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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Establishing a biopsychosocial model for conspiracy theory ideation

Hallner, Linus January 2018 (has links)
This paper aims to provide the grounds for a biopsychosocial understanding of the underpinnings of conspiracy theorist ideation by studying research articles from different scientific disciplines. Cross-disciplinary concurring results are presented and discussed, as well as some examples of how conspiracy theories have been used during the 20th century. Also discussed is how this is used in political discourse in the populist climate of today, with the rise of radical right-wing movements, the justification of “alternative facts” from higher governmental ranks, and religious fundamentalism, making it a societal issue of possible big magnitude. Neurological similarities was found between religiousness and proneness to conspiracy theory ideation, and the articles concerning neural correlates therefore stem from research on religious individuals due to the lack of neuro-biopsychological research on actual conspiracy theorists. Since conspiracy theory ideation has shown the ability to cause negative consequences it is also advised that governmental agencies and society as a whole revise its stance on populism and the spread of flawed information, in order to maintain an open society. Also presented are a few ideas on how to begin countering the rise of populism.

Measurement and relevance of rhythmic and aperiodic human brain dynamics

Kosciessa, Julian Q. 11 November 2020 (has links)
Menschliche Hirnsignale von der Kopfhaut bieten einen Einblick in die neuronalen Prozesse, denen Wahrnehmung, Denken und Verhalten zugrunde liegen. Rhythmen, die historisch den Grundstein für die Erforschung großflächiger Hirnsignale legten, sind ein häufiges Zeichen neuronaler Koordination, und damit von weitem Interesse für die kognitiven, systemischen und komputationalen Neurowissenschaften. Typischen Messungen von Rhythmizität fehlt es jedoch an Details, z. B. wann und wie lange Rhythmen auftreten. Darüber hinaus weisen neuronale Zeitreihen zahlreiche dynamische Muster auf, von denen nur einige rhythmisch erscheinen. Obwohl aperiodischen Beiträgen traditionell der Status irrelevanten „Rauschens“ zugeschrieben wird, attestieren neuere Erkenntnisse ihnen ebenfalls eine Signalrolle in Bezug auf latente Hirndynamik. Diese kumulative Dissertation fasst Projekte zusammen, die darauf abzielen, rhythmische und aperiodische Beiträge zum menschlichen Elektroenzephalogramm (EEG) methodisch zu dissoziieren, und ihre Relevanz für die flexible Wahrnehmung zu untersuchen. Projekt 1 ermittelt insbesondere die Notwendigkeit und Durchführbarkeit der Trennung rhythmischer von aperiodischer Aktivität in kontinuierlichen Signalen. Projekt 2 kehrt diese Perspektive um und prüft Multiscale Entropy als Index für die Unregelmäßigkeit von Zeitreihen. Diese Arbeit weist auf methodische Probleme in der klassischen Messung zeitlicher Unregelmäßigkeit hin, und schlägt Lösungen für zukünftige Anwendungen vor. Abschließend untersucht Projekt 3 die neurokognitive Relevanz rhythmischer und aperiodischer Zustände. Anhand eines parallelen multimodalen EEG-fMRT-Designs mit gleichzeitiger Pupillenmessung liefert dieses Projekt erste Hinweise dafür, dass erhöhte kognitive Anforderungen Hirnsignale von einem rhythmischen zu einem unregelmäßigen Regime verschieben und impliziert gleichzeitige Neuromodulation und thalamische Aktivierung in diesem Regimewechsel. / Non-invasive signals recorded from the human scalp provide a window on the neural dynamics that shape perception, cognition and action. Historically motivating the assessment of large-scale network dynamics, rhythms are a ubiquitous sign of neural coordination, and a major signal of interest in the cognitive, systems, and computational neurosciences. However, typical descriptions of rhythmicity lack detail, e.g., failing to indicate when and for how long rhythms occur. Moreover, neural times series exhibit a wealth of dynamic patterns, only some of which appear rhythmic. While aperiodic contributions are traditionally relegated to the status of irrelevant ‘noise’, they may be informative of latent processing regimes in their own right. This cumulative dissertation summarizes and discusses work that (a) aims to methodologically dissociate rhythmic and aperiodic contributions to human electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, and (b) probes their relevance for flexible cognition. Specifically, Project 1 highlights the necessity, feasibility and limitations of dissociating rhythmic from aperiodic activity at the single-trial level. Project 2 inverts this perspective, and examines the utility of multi-scale entropy as an index for the irregularity of brain dynamics, with a focus on the relation to rhythmic and aperiodic descriptions. By highlighting prior biases and proposing solutions, this work indicates future directions for measurements of temporal irregularity. Finally, Project 3 examines the neurocognitive relevance of rhythmic and aperiodic regimes with regard to the neurophysiological context in which they may be engaged. Using a parallel multi-modal EEG-fMRI design with concurrent pupillometry, this project provides initial evidence that elevated demands shift cortical dynamics from a rhythmic to an irregular regime; and implicates concurrent phasic neuromodulation and subcortical thalamic engagement in these regime shifts.

