantunut sähkövarauksen varastointikyky, sekä tehokkaita partikkelisuodattimia. Hiilinanoputkien kasvattaminen korkeissa lämpötiloissa aiheuttaa usein ongelmia integroitaessa nanoputkia toisiin materiaaleihin. Tästä johtuen tutkimuksessa pyrittiin saamaan nanoputkien kasvatuslämpötila mahdollisimman alhaiseksi testaamalla useita lähtöaine-katalyytti-kombinaatioita, joista koboltti-nanopartikkelit piidioksidin päällä ja syklopenteenioksidi lähtöaineena muodostivat hiilinanoputkia jo 470°C:ssa. Tulosten perusteella katalyyttis-kemiallinen höyryfaasikasvatusmenetelmä yhdistettynä fotolitografiaan on hyvin monipuolinen tapa tuottaa moniseinämäisiä hiilinanoputkia halutulla kuviolla ja kalvonpaksuudella erilaisille substraateille. Tässä väitöstyössä demonstroitujen uusien sovellutusten ja teknisten ratkaisujen odotetaan johtavan uusiin, hiilinanoputkiin perustuviin kilpailukykyisiin käytännön laitteisiin.

Charge Transport And Magnetic Properties Of Iron-embedded Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes

Arya, Ved Prakash 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Studies on charge transport properties in carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been a subject of great interest for a long time not only as an important topic in fundamental science, but also as a basic requirement for the application of CNTs for nanoelectronics. CNTs show a wide range of transport behavior that varies from ballistic to hopping regime, depending on the dimensionality and nature of disorder in the system. Minute variations in disorder can lead from weak to strong localization, and this yields complex and intriguing features in the analysis of transport data. It is particularly important to carry out such a study for multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), in which both dimensionality and disorder play an important role and the nature of localization is non-trivial as wave functions are extended along the tube or bundle of tubes. A proper understanding of the mechanisms of charge transport and their quantitative knowledge is an essential requirement for any possible application of CNTs in nanodevices. Such studies not only yield information on the transport parameters crucial for applications but can also provide a test for any possible microscopic theories of transport. Main focus of the current thesis is to understand the mechanism of charge transport in iron-embedded MWCNTs and to gain more knowledge on the transport behavior. Magnetically functionalized CNTs, in particular the CNTs filled with ferromagnetic materials are of profound interest for the basic scientific research as well as for technological application. Iron-embedded MWCNTs are synthesized by one step pyrolysis method. This method gives a proper route to synthesize the magnetic particles encapsulated CNTs. Beyond the geometrical advantage of a cylinder-shaped nanostructure design, the carbon shells provide an effective protection against oxidation of magnetic nanoparticles. The iron-embedded MWCNTs exhibit excellent magnetic properties like the uniaxial magnetic anisotropy, and the high coercivity, which is larger than the coercivity of bulk iron. Thus, they have significant potential for data storage devices and biomedical applications. Vertical alignment of CNTs is an important issue for device applications such as field electron emitters and flat-panel displays. Vertically aligned MWCNTs are grown on various substrates in the present work and the role of catalyst particles in vertical alignment is discussed. This thesis also reports the investigations on the magnetic properties including magnetotransport studies. The thesis is organized in seven chapters and a brief summary of each chapter is given below. Chapter 1 presents an introduction of the CNTs and its structural and electronic properties. Charge transport in CNTs is then discussed in terms of the fundamental aspects of conduction regimes and transport length scales. The synthesis and characterization of iron-embedded MWCNTs is described in chapter 2. It is important to get good quality CNTs in a scalable way. The various methods available for CNT synthesis are arc discharge, laser ablation, chemical vapor deposition etc. A one-step thermally assisted pyrolysis method employed for synthesizing MWCNTs is a simple and cost-effective method. Benzene is used as a precursor and ferrocene as a catalyst in the present case. Good quality CNTs are obtained from this method, which are of multiwall in nature (outer diameter in the range of 10-25 nm). Vertically aligned mats of MWCNTs are also obtained on the quartz substrate. The thickness of the mats is several tens of microns. The prepared MWCNTs are characterized by electron microscopic studies for its structure and surface morphology. Many iron particles are seen inside the tubes. Energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) spectra taken from the small region of the sample under TEM show the presence of iron. Raman spectra of the sample suggest good quality of the tubes. Prominent G-peak in this spectrum shows that the sample is of well-graphitic nature. X-ray diffraction pattern of MWCNT material shows the presence of -Fe and Fe3C apart from the graphitic peak. Chapter 3 describes the growth of vertically aligned MWCNTs (v-MWCNTs) on various substrates and role of catalyst particles in the alignment. The v-MWCNTs are grown on sapphire, quartz and thermally oxidized silicon substrates without pre-deposition of any catalyst. The grown MWCNT mats had a thickness of several tens of microns. Surface elemental analysis shows the presence of catalyst particles on the substrate which is essential for vertical alignment of the tubes. It is found that the order in which the precursor and the catalyst were introduced during chemical vapor deposition determines the orientation of the nanotubes. When there were no catalyst particles on the substrate in the beginning, random alignment of CNTs took place instead of vertical alignment. Base growth mode of CNTs is proposed in the present case from the results obtained. Chapter 4 deals with the magnetic properties of the as-synthesized MWCNTs. The CNTs in pristine form are of diamagnetic in nature. The ferromagnetic-like behavior arises from the iron particles embedded in MWCNTs. These ferromagnetic particles are retained in the MWCNTs automatically, as the catalyst in this case contains iron. MWCNTs of different iron weight percentage are prepared by taking different amount of ferrocene as a precursor. These particles exhibit a magnetic moment up to 98 emu/g and coercivity in the range of 500–2000 Oe. Reduced magnetization is attributed to the formation of surface shell with spin disorder and to the presence of Fe3C phase. Large coercivity compared to the bulk vale of few orested is due to the complex state of interactions, which can create strong pinning centers for the core moments during the demagnetization. In addition the observed dependence of the magnetoresistance on the direction of applied field, is correlated with the shape anisotropy of the Fe particles. The trend of saturation of magnetization at higher fields suggests that exchange coupling in the present case is one-dimensional. The charge transport properties of MWCNT mats are discussed in chapter 5. Many of the transport parameters are often affected by the presence of magnetic field. In order to gain a deeper insight into the conduction mechanism, the study of the electrical