Neuroplasticity of word learning

Rossi, Sonja 21 September 2018 (has links)
Das Wortlernen begleitet unser Leben von der Kindheit bis ins Alter. Kleinkinder lernen ihre Muttersprache(n), aber auch Erwachsene lernen neue Wörter, z.B. beim Fremdspracherwerb. Unter gewissen Umständen muss eine neue Sprache wieder erlernen werden, wie z.B. nach einer Gehirnläsion. Wie meistert unser Gehirn diese herausfordernden Wortlernsituationen? Um die Neuroplastizität des Wortlernens zu untersuchen, wurden unterschiedliche neurowissenschaftliche Methoden (Elektroenzephalographie, funktionelle Nahinfrarotspektroskopie, voxel-basierte Läsion-Verhalten/EEG Mapping), teilweise in Kombination, bei Kleinkindern, Kindern und Erwachsenen sowie Patienten mit einer Gehirnläsion im Vergleich zu älteren Kontrollprobanden angewendet. 5 Experimente untersuchten die neuronale Verarbeitung von Pseudowörtern, welche mutter- und fremdsprachlichen phonotaktischen Regeln (d.h. die Kombination von verschiedenen Phonemen) folgten, in unterschiedlichen Lernsettings bei monolingualen Teilnehmern. Gesunde Erwachsene aber auch 6monatige und ältere Teilnehmer und Patienten konnten diese Regeln differenzieren. Beteiligte Gehirnareale umfassten ein links-hemisphärisches fronto-temporales Netzwerk. Die Verarbeitung universeller Spracheigenschaften, andererseits, zeigte sich in parietalen Regionen. Während Erwachsene eine klare Dominanz der linken Hemisphäre aufwiesen, nutzten 6monatige noch beide Gehirnhälften. Unterschiedliche Sprachtrainings (semantische Trainings oder Passives Zuhören) an drei aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen veränderten auch die Gehirnaktivität der Kleinkinder und der Erwachsenen und wiesen auf eine erhöhte Lernflexibilität hin. Im 6. Experiment lernten 5jährige bilinguale Kinder anhand pragmatischer Eigenschaften neue Adjektive und zeigten effizientere neuronale Mechanismen als Monolinguale. Die Ergebnisse unterstreichen die Wichtigkeit multi-methodologischer Ansätze, um genauere Einblicke in die komplexen Mechanismen der Neuroplastizität zu erlangen. / Word learning accompanies our everyday life from infancy to advanced age. Infants have to learn the native language(s) but also during adulthood word learning can take place, for example if we learn a new foreign language. Sometimes people are confronted with a situation in which they have to re-learn a language because of a brain lesion. How does the brain master these challenging word learning settings? To assess neuroplasticity of word learning several neuroscientific methods (electroencephalography, functional near-infrared spectroscopy, voxel-based lesion-behavior/EEG mapping), partially in combination, were used in infants, children, and adults as well as in patients suffering from a brain lesion compared to matched elderly controls. In 5 experiments neuronal processing of pseudowords corresponding to native and non-native phonotactic rules (i.e., the combination of different phonemes) was investigated under different learning conditions in monolingual participants. Healthy adults but also 6-month-old infants and elderly subjects and patients were able to differentiate these rules. Involved brain areas included a left-hemispheric network of fronto-temporal regions. When processing universal linguistic features, however, more parietal regions were involved. While adults revealed a clear left-dominant network, 6-month-olds still recruited bilateral brain areas. Differential language trainings (semantic or passive listening trainings) over three consecutive days also modulated brain activation in both infants and adults suggesting a high flexibility for learning native and non-native linguistic regularities. In a 6th experiment, bilingual 5-year-old children learned novel adjectives by means of pragmatic cues and revealed more efficient neuronal mechanisms compared to monolingual children. Findings underline the importance of multi-methodological approaches to get clearer insights into the complex machinery of neuroplasticity.