transport in presence of magnetic field is highly useful. The temperature and magnetic field dependence of the conductivity of MWCNT mat is studied in the temperature range of 1.4-150 K in the magnetic field up to 10 T. The charge transport in the system is governed by Mott’s variable-range hopping (VRH) of three-dimensional type in the higher temperature range and two-dimensional type in the lower temperature range. Mott’s various parameters like localization length, hopping length, hopping energy, and density of states at the Fermi level are deduced from the VRH fit. The hopping length decreases from 13.2 to 12.2 nm, as temperature increases from 110 to 150 K. The obtained value of hopping length around ~13 nm is within the range of nanotube diameters of 10 to 25 nm. This is the main component of the hopping length, which indicates that VRH takes place on the tube scale. The localization lengths observed in the case of 3D VRH and 2D VRH conduction are well within the range of outer diameter of MWCNTs, which indicates that the localization takes place at the tube scale along the boundaries of the tubes. If the charges are localized at the tube boundaries, then the localization length gives an average diameter of the tubes and the results obtained supports this argument. It is also important to note that the defects present in the nanotubes in the form of structural defects and bad matching of chirality gives rise to localization. There are not many reports on the effect of a magnetic field on the VRH process for MWCNT systems. The resistance of the sample decreases with the magnetic field in the direction of tube axis of the nanotubes. The magnetic field gives rise to delocalization of states as evident from the values of localization lengths at different fields. The application of magnetic field lowers the crossover temperature, at which three-dimensional VRH turns to two-dimensional VRH. The conductivity at the lower temperature side is governed by the weak localization (WL) give rise to positive magnetoconductance (MC). Here a phase diagram with temperature and magnetic field is proposed, showing different regions for different kind of transport mechanisms. This may be applicable for other class of disordered material as well. Chapter 6 deals with the magnetotransport studies on disordered MWCNT mat. The electrical conductivity and MC data are analyzed in the temperature range of 1.4-150 K and in the magnetic fields up to 11 T. The system is in the critical regime obeying conductivity of metallic systems as suggested in weak localization-electron electron interaction model. The MC is positive for the whole temperature range except at temperature below 4.2 K. Results are analyzed in the terms of weak localization, electron-electron interaction and VRH. The H 2 dependence at lower magnetic fields and H dependence at higher magnetic fields is found supporting weak localization. Inelastic scattering lengths are also deduced from the low temperature MC data and its temperature dependence shows that the dominant dephasing mechanism in the present case is inelastic electron-electron scattering in the dirty limit. Chapter 7 describes measurements on individual MWCNTs and subsequent charge transport studies. After many trials a suitable method was devised to isolate single tubes and to put contacts on it for the four probe measurement. For electrical measurements on isolated single tube, it is found that the joule heating due to excess current is an important issue. A current of the order of few µA burns the sample immediately. I-V characteristics of the MWCNTs show that the electrical contacts are ohmic and the resistance is few k. Initial electrical measurements show that there is slight decrease in resistance with increase of temperature and MR is approximately negative. This behavior suggests that signature of weak localization is present in the sample. Further studies are required in order to gain the insight into the transport mechanism for individual MWCNT. Finally, the thesis concludes with a general conclusion and future directions for this work.

Electrolyte Transport And Interfacial Initiation Mechanisms Of Zinc Rich Epoxy Nanocoating/Substrate System Under Corrosive Environment

Maya Visuet, Enrique 26 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

3D integration of single electron transistors in the back-end-of-line of 28 nm CMOS technology for the development of ultra-low power sensors / Intégration 3D de dispositifs SETs dans le Back-End-Of-Line en technologies CMOS 28 nm pour le développement de capteurs ultra basse consommation

Ayadi, Yosri 16 December 2016 (has links)
Les systèmes mobiles intelligents sont déjà dotés de plusieurs composants de type capteur comme les accéléromètres, les thermomètres et les détecteurs infrarouge. Cependant, jusqu’à aujourd’hui l’intégration de capteurs chimiques dans des systèmes compacts sur puce reste limitée pour des raisons de consommation d’énergie et dissipation de chaleur principalement. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse fut donc concentrée sur la démonstration de l’intégration 3D monolithique de SETs sur un substrat de technologie CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) pour la réalisation de la fonction capteurs de gaz très sensible et ultra basse consommation d’énergie. L’approche proposée consiste à l’intégration de SETs métalliques à double grilles dans l'unité de fabrication finale BEOL (Back-End-Of-Line) d'une technologie CMOS à l’aide du procédé nanodamascene. L'objectif principal de cette thèse de doctorat peut être divisé en 4 parties : (1) la modélisation et simulation de la réponse d’capteur de gaz à base de SET à double grilles ou d’un MOSFET FD-SOI, et l’estimation de la sensitivité ainsi que la puissance consommée; (2) la caractérisation de la sensitivité du Pt comme couche sensible pour la détection du H2 par la technique de mesure de charge de surface, et le développement du procédé de texturation de surface de la grille fonctionnalisée avec les réseaux de nanotubes de carbone; (3) le développement et l’optimisation du procédé de fabrication des SETs à double grilles dans l’entité BEOL d’un substrat CMOS; et (4) la fonctionnalisation d’un MOSFET FD-SOI avec du Pt pour réalise la fonction de capteur de H2. / The need of integration of new functionalities on mobile and autonomous electronic systems has to take into account all the problematic of heterogeneity together with energy consumption and thermal power dissipation. Therefore, the work presented in this thesis is focussed on the proof of concept of 3D monolithical integration of SETs on CMOS technology for high sensitivity and ultra-low power gas sensing functionality. The proposed approach is to integrate metallic double gate-single electron transistors (DG-SETs) in the Back-End-Of-Line (BEOL) of CMOS circuits (within the CMOS interconnect layers) using the nanodamascene process. The main objective of this Ph.D. thesis can be divided into 4 parts: (1) modelling and simulation of a DG-SET and an FD-SOI MOSFET based gas sensor response, and estimation of the sensitivity as well as the power consumption; (2) investigation of Pt sensitivity to hydrogen by surface charge measurement technique and development of the sensing electrode surface texturing process with CNT networks; (3) development and optimization of DG-SET integration process in the BEOL of a CMOS substrate, and (4) FD-SOI MOSFET functionalization with Pt for H2 sensing.

Studies on the Effects of Carbon Nanotubes on Mechanical Properties of Bisphenol E Cyanate Ester/Epoxy Based Resin Systems and CFRP Composites

Subba Rao, P January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The search and research for high performance materials for aerospace applications is a continuous evolving process. Among several fibre reinforced polymers, carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) is well known for its high specific stiffness and strength. Though high modulus and high strength carbon fibre with structural resin systems have currently been established reasonably well and are catering to a wide variety of aerospace structural applications, these properties are generally directional with very high properties along the fibre direction dominated by fibres and low in other directions depending mainly on the resin properties. Thus, there is a need to enhance the mechanical properties of the resin systems for better load transfer and to improve the resin dominated properties like shear strength and properties in directions other than along the fibre. Use of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) with their extraordinary specific stiffness and strength apparently has great potential as an additional reinforcement in resin for development of CNT-CFRP nanocomposites. However, there are several issues that need to be addressed such as compatibility of a particular resin with CNTs, amount of CNTs that can be added, uniform dispersion of these nanotubes, surface treatment and curing process etc., for optimal enhancement of the required properties. Epoxy and cyanate ester resin systems are finding applications in aerospace structures owing to their desirable set of properties. Of these, bisphenol E cyanate ester (BECy) resin of low viscosity with its low moisture absorption, better dimensional stability, and superior mechanical properties can establish itself as potential structural resin system for these applications. BECy in particular has the advantage of being more suitable for out of autoclave manufacturing process such as Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding (VARTM). Literature shows that, significant work has been carried out by various researchers reporting improvements using CNTs in epoxy resins along with various associated problems. However, studies on effects of addition of CNTs /fCNTs to BECy-CFRP composite system are not well reported. Thus, objective of this work is to study the effects of adding pristine and functionalized CNTs to low viscosity cyanate ester as well as epoxy resin systems. Further, to study the effects on mechanical properties of nanocomposites with carbon fibre reinforcement in these CNT dispersed resin system through a combination of experimental and computational approaches. Multiwall carbon nanotubes (CNTs) without and with different chemical functionalization are chosen to be added to epoxy and BECy resins. The quantity of these CNTs /fCNTs is varied in steps up to 1% by weight. Different methods of mixing such as shear mixing, ultrasonication and combined mixing cycles are implemented to achieve uniform dispersion of these nanotubes in the resin system. Standard test samples are prepared from these mixtures of nanotubes in resin systems to study the variation in mechanical properties. Further, these nanotubes added resin systems are used in fabricating CFRP laminates by VARTM process. Both uni-directional and bi-directional laminates are made with the above modified resin systems with CNTs/fCNTs. Series of experimental investigations are carried out to study various aspects involved in making of nanocomposites and the effects of the same on different mechanical properties of the nanocomposites. Standard specimens are cut out from these laminates to evaluate them for tension, compression, flexure, shear and interlaminar shear strength. The main parameters investigated are the effects of varied quantity of CNTs and functionalized CNTs in the resin mix and in CFRP nanocomposites, effect of different mixing / curing cycles etc. on the mechanical properties of the nanocomposites. The investigations have yielded very interesting and encouraging results to arrive at optimum quantity of CNTs to be added and also the effects of functionalization to achieve enhanced mechanical properties. In addition, correlation of mechanical property enhancements with failure mechanisms, dispersion behaviour and participation of CNTs / fCNTs in load transfer are explained with the aid of scanning electron microscope images. Computational studies are carried out through atomistic models using computational tools to estimate the mechanical properties, understand and validate the effects of various parameters studied through series of experimental investigations. An atomistic model is built taking into consideration the nanoscale effects of the single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and its reinforcement in the BECy resin. Using these atomistic models, mechanical properties of individual SWCNT, BECy polymer resin, polymer with different quantities of added SWCNT, and the CFRP laminates with improved resin are computed. As the interaction of CNT with the polymer is only at the outermost layer and the mechanical properties of either MWCNTs or SWCNTs are too high compared to resin systems, it is not expected to have any difference in the final outcome whether it is MWCNT or SWCNT. Hence, only SWCNTs are considered in computational studies as it helps in reducing the complexity of atomistic models and computational time when coupled with polymer resin. This is valid even for functionalized