Temporally distinct impairments in cognitive function following a sensitizing regimen of methamphetamine

Janetsian, Sarine Sona 01 August 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Methamphetamine (MA) is a widely abused psychostimulant that has been shown to evoke an array of neurobiological abnormalities and cognitive deficits in humans and in rodent models (Marshall & O'Dell, 2012). Alterations in cognitive function after repeated drug use may lead to impaired decision-making, a lack of behavioral control, and ultimately the inability to abstain from drug use. Human studies have shown that alterations in neurobiology resulting from prolonged MA use may lead to a number of cognitive deficits, including impairments in executive function, learning, memory, and impulsivity. These impairments, specifically those that engage the prefrontal cortex (PFC) or hippocampus (HC), may persist or recover based on the duration of abstinence. In rodents, repeated intermittent injections of MA yield protracted changes in neurobiology and behavior, which have been shown to effectively model a number of the biological and cognitive abnormalities observed in addiction. In order to assess the temporal evolution of impaired cognitive function throughout abstinence, sensitization was first induced in rats (7 x 5.0 mg/kg MA over 14 days). MA-treated rats initially exhibited a robust increase in locomotion that transitioned to stereotypy as the induction phase progressed. Then, the effects of MA sensitization on social interaction (SI), temporal order recognition (TOR) and novel object recognition (NOR) was assessed at one-day and 30-days post induction. No differences were observed in SI in either group or after a single injection of MA. However, an acute injection of 5.0 mg/kg of MA 30-minutes prior to testing dramatically reduced SI time. Impairments in TOR and NOR were observed in MA-treated rats after one day of abstinence, and impairments in TOR, but not NOR, were observed on day 30 of abstinence. No differences in TOR and NOR after a single injection of MA or saline were observed. These data establish that after 30 days of abstinence from a sensitizing regimen of MA, the ability to recall the temporal sequence that two stimuli were encountered was impaired and that was not attributable to impaired novelty detection. These data also suggest that at least some of the neurocognitive abnormalities caused by chronic MA administration may normalize after prolonged abstinence, since the ability to detect novelty recovered after 30 days of abstinence. These data provide compelling support that, since MA-sensitization caused temporal deficits in memory, PFC and HC function may be differentially impaired throughout the time course of abstinence.


Hawkins, Stacey A. 10 1900 (has links)
<p>Spousal caregivers of persons with young-onset dementia (YOD) are known to experience significant social impacts, including family conflict, social avoidance, and marginalization. However, no qualitative study has examined the social experiences of YOD spousal caregivers within the Canadian context. This thesis examined the described social experiences of these caregivers. A descriptive, qualitative approach was used to study the nature of these social experiences using in-depth, semi-structured interviews. Ten YOD spousal caregivers living in Ontario completed the study. Four themes emerged from the analysis: sources of social support, giving up activities in favour of new activities, adapting and maintaining in social and recreational activities, and social spaces as safe spaces. Concepts of caregiver social adaptation, and choosing to give up social and recreational activities in favour of new ones builds upon existing research on theories of social support, activity restriction, caregiver adaptation, and avoidance previously described in the existing dementia literature. Themes of giving up activities in favour of new activities, and social spaces as safe spaces also represent new themes not previously discussed in the dementia caregiving literature. Previous, socially-relevant research on YOD spousal caregiving has focused primarily on examining social impacts, with little attention paid to caregiver perceptions of their social experiences in the Canadian context. These findings indicate that caregiving for a spouse with YOD entails complex social experiences, which extend beyond value-laden depictions of social outcomes recorded in the existing literature. These rich experiences challenge and expand our theoretical understanding of spousal caregiving for persons with YOD.</p> / Master of Arts (MA)

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