CNT as functionalization is also a surface phenomenon. To start with, the mechanical behaviour of SWCNT is studied using molecular mechanics approach. Molecular mechanics based finite element analysis is adopted to evaluate the mechanical properties of armchair, zigzag and chiral SWCNT of different diameters. Three different types of atomic bonds, i.e., carbon-carbon covalent bond and two types of carbon-carbon van der Waals bonds are considered in the carbon nanotube system. The stiffness values of these bonds are calculated using the molecular potentials, namely Morse potential function and Lennard-Jones interaction potential function respectively and these stiffness values are assigned to spring elements in the finite element model of the SWCNT. The importance of inclusion of Lennard-Jones interactions is highlighted in this study. Effect of these non-bonded interactions is studied by making the numerical stiffness of these bonds to negligible levels and found that they significantly reduce the mechanical properties. The effect of non-bonded Lennard-Jones atomic interactions (van der Waal interactions) considered here is a novelty in this work which has not been considered in previous research works. The finite element model of the SWCNT is constructed, appropriate boundary conditions are applied and the behaviour of mechanical properties of SWCNT is studied. It is found that the longitudinal tensile strength and maximum tensile strain of armchair SWCNTs is greater than that of zigzag and chiral SWCNTs and its value increases with increasing SWCNT diameter. The estimated values of the mechanical properties obtained agree well with the published literature data determined using other techniques. As the systems become more complicated with the inclusion of polymers, molecular dynamics (MD) method using well established codes is more adoptable to study the effect of SWCNTs on BECy. Hence, it is used to model and solve the nanosystems to generate their stress-strain behavior. Further, MD approach followed here can effectively include interfacial interaction between polymer and the CNTs as well. Mechanical properties of SWCNT functionalized SWCNT (fSWCNT), pure BECy resin and that of the CNT nanocomposite consisting of specific quantity of SWCNT / fSWCNT in BECy are estimated using MD method. Atomistic models of SWCNT, fSWCNT, BECy, BECy with specific quantities of CNT / fSWCNT are constructed. A monomer of BECy is modelled and stabilized before its usage as a building block for modelling of BECy resin and to compute its properties. A cell of specific size containing monomers of BECy and another cell of same size with SWCNT at centre surrounded by BECy monomer molecules are built. The appropriate quantity of SWCNT in resin is modelled. This model captures the required density of the composite resin. The models so constructed are subjected to geometric optimization satisfying the convergence criteria and equilibrated through molecular dynamics to obtain a stable structure. The minimized structure is subjected to small strain in different directions to calculate the Young’s modulus and other moduli of the CNT-BECy resin composite. The process is repeated for different quantities of SWCNT in BECy resin to obtain their moduli. Further, tensile and shear strengths of CNT-BECy are obtained by subjecting the equilibrated structure to a series of applied strains from 0 to 10% in steps of 1%. The stress values corresponding to each strain are obtained and a stress – strain curve is plotted. From the stress- strain curve, the strengths of the CNT -BECy which is the stress corresponding to the modulus after which the material starts to soften are determined. Effects of functionalization on mechanical properties of SWCNT are observed. Further, effects of functionalization of SWCNT are studied with a specific quantity of fSWCNT on different moduli and strengths of BECy are investigated. The properties of enhanced CNT–BECy nanocomposite resin with different quantities of added CNT obtained through MD are used to estimate the mechanical properties of the CNT-BECy-CFRP nanocomposite using micromechanics model. Further, validation with experimental results is attempted comparing the trends in enhancement of properties of the CNT-BECy resin and CNT-BECy-CFRP nanocomposite system. The outcome of this research work has been significantly positive in terms of i) Development of an appropriate process establishing different parameters for dispersing CNTs in the resin system, mixing, curing cycle for making of nanocomposites demonstrating significant and consistent enhancement of mechanical properties of BECy based resin system and CFRP nanocomposites using optimum quantity of CNTs /fCNTs through a series of well planned and executed experimental investigations. Evaluation of mechanical properties for each of the cases has been carried out experimentally. ii) Establishing a computational methodology involving intricate atomistic modelling and molecular dynamics of nanosystems for estimation of mechanical properties of BECy polymer resin and to study the effects by addition of SWCNT / functionalized SWCNT on the properties. Results obtained through series of experimental investigations have been validated through this computational study. This could be an important step towards realising the potential of this resin system for high performance aerospace applications. Thus, in brief, detailed experimental work combined with computational studies performed as presented in this thesis resulted in achieving structurally efficient cyanate ester based nanocomposites which is unique and not reported in open literature.

3D integration of single electron transistors in the Back-End-Of-Line of 28 nm CMOS technology for the development of ultra-low power sensors / Intégration 3D de dispositifs SET dans le Back-End-Of-Line en technologies CMOS 28 nm pour le développement de capteurs ultra basse consommation

Ayadi, Yosri January 2016 (has links)
La forte demande et le besoin d’intégration hétérogène de nouvelles fonctionnalités dans les systèmes mobiles et autonomes, tels que les mémoires, capteurs, et interfaces de communication doit prendre en compte les problématiques d’hétérogénéité, de consommation d’énergie et de dissipation de chaleur. Les systèmes mobiles intelligents sont déjà dotés de plusieurs composants de type capteur comme les accéléromètres, les thermomètres et les détecteurs infrarouge. Cependant, jusqu’à aujourd’hui l’intégration de capteurs chimiques dans des systèmes compacts sur puce reste limitée pour des raisons de consommation d’énergie et dissipation de chaleur principalement. La technologie actuelle et fiable des capteurs de gaz, les résistors à base d’oxyde métallique et les MOSFETs (Metal Oxide Semiconductor- Field Effect Transistors) catalytiques sont opérés à de hautes températures de 200–500 °C et 140–200 °C, respectivement. Les transistors à effet de champ à grille suspendu (SG-FETs pour Suspended Gate-Field Effect Transistors) offrent l’avantage d’être sensibles aux molécules gazeuses adsorbées aussi bien par chemisorption que par physisorption, et sont opérés à température ambiante ou légèrement au-dessus. Cependant l’intégration de ce type de composant est problématique due au besoin d’implémenter une grille suspendue et l’élargissement de la largeur du canal pour compenser la détérioration de la transconductance due à la faible capacité à travers le gap d’air. Les transistors à double grilles sont d’un grand intérêt pour les applications de détection de gaz, car une des deux grilles est fonctionnalisée et permet de coupler capacitivement au canal les charges induites par l’adsorption des molécules gazeuses cibles, et l’autre grille est utilisée pour le contrôle du point d’opération du transistor sans avoir besoin d’une structure suspendue. Les transistors monoélectroniques (les SETs pour Single Electron Transistors) présentent une solution très prometteuse grâce à leur faible puissance liée à leur principe de fonctionnement basé sur le transport d’un nombre réduit d’électrons et leur faible niveau de courant. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse fut donc concentré sur la démonstration de l’intégration 3D monolithique de SETs sur un substrat de technologie CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) pour la réalisation de la fonction capteurs de gaz très sensible et ultra basse consommation d’énergie. L’approche proposée consiste à l’intégration de SETs métalliques à double grilles dans l’unité de fabrication finale BEOL (Back-End-Of-Line) d’une technologie CMOS à l’aide du procédé nanodamascene. Le système sur puce profitera de la très élevée sensibilité à la charge électrique du transistor monoélectronique, ainsi que le traitement de signal et des données à haute vitesse en utilisant une technologie de pointe CMOS disponible. Les MOSFETs issus de la technologie FD-SOI (Fully Depleted-Silicon On Insulator) sont une solution très attractive à cause de leur pouvoir d’amplification du signal quand ils sont opérés dans le régime sous-le-seuil. Ces dispositifs permettent une très haute densité d’intégration due à leurs dimensions nanométriques et sont une technologie bien mature et modélisée. Ce travail se concentre sur le développement d’un procédé de fonctionnalisation d’un MOSFET FD-SOI comme démonstration du concept du capteur de gaz à base de transistor à double grilles. La sonde Kelvin a été la technique privilégiée pour la caractérisation des matériaux sensibles par le biais de mesure de la variation du travail de sortie induite par l’adsorption de molécules de gaz. Dans ce travail, une technique de caractérisation des matériaux sensibles alternative basée sur la mesure de la charge de surface est discutée. Pour augmenter la surface spécifique de l’électrode sensible, un nouveau concept de texturation de surface est présenté. Le procédé est basé sur le dépôt de réseaux de nanotubes de carbone multi-parois par pulvérisation d’une suspension de ces nanotubes. Les réseaux déposés servent de «squelettes» pour le matériau sensible. L’objectif principal de cette thèse de doctorat peut être divisé en 4 parties : (1) la modélisation et simulation de la réponse d’un capteur de gaz à base de SET à double grilles ou d’un MOSFET FD-SOI, et l’estimation de la sensibilité ainsi que la puissance consommée; (2) la caractérisation de la sensibilité du Pt comme couche sensible pour la détection du H[indice inférieur 2] par la technique de mesure de charge de surface, et le développement du procédé de texturation de surface de la grille fonctionnalisée avec les réseaux de nanotubes de carbone; (3) le développement et l’optimisation du procédé de fabrication des SETs à double grilles dans l’entité BEOL d’un substrat CMOS; et (4) la fonctionnalisation d’un MOSFET FD-SOI avec du Pt pour réaliser la fonction de capteur de H[indice inférieur 2]. / Abstract : The need of integration of new functionalities on mobile and autonomous electronic systems has to take into account all the problematic of heterogeneity together with energy consumption and thermal dissipation. In this context, all the sensing or memory components added to the CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) processing units have to respect drastic supply energy requirements. Smart mobile systems already incorporate a large number of embedded sensing components such as accelerometers, temperature sensors and infrared detectors. However, up to now, chemical sensors have not been fully integrated in compact systems on chips. Integration of gas sensors is limited since most used and reliable gas sensors, semiconducting metal oxide resistors and catalytic metal oxide semiconductor- field effect transistors (MOSFETs), are generally operated at high temperatures, 200–500 °C and 140–200° C, respectively. The suspended gate-field effect transistor (SG-FET)-based gas sensors offer advantages of detecting chemisorbed, as well as physisorbed gas molecules and to operate at room temperature or slightly above it. However they present integration limitations due to the implementation of a suspended gate electrode and augmented channel width in order to overcome poor transconductance due to the very low capacitance across the airgap. Double gate-transistors are of great interest for FET-based gas sensing since one functionalized gate would be dedicated for capacitively coupling of gas induced charges and the other one is used to bias the transistor, without need of airgap structure. This work discusses the integration of double gate-transistors with CMOS devices for highly sensitive and ultra-low power gas sensing applications. The use of single electron transistors (SETs) is of great interest for gas sensing applications because of their key properties, which are its ultra-high charge sensitivity and the ultra-low power consumption and dissipation, inherent to the fundamental of their operation based on the transport of a reduced number of charges. Therefore, the work presented in this thesis is focused on the proof of concept of 3D monolithic integration of SETs on CMOS technology for high sensitivity and ultra-low power gas sensing functionality. The proposed approach is to integrate metallic double gate-single electron transistors (DG-SETs) in the Back-End-Of-Line (BEOL) of CMOS circuits (within the CMOS interconnect layers) using the nanodamascene process. We take advantage of the hyper sensitivity of the SET to electric charges as well from CMOS circuits for high-speed signal processing. Fully depleted-silicon on insulator (FD-SOI) MOSFETs are very attractive devices for gas sensing due to their amplification capability when operated in the sub-threshold regime which is the strongest asset of these devices with respect to the FET-based gas sensor technology. In addition these devices are of a high interest in terms of integration density due to their small size. Moreover FD-SOI FETs is a mature and well-modelled technology. We focus on the functionalization of the front gate of a FD-SOI MOSFET as a demonstration of the DGtransistor- based gas sensor. Kelvin probe has been the privileged technique for the investigation of FET-based gas sensors’ sensitive material via measuring the work function variation induced by gas species adsorption. In this work an alternative technique to investigate gas sensitivity of materials suitable for implementation in DG-FET-based gas sensors, based on measurement of the surface charge induced by gas species adsorption is discussed. In order to increase the specific surface of the sensing electrode, a novel concept of functionalized gate surface texturing suitable for FET-based gas sensors are presented. It is based on the spray coating of a multi-walled-carbon nanotubes (MW-CNTs) suspension to deposit a MW-CNT porous network as a conducting frame for the sensing material. The main objective of this Ph.D. thesis can be divided into 4 parts: (1) modelling and simulation of a DG-SET and a FD-SOI MOSFET-based gas sensor response, and estimation of the sensitivity as well as the power consumption; (2) investigation of Pt sensitivity to hydrogen by surface charge measurement technique and development of the sensing electrode surface texturing process with CNT networks; (3) development and optimization of the DG-SET integration process in the BEOL of a CMOS substrate, and (4) FD-SOI MOSFET functionalization with Pt for H[subscript 2] sensing.

Low Temperature Charge Transport And Magnetic Properties Of MWNTs/MWNT-Polystyrene Composites

Bhatia, Ravi 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been recognized as potential candidates for mainstream device fabrication and technologies. CNTs have become a topic of interest worldwide due to their unique mechanical and electrical properties. In addition, CNTs possess high aspect ratio and low density that make them an important material for various technological applications. The field of carbon nanotube devices is rapidly evolving and attempts have been made to use CNTs in the fabrication of devices like field emitters, gas sensors, flow meters, batteries, CNT-field effect transistors etc. These molecular nanostructures are proposed to be an efficient hydrogen storage material. CNT cylindrical membranes are reported to be used as filters for the elimination of multiple components of heavy hydrocarbons from petroleum and for the filtration of bacterial contaminants of size less than 25 nm from water. Recently, CNT bundles have been proposed to be a good material for low-temperature sensing. CNTs have also been considered as promising filler materials due to extraordinary characteristics mentioned above. Fabrication of nanocomposites using CNTs as reinforcing material has completely renewed the research interest in polymer composites. The conductive and absorptive properties of insulating polymer doped with conducting filler are sensitive to the exposure to gas vapors and hence they can be used in monitoring various gases. The application of fiibre reinforced polymer composites in aeronautic industry are well known due to their high mechanical strength and light weight. Also, the conductive composite materials can be used for electromagnetic shielding. Desired properties in CNT-composites can be attained by adding small amount of CNTs in comparison to traditional filler materials. Due to high aspect ratio and low density of CNTs, percolation threshold in CNT-polymer composites can be achieved at 0.1 vol % as compared to ~16 vol. % in case of carbon particles. The research work ׽0.1 vol. %, as compared to reported in this thesis includes the preparation of multiwall carbon nanotube (MWNTs) and MWNT-polystyrene composites, experimental investigations on low temperature charge transport, and magnetic properties in these systems. This thesis contains 7 chapters. Chapter 1 provides an overview of CNTs and CNT-polymer composites. This chapter briefly describes the methods for synthesizing CNTs and fabricating CNT-polymer composites, charge transport mechanisms in CNTs and composites, and their magnetic properties as well. Chapter 2 deals with the concise introduction of various structural characterization tools and experimental techniques employed in the present work. An adequate knowledge of the strengths and limitations of experimental equipment can help in gathering necessary information about the sample, which helps in studying and interpreting its physical properties correctly. Chapter 3 describes the synthesis of MWNTs and their use as filler material for the fabrication of composites with polystyrene (PS). The characterization results of as-prepared MWNT and composites show that MWNTs possess high aspect ratio (~4000), and are well dispersed in the composite samples (thickness ~50-70 µm). The composite samples are prepared by varying the MWNT concentration from 0.1 to 15 wt %. The as¬fabricated composites are electrically conductive and expected to display novel magnetic properties since MWNTs are embedded with iron (Fe) nanoparticles. Chapter 4 presents the study of charge transport properties of aligned and random MWNTs in the temperature range 300-1.4 K. The low temperature electrical conductivity follows the weak localization (WL) and electron-electron (e-e) interaction model in both samples. The dominance of WL and e-e interaction is further verified by magneto-conductance (MC) measurements in the perpendicular magnetic field up to 11 T at low temperatures. The MC data of these samples consists of both positive and negative contributions, which originates from WL (at lower fields and higher temperatures) and e-e interaction (at higher fields and lower temperatures). Chapter 5 contains the results of charge transport studies in MWNT-PS composite near the percolation threshold (~0.4 wt %) at low temperatures down to 1.4 K. Metallic-like transport behavior is observed in composite sample of 0.4 wt %, which is quite unusual. In general, the usual activated transport is observed for systems near the percolation threshold. The unusual weak temperature dependence of conductivity in MWNT-PS sample at percolation threshold is further verified from the negligible frequency dependence of conductivity, in the temperature range from 300 to 5 K. Chapter 6 accounts on the experimental results of magnetization studies of MWNTs and MWNT-PS composites. The observation of maxima in coercivity and squareness ratio at 1 wt % of Fe-MWNT in a polymer matrix show the dominance of dipolar interactions among the encapsulated Fe-nanorods within MWNTs. The hysteresis loop of 0.1 wt % sample shows anomalous narrowing at low temperatures, which is due to significant contribution from shape anisotropy of Fe-nanorods. Chapter 7 presents brief summary and future perspectives of the research work reported in the thesis.

Problématique du risque résiduel transfusionnel du VIH et des hépatites B et C en République Démocratique du Congo: un problème de santé publique

Kabinda Maotela, Jeff 23 June 2015 (has links)
Introduction<p>La transfusion sanguine est un acte médical, qui a pour but d’apporter au malade du sang ou ses dérivés. Elle est le résultat d’une chaîne d’activités complexes au cours de laquelle interviennent différentes catégories de personnel médical et paramédical, par conséquent elle ne peut pas être considérée comme un acte anodin. Elle reste entachée de beaucoup de risques, qui peuvent être, de type infectieux, immunologiques, hémodynamiques et métaboliques.<p>Afin de lutter contre ces risques, la sécurité transfusionnelle (l’ensemble des mesures visant à éliminer les risques immunologiques et infectieux liés à la transfusion des produits sanguins a été définie par l’OMS qui de surcroit en a précisé les 3 composantes principales qui sont: a) la disponibilité du sang. b) l’innocuité du sang. c) l’utilisation judicieuse de produits sanguins labiles.<p>Notre travail s’est focalisé sur l’un de ces aspects à savoir l’innocuité du sang. En effet, tandis que les pays du Nord sont à la recherche des virus émergents et commencent à déclarer que les risques viraux sont de plus en plus maîtrisés, l’Afrique se trouve encore dans la phase d’implantation de politiques et stratégies de sécurité transfusionnelle sous l’impulsion de l’OMS .L’incidence des risques viraux globalement supérieures à celle des pays du Nord est différente d’un pays à un autre. <p>Le risque résiduel (qui est un risque qui subsiste après la réponse au risque ou après l'application de mesures d'atténuation du risque) viral transfusionnel peut être attribué à quatre facteurs :a) l’erreur technique la plupart du temps humaine ;b) un variant viral non reconnu par certains réactifs ;c) un don infectieux séronégatif chez un porteur chronique ;d) ou un don réalisé chez un sujet très récemment infecté (« fenêtre silencieuse »).<p>Hypothèses :<p>Les hypothèses émises pour ce travail étaient :<p>- La connaissance, les attitudes et les pratiques de la population générale, des donneurs de sang et des prestataires de soins ne sont pas adéquates vis-à-vis de la sécurité transfusionnelle.<p>- La sécurité transfusionnelle en RDC n’est pas suffisante associée à un taux élevé des dons familiaux, une prévalence élevée des marqueurs viraux, le risque résiduel de virus de VIH, VHB et VHC devrait être considérable.<p>Objectif :<p>Contribuer à l’amélioration de la transfusion sanguine en RD Congo en apportant des informations évidentes et actualisées, susceptibles de contribuer à la réduction de la morbidité liée aux maladies transmissibles par le sang.<p>Méthodologie<p>Ce travail regroupe huit études. Une première étude retrace l’historique de l’implantation des services de transfusion sanguine et les différents résultats obtenus. Les 3 études suivantes évaluent la connaissance, l’attitude et la pratique des différents intervenants (la population générale, les donneurs de sang et les prestataires de soins) de la chaine de la transfusion sanguine. Deux études se focalisent sur la séroprévalence des hépatites et l’estimation du risque résiduel des hépatites B, C et du VIH. Les deux dernières études ont porté sur les séroprévalences des hépatites B, C et du VIH chez les receveurs (femmes enceintes et enfants de 6-59 mois).<p>La première étude fut une synthèse des données des rapports annuels du Centre National de Transfusion Sanguine avec comme objectif de jeter un regard sur l’organisation du système transfusionnel et ses réalisations. <p>La deuxième étude était une étude transversale menée d’une manière aléatoire auprès de 416 personnes âgées de 18 à 65 ans, résidant dans les trois zones de santé de la ville de Bukavu à l’Est de la RDC. Elle avait comme objectif l’évaluation des connaissances, attitudes et pratiques en matière de don de sang dans la population générale.<p>La troisième étude transversale descriptive et analytique a concerné 595 donneurs de sang de la ville de Bukavu. Son objectif était d’évaluer les connaissances, attitudes, pratiques et comportements chez les donneurs de sang du Sud-Kivu et identifier les facteurs de risque des marqueurs viraux. <p>La quatrième étude qui était transversale, a porté sur tout le personnel des soins :médecins, infirmiers, sage femmes, agents de formation rapide en activité dans les services hospitaliers du Sud-Kivu. Elle a eu comme objectif l’évaluation des connaissances, attitudes et pratiques des prestataires en matière de transfusion sanguine, d’infections VIH et d’hépatites B et C dans la province du Sud-Kivu.<p>La cinquième étude fut celle de suivi de cohorte des donneurs de sang bénévoles et non rémunérés. Son objectif était d’évaluer la séroprévalence des hépatites B et C chez les donneurs de sang bénévoles et non rémunérés. <p>La sixième étude a consisté aussi à l’étude de cohorte de donneurs de sang bénévoles à Bukavu. Son l’objectif était de déterminer les taux d’incidences du VIH, AgHBs et VHC chez les donneurs bénévoles du sang et estimer le risque résiduel du VIH, AgHBs et VHC chez les donneurs de sang de Bukavu.<p>La septième étude était une étude transversale sur les femmes enceintes de la communauté de Maniema (RD Congo). Elle avait comme objectif de déterminer la prévalence de VHB, VHC et VIH chez la femme enceinte et identifier les facteurs de risque.<p>Enfin la huitième étude était aussi une étude transversale sur les enfants de 6 à 59 mois de la communauté de Maniema (RD Congo). Elle avait comme objectif de déterminer la prévalence de VHB, du VHC et du VIH chez les enfants de 6 à 59 mois et en déterminer les facteurs de risque.<p>Résultats<p>Le système transfusionnel en République Démocratique du Congo est en phase d’implantation. En douze ans, c'est-à-dire de 2 001 à 2 012, il y a eu 112 882 donneurs bénévoles de sang mobilisés, plus de 80 % de produits sanguins sécurisés et plus de 80% des besoins couverts. Par ailleurs 89 688 infections du VIH ont pu être évitées par la qualification systématique des produits sanguins. Pendant la même période, 8 461 personnes ont pu être formées en transfusion sanguine. Mais il y a eu surtout une régression des marqueurs viraux. C’est ainsi que pour le VIH la prévalence est passée de 4,7% à 2,1 % entre 2 001 et 2 012 tandis que l’hépatite B a connu une régression de 7,1% à 3,5% pendant la même période. Pour l’hépatite C, ce taux est passé de 11,8% à 2,3% entre 2 004 et 2 012. <p>Dans la population générale la pratique de don de sang est très peu connue, nos travaux ont montré que :61% de la population ne connaissaient pas la pratique de don de sang. Certains aspects (risque infectieux viral) de la sécurité transfusionnelle ne sont pas très connus par le premier maillon de la chaine transfusionnelle (donneur de sang) et les prestataires de soins. En effet les résultats de nos études ont montré que 23,5% de donneurs de sang avaient un bon score de connaissance sur les aspects de la sécurité transfusionnelle et 11,7% prestataires avaient un bon score de la connaissance et de la pratique sur la sécurité transfusionnelle. Notre travail a montré que la prévalence des trois virus chez les donneurs de sang est importante :dans une série la séroprévalence était pour le VHB de 4,8%, pour le VHC de 3,9% et pour le VIH de 1,6%. Dans une autre série la prévalence était de 4,2% et 3,8% respectivement pour les hépatites B et C tandis que la coïnfection VHB et VHC a été évaluée à 2,2%. <p>L’estimation du risque résiduel a montré que le risque résiduel est très élevé dans notre pays. Ce risque résiduel est de 1/1 515 dons pour le VIH soit 6 dons de sang sur 10 000 seraient séropositifs alors qu’ils étaient testés négatifs. Pour les hépatites B et C, le risque résiduel était de 1/329 pour le VHC et de 1/126 dons pour l’hépatite B. Pour 1 000 dons de sang testés au virus de l’hépatite B, 8 seraient séropositifs alors qu’ils avaient été déclarés négatifs au test. Pour le virus de l’hépatite C, ce sont 3 personnes pour 1 000 dons de sang. <p>Au niveau des principaux receveurs :la séroprévalence du VIH chez les femmes enceintes était de 4,1 %, mais elle était plus importante, 15,6%,chez les femmes enceintes qui avaient un antécédent de transfusion sanguine (OR =4,9 et p=0,02).La prévalence du VHB était de 5,9 % mais plus élevée chez la femme enceinte avec antécédent de transfusion (12,5%) et de tatouage (24,2%) et la prévalence du VHC était de 4,1% et plus élevée chez la femme avec antécédent de transfusion sanguine (12,5%).<p>Chez les enfants les résultats étaient les suivants :la prévalence du VHB observée dans notre étude était de 3,6%, mais cette prévalence était de 6,6% chez les enfants avec un antécédent de transfusion sanguine. Elle était de 5,7% chez les enfants dont la mère avait eu une transfusion sanguine lors de la grossesse. La prévalence du VHC était de 2,8%. Elle était plus élevée chez les enfants qui avaient un antécédent de transfusion (7,6%) et dont la mère avait un antécédent de transfusion sanguine (11,1%). La séroprévalence du VIH était de 3,7%. Une prévalence plus élevée du VIH était observée chez les enfants avec une histoire personnelle de transfusion sanguine (11,4%) et une histoire maternelle de transfusion (9,8%).<p>Conclusion<p>Les résultats de ce travail montrent que la sécurité transfusionnelle est précaire. Cette précarité se situe à plusieurs niveaux :au niveau des services ayant la transfusion en charge par suite d’insuffisance dans l’organisation et dans le financement. Ensuite au niveau des acteurs c.-à-d. la population générale et les institutions sanitaires, par l’insuffisance des notions de base de la sécurité transfusionnelle et de prévention des maladies virales transmissibles par le sang.<p>Les résultats de ce travail montrent que la séroprévalence des marqueurs du VIH, des hépatites B et C est importante et leur risque résiduel est considérable. <p>Il est utile de procéder au renforcement des capacités de tous les acteurs de la chaine transfusionnelle en appliquant certaines stratégies innovantes proposées dans ce travail (utilisation des sociologues, anthropologues dans les séances de sensibilisation de la population…), l’éducation de la population, des techniques éfficaces de dépistage afin d’espérer réduire le risque infectieux lié à la transfusion sanguine.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences de la santé publique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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